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Holly and Maria - A Long Earned Vacation

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Holly and Maria go on a long earned vacation.
10.4k words

Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 04/23/2020
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Holly and Maria - A Long Earned Vacation

"Nice room," Holly said with a gleeful voice as she entered the luxurious space.

"Thank you, we strive for perfection," their guide said. She was a well-fashioned individual, wearing a spotless blue dress that was a perfect fit for the resort. "The complex will be at your service for the next six months." She glanced at her tablet to check if she recalled correctly, "I apologize, there's probably a misunderstanding..."

"No, no mistake," Maria intervened, "we booked the place for six months so we can have our long-deserved getaway."

"Oh, I see," their guide regrouped, "well, you have all our facilities available at your fingertips to make sure your getaway is nothing short of perfect. Just a couple of last pointers."

"Sure," both Holly and Maria said with a synchronized smile.

"There are no regular meals here, you have an around-the-clock kitchen at your service accessible through this tablet," the guide pointed at the screen on the table, "just click whatever you want and a waiter will bring it to you in no more than 15 minutes."

"Lastly," the guide said as she tinkered around with a couple of switches on the wall and the massive shatter covering the panoramic window behind her started to rise, "we have the ocean pool." The sight of the setting sun falling into an ocean that stretched as far as the two could see was awe-inspiring. "I hope you enjoy your stay and don't be afraid to go into the ocean pool, it's netted so there's no risk of sharks or jellyfish."

"Thank you for the walkabout, Sandy," Holly said.

Sandy bowed her head, smiled at the two, and gracefully left the room.

The sun colored the sky in purples and golds that were reflected by the darkening ocean. Suddenly, with Sandy gone, the spacious room was flooded with silence.

"Alone at last," Maria whispered half to herself.

"I can't believe we made it..."Holly agreed.

"Yeah, been such a long time that I can't remember when we last had some 'us' time." Maria agreed.

"I think it was when we went to The Looper Hotel in Titania, five years ago," Holly reminisced.

"That doesn't count," Maria objected, " we had about five minutes before we needed to return because 'someone' messed up with the babysitters..." she gave Holly a menacing glare.

"No one told me we'll need more than two babysitters for our family..." Holly protested.

"I almost forgot how detached you are from anything not related to sex," Maria sighed, "two people can't take care of twenty-seven babies..."

"We have twenty-seven? What happened to ten?" Holly tried to understand how the numbers added up.

"Not my fault you're super potent..." Maria shook it off. It was true, Maria thought she had the recipe down when she and Holly went for their pregnancy bonanza. But Holly, being Holly, somehow pulled another sucker punch out of nowhere. Turns out her lover was even more potent than she guessed. Turns out that 10 fertilized eggs released from her ovaries were not equal to ten babies... "It's been nine years since we had 'us' time," Maria admitted the bitter truth with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Oh, I'm really sorry," Holly tried to shift the mood, "that's all behind us now, tonight is just us, no excuses."

Maria gave a faint smile, "Think 27 babysitters are gonna cut it?"

"Fingers crossed," Holly sighed and pointed a finger at Maria, signaling for her to come closer.

Maria, being the good lover that she was, made her way over to Holly. Knowing the futa for over a decade now, Maria couldn't help but notice how little the years changed her. Holly didn't look a day over 25. The burden of growing a family made a much more significant impact on her mentally.

Holly opened her arms wide and offered a hug which Maria was more than happy to accept. Unlike Holly, Maria did age. Now it was clear she was in her mid-thirties. Still, she was nothing short of a bombshell and it seemed the weight of growing a family was a perfect fit for her.

Maria took in the comfort of Holly's hug. It wasn't a sexual hug that led to the craziness only Holly could produce, but a loving hug that aims to comfort and support. Both Holly and Maria were through a decade of hardship that was finally coming to an end.

Releasing the embrace, Maria took a couple of long, confident steps and positioned herself in front of the setting sun so a faint purplish aura surrounded her slim figure.

"How about we order some food and end this day with a dip in the ocean pool? " Maria offered.

"Sounds like a plan, what can I get you love?" Holly asked as she picked up the tablet.

"Do they have sweet potato ravioli? "Maria gave a wild shot.

"They actually do," Holly sounded surprised, "with chives and cream sauce..."

