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Heroes Fall


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Minutes later, Ronin was seated at Kirgon's desk flipping his coin in thought as Kirgon explained the situation. "I was down at King Sephant's castle in meetings for the past three days," he said, still obviously angry. "When I returned here, the staff informed me that Alexa was missing. The initial search that the chief of my guards turned up that the two that I executed out at the gates just now were the last two to have seen her and who have touched her. They claimed that they were drugged but my captain suspects that they were drunk as they'd been found asleep on the job and had mead on their breath. I don't care what you might think of my methods. They either were inebriated or allowed themselves to get to that point."

"I honestly don't care how you conduct your internal affairs, to be honest," Ronin shrugged. "All I care about is the job. Alexa is missing, I need to find her to report back her whereabouts to my employers, provided that I cannot take her back, that is, and you're suspecting either she ran or there was foul play. What makes you think she might've ran?"

"A horse is missing from my stables, one of my fastest, and no one has seen anyone approach for days until your arrival," Kirgon explained. "Now, you're supposedly the best. I want you to go out and find her. If you find her first before me or my men do, I want you to march her through my gates, collared and naked, march her right through those doors to my throne room, and give her over to me!" he thundered, pointing to each place as if they could see them from the office.

"I'm already on a contract," Ronin said flatly, cutting his hand through the air. "I never take two contracts at once. It's bad for business."

Kirgon grabbed a heavy bag of gold from one of his desk drawers and threw it at Ronin, who caught it with a surprised look. "Then consider yourself in my employ when you do find her. Fuck her if you want when you find her and if you bring her back quickly, I'll make sure that you get a slave girl of your own as a bonus!"

"It took me three months to get here from the capitol," Ronin said disdainfully. "You willing to wait another three to six more for me to make the trip and back?"

Kirgon then reached back into his desk and grabbed a gold amulet with a red ruby inlaid in the center. He tossed it to Ronin. "This will allow you to use my portals. Hold it in your hand, rotate your thumb clockwise around the ruby, and it will open a portal to here. If you're here or anywhere that you can find my sigil that's etched in the back, rotate your thumb the other way to open a portal to other places. Keep rotating until you see a destination you want."

"Any ideas where she might go?" Ronin asked, taking the amulet and putting it around his neck.

"Home, probably," Kirgon now was the one to shrug. "I'll be sending my men to each and every portal that I have between here and King Sephant's core realm. She's probably on the side roads if you missed her on your way in. One way or another, she will be found, she will bear my son, and she will be here to raise it and bear me another one!" He jabbed his finger back towards his throne room. "Through the gates, through my doors, to me. Got it?"

Back outside, after he was summarily dismissed, Ronin scanned the landscape and took a deep breath. The tracks on the dirt road leading up to the keep were too indistinguishable to tell how old they were or even whose they were. He stared off down the road he'd come up on and then glanced at the map he had in his hands. No... he didn't figure that Lady Alexa was going straight home. A noblewoman like that, a former Paladine of the Court, someone whose life was all about honor and dignity? No, she wouldn't be going home. He was sure that she didn't think that she could go home. So... the only logical conclusion was that she'd go somewhere else.

He checked the map again. Lord Kirgon's lands were on the northeastern border of the realm. She was more than likely making a beeline out of here.

It's what he would do if he'd been in her situation.


Alexa rocked the three-month baby boy to sleep before tucking him away in the crib she had hidden in the closet. She had a client coming soon and she needed to keep the pale red baby with two bumps on its forehead a secret from everyone. When he was born a few towns back, right at four and a half months of pregnancy for her, The town was ready to toss the child into the ocean and burn her at the stake as soon as they had the town mayor and the town constable informed. Her Paladine instincts to protect an innocent kicked in. All of her training, stamina, and endurance came to life and she gathered up her things and her baby and rode out of town before things got ugly. She didn't stop at least until she was a couple towns and villages away and then kept on moving until she found a relatively safe haven here in this remote fishing town far, far away from everything that she knew and loved.

