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Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 007


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"What the actual fuck is going on?" Mike asked.

"This place isn't built only to keep the outside world out," Cecilia told him. "It's also built to keep some of us in."

"Wait, there are bad monsters here?"

"It would seem. Jenny's presence is most disturbing, but she always had an aptitude for escaping. It has been decades since she last inhabited a human body, so she is very sensitive to the five senses." Cecilia frowned. "And now she's loose inside."

"Wait, if she wanted to escape, why come back at all?" Mike asked.

"Because she is tied to this place. She will always come back." Mike heard a heavy thud behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see that Abella had arrived.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Jenny," Tink and Cecilia said at the same time.

"Fuck." Abella replied. "Is she wearing a skin suit?"

Tink and Cecilia nodded.

"Okay, well first things first. Get her outside, and I can take care of her body."

"Wait, please, stop!" Mike put up his hands. "What is Jenny, exactly? What kind of monster?"

The others looked at each other, than at him.

"She's a ghost," Abella replied. "A very angry, nasty ghost. She was put in the doll a long time ago by..." Abella blanked, staring into the distance for several seconds. "Anyway, the hope was that someday she would fit in, but it never happened. As time marched on, she got meaner and meaner. One of the previous caretakers locked her in the Vault, after she escaped last time."

"The Vault? What the fuck is the Vault?" Mike asked.

"Vault for bad things. No go in Vault," Tink informed him.

"That... fine, we'll discuss later. She's inside of Beth right now, and she said something about Beth being inside the doll instead."

"That's the gist of it," Abella informed him. "It isn't easy, but if the conditions are right, Jenny can possess a body. The only way to get her to go back is to kill the host. She doesn't want to move on, so she will swap back at the last second."

"Absolutely not!" Mike yelled, horrified. "We don't just kill people! Especially not people we know!"

Abella shrugged. "It's what we did last time."

Mike looked at Cecilia. "You can't just pull her out?"

Cecilia shook her head. "No more than I could pull you out of your body. Once Jenny is knocked loose from her host body, she will go back into the doll. I can't remove her from there either, I've tried. Our best option is to trap her back in the doll and then put her in back in the Vault."

Furniture crashed inside, and all four of them turned to look.

"If we can get her out back in the garden, Naia may be able to help," Abella offered. "She has magic, right?"

"Sounds like we have a job to do," Mike muttered. "How do we get her outside?"

"She's overtly sensitive. She isn't used to a human body anymore. You saw what happened when she heard me scream. Bright lights, loud noises, anything that can get her out." Cecilia looked at Abella. "If you watch from up above, you can tackle her when she comes out."

"I'm on it." Wings spread wide, Abella leapt upward, disappearing onto the roof.

"I can help with sound, but you're going to need to find some way to make noise on your own, or blind her with a light."

"Ok, let's do this." Mike opened the door again, stepping into the front room. Tink and Cecilia followed behind him. Already, they could see that the furniture in the front and side rooms had been toppled everywhere.

"Do you think we should split up?" Mike asked.

"Absolutely not," Cecilia declared. "Unless you want to end up dead."

"Why would she want to kill me?" Mike asked.

"You obviously did something to hurt her feelings. Emily tried to let her out of the Vault once, but she trashed the room she was in because the curtains got left closed." Cecilia said. "She also likes to try and possess you if you sleep. If she can knock you out, she may take off in your body."

"Too bad I left my helmet in my other house with my other monsters," Mike muttered. The front room had been torn apart, all except for the doll on the shelf. Its sad eyes looked into Mike's when he picked it up. Staring at the creepy little doll in its dress, Mike wondered if it was wearing any underwear.

"Bring that with us," Cecilia said, her body hovering over the mess. "The last thing we want is for her to hide it away in case she does go back."

"So where exactly is this Vault?" Mike asked. He moved carefully into the kitchen. Seeing that it was empty, he grabbed his cellphone and pulled a flashlight out of the junk drawer.

"Basement," Tink said, taking the flashlight. "Tink go there all time. Make sure stay locked."

"What else-never mind. I'll ask later." Mike wondered what else would be stored away in the Vault. Was Jenny just one of many dolls? Were there giant cages, lining the walls of the Vault, filled with every manner of bad monster?

A loud bang from upstairs pulled their attention. Tink ran ahead of Mike, hopping up the stairs as best she could. Mike actually picked her up for the last few steps-she was short enough that it was faster for them both if he did. Cecilia hovered up the main entryway, her feet not quite touching the ground. All of the bedroom doors were still closed, but an icy draft made Mike turn his head.

