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Hidden Valley Ch. 08

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Joe goes off with his daughrers and sister in search of new
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Part 8 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 09/07/2004
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Part 8: My quest, Well our quest

Everyone had finished eating and were just kicking back stroking what ever body was close and sipping wine. Dad had his three girls around him, Faith on one side and Hope on the other with me on the floor between his legs as always. Since we were 16 or so Mom never got near Dad unless we were off somewhere. Doc and Rev Rosswalld stood up and that alone was enough for everyone to get quiet. Rev Rosswalld made the announcement that there would be a second quest. Grandpa (Doc) took over and opened the invitation to any one who wanted to join.

It seems that the adventurous spirt was mainly in the Rosswalld and Thompson families. The quest would be headed by Dad with his three daughters, his sister Karen and her son JJ. So we had a brother sister, father daughters, and mother son going to recruit new men for the valley. We wanted to not make the same mistakes this time so none of the kids were planing to marry before we left, though several marriages were agreed to over the last two days. The other thing that was different was we would not be leaving right away. We would spend the next 3-6 months enjoying our family and friends with our new freedom.

Over the next 6 months there were 3 weddings. They didn't want to all get married together like Mom and Dad did. A month later was the first and one every 2 months after that. The brides all wanted to wear something different and my sisters and I made all the outfits. That also meant there were three wedding orgys so we got to know everyone in town very well before we left. A few other things happened during that period. The town voted that for the next 20 years there would be a "quest" every five years. They got the idea from Debby and Jason who would not be deflowered until next year. They didn't want to wait 18 years for another celebration and would give each of the kids siblings more their own age. They were already making arrangement for Debby and Jason.

Soon it was time for us to leave. Faith, Hope, JJ and I were very excited about what was outside the valley. Dad and Karen who came from that world were not that excited to leave the valley they had come to love. At the last minute Adam said he was going with us. That made Faith very happy. We all agreed not to marry before we left but she still had strong feelings for Adam. He felt the same way which is why he chose to come with us.

The five day camping trip out was a mini orgy every night. We three girls got to spend a lot of time with our father. We still got together with JJ and Adam and they kept Karen busy when we were with Dad. Another five day road trip and we were at the house. While we unpacked the truck Dad and his sister stood outside looking at the house remembering the first night they came here. They expected it to be just a stop over to meet and say thanks to Cindy, Sandy, Jane and June. They had no idea what was ahead.

Once inside the house had changed since Dad and Karen were there. For one thing the computer was upgraded with three lap tops so four of us could be on line at anytime. The car we had for running around was now two SUVs. We got settled in for the night. Karen and JJ took one room. Dad took another and each night one of his daughters would share it with him. It would be just the two of them all night together, something we seldom had with Dad. The rest of us took the last room so Adam had two girls every night, but that only happened when Faith was with Dad. I can tell you Adam didn't get much sleep those nights.

We also found the internet greatly advanced. There was a lot more about incest which also meant there were a lot more weirdos and sickies on line. We each finally found a few sites we liked and felt comfortable with and our search was on.

After a couple weeks we all met at breakfast for a meeting on how things were going. I didn't have anything I felt right about yet. JJ and Adam were the same way. Karen had found a couple her age that had become involved with their adult son and daughter just in the last year. Dad had met two sisters 19 & 20 who had been fucking their brother and parents for about a year. The parents were killed in a plane crash and the brother went off to war and never came back. We all felt for them but it didn't add any new cocks to the mix.

Faith had a list of three single men who were not fucking their families but had a great desire to do so but knew the family would throw them out if they ever tried something. Hope had a brother and sister who sounded a lot like Dad and Karen. All together we had the possibility for 6 new cocks but that would bring 3 new pussys as well.

Faith, Hope and I were going to check out the guys on Faith's list while Dad and Karen would meet with the brother and sister. JJ and Adam would keep looking, though I believe they were looking more at the sisters and mothers than they were bringing in more cocks for the town. We put the family on hold for a while.

