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Heroes Fall


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An evil laugh erupted from the doorway. "I see you are finally awake, my dear," the voice of the demon who'd forced himself upon her in Lord Sephant's pretender throne room said. Her head snapped around to see him standing there in a tailored lord's suit. He was smiling in triumph as he walked in, already removing his tunic top. "Allow me to introduce myself; I am Lord Kirgon and you now belong to me as King Sephant has given you to me. You will refer to me at all times as 'master' when I allow you to speak, such as when I ask you a direct question. Do you understand?"

Swallowing hard, Alexa slowly nodded even as tears welled up in her eyes. "Yes... Master..." she said slowly in a hollow voice. She was completely at this monster's mercy as she had no idea where in all of the known realms she was at. The fact that she was chained to his bed in a chain that had either been welded close or magically sealed close told her that she was not going anywhere anytime soon.

"Good. You're a fast learner. You have that going for you, at least." Kirgon said as he took his pants off, revealing the same huge, veiny, hard, throbbing cock that has apparently impregnated her. Her eyes went wide at the sight of it again and then she looked down at her belly, rubbing her hands over its bulging roundness, and then back up at him with a questioning look as she whimpered, knowing that she shouldn't talk unless he asked her a question. Gods and Goddesses knew what he would do to her as a punishment. Kirgon chuckled in a way that sounded like rolling thunder. "Yes, you are already pregnant, my dear," he confirmed for her. Reaching out for her chain, he pulled it in such a way that she was forced back down onto her back. He ran his hand up her inner thigh, making her shudder involuntarily from the pleasure of his touch, to cup her mound and her sex with his large hand. "Demons mature much faster in the womb than humans do. Takes about half the time. I already sense its presence within your belly. That, and my magical brand that I put on you while you were asleep shows the world that you have been bred. It will only glow on your skin when you have been impregnated."

Alexa's eyes widened and she gasped. Looking down her body, she watched as Kirgon pressed her belly in a bit so that she could crane her neck to see her own mound. Right above it, approximately where her womb was at, was a glowing purple and red heart with some kind of rune in the center. The heart had two spiral filigrees coming out on either side of it, symbolizing her eggs, she figured. Tears misted in her eyes. She didn't want to give birth to a demon, much less raise it and be a slave to its father. But she also had to accept the reality of her situation in that Kirgon owned her now by decree of the usurper king and there was absolutely nothing that she could do about it. She let out a choked sob even as Kirgon crawled up onto the bed with her and rolled her over to her stomach. "Come now," Kirgon told her, grabbing her hips and lifting her up so that she had to go to all fours like a dog. "Time to pump more seed into that belly of yours."

"But..." she started to protest, one that was cut off immediately by him slapping her ass so hard that it stung. She yelped in pain and then hung her head in resignation. She couldn't even talk on her own. Alexa cried even more, her tears now falling freely from her face to splash onto the silk sheets under her.

"Quiet, slave," Kirgon chastised her. "Even if the child didn't need my essence to grow inside of you I would still fuck you because it brings me pleasure to do so. You will soon learn to appreciate me and maybe even one day come to love me," he explained as he positioned his cock and drove it into her, rocking her body forward hard as she was impaled and making her cry out again in both pleasure and pain. His long fingers and nails dug into her hips as he started pounding her hard from behind. Her swollen breasts now bounced painfully beneath her as Kirgon took her hard and fast, showing her who truly owned her. When he came inside of her, she came as well, screaming her head off in a fit of ecstasy as her body was forced to orgasm yet again.

And as her master's cock pumped its seed inside of her, her belly grew a little bit more.


Alexa found out the very next morning that he could magically detach her chain from the headboard to attach to his belt, making her walk behind him like a whipped puppy wherever he went. He directed her to keep her head downcast, her eyes lowered so that she could only see his feet when they walked, and to walk with her hands folded behind her back so that all of his demon soldiers and human servants and lackeys could see her swelling breasts and bulging belly with her fertility sigil growing brightly over her mound. Her face burned with shame and humiliation as she was frequently led around his castle as he did his business of running his own lands that Lord... no... King Sephant had given him. She'd slipped once in giving Sephant the wrong title... the one she was used to... and Kirgon spanked her so hard that it was hard for her to walk.