"This one," he said, grabbing the doorknob. It was icy to the touch. Pushing gently inward, he found himself looking at the blue room, the one that Beth had said his dad probably stayed in. It was an odd thought, so suddenly, but had his dad stayed here? If so, had the monsters remained hidden, or did he simply forget?

The room looked untouched, but the closet door was open, an icy wind emanating from it. Moving close, he opened up a strobe light app on his phone. Stepping wide to avoid a sudden assault, his jaw dropped.

"What the fuck is this?!?" Instead of an empty shelf with a bar for clothing, Mike was staring into a cave. "There is no fucking way that there's a cave here! This is an outside wall!"

"It make head hurt," Tink agreed. "But hurt head change nothing. We go. Me see just fine."

"I'll wait out here," Cecilia told him. "In case she tries to come back out. Be careful."

"But...I..." Tink grabbed a handful of Mike's pants and pulled him into the closet. He ducked his head to avoid the hard rock up above, marveling at how cold the cave was.

"Did you know about this Tink?"

"Tink know. House have secrets. Make no sense, but Tink accept." She slid her goggles over her eyes. "Tink see prints."

"I'm glad one of use sees something." Mike was busy looking at the random doodles on the cave walls. Some of them looked ancient, animals being hunted by men with spears, drawn with charcoal. Others were the doodle of children, done in crayon and chalk.

"Where the fuck are we?"

Tink shook her head. "Less think, more walk. Secret tunnels, go through house. This one go..." Tink's eyes went wide. "Hurry, quick!"

"Wait, why?" Mike ran after the goblin, his head bent at an angle. It was hard seeing up ahead, Tink now using her goggles to see, her flashlight waving everywhere. He chased her down the tunnel, the dark shadows dancing away from them as they stepped out into an opening.

Mike stared in awe. The ceiling was now hundreds of feet high, giant, glowing crystals embedded in its surface. In the distance, a large water fall fed into a river that disappeared into a large stone structure composed of tall, stony walls and large hedges. They stood on a ledge, the trail winding back and forth beneath them. Several levels down, Beth was stumbling across the rocks, struggling to keep her balance.

"Is that..." Mike was afraid to say it.

"Yes," Tink said, adjusting her goggles. "That's the Labyrinth." Mike's eyes traced the bottom of the trail. Beth was most of the way down, the loose gravel becoming a paved path that lead toward a large pair of iron gates. Between the rocky trail and the Labyrinth was a giant viewing pool. Tink pointed at the pool. "Shortcut for get out. We stop Jenny before Labyrinth, or lost forever."

"Where does the pool go?" Mike said, looking over the ledge. How could a pool be a shortcut? How could a cave be in his house?

Tink was right. Thinking about it hurt his head.

"Outside," Tink replied, already running down the slope. "But not sure where!" She was picking up speed, her tail swishing behind her as she ran. Mike was close behind, then passing the goblin. The ledges were steep, and it took Mike quite a bit of effort to keep from slipping and falling. Looking down the slope, he saw that Beth was still much too far ahead to catch up to.

"Fuck it," he swore, stepping off the beaten path onto a worn patch of stone. The switchbacks were close enough together that the fall was just over five feet, but he was able to land safely, his knees creaking in protest. He ran to the next spot where he could drop down safely, cutting the distance between them dramatically.

Beth never bothered looking back. She appeared disoriented, stumbling constantly. Mike was close enough now that she could hear him. She scowled, and broke into a limping run down the final ramp and toward the path that led into the Labyrinth.

Mike howled, his adrenaline peaking, throwing himself off the next ledge. The fall was farther this time, but he landed and rolled forward, quickly finding his feet. The idea of Beth dying was simply too much for him. It was his fault if it happened, his fault...

It was all your fault! His mother's voice screamed in his ear. Sprinting now, Mike closed the distance between them, the large iron gates of the Labyrinth opening with a loud creak, an ominous figure standing just inside, holding a large ax. His outstretched fingers closed on the hem of Beth's dress, and he pulled her backward, tightly against him, pulling her into the pool of water.

"No!" Beth screamed, her voice harmonizing with Jenny's. The cool water embraced them, the world spinning as gravity changed directions. Mike felt his ears pop, his body filling with unexpected pressure. Beth fought him, trying to shove him off, and they burst out of the downstairs closet, water spilling across the wooden floor. Mike stumbled to his feet, his inner ear throwing a tantrum. Beth was sprawled out, barely able to get on her hands and knees.

"Look, I'm sorry I gave you away. If I had known I would have-"

"What, let me stay? Let me sit on the shelf? Talked to me when I'm lonely, played with me when I'm bored, made me feel like I matter?" Beth dry-heaved, slipping and falling. Mike shook his head.

"It could still happen that way." He pulled the doll out of his pocket. "But I'm going to need you to leave Beth alone."

