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All Comments on 'Here Cums the Bride'

by ilikeithot6308

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Incredible story !!!!!!!!! Joe

papabeardougpapabeardougover 9 years ago
Super job and story

Fantastic job.... Great background and storyline. You captured the whole build up for the whole story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
one hot fucking story

enjoyed it very much brothers and sisters are always close; I loved mine she still has one of the best ass I've ever seen. kept the story going Tenbears 43 keep on trucking

classicman1982classicman1982over 9 years ago
hot and sexy

The story is great I hope there is more to cum with these two

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Another brilliant story, but...

I absolutely loved this story, and while I do hope you continue your other ons, I do hope to see more of this one as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story, perfectly paced

I loved the bright, chatty style, and the gradual inching toward the inevitable outcome, the tension and build-up were, in my opinion, just right. The person who complained about only one page of actual sex was obviously looking for a quick stroke story, and this didn't fit his image of what erotica should be, so he just blasted you. I think you can safely discount his opinions in favour of those from the more adult and discerning of your readers. Great work, on a well laid-out story, and I gave you 5 stars. I wish it could have been more, and that there was more story to come, so I would ask that you please consider a second part soon, perhaps dealing with the aftermath of discovery or disclosure of their relationship.

erwangerserwangersover 9 years ago
Very hot

Very hot read! I hope you plan on adding some more to their story.

ilikeithot6308ilikeithot6308over 9 years agoAuthor
Author here

Above we have another example of an Anonymous commenter who obviously can't read. The story clearly states that Gig is "not that much longer than most, but much thicker". Where do you get 'foot long dick' out of that?

As for the 'tits like baseballs' comment, baseball's are not that big. As I have stated before, this commenter apparently thinks all women have the same size breasts, or at the least, has no idea how averages are arrived at.

Maybe in the future, this person should stick to stories with pictures, to avoid confusion.

sabra16023sabra16023over 9 years ago
Great read

Would like to see this continued. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Just one word.


MajorRewriteMajorRewriteover 9 years ago
5 stars

Good dirty fun. I liked it a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Excellent story

Captured true feelings and emotions. Many siblings feel same way but don't get chance to reveal their special love. Fine job in set up and detail. One of the best.

dlearyousdlearyousover 9 years ago
i agree "WOW!!!!!!"


MunsonManMunsonManover 9 years ago

Beautiful story! I'd like to see a few more chapters, please!

mitchawamitchawaover 9 years ago
Sibbling Sex

That's a poor title, because this is a love story between a man and a woman who happen to be related. A good plot, good dialogue, and a good set up and background. The stalker was a great idea to bring them closer. Her final revelation led to a meaningful sex scene and not simply a fuck story. Remember a paraphrase from Abraham Lincoln, "You can please some of the people most of the time, you can please a minority all of the time, but you can't please everyone all of the time. The cowardly anonymous is not much of a reader. Not matter what you would have written he would not have been pleased. This the first story of yours I've read but not the last. Keep up the good writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story

This is a well written story with right length and build up. I hope you will create a series with more chapters. Thanks.

UAlbanyGirl518UAlbanyGirl518over 9 years ago
really enjoyed it

being an only child I always wondered what it would feel like to have a brother.... now I want one like Gigs!

Great story, well written, good dialog and character detail.

Five Stars +

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
No finish to Sibling Revival-ry ?

Will there be no finish to Sibling Revival-ry

gara5289gara5289over 9 years ago

Good story and good sex, just doesn't stand out to me in comparison to some of your others.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This is the first of your stories that I have read, although definitely not the last. Not sure how this story could have been any better. I loved it. Hope to see many more chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Mote please

Do the two of you go further in this relationship?Is

There a marriage and children in the future?

fuckasaurusfuckasaurusover 9 years ago

Quite an excellent story. & I can't tell you how excited I am for all those future stories you have planned. Is Double Duty going to continue as well?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Truly fantastic sexy story! I loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Another great story

Please keep them coming and more on this one as i think she should end up pregnant with his child.

againstyourskinagainstyourskinover 9 years ago
Some honest feed back in lieu of a rating

I thought I would leave some honest feedback in lieu of a rating. If I rated this story, I would rate it low and as a fan of your work here I don't want to mess up the score for your story. It is very apparent that you take the craft of writing seriously, and I hope some of what I have to say helps. If not, then it's only my opinion and I'll go back to reading your work anonymously.