Whenever Kirgon sat somewhere was the only time Alexa was allowed to kneel to get some rest. Again, she was directed to maintain her proper slave posture by keeping her eyes and head downcast but was allowed to put her hands on her knees as all she did was sit and wait for Kirgon to give her an order. Most times he just idly stroked her hair, patted her head as if petting a dog, or just fondled her while he conducted his affairs. The first time he did anything outright sexual to her was late in the first afternoon she was in his keep when he was working on missives and correspondence in his office. "Under the desk, slave," he ordered her, reaching down to give her chain a tug. He spread his knees apart for her to kneel between as he sat in his chair. His other hand undid his trousers so that he could fish out his massive cock. "Start sucking on it," he then said tersely. "And I suggest that you learn quickly to be able to take me all the way down your throat. You will look up at me in submission at all times whether I am looking down at you or not. When I cum, make sure that you swallow it all or else I will severely punish you for spilling and wasting it. Understand?"

"Yes, Master," Alexa whimpered as she rose up on her knees to service him with her mouth. It wasn't the first time she'd ever done such a thing. Hells, she'd been forced to do it back in her prison cell in King Sephant's mountain castle. She did, however, wonder if she'd be able to fit it all down her gullet. Alexa swallowed hard, licked her lips, and took the head of his large member into her mouth.

"Look at me when you do that," Kirgon reminded her, gently smacking her on her cheek. Her cheeks burned more from the embarrassment of being chastised in such a way than it did from the blow. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves, looked up at her master, opened her mouth wide, and took him back into her mouth again. Kirgon smiled and stroked the side of her face now with the back of his hands. "There you go, very good. Let me look into that beautiful face of yours and let me see how sorry you are that you opposed us and how much you want to be a good little slave to me," he said in almost a purr. "You do want to be a good little slave, don't you?"

"Mmmm-hmmmm..." Alexa managed to hum in the affirmative around his cock as she worked her mouth up and down his long, thick, veiny shaft. Little by little she forced herself to go a little bit further down his cock, getting more of it down her throat each time. Kirgon went back to his work but then moments later looked back down at her in irritation. Then he grabbed the back of her head with both hands and forced his cock all the way into her mouth until her lips were wrapped around the base of it. "MMMMEEEEEEEIIIII!" Alexa let out a muffled squeal of alarm as she struggled for a moment to breathe through her nose while her throat got used to the sudden intrusion. She started making small gluk, gluk, gluk, sounds as she fought her gag reflex down. She was sure that had her collar not been made of iron, it would've snapped clean off of her neck with it bulging out in all directions now with his cock shoved all the way in. Her hands flailed for a moment and she briefly pounded on his thighs in a panicked moment to get air into her lungs. Then she just clutched onto him as tears welled up in her eyes and then started to fall down her hot, burning cheeks from the sheer stress of her throat having something so big jammed down into it. The entire time, she kept her eyes locked up on him, silently pleading for him to let her go.

"Relax and breathe through your nose, slave," Kirgon said coldly as he glared down at her. Risking his wrath, Alexa closed her eyes long enough to fight down her panic, relax her body, and start taking slower, deeper breaths through her nose. All the while she was constantly swallowing, her neck muscles squeezing and releasing his cock while it was embedded down her throat. "That's it..." Kirgon then crooned and she could feel him stroking her hair again in affection. "I'll even forgive you for breaking eye contact with me just this once as you are learning. Relax, adjust, breathe, and suck." She did as she was instructed to do, feeling sick to her stomach that she was being trained to be the perfect little sex slave for him. But what choice did she have? She then felt his hands moving her head up and down his cock, forcing her to suck him off at the speed that he apparently liked. He was basically fucking her face. She sucked in air through her nose, dug her fingers into the tops of his thighs, and braced herself for what was about to come. "Look at me while I cum down your throat, slave," he commanded her.