"Fat fucking chance," she hissed, dark eyes squinting. The coat rack by the door flung itself at his legs, tripping Mike up and knocking him to the ground. Beth crawled on top of him, wrapping her fingers tightly around his neck. "I'll make you pay. I'll make everybody pay."

Gurgling water noises filled the room, like a washer machine draining. Beth and Mike looked over at the closet, which opened up, dumping a hundred gallons of water in the front room. Spilling through the doorway, green limbs flying everywhere, Tink collided with Beth, knocking her off of Mike. Fighting to rise, Beth clawed at Tink's face, but Tink was having none of it. She lifted Beth's head off the ground and head-butted her, knocking her out.

"Fucking ghost girl ruins everything," she snarled, climbing off of Beth. Her hair was a wet mess, her dress torn in several places. Mike realized that her goggles were missing.

"Tink, what happened to your goggles?"

"STUPID COW FUCK TOOK TINK'S GOGGLES!" Roaring at the top of her lungs, green skin flush with anger, Tink stormed to the closet door, slamming it shut. "When Mike done with Jenny, we go get goggles back!"

Mike shook his head, rubbing his eyes. The shadowy figure just beyond the gates sprang into his mind, weapon drawn, a shadow that had filled him with dread. In his mind's eye, he could see the dangerous horns tucked just to the side of the brow-line, see the tail, the thickset legs...

"Wait, a fucking minotaur took your goggles?" Mike asked. Tink nodded, large tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. "Tink, a fucking minotaur lives in the walls?"

"Cow fuck live in Labyrinth with other fucks!" Tink sniffed once, twice, then let out a wail. "Tink wants goggles back!"

"Tink, I..." Mike didn't know what to say. She was melting down, her rough exterior suddenly cracked. How could he tell her that he didn't think messing with a minotaur was worth it? What did that even entail? Beth groaned, putting a hand to her head. "We need to take care of this situation first. We will figure out the goggles later." Kneeling, he pulled Tink toward him, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Goblin husband promise?" she asked, sniffling. When Mike nodded, Tink wiped the tears from her eyes, her composure back again. "Then Tink help."

Between the two of them, it was easy to drag Beth out back to Naia's fountain. Cecilia, having heard the noise downstairs, floated through the ceiling to open the back door. Abella picked up Beth, holding her like a child until she began to stir. Standing next to the fountain, Abella wrapped her arms tightly around Beth's waist, ensuring that she couldn't escape. Naia sat on the fountain's edge, her chin on her hand in contemplation.

"Abella explained everything to me," she informed Mike. "And we need to come up with a plan before she wakes up. From what I remember, last time Jenny took a human host, the host was killed to keep her from causing more problems. The time before that, it took an exorcism with a priest, who then came back later to try and wipe us out."

"Shit," Mike muttered. Jenny really had caused problems. "Who is she?"

"A ghost. An old ghost." Naia stood on the water's surface. "Once upon a time, she was a young woman who caught the eye of a widower in town who was quite wealthy and handsome. Jealous of the attention she received from him, some of the women accused her of witchcraft, of killing the man's wife and seducing him with the dark arts. They burned her at the stake, and her soul got caught in the doll that a little girl was holding. Her vessel has changed a few times since then, but she refuses to move on." Naia shook her head. "And all she ever does is cause us trouble."

"So we can't get a priest," Mike said. "And we are not going to kill her. So what can we do?"

"Hmm." Cecilia stared at Beth's body. "Upon termination, her soul should immediately flee her body, yet it ended up in the doll and the host died. Yet I get the impression that Beth's soul sleeps in the doll."

"And?" Naia asked.

"It's on the tip of my tongue." Cecilia shrugged.

"Wait!" Mike held out his hands. "Jenny died in a fire, but her soul jumped out of her body before it died, right?"

"Probably," Cecilia told him.

"Which means she jumps out before death. So we just need Jenny to think that her body is going to die."

"And how do we do that?" Abella asked.

"Strangle her." Tink's hands clenched. "Squeeze for almost too long."

"No, not that either." Mike grinned, staring at Naia. "I think I have an idea."


I really, super hope you loved this chapter! If you loved this as much as I loved writing it, remember to rate, comment, tell all your friends, whatever. I love your feedback, it really keeps me going when I get discouraged. Thanks again to the Lit community, because you people are simply awesome! For those of you who keep asking about the next chapter, I always update my Bio to reflect when I plan to upload it. Until next time!

