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All Comments on 'Holly: A Cheating Slut Wife'

by beermaker

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
find another editor

first, you should find another editor. your story is full of gramatical mistakes.

and your wife is cheating with your mother? give me break ...

sucks balls, sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
A little long.

I wont be harsh like the previous poster. I will say this the character is pretty obtuse if every person in his life knows about the "lifestyle" and he knows nothing. If his parents and sister and best friend and coworkers....You get it?

Average-JoeAverage-Joeabout 18 years ago
Good story but ended too soon

Want to see everyone fucked over and the guy happy with someone new/better. I liked the anger in the story but it was too much talk and not enough consequences/follow-though so he just seemed like and impotent, sputtering cuck. Since everyone had so enthusiastically screwed him over for so long, I really doubt that him getting mad and telling them off had much of an impact on their life.

Doesnt matter how bad he told them off (and beat RJ) since it just ends with him fucked over and us not knowing if anyone even cared that he was mad at them. For all I know the could have all went to the next scheduled meeting and laughed about how mad he got (after they finished fucking each other).

At least would like to hear that his parents were a bit sorry for what they did to him.

Anyway, the anger and confrontation was pretty good but you went way overboard heaping the shit on this guy for nothing to come of it in the end (no real revenge, nobody very sorry but him, him the only one with the fucked up life at the end, etc). Just think you should have followed through with the aftermath more.

Also liked that he was young enough to move on and not lose much (except his wife, family and friends) in terms of percentage of his life. Instead of making the most of this opportunity though (for him to still have a full life and family), you just left him alone and angry while the fuck buddies went on with business as usual. If this had been going on for years and he was already in his 40's or something it would have been too depressing for words.

Thanks for writing about a guy who behaves differently than the pseudo-intellectual, sensitive type husbands we usually see who would probably want to drag everyone to therapy to talk about their feelings and how hurt he was by everyone important in his life fucking him over in the most callous way imaginable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Over the top

While there is nothing technically wrong about the story, it's so over the top that the response is more rolling of the eyes than the emotional angst it's meant to inspire.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Well, I have to say

that this is certainly a "take no prisoners" approach.

This was one seriously "fucked up" family!

I liked the idea of using the grandparents - this was novel.

The list of the ones involved was a bit much ... both his and her bosses isn't really credible. It's also a stretch to believe that he never noticed anything - that makes everyone much to able as actors around him.

But ... it's just a story so no big deal. I found the writing a little stiff but the emotions were good.

Your stories are fun! - Keep writing.

Regards, DJ

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Hey Y'all

There was probably a story in that mess. But after the first page, it was so over the top I couldn't swallow it. Your mother? Hell you should have made it turn out that Holly was your sister. Then you could have posted this crazy shit in the incest category. Shame on you Lady C, how did you ever sit through this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
it make me sick someone talks about over the top

betrayal my wife,sister, friends and parents.what is over the top.they were lucky,if it was me i would burn the barn down with them in it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
that's dumb!, not taking the money, that is

according to HIS view, Holly had already made him (without his knowledge/consent) into a "pimp"; but a non-paid one!

have some fuckin' humor, at HER expense and TAKE the fucking money!

that's the only thing I found wrong with this "over the top" story. if a story is really, really over the top like this, it become okay, again.

Bubba just don't have that sharp, evil, dark sense of humor:

Note, according to BUBBA's own logic, he HAS NEVER been a pimp. If so, then why not TAKE THE DARN MONEY? It's freely given!

And he has severed ALL TIES with the family: Holly, George and Barbara, the stupid sister.

The smart thing to have done was to have taken the large sums of money and got the hell out of that place/city/state and, change his name, and start somewhere in Hawaii or somewhere, forming new friends, a new family, and new memories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Even though this story is not as drawn out, and more informative as your previous 'slut wife' stories. This was just as engaging. It may have been a little short, however, you leave enough to fire up the imagination. That is what good storytelling is about. Don't worry about the nitpickers',at least you are doing something different. I do love the idea of the parents(his) being a part of the cheating. It gives it a whole new perspective. Hopefully, your next submission won't take so long.

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIabout 18 years ago
the sister angle,,,

The sister's apparence in the story has not told us much. She could be a participant; or not one.

The only thing we know is, she KNEW of her parents swinging and, apparently, cheating ways BEFORE Bubba.

Now, there are a couple reasons --- let's assume she's not into that lifestyle --- why she din't want to tell her brother:

1). Didn't know how he'd take it

2). Thought he, too, knew of those fluid exchanging activities and were either okay with them or actively participating in them. (She won't know for sure, because she's not into such group fluid swaps.)

3). Was hoping that he'd find out himself, so she's not put in an awkward position, given that she didn't agree with it and never participated in such dangerous/erotic activities; but was not sure if the brother was into them, after, Holly was into them,,,

Again, it'd be another good story --- less over the top this time --- from the sister's POV. (Of course, if she had been one, too, then, well, we don't need to hear from her about how one nasty brother had ruined all of their lives publically like that. Seeing how that group stood there with their genitals dripping onto the floor is "erotic" enough; we don't need to hear each of them individually... But, again, hopefully she's not one of them: I hope the author didn't, in his mind, make the sister to be one of those who fucked regularly with mom and dad and a whole bunch of people at the parents place..)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

That pretty much deecribes this meandering plot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
a real eye opener

Bubbas my man im his friend like me im a one woman man

I`ll never share .

Pat Murray


sherlock40sherlock40about 18 years ago
Great story!

He showed a lot of restraint in confronting his cheating spouse and everyone else. I think I would have been a little more expressive in my displeasure.

And to think there are people that actually believe like this group. That they can fuck around on their spouse and still love them. I have said it before; cheating on your spouse means not loving your spouse. Cut and dried. Black and white.

LadyCibelleLadyCibelleabout 18 years ago

I take full responsibility for the errors in Beermaker story. I sent him the wrong file, half-edited, without noticing and beermaker posted it.

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 18 years ago
Very well done with a really fucked up family

I think DJ said it all for me.

Thanks for the fantasy entertainment


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Glad U'r Back - Nice Work

So it wasn't perfect - it was still very appreciated for your imagination, time and talent - plus it offers the opportunity to grow.

While Lady C's most open apology was appropriate - she did it with class and promptness. Hang onto her - it doesn't get much better despite her humanesseses.