Forcing herself to do his bidding, Alexa looked up at him with tear-stained eyes, whimpering as he pumped his cock in and out of her mouth. She sucked on him as much as she could, trying to keep up with his pace while trying to relax enough to let it happen without too much discomfort. Gluk, guk, gluk, guk, was the sound her mouth made around his member as it pistoned past her lips. Then he threw back his head and let out a long, languorous sigh of relief. She felt his balls tighten against her chin and his cock start to throb inside of her mouth as he slammed her head down all the way so that her lips were around the base again as his hot lava cum began spurting down her gullet. Gulkp... gulkp... gulkp... Alexa started swallowing his hot seed as fast as she could, not even wanting to fathom what might happen to her if she failed in this directive.

Once his cock was done pumping his cum down her throat, he held her head in place for a couple of moments. "Close your mouth when I pull out of it, sucking my cock clean with your lips and tongue," he told her, giving her a stern look. Then swallow one last time and then open your mouth to me to show that you got it all. Understand? Just nod and whimper," he ordered. Alexa nodded and whimpered an affirmative while keeping her eyes locked on his red glowing gaze. He then slowly lifted her head up as he pulled his cock out of her mouth. Alexa kept her lips tight around his shaft, sucking and licking it as it withdrew. Once he was finally out, he kept hold of the top of her head with one hand and clamped a hand under her chin to force her to keep her mouth shut. Alexa let out a big, audible glup as she swallowed one last time and submissively waited for him to let her go. When he did, she opened her mouth to him to show him that she did as she was told. He smiled and patted her head. "Good girl. But you need more practice," he said as he took his cock, which was still hard, in his hand and lifted it up to her lips. "Now, start again and suck me off the correct way this time."

Alexa let out a soft sob as she did what she was told, doing it how she'd just been instructed on how to do it. How did my life come to this? she wondered as she cried while sucking him off again.


"Here ye, here ye," King Sephant's majordomo announced during his third official night holding court as ruler of this land. "Now announcing the arrival of the famed bounty hunter who knows not of failure; RONIN!" Sephant's eyebrows shot up in surprise at the arrival of such a man. Everyone in the known realms knew of this man. He was highly sought out for his skills of bringing in fugitives and killing marked targets. From what Sephant heard, he was really expensive and worth every coin.

It now made him wonder what Ronin was doing here now.

Ronin, clad in a black breastplate under a black flowing cape, strode in flipping a gold coin. He stopped a respectful distance away from the throne and inclined his head by way of an acknowledging nod. Sephant felt his ire rise a bit. "Normally, people kneel and bow in the presence of a king," he noted dryly.

"I'm sure they do, your highness," Ronin quipped with a smirk, pocketing his coin. "Your predecessor said the same thing to me, in fact, and look where he is now; headless in a ditch somewhere."

Sephant let out a harrumph of amusement. "You say that like you had something to do with it."

Ronin fixed him with an even stare. "Where do you think you got the detailed plans of his capital from and who do you think let your army in through each of the gates?"

"Really?" Sephant had not known how his generals, orc, demon, and human alike, had gotten such easy, uncontested access to the former capital's gates that allowed his armies easy access in. Now he was truly impressed that he'd had the help of Ronin. But he was suspicious. "Why? Why did you help bring about the downfall of King Randal?"

Ronin half-heartedly shrugged. "I got paid to do it."

"Surely there's more to it than just that," Sephant glowered at how nonchalant Ronin was being. "You felt no loyalty to your king?"

"I didn't vote for him," Ronin deadpanned. "And the people don't rightly care who is in charge so long as someone is."

"I see," Sephant noted sourly. He wasn't going to get anything more out of the bounty hunter, so he decided to press on to business. "What brings you to my court this evening, then? I seriously doubt it is to congratulate me on my victory as all of these other nobles have," he said, spreading his arms to indicate the audience of nobles from around the kingdom who've come to kiss the ring of their new ruler, legitimizing his claim on the throne.

"When one contract ends, another one begins," Ronin said. It sounded like he was quoting something. "I've been hired to find one of the young women who accompanied Randal's army up here. One of his Paladines; Lady Alexa."

"Oh really?" that perked Sephant's interests. "Why her?"

"I've been paid to find her." Ronin said, again giving him a flippant shrug.