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AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

That I’m rereading HfHM’s is not a surprise to myself. I’ve reread your other literoticia stories already. And I revisit all my favorite books. That said, Jenny is a fucking badass with extraordinary powers and extremely damaged psyche. So exciting! Mike somehow realizes he can help fix Jenny’s soul, and ease her torment. This is where he becomes a hero figure in my eyes. Sharing some love and swapping a little magic does wonders! Plus a huge cock with some magic on it never hurts a thing!

ocaladouglasocaladouglas9 days ago

loving the twists and turns you are putting in this story I am looking forward to reading all the plots and twists in the next 100 chapters.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I love all the twists you put it you have real talent

NovaMNovaM8 months ago

Hi, Writerannabelle 🖖🏼👏🏼. Love your story. Keep it coming. 💚

tinfoilhattinfoilhat8 months ago

Holy cow, this is finally getting good. I think stories should be focused more on the plot, not gratuitous sex. I'm not a fan of stroke stories.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I like the story so far. The cave was a cool idea. Beth liking dragons could come into play later.

Gadf77Gadf779 months ago

Still loving it. Although I do hope that the focus won't shift to only other things and barely any sex.

JodailyJodailyabout 1 year ago

Absolutely horrific, and went a different direction than my perverted mind did. I'd seen that big bad dragon seizing Beth's twat and not coming out until Mike licked her slit to orgasm, making that bad ol dragon pop out while Jenny,who loved watching sex of any kind,laughed and applauded. The dragon would have to be exiled to the vault. Just my take, but yours is much more hair raising and completely apropos for this haunted house. Love the cave in the closet and the iron bound doors. So much great potential. And I think Beth is now a resident of the house. She might het her wish of Mike's tongue making her squirm.

Making me hard in anticipation 😋.

JodailyJodailyabout 1 year ago

Absolutely horrific, and went a different direction than my perverted mind did. I'd seen that big bad dragon seizing Beth's twat and not coming out until Mike licked her slit to orgasm, making that bad ol dragon pop out while Jenny,who loved watching sex of any kind,laughed and applauded. The dragon would have to be exiled to the vault. Just my take, but yours is much more hair raising and completely apropos for this haunted house. Love the cave in the closet and the iron bound doors. So much great potential. And I think Beth is now a resident of the house. She might het her wish of Mike's tongue making her squirm.

Making me hard in anticipation 😋.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great chapter in an already great story! I am truly loving Home For Horny Monsters, thank you!

brunnzlbrunnzlover 1 year ago

OMG I nearly died of suspense. best story ever!

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBBover 1 year ago

This gets better by the chapter, thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Jenny sounds to be the most powerful so far

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A female ghost living in a rag doll? Wouldn't that make her a poltergeist?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

As a reader, I really appreciate good writing...make that great writing...where I can just get totally lost in the flow of as well-told story. But what really amazes and impresses me is the unbelievable creativity that under-girds this. wow. just...wow. Thank you for sharing your work.

Gym52Gym52over 1 year ago

I am going to have to sleep sometime soon. This tale of an enchanted house is enthralling me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It’s great, but I’m loosing sleep.

BIll S.

texlootexlooover 1 year ago

I still can not get over how damned good this is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Honestly I have read all the chapters through book 6 so far as well as Last of her Kind and Dead and Horny. I have to say this series has me hooked like some of the great series: Terry Brooks Landover and Shannara series, Tolkien's Middle Earth, or Rawlings Harry Potter series. Please keep up the great work

Darrell269Darrell269over 1 year ago

From the start I was hooked on reading this story. I look forward to read each chapter. Very well written. 👁️👁️☕👍

JeryarbJeryarbalmost 2 years ago

Great writing. Keep up the great work.

202GE202GEalmost 2 years ago

This story is easily the top 5 most creative story lines I have read on this site. 5 Stars.

CreepythinmanCreepythinmanalmost 2 years ago

I was left at the edge of my seat with this! Great writing! Love this series! ❤️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I'm currently on my first re-read because new chapters don't come out fast enough. Knowing, that you didn't plan to expand on this series so much, it's actually astonishing, how well these early chapters "fit" with what I know to come in the later chapters.

Just one thing: Merlot does not belong in the fridge :P

Marklynda2Marklynda2about 2 years ago

I did I did love this chapter!

Yes, a very well thought out and written plot. I am enjoying your work immensely. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Great characters and drama and of course, sex! Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

He's gonna fuck her, right?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Oooh. Poor Beth!!

I'm glad I don't have to wait for the next chapter, but can go straight to it =)

This is a really interesting and nuancer story. Very much loving it so far

NaughteeDragonNaughteeDragonabout 2 years ago

Best chapter so far. Story telling is getting better, the sex is fleshing out character details, and you have a really good antagonist.

Hearthfire223Hearthfire223about 2 years ago

So begins the saga of Jenny.

We don't talk about the Clue incident...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


Read a lot. Western, sci-fi, mystery,romance etc pass on horror.

