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Holly's New Aide Pt. 01

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On-the-Job training for a quadriplegic woman's new caregiver.
5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/24/2022
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Jade parked her car, and slammed the last few sips of her energy drink.

It was 5:45 AM, the sun was just starting to cross over the horizon. It was pitch black when she had left her parents' house half an hour ago. It was the earliest she had been up in years, and she was really regretting taking this new job. But, even with tips, 18 dollars an hour was considerably more than she'd ever make at the coffee shop. Plus, no bitchy customers.

Jade shut off her engine, locked the door and started moving. She had strategically parked two blocks away from her new employer's home. Maplewood was a suburb known for being wealthy and luxurious, and her hand-me-down Kia would stick out like a framing nail. Today and tomorrow would be her last shifts at Bean Gene's, then she'd be working full time as a caregiver.

When the 24 year old saw the post on Craigslist, it was like a godsend. Eighteen an hour to be some chick's arms and legs, how hard could it be? Jade's Aunt Jackie was a nurse, she worshiped her when she was little. Jade had been debating going back to school, and nursing was high on the list of things she'd consider getting a degree in.

Diving deeper into the ad, she realized that not only would she be acting as her "arms and legs", but there was a decent amount of medical procedure involved, a considerable amount being of an intimate nature. This made Jade reconsider, but then she thought about other job listings she had seen. If not this quadriplegic woman in the suburbs, she could be dealing with trash, mold, or even rats.

Compared to those, care of an intimate nature really didn't seem all that bad.


Jade pulled out her earbuds as she realized she was walking up to the house she was looking for.

"Oh fuck," she said, under her breath.

Her reaction was indeed the correct one, her employer's house was nothing short of gorgeous. A spacious, elegant, one-story abode that had to have five bedrooms, at the very least. The type of home that her parents would refer to as a "McMansion". Something that she, nor her family and friends would ever dare dream of calling home. She gulped as she knocked on the door, half expecting someone to chase her off the porch for bothering them so early. An energetic blonde woman with blue eyes answered the door.

"You must be Jade," she said softly. "My name is Larissa. Please, come in."

Jade followed Larissa into the house, which was twice as elegant on the inside as it was on the outside. Beautiful hardwood floors, everything was well-kept and organized. Jade felt out of place, like she had just stepped into a magazine or possibly a furniture advertisement. Larissa invited her into the kitchen for some coffee.

"How do you take it?," asked Larissa.

"Straight is fine," Jade replied.

Larissa poured a cup, and handed it to Jade. Jade slurped, and allowed the warm brew to completely glide over her palate. Full-flavored, and low acidity, this was most definitely a dark roast. Larissa poured a cup for herself and began to add cream and sugar when she asked, "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine," said Jade. "Although this dark roast is definitely helping."

Larissa laughed, "That's right, you're the coffee girl. Holly mentioned you. Well I hope you brought your energy, because she always does.

Larissa then reached into a cupboard and pulled out an oversized coffee mug with elongated loop handles on both sides. She filled this coffee cup, once again adding cream and sugar. She handed the cup to Jade.

"Follow me," said Larissa, walking down the hallway.

The sunrise was lighting the way as the two women made their way down the huge, corridor-like hallway. They finally reached the solid, heavy door at the end of the hallway. Larissa knocked twice before she walked in.

"Good morning," Larissa said, softly. "She's here."

Jade followed Larissa into the bedroom, and could barely keep her jaw off the floor. The bedroom was what she imagined her bedroom looking like, some day in the future. Giant wooden dressers, with a matching vanity that had lights and a magnifying mirror. A flat-screen television was mounted to the wall, and the hospital bed had both a nightstand and a tray table to swing over. A larger electric wheelchair was parked at the opposite side of her bed. Everything in the room seemed larger than life, save for the small woman laying in the bed.

"Morning, Jade," she said. "So nice to finally meet you."

It took Jade a second to fully make the connection, but this was indeed Holly, the woman she'd be caring for. When they interviewed on Skype, Holly just seemed...different. Jade chalked it up to the early morning, and a lack of caffeine and/or makeup. Holly was about to turn 37, but time hadn't fully caught up with her yet. Even without makeup, she was quite cute. Her arms were thin, but her hands were what caught Jade's attention. Her hands appeared to be moving, but her fingers did not. Holly smiled as Larissa gently took the oversized mug from Jade, and placed it into Holly's hands. Holly then used both hands to bring the cup up to her mouth and began to sip. Jade watched as Larissa walked into the attached bathroom she was just noticing, and returned a second later with a container of pills. Larissa walked over to the bed, moved the tray over Holly's lap, and took her cup.

