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Hidden Haven Ch. 02: Slimed Seat

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A humiliating car ride to Jessa's new home.
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 07/05/2022
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Notes: This is my first story ever! A lot of sexual, cruel, extreme things will come! Please read chapter 1 before proceeding with this one. A bit shorter than the first. I am trying to figure out what's best.

The story is my lifelong fantasy that I now make into a story. You have no idea what's coming. But it's amazingly brutal and something I haven't found in any story yet. English is not my first language, so bear with me!


I was nervous, and I didn't want to stand up. I waited a few seconds too long, apparently because Angelica turned around with a bag in each hand, saying, "now stand up and help me, will you?". Her voice was somewhat stern, and she suddenly looked serious. As discreetly as possible, I stood up and quickly pushed the chair in, back under the table. My heart was racing, hoping that she didn't see anything. Stupid pussy getting horny from the shame of it all... I needed panties, or else I would have pussy juices down my legs and, even worse- on the car seat. There was just one problem. Angelica held the black bag with the panties in one of her hands.

"Icantakeoneofthebags!!" I said, stressed out. Seven words became one. Stupid. My face was probably bright red. If she didn't see the wet spot on the chair, she saw the tomato standing in front of her.

"Sure! You can take this one". Angelica held out the baby blue bag. Fuck.

"No, no, I can take the black one. I just need to look for a few things in it, so it's best if I take it."

"Look for what?"

"Uhm... foundation"


"Yes! It's so hot in this oven, and I hate when my face turns red from the heat". Genius. GOOD girl. Clever girl.

"You won't be needing makeup anymore. Now take the bag I gave you and come on. We don't have all day".

Stubborn. Damnit. Okay, new plan. Bathroom.

I took the baby blue bag down the stairs and threw it in the trunk. The car was big for sure. I don't know anything about cars, but this one looked nice. Just an average fancy gray car model bigger. While Angelica placed the bags in the trunk, I told her I would just go and pee.

"That can wait."

"No, it can not; I need to pee now." I didn't need to pee, though. At all. I was sweating way too much for that. But I did need to wipe. My pussy was swollen from arousal, and I could already feel the juices on my thighs.

"We have to pick up Naomi on the way home. Are you sure you want her to wait?"

I remembered what Flora had told me about her. The storm of Hidden Haven. Like unpredictable weather. A rollercoaster of emotions. "That woman is so sweet and loveable, but I swear to god, if you don't do as she wants, you will regret it. She is too hot-tempered for you to go and pee while we are in a hurry. Now go and get the rest of the bags; I'll be right behind you.


With all the bags in the car, I locked the door to the oven one last time. It was sad in a way. It had been my home, after all. Separation anxiety kicked in, and I wanted to cry. Angelica saw me and came to hug me for support. I only met this woman half an hour ago and felt so attached. Like we were... family. I felt so safe in her arms. She made me feel like everything was going to be alright. "I know saying goodbye is hard, honey. I know.". All that stress from picking up Naomi at the right time seemed forgotten. "You have a new home now, and we will take care of you." All of a sudden, I just completely started to sob. Her flower pattern dress got soaked with tears and snot. "Oh honey, I know. Do you feel ready to leave, or should we stay here for one more minute?"

I shook my head no; I was ready to leave. "We can go now."

It felt worse to be released from her hug than to leave the apartment. There's no idea hiding the fact that I suffer from huge mommy issues. Feeling her boobs press on my body didn't make it better, and suddenly I was prepared to do anything Angelica told me.

We picked Naomi up from the train station. She was standing with a silvery backpack hanging from one of her shoulders. Her hair was blond and cut into a page. She was rocking a pair of vintage high-waisted shorts with a sheer crop top with a triangle bra covering her smallish breasts.

Her whole face lit up when she saw the car with me in the front seat. "There she iiiis! Hiii!!" She waved while we approached her with the vehicle. Her reaction made me happy. Well, at least until Angelica parked the car and stepped out from her seat. "Stay," she told me.