Thanks again Author - we look forward to your next.

With High Regard

MetzovMetzovabout 18 years ago
Good story

The only thing I missed would be I'd have loved to hear how she tried to explain what she was doing while claiming to love him. I know you were making the point that why didn't mater, But still I would have liked to hear what excuses she came up with.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Good, up to a point

There were just, for me, too many things left dangling.

KublaiKhanIII in "the sister angle" touch on several, but there are also the matters of Holly and his parents.

How did his parents think is was OK to betray their son that way, especially in light of Barbara leaving the messages about how she'll always love him?

Why did Holly deny him the sex she do freely gave to others?

If they were so careful trying to keep him unaware of what was going on, how could she be so stupid as to leave the Lingerie box in the top of the trash?

It just seems unfinished. Even with his anger, I know I would want some answers, especially since his wife and mother's statements of love are so far removed from their action.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

What a waste of time.

Risq_001Risq_001about 18 years ago
Bout time you posted another one (^_^)

I actually liked this story alot.

And to answer KublaiKhanIII and Anon's question about the sister, it doesn't matter if she was in on it or not in the end.

Speaking from experience, there was something like this in the past where something vaguely simlar to this happened to me. There was a girl I was intrested in (and was with) and my *best friend* at the time knew she was running around. He decided not to tell me though. He knew she was because he worked with her and saw her sneaking off to be with one of the guys she worked with or saw her out with someone different who wasn't me. And a few times she left with a customer of thiers.

When I asked him later why he didn't ever tell me before I found out on my own (she said something as a slip of the tongue and later when I checked it out it all came unraveled) he said that he thought that I'd be good for her and settle her down some. He didn't think I'd find out and that maybe she'd quit doing what she was doing for me. But because he knew us both, he thought I'd never find out because they lived a few towns over and that she'd quit eventually.

I've not really spoken or hung out with him since then. It's been 15 years and the last time (about 10 years ago) I thought about speaking to him, he commented about me avoiding him and started off defending that he did was the right thing. I asked him if my desire not to die of some nasty STD factor into his decision at all? He just kept saying he did what he thought was right.

I honestly have no desire to talk to him ever again.

In the story, it doesn't matter if the sister was in on it or not. It didn't matter the mother and father were doing it. It was obvious she (the sister) was aware of what was going on, and decided not to tell her brother. At all. What does someone like this believe will happen when they find out? No, all that really mattered was that they (his parents) brought his wife into this life and were having sex with her behind thier former son's back and they were *all* feeding him a line to make him believe nothing was going on. That and his best friend, his friends from the "Y", her and his boss, and a few folks from around town. She was even giving him gifts she was earning from doing this.

His sister was aware of all this, and that is all that mattered.

And to answer the question from Anon, why she would do stuff with them that she would do with her husband, that's easy. She didn't want her husband to think she was a slut, so she tried to keep her swinger life seperate from her married life. Problem was that created more questions than if she would have allowed her husband some liberties.

The only thing that would have made the story more popular with me (if that is even possible) would be if the son had "completely and totally" changed his name to something different and moved away so that he severed all ties with his former family.


Nope this was a pretty good read. Plenty of concequences to go around for everyone.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Not up to your usual standards...

in fact not good at all

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 18 years ago
Sorry Risq -- this story is damn SILLY

sorry Risq -- although we agree about many things -- this time we dont agree at all... and we muat agree to strongly disagree.

when I saw that the author had brought over 20 people to do the survielliance I busted out laughing... 20 people?

why not the whole fucking Israeli army?

that whole idea is bizarre and it telegraphed the whole thing... it was clear that either HOLLY was fucking someone in the group OR a bunch of men in the group or something like that...

second b/c the cheating was NOT just "regular" cheating but involved a massive conspiracy by the entire family to hurt crush and destory their own

son in the most humilating way possible... having the hubby beat someone up -- such as RJ-- getting 2 people fired was so totally anti climatic that I feel ripped off

No this story sucks b/c it was extreme and the ' revenge or justice is not up to what is needed

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

i can't believe i read the whole thing. a giant waste of time

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Hell yeah!

I do think he should get a prize for "most dysfunctional family of the year", or something like that. But, hey, he didn't turn out to be some wimp that likes to watch other men (or women) fuck his wife! For those that think this is over the top, go read some of WWW's crap and let him butt fuck you wimps. I liked the story. I doubt I would have had his restraint. And why the hell should he care if they laugh after he's gone, did you not read the "you are dead to me" line......DEAD, that means they don't exist, so they have no opinion, or none that matters to him.

Beerman, I tip my glass to you!

The Snipe

Risq_001Risq_001about 18 years ago
I can handle that Harry (^_^)

The major reason I liked the story was that it mirrored something similar in my life.

When it happened to me, it wasn't my family that was in on it, but it was about 10 of my "closest" friends (including my best friend) that was aware of what was happening to me, and what the girl was doing. Yet NO ONE told me. Not a single person. Not one of them had the balls to stand up for me.

I personally can understand where the story is coming from.

As far as the family being in on it, a girl I worked with told me a story a few years back of a girl used to be a good friend of hers. She commented on how the girl and her mother often traded dates while they were double dating, did drugs and alcohol together, and if the girlfriend wasn't intrested in sharing her boyfriend, the mom would sleep with him anyway, and this would cause her daughter and the boy to break up. Having heard this, and have her swear by it, it wouldn't be much more of a reach to see how at least two people could do this, not to mention extending it to include a father or a husband. I'm not saying it's right, but I've seen and heard stranger things.

So I could see this story being not too far a leap where this could happen.

In the story it's (to me anyway) implied that the wife was doing this before they got together. Possibly with the parents, because the wife said "If you knew I was doing this you wouldn't have married me". So to me it gives me the impression the parents were swingers and the wife was in on it before they got married. She just never said anything.

The Senior citzens. Well that was a reach, but not offense to anyone who might be one, but often they do have more time than younger people, they have more experience to work with, and using my imagination, I could see them doing this. I know I have to reach to do it, but it's supposed to have *some* elements of fantasy in it. For me this was what fit the bill.