Faith, Hope and I decided to meet the guys together rather than one on one. We knew that if we let any one of these guys fuck us we would get pregnant. Though getting pregnant was the reason for the quest we didn't want a baby by someone we would not bring back with us. We felt safer going together even though we could not only fuck their brains out we could kick the shit out of any one of them. Before we were allowed to fuck we had to do something with all that energy so we learned to fight.

Keven was the first on the list and was only a hour drive away. We met in a coffee shop. He was a nice looking young man of 20. He was very intimidated sitting there with three very beautiful identical women with him. There was a lot of small talk getting to know him. Faith, the out spoken one of us, was getting antsy wanting to get to the good stuff. Finally she blurted out, "I wish we had a brother to fuck. If you were our brother you would have had all three of us many times by now, but all we have is our dad. I must say he did give me a good fucking this morning." Any louder and I'm sure we would have been tossed out, but Keven laughed and started to open up. Last night was Faith's turn with dad and I'm sure she wasn't lying about getting a good fuck this morning.

We had gotten a room because our next stop was an all day drive. The four of us went out to diner. Then Keven showed us a place to go dancing. Hope was really taken with Keven. I thought he was nice and wouldn't mind fucking him but everyone at the house agreed to not fuck any one until the big party in three weeks. We told Keven there would be no fucking but we could still have fun. Believe me it was harder for us not to fuck him than for him not to fuck us. Keven was a little concerned when we invited him back to the room. Faith had been making comments all night like, "Why do we have to wear these close? I've never danced with anyone with clothes on. Boy I can't wait to get out of this outfit."

We hadn't told him much about the valley but we learned a lot about him. He and his sister, who is two years older, would masturbate in front of each other and only once they did each other. Other than that one time she never touched him or let him touch her. We offered to go talk to her and see if maybe she'd be willing to go farther, but he said, "No, she is engaged now and we haven't done anything in months. The best thing for me to do would be to move across country and just stay away from her." We all smiled and said, "That could be arranged."

We got to the room and the three of us were naked before the last one was in the door. Hope had Keven's shirt off and was working on his pants. Faith saw the amazed look on Keven's face and always the brazen one she got right in his face over Hope and said, "Where we come from we never wear clothes and we can fuck any one we want even our brothers." He opened his mouth to say something but stopped short when Hope took his cock in her mouth.. He was starting to wobble and Faith and I helped him sit on the bed. His eyes were on Hope sucking his cock then looked up at Faith and I.

We saw him looking our way and decided to put on a show for him. We started kissing and playing with each other's pussy. Now think about it, he has one beautiful girl he just met giving him what I know is great head. He also has two mirror images of the same girl kissing each other and playing with the other's pussy. How long do you think he lasted? Faith and I got on the bed next to him in a 69. We were too far gone to stop just because he shot his load. Faith and I were going at it since we both needed to get off but I heard Keven ask Hope, "Did your dad really fuck your sister this morning?"

I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Hope sitting between his legs stroking his cock and she said, "Well, it was her turn to be with dad last night so I guess he fucked her good when they woke up but he made sure to fuck us all before we left." I couldn't help it I started laughing so hard then Faith started and we both fell off the bed..

Keven started to get mad at us laughing and said, "So this is all a big joke to you. I tell you all my private things and it's just one big joke."

Still laughing I said, "It's no joke at all. Dad did fuck us all before we left. It was just the way she told you, like "We had ham and eggs before we left". Where we come from all the fathers fuck their daughters, and brothers fuck their sisters, and mothers fuck their sons. It is just an every day thing to us."

Keven pushed Hope away and demanded, "Just where do you come from!" Then in a much more pleading voice asked, "Is there room there for me?"

Faith and I went to the other bed to continue what we were doing and left Hope to explain life as we know it. He never took his eyes off us as Hope laid out the whole plan. After watching Faith and I both cum right after each other with a great deal of noise his head jerked back to Hope. He said, "You want me to come back with you because none of the men in the valley can get anyone in the valley pregnant."