With the baby tucked away and sleeping soundly, Alexa changed from her normal, everyday clothes to something more provocative; a white bustier, that lifted her still heavy breasts up more than they already were, and a matching white panty undergarment that showed off her long legs. It was the first outfit she'd bought for herself, after paying a blacksmith to remove her iron collar, that is. She cleaned herself up and dabbed perfume on behind her ears and along her neck. Alexa was ready just in time as there was a polite knock at the door. She didn't know who her clients were until they walked through the door as the inn owner and barkeeper was the one who arranged them discreetly for her. She couldn't be out doing her thing as a Paladine again, and she didn't have a man to go out and work for her, Alexa had to resort to the only other thing that she knew how to do and that was sell her body so that she could make money and watch over the baby.

Getting up and crossing to the door, she opened it a crack and gasped in shock. A handsome demon with blue skin, dark black hair, equally dark black eyes, and golden tattoos marking what skin that she could see was standing there. Ever since setting herself up as a courtesan, she has slept with everything from goblins, to orcs, to minotaurs, to humans, and anything else that was out there, bipedal, and had male sex organs. A demon though... it was a first since Lord Kirgon and she wondered if her former master had sent this demon here to find her. She stood there looking at him through the crack of the door with a moment of panic and indecision gripping her. The demon looked back at her expectantly. "Do I not have the right room for Courtesan Alexa?" he asked politely.

"Uhm... I'm sorry..." Alexa blinked and shook her head to get out of her stupor. "I wasn't expecting a demon to... uhm... pay for my company," she said, stepping back and allowing him in. "Please forgive me if I am a bit hesitant. I haven't had many pleasant experiences with demons before. Doesn't your kind usually enslave others and impregnate them every time you lay with them?"

The blue demon laughed. "Not every one of us is a demon lord. But I understand your reluctance on the pregnancy. I, Margas, minor noble of the demon lord Tragmoch, give you my word that I will not release my seed into your womanhood to get you pregnant," he intoned, covering his chest with his left hand and raising his right as if taking an oath. Then he smiled at her. "We demons uphold our agreement and we expect agreements to be upheld to the letter. So now I will be unable to impregnate you. Does that make you feel better?"

"Yes, m'lord," Alexa did relax a bit and she smiled back at him. The best thing was; he wasn't one of Kirgon's demons. She held out her hand expectantly. "If you would be so kind then, m'lord, to give me my payment and we can begin?"

"Certainly," Margas took out a small coin pouch and handed it over to her. Since she wasn't some big name Courtesan in a large city, she knew that her rates were meager, but it was still her coin for her to use. She put the pouch away in a small chest under the bed and then walked back to her client, placing her hands on his chest and pressing her body to his. "So I am yours now for the next hour. What would you like me to do for you?" she asked, her voice dropping to a seductive purr... a skill that she was perfecting to better please her clients since this was her lot in life now.

Margas simply smiled at her, turned her in place, and walked her over to the bed. There, he bent her over and pulled her panties down to her ankles, making her step out of them. Then he used a spell to unlace her bustier and render her naked. Without much fanfare or foreplay, he whipped his demonic cock out and rammed it right up into her pussy, making her grunt in discomfort. "Wait..." Alexa breathed even as she was speared by his cock from behind. She pressed a hand back against him, trying to push him off but, as with her experience with demons, they out massed her considerably and so he wouldn't budge. "You promised..." she said weakly.

"I promised that I would not release my seed within your womanhood," Margas confirmed even as he started pumping his cock in and out of her pussy. "And so I won't. I never said that I wouldn't fuck it before my release. I am a demon of my word and I intend to take you inside of this wonderfully round and toned ass of yours once I am through," he said, rubbing her bottom with one hand before giving it a playful slap.

Alexa whimpered and buried her head into the covers of her bed while Margas fucked her. She had no choice but to trust that he was going to do exactly as he said. After all, she was nothing more than a whore and she needed the money to sustain herself and the baby. Then she moaned as she felt his hands slide up her body. He pressed his hands between her body and the bed, groping for her breasts. Alexa pushed herself up to allow him better access, moaning and whimpering now with need as his cock moved in and out of her and his hands squeezed her breasts and her nipples.