I personally thought the walking away from the marriage and his family was revenge enough. He could have gone further, but this was really the bare minimum to do and still keep it believeable. He kept the house, most of what he brought in the marriage (she got basicly what she brought in it) and he got it on public record that she was divorced for cheating: And he NAMED NAMES. Everyone, including his parents, were on the divorce decree. She can't lie her way out of why her first marriage ended in divorce. And then he even told the wives of the men who didn't know. I could live with that as a valid revenge. =)

There might have been 15-20 people involved, but to me it was still funny. I do agree the opening where everyone was introduced could have been left off. It did telegraph who was involved in doing what.

But I agree with you again, we'll have to agree to disagree about the story in the end. I thought it was funny enough that I liked it. (^_^)


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
senior citzens unite

I thank Bubba shulda got them ol' folks together and asked 'em to stone his evile parence, his cheating slit of a wife and them fellers they was with. Oh, and maybe that Debbie woman too. She was just anuther slut. Like that guy said, "kill 'em all, my son. Let God sort em out."

fumunda cheezefumunda cheezeabout 18 years ago
The end

of this story reminds me of Clint Eastwood in the movie, "The Unforgiven", a true classic

"Any of you sons a bitches takes a shot at me,I'll kill you and then I'll come back here, kill your wives, your children, your horse, and burn your fucking houses down."

Great job Beermaker. So far every story you have posted is my kind of tale.

LazylonerLazylonerabout 18 years ago
Wish I thought of this one!

Darn Beermaker, this is a fine story.

I've seen a few people complain about some of your plot twists, but that seems to be very minor. the story is tightly written, and the villains are perfectly set up.

You definitely put the "free love" group in its place. We've seen comments from readers here who insist that cheating in a marriage means nothing, and that swinging is just an expression of lust. You show here that there is no way to really do that. Holly obviously knows it doesn't work for Bubba, and even admits that if he'd known there would have been no marriage.

I espeically liked the idiocy from the parents. There is no way that Bubba would ever have talked to them again, and yet they went ahead and acted out their lusts without thought of the terrible consequences.

as for the sister. Just your average stupidity that most people have. Its hard to get up and tell someone that their boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse isn't acting the way they think. I've ended up losing a few friends when I tried to warn them that the person they were "in love" with was cheating, so I can imagine that she stayed quiet and hoped that her brother wouldn't discover the truth. If she wasn't a participant, she's in many ways simply a victim of the swingers, if not exactly an innocent one.

Good story. Be interesting to see if anyone tries to take the swingers and show the consequences of their play once revealed. I expect that in a small town the eventual couts are rather high.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
This is the USA...

anything is possible. There are many people into the "swinging" lifestyle (just check out the various Yahoo & MSN groups). But they want to be treated like normal people so they hide what they are doing from neighbors and family. You only hear about their activities when something goes wrong. Typically, these swinger clubs are formed by people who know and trust each other.

Example: There was a popular DJ called "Bob James" in Chicago who lived in Bolingbrook, IL (A sleepy bedroom community) who was arrested along with his wife for sexual games they were playing with an underage babysitter. They had a 3 year old child. Eventually he moved to Florida.

My responses to some commenter's questions:

Q.How did his parents think is was OK to betray their son that way, especially in light of Barbara leaving the messages about how she'll always love him?

R.They started this lifestyle early on (maybe George is not Bubba's biological father) and people can justify anything to themselves. Perhaps given Holly's hunger for sex they felt they were keeping her sluttish ways in the family thereby protecting Bubba.

Q.Why did Holly deny him the sex she do freely gave to others?

R.Risq answered this one. Classic Madonna/Whore split so Holly could keep her group sex acts different from her loving wife routine.

Q.If they were so careful trying to keep him unaware of what was going on, how could she be so stupid as to leave the Lingerie box in the top of the trash?

R.Holly bought home the package from work, stashed the clothes and put the container/slip out in the trash expecting that Bubba would not go back out to it after he had taken out the garbage (this was his weekly routine).

Thanks for avoiding extreme revenge (i.e., passing on STDs, putting superglue in KY jelly) although legally assault is assault so taping their agreement means nothing (except to the jury). Bubba got the sweetest revenge - exposure and moving on with his life.

I loved your story. Please write another one soon!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Craziest Story Ever In This Category

It is absolutely to the point of absurdity, which was what was intended. I have to give it a full 100 because it was such a riot.

I did get bored with Bubba's anger. Why? Because the absurdity of the story rendered real emotions null and void,and if the anger was satirized it didn't come off like the rest of the situation comedy. The anger just wasn't funny. If Bubba's mother and father are in on the fuck fest---well what do you say? The family that dicks together sticks together. The family that fucks together sucks.

It will really take some work to top the plot of this comedy. Now I have read a couple of beermaker's other stories and he does well with a straight story as well, but this launches a whole another fictional category.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

I bet there are more things like this happening in real life than anyone would every thing about. I know of one situation close to this one, but it did not have all of the dramatic flair. The poor smuck wound up marrying a whore and thought he could change her to a miss goody too shoes. After three years, she was caught fucking 3 other men at once and that was the end of their marriage. As Paul Harvey would say,"and that's the story."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
The Man has BALLs ^^

It takes a lot of balls to know what is right from wrong even it makes your family against you. Hey even whole community is against you and have your head held high and it is a very lonely road to be in and just takes it from me lolz.

This is a story which is close to what i have gone through now at the age of 74 i can still look at people at the eye never bow to anyone for i have done and stick to my principles even if the whole commnunity say otherwise now they are reaping what they sow and the funny thing is they are coming to me looking for relief what a bunch of sorry assholes they are lolz...well as we all say life must go on till the last ticker thicks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Others have said it more concisely and better (especially Risq). These assholes got off "very" lightly. I agree with one other that I certainly wouldn't have shown that level of restraint. Clearly anyone that had sex with Holly needs an education as why you don't mess with another's wife. It was too bad that only RJ got his ass kicked.

The sister should've told him. She's just as guilty as they are. He responded correctly with her. He was correct to inform all the spouses.

I loved the story-THANKS! If anything could've been different, I'd have loved the consequences to be much more severe on the perps.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 18 years ago
Sometimes less is more

Looks like the wife was addicted to swinging. Sounds strange? Maybe, but to Beermaker’s credit, one could not deny that inability to remove yourself from a certain lifestyle could bring relations to a quick if not sad ending.

