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His Daughter, My Wife

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What do you do when you find out your wife's dad wants her?
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It was a beautiful fall morning, the type that were dwindling to a precious few as winter was just around the corner. It was because of this fact I was annoyed that I would be spending the day at my father in law George's house. George was the divorced dad of my 26 year old wife Kim.

Kim and I have been together for six years now and married for three of those. Despite all of my best attempts I could tell that George was not very fond of me. I was certain he would have preferred if his youngest daughter would have married an executive white collar man instead of the blue collar electrician like myself.

George at 59 had only recently retired from the investment firm he had founded years earlier. Now very successful after a modest start, George lived in an extravagant home complete with an Olympic sized swimming pool. It was beside that pool that George, Kim, and Kim's sister and her husband Karen and Donald sat alongside myself sipping mimosas under the morning sun.

As I sat poolside my attention was divided between Kim's older sister Karen and my pixie cute wife. Karen certainly had the more ample bosom, for sure a D-cup in comparison to Kim's more modest C's. And on this morning my wife's wonderful breasts were attractively showcased in a snug cotton blouse that was unbuttoned just enough to reveal her eye catching cleavage.

However my attention was truly focused on my wife's shapely legs, sun drenched below the short black skirt she was wearing. Specifically I couldn't help but stare at the golden anklet resting just above her beautiful left foot, a foot she would mindlessly bounce up and down as she talked.

As the conversation droned on and on, I suddenly realized I had forgotten to submit my fantasy football lineup to my leagues website and with kickoff only an hour away I needed to get online to get my team set.

Okay don't judge me, but yes I am a football geek and there was a lot of money at stake. Even more important than the money was the bragging rights that went along with winning. One of my co-workers Eddie has won the last two years and he never shuts up about it. So this year I was determined to win it all.

I don't think anyone noticed when I excused myself and headed off to my father-in-laws den where I knew he had his laptop sitting on the desk. The computer was already on and I was able to navigate to my league website and make the necessary changes without any issues, but upon closing the browser window I noticed a minimized window and overcome by curiosity I opened it up.

What was revealed was a chat at an adult website between King George and Horny Hubby. Reading quickly through the chat it seemed that King George- obviously my Father and Law had chatted with this Horny Hubby before and that the focus of their conversation was on Horny Hubby's wife who enjoyed self-pleasuring herself with toys provided by her hubby. Much of the chat was my father-in-law telling the other guy all of the nasty things he wanted to do to his wife.

I had always suspected that George was a perv and now on the screen in front of me I had the proof. I knew I had to get back out to the family, but before leaving I made sure that I memorized the website address so I could go back later from the privacy of my own home.

Later that night after watching my fill of football and seeing my fantasy team perform well I headed upstairs to find my sexy wife asleep on top of the covers, the book she had been reading Fifty Shades of Grey was laying on the bed next her. She was quite a sight sprawled out on the bed wearing just a sexy green nightie that had seen better days. I made a mental note to myself that I need to buy her some more sexy lingerie. The short green nightie was resting high up on her tanned thighs and I could clearly see she had no panties on. I could see her pussy lips looked inflamed and on a hunch I gently took her right hand and raised it to my nose.

Just as I suspected, her fingers smelled like her love juices. I quickly realized that by watching football for the last 10 hours, I had neglected my horny little wife and she had to masturbate herself for relief. Looking down on her sexy little body, it was now me that needed relief.

Lowering myself onto the bed I placed my hand between her legs and started to lightly rub her slit. As expected it was already moist and as her lips separated it was clear she was indeed quite wet. As I inserted my middle finger inside her, Kim woke up. Groggily she looked at me and called me "a perv" for molesting her while she sleeps. And then with a bit of an attitude she says "I'm all set already."

"I know you are" I said smiling while holding her book up.

"I want you so bad" I said with a hint of lust in my voice.

Kim flashed a seductive smile and replied "too bad you didn't want me a few hours ago" while she looked pointedly at the clock on the bedside table. And then with an exasperated sigh she sat up and pulled off her nightie. Smiling I quickly undressed and began to bring my head down towards my naked wife's pussy, but she stopped me.