Not looking for realism but escapism especially happy ending. See enough shit in our society.

Find spelling and other mistakes in many mainstream authors who have professional editing.

Does not bother me normally. So I don't comment on that unless keep switching characters names etc.

Wordy another gripe . You avoid most of my gripes. Keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A great yarn... thank you.

- Aussie Vadar.

LevindlLevindlover 2 years ago

How in the hell do you keep writing in the way that either keeps us in suspense, or adrenaline filled action throughout this entire story? It is absolutely amazing!

I actually have to put the story down just to be able to breathe and let myself have a little break from this amazing journey!

Well done!!!

DruggoDruggoover 2 years ago

Jenny and games. Poor character.

Your ability to pull at my emotions is quite talented.

Your ability to write such amazing characters has me hooked.

Thank you get again for a great read

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank you for the chapter, this is really good stuff.

AceMaddoxAceMaddoxover 2 years ago

I found this story in a bout of insomnia and I can't get enough of it. I finished these first 7 chapters and I cant wait to read the rest!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Oh wow!

A ghost that lives in a doll who can possess people? A labyrinth in a closet? A minotaur that steals? What a crazy wild tale! I love it!

Vocoder4Vocoder4almost 3 years ago

An I reading too much into it or did you slip a JoCo reference into your creepy doll chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

FUCKING COW THING. You mean a minotar? Lolol

Dilvish013Dilvish013almost 3 years ago

Sorry I haven't rated the earlier chapters. Being a noob to the site, my inclination was to wait until the end of the final chapter. At some point soon, I shall go back and give all the prior chapters the five stars they deserve.

VaginalpuppetryVaginalpuppetryalmost 3 years ago

Sorry it took so long to get to this series, especially after the praise you left on one of my own. Absolutely loving this so far! Especially this chapter because halfway through all I could think was "damn, Holly's sister is kind of a bitch" >.<

Can't wait to plow through the rest if this series!

G5902G5902about 3 years ago

WOW!!! Your imagination and your writing skills are incredible!!! Thank you so much for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Tink:Fuck it’s Jenny

Abella: what’s happening



(Probably)Naia:What’s going on



The_Sheppards_CorrectionThe_Sheppards_Correctionabout 3 years ago

O M G … I remember my grandparents had very old porcelain dolls and photos of deceased children beside living siblings. Literally the stuff of nightmares. A very good chapter, but seriously disturbing. Finn

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Hey ... Thank you for the story... Itz too good to imagine. What don't u publish it a book?🙄 It would be better ro read a hard copy rather than soft one.

If u don't mind could u plz exaggerate few situations in story from now onwards to hunt more reader? 😜

iseeyoufly1964iseeyoufly1964about 3 years ago

Another great read, thank you so very much, you are wonderful...5 stars

IsopheelIsopheelabout 3 years ago

Annabelle, your writing has a rare quality. It is magnetic. Your ability to transmit feelings/emotions/sensations,all wrapped up in an irresistible narration, is a gift to be cherished by you and savoured by your readers. The bathroom scene with Beth and the Dragon dildo is the finest description of female masturbation I have ever read. Thank you!

YungMastaYungMastaabout 3 years ago

Excellent read, I've enjoyed it thus far. Not to take anything away from your creativity but minus the erotica the story reminds me heavily of the 80's movie House 2. For other readers that enjoy this story and haven't seen the movie you should check it out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The way that this story is able to switch gears and come up with constant surprises is so damn impressive. I can’t think of any other story I have read that not only changes directions but does it seamlessly by adding new characters. It is hard to tell if these are good or evil new characters or just a really really pissed off type of monster that can somehow be calmed or maybe appeased. The imagination, creativity, dedication, and emotion that the author (wa) shows is a constant and puts this story easily in my top 10 if not higher. If this story isn’t deserving of 5 stars then I don’t know what story would be. Thanks again for everything you put into your work, it shows.

Stay safe and be well.


RRC2RRC2over 3 years ago

The author has changed the tone without leaving anything behind from the previous chapters. It just gets better and better and better.


jlg07jlg07almost 4 years ago

This is one of the most unique and inventive stories that I've ever read! GREAT job. I agree that you should look to publish this.

BotanicGoddessBotanicGoddessalmost 4 years ago
Bravo, Annabelle!!!

