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His Second: A Hotwife Sequel

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Our couple bring their new friend home from the bar.
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His Second.

A sweet saltiness spilled into my mouth as hot jets of his cum splashed at the back of my throat and lathered my tongue in the exquisite ecstasy that poured from his cock. I swallowed hard and drank his love deep, his moans eased to a breathless whimper and the fist he had bunched around the mess of my hair released its tight grip. I drew myself up from him, licking my lips and dragging my hand up the great length of his cock, rubbing over the swollen head which leaked the last vestige of his passion. I planted a kiss on his jaw, stubbled and rough as it was, then landed my lips against the hot, clammy flesh of his neck. Resting my head in the cove of his collar I inhaled his skin and stroked tenderly over his manhood, still slick with the moisture of my throat.

The car was dark and silent, with only a meagre glow from some distant streetlamp. We must have arrived, I realised. Home already. With this man's cock softening in my hand, I turned to the driver's seat and was met by my husband staring back at me through the rear-view mirror, with hunger in his eyes.


*...I'm going to fuck this man.*

I stared at my screen for a moment, my hand hovering over the send button. César, this stranger, this man I had known all of three minutes, was ordering us drinks and I knew my husband was watching from across the bar. My resolve returned and I tapped send.

My heart was sprinting -- I had wanted this for as long as we'd been discussing it. Weeks of fantasizing together, suggesting, deliberating, working out the how, the what, even the why. Alex had planted the seed one night, in the throes of passion as I worked his shaft with my hands. He lay back, his eyes closed, his mouth open in heavy breaths of pleasure. I nestled in against him, laying on my side with one hand pumping leisurely up and down the length of him, my lips peppering gentle kisses over his neck and shoulders.

His voice came in a whisper at first, "Tell me"...

A shyness interlaced with his moans as he worked to get the words out. "Phoebe... Tell me..."

"Yeah baby?" I encouraged.

"Tell me about someone. I want to know...Who else you've enjoyed."

It took me a moment to understand.

"Another man..."


"You want to know about other men that I've had?...That have had me?" I slowed my rhythm, but did not wait for an answer. "You want to know how I used to get fucked, before you?"


He became breathless, and harder than before. A new, powerful throbbing pulsed through the member I had wrapped in my grip. "You need help don't you. It's sick, imagining me like that. Imagining me on my knees for some other man."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"As you should be, Alex. Gross little man, thinking about another man's hands on me, running over my breasts, slipping between my legs... Are you thinking about my hands around his cock?"

"Yes... Please..."

"Gripping his cock tight like this?" I squeezed hard, eliciting a moan. "Maybe you're thinking about how I would look with him in my mouth. Is that it?"

"I... I'm...I am, yes..."

I leant down and sucked him, rough and brief, swallowing the length of him as he cried out, his body tensed and his hips bucked. Then back up, pressing my lips whisper close to his ear as I resumed jerking his cock, now slick with my spit.

"And after I've sucked him -- after I've had his hard cock slip into my throat..." I was running with it now, conjuring some forgotten lust from long ago into the space around us. I could almost feel the memories as I spoke them. Other men I'd known, suddenly their touch was on me, their fingers slipping into me. For a moment it was Alex's cock that I held, then it was that of a past lover. My pussy ached more for each thought I vocalised, and I could feel my husband begin to tense, that familiar tremble as he grew to climax.

I needed him before he finished, I had to feel him. I released my grip on him and pushed myself up, moving atop him. His eyes widened as the dripping heat of my sex hovered over him and for the briefest moment there was stillness, both our breathing halted.

And down I went.

I tilted my hips to allow the angle and moaned as he began to fill me. Sliding up, spearing his way in with no time for hesitation. I rode him, pushing down on his chest to keep him where I wanted and rolled myself over him, feeling my lips draw along the length of him with each downward thrust. Alex began his cries of ecstasy and I felt his whole body shift and swell as he neared climax once more. I increased my rhythm, rocking hard against him and allowing his cock to reach deep into me. His mouth fell open in complete abandon, his moans now loud as I edged him toward the end.