"No time for foreplay lover, I have to get up in a few hours" She turned over and got on all fours presenting herself in a doggie position.

"You need to fuck me fast baby" she said in a casual voice as if she was ordering takeout.

I didn't need a second invitation. After taking a moment to admire the beauty for her trim fit body I placed the head of my throbbing cock at the entrance of her juicy love hole and slid into heaven.

Respectful of her wishes I pumped hard and fast in and out of her well lubricated pussy. God she was so tight! As I fucked her like a mad man I realized as I often do, how lucky I am to have such a wonderful and sexy wife to share my life with. And as I exploded deep inside of her, I could never have imagined the things that I would soon do and the direction that I would take our relationship in.

A few nights later when Kim went to bed early I logged into to our computer and decided to see if I could find my father-in-law online. I logged into the chat site, kept it simple by registering with the name Married Male 28 and joined the main chat room. Looking at the roster of members online I was disappointed he wasn't there.

The next night I did the same and again the night after that. The more I couldn't find him the more I wanted to find him. It was the fourth night that saw his name on the list of chatters.

"Now what?" was the first thought that went through my head. I decided to just send him an instant message saying "hi."

To my delight a few moments he replied with a simple "hi" back.

We quickly got into a casual conversation. Of course he didn't know it was me, but was definitely interested in talking about my wife and mentioned that he had a daughter the same age of 26.

He told me he enjoyed talking to husbands about their sexual adventures. After he mentioned he was divorced I asked him to tell me about his ex-wife. He was honest as he told me her name was Linda and shared some startling things about my wife's mother. First he told me that Linda was bisexual and early in their marriage they swung with other couples. I was also surprised to hear that Kim's mom enjoyed anal sex, as that was one thing that my wife refused me.

George or should I say King George started asking details about my wife and what she looked like and how she was in bed. I was truthful in all my answers but always careful not to reveal anything that would reveal who I was.

It was getting late and we both decided it was time to get to bed but before I logged off George said how much he enjoyed chatting with me and would love to chat again to hear more about my wife and maybe even exchange pictures!

Wow I thought! I knew that couldn't happen but I did agree to look for him the next night to continue the conversation.

Once offline I realized how much I enjoyed learning all this personal stuff about my mother-in- law and have to admit was intrigued by the seeing some personal pictures of her. I also realized how exciting it was talking about Kim to her dad and the thought of sharing intimate pictures of her made me feel different than I had ever felt before.

The next morning I was so horny as soon as Kim's alarm went off I reached over and rolled her over onto her back and started pawing at her breast through the thin t-shirt she was wearing. She started to struggle and saying "she had to get ready for work."

My hands molested her with a vigor seldom seen so early in the morning as I replied "you aren't going anywhere until I get what I need."

"What has gotten into you" she asked.

"I was thinking about you in my dreams" I told her as I revealed my rock hard erection.

"That must have been one hell of dream" she said as she pulled down her shorts and panties and rolled on top of me. I felt her soft tender hand take hold of my shaft as she started rubbing my cock head along her pussy lips in an attempt to get herself wet. It didn't take long before her juices began to flow and her treasure sprung open. Satisfied she was ready, Kim slid down my pole and slowly rode me until we mutually came together. Strangely the first thing that came to my mind as I laid there recovering from this great sex, was sharing all the dirty details with my father-in-law.

That night I met up with King George online again. To his delight I shared all of the details of my morning encounter with him.

George then asked if we could trade pictures. He said he had some old Polaroids he had scanned to his computer. He added they weren't the greatest quality but he thought I would enjoy them.

I so wanted to see pictures of my Mother-in-law nude, but I knew I couldn't reveal Kim, so I told him out of respect to my wife I couldn't show her face in any pictures I showed him.

I could tell by his replies he was disappointed but he understood and said that was okay.

As I quickly edited a few vacation pictures I took of Kim at a nude beach, I received a file with 3 pictures of her mom.