"Perfect, get me one of those and a glass of Blue Lagoon, please."

Holly clicked the screen a couple of times and a neat timer counting down from 15 minutes came up, telling them when their dinner will arrive. Holly and Maria spent their time doing the most effective thing they could imagine, and unpacked their bags. Fifteen minutes came and went in a blink of an eye and by the time both lovers finished unpacking the doorbell sounded.

"Food!" Holly all but screamed as she stormed the door and came back with a cart containing their dinner, "they said to leave it outside once we're done."

Maria came up to the cart and examined her plate. The ravioli looked as if taken from an Instagram page of a top-tier restaurant.

Holly and Maria sat down at the large mahogany table and started to chow down on the food. As always, Holly's meal is not in proportion to her weight. While Maria struggled to finish her dish and cocktail, Holly managed to go through enough food for a dozen people. Although the couple's sex drives diminished to almost unmeasurable levels as life took its toll, Holly's body didn't really care. She still needed absurd amounts of food to support her unmatched productivity.

"My goodness, did I miss having simple dinners like this?" Maria sighed.

"You know what would make this perfect?" Holly said with a bright face "wrapping this day in the pool with a couple of drinks."

"Right," Maria agreed, "let's see what they have here."

She walked over to the kitchen and opened a cabin labeled "alcohol". Inside she found what could only be described as the mother of all booze stashes. Every kind of stock drink she could think of awaited at her fingertips. Behind her, Maria could hear Holly gasping at the variety.

"What do you fancy?"

"I... I don't know..." Holly stammered, clearly as astonished as her lover.

"I'll just take a few bottles and we can sort it out from there."

Holly came up and offered a hand, each took two bottles and they made their way over to the pool. Midway there, Holly suddenly stopped in her tracks, "Our swimsuits..."

Maria winked at Holly as a smile started to spread across her face. She suddenly looked as if she shook off a decade of hardships, "I don't know what about you, but I have my birthday suit on..."

Holly gave off a childish giggle and winked back at Maria "same here," she said as the two resumed their walking to the ocean pool. Once there, they carefully placed the drinks on the edge of the pool and walked over to the landing.

Suddenly, both Holly and Maria stopped. Silence, and the gentle sound of the waves, filled the space between the two. It wasn't that they weren't comfortable seeing each other naked, quite the opposite. It was just that, after almost a decade, the situation seemed alien to the two.

"Guess I'll go first..." Maria hesitated. She carefully took off her glasses and placed them on a nearby stand, unclipped her raven dark hair and let gravity control it, and took care of her shirt and pants. Standing in her bra and panties, she gestured to Holly, "your turn."

"Oh, right," Holly snapped to attention. She quickly unzipped her dress and stood before Maria in her special panties. The futa's breasts never needed a bra, the pair of hefty orbs just stood there, resisting the pull of gravity.

"Okay," Maria said and undid the clasp of her bra and exposed her own bosom. Although her breasts were bigger than Holly's, they lacked the pair's gravity-defying quality and showed some sag.

Next, Maria went for her undies. The white fabric exposed a delicate, well-taken care of, reddish flower. It has been ages since she was fully naked before Holly. The daily grind made sure the two never had the time for anything other than keeping the family train going.

Holly couldn't stay apathetic to the sight of her lover's perfect body. Inside her panties, something shifted, like a sleeping behemoth. The package contained within ended just below Holly's knees.

"Waiting for a dramatic effect?" Maria teased.

Holly simply smiled and undid the clips on either side of the garment. The fabric fell down to the ground, exposing Holly's biggest asset. Baby was the most relaxed Maria ever saw it. A two feet long shaft that was as thick as Holly's thigh nestled on a sack containing two over-productive balls the size of watermelons.

"Sleeping?" Maria wondered.

"All Baby does those days," Holly said and threw her hands up in an accepting gesture.

Maria frowned and turned to the pool, "let's not let that cloud our night. Maybe things will turn around." She said with a smile and took to the water. The ocean was pleasant, not too cold or hot. Its waves caressed Maria's feet as she stepped down the ramp with Holly in her tracks.

The couple sat and shot the breeze for a long while. While the two were still in love with each other, life changed them in subtle ways. By the time Maria and Holly were three bottles in the alcohol worked its magic and the tension loosened up a bit.