I had 2 issues with this story; one is tone and the other was exposition. In terms of tone I felt the characters (specifically Steve) really missed the mark. Typically the tone of incest fetish stories fall into 1 of 2 categories, either passionate or romantic. Passionate stories typically have a character so overcome with lust for a sibling or close family relation, that it overrides the "natural" aversion to such behaviors. Romantic stories follow the same basic premise except it is love instead of passion driving the characters behavior.

The problem I had with the character of Steve is that he straddled the fence so to speak. I didn't feel (more on this later) his lust nor did I really feel his love for Erica. The main reason for this was because tonally he really doesn't fit as an 18-year-old guy. Steve is not really the typical horny teenager who is discovering his sexuality and when presented with a beautiful sister, develops a crush that blossom into something else. He also isn’t a grown adult. That part is clear from his emotional development in how you wrote his character. Thus there is a conflict between the tone of the story and the tone of the main character. As an aside I thought you did a great job with the character of Erica. I think the story might have had more continuity if it was told from her perspective since she was the character that underwent the most change, but I digress. I think the issue with tone could have been eradicated if we had gotten to know Steve better, which leads me to my second point.

My second issue was one of exposition. Stories are unique in that we get a chance to be inside of the characters mind, allowing us to see their thoughts as they see them and experience their feelings as they feel them. This unique perspective only works however, when characters are being active. At the beginning of the story we are told about Steve and his relationship with Erica, but we aren’t shown it. Thus as readers it is difficult to empathize, sympathize and develop an emotional bond with Steve and have emotional reactions to what he goes through.

For example, if you have read Harry Potter and the Scorers Stone, when you first encounter Harry he is a bullied and neglected young boy living in a bad situation. We see how bad his home life is and how poorly he is treat, so when he gets his acceptance letter into Hogwarts and he is feeling happy and excited we as the readers feel those things along with him, because we have been in his head and have felt and experienced his bad times. Now imagine all of the negative things he experienced pre getting his acceptance letter we didn’t see and experience through his eyes, we just read about them as he summarized his upbringing to Ron on the train. You might think, “wow that sucked” but we wouldn’t have that emotional connection because we weren't with him when it happened.

Because at the beginning of the story we are told about his feelings towards Erica and not shown them, they feel dim and muted. This is put into stark contrast when they actually meet for the first time in the story and they immediately begin using pet names for each other. It tells of a deep relationship and a rich back-story but since we don’t know it, i.e. we haven’t witnessed it, the pet names just seem out of place. It is almost as if we the readers are on the outside of an inside joke.

If this story is intended to be a part of a series I think this should have been story 2. I think a prologue at the wedding, where we can see Steve’s bad mood in relationship to the loss of his sister, who is also his best friend. Maybe they fight and we can begin to see his jealousy towards her husband. Maybe he comes close to almost saying something about his feelings but doesn’t want to ruin the wedding and at the end of the story we see that he’s devastated. Thus when we come to this story the emotional groundwork has already been laid. So even though there is a time jump of a few years, as things begin to happen we feel them along with Steve.

I have read most of your work and I think you are a very talented writer. Like I said this is just my opinion, you might agree you might not but I appreciate your work and hope you continue to develop your talent and tell great stories.


P.S. I'm posting this under my username so you know I'm not some fly by night anonymous d-bag.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
not at all what I expected

from reading the Title.