"God, I needed that," said Holly. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," said Larissa. She found the slot on the container marked for Wednesday morning, and removed the pills. Holly stuck her tongue out, and Larissa gently placed the pills in her mouth. Larissa then grabbed Holly's cup and held it up to her mouth for a sip, to wash down the pills.

"We start the morning with meds, then cathing and stretching," said Holly.

Holly had mentioned cathing before, and Jade figured she was about to find out exactly what it entailed. In the Skype interview, Holly had asked Jade if she was comfortable having to deal with both feces and urine. Jade had said "yes", optimistically assuming she would be emptying a bag, at the absolute worst. But after looking at Holly's bed, there was no bag to be seen, and Jade began to fear for the worst.

Larissa walked into the bathroom and returned a few seconds later with a small plastic tray. She set the tray on top of Holly's nightstand.

"Larissa's gonna do this the first couple of times, but I promise you'll do it at least once today," said Holly.

"Do what?," Jade asked.

"You'll see," Larissa said with a grin.

Larissa pulled the blankets from Holly's chest down to her feet. Jade could see that Holly's legs were just as thin as her arms, but her feet were completely enclosed in cloth boots. There also appeared to be a waterproof pad underneath her hips. Holly raised her arms up, and Larissa pulled the oversized t-shirt off of her thin frame. Jade could see Larissa's breasts sagged just slightly, but her gut protruded quite a bit.

"She's about five months along," Larissa chuckled as she began to lay the supplies out from her plastic tray.

"She's kidding," said Holly. "I don't have any control over my gut muscles, so I don't have any muscle town down there. I swear, I look fat but I'm not," she said with a wink.

Larissa gently lifted Holly's left leg and separated it from her right. At the same time, Holly pressed down on the remote attached to her bed, helping her lay flat on her back. Larissa donned gloves, and invited Jade to the bedside to observe.

"Alright, so Larissa is about to empty my bladder," said Holly. "We do this about every four to six hours."

Larissa grabbed a wipe, and began to clean Holly's vagina, while Holly tended to look away. After cleaning the outside, Larissa grabbed a fresh wipe, spread Holly's lips and once again cleaned from front to back. Holly's pubic hair was completely removed, but Jade wondered if it matched the shade of red hair that flowed like lava down Holly's shoulders. Larissa grabbed a slim red tube and dipped it in lubricant. With one hand, she gently spread Holly's labia wide. With the other hand, she grasped the catheter and inserted it into Holly's urethra. Jade cringed at the thought of a tube going the opposite way of nature's intention, but Holly remained completely still. Jade turned her attention toward the clear bag at the opposite end of the tube, which was now filling with liquid of a familiar amber color. Once the liquid stopped flowing, Larissa removed the tube, and took the bag into the bathroom.

Holly turned her head to look at Jade and smiled, "Just like that."

Jade sheepishly smiled back, "Looks easy enough."

Holly chuckled and said, "Larissa's just emptying the bag into the toilet, you can figure that out. How about you put on some gloves and help me clean up?"

Jade put on the extra gloves from the tray and grabbed a wipe. She looked at Holly for further instruction.

Holly laughed, "It's the same thing as after you pee! Just get me from the front to the back."

Embarrassed at how she could miss such a mundane task, Jade kept her face down as she cleaned Holly's vagina. While she was cleaning Holly, she noticed a faint scar on her midsection, instantly recognizable as a C-Section. Before she could even ask where to put the wipe, Holly spoke up and said, "There's a trash can next to the bed, darlin."

Larissa walked in with a box of no-rinse body wipes. "I'll usually shower at night, but we'll wipe me down in the bed every morning," Holly explained.

While she was saying this, Larissa was helping her to sit up in bed as Jade observed. Larissa grabbed a wipe and cleaned Holly's face. She grabbed another wipe and cleaned under her left underarm. Larissa grabbed another wipe and repeated the process with her right underarm. Another washcloth to clean under, over, and in between her breasts. Larissa removed the cloth boots that Holly's feet were in.

"To prevent drop foot," Holly explained. Jade pretended she knew what that meant.