"That's it, come for me Alex." My voice filled the room now.

"Yea-" A breathless sound.

"Empty yourself into me, just like he did. Just like all those men before you. Go on -- come... for... me!"

His face screwed into a grimace of pleasure as his seed exploded into me, hot jets of him coating the walls of my aching pussy. I slowed my movements to a gentle back and forth, coaxing the last of his love. My voice lowered to a soothing murmur as I leant down, feeling him soften between the moisture of my lips.

"That's it, give me all of it." I kissed him, pressing our mouths together, reaching into him with my tongue and grasping his own. He reached up to cover my skin with his touch and I felt the warmth of his fingertips explore my body as our passion slowed to a quiet heat.

"I love you, Phoebe." His whisper a stroke of warmth through the core of me. I stole a final kiss, tugging at his lower lip as I lifted myself from him.

"I love you too." I whispered back, before lowering my lips back down to his softening prick, to savour the last drizzle of him, the final trickle of his lust spilling slowly from him.


I took César by the hand and led him towards the front door. My husband lingered, labouring over his journey from the car, up the drive and to the door. He tailed us, always a few steps behind. As though he felt cast out, like he wasn't part of this. I muddled my way through my keys, hurrying to unlock the house and get inside. The harsh light of the hallway made me wince as it flicked on. I drew Cesar in to an embrace just a few steps into the house. I kissed him hard and let our lips linger together a moment. He took the pause as a cue and started his hands on some journey across my body, but this was premature. I pulled away and smiled at him, my lips still wet from his kiss.

"Go through" I waved a hand toward the den. A dark doorway off to the side. He walked through and turned on the light, making himself at home. "It's a dimmer switch -- maybe pull out the sofa bed."

I laughed to myself, amused by the shift from the sexy, spontaneous way the night had gone, to shouting logistics across the entrance to our home. Alex came through the doorway, slow in his movements and regarding me like he wasn't quite sure who I was.

"My love." I held out my hands, beckoning an embrace. He met my arms and took me in, his leg flicking backward to close the door.

"Do you want this?" I retreated an inch, meeting his eyes. "Tell me you don't and I will send him home. This was for you. I won't continue if you don't-"

He cut me off with "Phoebe you are so... So beautiful." He kissed me hard, I could feel his breath weighty and quick against me.

"I want this." He managed.

I smiled.

"Then go through to the den." I pondered how I needed to be. "Do not fucking look at him. Do not look at me. Sit on the armchair, stay there. Stay in the corner, look at the ground until I tell you otherwise."

His eyes widened as he adjusted to this game.

"He's pulling out the sofa bed now." I let go of my husband and stepped back. "I'm going to go in there and he's going to fuck me. Do you understand?"


"I want you to watch all of it. I want you to see how he makes me wet, how he makes me moan. I want you to see every fucking drip that comes off my pussy. I want you to watch how I get him hard, how I work him with my lips, my tongue, my mouth. Will you do that?"

"Anything, I swear."

"This man is going to put himself in me. All of himself, his hands... his cock. You've seen it already, haven't you? Well you know that's going to be deep inside me?"

A moment passed between us.

"I saw it..."

"I am going to let him have me Alex. As rough and depraved as he might want it, I'm going to let him do as he pleases." I spoke the words to my husband, half struggling to comprehend the person I had become in the space of an evening.

"Do you know why I'm going to let this happen?"

"Because I asked, I begged for this..."

"You?" I almost shouted, I was playing this perfectly. "You think this is still for you? I want this, Alex. I want to be fucked by someone else...By him. I want a man with a cock like his, I don't want to settle for...For what you give me. It's not enough. You've known this for a while, we've not said it out loud but we both feel it. Your lovemaking falls short. Your cock, falls short. That man in there, has energy like you don't - I can tell already. And his cock. I have never felt anything so big between a mans legs. Not in my lovers before you, and certainly not in you. Don't kid yourself this is some favour, I am doing this, for me. Do you understand?"

Time sped between us again. Him not knowing quite what to say, me drinking in the joy of this newfound power.

"Go." I commanded. "Do as you're told."