"You're lactating?" Margas asked with surprise as he pulled his hand from her breast and examined the oily residue on his fingers. "Now I see why you wanted to be cautious about being impregnated... you didn't want another one, did you?" he mused. Then he wrapped his arms around her belly. "No matter, there are other parts of you to fondle that are just as fun," he said, his hands moving lower to her mound. "Although, truth be told, I wouldn't mind blowing a baby in..." he didn't finish the sentence as he cupped her mound he reeled back in pain as if he'd burned his hand. "IIIIEEEEEEEE!" he screamed as he knocked her forward onto the bed as he stumbled backwards, looking at his left hand in disbelief. "WHAT... HOW..." he sputtered. When Alexa rolled over and sat up, his eyes widened.

Then his good right shot out towards her and Alexa's body went rigid as she was paralyzed by his spell. Then his hand drifted downward and Alexa felt her mound burn as the sigil that had been tattooed there by the last demon she fucked flared to life just once under Margas' next spell. Margas' eyes widened. "You are marked!" he hissed. "You are owned! Who is your master? TELL ME!" He demanded. "Tell me whose baby you helped to spawn!"

At that moment, the baby woke up from the commotion, crying in its unearthly, demonic wail that Alexa tried so hard to keep quiet all the time. "NO!" she cried out in vain, unable to move as Margas moved past her and to the place where she hid the crib. He tore the door off easily and bent in to pick up the baby. To Alexa's surprise, the baby cooed and went back to sleep as Margas cradled it in his arms while making soothing noises that, to her, sounded like snakes hissing. "Please..." Alexa begged him, tears streaming from her eyes. "Please don't hurt him!"

"Hurt him?" Margas looked taken aback and offended at such a thought. "I might be a demon, but I am no monster, my dear. Now, tell me; who is his sire?"

Alexa closed her eyes as tears streamed from them. "Kirgon..." she whispered with defeat as there was no way for her to compete with the demon's magic and she wanted to ensure the baby's safety. "Lord Kirgon is his father."

Margas threw his head back and laughed with glee. "Oh this is too good! I come here for a night of pleasure and I find the key to boost my standing and bring down my house's rival!" He crowed in triumph. "I must get this lad to my home at once."

"NO!" Alexa screamed in protest. "You can't take him! He needs me!" She screamed, trying with all of her might to get free of the spell. When Margas opened the door, she yelled at him again. "When this spell wears off, I'll follow you! I will find you!"

"Ah well I cannot have you doing that then, can I?" Margas said as he snapped his fingers. Alexa was immediately released from her paralysis. She leapt off the bed towards him and was caught in midair by three shadowy, humanoid figures that had appeared between her and Margas. "My three associates here will keep you tied up for as long as it takes for me to return this young lad to my lord's realm." Alexa screamed in outrage as the three phantoms wrestled her to the ground. She felt like she was in midair as one of them jabbed what felt like a cock up inside of her ass to start fucking her. Alexa yelped in surprise. The second one moved over her to pin her down to the first one by placing its shadowy hands on her breasts to start kneading and fondling them. Then she felt it's shadowy cock impale her pussy, making her grunt as she was double penetrated. Margas smiled compassionately at her. "Trust me, I am doing you a favor in taking him with me. You do not need the hassle of raising a demon, even a half breed, on your own."

"Nooooo!" she wailed, feeling her will weaken. "Please... don't..." she whined impotently as the third phantom loomed over her head. She got one last look at Margas as he left with the baby, closing the door behind them. Then the third phantom hunched down over her head, grabbed it to position it upward, and shoved its cock into her mouth and down her throat. It felt like there was air inside of her but at the same time it felt like she was being fucked by it. All three of her holes were filled and her eyes greyed over. The first of many orgasms then was inflicted onto her and she felt like she was screaming but at the same time she felt like she wasn't making any sound. Her body stilled from her flaying around as she just lay there, suspended, between the three phantoms as they fucked her and fondled her senseless.

Alexa lost all sense of time and space and soon... she just stopped caring at all.


"Hey there," Ronin said, sidling up to the bar. He dropped a couple of coins on the surface and smiled at the bartender. "I'm looking for a courtesan that I heard was in town; long, flowing golden hair, killer body, real beauty, goes by Alexa. I was told that you knew where she was at."

