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Hidden Haven Ch. 07: Too Touchy

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A rollercoaster of emotions.
5.6k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 07/05/2022
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Notes: This is my first story ever! A lot of sexual, cruel, extreme things will come! Please read chapters 1-6 before proceeding with this one. And please read the before you continue. If it's not for you, then read another story.

Thank you for all the comments; they motivate me to continue. Any suggestions for what could happen or be included in this series are welcome.

The story is my lifelong fantasy that I now make into a story. You have no idea what's coming. But it's amazingly brutal and something I haven't found in any story yet. Please note that all characters are over 18 years old, whatever other characters may say in conversations. Everyone in my stories are fictional. The whole story is pure fiction!

If you might get offended by my stories, just don't read, please.

English is not my first language, so bear with me!


I was looking back, over my shoulder, down on June and Naomi from the second floor when Angelica let go of my hand.

"What door do you want to open next?"

We looked in every single room. We even went out on both balconies, but honestly, that was more because I wanted to have done it. Then, Angelica opened up the doors to her room. It was balanced and with an English cottage style. It was something about the energy in there. Something about it made me question my view of her as the "evil doctor". It didn't feel like she would harm a fly. She fought hard for me to trust her; I knew that she wasn't a bad person.

I sighed and walked out and into the next door, her closet. Nothing weird there either. I felt stupid and stubborn. Why did I even bother?

But still, I just had this raging feeling that the horrible surgery was a memory, not a bad dream. I even knew what Angelica's pussy tasted like!

Flora's room was next to mine, all in muted colors. It felt modern. "Normal."

Then June's room. Her and Angelica's rooms had similarities. Cozy, homely, warm, but hers were more hippie/bohemian than Angelica's cottage decor. We just checked the space quickly and then walked out as we did with the rest of the rooms on the upper floor.

I didn't understand. I couldn't understand. There had to be an attic or a basement? A shed in the garden?

I ran around the rooms again, looking for a roof door. Nothing.

"Can we go down? Please?" I asked Angelica, and she held her hand out for me to take it. She didn't question why I wanted to go down.

I looked all over the floors, under carpets, under tables, and the two sofas. Nothing.

There HAD to be a hidden door. And I couldn't find it.

"You." My frustration was getting rapidly bigger. I walked toward Angelica with sudden hate in my eyes. She had to be lying. "Tell. Me. Where. The. Operating. Room. Is! Now!"

It couldn't be my memory that failed me. I refused to believe that. Angelica was a monster, and she was going to confess!

"You are upset, and you are confused. Nothing I can say or show you can prove that you had a nightmare last night." Angelica also showed frustration but didn't raise her voice and stayed somewhat calm. "Be angry, be sad, mourn the years you will never get back, scream, cry. Do whatever. I will always try and understand where your tantrums come from."

"IT'S NOT A TANTRUM; BIG GIRLS DON'T HAVE TANTRUMS, AND YOU. ARE. A. FUCKING. PSYCHO!!!" I screamed with fury and with all of my soul.

I saw the entrance door being slightly open. And I ran.

Angelica, let me run. My frilly white socks quickly got dirty. I couldn't care less. I felt weak, but the adrenaline kept me going. There had to be a road close by. Junes garden ended with rose bushes, and behind those were endless trees. I had to run into the forest.

It took me a minute to reach a fence, too tall to climb over, but I tried anyway but to no use. The fence didn't end. I ran in every direction, and suddenly there it was again.

Black clouds made my vision worse in the woods. I wish I had my phone so I could have used the flashlight. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember where I had put it or if someone had taken it from me. I felt tremendous shame over my memory.

Then I heard two female voices yelling my name.

"Jessa!!! Good god!!" Flora yelled. "Do you have ANY idea how long we have been looking for you? Angelica is worried sick right now! And frankly, I was so worried too." Flora said and hugged me with force for a moment before letting go.

They were surprisingly not as out of our breath as they should have been if they had been out for as long as me running around.

"A thunderstorm is coming, and you are just running around here under tall trees? Do you have any idea how dangerous that is, young lady?" Eliza was furious and grabbed my ear hard. "Do you ignore the approaching thunders and us yelling your name? Is that mature of you? You can have all the tantrums you want and think anything you want about us, but you will listen to us and stay out of danger. Am I being clear?"