"Gelly, why is she in the front seat?" Naomi said through her teeth, still smiling. Angelica didn't answer. "You know I always sit in the front seat. You know that". Naomi comically forced her smile.

I feared I would have to stand up, though, and by doing so, be revealing spot number two of the day. I looked away, pretending not to hear the conversation.

"She is fragile right now. Can she please sit in the front with me?"

"Since when do kiddos sit in the front?"

What did they think? That I was 10? I reacted, and I looked at her through the window. They both noticed my reaction and walked away from the car, just a few meters. I could still hear them, though, not as clear, but I heard every single word.

"Did she sign it?" Naomi asked.

"Yes, of course; otherwise, she wouldn't be sitting in the car."

"Then tell her to sit in the correct seat." Naomi was staring at Angelica, obviously trying to hide her rage in public.

"You haven't even said a proper hello to her yet," Angelica replied, trying her best to not move her lips too much so I could figure out what she was saying. I still heard her though.

Instinctually Naomi turned around, facing the car, put on her brightest smile, and opened my door, ending their argument.

"Hi, sorry, I needed to share a few words with Gelly. I'm Naomi; it's so nice to meet you, Jessa!"

I didn't know what to do. When Naomi walked up to me, I thought she might murder me for a second. "It's... nice... meeting you too". I felt shy and scared, which she quickly picked up. "Now, why don't you come out here so I can give you a hug? I know you are a bit fragile now from moving". I wasn't sure if that was bullshit or genuine. If she was bullshitting me, she hid it well.

I had nothing to say other than to step out of the car. What could I have told her to stay on the seat? I just had to do it, so I stood up and hoped for the best.

Her body felt muscular, toned, and slim. She was also taller than me, not as much as Angelica but maybe 5 or 6 cm. Her smiling eyes were blue, and the arms that hugged me were light in color. Not as white as Angelica but not dark at all or even tanned. At that moment, I realized that by embracing me, she would be able to see over my shoulder and into the car.

"I can smell you, ya know." I froze. She knew. Naomi knew I was horny. "And I can see that you have slimed my seat." The shame and humiliation from those words were almost too much to handle. I didn't want to hug her anymore, but she held tight. "You will have to clean that up, or else I will spit in your food for a week. And wipe your disgusting cunt, will you?" She whispered close to my ear. I was in shock. How dared she talk to me like that?

When she finally let go, she handed me a napkin from her backpack, and in a hurry, I scrubbed the seat for her to sit there without destroying her vintage shorts.

Humiliated, I opened the door to the back seat, and we started the long drive to Hidden Haven and the SouthRock Glade.

The drive was long, but I was given snacks and a giant soda. Angelica and Naomi seemed to have forgotten about me and chatted in the front. Somehow it felt comforting sitting on my own, feeling the car rumble, and hearing their faded conversations. I drifted in and out of sleep.

Suddenly I felt an urge to pee. This time it was the real deal. The car's air conditioning was constantly on, making me sweat much less. Meaning all the soda traveled down to my bladder instead.

"I, uhm... Excuse me? Could we stop for a moment? I need to pee..." There was no confidence in my question whatsoever. The women in the front shared a look, and Angelica tried to say with her friendliest voice that it wasn't possible to stop by the road anywhere near them.

"Then how long is it until we arrive?"

"We just passed Eldwick, so I'm afraid there is still some time left." Angelica seemed concerned.

We were in the middle of nowhere now. We hadn't even seen another car for a long time. The pain in my bladder increased rapidly.

"I'm sorry, but I must pee right now."

"I'm also sorry because it's not gonna happen, sweety."

"Honestly, if you're that stupid that you drink up all the soda at once, then you will just have to take the consequences for your actions." Naomi sure was brutally honest, and she made me annoyed.

