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He's Reacting Really Well

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Decision time for her sub.
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"He's actually reacting really well and in typical sub fashion too," Karyn replied. "So many of them show this deference behaviour, as I call it. He defers to your preference in most things now, right? Notice how docile he becomes when I talk to you about him? He likes being discussed in the third person, like an object." Karyn turned her head to look at me, simultaneously objectifying my presence while confirming her assessment.

"Don't you. Are you liking this?"

"Yes. I mean yes, Ma'am."

"Good catch. I approve." She turned her head back to my wife. "See? He likes being the object of our conversation. He obviously likes pleasing women too or we wouldn't even be here talking about this. He cares what I think about him and he wants to please me. That's a very good first response."

"First response? What's that mean? Is there a second response?" My wife asked.

"So to answer your question, yes there is phase two if you want to go there. So far he is suitably maleable about taking direction from females and that's a great first step." She paused, gauging the possible reaction to her next line of thought.

"You're asking me what I think as a pro, right? You want my opinion about how to progress this, yes? I mean, I don't want to make assumptions here. There are few things more annoying than unsolicited advice."

"Of course! I value your perspective as someone who has actually participated in making male submission fantasies come true. So as a dominatrix, what do you think the next step would be for him." Jenna glanced at me, sitting passively between them, not interrupting but doing a lot of being in the moment. I found myself riveted to the conversation and how it made me feel.

"For him," she had said. Like I wasn't sitting right there, listening to these two women discuss me as if I wasn't. They were not talking about whether I should take the next step or even wondering what my input might be. Jenna just wanted to know how to do it. Well, to be fair, she already knew what I wanted and in keeping with the spirit of things, my acceptance of her decision was a foregone conclusion.

"Are you happy with how he performs sexually?" Karyn asked the question casually, like she was placing a take-out sushi order. My wife looked at me. Karyn looked at me.

"He's ok with the question, aren't you?" Her look told me that she expected agreement. "And interested in your answer I think, yes?"

"Yes. Very interested." I was a lot more than just interested but now wasn't the time to push my own agenda. They were doing a great job of that themselves.

"See how he answers direct questions with brief, limited acknowledgements? He never volunteers any comment to the conversation and he has become very passive with respect to your decision making. That's very typical of a sub who is just discovering his role. He's probably not sure how we want him to respond. Plus the whole surrealism of the moment with me here is likely making more than one word answers too distracting from the unfamiliar but exciting reactions he's feeling." Karyn looked at me again. "Yes?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good. So Jenna, do we need to work on performance or can we ratchet things up? Is he ... up for the next part? Excuse the pun." Karyn glanced at my crotch. "Looks to me like he's up for it."

"He is performing well," Jenna replied. "Although, as we have discussed, he still cannot cum when he is told. That is one of the things I would really like him to learn."

"Have you tried caging him, or using a milking sleeve? Making him dependent on you for an orgasm is a good idea and they make sex toys now that are very difficult to resist.

"I think it's a psychological issue not a physical capacity problem. I'll deal with it. Tell me about phase two," my wife said.

"Well, the next step involves a little more commitment but it's a water-shed moment, beyond which things change rapidly. He's gonna need to be naked in front of a stranger. Well, a relative stranger. He knows me but not well and not for long. Step two means becoming easy with who he is and what he is. We've been referring to him as your sub. Subs don't usually wear clothes in front of Dommes during a session. So the next thing would be to act like a sub in front of witnesses." She glanced at both of us and saw we all seemed to be on the same page.

"That behaviour will reinforce his self identity as a submissive. If someone else besides you treats him like a sub, he will become more comfortable acting that way, get it? Our expectations will let him set aside his inhibitions more easily and respond appropriately." She smiled at me. "Because he wants to please us. He wants us to know he's been a good boy."

"If you want, I can be the first one obesides you to acknowledge him. It's kind of a threshold he'll need to cross at some point if you two expect to go ahead with this FLR you're playing with."

Could I do this? Could I strip naked in front of Karyn? I thought so. I was getting excited imagining being naked, inspected and on display like a slave at an auction. Could I get hard for her? If so, when she saw my erection would she touch it? I was pretty sure I wanted to find out.

"Can I touch him?" Karyn asked, reading my mind. Jenna nodded. Karyn placed her warm, brown hand firmly on the nape of my neck and gently bent my head forward so I was staring at her lap. Her touch felt hot on my skin. Hot, controlling and very compelling.

"I know you must have a lot of exciting emotions running through you right now. They can be confusing. I want you to let go of the idea that you need to be in control of this situation. Just go with the sensations. You trust Jenna and you know you can trust me too. We won't do anything that will hurt you. But we can give you a way out of the male stereotype that you feel trapped in."

"Shouldn't he be naked?" My wife asked.