My qualms with this story seem to have one quality in common: Numbers, indiscriminately too big. To me it was not particularly funny, just incredible, that the husband would recruit legions of people who all seem to have nothing else to do with their time. At the swinging scene, it can not be a two couple’s scene. It has to be a small crowd of family friends and strangers. And to top it all: the plot against the husband. Now don’t get me wrong. I know all about the husband knows last etc. But the combination of number of people involved, and the totality of its participants, i.e. family; work and friends, turn the plot into a grand scale conspiracy. Like most, they are inherently weak. It just seemed unnecessary as the main plot and the emotions of the husband could have worked much better without the bravado and the exaggerations: What I am trying to say is: some times less is more. Despite all the above, it was a good story. You certainly improve as you go with or without the help of any comments, which you have professed to discount (If I were you I would look into them as some do provide helpful suggestions One example: Average-Joe’s comment)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

I enjoy your stories. For Holly, his family, friends, and the others do the swinging behind Bubba's back and Holly to continue after she marries Bubba, it was destined to end badly for them. I thought how you handled the story was very good, but would have liked to have more of what happened to Holly and the others after Bubba catches them. Keep them coming. Thanks for the words.

MrHandsMrHandsabout 18 years ago
When Ignorance is Bliss


It's clear you wrote the story you set out to write, full of righteous anger,indignation and retribution and I hope it helps you feel better. It's also clearly so over the top to serve as a response to all the (for lack of a better word) "reconciliationists" who write stories where men forgive or accept their wives' extra marital activities.

The only reason I can think that you would include just about every person that Bubba cares about or trusts in the cover up is to make that point that there is NO relationship, however close or cherished that can survive the kind of blow to his pride that Bubba endures.

The ironic thing is that Bubba would have been FAR happier and content if he had never discovered the truth. In your story, it's clear that while they were certainly selfish in their pursuits of pleasure, his wife adored him; his family loved him and his friends certainly didn't want to see him hurt. They all cared a great deal for Bubba, despite his repressions. (I do find it odd that with his family all being such free thinkers, he still grew up with such a conservative view of things, but it happens with the best of families I guess.)

It's pretty clear that Bubba has some serious issues that only his tightly held sense of morality allows him to function. The guy is so tightly wound that even with his whole world apparently turned against him, be doesn't even seem sad..only vengeful and a bit smug. That seems like a real dearth of emotional range for someone normal. It would only be natural to feel some degree of grief or remorse, even within a framework of moral outrage.

I know she's supposed to be the villain of the piece, but I feel for Holly. It's clear that she was already sexually adventurous before she met and fell in love with Bubba. When faced with the prospect of giving up the love of her life or her lifestyle (which she understood were not mutually reconcilable), she took a gamble. She tried to have it all, a great marriage and continued participation in the swinging lifestyle. I can only imagine her relief when she found her in-laws and husband's friends were of like mind and would help her shield Bubba from any painful truths.

It must also have been frustrating and a little sad to be so limited in her sexual activities with Bubba just to keep him from being suspicious of her secret life. Talk about a rock and a hard place.

In hindsight, it's clear that the gamble blew up in her face and a lot of people paid the price for her trying to grab the brass ring. Building a life around such a fundamental deceit is terribly risky and should probably not been attempted. Better to mourn the loss of one love than risk so many other families, lives and reputations. Still, I can't really blame her for trying. Who doesn't want to have it all, and who wouldn't take a chance for love now and again?

I know this isn't where you wanted to take the story, but with the way you wrote the characters, you would have to admit that if Bubba had the emotional capacity to embrace a more sexually adventurous lifestyle, EVERYBODY would have been better off, especially him.

Thanks for writing a story that got me thinking...



AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
its really sick when other writers with no backbon

try and tell another man to become a wimp or did right and should put it in the papers.let everybody in the town no how sorry they condom a parent fucking their son wife is sick.this site here lately is run by gay,lesbian and cockold stories.the writers and editors all act like sissyboys.

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIabout 18 years ago
Per Mr.Hand's Deep Observations

The ironic thing is that Bubba would have been FAR happier and content if he had never discovered the truth. In your story, it's clear that while they were certainly selfish in their pursuits of pleasure, his wife adored him; his family loved him and his friends certainly didn't want to see him hurt. They all cared a great deal for Bubba, despite his repressions. (I do find it odd that with his family all being such free thinkers, he still grew up with such a conservative view of things, but it happens with the best of families I guess.)


That's one of the strangest observations I've ever come across, it being so quietly and eloquently stated, too.

I am among the most Liberal minded folks I've ever known; but I totally agree with Bubba (the character).

It is for a person to choose, whether he (if single) or he and his wife (if married) JOIN OR NOT JOIN monogamy or swinging life styles.

It's incredibly lame to say simply because Bubba decided PERSONALLY that he does not want to fuck with different people --- essentially really just EXCHANGING BODILY FLUIDS with many partners, rather than just with one --- that he's someone "conservative", timid, judgemental, and not "open-minded."

Perhaps he CARES about his body, not wanting it to be MIXED with, mixed up, with millions of common germs and bacteria from many others, men and women, who have frequent bodily fluid exchange with many more OTHERS?

I certainly do NOT want that to happen to me, and I certainly do NOT practice such bodily fluid exchange; but it don't mean I'm not "open minded" or any thing. I take care of my body very fastidiously. Exchanging saliva, seminal and vaginal fluids may be highly "erotic" to some; but to others, it is a very serious thing and it can also be highly dangerous, if done with multiple sexual parterns as well as strangers you have little or no information about, who are also being freely "open minded" with other folks they come across.

As a Liberal, I don't judge if you smoke dope, cocaine, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. Do it if you have the money for such expensive and also such dangerous thing. But don't call me up-tight simply because I don't engage in such nonesense, with are expensive and can also get me killed.

"Living a fun, exciting life" to me is reading, crying, and talking to great writers, thinkers, and scientists and what they have to say about things and ideas I have no immediate access to. And, yes, reading "erotica" literature, too!

But no way would I swap spits, vagina, seminal, and other bodily fluids with multiple people, who fuck around like monkeys!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
It chaps my ass..

to see comments that imply that an open relationship is a step up on the evolutionary relationship scale. Mr. Hand so eloquently writes, "if Bubba had the emotional capacity to embrace a more sexually adventurous lifestyle, EVERYBODY would have been better off, especially him." Oh to live in the bliss of ignorance. What shit. I have said this before and I will say it again, I have no trouble with a couple having an open relationship. If both parties agree, more power to them. But when one party has an open realtionship and the other doesn't it is just cheating. People not in favor of an open relationship are not backward, unevolved, they are just guarding their heart.