Zeke503Zeke503over 9 years ago
Exposition / Title

Okay... I'm not exactly sure why againstyourskin felt the need to write a book here related to how much exposition you should put in your story. Since he/she has not posted any samples of their own writing, you just have to take it as one person's opinion. Now as to rightbank, I tend to agree that the title did not quite match to the content as closely as on most of your other stories that I have read. Over all, though, I felt that the story had an appropriate amount of exposition and was interesting in its own right. I just hope that you continue to write and post here for our entertainment.

Thank you for taking the time to write a readable story and posting it where we get to see it ! ! ! ! ! ! !

YamiBoyYamiBoyover 9 years ago

Awesome story. Thanks a lot for your effort and keep up the great work. You have a new fan in me. ^__^

1965Squash1965Squashover 9 years ago
A second, third, or more.

This is a story that needs to be continued, begs for the problems to arise, and any if possible good solutions, or bad. Sometimes these things turn on their own.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Great story needs a sequel. Marriage kids happily ever after.

Everything is relative !!!

Definition: Relative Humidity; The sweat that runs down the crack of your ass when you are fucking your relative (s).

Great story,I give it a 4 on the Budweiser scale. Hope to read more about these two.!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
So hot!

I agree this definitely needs more chapters...Please! 5 stars..

Lucien333Lucien333about 9 years ago
Awsome Story

I loved this story. Please make a sequel or add more chapters.

atheist_liberalatheist_liberalabout 9 years ago
I Liked It

I hope the sister will wise up and enrol herself into university. Working as a waitress when your tits become saggy is just undignified.

Ladd_RussoLadd_Russoabout 9 years ago

Now that you've done most of the follow-ups to the stories you mentioned I hope you'll look towards this story as well for another chapter. I really liked the build-up and I would really love to see more of these two. Maybe some clever revenge on the asshole ex too? Maybe Steve and him get in a fight or Steve ends up in a hospital after protecting Erica and he finds out he has like a different bloodtype than his family and that he's adopted or something and they can officially be together? Since you already established (I think, IIRC) that only the girls are redheads, and I don't think you ever mentioned that Steve and Erica looked alike.

Either way - absolutely loved this story and hope to see another chapter soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Very Enjoyable

And still has a lot of potential.

Please add this to the list of stories needing more episodes.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

loved it and keep the chapters coming on this one please.

redbaron172redbaron172about 9 years ago

What a story, keep it going.... don't stop now!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago



twistedromantic420twistedromantic420about 9 years ago

Would like to see this story unfold a little more maybe another ch or 2

gamecockparrotheadgamecockparrotheadabout 9 years ago
More please!

Please add to this story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

you have to expand on this story, please. what a fantastic story..... well written and amazing. thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

w hith ALL thestories u r writing when do u sleep and how do u keep from getting them mixed up im lucky if i can walk and chew gum at the same time. great story which one of all the others r u going to finnish

jt20510jt20510almost 9 years ago
should this story continue?

You have got to be joking, there is no way anyone would not want this to go on as long as you can.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

continue this story with more chapters

NCman5119NCman5119almost 9 years ago

Please expand on this story its not finished yet.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
2 short

You must continue with more çhapters including what mom dad and there siblings have 2 say

JohnFreeJohnFreealmost 9 years ago
Your best work

I really enjoyed this are getting better at character development.

Turtle1952Turtle1952almost 9 years ago
Love the way you build the emotions

please I hope there is much more to this story to cum.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
More please sir

Definately like your style. Please continue this story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I think this story is not finished yet, please continue

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
carry on!!!

I particularly like the comment below where they said something about do some more ,my same sentiments you haven't finished yet have you??? ,so engaging love it thanks..(".oh I'm a girl fabulous").

teddybearclubteddybearclubalmost 9 years ago
Very good

We so enjoyed it together. We just love reading good hot stories. Still another chapter to go and we'll finish what we've started. Those that have read my comments know my Nephew and I read them while he's inside me. I thought he was gonna cum with me a few times but has managed to hold off. Wonderfully done. Keep writing.