César handed me a drink and hopped up on the stool opposite me. "Caipirinha." He stated, sipping his own.

"And what, pray tell, is one of these?" I smiled as I took a sip myself, concealing a wince at the strength of it. A sweetness too, almost sickly but a second, larger mouthful proved delicious... Fiery ginger beer, and lime cut through the potency of the alcohol.

"It's drink I always have back home." His smile betrayed nostalgia. His accent danced across the air between us, light and fluid his words seemed to wrap themselves around me. "It's a sugarcane liquor - basically rum. I like it with ginger beer but, you could mix it with whatever. Do you like it?"

"I like it."

Silence, laced with the tinkle of ice cubes as we drank in unison.

"I hope you don't mind me coming over to you." He said, finally.

"I was hoping you would."

"Yes? Perhaps you should have just come to me then, why wait?" He smiled.

"You were with friends."

"They are nice, you would like them." He gave a fraction of a shrug. "Better than sitting alone, no?"

I looked across the room to the table he had left, three men sat curious, stealing glances toward us then sharing a brief laugh. "I am quite sure I would like them." I let my gaze linger on them a moment, then turned back to César.

He was perhaps one of the most painfully beautiful men I had ever seen. His eyes dark, deep and engaging from the first. With a glimmer to them, like precious gems. He was tall and broad, an imposing stature which made for an easy choice; my husband would approve. César was easily three, maybe four inches taller than Alex. Through the stretch of his shirt I could see his muscles were firm, lean and Alex by comparison was softer, less defined. This man's arms were bulkier where Alex's had a smaller spread of muscle. My mind drifted to the image of Alex naked, gorgeous no doubt -- the body I loved and had known the feel of for years. Each limb, each freckle. Every curve of him, every stretch of skin I so adored to kiss and touch. Then César entered the scene and stood by Alex, my guess of him naked given life in my mind. The presence of him loomed larger, every inch of him bigger, more pronounced than my husband. I studied him in my mind, tracking my gaze over his shoulders, down his torso and over a ridged stomach. A trail of hair from his navel spreading downward to a coarse, dark thicket. What hung below escaped me as his voice brought me from my thoughts.

"You are from here?" He asked.

"Near here yes. Why are you asking where I live?" A smile spread across my lips and I took a drink in some forlorn attempt to cover it.

"No no no I do not mean- I mean I am new to here and I would love to know where is good to go, what is good to do."

"You are visiting with your friends?" I nodded toward them.

"No they are all from nearby."

"Do they not want to show you around then? If you're here visiting them."

"They show me this place. This is their place" He waved an arm at the room. "I want to see the sights. And I would like to see the sights with a beautiful woman."

"I'll let you know if I find any..."

"Please. False modesty -- there's no need. You and I know very well you are a beautiful woman. The most beautiful here. I know -- I have looked around this whole building, this whole town and I have seen nobody quite so gorgeous as you, Phoebe."

I held back the grin that peeped through, though I had no doubt the heat across my cheeks betrayed my blushes. "That's very kind of you... And very forward."

He shrugged. "I see how you are sat alone, I would be a fool not to come forward. If I had said nothing and you had left this place... Or if another man had caught your attention."

"And what if I was not alone?"

César looked around in mock study of the room. "I see nobody here by your side. Is he hiding in the bathroom?"

"He is watching us. My husband, over there." I inclined my head a fraction backwards and rolled my eyes to the side. César moved his eyes to some space behind me, following.

"This is some game?" His face became lined with a confused frown.

"It's a game, yes." I said. I drained my glass and swallowed, forcing a wait. "But not at your expense. Quite the opposite I think."

He drained his own and placed his empty glass on the bar. "Then I shall order us more drinks. And you can tell me the rules of this game."


Two men waited for me in the den. The lights were low and the bed had been pulled out. My husband sat in the armchair in the corner. César sat on the edge of the bed, his shirt still open low and his sleeves rolled up. He eyed me as walked in, pausing at the doorway to regard the scene in front of me. Alex, ever obedient, had his eyes on the floor. I walked over to him.

"Stand up." I ordered. He obliged.

