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Holly's New Aide Pt. 02

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Jade's second day as Holly's caregiver.
7.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/24/2022
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Jade pulled into the driveway at the stroke of 4:39.

It had been a good day so far, she had slept until about noon. The previous evening had been her final shift at Bean Gene's, afterward some of her now-former coworkers took her out for drinks to celebrate. She woke up a little groggy, but fortunately not hungover. Jade put her cell phone on silent as she knocked on the door. A second later, a smiling, plump woman of about 30 answered the door.

"You must be Jade! Come in, my name is Inna," said Inna.

Inna spoke perfect English, but Jade immediately noticed that Inna's vowels were especially nasally. Jade guessed that Inna spoke Ukrainian or Russian growing up, learning English around the same time. The two women shook hands.

Jade followed Inna into the kitchen, where Holly was in her wheelchair seated at the breakfast nook, sipping water through a straw.

"Oh hey," said Holly. "Good to see you."

"Nice to see you as well," said Jade.

Inna and Jade made brief introductions, as Holly led them into her bedroom. It was early summer, so Holly was dressed accordingly; striped top, basketball shorts, and flip flops. Holly's contrasting choices of tops and bottoms seemed a little goofy, but she had explained it best during the interview. Her tops had to be professional, but because she was only on camera from the chest up, the shorts and sweatpants provide easier access. Holly parked her chair next to the bed, and Inna pulled the wooden board out from between the bed and the nightstand. Inna placed one end on the bed, and the other one on Holly's chair. Holly used her arms to scoot her weight over the board, and onto the bed. Inna gently removed Holly's flip flops, and placed her legs on the bed. Inna went into the bathroom, returning a second later with what Jade immediately recognized as a catheterization kit.

"Do you think you're ready?," asked Holly. "Or would you like to see Inna do it once?"

Jade wasn't quite ready, so she opted to watch Inna. Inna gently grabbed the waistband of Holly's shorts, and pulled them around her ankles. To Jade's surprise, Holly was wearing an adult diaper.

"I had an accident," Holly said matter-of-factly. "I'm probably good now, but we're just gonna play it safe."

She turned and looked directly at Jade. "Still want the job?," she asked.

"Beats the hell out of a drive-thru," Jade said with a grin.

Inna ripped open the sides and pulled back the diaper, exposing Holly's paralyzed vagina.

"Clean," said Inna, to Holly's relief.

Inna invited Jade to the bedside, narrating slowly and clearly to Jade as she worked. First she would cleanse Holly's urethral area with a sterile wipe, then she lubricated the catheter and inserted it. Holly's urine drained into a bag. Holly was mentally checked out for this part, it was only after Inna had removed the catheter and started walking toward the bathroom did she begin to speak.

"She's gonna go drain the bag," said Holly. "Go ahead and help me get cleaned up. Roll me onto my side, there's a brief on the nightstand."

Jade rolled Holly onto her side. Determined not to be fooled so easily like last time, Jade gloved up and went straight for the wipes. With Holly on her side, Jade spread her labia and cleaned in between, going all the way back. She repeated once, then Holly was clean. Jade grabbed the adult diaper off of the nightstand, and started threading Holly's feet through the holes. Jade was shocked by how incredibly soft and smooth Holly's feet were. But it made sense, they hadn't taken a step in nearly half a decade, anything close to a callus or blister would've been long gone by now. Once the diaper was fully up on one side, Jade turned Holly onto her opposite side, and pulled that side up. Holly talked her through the process, ensuring there were no wrinkles touching her skin. To prevent pressure sores, she explained. Inna walked back in right as Jade was pulling Holly's shorts back up around her waist. Inna stood by as Holly talked Jade through the transfer process, step-by-step. Once Holly was in her wheelchair, Jade grabbed her left foot, put it back in the flip flop, and gently laid the foot into the footrest. She repeated this process with Holly's right leg.

"Awesome," said Holly. "Time for dinner."

Inna and Jade followed Holly into the kitchen, where Inna pulled a large, brown paper sack from the refrigerator. Holly still did some grocery shopping, but had realized the convenience of a meal preparation service early on. All the ingredients were pre-measured and included, tonight was buffalo mac and cheese.