TavernerTavernerover 8 years ago
Well written

This is a very hot and well-written story, with a good buildup, and some hot, sexy action. Personally, I was looking forward to reading about her red pubes contrasting with her fair skin but it was your story, and you can write it any way you want, so if shaved is your thing then so be it. Well done, my friend, and I look forward to reading more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great read

Please keep writing

TSreaderTSreaderover 8 years ago
So yummy!

I love how you write, I can picture everything! Please continue this! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Here Comes The Bride problem

In Here Comes The Bride...great story, nice buildup and lots of action at the end but I'd like to see what comes up after "the problem" becomes a problem. Please continue this story with family visits, home visits and surprises that may pop up along the way. Don't leave your fans hanging.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good writng

A well written story is hard to beat and yours is certainly one of the better ones listed on this site. Grammar and spelling are important in story telling, for improper usage tends to take away from the storyline. Thanks you for your efforts and I look forward to reading more of your stories.

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticabout 8 years ago
Good story!

Really a good story, with a slow progress of the plot and a really hot ending, but with feelings of love, not just lust. If they were not siblings, they might be in the romance section.

I really hope there is a continuation of this story.

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet), is not my native language.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I've enjoyed your stories a lot. I just finished with another author who writes a new chapter every four months, and after sixteen chapters it is to be continued....... Are any of your stories still in the process of not ending yet. If so I will put them on the back burner for later. Keith.

I plan to spend the next while adding to some existing storylines, which will be welcome news to those who have been asking for new chapters. I plan an eighth and final chapter for Becca and her young man (Telemarketing Turnabout), another for Miranda and Michael (Ms. Walker's Class), and also for Grace and Brian (Goodness Gracious). Christie and John (Love me, Love my Dogs) will also continue, as will Didi and Ken (Exposure Compensation Factor). I would like to wrap things up for Ro and David (When in Rome). I feel like Monica, Karly and Dave (She Hates Me? Not!) has at least one more story to tell. Kelly and Todd (Oh Baby! What a Sitter!) have just begun. Jane, Gary... and Helen (No Accounting for Taste) will return. And of course, Samantha and Alex (On the Train), and Karen and Dan (Just Being Neighbourly) are both just getting started.

rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
Great setup,

She has opened herself to pain, it's time for her to be able receive the love.

Problem forecast warning


SteveO_79SteveO_79over 7 years ago
loved it

i like your writing style. pulled me in right away and kept me entertained...keep up the good work.

silverace1silverace1almost 7 years ago
Again, great

Each story gets better. Keep it coming (sic)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Heck, Yeah!

What a hot story. I can’t wait to read the next chapter. Thanks for sharing it with us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Excellent, excellent and BTW, Damned excellent!

I've made no secret as I have commented on other incest stories that this category is MY fetish. But not just any incest story will do. It must be well written, include some physical descriptions, some play-by-play of the sex is helpful, appropriate emotion for the build-up and history/background to set the plot. Oh, and actual romance is pretty much a must. This along with common day-to-day interaction creates realism imo. If a story meets these criteria, it can't help but be loving, sexy, hot, erotic, beautiful, etc imo. And this story has it ALL!! I have read other incest stories on LIT that just blew me away but this one i believe topped the charts. Sorry I can't give more than 5*. -dave

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 5 years ago
Absolutly Loved It!!!