"Oh, aye, m'lord," the bartender quickly agreed in a gruff voice as he quickly pocketed the gold. "She lives 'ere in my inn on the top floor. But no one's seen 'er in a few days... not since her last clients. I've been up there to check on her but all I hear is moanin' inside so I guess she's still entertain' guests."

"Thank you, my good sir," Ronin said, dropping three more gold coins on the bar for him. "Can I get a spare key to her room and a promise for no one to disturb us until tomorrow morning. Maybe except to get some of your best mead and food brought up for us?" he asked. When the bartender hesitated, Ronin dropped ten more gold coins. The bartender quickly produced a key and a food basket with bread, wine, cheese, and dried meat at once. Ronin thanked him and headed up to the room that the bartender then told him about.

The third floor was the top floor of the inn and it only had two rooms; the room that the bartender and his wife lived in and the one that Alexa lived in. He heard the low, deep moaning of what sounded like three men inside. This was punctuated with the low, squeaking moans of a woman. Ronin frowned. The men sounded like something unearthly. This had been going on steadily for three days now? He took out the key and turned it in the lock. Once he got inside, then he saw what had been going on for that amount of time.

"Ugh... fucking ghosts..." Ronin said with disgust as he closed and locked the door behind him and then set the food basket aside. Out in the middle of the floor, suspended just a foot or so in the air, three greyish ghosts were fucking the beautiful blonde woman with a glazed look in her eyes. Each one of her holes were filled by their phantom members. Ghostly hands roamed all over her body, touching her on her neck, breasts, belly, naval, and inner thighs as their translucent grey cocks pumped in and out of her mouth, pussy, and ass. Alexa shuddered from what seemed like a non-stop orgasm as her greyed over, glassy eyes stared out into nothingness. It was one helluva a spell to cast on her and if she'd been like this for three days now she'd need to sleep it off for a while.

Reaching into his pocket, Ronin brought out a talisman that he had blessed by multiple churches and temples across the realms. Raising it high in his left hand, he muttered an incantation under his breath while making multiple different symbols in the air with his right hand. The talisman flashed a bright yellow-white light that washed over the spirits and Alexa. Alexa's body went limp on the floor as the ghosts were banished back to the afterlife. Ronin then pocketed the talisman and bent over to help Alexa, who had dropped to the floor and was now doubling over and whimpering with a very different kind of need. He helped her over to the chamber pot so that she could do her business before helping her wash up, got some water in her, and then putting her to bed.

Then he took a seat in one of the plush wooden chairs, kicked his feet up onto the table, and began to take a nap himself as he waited for Alexa to recover from her ordeal.


Alexa stretched and groaned when she woke up, wondering how on earth she'd managed to get back into her bed. The last thing she remembered was being trapped on the floor while the ghosts were relentlessly fucking her for who knew how long. How long had she been out of it? Hours? Days? She wasn't sure. As she sat up she gasped and instinctively snatched her covers up to cover her chest although in hindsight such a thing was silly to do as nearly every man in all of the known realms have seen her charms by now. But still, there was a new, very handsome man in the room with her whose cloak and armor were hung up on the pegs nearby, and she couldn't for the life of her remember when he came in. "Hi," he said with a dashing smile as he casually flipped a coin on the back of his knuckle, making it travel one way on the back of the way before going back in the other direction with it. "Sleep well?" he asked in a cheery voice.

"Uhm... yes... thank you," Alexa said, still a bit groggy. Then her stomach rumbled as she felt a pang of hunger grip her. Then her eyes fell on the basket of food and wine that was on the table by the man. Unable to help herself, she was out of bed and stumbling over to the table, her arms and legs feeling weak and shaky. She managed to sit without falling and ravenously tore into the bread and cheese first. How long had it been since she last ate? "Uhm..." she then said as she paused with a mouthful of food, eyeing the man. "Thank you?" she said in a hopeful lit. "And, I'm sorry, but I don't remember you if you were one of my clients."

"No, I'm not a client... yet," he said with a chuckle. "You were too busy with the three ghosts of holidays past when I came in. I did pay the keeper downstairs fifteen gold for a generous amount of time with you, along with this basket for you," he said, sweeping his hand her way. "I'm Ronin, and I must say that it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Lady Alexa. Hearing of your exploits since the war ended has been quite entertaining."


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