"Only if everyone else agrees." Hope injected.

"Right," he continued, "if everyone at this house, your dad, your aunt and cousin all agree, you want me to get you pregnant and any other woman that wants my baby. Then after six months or after everyone is pregnant I can fuck any woman, even my own daughter when she turns 18?"

By now Faith and I are laying on either side of Keven with our tits in his face and our hand running all over his body. Hope is still on the floor between his kegs and is licking his cock back to life. I kiss him on the lips and say, "That's about it. So you can't fuck any of us unless Daddy says it's alright. We can still have a lot of fun, there are three pussys that need to be licked and three mouths that want some of that cock. Show us a good time and we'll put in a good word with daddy." He pulled me into him hard and kissed me. The next thing I knew he was lapping at my pussy and Hope was holding his cock for my eager mouth. We both exploded quickly and Faith took my place.

Faith and I took one bed and Keven and Hope took the other for what little sleep there was that night. The next morning we all wanted him for breakfast before breakfast but he only had one load left and Hope was first to get it. Over breakfast we told him how it would work. There was to be a party at this address in three weeks. We expected him to be there but to cut all ties before he came. We knew dad would approve of him and he would move to the valley with us.

We were soon on the road to the next name on the list. I didn't even like his name, Leon, but Faith had him on the list. It was going to be at lest an 8 hour drive so we were getting a room and would call to meet him for lunch. When we left the house we took one of the laptops so we could e-mail each other. Dad and Karen took one with them also. On the drive to the next name Hope was e-mailing Dad all about Keven. Dad e-mailed back that they should be meeting with the brother and sister about the time we meet with "Leon" and he was glad about Keven.

We got to the motel and were all so tired we just crashed out. At lest Dad had his sister with him to fuck, boy did I need a hard cock about now. We got a good nights sleep all cuddled together on one bed. The next morning Faith called "Leon" to meet us for lunch. This guy was a class A jerk from the moment he walked in. Lunch for me was a quick cup of coffee and I went shopping. Hope joined me leaving Faith with good old "Leon". As good as Faith is with her hands and feet, she can kick the shit out of anybody, she is twice as good with her words. I don't know what happened but I'm sure she cut him to ribbons before leaving him with the check.

We all met back at the room laughing at what a jerk Leon was and what he missed out on. We checked our map and had to circle around heading back to the house with a stop to meet Jack. Faith got an e-mail from Adam that there was a guy named Robert not far from Jack and we should check him out. It was 8 hours to the town where Jack lived and 50 miles to Roberts from there. We changed our plans to spend two days in town, one day with Jack then invite Robert in.

We got into town just at dusk After we got our room we walked around checking out the town and the town was checking us out. A good nights sleep with some sisterly love and we were set to go. The next morning we were having fun with Faith, telling her that after "Leon" she should go meet Jack by herself. She walked out and said she would call if he was any good. Three hours went by and no call. She should have been back by now or called. We knew were they were meeting and Hope and I went after her. When we caught up to her we found out why she hadn't called, this guy was a hunk and she wasn't ready to share yet.

Hope and I walked over and his jaw dropped, "There's three of you? One of you was more than I was hopping for. I just can't believe there are three such beautiful women."

I like this guy already, maybe not as much as Faith. I slid in on his other side and boldly said, "It's a package deal. You don't get one without the other two." Faith looked at me like she wished I would go away. The two of them broke apart and we started talking. That's when Faith finally got around to hearing his story.

With Jack it was his mother. His dad ran off with another woman which hit him and his mother pretty hard. About six months after he left Jack wound up naked with his mother in the hot tub. One thing led to another and his mother was stroking his cock while he sucked her tits. Next thing you know they are 69ing each other. It only happened once and every time Jack tries to get close with his mother she pushes him away. He said if he didn't get away he would wind up raping her.

