by ArthurSummer2
What a great start! I really enjoy how loving and realistic it is, 5 from me!
I can see that this has many opportunities to lead the reader into a vast arena of possibilities to see if she eventually cuckolds her husband. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Well done!!
I really love this story, I do hope there becomes an element of cruelty as the wife gains more power over her husband!
Nicely done. Always great when chastity is depicted within a loving relationship. Hope there’s more coming!
I love chastity storys
This is the perfect start
I like the loving interaction between the two characters
The tease and denial is spot on
I hope that there are many more chapters to come and soon
Great work
Thank you for writing
Reading this whilst locked in a cage is perhaps not a good idea with my cock bulging and throbbing inside it's transparent cage, dripping precum.
Hot story, why am I teasing myself reading this....
I liked it a lot, very hot. I just hope for two things: 1. The author continues this story, and 2. That the wife doesn't decide to bring other men in to fuck her.
for the next chapter. Just because he can't fuck doesn't mean she should be deprived.
Too many stories cross that line, turn non-con, which will shatter relationships.
I also love that it's participatory, in that the wife is actively seeking to keep hubby turned on. It's important that he gets something out of their games as well, instead of an orgasm. Just because he's locked up does not mean the wife doesn't need to be solicitous of him, or unappreciative.
So well written and a wonderful example of how male chastity can improve a relationship when properly embraced from the be upginning by both parties. Thank you so much for sharing this. I need you to see where you go with it
It would have pleased me more if her research had praised the importance of shaving the male before measuring for the cage. She could also then have shaved his bum and under his arms to underline her new superiority. The cage itself appears to be too long, it did not cause distress at any time. The perfect cage would simply not allow a full erection within. At such times he would ideally have to cancel his own erection slightly by the use of the ice pack. He would still have pleasure, and not too much pain if he observed the new rules. Being denied a full erection and her knowing is part of the buzz. He should also have just enjoyed his first meeting with the cane because quite early on he would be so horny that he simply has to beg for release, but she, taking her role seriously, has bought a cane and wants to show that she is capable at last of being a leader. He is delighted to find his wife emerging into her full self and begins to experience joy when she has those shattering orgasms which seem to be her reward for crashing through her old reticence and becoming her true self.
I do hope that she feels that she could have done a better job with the cage and resolves to get one slightly smaller, and another, shorter still, but with spikes, for those special occasions, soon to arrive, when he will be sulky and unpleasant because denied and so needing to spend time with his spikes to bring about an improvement in his character.
The story was very well told and my comments are because I enjoyed it so much. I hope that he has the chops to hang in there and set her free to emerge into her full self.
I would also like her to have a pair of handcuffs so that she can be truly proud in a while to claim that he has not touched his own dick in two years and is only allowed ruined orgasms, and less than 10 of those in a year.
A really well written beautiful story. There would be very few divorces if more couples were into chastity. It sure can spice a marriage up!!
Just really ugly and stupid. You need some mental help if you think this is exciting. Or maybe some help deeper, something twisted and ugly down in the heart...
Pathetic! She clearly hates her husband and interest in sex with him just using him. But then he is a sissy bitch! All the Cunts and wimps will love this crap. Next she will have her bitch servicing other faggots.
I join the crowd that celebrates the start of a Dominant wife/sub husband story in which each respects the other, and both give their consent. Why oh why do the soreheads read and comment on such a story after being warned of its theme? On to chapter 2! J.
Did you realize that all negative comments are written by Anonymous (really brave). I personally thought that your story was well written and enjoyed it very much. I will now read the next chapter
Well written story, mate; DO NOT listen to those anonymous commentators. Judging by their comments, they are merely trolls.
"Do you promise that you won't judge me?"
"Of course, baby,"
Unrealistic dialog in that. A much more likely response from me (or any other male) would be "Well, that depends." Suppose she says she wants to fuck the neighbor? Or the neighbor's St. Bernard ? I know of no man who'd ever accept a request blindly.
Otherwise, great story. I appreciate that this was consensual, hot, and the sort of week-long game wife and I play few times a year when she gets in to mood for it. We depend on the honor system, she trusts that I won't cheat and I trust she respects my limits. And she repays me with me a wild week of all the sex I can handle, focused on me, AFTER the week of the Egyptian river.
Though we don't keep ANY explicit photos on our phones.
Sehr schön geschrieben, ich bekomme ein Gefühl dafür, was in den Beiden vorgeht, was sie empfinden und denken. Danke für die Geschichte. Sie war sehr kurzweilig zu lesen, hat mir gut gefallen.
I think that this was written excellently. I don’t understand the negative comments. Not every kink is for everyone, so just don’t read it.
Thank you so much for sharing your talents here! I loved the story. …AB
Great start but how many championships tees will it take till she’s a hot wife whoringvit up and he’s a gay cuckold. Gets old so fast. Proves the old saying though power does corrupt and absolute power does corrupt absolutely