Inna grabbed all of the necessary cookware and utensils, and opened all the necessary packaging. After she had completed this, she backed off and let Holly get to work. Jade was amazed, aside from the minimal preparations Inna had made, Holly was quite independent in the kitchen. While Holly was already a generally pleasant woman, Jade could tell a huge improvement in her mood when she began to cook, she really felt at home in the kitchen. Once the meal was finished, Holly summoned Luke and Tasha to the table. The children greeted Inna and Jade as they set the table, Tasha still friendlier than Luke. Once Tasha and Luke were seated, Holly began to dish out their plates, serving herself after her children.

Meals were not a part of this job, and Holly's meal preparation service only included portions for three people, so Jade and Inna ate their sack lunches in the backyard. It was around dusk on that night in the early summer, quite pleasant. While making small talk, the two women discovered that they had attended the same high school at different times. After developing some rapport, Jade's curiosity got the best of her.

"So, Holly's accident..." Jade trailed off.

"She tripped," said Inna, not missing a beat. "She was in line at a cafe one morning, she walked up to order, tripped, and her chin caught the counter at just the perfect angle, SNAP!," Inna said, as she made a cracking motion with her hands.

Jade was slightly discomforted, she wasn't sure what kind of explanation she was expecting, but that certainly wasn't it. Jade couldn't believe how a freak accident like that could happen, but it was literally the reason for her employment. Jade empathized with her employer, but she tried to fathom the odds of such an event, she was more likely to win the lottery multiple times! Sensing the tension, Inna spoke up.

"She got a pretty nice settlement out of the whole thing. Her parents were rich to begin with, though."

About half an hour later, Inna and Jade walked back into the house. Jade immediately cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher, Inna cleaned up the kitchen. Holly and her kids were in the living room, watching TV. When their program reached a commercial break, Holly rolled into the kitchen, greeting both women.

"Alright," said Holly. "Jade, how about you follow me into the bedroom."

Holly took the lead as Jade followed her into the bedroom. Jade parked her chair next to her bed, and instructed Jade to place the wooden board between the chair and bed, as she had seen before. Once Holly had transferred onto the bed, she instructed Jade to pull her shorts down. Jade pulled the shorts around Holly's ankles, fully exposing her diaper.

"Hope you're ready," said Holly. "Cath kits are in the bathroom."

Jade walked into Holly's bathroom, and turned on the light. Jade was shocked at the sheer size, Holly's bathroom was enormous. One one end of the bathroom, there was a large, tile stall with a showerhead and a slightly sloped drain. Across from the shower stall was a large padded commode chair on wheels, parked over Holly's toilet. It took Jade a second to find her bearings, but she grabbed the catheterization kit and underpads, and returned to Holly's bedside. Jade rolled the underpad under Holly and gloved up. Jade then ripped the sides of Holly's diaper, and pulled back the front. Holly had had an accident. A mild bladder spasm, but an accident nonetheless.

"You, um, you uh, you peed yourself just a little," said Jade, embarrassed over how much she stumbled over her words.

"Incontinence is a part of living with paralysis" said Holly, not for the first time.

Jade couldn't imagine how Holly felt, laying there helpless having her diaper changed by a woman closer to her son's age than her own. Once Holly was clean, Jade changed gloves and wiped off Holly's urethral area. She had spent her last ten minute break at Bean Gene's researching catheterization videos, so she was feeling pretty good. Jade dipped the catheter in lubricant, and remembering her training, found Holly's urethra without incident. This was confirmed by the attached bag slowly beginning to fill up. Once the bag was full, Jade removed the catheter and left for the bathroom, where she drained the bag. Jade walked back into Holly's bedroom.

"See? It's not so bad," said Holly "You'll get the hang of it in no time."

Jade grabbed the baby wipes and cleaned off Holly's vagina. As she wiped her paralyzed client, Jade noticed Holly's ginger stubble reflecting under the ceiling light. This had satiated her curiosity, Holly's carpet indeed matched the drapes. Once Holly was clean, Jade found herself reaching for the nightstand drawer.

"Do you need a diaper?," Jade asked.

"Y'know, 'brief' is absolutely fine to say," Holly said, sharply. She cooled her tone, "And I'd feel a lot better with one, please and thank you."

Jade was embarrassed, so embarrassed that she avoided eye contact as she helped Holly into her diaper. Once Holly was covered, Jade helped her back into her shorts and shirt. After she was fully dressed, Holly had Jade help her transfer back into her wheelchair, hoping she hadn't missed anything important to the plot.