My ear hurt, and tears swelled up in my eyes. I nodded in defeat.

"Before the rain gets here, you need to get punished on the spot. I'm sorry, but I can't see any other option. I don't want you to come home without a sore ass."

She was going to hit me. I just knew it.

And just like that, she gripped my wrists in one hand while the other unhooked the crop from her belt with an easy motion. She must have done that before. The worst part was that I could tell she liked it. I did not.

"Flora, help me!!" I yelled, but she didn't reply. Instead, she just stood there watching me.

"Flora!! Please?!"

"I hear you, baby, but I was so worried. This needs to be done; I never want to feel like that again. Eliza, please go on." She betrayed me again.

Eliza pulled down my panties, and by leaning me forward against a tree, my dress rode up, exposing my butt.

"I will hit you ten times. That's not nearly enough, but it will do. And I don't trust that you are capable of counting. Flora, will you?"

"Yes, sure, go ahead; the rain is coming any minute." We heard thunder from miles away. Flora placed herself in a squatting position next to the tree and tried to look me in the eyes. "It will be over soon. Be brave for me? Okay? I'm here. You are safe."

I closed my eyes, and I was shaking from fear. Then, I felt the first hit from the belt on my cold butt cheeks.

"One," Flora said calmly. Another sound of thunder came right after.

"Two, it will be over so soon." I gasped with every hit.

"You interrupted me in my work. You made us worried sick. You made us look for you." Eliza said sternly.

"Three" Flora stroked my hair now, and I fought back the screams.

"We are giving you a place to stay in. A HOME!"


I screamed internally.

"And this is how you thank us?? By running away!"

"Six, seven." I felt the first raindrops on me.

"I thought I knew how strict I needed to be with you. I was so wrong."


"The last two will be hard; get her ready, Flora."

"You are okay, two more. You have two eyes, two legs, two arms, and two ears! Easy! Can you count to two?" I nodded. It felt good when she talked to me like that. It made me feel small and foggy.

Then Eliza struck me hard with her belt. And I screamed. Loud. The rain poured down now and drenched us.


My knees couldn't hold me up anymore. Flora kept telling me that I did well. She kissed me on my forehead.

"Ten! Such a good girl!"

"Now I know someone is dying to meet you back home. Hold my hand" Flora didn't ask; she just took it and started walking. A second later, Eliza took my other hand. I felt small between them.

It would take time before I could gain their trust again. It was stupid to run away like that.

When we got home, Angelica sat on the stairs and quickly stood as the door opened. She held her arms up, almost begging me to hug her. She looked genuinely sad and worried. I wanted to escape Eliza, and Angelica looked safe and trustworthy. With my head down, I walked in shame into her arms, and she hugged me tightly, but I couldn't hug her back. I was soaking wet and cried silently.

She let me go and looked at me with a smile.

"Aww, sweetie, look at you! You look like a drenched kitten! Let's take these wet clothes off so you can come and climb into my lap and cuddle in the living room."

The thunderstorm came closer, and I started to get scared. I was desperate for comfort.

Flora and Angelica helped me get my clothes off while Eliza went back into her office.

"I'll give you some alone time," Flora said with a warm smile and left as Angelica sat on the sofa.

"Come here and let me wrap my arms around you and hold you against my chest. Please?"

I stood naked at the living room entrance; my clit was finally somewhat limp from the cold, and I felt scared but needy. I wanted her to hold me. I wanted to say that I was sorry. But images from the surgery flashed before my eyes as I walked up to her. She was evil. No. She was kind. Evil. Kind! Evil! Kind? Evil? Help.

"You must be so cold, little one. I have a blanket for you! Look, it has teddy bears on it! Maybe you want to hug your teddy later?"


"I'm sorry?" Angelica looked confused.

"His name is Snugglebud," I said as I sat down on the sofa, still looking down.

"Did you name him yourself?" Angelica asked as she gently pulled me into her lap under the blanket.

I nodded.

"I know you have a hard time trusting me after your nightmare. It's okay; I know you more than you can imagine."

She hugged me tight from behind, rocking me from side to side, holding her head close to mine. I had that "after crying"-breathing, like two breaths in and a long one out.

"Please know I care and want what is best for you. You see, I have been thinking a lot, and I have come to a decision"

She warmed my body with her right hand, almost petting me. Down my stomach, my chest, my thighs.