"All in good time. First let's establish some parameters." She turned her attention back to me. "I want you to get on your knees now. You can keep your hands clasped behind you." Karyn took her hand off my neck and I slid off the couch onto the floor. I knelt in front of them with all my clothes on. Karyn cupped my face in her hand and lifted it up to meet her gaze.

"Let's be clear about what happens next," she said. "You want to find out what happens next, right?" I nodded.

"Yes. I want to know. I want to be used sexually. I want to be trained." I hoped that was the correct wording for the gut wrenching desire I was feeling. In any case, that was about as articulate as I was capable of at the moment. Jenna to the rescue, my impatient wife relieved me of any need to explain further.

"Ok, stand up and take your clothes off. Pile them on that chair by the door then come back and kneel in front of Karyn again." I felt light-headed but I did as ordered. I felt them watching me strip away the physical barriers that protected my privacy. I got down on my knees, naked, vulnerable and visibly excited in front of two fully clothed women.

"Wow. I didn't think he had the nerve," my wife said. "Now what? He's hard and on his knees. Is there a typical next step?"

Karyn fished around in a purse the size of a shopping bag and pulled out a black leather collar embedded with four chrome D-rings, one in the front, one in the back and one on each side.

"Bow your head toward me," she instructed. She buckled the collar around my neck and sat back to admire me.

"Perfect! Your collar is your cue," she said. "It is a symbol of your submission. When you are wearing it you will strive to be the best sub you can be. The collar means you are the submissive property of the dominant women who are in charge of you. Only Jenna or I can collar you or release you from the servitude the collar imposes. You understand?" I nodded, afraid my voice would crack if I spoke.

"So what are you?"

"I, ... I am your property, a sub," I managed to croak.

"Close enough," Karyn smiled." You may kiss my feet."

Naked, collared and erect, I crouched forward on my hands and knees and lowered my face to the floor and kissed her shoes.

"Stay there," Jenna said. She turned to Karyn. "Now that he is wearing a collar he has to do everything I say, does he not?"

"Well, you can't abuse the privilege. You can't just surprise him one day by slapping a collar on him and expect him to be ok with cleaning the house for the afternoon," Karyn laughed.

Then more thoughtfully, "Unless he can do that naked, maybe. Don't forget, he's being complicit because it's a turn-on for him. If either of you decide the D/s scene is not turning your crank anymore, then it's over." Karyn looked at the naked sub at her feet. "Probably not much danger of that happening anytime soon."

She kicked off her shoes and crossed her ankles on my back. "Do you mind? The opportunity is just too good to resist."

"No, I don't mind." Jenna and I spoke at the same time. Karyn laughed.

"I was speaking to Jenna but it's good to see that you're both on the same page. "You on the bottom, do you like being used as a footstool? Does that make you hard? Speak up, being submissive doesn't mean being mute, honey."

"I like being used. As a stool, as a sex tool, as a houseboy, anything you want." I was admitting to being sexually aroused by being used to someone I barely knew. Jenna knew all about me but now Karyn knew too. She was right. Her nonpartisan acknowledgement that I was a sub helped me move along to the next level of actually being that sub.

A sub who was comfortable being naked and collared in front of women. At least these two women. The kind of man who preferred to receive direction in the bedroom rather than administer it. A male who admitted to being turned on by dominant females. That's who I was now, and I wanted to show them. I wanted to prove myself to them both. The conviction made me harder.

"Stand up. Let's see if you're really on board with this new direction," Jenna said. I stood. They stared. "Jesus," Karyn said. "How long can he keep that up?"

"Long enough," Jenna replied. "We've been practising." They watched my erect cock for awhile, then my wife said, "Get used to it. You're going to get told what to do and be ogled a lot. In fact, go stand over there." I walked to the other side of the room and stood at attention. The women looked at each other and laughed.

"Nobody has to teach that sub much about obedience do they. Or fulfilling expectations either. He just assumed he should stand at attention with his cock rock-steady at a thirty degree angle. The chin is up, the back is ramrod straight and the cock is erect."

When the giggling subsided Jenna said, "At ease soldier! Except for the hard-on. Keep that at attention!" The women broke into laughter again. I relaxed a little. Karyn strolled over to where I was waiting and passed the palm of her hand along my back, over my buttock and down my thigh.

" Do you like when I touch you like that? Like I'm looking for a good buy at an auction." She placed a brown, manicured hand with blood-red nail polish on my chest and slid it down to my lower abdomen.

"You can tell me. Part of being a good sub is being transparent and vulnerable, did you know that? It's true. I want to hear about what you're feeling and how you're thinking about what is happening to you." Her hand slid along the backs of my thighs, cupping my ass, squeezing each cheek.

"Has he been spanked?" Karyn asked my wife.