"You still have it?" Holly wondered.

"Have what?" Maria looked confused.

"My cum..."

"Oh, that," Maria needed a moment to recall the last time the couple had sex, almost ten years ago, "still have every drop you gave me, minus 27 seeds." She said with a smile.

"It's amazing how your body can manage to contain everything I gave you and still show off a perfectly flat belly."

"About as amazing as your body is," Maria pointed at Holly's cock, "you are the one who gave me this load after all". Baby rested below the water. It grew a little, adding another foot to its length, but was still far from an erection.

"Gonna keep it there forever?" Holly wondered.

"I don't know, never even thought about it..." Maria admitted.

"If it was me I think I'd let it out."

"Didn't even think it was an option until now," Maria pondered the idea. It wasn't that the weight affected her in any way, the thing was so condensed that it didn't even feel like liquid, it only felt like a slight warmth in her abdomen. "Do we want any more kids?"

Holly thought about it for a moment, "Nope, I'm good," she giggled, "I have over half a million babies around the world, 27 with you is a perfect fit. Besides, if we ever want more we can always have another go." She pointed at her cock.

Maria blinked a couple of times, "That's actually a very solid point. I think there's no point storing it anymore..." Maria went silent for a moment, "but where can we let it out that's safe? I mean we're not talking about a couple of liters..."

"You can let it out here," Holly suggested.

"But this is a pool-"

"That is part of the ocean..."Holly cut her off, "I'm sure the pacific can handle you."

"If this ends with us breaking the hotel this is totally your fault," Maria whispered and closed her eyes, focusing on her body. She shifted her awareness to a part of her body about the size of a golf ball, her uterus. It contained a solid white orb. 'I release you,' she thought to herself as her muscles relaxed and the floodgates opened.

"You go girl," Holly encouraged as she saw a spot of white goo starting to spread out from Maria's cunt and into the water. Maria opened her eyes and looked down. The spot of white covered about half of her body now and was spreading fast. In a couple of minutes it should reach Holly, and in about 15 minutes the whole pool should be filled with cum. Maria's body also told her this was no more than a fraction of what she had in her.

"I don't think you're letting it out fast enough," Holly intervened, "did you try pushing?"

"Pushing?" Maria seemed phased.

"Like when you have an orgasm, or when giving birth," Holly explained.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"What's the worst that can happen?" Holly wondered. The two exchanged looks and Maria pushed. The worst that could happen was that Maria would erupt so hard that the stream coming out of her would punch a hole through the plant's core like in a sci-fi movie.

Instead, when Maria squeezed, out came a flood of Holly's cum that instantly filled the pool. The thing went on with no end in sight and Maria instinctively decided the right thing to do was to lean back on the edge of the pool and ride it out. The jet went on for a long while, a constant stream of viral thick goo. By the time it was over, the couple finished their booze and talked some more. The pool was filled with cum, and so was the ocean for as far as the couple could see.

"It must be quite a relief letting all that out." Holly marveled at the outcome of her idea to push.

"It is..." Maria lifted her cum covered hand and examined it, "but there's a kind of empty sensation left behind."

"I think I can help you with that," Holly said with a wink.

"I'm not sure I want this place trashed so early in our vacation." Maria hesitated.

Holly lingered for a moment, "When we first met, my reaction to this kind of rejection was to rub one off," she leaned back and played with her ginger hair. "But I'm more collected these days, I'll wait like a good girl."

"Much obliged," Maria giggled and leaned back as well, "I love you, Holly."

"I love you too, Maria," Holly approved and leaned in for a passionate kiss.

Maria enjoyed Holly's strawberry-flavored kiss and her loving embrace, she wanted it to last forever. After a good while, the couple came up for air. "How about we hit the sack," Maria suggested.

Holly beamed with a smile, "wanna get it on in bed first?"

Maria laughed lovingly, "sorry baby, I'm exhausted letting all that cum out, I just wanna sleep."

Holly grimaced, "bummer, guess I can't make you..." she lifted her cum covered body out of the pool and started walking away, "gonna shower in the utility room and meet you in bed."

Maria took a couple of minutes for herself before washing off. She was worried her rejection would hurt Holly, but she was just not in the zone. By the time she was clean again, the black-haired mother had come up with a resolution, she will do her best to make this holiday a blast for both of them, but it will happen on her terms.