Larissa grabbed more wipes and wiped down Holly's feet, making sure to get everywhere including between the toes. Larissa helped Holly onto her side and grabbed one more wipe. With Holly on her side, Larissa took one more stroke between her labia. She then folded her cloth, spread Holly's cheeks and ran the cloth against her anus. Larissa threw away the cloth, removed her gloves, and helped Holly back onto her back.

Holly said, "I need to have my limbs stretched every morning and evening, to retain my full range of motion."

Larissa grabbed Holly's right arm and slowly extended it, and then contracted it. She did this in several different directions. Larissa then instructed Jade to do the same with Holly's left arm. Larissa then grabbed Holly's right leg, and slowly pushed her knee up to her chest. She then brought it back down, and raised Holly's foot up at a right angle. Jade then repeated with the left leg. After stretches, it was time to get dressed. Larissa reached into a drawer and produced a pair of blue cotton panties and a disposable absorbent pad. Larissa turned Holly onto her side, and undid the side snaps on the panties. She laid the underwear under Holly, and rolled her onto her back. Larissa lined the pad up with Holly's crotch, pulled the top half of the panties over the pad, then re-fastened the side snaps.

"I fucking love these underwear!," Holly exclaimed. "My homegirl in Portland makes them, she's a T9 and half the proceeds go to buy wheelchairs for SCI patients in the middle east.

"That's dope," said Jade.

Larissa grabbed a pair of nylon sweatpants and a hoodie, and laid them on the bed. Larissa grabbed Holly's left foot and gently fed it through the leg of her sweatpants. She repeated the process with the right. Once Holly's pants were on, Larissa helped her sit up in bed once again and started to feed her left and right hands through the holes of the hoodie. Once her arms were in, Holly ducked her head and Larissa brought the opening of the hoodie over her neck. Holly was dressed, save for her feet.

"So that's how mornings start around here," Holly said. "Now it's time for breakfast."

Larissa produced a wooden board from between the nightstand and the bed.She placed one end on the bed, and the other in the seat of the powered wheelchair next to Holly's bed. Holly moved her rmas onto the board, and swung her weight into the chair, as Larissa guided her. Larissa gently placed her legs and feet into the footrests, one by one. Larissa moved out of the way and Holly placed her hand on the joystick, pulling away from the wall.

"C'mon," said Holly. "Time to meet the kiddos."

"Of course, duh! She's totally a mom," Jade thought to herself.

The ad had mentioned two kids, and Holly had asked how she felt about kids during the Skype interview. Nothing about this morning was what Jade had been expecting, so she was kind of thrown off. Jade and Larissa followed Holly into the kitchen, where she said "Good morning"

"Morning, mom," two voices responded in unison.

Inside the kitchen, seated at the breakfast nook were a boy and a girl who each had Holly's bright red hair. The boy was probably a teenager, the girl couldn't have been older than ten. Both were eating cereal.

Holly pulled up to the breakfast nook and played with the girl's hair. "Kids, this is Jade, and she's going to be joining my care team, I'd like you to introduce yourselves," she said.

The children introduced themselves, the boy was named Luke, he was 14, quiet and reserved. The girl was named Tasha, she was seven, she was the more friendly and talkative of the two. While the three made introductions, Larissa prepared Holly's breakfast; toast, yogurt and juice. Larissa put the plate in front of Holly, and she began to reach for her utensils when she stopped short.

"Momma, where are your gloves?," asked Tasha.

"Silly me," Holly giggled. "I must've forgot them. Larissa, could you please grab my splints?"

Larissa left the kitchen and disappeared down the hallway. As she was leaving, Holly turned to Jade.

"So Jade," she said. "In your interview, you mentioned that you knew a little bit about spinal cord injuries, but not too much, right?"

"Yeah," said Jade. "That's right."

"Well," Holly continued. "My injury is at the C5-C6 level, that means-"

"I have to get going," Luke interrupted.

"Oh," said Holly, softly. "Well, come say goodbye."

Luke walked over and hugged his mother, she kissed his cheek. He walked out of the room in a hurry, saying a general "bye" to the room. Once she heard the front door close behind him, Holly let out a deep sigh and looked over at Tasha. She was finished with her cereal, but now her attention was fully focused on her tablet. Holly made eye contact with Jade and motioned for her to follow her lead into the living room. When they were in the living room, Holly softened her voice.