These pictures looked like they were taken when Linda was in her mid to late twenties. Totally nude it was amazing how much her face resembled Kim but her chest was more like Kim's older sister Karen. Much fuller then my wife, I admired my Mother-in-laws darker colored nipples.

The next picture revealed Kim's moms pussy covered by a heavy bush of black pubic hair. But not to worry the last picture showed all I could hope for. It was a picture of Kim's mom laying on a bed, legs spread and her fingers stretching her cunt wide open for me to peer into.

Now it was my turn, with a shaking hand I attached a file exposing Kim's naked body and sent it to her father. I waited for what seemed like an eternity for him to message me back. As the seconds ticked I started to panic, maybe he recognized her. "My god what have I done?" Was the thought running through my brain.

Finally the first message came back. A simple "Wow". This was followed but numerous messages telling me how hot my wife is and what a lucky guy I was.

Relieved that my life was not effectively over I chatted to George as he viewed my wife's pictures. He kept complimenting her body and telling me how fortunate I was to have such a hot wife. Then he said he was so horny and informed me he was stroking himself while staring at Kim's naked photos.

A thrill shot threw me as I realized that George was jerking off while admiring his youngest daughter's body.

As the conversation continued I asked him to tell me about his daughters. I thought he might shut down but he was quite open, giving honest but G rated descriptions of both Karen and Kim.

He agreed when I commented that it sounded like his 26 year old daughter was very similar to my 26 year old wife. Now feeling very horny and not really thinking very clearly I asked a very bold question.

"Have you ever thought about your daughter's in a... you know... sexual way?"

I stared at the words I had just typed not believing I had actually send my own father-in-law that message. As I sat there with my eyes locked on the screen I fully expected him to log off at the very least or maybe explode at me with a fury of expletives. But to my surprise his reply came back "yes."

Now my head was spinning. My holier than thou father-in-law had just admitted to me he had sexual thoughts about his daughter and my wife. My arousal was almost unbearable as he described how much his youngest daughter had turned him on this past Sunday morning when she came over and sat poolside in a short black skirt that showed off her gorgeous tanned legs. He mentioned that at one point when she shifted in her chair he got a great upskirt view of her skimpy panties.

It was getting quite late now, but both of us were engrossed in this incredibly stimulating chat. George was now freely confessing his perverted desires towards Kim. He told me how he frequently masturbates while looking at pictures of Kim in various candid picture from over the years, including his sweet innocent daughter in her wedding dress.

After we finally logged off from the chat, I just sat there for a time reflecting on how aroused I was and how exciting it would be to somehow get Kim and her dad together. I knew George had a dream and now I shared the same dream. Maybe together we could make this dream come true.

As fall quickly became winter, I continued to chat with George at least once a week and sometimes more. There were times we talked about his ex. One night we chatted about his oldest daughter and my sister-in-law Karen. He told me about the time he accidentally walked in on her as she stepped out of the shower, affording him a great view of her bare ample breasts. But more often our conversation centered on his sexy younger daughter Kim. I often thought how I could possibly reveal my identity to my father-in-law and collaborate with me to seduce my wife, but I knew the risk was too great. Fantasy online is one thing, incest in reality was an entirely different thing. But still I couldn't help but hope that maybe somehow, someday- something could happen.

Certainly the best part of a Northeast winter is getting away from the Northeast in the winter. That is exactly what happened as Kim and I embarked on a weeklong Bermuda vacation. The weather was perfect and the warm sun was but relaxing and stimulating. Our first day was spent on the beautiful white sand beach, and as the sunset I showered quickly preparing to take my hot wife out for a night on the town. However Kim had different plans for the night.

As I stepped out of the shower I found my naked wife standing there patiently waiting for me. I immediately recognized the horny gleam in her eyes.

"I thought you wanted to go out to dinner?" I said to her.