When you are in a relationship you concede part of your emotional well-being to another. Your significant other owns part of you, that part you willingly gave to them when you entered into the relationship. That is why falling in love is so exilarating. The loss of control, the trust. Now let us take this fledgling relationshp and start swinging. Open it up to sex with others. Tell me what is a more powerful experience that sex...I can't think of one either. Powerful experiences can reveal powerful emotions. Now if over half the marriages in this country end in divorce, it seems the deck is stacked against you from the beginning. Throw in a few powerful sexual experiences with is not too big a leap to see trouble.

Hey, if you can make it work, fine, more power to you. For me, if I find the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, I don't want to risk the emotional investment by including others in the relationship. If my "partner" wants

that then they were the wrong selection.

Bubba wanted a traditional relationship. Obviously Holly knew this, yet she chose to cheat. Now she may indeed have loved him but they were not on the same page and never would have worked out. I can just imagine the sense of betrayal he faced, finding his "friends" and even his family involved. There is no excuse for this behavior. He should have been told prior to his marriage and given the chance to decide what HE wanted. Since this was denied, his actions not only were proper, but to be expected.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
some times i wonder what people think

a man world come down around his feet and people think he shouldn't get bad.each one of us carry anger different.some carry anger inward and others outward,but still who is right and who is is hard to stand againist family when you are right,but that what he did.why not pat him on the back and move on.what he need now in another wife and child,the grandparent would go crazy not being able to see them.that justice.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Great morality story

The only reason that I didn't give this story a resounding "100" is the really screwed up time line on that fateful Tuesday. He takes off work, goes to his parents' house, sees what he sees & then: All before the end of the day, he goes & sees - consults w/ FIVE different attorneys. I'm an attorney, my typical consultations last anywhere from 30 min. to 1 1/2 hrs. Lets say 1 hour each. So five hours or so later, he's back at the house, oh yea, he's also contacted a private security company, has them on standby, then he goes through the last 30 minutes - 60 minutes or so in the orgy room. I know the time line was necessary for him to set up the attorney conflict scenario, & get the security people to get the tapes & eye-witnesses set up. But it was just so incongrous that it spoiled the story for me.

But Mr. Hands & his pontificating also made me give the story that top score anyway. Boy, what a doofus. I guess he would also approve that all Bubba had to do was swap body fluids w/ the group, including, at least by proxy, his his mother & father, I suppose, & he would have been "OK". He would no longer have been an uptight, prissy assed man, who didn't want to share his slut whore wife w/ other people, and that would have made him happy, if not indeed a better man! What drivel. Anyway, Beer, keep them coming, you & I think so much alike

bornagainbornagainalmost 18 years ago
another great story

Beermaker i agree with what you said about the wife she should have been truthful with you from the very beginning but you should at least have had an open mind to the way or her life style then you could make your decision to tell her to goto hell then you could walk away from her and save yourself alot of heartache and money.



AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

The most outrageous, over-the-top, imaginative, story I think I ever read! Lay on, McDuff!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

You could use some help with grammar: role or roll, me or my, your or you're, want or what... get my drift?

thebulletthebulletover 17 years ago

<p>This story was kind of like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers - where everyone in town except the hero was part of the conspiracy. I suppose it was intended to be amusing and to an extent it was. But there is over the top and there is OVER THE TOP!</p>

<p>Outrageous doesn't do justice to this story. When Bubba went around the room and ON VIDEO made each person agree that if he/she approached Bubba in the future that Bubba would physically assault thme - well, I don't think that's necessarily a good thing to have recorded or to have heard by a whole bunch of witnesses. If a confrontation happens, guess who is going to jail?</p>

<p>I just wonder why Bubba's dog wasn't at the party fucking his wife. Somehow the author left that one out.</p>

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Tedious and Stupid

The stupid fantasy of a real wanker.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

The comments aren't too bad either, as is the story. I had to laugh over mr. hands' comment though; anyone "emotionally grown" enough to handle swinging isn't emotionally grown enough to be married, have kids, or walk the earth as far as I'm concerned. I don't see anything smart, stable or safe about having unprotected sex with multiple partners, not to mention the total lack of respect given to the spouse. I also suspect mr. hand knows this as well, yet this is the lie he tells himself to avoid whatever slim remnants of manhood, dignity or self respect trouble him from time to time. Cheapening or redefinining decency may work in san francisco, but elsewhere....kudos to the author for a story with balls and fortitude.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
You yanked a lot of chains with this one. But I

really liked it. I was a swinger before AIDS became known widely. Some used condoms some didnt, most were tested for what were the known STDs at the time. Almost all people involved in organized swinging were married and attended as couples. Almost no one would party with marrieds swinging alone. Knowing a bit about what is called swinging now most of it can be summed up as large orgies without respect to couples or living status. Behavior most of us a few years earlier would have walked directly away from. I find it almost incredible that one spouse would be so deeply involved in swinging and not involve the other spouse. To do so would mean you had no love or respect for your spouse. The medical and other risk you assume by those actions are forced upon the other spouse without any choice. You place innocent people in harms way. Knowing my history how did I view the story, I thought he was right and the wife, family, and friends were simply out of their minds in lust. Divorcing her and the family is the only way to get over the hurt and humiliation he was forced into by her actions. As has been pointed out in many stories in Lit, friends and family dont fuck your wife they have respect for you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
This has to be....

satire, right? "Imagine if you will,a town.But not just any town.'Swingtown'!The signpost up ahead.Welcome,to the twilight zone"!Pistolpackinpete

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Incredible Story!

Start to finish, this was an excellent story. Hats off to Beermaker for this masterpiece. I can offer no upgrade suggestions - just a request for MORE OF THESE!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
quite a tale

I liked it, where there was the surprise for bubba. that wrapping and statement of content was a good start. family, and what a family he had. Harry and Mr. Johnson hopefully got what was coming to them, notwithstanding any money. holly was not inclined to say what she was, but the discovery compounded the impact.

oldwayneoldwayneover 14 years ago
This was your best.