Holly rolled into the living room right as her program returned from commercial, Jade followed her with a glass of water and straw. Jade placed the glass on the tray nearest to Holly, and tilted the straw toward her. Holly thanked her, keeping her eyes affixed to the television. Inna walked into the doorway with two green, glass bottles in her hand. She then invited Jade to join her on the porch.

Jade followed Inna onto the porch, where two lawn chairs were reclined. Inna sat down in one chair, and instructed Jade to follow suit. She spoke as she handed Jade a beer.

"To be honest, I don't usually stick around after dinner," said Inna. "Most nights I'll leave after Holly makes dinner, I'll come back to cath her a few hours later, and then I'll come back to put her to bed. Only reason I stuck around tonight was so I could show you around a little, and see if you had any questions."

Before Jade could ask about the beer, Inna sensed her apprehension.

"Go ahead," smiled Inna. "It's non-alcoholic. Holly keeps them here for us on hot days."

Indeed it was a warm day, and the beer was might cold in Jade's hand. She began to slowly sip, as she found the nerve to ask something.

"So, the other day with Larissa, she said something about bowels..." Jade began to trail off, hoping Inna would take the lead.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask you about that," said Inna. "So what do you know?"

Jade really didn't know much. She had done some research online, but she was a little grossed out by what she had found. Secretly, she had been hoping that Holly had a colostomy, but hope had gone out the window the first time she had seen Holly naked. Inna went ahead and briefly went through the process with Jade.

"She'll guide you through it tonight, but she'll be a little... disconnected," said Inna. "Once you have it down, she'll start putting her earbuds in while you do it."

Jade empathized, she was nervous to be on the performing end of such an intimate procedure, she couldn't imagine being the recipient. Changing the pace, Inna produced a slim, hand-rolled cigarette from her pocket.

"Do you smoke?," asked Inna.

"Yeah," said Jade. "But will Holly care?"

Inna smiled, "Yeah, she won't let us come to work high, or get high at work, but this is CBD."

Inna sparked her joint and took two hearty drags, before passing it to Jade, who also gladly inhaled. The two women laughed as they sipped their non-alcoholic beers and smoked their THC-free joint. The sun was setting, turning the sky a wonderfully vibrant hue of pink, signalling the rapidly approaching end of what was otherwise a beautiful summer day. Inna elaborated to Jade that, as much as Holly treasured her aides, she found time with her family to be even more valuable.

"Always gotta be there when Holly needs me," said Inna. "But when she doesn't, it's almost easier to be a ghost."

Jade completely understood, as friendly as they all were, she felt kind of intrusive, a stranger merely observing this family eating dinner, and then watching television. While she was helping Holly, it was one thing, but once Holly was set up, she felt different. One person's home was another's workplace, she supposed. Inna finished her beer, and instructed Jade to do the same, and meet her inside.

It was around 8:45 PM when the two women walked back into the living room. Luke hadn't moved from the couch, but Tasha and Holly were elsewhere. Holly wheeled in a second later.

"Tasha's sorry she missed you both," said Holly. "But she says goodnight."

Jade and Inna let out an "aww" in unison. Luke was still focused on the TV. Holly checked the time on her phone.

"Almost nine," said Holly. "Time for me to start getting ready for bed. Lukey, come say goodnight."

Luke got up from the couch, walked over to his mother, and hugged her. She hugged him back, kissing his cheek. He remained focused on the TV, immediately sitting back down. Holly said "I love you" one more time, grabbed her joystick, and made her way to the bedroom. Jade and Inna followed close behind.

Once all three women were inside Holly's bedroom, Holly instructed Inna to close the door. Holly then instructed Jade to begin the transfer process. Jade was finally starting to get comfortable, she grabbed Jade's board and helped her transfer onto the bed.

"Let's get me undressed," said Holly.

Jade pulled Holly's shorts around her ankles and then off of her feet. Jade reached up and undid the buttons on Holly's top, and gently moved her arms out of it. She reached for the clasp on Holly's bra and undid it. Holly's breasts jiggled as Jade used her hand to remove them from the bra, and then removed the bra from Holly.

"Just like the morning, let's cath and stretch," said Holly.

Jade walked into the bathroom, remembering where Holly kept her catheters. She gently rolled Holly onto her side, and rolled the bed protector underneath her hips. Jade helped Holly onto her back, and cut the sides of her diaper, pulling back the front. To the relief of all three women, Holly was clean and dry.

Jade donned gloves, and removed Holly's diaper. She used a wipe to sterilize Holly's urethral area, lubricated the catheter, spread Holly's labia, and drained her bladder. Jade smiled as she realized how proficient she had become so quickly.