"Your kitty must be so cold. Here, let me touch you to get you warm again; spread just a little for me."

She was correct; I was cold, so I spread my legs just enough for her to get her hand in between.

"I know you think that you are ready to be a grown-up and that because of your age, you are one. But that is not how it works, honey. I know you aren't, not in spirit. You are so little, such a small girl."

She kept rocking me while warming up my swelling clit. The rocking motion made me feel calm even though I disagreed with her.

"You aren't very good at thinking clearly and taking care of yourself. All those responsibilities are too hard for you. And oh boy is your memory terrible, isn't it?"

I nodded. I felt some snot running down from my nose, and I wiped it with the back of my hand and then on the blanket.

"It's okay; we can wash it later."

It didn't even occur to me what a childish thing that was.

"I have decided that we all have to work hard to follow you along on your regression, instead of fighting it."

I didn't like the sound of that...

"Ah, there we go! Such a hard clit you have now! It must be so hard for you when no one is touching it. I tell you what! I promise to touch it every day! Oh! It twitched! You would really like that, wouldn't you?"

I was so ashamed. It felt like I was on mute again, but she was 100% right; I craved the touch. But the touch without orgasm, in the end, was getting frustrating.

"And your bladder must be getting filled now from breakfast. Or did you sweat it all out when you ran?"

I lifted my shoulders as to gesture that I didn't know. I didn't feel the need to pee.

"I will let you pee right before lunch" She pressed my bladder a bit; it didn't hurt. "Yeah, you have more space in there. Don't worry; the chip is working its magic."

"Aren't you a pretty little girl? So lost in little space, arent you?"

She stroked my clit now like a cock. I moaned in confusion, it felt good and bad, and it was hard to think.

"Mommy, no more..." What did I just say? That wasn't me; it couldn't be me. I sounded so small.

"No more what, sweetheart?"

"On clitty"

"I'm not doing anything to you clitty. Are you tired from running, maybe? Perhaps a little tingly from being naked in mommy's lap?"

But I felt her hand working on my clit. Up and down. Up and down. I could just lift the blanket and look for myself. But I didn't dare. I was scared of doing something wrong and getting desperate and emotional.

"How are you? It does seem like something is troubling you," Angelica said with worry.

Suddenly I screamed. To say that I screamed would be a nice way of putting it. My voice was hoarse from the initial screaming. Gurgling noises, whines, and desperation came out of my throat. My body was tense, and my back arched. I was on top of the edge. So close to an orgasm. Everything hurt; the stroking was too degrading, the helplessness, the emotions, my fear, and my love for Angelica.

"Poor baby," Angelica said while still stroking me. She wasn't going to let go even though I was panicking. "It's okay, shhh, shhh, mommy is here! Oh, my boobs hurt so much; you need to empty them for me soon; your screams are making mommy ache to comfort you with my milk."

She finally let go of my clit. Probably not because of my screams but of what discomfort my screams gave her.

I was so out of breath. I wanted up but didn't have the strength. I didn't see Naomi squatting down next to the sofa.

"What a dumb little girl, you look so empty and stupid," she said mockingly with a babyish voice. "You were about to cum there; those sounds you made were music to my ears, but also kinda annoying."

"It's okay; you can be annoying to mommy," whispered Angelica. Constantly rocking me to get me calm again. She knew that was hard on me. My clit was throbbing still. Almost on the verge of exploding.

"I heard you can't cum, ever. As a result of that horrible doctor. I think you deserve it. Whores like you don't get to cum."

I had just experienced torture, but somehow Naomi's words hurt more.

"You will constantly be on the verge of cumming, but you will never experience an orgasm again in your life. Not even a ruined one. You are too pathetic for orgasms. Orgasms are only for grown women, not dumb little kids. You are nothing but a sex toy for us." Naomi said.

"It's okay to be dumb; sink into it, baby girl. Can you feel how relaxed you are getting?" Angelica said calmly. "I know that Naomi is saying scary things and is a little mean," she said more to Naomi than to me, like she meant to say, "careful or get out!"

"I know you can hear me, even though you look knocked out. You don't own your arousal. It's not for you to get pleasure from. Sexual frustration is part of your personality. Your cunt doesn't belong to you anymore." She completely ignored Angelica's warning about being more careful.