Well, it wasn't a happy tale and he sure had one messed up family. Nobody can screw over you like your closest kin.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Not bad for a stroke/revenge story but sadly that's all it is. The plot was so totally unbelievable as to be ludicrous. I noticed this author had 4 or 5 other stories. Not sure if I want to waste my time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Great Job

Like so many of you stories, very good. I'm proud of you work man

Please keep writing.

Thank You

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Why isn't there any nice violence in lw stories?

If theta ever was a time for sensible violence it is in this story. Bubba should have just shot dead the whole freaking bunch, starting with his best friend and ending wi th himself. He should leave his mother as the only one alive.

Really literotica tollerates sex, why not some good old killing?

monkeyslapmonkeyslapover 13 years ago

Revenge stories don't belong in loving wives. They belong in non-erotic. You have to wonder about the manhood of a guy who feels the need to "prove" he is a "real man" because he wouldn't put up with a cheating wife. This is an erotic story site. Cheating is taboo and therefore erotic. People who write revenge stories just don't get it.

teh568teh568over 13 years ago
You Know...

It would be interesting to see a, 'what are they doing now?', story. A few years later, a few decades wiser. I would like to see if Bubba ever beat on any of the other idiots. I think they all deserve a strong PAINFUL beating...particularly Holly and good old Mom, Dad, and Sis.

huedogghuedoggover 13 years ago
I love comments by jack asses like Monkeyslap

All of you out there who are men and not the punk ass wife watchers, sloppy second lovers, or the dreaded " I'll stay with my wife even if she fuck all the men in China" types please don't read Beermaker's stories. These stories are for guys with back bones, not for the spineless.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Didn't like it

Too fuckin depressing

Fighting41Fighting41over 13 years ago
A Well Written Story

While the subject matter is pretty dark the story is very well written. Wouldn't mind seeing a part two to see how Bubba's life turned out

DunaDunaover 13 years ago

Super story, but a big mistake. I am a fan the revenge stories, however the good revenge story speaks minimum between 5 years aftermath and maximum 15 years aftermath of the divorce.

RonRWoodRonRWoodabout 13 years ago
Kind of silly

but it was definitely a revenge story.

tazz317tazz317about 13 years ago

Those rednecks become a little agitated when crossed, TK U MLJ LV NV

SKHPSKHPabout 13 years ago
I miss an explanation

Also this story lacks any explanation (or an atempt of that) by the wife and the other betrayers. Why did she restrict sex with the husband to pure vanilla? How long had the cheating and solo-swinging been going on? (Obviously since before their weddingday.) Was she born and raised a slut or was there anything that triggered it?

I cannot consider a story complete, that leaves me in the dark about the reasoning of the culprits.

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago

It would be a dream, if everybody had a file for example on Facebook and she/he would write in it (he/she is promiscued and dont want any one man women / one women man in his/her marriage). I think it could decrease the divorce rate.

DunaDunaalmost 13 years ago
The old Hungarian way of saying The tastes of the people and slaps both are diferent....

1. When I discovered on the internet full of story collections as Lit, SOL, ASS... in 2008 and I started reading stories randomly, for me it was very strange the cuckold stories. To be big percentage husbands who like eating cheating wives creampie, watching his wife, etc? Is it erotic for some people? Last year (2010 november) I found the revenge stories. The most TTB stories arrived to the collections after 2004 (some writer wrote earlier, but very few were in the collection that time). I think it was because some amateur writers (with similar taste as mine is) were enough with WACC stories and thay started writing TTB stories. I think similar tasted people as I am we got vomiting from the humiliated creampie eating wimp cuckolds and for us these are not erotic at all. Not to read it all right I read it seldom (first the comments only). However Alladin got out the gine of the revenge stories from the bottle....

2. For me erotic pleasure when read the excellent revenge story where a smart husband (or his smart friend) sets up a nice revenge against a slut wife. If the writer writes a good revenge aftermath with fiding right mate, it can be better for me. The creampie eating husbands are not erotic for me at all. "The tastes of the people and slaps both are diferent.... (Izlések és pofonok különbözőek)" For me the bastard producer wife are the top of my negative scales. The DNA test shows the father is sure and paternity is only money question, it will change the World. Nothewithsand my opinion I like some story where the not DNA proof children like very much their not biological fathers (this is a fetish for me?).

3. Why is it problem a cohabit of the WACC, TTB and RAAC stories, I am liberal, for me is not a problem.

4. I am not tired to explain, why the revenge stores so popular at the readers. During 2 millenia the cheating wife and cuckold husbands were the source of the humour. The Great writers wrote their stories pro the cheater wives: from Bocaccio, Tolstoy, Flaubert, Thomas Mann, etc.. A Hungarian writer Tersanszky Jozsi Jenő wrote a novel serial in the 20 decad of the XX Century. The title of his serial was Kakukk Marci (Marci=Martin nick name). The couse was simple, in the male dominant world the majority of the women suffered from the violant raw husbands and the great literature was solidar to them. With the equity the women become same responsible for the family and children well being. During the divorce a cheating wife gets the children custody, the common house and everithying. The exhusband becomes a paria after the divorce. The World rounds in the Western Culture. Sympathy of some writers and many readers are pro the husbands these time. My sympathy is pro the violated women, but I like also the smart husbands (or his smart friend), who builds up a without violance excellent revenge and he earns the children custody as well. WE WANT MORE EXCELLENT REVENGE STORIES IN THE LW SECTION!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Proud of You

I am so so proud of you dude that bitch deserved it man I hate swingers ruins the whole concept of marriage . "Hey lets get married so we can fuck other people." This bitch got what she deserved and man I am so sorry that is one fucked up family. Even your sister wow complete shit. I hope you find a woman that deserves you man

FD45FD45over 12 years ago
Technical merit notwithstanding

It is reasonably well written.

However, it goes too far. His mom and dad? It wasn't enough that his best friends were covering up her crime? It HAD to be his mom, dad, sister, boss etc.

Please keep writing. Just turn it down a bit.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 12 years ago
not enough

those pics and movies should go up to everyone at their churches, neighbors, co-workers - when the sister gets married a copy should go the groom and his family, everyone involved should have everyone they know get copies and lets not forget putting copies in the newspapers for links with everyones names. when you want to burn the bitch down burn them all down!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 12 years ago

I haven't read a story where it was everyone against one.

Bubba against everyone. His wife, friends, parents, co-workers, sibling and superiors at work. Complete and utter betrayal. Incredible.


