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Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 026


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The electricity flowed back into Mike, and the fire chased it. He was instantly rock hard. Lily, herself once more, looked over her shoulder with a sadistic smile on her face.

"More, I need more!" She pulled him tightly to her with her tail, and Mike let go of her wings. He grabbed her ass, then leaned forward to play with her breasts. He cried out with every thrust, ice cold sparks dancing between them as he came a third time.

His cock squirted twice, two large loads deposited into her demonic womb, and the electricity crawled across her ass, soaking into her skin, and the fire left him once more. Lily screamed again, then started shifting forms. This time, she became the girls of the house. She was Naia, then Tink, then a much lighter version of Abella. When she became Sofia, her eye glowed red and yellow, and when she turned into Cecilia, only part of her skin was completely white. The women of the house started to melt together, and Mike found himself fucking a bright green version of Beth with Naia's hair, then a stone Sofia.

"Cum in me, cum in me, cum in me!" This time when she came, her skin burst into flames, the fire chasing away the electricity. It flowed back into Mike one last time, and he hollered, his cock immediately firing one last hot load into her eager body. He fell forward, pushing her to the planks beneath them.

Neither of them moved. Mike pulled himself along the porch until he was face to face with the succubus, her eyes staring into the distance.

"That... was something I..." Lily was at a loss for words. Her tail and wings disappeared, but her horns remained, the tiny halo of fire above them shrinking away. "I haven't come like that in centuries. Definitely not in my real body."

"Yeah." He didn't know what to say. In that moment, the sass and anger always just an inch below the surface seemed to be gone. For a split second, she seemed at peace, and he was afraid to break the spell. They quietly laid next to each other for several minutes, Lily's eyes slowly returning to normal and the fiery halo over her head vanished. The frost that had formed over the wooden planks melted into nothingness as the sun climbed higher into the sky.

"Listen." Lily faced him, but her eyes looked away, focused on the sky behind him. "I'm not going to be around much, but I am going to stop in every now and then. Not because I have to or anything."

"That would be good. That way we know you're doing okay." MIke gave a small grin. "Just try not to make too much trouble."

Lily stuck out her tongue. It was still blue from the frosting. She stood up and readjusted her clothes with a puff of smoke. Mike groaned, his body protesting the fall from the swing. He shook his head at the swing. Cecilia was going to be pissed when she reappeared.

"Do you think you can help me fix this?" Mike looked at Lily, but she was gone. He fought the urge to roll his eyes, convinced she was watching him from somewhere.

He went looking for Tink and brought her to the porch to inspect the swing. They quickly fixed the split planking and readjusted the chain. When they finished, Tink stood back to appraise their handiwork. Mike examined the swing to make sure it looked okay, then sat on it to make certain it wouldn't dump Cecilia on her ass.

A small shadow formed in the front yard near the sundial, a dark circle that got progressively bigger. MIke stepped off the porch and looked to the sky. A dark figure with large wings was descending in a tight circle, a figure clutched in its talons. Mike watched in amazement as Abella gently deposited Beth on the grass. She had a backpack on, and carried a silver briefcase in one hand and a suitcase in the other.

"How was the party?" he asked.

"Dreadful." Beth replied. "It was one last stop I didn't want to make, but I don't need suspicious coworkers trying to find me after I quit."

"Were you able to get everything you needed from your house?"

"Yep! Just the irreplaceable things, and a couple of my favorite outfits." She held up the silver briefcase and then the luggage.

"And you didn't run into any problems?"

"The Society had somebody watching the lobby, but they never expected me to come in the window. Someone is going to have a bad day when they figure out I'm gone for good. I sent the documents out to sublet my apartment and left them all my furniture." Beth's face twisted and she shifted forward violently. "Sorry, hold on."

She pulled off the backpack and opened it up. Jenny popped out of the top and looked up at Mike.