I dropped to my knees and reached to his belt buckle, unthreading the leather and loosening the clasp. I looked up at him and spoke loudly for them both to hear.

"Remember what I told you. César is going to fuck me now. And you are going to watch. You will stay here on this chair and you will not move, you will keep your hands off your cock unless I tell you otherwise." I undid his fly and tugged at the waistband of his chinos, edging the trousers down. As my fingers pulled on the material, I latched my grip to his boxer briefs and brought them down too. I pushed the lot to the floor, bunching his clothes around his ankles, exposing his cock and balls.

I saw him glance over at César and then back to me. His dick was still soft, perhaps the nerves were getting the better of him.

"Oh honey." My voice teasing. "There's quite a difference here isn't there?"

His mouth opened and shut, words escaping him.

"I mean you saw him in the car didn't you." I laughed and turned to César, then looked back to Alex. His cock twitched slightly. "It's taken me until tonight to realise but, you are very small, aren't you?"

And that was all it took. My husband's cock sprang to life. His blood swelling, causing his erection to stand tall and engorged. I stood and laughed again. "That's hardly better. Sit down." I pushed on his chest, seating him in the armchair with the venom in my voice lingering in the air between us. I met his eyes with a look of faux disgust and saw something wild begin to burn within him, then I turned and walked away from my husband, towards my new lover.

César, moved to me, his eyes fierce with purpose. He searched my body with his hands, tracing his fingertips over stretches of my flesh as his kiss drew me in. He tore at bits of fabric, hurrying them off my body. First my dress, in his hunger he thought to find a zip at the back -- no joy so I reached down to the hem and began to pull it upwards. He caught my hand and joined the effort, pulling the whole dress over my head in a swift movement. He paused and stepped back.

He turned me and guided me to the bed, sat me down on the edge. He was stood looking down at me, unbuttoning his shirt. I peered round to Alex and saw his eyes fixed on César who stripped himself and threw his shirt off to the side. I thought perhaps he was going to present me with his cock, use my mouth again. As though he hadn't had his fill in the car, as though his first orgasm wasn't enough. I swallowed and licked my lips, ready to give him his second. Ready to take him in my mouth once more.

"I need to taste you." The words came from him hushed and heavy as he dropped to his knees, leant forward and began to kiss up the inside of my thighs. One hand joined his lips, joining the journey over my legs towards my pussy. The other reached upwards and pressed firmly on my abdomen, pushing me back, laying me down. His hands traced back down, latching themselves to the fabric of my thong and tugging it south, exposing me. I felt myself begin to drip with eagerness as his fingers pressed their way between my thighs, as I stared up at the ceiling, my throat catching heavy breaths.

After a moment, warm air brushed gently against my lips, and I felt the softness of a kiss against my sex. Adrenaline surged through me, a whimper escaped me and dizziness flooded my brain as his tongue tasted the length of me. Time stopped as he worked his mouth between my thighs, teasing my hole, lapping at my wetness and circling my clit. My hips bucked with every stroke of his tongue, I found myself gripping at the sheets, my moans echoing around the room and my legs writhing. Until his arms wrapped themselves around my thighs, pinning my hips hard to the bed and keeping me in place. His mouth pressed hard against my pussy, a fierce kiss moving slowly as he began his feast of passion.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago
Very good again!

Keep on!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Please continue this well-written story!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

My vote is for her to cum multiple times staring deep into hubby's eyes each time. Then hubby can get a handjob when they are done.

alexcolealexcole11 months agoAuthor

What do we want to happen next?!

alexcolealexcole11 months agoAuthor

To the anonymous comment that's a little on the sexist side there... She knew what he was or wasn't before they married, she's engaging in role play during this story, apologies if that's not clear... If you read part one first, it should be.

I'll leave this and your comment up to give you time to see it but then it's probably best we take your comment down after, "skank" and "cum dumpster" are all fine in the context of roleplay - but your comment just seems hostile and misogynistic?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Loved the story! Don't let the critics deter you from continuing. People who read stories that are labeled "cuckold" and "SPH" and then bitch are the "laughably stupid" ones.

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