"Can you stop talking like I'm a child? What have I done to you??". I snapped and Naomi quickly turned around and looked me dead in the eye. Awesome. Good job, Jessa. You just put more fuel to the fire- I thought.

"First of all, you were late, and that's your fault. Gelly would never be late. I knew she came early to pick you up, and you still were several minutes after the schedule and had me waiting. Second of all, you slimed my seat. I don't know what got you so horny; maybe it was Gellys big tits, but you sure are a disgusting little kinky thing, aren't you? And third... I treat you as I want to; if you act like a child, I will treat you as a child. Understood?"

Stunned. Shocked. Belittled. "...yes.. fine"

"It's -Yes, Naomi- Know your manners, will you?"

"Yes, Naomi"

"Good, now make sure you don't destroy another seat. Don't you dare wet yourself in the car."

I wanted to go back home. I didn't want to sit there in the car anymore.

"We can stop over there; I don't want her to wet herself either." Angelica was worried now. Being a doctor, she knew holding pee for too long wasn't good.

I almost fell out of the car from desperation when she parked at the side of the road. As soon as I stood up, the pee came. I just stood there in shock at what had just happened. The pee didn't stop. The piss soaked my legs and my shoes too. When I got out of my little trance, still peeing, I squatted just before the stream ended. I was embarrassed. This all went to hell. They would send me back to the expensive, ugly, claustrophobic oven. I just knew it.

"Told ya," Naomi said to Angelica, a bit too happy for my liking.

"Oh honey, you held it for so long. You did well; there's nothing to be ashamed of" Angelica sounded like she told the truth. She didn't think I should be ashamed of what just happened. "Come, we need to wipe you and take your shoes off." I couldn't look at her.

Naomi opened the trunk and pushed a bag to the side so I could sit. She handed Angelica the wipes, and with tears streaming down my face, red eyes looking down on my lap from the shame, she asked me: "Please spread your legs for me; it's important to wipe away all that nasty pee, don't you agree?"

I nodded silently. I was humiliated. I felt Naomi's eyes burning on my pussy while I spread my legs. I knew I was swollen down there. I was so insecure about my big pussy. My clit felt rock hard from all the shame. They saw it. "Such a perfect beginning," I heard Angelica whisper to herself. "Just perfect."

Then Angelica took my shoes off, and she wiped me from my feet, up on my legs, getting closer and closer to my aching pussy. All I wanted was for her to wipe my clit. I needed some pressure on it. She did wipe my pussy, but completely ignored my throbbing button. I felt broken, desperate, and shy. I wanted to ask her to clean my clit, just in case there was pee on it. But I didn't dare to. She knew best.

Barefoot I was being placed in the back seat of the car again, and we continued our journey to my new home. I couldn't even imagine looking into their eyes again after that day. It felt impossible to accept that I was going to live with them. Let alone spend time with them.

What would my time there look like? What the hell did I sign, and was the rest going to be just as weird? I felt lied to. They didn't promise me heaven on earth, but this was bizarre. The strangest part was how my clit had reacted to everything. Why didn't I just cum when I had the chance? I desperately needed to get off. And get some panties.

After what felt like forever, we finally started to drive into the forest. Unfortunately, the roads weren't as good as outside the forest; some didn't even have asphalt. Some turned the journey into one hell of a bumpy ride.

I saw the sign "SaltRock" whooshing past the window. We were finally headed towards the house. After 15 minutes of driving with tall trees on both sides, we saw a gate. No house in sight yet, but I did see a grand steel gate further ahead. I couldn't see where the fences ended as they probably ended somewhere in the forest...

Arriving at the gate, we had to wait for it to open. Then I saw it, and suddenly it felt so real. On an arch above the entrance, I read "Hidden Haven." We made it. Finally.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I need to read what's coming!! Amazing plot and characters, congratulations!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

so good so good. I am loving the progression of Jessa's downfall. please keep it coming. Pappasleaze!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Okaayyyy yess Im liking this! I hope to see the next part soon!

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