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His Perfect Girl

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A discriminating sadist finds his perfect lover.
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Mark Jackson was not a nice man. He was tall, ruggedly handsome, confident, brilliant and imposing, but he was not nice. Oh, he cultivated just enough polite charm to fake his way through most social situations. After all people were generally stupid, and even the bright ones seldom cared to look beneath the surface of a pleasant smile.

It's not as if he were an evil man, giving off the chilling vibes of a blossoming serial killer. He wasn't even a true sadist. Well... maybe he was that... just a little. For the most part, though, he was just a man who wanted exactly what he wanted, when and how he wanted it. And what he wanted more than anything was the perfect girl.

Women came easily to Mark. He was the picture of the ideal bachelor. He had looks and money. He was 6'2 and had the lean muscles of a runner, with light brown hair, and black eyes. He was still young, and at 35 he'd never been married. Women quite literally threw themselves at his feet.

Of course they did; most women were whores. So he let them crawl to him. He shoved his cock down their throats and kicked them off of him when he was done. If they came back for more, he gave it to them. Few came back more than twice. Those few usually thought they could change him, make him fall in love with them. But Mark had no interest in falling in love. What Mark wanted was perfection.

He just never thought he'd find it at Wal Mart. She was standing in the shoe section, and the first thing he noticed about her was her size. She was absolutely tiny, certainly no more than 5 feet tall, if that, and thin. She wore a shapeless sweater and baggy jeans, so 'thin' was all he could say for sure. But she had gorgeous long, copper-brown curls, huge green eyes, and full pouty lips. She had a pixie-like nose and just the barest sprinkling of freckles.

At first he thought she must be a child, 14 at the most, but after studying her a moment he guessed she could be as old as 20. In the end, he decided it hardly mattered.

It was the way she held herself that called to him. The way she kept her head bowed even when her eyes were looking at a high shelf. The way her shoulders were hunched in as if expecting a blow at any moment. The way her voice quaked and her hands trembled when she asked for help from the salesman. Everything about her screamed victim, and Mark knew he had to make her his.

He waited until she was done with the salesman, and had her shoebox in hand. He stepped in front of her, blocking the aisle. She gave a little yelp, a muttered "sorry" and moved to step around him, never once taking her eyes off the floor.

Mark side stepped, again blocking her way. She froze, trembling hands clutching her package, staring at her feet, clearly waiting for him to move past. Instead Mark took her chin in his hand and tilted her face up. Their eyes met for just the briefest second before she lowered hers. Mark felt his cock give a twitch of delight.

"What...what do you want?" she asked in a mousy whisper.

"Those are the wrong shoes," Mark said.

"Why..what do you mean?" she frowned.

"A woman's shoe should have at least a 4 inch heel. If you can't manage a four inch heel, you should be barefoot."

The girl glanced around nervously, but made no move to pull away from Mark's grip on her chin. "I..I didn't see anything that high."

"Well, you're not going to find anything appropriate here. How old are you, girl?" Mark hated having to ask, but he still couldn't tell, and if she were underage, he might need to adjust his game.


"Is that the truth?" Mark let go of her, and stepped back, eying her up and down. "Never lie to me."

"I'm not lying."

"Show me your driver's license. Do you have a boyfriend? A girlfriend?"

"No. Um, I mean, neither," she blushed prettily as she dug in her baggy pockets and pulled out a card holder. She slid her license out and handed it to him. Allison Michaels, age 18. The address was some town he'd never heard of in Tennessee.

"I can understand why you wouldn't have someone. Honestly look at you." Mark chuckled. "Clothes, including shoes, should serve one of two purposes: enhance beauty or hide deformity. Are you hiding some kind of deformity under all that bulky shit?"

"No. Not...I'm not deformed."

"Then you should be wearing sexy clothes, or you should be naked. The shit you have on is just hiding your body from men who could be enjoying looking at you. How selfish are you?"

"I..I'm not..its just I'm not like that...I'm not... sexy. And besides, it's cold."

Mark put on a stern mask to hide his smile. By trying to justify herself to him, the girl was admitting Mark was in control. She all but belonged to him already.