Her smile lit up the room as she replied "I'm not hungry for food." Then she sunk to her knees and with a tender touch she guided my soft cock into her warm wet mouth. The warm wetness combined with the sliding of her soft lips up and down my quickly hardening shaft was more than I could stand as I way too quickly shot a huge load of spunk down her throat. Kim ever the champ swallowed every drop effortlessly.

Lifting Kim off the floor I carried her to the king sized bed in the center of our room. I then began to kiss her all over starting at her tiny little feet with the sexy red nail polish. Moving up her calves, up past her knees to her tender smooth thighs. Now licking more than kissing I reached my prize. Using my thumbs to pry open her chubby labia lips I ran my tongue up her pussy slot, lapping up the delicious juices that were flowing from her. Kim was now squirming as she responded to my teasing of her clit. After Kim had what looked like a wickedly powerful orgasm, I decided to try a little role-play.

"Young lady you have been quite the little whore, isn't that right?" I said sternly.

With a twinkle in her eye and a little girl voice she shyly said "yes sir, I have been very bad."

I took a deep breath and throwing caution to the wind, I came back with "maybe daddy should give you a spanking."

I wasn't sure what her reaction would be, but without hesitation she replied with "yes daddy I have been very bad and you need to spank me."

So spank her I did. Lightly for sure, I didn't want to inflict any real pain or bruise her flawless ass. But even with the light touch her cheeks were glowing a rosy red.

As she got up from being over my knee I made her stand still as a got my iPhone out and snapped a photo of her shapely butt. Then I told her to turn around and started snapping pictures of her magnificent naked body. All the time I was taking the pictures I was thinking about how I could edit them so I could show these new pictures of her body off to her dad.

As the battery on my phone weakened, I put it away and roughly threw my wife back on the bed. My cock felt harder than I could ever remember it being before. The thought of her dad seeing more pictures had me so turned on and I used all of that energy as I ravished my sweet wife with an intensity she had never seen from me before.

As the two of us laid exhausted on the bed, recovering from the explosive climax we had both experienced, Kim looked at me with a questioning look in her eye. I just shrugged and said "blame it on Bermuda."

We arrived home a week later greeted by temperatures some 60 degrees cooler than we had grown accustom to. We reached our front door at 2 am and both of us had to work the next day, so there was no time to go online and try to hook up with King George. Fortunately for me I was able to leave work early while Kim had to work late into the day. That turned out to be a life changer as Kim's dad showed up unexpectedly at my house.

"I wasn't expecting anyone to be home" he called out as I met him in the driveway.

"Yea we got in late last night, so I took a half day off to recover from the vacation." "What brings you over?" I questioned.

"They are forecasting some heavy snow on Thursday so I thought I would drop off my extra snow blower to help you out" George announced as he pulled the snow blower off the back of his Toyota Tundra pickup.

I thanked him and invited him in for a drink. Now this was the first time I had been alone with my father-in-law since starting our anonymous online relationship. I wondered how he would feel about hanging out with me if he knew I was his online buddy who he had confessed so much to.

I poured George a glass of Scotch. It certainly wasn't the expensive stuff he was used to, but he seemed happy enough with it.

I poured myself a stiff drink also and then after a good gulp I said "let me show you some pictures of our vacation."

Sitting him down in front of my computer, in the chair I have sat in many nights that I had chatted with him. I was able to watch him intently as his eyes widened as he looked at pictures of his daughter in her string bikini.

He was clearly enjoying the slide show when he came to the end of the beach pictures.

I stopped him from advancing to the next set by saying "that's all the pictures I can share with you."

George looked a little confused and asked "what do you mean?"

I explained that I had taken some "personal pictures" that I couldn't share.

George nodded knowingly and shared that Kim's mom enjoyed posing for personal pictures. Being careful to not appear too forward George asked a few questions about when and how often is Kim willing to pose.

As we had another drink my father in law brought up the subject of her posing again, and I pretended to think about it for a moment and then asked him "do you want to see the pictures?"

George immediately started turning red and began stammering that he couldn't... "that's not right" and commented how Kim would be so upset if she ever found out he saw her.


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