"Luke really doesn't like to hear me talk about my injury," she said. "Tasha was only two when I got hurt, so she really doesn't remember me before, but Luke was almost ten, so it impacted him pretty deeply."

Jade was empathetic, she really wasn't sure what she would've done in Luke's shoes. She did the mental math, Holly had been a quadriplegic for a little over five years. Jade made the realization that she had started working at Bean Gene's right around the same time as Holly's accident.

"Those first days in the hospital were really rough," Holly continued. "At first, he just cried whenever my parents would bring him for a visit. Things got better, but for a long time he couldn't take his eyes off the chair and he didn't want to come close. I swear to god he was afraid of it, it seemed like."

Jade was holding back tears for this poor kid.

Holly said, "Things are a lot better now, but it's really something he's still kinda sensitive about."

She turned her head and looked down at the floor. "There's a lot of things about this injury I really wish he didn know about," she said softly, almost to herself.

Larissa walked in the living room and apologized for forgetting the splints. Holly led the way back into the kitchen, where Larissa helped each of her hands into the splints.

"Anyway, I'll give you the full explanation later," said Holly. "But I'm paralyzed from my shoulders down, I have limited sensation and movement in my arms, but my hands are another story. These splints, however, let me do pretty much whatever I need to get done."

There was a honk from the driveway, and Holly looked at Tasha.

"Best get a move on, m'lady. Your chariot awaits", Holly said, hamming it up with a cheesy English accent.

Tasha laughed, and made her way to the living room. The three women followed close behind her. Tasha grabbed her backpack, hugged her mother goodbye and raced out the door, into the neighbor's green SUV. Holly followed her onto the porch, waving off the truck until it was out of sight. She then put her hand on her joystick, and went back inside.

"Tasha is friends with Kayla Schmidt up the street," Holly explained. "So they carpool to school every morning. Luke rides the bus with his friends."

Holly fed herself breakfast while Jade and Larissa cleared the table. Once Holly was finished with breakfast, she summoned Larissa and Jade to her bedroom.

"Now that the kids are off to school, I need to get ready for work," said Holly. "Let's put a bra on."

Larissa helped Holly out of her hoodie, and grabbed a bra out of Holly's dresser. She was about to begin helping Holly into it when she said "I think Jade can do this part."

Larissa agreed with Holly, and left the bra in Holly's lap. Jade walked over and began to feed Holly's arms through the straps. It was a bit awkward, Jade had never dressed a grown woman before. Holly, however, had been receiving help with her bras for the better part of a decade by this point, so she was able to guide Jade through the process. Jade scooped each breast into the respective cup, and clasped it shut.

"Well done," Holly smiled. "I take it you've put a bra on before."

Jade chuckled. Holly wheeled herself over to the vanity with the mirror, on the other side of the room. Larissa was already standing there, with a white t-shirt in hand.

"Here's the real challenge, grasshopper," Holly said with a grin. "The bra was a warm up, let's see how you handle an undershirt!"

Larissa handed the undershirt to Jade, while Holly lifted her arms up. Jade made several attempts to help Holly don the shirt, but to no avail. Both Holly and Larissa were offering suggestions, and after about five minutes, Jade finally had the undershirt on Holly.

"Yes!," Jade exclaimed with a fist pump.

"Haven't had my boobs grabbed like that since Junior Year," said Holly, deadpanning.

Jade blushed, and Larissa told her that her first attempt at getting Holly's shirt on took twice as long.

Holly said, "Alright Jade, I gotta say it. When I interviewed you on Skype, the first thing I noticed was your makeup.

"Thanks," Jade said, embarrassed. She had tried really hard for that interview. The entire time she was getting ready, she had makeup tutorials from YouTube on her TV, and her best friend Olivia on FaceTime.

"Usually I'll give girls a fairly basic request for makeup, just to see what they can do," Holly explained. "But I'm already impressed with you, so how about you surprise me."

Jade did love makeup. And Holly had a lot of really nice stuff, in a wide variety of colors and shades. Holly had been hearing it her entire life, but it was the truth; she was a natural beauty, she really didn't need much makeup. Jade decided on a blend of reds and blues for the eye shadow, with a more modest lip gloss and just a bit of eyeliner. When she was finished, Holly turned to look at herself in the mirror.

"Wow!," She exclaimed.

"You like it?," Jade asked.

"I's a little more than I'm used to, might be a little too much for work... but I feel HOT!"


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