"Hmph," Sephant snorted. On one hand it was infuriating not to get more detailed answers out of him but on the other hand it was reassuring to know that if questioned, Ronin wouldn't reveal any secrets that would compromise him. "Well, she's not here, I'm afraid. I gave her over to one of my demon lords who aided me against Randal; Lord Kirgon. I had him and three of his colleagues fight her right where you stand. The winner got to breed her in front of the others and take her with them as their trophy."

"Where can I find Lord Kirgon at?" Ronin asked politely.

"He lives many leagues to the north. Its quite the trip over a couple of mountain ranges and along a rocky coast. It takes the average man a couple of months to reach it on their own without aid of one of their demonic portals." He then laughed. "I'll be more than happy to have one of my cartographers map it out for you if you decide that you want to go."

"That would be most appreciated, thank you." Ronin inclined his head again.

"HA!" Sephant roared with laughter. He was starting to like this bounty hunter. He was very professional. "Now I can see why you are so famous, Ronin. You really do not let anything get in the way of your mark, do you?"

"To do otherwise would be bad for business," Ronin said. "Would it be possible for me to purchase a room in your castle here for the night? Or possibly the week? I'd like to get properly outfitted for such a trip.

"Since it turns out that you have aided me on my rise to power, I'll supply a room for you at no cost to you. You may have a full run of my castle to get what you need for your trip as I'm interested in seeing how this turns out," Sephant decreed. "I will also give you one of the girls from my newly formed harem to keep you company as well... recently drafted from the eight remaining Paladines of Randal's army." He then eyed Ronin. "Unless you're here to rescue them as well?"

"I haven't been paid to do that... not that it would matter since I never take on more than one contract at a time." Ronin explained.

"Excellent! Then the only question I have left for you is blonde, brunette, or redhead?"

Ronin quirked a smile. "Surprise me."


As it turned out, King Sephant selected a petite, little pixie cut brunette for Ronin that he nearly confused for a half elf or a halfling. "This slave's name is Rina, master," she said in a subdued tone while keeping her gaze downcast and her head bowed. She presented herself at his chamber doors clad in nothing more than her slave collar. "His Highness, my Lord and Liege, King Sephant, in his infinite wisdom, has decreed that I, a former Paladine who foolishly opposed his rightful rule, am to keep you company as your personal slave and servant while you enjoy his hospitality here," she dictated in a monotone voice.

"Wow... did he make you memorize all of that?" Ronin asked, snorting with amusement as he stepped aside to let the woman into his assigned chambers.

"Yes, master," Rina said morosely as she trudged inside. She moved as if she'd been broken and defeated in more ways than just in the physical sense as she walked straight for the bedchambers. Ronin closed and locked the door behind him before following her. She sniffled as she climbed up onto the bed and rolled to her back. "My master, King Sephant, has decreed that if the rest of us wish to remain undefiled like the fallen Lady Alexa, then we are to do as we are told as concubines of his private harem... a generous offer by him as we will not be given over to demons or orcs, or tortured, or executed, so long as we please him and his guests."

Ronin snorted again, trying not to outright laugh at her plight of having to dictate shit like that to whoever she was sent to service. It was hard enough to be on the losing side of a war. It had to be harder still for a woman who was in the army and who had lost. She was essentially a prisoner of war with no country left to ransom her back to. Thus, she was regulated to being a pleasure slave by the conquering king. He took off his cloak, breastplate, and then clothes, getting as naked as his slave for the week was, who merely started off into space through the ceiling. "So you know Lady Alexa?" he asked, going serious. She mutely nodded in response. "What happened?"

Rina stifled another sob. Tears misted in her eyes. After a day or so of fucking us in our cells, we were brought to the throne room. King Sephant, in his righteous wisdom, decreed that we were to be in his harem. To ensure that the rest of us saw and understood the price for defying us, he selected the foolhardy Lady Alexa, who gazed upon him in open defiance of his rightful rule," she explained, her body becoming wracked with crying now. "Once she was defeated in one last battle by the demon lords, they pinned her to the ground and impregnated her before taking her away through their portals to their homelands. Then King Sephant told us that similar fates, if not worse, would befall us if we chose to defy him as she did."


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