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
What a sad pathetic loser

Although I liked the fact he stood up for himself and threw the bitch out he still ended up as a massive loser without his wife, his parents, his sister or many of his best friends he is basically alone in this world and although he can rebuild his life why would he want to do it in the house and town he lived with his wife with? Everone will know that he wasn't man enough to keep his woman from not only fucking his boss and friends but also his mum and dad. How could he walk around the streets with his head up when everone that sees him will be pointing and laughing at him. Last point what's the whole thing with the warning people on tape that he'd beat the shit out of them if he sees them? Is that going to work in a court of law? "Oh sorry your honour I know I crushed his skull but I did tell him I'd fuck him up if we crossed paths." "Fair enough case dismissed.". Very unlikely

BetterEndingBetterEndingover 12 years ago
Wow, Talk About Being Dumped On

Damn, I don't think it can get any worse than that. This guy lost everything with the possible exception of his self-respect.

The story left me feeling very empty and unsatisfied. Obviously the situation was over the top. There needed to be a lot more information about the aftermath to overcome the sorrow one had to feel for this guy. I needed to hear about his Mother pleading with him to forgive them and let them back into his life, to no avail of course.

I needed to hear about his wife begging him for forgiveness. I really needed to hear her explanation as to why she would not perform sexual acts with him that she performed with the group. I would have liked to have him read the letter. I don't understand why all of you authors always have the guys throw them away without reading them. What is that about? Do you think it makes them look weak or something? He might not give a shit about what she said but wouldn't he be curious enough to want to know? How could he not want to know how she got involved with his parents in the first place?

I would have liked to have seen the retribution go further. As someone suggested, copies of the video should have been sent to everyone even remotely familiar with those in attendance. A cover letter should have been included to introduce the players.

I needed to see how shitty Holly's life was after the divorce. I needed to see her and her boss get fired and her ending up working as a waitress in a Denny's.

I would have liked to have heard about the uninvolved spouses ruining their husband's lives.

I wanted to see the whole town shunning all who were involved. This guy really lost everything but a rental house he was so damn proud of for some reason. Everyone else should have lost everything as well to ease their betrayal in the reader's mind.

Finally I needed to see him get a better job and meet someone nice. As it is, he just seems like the ultimate loser through no fault of his own.

Someone commented that he could not take care of business and keep his wife at home. Did you read the story??? He tried and she pushed back. She was a player before they met. His only possible fault was that he did not recognize it before they married.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
complete betrayal

he gulped hot jizz, took a fat cock in his cornhole, betrayed!

DunaDunaover 12 years ago
What is the part of the freedom?

We do not know if this Author would have written any sequel chapter for this story?

The offenders chased him to write more stories here. I think the story is a round first chapter of a longer story, in which the main character gets his second chance (for injuring poster fellows second chance = the right woman). Unfortunately we will not know it............I think this sexual group is a closed circular swinging group and the main character is not interested in this LYFESTYLE only. The part of the liberty that we are not be obledge to such sexual behavior which is not our taste at all. The main character as the majority of the inhabitans on our planet the Earth are not interested in this lifestyle and when he got the information about it, he abandoned his relatives, friends and he divorced his wife. I know such married pair who were wives swap connected and their (it is not joke) son became Roman Cattolic priest!

To send the video to friend, collegues and on the Net is an interesting revenge thing, but I think he did well, because his parents and sister involved in this circular group and he stopped at cutting off his connection to everybody instead offending his near relatives.

I am revenge story fan, but I prefer the exact level revenge and cutting off the connection to his near relatives the exact level, if it lasts long time......................forever.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3about 12 years ago
Anonymous 04/13/12

Love how anonymous dis a writer. Too much of a chickenshit to even be a user. He(?) certainly doesn't know jack shit about women. A lot of men give their wife all they can handle and some of them will still cheat anyway. A lot of women cheat not because of the sex but they want more romance, adventure, etc. A lover doesn't have to cut the grass, work on the car, take care of the kids or thousands of other things hubby's do when their wife is around. A lover can give 100% of their time to the lady. I thought it was a very good story.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
Anonymous 04/13/12

Anonymous 04/13/12

1. Who are interested in other life in a medium town??? In a little town or in village I think where everybody knows everybody, it may be, but in medium city.

2. His exwife was swinger before her marriage and she followed it after marriage. The story tells everything she lied him not to tell her lifestyle before marriage and after marriage. Majority of the people are not swinger, so the majority of the city dwellers would not injure him, moreover they would sympatetize to him after knowing his story.

3. Why should he have struggled for her????? A lying wife.......................He could get better woman, only the Author stopped write the story with the future of the characters.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago
just a little more

at least once a year he should send the tapes, disks, cd's, to every neighbor of each person involved. he should also send it when his sister wants to get married to the new family so they can know exactly where she comes from. EVERY YEAR for the rest of their lives - their church group, neighbors, schools where their children go, to their employers, to every company that sells to them and every company that buys from them, EVERYWHERE everyone gets a copy and a special web site with a public notice where to find it. keep doing it - the cost of cd's is going down. and if you can break into their e-mail accounts be sure to send it to everyone in there too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Cantbuymy and me

a pick up truck - a ride to the hills - a sack - 20 large starved rats dosed up on ecstasy - a long slow lingering fun agonizing few days for the nonce.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 12 years ago

Only if you have more guns and Amo than I do. Putting your cock in my private pussy is a killing offense. They should be thankful if they are left alive.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 12 years ago
Loved it!

A tale so twisted that I absolutely loved it. I was giddy reading this.

karan9876karan9876almost 12 years ago
My Alternate ending.

I loved the story but felt the parents and sister and the wife got away too easily. This is what he should have said. :" Barbara your my mother and you made my sex life suffer because you wanted my wife to have a better one? If your truly sorry then show it, compensate for it by using your credit card and buying me the best pussy money can buy. I cant believe a son is having this kind of conversation with his mother but a mother who has a hand in ensuring his son's sex life sucks (no variety from holly) deserves nothing less. Make sure to pass the message to your husband, i am not sure if he is my father because your a swinger and i would not be surprised if someone else knocked you up. Anyway's pass the same message to your husband and if you'll are truly sorry start compensating for my sex life, make sure i get nothing but the very best that money can buy." He should also sue everyone and extract as much money as he can for damages rendered. He should ask holly to sleep with his top clients to ensure that he gets some good business deals, she owes it to him. She loves extya cock anyways so why not turn it into an advantage for the poor husband whose a victim? If holly does not agree, he should ask his parents to convince her since they were a part of this mess too. Next comes his sister karen, No treatment like holly for her but she needs to be punished never the less. He has to give her a dressing and wait for a situation to arise where he can take advantage of, if not try to create a situation where he can do so and humiliate her.