"Look at you," said Holly. "I knew you'd get the hang of it."

Jade went into the bathroom and drained the catheter bag into the toilet. She returned to the bedroom, stopping at Holly's bedside.

"Remember how to stretch me?," asked Holly.

Jade remembered, she walked to the left side of the bed, and grabbed Holly's left arm. Inna moved to the right, grabbing Holly's right arm. Both women stretched the limb from shoulder to fingertip in perfect unison. Inna and Holly then moved onto Holly's leg, grabbing each leg and the knee and the ankle, first bringing Holly's knee to her chest, pulling her ankle all the way up, and then finally rotating her hip in as wide a circle as comfortably possible. Inna then excused herself to the kitchen. When the two of them were alone, Holly turned to Jade.

"Are you liking things so far?," Holly asked.

"I am," said Jade.

"Good, because you're doing an excellent job so far. I think you're gonna be an excellent fit."

Jade smiled, glad that both parties felt good about her employment. Inna returned into the bedroom with two bottles of water. She offered one to Jade, who gladly accepted. Holly instructed Jade to retrieve her pill box from the bathroom, which she did. Jade opened up the pills, placed them in Holly's mouth, and lifted the water bottle to her lips to wash them down.

"Thanks," said Holly. "Could you please grab my shower chair from the bathroom?"

Jade went back into the bathroom, and found Holly's commode parked over the toilet. She unlocked the wheels of the large, white, PVC chair and rolled it to Holly's bedside. She began to reach for the transfer board when Holly spoke up.

"That doesn't work so well when I'm au naturel," said Holly. "You'll just have to pick me up."

Holly put her arms around Jade's shoulders, as Jade grabbed Holly's ribs and began to gently lift her into the chair, careful to land Holly's sitting bones correctly in the seat. She gently lowered Holly's feet into the footrests, one by one.

"Alright, so this is awkward for me, probably awkward for you too," said Holly. "You've seen how I pee, now it's time to..." Holly made a motion with her hand.

"I see," said Jade.

"Awkward for both of us," Holly reiterated. "But we'll get through it together. Roll me over the toilet, please."

Jade gently pushed Holly's chair into the bathroom, as Inna followed. Jade had nearly made it to the far end of the bathroom when she gently turned Holly's chair 180 degrees. She then gently pushed Holly's chair backward over the toilet, locking the brakes.

"Suppositories, gloves, and lube are in the medicine cabinet," said Holly. "Grab a suppository and a bottle of lube, grab lots of gloves."

Jade grabbed the appropriate supplies, and squatted down to her employer's level. She donned gloves, and looked to Holly for further instruction.

"Lube up your finger," said Holly, turning her head away. "Then you're gonna want to go up my rectum, but not past the second knuckle.

Awkwardly, Jade lubricated her finger and slowly inserted her digit inside of Holly, who remained completely still. Jade was anticipating some sort of clench or tightening, but nothing.

"Move your finger around a little bit in a circle," said Holly. "Can you feel any poop?"

Jade moved her finger as instructed, she found some.

"Make a hook with your finger, and scoop it out."

Jade scooped the foreign material out of Holly, it made a clinking noise as it hit the porcelain.

"Go back up there and see if you can find any more."

Jade repeated this process, but nothing else came out. Once she was satisfied, Holly instructed Jade to remove the suppository from its wrapper.

"Go ahead and lube up the pointed end," Holly said, softly. "Then, you'll have to put it back up there, hold your finger there a sec just to make sure it doesn't fall out."

Jade spread a drop of lubricant on the pointed end of the suppository. She took a silent breath, and gently inserted it upward and into Holly's anal cavity. She withdrew her finger slowly to ensure the suppository remained planted. Jade snapped off her gloves.

"Great, thanks," Holly said to the floor. "See you in half an hour."

"What now?," asked Jade

"It takes about half an hour to work," said Holly, still not looking up.

"Oh," said Jade. "Are you gonna need anythin-"

"I don't know about you," Holly said, snapping her head up. She made direct eye contact, staring through Jade. "But I really prefer to not have an audience."

As soon as the words had left her mouth, a tremendous roar escaped Holly's anus and reverberated into the porcelain bowl. She groaned, and said "fuck" under her breath. Inna tugged on Jade's shirt, and they both exited the restroom.

"I promise it gets easier once you're used to it," said Inna.

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