I have commented several times to different Authors incest stories. I had an incestuous relationship with one of my Aunts while growing up. My moms very young sister. She was 10 yrs older than me and I would love to tell the story on Lit. but the underage thing would not let me publish it. We carried on for 9 yrs. I was in Viet Nam and was wounded and when Sadie received the news she was brokenhearted and went to town and got drunk. When she left the bar she was hit on the street by another drunk in a car and died 2 days later. I was still in the hospital myself overseas at the time. When I got home I had mom take me to Aunt Sadie's grave. I wept and wept. God I loved that woman SOOOO much. To this day 52 yrs. later I still go to her grave at least 2 times a yr. even though it is 350 miles from me. I talk to her(yeah I know crazy huh). I did find a woman that I married and we had 44 yrs together before the big "C" took her from me. I loved my wife dearly but never ever forgot my love for my Aunt. I never told my wife my story but she knew something was different when we would go to the grave. But other family members were also buried at the grave site so maybe she just took it as a family visit. I do believe that my mom knew of our love though, she hinted something to that effect once. When she took me to the grave the first time and saw me break down she knew at that moment I believe. Yes my Aunt Sadie was my first love but also the strongest love I have ever felt towards any woman. I still think of her almost daily. I am 72 now and still get it up thinking of her. She taught me how to treat a woman, how to love a woman and how to make love to a woman. My parents taught the same values of how to treat a woman but Sadie took the values and put them to real life lessons for me. Thank you for a wonderful Brother/Sister love story and I can't wait for ch. 2 I truly believe incest love IS the strongest love of all.

BigTexaz27BigTexaz27about 4 years ago
I luv

Those redhead Venus ladies as well.


WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

Great story, well worth the 5/5 I scored with.

Will read more of your tales.

WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

I also had an incestuous relationship with my first cousin. It lasted nearly four years, ending when we were caught. Started at 13 and continued until we were 17 in 1971. The ructions were horrific, those were different times in Australia, understanding was zero..

Her family shifted away out West, and we were forbidden contact on the pain of ostracism.

But the forced split did enough. She never spoke to me again until her mother’s funeral and then only curtly. It saddens me that we ended that way, That’s families I suppose. My wife and her husband do not know and no one has told them to this day the reasons why there is a schism in the families.

Loved your story. I come here to read incest tales to remind me of those wonderful days.

Rancher46Rancher46about 4 years ago

Great story, looking forward to reading the next chapter. Well Done 5 stars

linnearlinnearalmost 4 years ago
Still Amazing

I absolutely love this one and think it is one of your best. I've read both parts few times and always enjoy it.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 3 years ago

No dust up of her first "Staker"? Hugs has to retake her maiden name then they will match, and everyone will assume their married. buy some cheap rings, just take them off before Mom and Dad come to visit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

It's always great to read a story where it's not just the sex, but the love that is being shown. Great story - about to start the second chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

My 2 cents

Excellent story! Thanks for your time and imagination. 7 stars.

NitpicNitpicover 1 year ago

As she is single,working a lot,is she on the pill?.If not welcome to motherhood.

Arrhythmia69Arrhythmia69over 1 year ago

Loved the story, can't wait to read more of them. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So many things in this story resonated with me, particularly the expressions about opening yourself up to the possibility of being hurt for the potential of finding love and true happiness. I guess that's the risk you take. Goddamn I hate cheaters. Especially ones that abandon their wife during one of the most painful things a woman can go through. Fuck Eddie. Hope he gets his comeuppance.

Hopefully things work out for the loving B/S pair. After the shit she's endured and also his suffering to a lesser extent, they deserve a happy ending.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief11 months ago

Well done story. Yeah, I'm also wondering what the parents will think? Who knows besides that author, as stranger things have happened in the fictional world of Erotica. Had to chuckle when Erica was telling Steve that "Your words can lie, but your lips can't". Didn't seem to work that good when she married Eddie, just saying. It's nice that little brother can take care of his big sister. Even better when he can make her scream Yessss! YESSSS, YESSSSS!

Puppy_HandlerPuppy_Handler7 months ago

Such a sweet and wholesome story, despite the topic!


Five**5**Stars... let's just get that out of the way first thing!!

Incest challenging...not that I have experienced it myself. But, I had an aunt (dad's sister)...huge crush on her, she was my strongest wet dreams I can remember...too bad she was such a bitch and we were not close as I got older.

The comments from other readers about their own relationships...make me happy for them, and sad for me. Oh, yeah, had a step-ciysun, too, her Mom and aunt were Rose Princesses...she was a looker. We just never had a chance to get close, as I lived a few states away ..then she got married...

Anyway, Gig and Hugs...such a loving story...emotional and caring...THE WAY I REALLY LIKE THEM!!


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