"Yes, we have experimented. He likes being spanked. It's a reward for him. Full disclosure? Sometimes I spank him a little when I tease him. I like how he moans and grunts more when he's spanked."

"Look how hard he is just from talking about it. Would you like Karyn to spank you honey?" Jenna was trying to be shocking. But since she was asking.

"Yes Ma'am! I would like that very much!"

"Go get a chair from the kitchen for me," Karyn said. "Since you have been a good boy I'll reward you."

I hurried into the kitchen. My cock bounced. I felt giddy, euphoric almost. I was going to be spanked by Karyn in front of my wife. I would be humiliated. And I would feel initiated. I would be a real sub.

I set the kitchen chair in the middle of the room. Karyn sauntered over provocatively and sat down. She gestured for me to lay across her lap. Her hands caressed my buttocks and just a few feet away, Jenna watched.

"Your wife is watching you take a spanking. How does that make you feel? Like the acquiescent male you imagined you could be? Are you excited to be lying naked across another woman's lap?

"You have a nice firm ass." Her hand traced the arch of my right buttock. The first slap came unexpectedly.


I moaned, and was immediately embarrassed. I was ashamed to be put across the knee of this attractive black woman like a disobedient child. I couldn't undo this and now she would know how much I liked it. She would know exactly how much of a slut I was. Why did that excite me so much?

"Say thank you," Karyn instructed me.

"Thank you Ma'am!" I sounded breathless but not whiny, not pathetic, not a like naughty child who needed to be disciplined. More like a depraved sub who was displaying his lust for everyone to see.

"What are you?"

"I'm a sub Ma'am. Your property."

"Correct response."

After that the spanking began in earnest. My cock stiffened against her thighs as her hand punished my ass. When she was finished she told me to stand.

"Let's see how much you enjoyed that." I blushed when I stood. My erect cock stood out like an endorsement of masochistic depravity. "Keep your hands on top of your head, out of the way. We want to see."

"Your face is the same shade of pink as your ass," Jenna observed. "But your cock betrays your blush. Clearly you found that experience stimulating. Are you embarrassed to be spanked and still be hard in front of Karyn?"

"Now she knows." I bowed my head in submission. The sight of my rigid cock only reinforced my shame.

"It's okay," Jenna replied. "She always knew. Now you know for sure too. Isn't that what you're really embarrassed about? Hard to deny what you are after this, isn't it? Is that what you've been doing? Have you been fighting guilt about being turned on by pain and humiliation? Are you reluctant to accept your status as a sub?"

"I guess so," I admitted.

"Karyn doesn't think any less of you, neither do I. Without subs there would be no Dommes. This is what we wanted, remember? Me leading you following? Well right now I want you to get down on your knees and thank Karyn for your spanking. Not everyone would do that for you."

I knelt in front of Karyn with my hands clasped behind my back and my head down.

"Thank you for spanking me Miss Karyn."

"That's a little lame for the favour she just did you. Kiss her feet. Grovel a little. Make her feel your gratitude, sub."

With my hands and knees on the floor I bent forward and kissed Karyn's feet. "Please Miss Karyn, thank you so much for spanking me! I am grateful for your attention and I hope you will see fit to give me another spanking soon. Please accept my gratitude."

"That's better sub," Karyn replied. "I accept your thanks and I recognize your status as an inferior. You may offer your ass as a footstool."

I scurried to obey. Turning quickly on my hands and knees, I crouched with my face on the floor and presented my pink ass to Karyn. She sighed and kicked off her shoes before she rested her feet on me.

"Spread your knees a little more." I did as instructed and felt her toe tap my hanging balls. "Such obedience." She looked at Jenna watching the spectacle of her husband's indoctrination and smiled. "He makes a wonderful sub, congratulations."

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So, his wife enjoys his pain and humiliation. That is not love, that is not erotic, it’s simply a sadistic, misandrist and a pathetic little man, who truly needs some help.

RoissyAngelRoissyAngel4 months ago

I liked this. Firstly, I do not like the use of Ma'am. I know its use in America is different to the UK. It just makes me think of much older ladies with blue rinses. I do hope you write more. I would like a prologue chapter of Jenna contacting Karyn and their initial conversation that led to this meeting. There are a few things that Karyn did not pick him up on such as not always using Ma'am or Mistress after each time he spoke. Little things like that. But the general gist is very good. It is, after all, a gentle intro to Femdom for both him and Jenna. I enjoyed it. I hope you write more.

PlaettbrettPlaettbrett4 months ago

Eine gefühlvolle Einleitung in eine interessante Story.

Mich interessiert, wie es weitergeht, das geht es doch - oder?

Danke für die schöne Idee...

cmj711cmj7114 months ago

Mmm, I'm looking forward to more lessons on his journey.

Is he bare? has he been shaved & cleansed?

Enemas are important for several reasons, cleans & humiliates & excites him.

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