Back in bed, Holly waited for her. The couple covered themselves with a thin blanket, gave each other a good night kiss, and trailed off to the land of dreams.

Maria didn't sleep well, her mind was troubled with how her evening with Holly went. She tossed and turned as the hours went by but couldn't really sleep. Every time she closed her eyes the emptiness in her womb became unbearable. Holly was so understanding over the years, especially the last five years.

At first, she used Salina, and the woman held up like a champion. Almost every day, six times on the clock, she took what Baby made and didn't even make a peep about it. It was probably because the endless orgasms fried her brain, but Maria wanted to attribute it to Salina's virtuous nature.

But over the last five years Holly didn't use Salina even once, she just held it in. Maria noticed this decision to abstain was affecting Holly. While she was mostly pretty docile, anything that caught her fancy got a glaring look of death. Holly never acted on it, but once you got the look you knew Holly was planning on having sex with you until the end of time and the only thing holding her back is her pure willpower. Maria got that look at least thrice a week.

Maria raised her head up and examined the room they were in as the dawn was just starting to break. Holly was still asleep. Her perfect frame rested peacefully on her back, one hand massaging her huge breast in her sleep.

Between Holly's legs rested Baby. The huge beast was dormant like its owner. Baby, even while flaccid, was a sight to behold. Far bigger than any man or futa had to offer, the shaft was a good couple of feet now and rested on a pair of balls the size of watermelons.

Maria turned around to the nightstand and grabbed her phone. This was her time, the time to reflect on life while everyone else was sleeping. She opened the news like she did every morning, but froze. The headline on the site read "Ocean Turned White - Secret Government Project?" Maria gave the article a quick scan and understood they were talking about her unloading the stored cum in the ocean pool. It took Maria back to her first date with Holly, when the futa placed a ring of cum in orbit around the planet after learning Maria was a virgin.

Maria couldn't help but smile faintly when the memory came to her. Back then she was shocked at what her girlfriend was capable of. Holly was definitely something out of this world. And here she was... sharing a bed with a being she could only describe as a sex goddess.

A realization came over Maria, the cum filled ocean... that was also Holly. She might have been the one storing the load in her womb all that time. But what was unloaded wasn't Maria's cum, it was Holly's. Without Holly, Maria wouldn't have been able to fill the pool.

Maria blinked as light started to fill the room and the sun was starting to break over the horizon. Tears started to fill her eyes as another realization came over her. Just like before, this one linked all the scattered dots in her head.

Holly needed her, she needed Maria for the past decade, and while Holly wasn't the perfect mother, she was the best companion a girl could ask for. Holly even gave up on sex for the past five years.

Holly gave up on sex to be with Maria.

The thought rang in her head over and over. Each ring stronger than the one before it. Until a new thought came to be.

I need to take better care of her. She deserves better...

Placing the phone back on the nightstand, Maria turned to face her lover. Holly was still sleeping, unphased by the rising sun. the blanket covering only her legs and letting the world see the rest of her perfect body. "I'll make it up to you, I promise..."

As if hearing Maria's words, Baby had a contraction. It was something Maria saw in the past when Holly orgasmed, but this was new. All the veins that run along its length bulged obscenely for a solid minute before relaxing. Below, her sack wiggled around, growing and swelling.

Maria was pretty sure this was Holly's version of morning wood, which would work perfectly with her plan. Maria lifted herself to a sitting position and took a calculated risk. She sent her right hand over and, using her index finger, gently touched Holly's shaft.

Baby bucked with a powerful contraction once again. This time, the contraction seemed to last longer. Maria noticed veins as thick as her finger running along the length of the cock.

"Here goes..." she whispered and touched the rod again, this time with her whole hand instead of her finger. The shaft contracted again, but this time Maria paid closer attention. The contraction started at the base and traveled to the tip quickly. Below the surface, her hand told her of a flow of liquids. Maria guessed it was the blood Holly needed to maintain an erection. This time, the contraction lasted until she took her hand off of Baby.

Maria noticed that her girlfriend was still fast asleep and decided she'd start their morning of delight with the best imitation of a blowjob she could manage with a cock this caliber.

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