Now Faith is the bold one but for some reason I was feeling very bold. Maybe because Faith liked him so much. All we have worn this whole trip are short summer dresses that we made. That's why we can get naked so fast, one quick motion over our head and we are naked. I was sitting on my leg so Jack could easily see I was not wearing anything under the dress. I reached down and took hold of his cock, which Faith hadn't even done yet. All they had done so far was kissing. Holding his cock I whisper to him, "We can't have you going around raping people. Maybe we can help you get away."

Faith took back control right away. She put her leg up on the bench showing she was just as naked under her dress. She put her hand on mine. I pulled back leaving her holding Jack's cock. Faith said, "Before we can take you home with us you have to come to our room and show us what you have to offer. You can make babies with this thing can't you?" All he could do was nod and reach for his wallet.

Hope picked up the check and said, "It's on us." Then went to pay the bill. Faith kissed him and started to get up. I pulled him to me and also kissed him. We walked him out with Faith on one side holding his arm and me on his other arm. We met up with Hope and you should have seen the stares he was getting.

We pulled Jack into the room he still couldn't believe what was happening. Whip, whip, whip three naked women. Faith had Jack's shirt off and was on her knees doing his pants. She looked up at Jack and said, "I know how you feel about your mother. It's been three days since my dad fucked me, well us, and I can't wait for him to do it again. Before I take care of this big problem you have in my hand you have to accept a few things Will you do that?" Jack nods "Good" Faith continues, "First you will not fuck any of us today. You can do anything else to all of us, suck and play with our tits, play with and eat our pussy and we will all want to suck you off maybe more than once each. Can you accept that?" Again Jack nods. "Then we will invite you to a party in three weeks. You will see my father fucking me and my sisters as well as his own sister. If you can accept that and they like you, you can fuck me and you will get me pregnant. Then you can go home with us. Are you ok with this so far?" Faith has been stroking his cock this whole time and I think he would have agreed to anything at this point. His head was going up and down like a bobble head doll. Faith finished, "Now my two naked sisters will tell you all about our home while I take care of this." She took his cock deep in her mouth and he moaned and fell back on the bed.

Hope and I got on either side of him with our tit rubbing his face. He started sucking on my tits then Hope's as we told him what would be expected of him and a quick history of our town. His whole body was jerking and when he filled Faith's mouth he was yelling, "Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!" I looked at Hope and said, "Either he likes Faith's blowjobs or he wants to go home with us." We all started laughing. Even Faith with a mouth full of cock started laughing. Jack was still shooting all over Faith's face and pulled Hope and I to him tightly and barely got out the word, "both."

For the next two hours Jack had a pussy in his face and a mouth on his cock. Sometimes he was hard and sometimes not. We didn't care. We each managed to get at lest one load in our mouth and I know Faith got at lest two. Faith put on a show for him with each of her sisters, the sister not in the 69 was sucking his cock. I'm sure Jack thought he had died and gone to heaven. No man can get this lucky and still not get fucked. By the time we took a break I don't think he could have fucked anyone. He was spent but very happy.

We took a break to get something to eat with more substance than cock and pussy. Jack took us to a place he always goes. Every head turned when he walked in with all three of us. We were all over him and it was easy to see he was with all three and not any one of us. We teased and flirted and he teased and flirted right back. The waitress that had waited on Jack for years left her phone number with the bill. The bill came to $65.00, Faith wrote across her number "Too late now he is ours". She left 2 $100.00 bills on the table and we left. On the way out just so the waitress could hear Faith said, "So are we all ready for round two?"

That evening was totally different even though we did exactly the same thing. We all sucked his cock and he ate all our pussys but the urgency was gone, the need was gone. It was just a fun night. We all had at lest one orgasm thanks to Jack and he had three himself but no one cared if they did or they didn't. It was just fun playing around. Faith had her sleeping partner and since we had been at it since 2 in the afternoon we did fall asleep early.

The next morning Jack was still sleeping and Faith pulled us aside with a surprising request. She said, "Jack and I were talking last night after you two went to sleep. He can't get me pregnant fucking my ass. I really want to do this but I want one of you to stay with us and make sure that is all we do. I know once he starts fucking me I'm going to want him in my pussy."


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