"First of all, sexy means different things to different men. Your opinion of yourself is irrelevant. Second 'It's cold' is an excuse. I don't see how your comfort figures into things. Honestly, a selfish girl is the biggest turn off I can imagine. I spoke to you because I think you're pretty and I wanted to be helpful. I could see you're seriously lacking any kind of education regarding men, but I thought you seemed sweet. But you're starting to seem like a selfish little bitch."

So, test one. Would she act like any other girl and storm off or...

"I'm sorry," She bit her lip, obviously fighting back tears. "I didn't mean to sound...I mean, I'm not selfish. I..I didn't... I'm sorry." She finished with a whimper.

"Look, it's okay. Obviously you have a lot to learn, but I'm not mad. Give me your phone number. I'll call you and we can go out tomorrow night. That will give you 24 hours to try to find something decent to wear."

Mark took out his phone and quickly programed in her number as she nervously rattled it off. Then he turned and walked away. He never looked back, so he didn't see her place the shoebox back on the shelf.


Allie watched as the gorgeous stranger walked away. All in all, she figured that to be the most surreal encounter of her life. He was so commanding, so utterly sure of himself, and so beautiful she could hardly believe she'd had the courage to even answer his questions.

Talking to handsome men was not something she'd had much practice doing. Allie knew 'cute' was about the best that could be said about her looks, and her shyness was practically debilitating. In high school she'd been known as a geek, a bookworm, the shy girl who never spoke. She was a straight A student, but turned into a babbling idiot when called on in class.

She'd been asked out a few times, sure, by stammering boys as socially backward as she. They held no appeal at all for Allie, and somehow each time she'd managed to squeak out a polite "no thank you".

She'd been in college now, in this unfamiliar city, for all of 2 weeks. So far it felt little different from high school. She kept to herself, studied hard, and managed to be ignored by teachers and students alike. Even her party girl roommate with her endless stream of friends hardly acknowledged her existence.

So Allie didn't know what to make of the odd conversation she'd just had. He had mocked her clothes, called her a selfish bitch, sweet and pretty all in practically the same breath. He was so rude, and demanding. His whole demeanor was overwhelming.

And he'd asked her on a date. Her! Well, not so much asked as stated they would be going out. And he would be expecting her to dress.... sexy. Allie had a credit card her grandmother had given her for emergencies. Maybe her roommate could tell her where to shop for the right clothes, and shoes. Mustn't forget the shoes.


Mark called the next afternoon. He wasted no time on pleasantries.

"Is this Allison Michaels?"

"Yes, this is Allie," said the quiet little voice that had floated through his perverted dreams the night before.

"Hello, my little alley cat." He chuckled. "This is Mark Jackson. Be ready by seven. I'll pick you up. Where are you staying?"

"Crider House. Its a dorm on the Bryer University campus."

"I know the house. Be outside, at the end of the walk at seven sharp. I won't be kept waiting."

She was standing at the curb shivering when Mark pulled up in his classic 1960 T-bird. He leaned over and opened the passenger door.

"You look spectacular!" he said, and she did. She was wearing the classic little black dress, sleeveless, with a plunging neckline, the hem coming to mid thigh. Her breasts were only modest size, though larger than he'd expected with her tiny frame, a good b cup, he'd guess. She was bra less of course in that dress, and the cold night air had her nipples rock hard and straining against the thin black fabric.

Her hair was a mass of loose curls, her makeup just a touch of red lipstick. Her legs were bare and on her feet were a strappy pair of 5 inch stiletto heels. If not for her blushing cheeks and downcast eyes, Mark would never have believed this was the same girl. She carried a simple black clutch purse, but no jacket, he was pleased to note.

As she stepped up to the car, Mark noticed that she was really struggling in the unfamiliar heels. Each step was slow and deliberate. She was biting her lower lip, watching the ground ahead of her. The sway in her walk combined with her obvious discomfort shot a jolt of pleasure straight to Mark's cock.

Once she was settled in his car, Mark reached over and roughly grasped her left breast. Allie gasped then whimpered when he dug his fingers into soft flesh beneath the sexy dress. She made no move to stop him or pull away, so he dug his fingers in harder, making her cry out, loving the shocked look on her face.

He slowly pulled his hand back, pulling on her tit, stretching it out, then loosening his grip just enough to slide his fingers down to her nipple. He pinched the nipple hard, twisting it viciously, watching as tears filled her eyes. Then he let go and smoothed out the wrinkled fabric of her dress. He buckled his seat belt and started the car. After driving about a mile, Mark finally spoke.