I’ve read thousands of books in my lifetime & it really takes a special type of storytelling to keep me captured. You’ve definitely done it, my friend! I praise your imagination & ability to transport me into your vivid stories-That’s my entire reason for reading in the first place. If you haven’t already submitted your works for publishing, I highly recommend you doing so. They’re THAT good, xoxo!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Interesting, a vault

So along with the rest there's a Friday the 13th the TV series style Vault for locking away the recalcitrant and unrepentant evil monsters and things.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
You are a creative genius

This is a smut piece for literotica, but it doesn’t change the fact that you are a creative genius in my opinion. You did what Rowling did and what Tolkien did before her. You took all these supernatural creatures, came up with a plot and characters and are surprising me at multiple turns. Absolutely fantastic

DailinDailinover 4 years ago
Amazing book.

I know this is old writing for you. Just want you to know that I am really loving it. Saw it on another site and now I I will have to buy it.

Grimjack01Grimjack01almost 5 years ago
Hot and creepy

This chapter was as good as anything I've read on e-books on Amazon, keep it up.

Dl_lmmieDl_lmmiealmost 5 years ago
Oh shoot

That was hot, (Beth, solo) creepy (Jenny) and above all great sorry telling!!

I really like the feel of this series so far. It's a softer take on goth/horror where most are just misunderstood, very-human like characters. For me it hits a great sweet spot/mix.

I'm looking forward to the plot as much as the sex scenes, maybe even more!

GoldenredDragonGoldenredDragonover 5 years ago

I’m so hooked on this story, this is great! Binge reading tiiiiiime!! ^^

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Loved the scene with Beth and the delightful dragon.

Smoking hot.

Enjoying the story a lot keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Addictive Plot

Your plot is amazing and I am glad that you like Dan Browns work. Keep it up.

EratharEratharover 5 years ago
I never comment but...

Your stories are not only sensual but also interesting! The best mix of my favorite themes. Please ignore the negative comments! We love your writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Quit ya nonsensical whining Anonymous!

So this is the second selv-centered, irrational and above all unintelligent complaint I have read from an anonymous nobody.

First off then the story is NOT the problem: its you.

In fact the story is brilliant, whereas clearly you are not.

The fact that you choose freely to read ANOTHER chapter after you complained about the last speakes volumes about your personality and intelligence, or perhaps rather lack thereof.

You are a minority of one. Everybody else likes the story. Now go do whatever makes someone like you happy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
So much for a nice story.

No thanks, I much preferred it when it was about Mike, his issues and how the monster girls where seemingly helping him.

Instead we get murder, murder attempts, rape and now possesion.

LordLawrenceLordLawrenceover 5 years ago
A bit late to the party, but ...

I really love this story! This is my first time commenting on a story because I just couldn't resist. I enjoyed the first 6 chapters a lot and this one is my favourite so far. The writing with Beth playing with herself was really well done and erotic and the story keeps me gripped word to word, sentence to sentence. I'm so glad I've got so many more chapters still to go! Thank you for a fantastic story and long may it continue.

PsionVPsionValmost 6 years ago
You are awesome!

It's okay to be discouraged (because your stories are simply awesome), the important thing is to keep trying because it WILL get better. You may have to go do something else, gain some perspective, but never give in :) you're too good for that!

aimingtomisbehave33aimingtomisbehave33over 6 years ago
Never Get Discouraged

You've got great talent and a good eye for adventure and layered storytelling. I know how easy it can be to get discouraged, but you've got nothing to be discouraged about.

Matoro16Matoro16over 6 years ago
Awesome series

So glad I stumbled on this series. You rock. Keep up the fantastic writing!

KyoSpiceKyoSpiceover 6 years ago
Pretty darn excellent

I am really enjoying this!

welldun4u2welldun4u2over 6 years ago
You are an evil beast!

And I can’t wait to read whatever you write next!

Seriously - well done.

244Jake244Jakeover 6 years ago
Numerous conflicts in action all at once, reads about my Life and my Wife

Don’t let those Wenny’s with one conflict at a Time lives bother you! Those people need to go lay down and watch TV, Dragnet or Price is Right.

Your doing Great!

Now get back to writing, I’m catching up with You!

244 Jake

djaydeutdjaydeutover 6 years ago

I like your writing and story so much I'd read it, avidly, without the sex. That said longer sex scenes might be nice. But really I just want more of this to read! Thanks so much for your work.

SashaPozaSashaPozaalmost 7 years ago
Scared the &$! outta me!

Wow, I try to visualize what I read. This really scared the bageebeez out of me!

GrantLeeStoneGrantLeeStonealmost 7 years ago
This is your most frightening chapter

Ever see the TV Movie, “Trilogy of Terror”? This chapter reminded me of that. Looks like this is one Monster Problem Mike can’t solve with sex. Or can he?

Beth seems like the perfect ingenue for Mike and this story, a woman with a monster-fetish!

rightbankrightbankalmost 7 years ago
And another complication is added

With no resolution to the many already in play

lespoon1lespoon1almost 7 years ago

Your tale just keeps getting more interesting. You must have strange dreams. Not too sure I'd like to share them, but, I really like reading your stories. Thinking about being a patron.