This is the ultimate betrayal by parents to a son so i feel they should not go unpunished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
not a fan of violence

but I think the son should have walked up to his mother and slapped her face and have walk over to his father and punch once in the gut and a second to the side of his head. This to be a reminder as to what great parents they are to have fucked up their son's life and if he ran into his sister she should get a slap as well. Nothing more just so they can share in his pain and cost of betrayal before he cut them off, having this little reminder would definitely help when they chose to make contact down the road.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

i wrote it before and i will write it again.

those pics and movies should go up to everyone at the parent's churches, neighbors, co-workers - when the sister gets married a copy should go the groom and his family, everyone involved should have everyone they know get copies and lets not forget putting copies in the newspapers for links with everyones names. when you want to burn the bitch down burn them all down!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

You know I prefer at least an attempt at realism in my BTB stories. I know with laws being the way they are that can be hard but this story didn't even make the attempt. This guy broke so many laws it's not even funny. He even had himself taped threatening them with physical violence then preceded to beat the crap out of a guy who just walked up to him.

In the real world the guy would be in jail now and there's really no doubt about that so that really doesn't give me any real satisfaction with this story.

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
An old way of saying

Anon For arrestation from the Police is important either the denunciation from the victim or from witnesses (security video file). If the victim and witnesses admited the injury was right in that case the Police would omit from everything. Except for long Hospital treatment or murder................

The old Hungarian way of saying : "The bussines dependes on two parts".

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

i wish beermaker was still around but there was not even the slightest amount of real payback in this story. i wrote "they deserved to be punished" for one of his now maybe these people should get some of mine too?

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

Do it. I've been waiting for your take on this tale. The whore needs more retribution. So do all of the participating parties, including the parents. CBM, do it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

please write a sequel, i want to know what happenned to all the characters please write a sequel.

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago

I read a comment from Beermaker, that he wrote he got a lot of injuring feedback and he stopped to write on Lit and SOL alike.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
"as an author you can either take a hit or you cant"

&quot;f you cant then quit writing&quot;

Heed thy own advice wanna-be-cuck, any author who doesn't allow anon comments is a fucking wimp, a pussy, a cocksmoking, thin-skinned, cries to mommy, limp-wristed, salad-tossing little bitch.

cantbuy or beermaker, which one is the cornholed queer?

Here is a hint, which one doesn't allow anon comments. canttaketheheat, get out of the kitchen.

FullCircle56FullCircle56about 11 years ago
I Agree This Needs a Sequel

It's a great story that needs an ending. I'm sure there are a couple of authors out there who could do it. The sad part would be one would write a reconciliation and Bubba joins the group......NOT!!! But then another could really heap more misery on the whole group. The best part, Bubba hired sharks that don't work for free. As a consequence, Bubba lives happily and very wealthy ever after. Maybe "Finishthedamstory" would take up the project. He seems to like doing that and so far his work has been pretty decent.

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago
I read often the comment section first at stories

Cantbuymay I read some interesting comments at the comment part of stories.

For example I read a JustPlainBob's comment at a story of other Author about 2004-2005.

JPB wrote a complain that THE AUTHOR DID NOT WRITE LONGER EPILOG TO HIS/HER STORY. This is not joke...............

help01help01about 11 years ago
please continue this!

please give a sequel to this, it really needs one, as i want to know if she really loved bubba or if anyone did for that matter!

OverthefallsOverthefallsabout 11 years ago
Well that was just ugly

Not the story - it was well written. Just the actions of the people involved. All the cheaters deserved so much more revenge to alight atop there heads. I can't imagine being betrayed in that manner by every single person I loved. His Parents???? That has to be the worst. Time to get the gun......

EgoTrixiEgoTrixialmost 11 years ago

That is a story!! 5 *

searching0240searching0240almost 11 years ago

I have never read a story before, of such complete betrayal, by everyone of importance to the protagonist.

Thank goodness he learned the truth before Holly got pregnant!


RKreaderRKreaderover 10 years ago
Holly's point of view?

Clearly, Holly wasn't a whore because she gave it away for free. She probably didn't think of herself as a slut either; just a woman who loved intense sex.

I would like to challenge Beermaker (or any other author) to follow this story up, re-telling the story from Holly's point of view. (I know it's been 7 years, and he has certainly gone on to other things...)

Holly certainly knew that she was leading a double life, but was comfortable with it. Her comment that "you were never to find out about this" indicated that she felt she could go through her life along two paths. She wasn't schizophrenic, not knowing what the "other Holly" was doing.

In some way she loved her husband, but love and faithfulness were different issues for her. What was her definition of love for her husband, from her point of view? Did she love him like a brother?

In her mind, why did she have sex prudishly with her husband, but no holds (holes?) barred with her fuck buddies? Why did she avoid intense sex with him?

Maybe a few sessions with a marriage counselor would be interesting, with her trying to figure out why her husband reacted so strongly, and how she could win him back?

Did she have the female equivalent of a "madonna/whore" view of him? Did she not want to sully him? Did she idealize him as a loving father to her child, and not expect sex from him after parenthood?

What did she see in him before they were married that made her know he wouldn't be into group activities? Had they had casual discussions about other spouses cheating?

Did it occur to her that she might bring STDs home to her husband?

I'm sure she would have liked to go the rest of her life living "two lives" without her husband knowing about it.

Let's look at the story through Holly's eyes.

Mustang88LXMustang88LXover 10 years ago
way too fucked up

This story just stretched out to the totally unbelievable and pathetic. Made no sense what so ever. Ya it's a story but a really fucked up one. Didn't care for all the hatered for one clueless guy by FUCKING EVERYONE! And no reason given for all the hate.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 10 years ago
but why ?

No explanation of why everyone in his life hated and betrayed him.

His parents, his sister, his "friends".

He would be better to have enemies, at least he would expect them to work at harming him.

Without that this is only a fragment of a story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Visceral and wicked.

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