"Do you know why I hurt you, kitten?"


"Because I wanted to. I wanted to touch you, feel you in my hand. I could have done it gently. I could have made it enjoyable for both of us. I chose not to. I chose to touch you in a way that was only enjoyable for me. I told you I'd teach you about men. This is the first lesson, the basic truth from which every other lesson comes: the man's pleasure, MY pleasure, is the only thing that really matters. Maybe you feel good too, maybe you hurt, that is always my choice. And I will always do what feels best to me in that moment."

Mark glanced over to gauge her reaction. The girl was staring at her lap, making no move to wipe away her tears or sooth what must be a throbbing nipple. She seemed to be listening closely, but Mark had no idea what she felt about what he was saying.

Still there was something about this girl that pushed all his buttons. A tiny part of him was afraid he was moving too fast, scaring off what could be his perfect girl, if he could just make himself go more carefully. But his instincts were telling him to go all out, that if she could be scared off, she wasn't worth his time anyway.

"I know you don't know me," Mark continued after a moment. "But you should trust me when I tell you that I believe we could be very very good together. That's why I'm being so blunt. I'm sick of playing games, sick of one night stands. I'm looking for a real relationship with someone who understands what I need. I told you I can't stand a selfish woman, and I mean that. I have to know that your first thought is always about me."

Mark smiled. "For example, I love that you didn't wear a jacket, even though it's a cold night. You knew I'd like looking at you. I just love the way the cold makes your nipples hard. And to be perfectly truthful, I like that you're cold, while I'm wearing this nice warm coat." The girl blushed and glanced up at Mark for the briefest moment. She gave him a shy smile. " have the heater on." She said in that voice that was almost a whisper. "'s not too warm in here for you?"

Mark grinned. "Believe me, if I were too warm, I'd turn the heat down. I hardly need your permission."

"Right, I'm... I'm sorry."

"You're concern is very sweet, though."

They drove in silence of a few minutes, then Mark asked, "Are you a virgin?"

The girl blushed, of course. She was quiet for so long that Mark reached over and slapped her face, though not too hard. Her eyes went wide with shock.

"It's not a difficult question, girl."

Mark noted her hands were clinched tightly in her lap, and she was biting her lip.

"Ahh... raped?" he guessed.

"Y.. yes. I was very young. It.. it damaged me."

"Damaged you." Mark glared at the girl. "Is your cunt intact? What exactly do you mean damaged?" He demanded.

She gasped and went even redder, which Mark would have sworn was impossible. "My! That part is fine, but they said I'd never be able to get pregnant."

"Oh. That's fine then. Never wanted kids, anyway. Do you still have a period?"


"So, no periods and no kids. Wow, sounds like some nasty bastard did me a favor." Mark laughed at the look on Allie's face. "Don't look so shocked. As it happens, I don't hold with hurting kids. Still, if the worst tragedy of your life means something nice for me, don't expect me to get all weepy about it."

Allie's shocked expression was replace by a thoughtful frown.

"Do you have any other sexual experience at all?" Mark asked as he pulled the car into the parking lot of a small bar and grill.

"No. It was just that one time, and I don't really remember much of that, I was so young. Once in high school one of the boys on the basketball team kissed me. But that was just to make his girlfriend mad."

Mark laughed as he turned off the car. He shifted the seat back and tilted the big old fashions steering wheel up out of his way. He unfastened his belt and worked it out of the loops. Holding the belt in one hand, he watched Allie's expression as he unbuttoned his jeans. In one motion, he lifted his hips and slid his jeans and shorts down to his ankles.

The girl's eyes went wide, and she gasped as his huge tool was exposed to her for the first time. Mark knew it was impressive. To a girl like her it must be downright terrifying. It was a flaccid 8 inches and well over an inch thick. When hard he was close to 11 inches long and as nearly as thick as a beer can. Allie was staring at it as if she were looking at the face of God. Mark grinned. She was going to learn that was exactly was his cock was to her.

Mark reached across the seat and looped his belt around the girl's throat. She hardly seemed to notice, staring at his cock, not even blinking. Mark smoothed her beautiful hair back, gathering it in one fist, and tugged on the end of his belt with the other. As the makeshift choke-collar tighten around her throat she gave a start and her body stiffened, but her eyes never left his cock.