OzkiwiOzkiwialmost 7 years ago

Some how missed this and the next few chapters, great and interesting story line.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Damn you leave us hanging waiting for more...

I really enjoy this series. I hope you keep bringing more monsters into the light

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Hope the next chapter comes out soon really love this series.

IllicitMaterialIllicitMaterialalmost 7 years ago

Another great one! Keep them coming!

darkdance69darkdance69almost 7 years ago
One more awesome chapter

Nice foreshadowing of future happenings with the storage unit, and a creepy "Annabelle" like story of a haunted doll. I so should seen that one coming!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Readig everything !!

I'm reading every chapter and hate the cliff-hangers :-)

next chapter soo I hope :-)


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I liked Bram Stoker's Dracula. That's certainly a scene that sticks in the memory! Good chapter again; will be looking forward to the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
More please

I love this series. I can't wait to read what is revealed in future chapters. Please keep at it!

MDG1969MDG1969almost 7 years ago
I'd like to read more of this please.

I'm enjoying the stories. Wish they were longer and deeper, but I do like the rather fast turn around. More please. :-D

Dezra45Dezra45almost 7 years ago
Great Story

Keep up the great work!

AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 7 years ago
I see le petit mort in the making...

I'm liking this tale and hope it contributes...

DARKNESS1120DARKNESS1120almost 7 years ago
You do know what this means, right?

Hot, sweaty, ghostly, make-up sex. Plain and simple.

Anyways, I really enjoy this series that you have here and I hope that you will not abandon it like some very good authors *cough* Intrepid_Fate *cough*

MaesackMaesackalmost 7 years ago

Keep it going. Loving this story so far.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I'm in love with this series! Please, please, don't stop until the story comes to a beautiful conclusion!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Hurry up...please!!! :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Great chapter!

Although this chapter was really awesome, I do think that the chapters that involve monster sex is the best! Please keep writing I love everything you have to share xx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Fun story

Well written and fleshed out. Keeps a good pace though. Look forward to more.

A_StoneA_Stonealmost 7 years ago
Ahhhh cliffhangers suck!

But like a damned junkie I wait for the next installment! Love the characters!

My prediction/fantasy is that Beth becomes his human mate and gets to fuck some monsters of her own 🤔 maybe the Minotaur?? 🤭😜

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Amazing story

I am absolutely in love with your story and this world you created, I can't wait to read more, I hope nothing bad happens to Beth, or Jenny, she seems like she is just misunderstood and needs love, I hope that everything is made good again and that Jenny can find a place in the family

ShibnicityShibnicityalmost 7 years ago
Another great installment

This series is extremely intriguing. I haven't followed a series as it was written in over a decade. Although I do admit to trending towards the quick and easy when I come to literotica. It is just so hard to find smut with a legitimate plotline without the completely unbelievable. While your story is based in fantasy and the character has boosted charisma stats, there aren't pornstar boobs walking around and every slut in the world falling on the main characters fantastically engorged cock. While those nitty gritty tales have a legitimate toehold, you are creating literature and art. Thank you.

Also you had a typo. You used the word "use," instead of "us."

I can't wait for the next chapter. I have a feeling we are heading towards a sexual exorcism with a highly oversensitive ghost. I am so eager to see the fine workings of how you handle that. Will Beth join Mike in his care taking endeavors and help protect the house from the society? Fuck I miss this. Is the Minotaur a female? I will admit I have been curious to see if Mike will encounter male enteties in the future and how that will be handled. He has been leading with his smaller brain so far. Does it bend that way? Does magic make him do things he wouldn't usually do? Will you handle that with shemales? Oh the anticipation has me twittering like a schoolgirl going through her online angsty years.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Wonderful Chapter so fucking hot and awesome. Can't wait for next Chapter. 5 Stars like every Chapters before.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Yo, continue!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Wonderful again!

I love getting lost in this story! Set up a patreon!

Rockstar601Rockstar601almost 7 years ago

I meant to push Five Stars!