I suddenly felt Naomi's finger in my mouth; it was coated with her pussy juice. I gasped. "This makes you dumb, happy, and desperate, just where we want you. Go on, lick it all up! "

"Ooh, tastes good, sweetheart? Naomi gave you yummy juices! Didn't she?" I nodded in confusion and ecstasy. I wanted more.

"You are already freakishly addicted, but know your place! I will get you more when I want to." Naomi said just as she pulled her finger back out from my mouth. "Think of this household as s hierarchy going from 1-10," Naomi said; it was so hard to concentrate. Words were hard to understand. I could still taste her. "It's just that we are all a 10; none of us can decide over one another. But you are so below us that it's even hard to give you -one-. I see you as below that. A zero." Naomi continued. "All living things are more superior than you."

I didn't know what I was going to do with the information. But then, I couldn't lay still, and I began to lose it completely -again-.

"Yes, of course, you are a zero, but see it as a good thing, my love," Angelica said; she had just started to stroke my clit up and down, up and down again, using my juices as lube. "If you had been above that, you would have to make decisions, and that's too hard for you. So isn't it better to just do as you're told, and life will be good?"

I was so close to an orgasm. But it never came. She could touch my clit at this point, and I would go straight to an edge.

"I want her under the table then until she understands her role. It's even better when she is as gone as she is now." Naomi said.

A part of me that was still present screamed "NOO!!" internally. So soon again? But she was so mean? It wasn't right... I also knew there was no use fighting it. I knew she would use my mouth to cum, whether I wanted it or not.

"She would have to be naked, her clothes are still soaked, and I don't want to waste a new outfit for her," Angelica said.

"You say that like it's a bad thing? But, listen, I have to continue with lunch, and I would love to see a broken little girl standing exposed in my kitchen."

Stand? How? I can barely sit... But with two hands helping me up, I quickly realized I was a bit stronger than I thought. I could stand, but my knees felt like spaghetti.


I wasn't allowed to move; the kitchen was a dangerous place. I wasn't cold, but I was bored; I needed to be stimulated somehow. One after the other, my guardians came in to sit down on their chairs, all eyes on me. They stared with hunger at my naked body. I felt dizzy, tired, and horny.

I suddenly felt my clit rise, standing erect and making me, if possible, even hornier. Like someone pressed a button to raise my horniness. I gasped and fell to my knees. It flashed before my eyes, but I stayed awake.

Angelica called Flora to help me up so she could investigate what had happened. "Try playing with her nipples; I have to check something." Flora stroked them gently.

"No, it doesn't get any stiffer than that; it's crazy swollen and hard, poor thing; she must be having a hard time now," Angelica said.

"Keep her like that; I want her when I eat," Naomi said.

"She needs to pee first," Angelica explained. "Flora, will you be a dear and carry her?"

Flora nodded; she was the strongest for sure. Then, like a big sister, she picked me up with ease, placing my legs on either side of her, making my clit rest on her stomach.

"I don't need to pee..." I whispered to Flora.

"You just don't feel it, remember?"

Since I got to Hidden Haven, I hadn't used the toilet once. And as soon as I got in, I felt the need to go. Bad.

"Hurry and place her on the potty!" Angelica seemed stressed.

Potty? No... toilet?

"You promised to be a good girl, so show us how you use your potty," Flora said.

In shame, I sat on the adult-sized plastic potty and peed like a waterfall. I gasped in shock. How was that possible? I didn't feel a thing for hours until I entered the bathroom and almost peed myself.

I saw Angelica sitting on the toilet lid, showing me that it was off limit. She held her phone, using the app, of course.

I was placed under the table during lunch, just as Naomi had wished. I had to arch my back and lick her hard and fast. That wasn't difficult for me at all. My tongue was strong, basically made for licking. They all ignored me like I honestly wasn't there.

"That weather was insane!"

"I know; I was honestly a bit scared that the flash would burn our forest down."

"June... It was raining"

"So? I can still be scared. Trees surround us if you haven't noticed."

"Speaking of, I will go out later this afternoon to check the whole fence; it might take a while. I can't stand the thought of it being a whole somewhere."

"I know, I was thinking about that too... I want her to be able to run free in the garden."

"Should we maybe put up a fence behind the rose bushes? She doesn't need the whole property to run on, right?"

I was hearing them talk about me like I didn't exist somehow made me drip to the floor.


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