"Kneel between my legs and take it in your mouth, little alley cat." Mark said quietly. "I'm going to teach you how to make me feel soooo good."

Allie climbed under the steering wheel, her tiny body the perfect fit. She reached out tentatively with one hand. Mark tugged at the belt, sharply, cutting off her breath. Her hand froze an in inch from his cock.

"I didn't give permission to touch me with anything except your mouth. When you've done what I told you to, I'll let you breath."

The girl leaned forward, reaching for his cock with her lovely mouth. Mark tightened his grip on her hair, forcing her to pull against him to reach his cock. It took a bit of effort for her to finally gather his still mostly flaccid tool into her mouth, but Mark was fully enjoying her struggle.

When she had accomplished her goal, Mark loosened the belt just enough to allow her to take in ragged breaths. Her whole body was trembling as she held his growing cock head in her mouth, not sucking, just holding him there, drawing deep breaths through her nose.

"That's my good girl," Mark moaned. "Now hold tight with your lips, don't let your teeth touch me, and stroke with your tongue...yeah good girl. Press harder with your tongue and move it around the head mmmm...yeah."

"Now suck, do it harder! That's better... feel how big I'm getting? Keep sucking... keep that tongue going.. you're getting it. Let me slide slowly out of your mouth, and lick the shaft. That's right, get it nice and wet. You like the taste of my cock, I can tell... good girl, ahhh fuck, yessss!!" Mark closed his eyes and relished the girl's efforts.

"Lick that cock, kitten. Now take it back in your mouth. I know it's big, work it in there. No hands!... Good girl... ah fuck that feels good! Use that mouth to show me how much you love being here. Show me how grateful you are that I'm letting you worship my cock."

The girl was moaning over his cock, totally into it. Hell, she seemed to be enjoying this as much as Mark was.

"Now for the fun part, alley cat. I want you to see how much of me you can get down your throat." The desperate sound of the girl's whimper almost made Mark come right then.

Her lips were stretched grotesquely wide and she was having obvious difficulty with little more than his cock's massive head in her mouth. He gave her back a sharp slap with the end of his belt and moaned as she jerked from the pain.

"I don't expect miracles your first time, but I do expect your best effort. Show me how much my pleasure matters to you. Come on now, do this for me, kitten."

She gripped the seat on either side of Mark, careful, he noted, not to touch him. She drew in a deep breath through her nose and began to lower her face onto him. It wasn't a smooth motion. She was tilting her head this way and that, experimenting with angles until she had the right one. Her tongue was working him, pulling him into her mouth, past her impossibly stretched lips.

She pulled back just a moment, drooling over him, wetting her lips. Then she moved down again, and he felt her gag as he hit the back of her throat. He moaned loudly, savoring the sensation her spasming throat sent through him. When he felt she'd paused there long enough he gave her back another sharp blow with the belt.

"Swallow me down, baby. You can do this. Choke on my cock, baby." And she did.

Somehow this little alley cat managed to get nearly half his massive length down her tiny throat on their first date. Mark could hardly believe it. He could feel her so tight throat in constant spasm over his cock. Her body was heaving in a desperate, vain attempt to draw in air.

"Good girl, that's my good little kitten," Mark murmured as he fought the urge to shoot his load so soon. He wanted to draw this out, but he couldn't remember the last time his cock felt this amazing.

"Stay girl... stay... don't you fucking dare pull off me. Oh fuck yeah, keep choking, oh god!" The heaving in her chest was getting weaker, and suddenly her hands dropped their grip on the seat. Mark slapped her with the belt again to rouse her a bit, then reluctantly relented.

"Back girl. Just enough to get your breath now, don't be a greedy kitten." Allie pulled back until she was sucking the massive head, rapidly drawing in great breaths through her nose, lips holding him so tight still. There were tears streaming from her eyes, and snot dripping from her nose, and her hands once again gripped the car seat for dear life.

Mark began to rain blows onto her back and butt with his belt. She whimpered pitifully between her continued gasps for breath. Mark loved that even though she flinched and cried out, she never pulled away, or made any attempt to block the blows.

"Take all the time you need, kitten," Mark smirked. "I'll stop hitting you when you've taken me down an inch further than last time."

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