BenByTheWayBenByTheWayalmost 7 years ago

This is a beautiful, rich world you've created and I hope you'll keep writing. The haunting in Beth's apartment was absolutely chilling.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Please keep going.....one of the best works I have read.

gemman1gemman1almost 7 years ago
Best story on site


This is the best story by far on this site. You are a new and refreshing writer and it is a pleasure to read your work. Keep it up and keep going strong.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

What a frigging cliffhanger! Can not wait for the next chapter but will because the wait is sure to be worth it.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I am greatly enjoying this series and while it doesn't follow the canon exactly im sure you're familiar with Monsters Girls. What I would like to know is, are there any male monsters in this universe? I don't really care if any show up or not I'm just curious if they exist.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago


I love this series and have commented the same a bunch on your chapters. I just want you to know that I think this is one of if not the best series on the site or that I've ever read. I agree that you have tons of room with this series to do probably over 100-200+ chapters. between the rooms you've just exposed to us in this chapter and that clock and the storage locker. While all readers typically hate waiting for the next chapter or book. I would rather wait and get quality then not wait and get quantity but low quality chapters.

Keep them coming but don't rush it and keep to YOUR storyline not others.


SuggestionSuggestionalmost 7 years ago
Quality Over Quantity

Like so many of your readers, I am enjoying the series. Bringing back the creepy doll is a great tie-back to previous chapters. And adding in Beth's perspective was a nice touch.

I am going to give the opposite comment from others. Slow down. Get it right and we will keep yelling for more. There was so much about the internals of the house that was just not given enough attention as Mike ran after Jenny. The concept of the cave is a great idea. I am looking forward to dealing with the Minotaur as much as I am resolving Jenny and Beth.

ubar91865ubar91865almost 7 years ago
Awesome story

I absolutely love this story so far. Please keep it up. I, like many of your fans here, wish you could pump out the chapters on a faster basis, but that is just pure selfishness talking. Of course we want them faster! Who in their right mind wouldn't? Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to entertaining all of us. By the way, please feel free to ignore the trolls who want to insult you by giving you less than 5 stars over insignificant tripe like "never end a chapter in a cliff-hanger, it's just poor writing". Bah, what horses**t is that? It is your story and you get to tell it in the format that you want to share it with others. If somebody doesn't like that format, then they can apply a different one to the stories that THEY write. Meanwhile, please keep writing and sharing with the rest of us. LOVE IT!!!

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623almost 7 years ago

I would love to buy this as a book to keep! Any emails or info can be sent to or

ipreferoralipreferoralalmost 7 years ago
One of the best series on Lit in a long time!

I like the cliffhangers. I like the characters, too.

I've had only one grammar-Nazi moment. It's in this episode, where you describe Mike's first view of the minotaur..."an ominous figure standing just inside, holding a large ax. His outstretched fingers closed on the hem of Beth's dress, and he pulled her backward"...I got confused about whose fingers they were.

More, please.

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623almost 7 years ago

Oh my goodness! (Or badness!). Please keep writing, I just love this story.

Oh, by the way, the only criticism I have is that when you are talking about something happening by accident you use the phrase "on accident". It is incorrect, the correct phrase is "by accident". Thank you and please keep writing!!!

{pretty bad when the only criticism seems so very petty huh?}. ;-) !!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
More, now.

I am enjoying the story but as with most chapter stories here the chapter is too short. Now I have to wait. I hate waiting.

BigDog167BigDog167almost 7 years ago
3 Stars.

It would have been higher but I hate cliff hangers. They are a cheap trick used by poor writers to make a reader come back. You are good enough that you do not need them so it takes away from the story. Just write as you normally do and end each chapter at a natural ending spot. Your story will flow much better.

writerannabellewriterannabellealmost 7 years agoAuthor
The Wait Won’t Be Long!

Just to forewarn you, the next chapter of this series will likely be up in the next week. Also, I officially have plans to make this into a book. If you want to be notified when it comes out, just send me some Lit Feedback with your email and I will add you to the list! I still plan to post everything here, so don’t worry that I’m going to leave you hanging!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I like it!

I keep checking litrotica every single day for new stories. A lot of them are just garbage and that's the truth. But once in awhile I will find a good story that is well written and entertaining. Yours is one of those good stories. I look forward to seeing how this story continues to develop. I give this chapter 4 stars because it's a cliffhanger. Please keep up the great work from your fan Ryan.

sali6435sali6435almost 7 years ago
well done again

keep em coming, and don't stop. your writing is as entertaining as they cum

Gemini_KnightGemini_Knightalmost 7 years ago
I can see where this is going...

La Petite Mort!

I just wonder if Mike is up to the challenge, well I guess no one said he couldn't get help from a certain nymph. Can't wait to see how this all plays out and just how Beth handles these events.

(P.S. if you're wondering what the phrase means...Google is your friend, but that may be a bit of a spoiler. Although I guess this entire post may-be a bit of a spoiler, Sorry bout that.)

TJSkywindTJSkywindalmost 7 years ago


If there's a minotaur in the walls? I say bollocks to that. :)

Thanks for sharing. 5* Slainté

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

How will i be able to go thru the rest of the week without knowing how things are going to end?, you are cruel annabelle. ;)

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