"Guess she doesn't want to be stuffed away any more." He knelt and gave Jenny a pat on the head. "I guess that's it then. Are you still going to take the blue room?"

"Oh yes." Beth's eyes sparkled. "I think that's the room for me." She put her backpack on and walked up the steps. Tink grabbed the briefcase and Mike picked up the suitcase. "Never thought I would get to live here."

"You can still use my tub," he told her. "Just gotta let me know first so I don't walk in on you."

"Don't worry. We can draft up a roommate agreement." They stood in front of the door. Mike handed her one of his spare keys and pushed the door open.

"Welcome home." He held the door for her and she crossed the threshold. The instant they were all inside, the ground beneath them rumbled, and a sound like distant chimes filled the air. They looked at each other, setting down all the luggage.

"What was that?" Beth asked. "Are you under attack again?"

"Can't be. I turned the dial." He opened the front door, but nobody was on the lawn. He ran down the steps, his eyes on the clouds above. He half expected a crack in the sky, or Amir on his flying carpet with a handful of lightning bolts to throw. The ground shook again, then settled. Abella circled overhead, and Cecilia had appeared on the porch, worry on her face.

"See anything?" Beth stood beside him, her eyes on the road.

"Nothing." He knew he had felt the ground shake.

"Mike." Beth's hand tugged at his. "Turn around."

He cast one last look at the street, then turned. His jaw dropped.

"No fucking way," he muttered. "There's just no fucking way."

"I wonder what it means." Beth said. The roof of the house was now easily twenty feet higher. The front porch was slightly wider as well, and a whole new bay of windows was now visible to him. Tink stumbled through the door, then caught herself before falling off the steps. She ran out to stand next to Mike, her eyes wide through the goggles.

"House bigger on inside now!" she said, pulling at his hand. "Whole new floor with different rooms!"

"That's... but that's..." It wasn't just that the house had grown, but his memory of it had too. He thought back to that first day with Beth, the day she had shown him the place. They had walked up the stairs, ignoring the second floor entirely, then walked the rest of the way up to the third floor where Naia was. Even this morning, he had walked past without paying it any mind. "How is this possible?"

"Well then, Mr. Radley." Beth flashed him a grin. "Should we go inside and see the rest of your house?"

"Our house now. And yes, we should. Hey Tink?" Mike looked down at the goblin, a huge smile on his face. "Go get your tools. I think we're going to need them." He cracked his knuckles, then wiggled his fingers in anticipation. It was time to see what else the house had in store for him.


The Uber driver pulled away from the curb, leaving Dana on the sidewalk by herself. She walked up the driveway for the first time since she had been killed here over a week ago. She had a Walmart bag in one hand and a suitcase in the other. The garage was still unlocked, and she walked inside to her apartment.

Alex's bike sat on the floor, the fender scratched up from Dana's crash. Busted engine parts lay scattered everywhere. Kneeling down, Dana picked up a spark plug and sighed.

"This isn't how it was supposed to be." She tossed the plug on the floor, then lifted the bike until she could engage the kick stand. She set her suitcase down and opened up the Walmart bag. It was a cathartic process, pushing the dents out with her bare hands and then trying to buff out some of the scratches. Fresh off of a morning infusion of Mike's cum, she could feel the magical energy surging through her limbs. While the effect would decay over time, she had discovered that eating his cum not only made her look and feel alive, it made her stronger as well. Not superhero strong, by any means, but she could easily lift Naia in her arms with little effort.

A couple of hours passed, and Dana finally stood back to admire her work. The bike looked roughed up in places, but it was still in pretty good shape. Dana's nostrils flared on their own, the scent of sulfur permeating the room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lily asked.

Dana chuckled. "I didn't think you would let me get away so easily." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "I spent the last few days in the Library with Ratu. She thinks she may have found a way to bring me back to life. There's some magical items out there that she can break down, apparently."

"Don't feel like guzzling cum for all eternity?" Lily walked around Dana's garage, her eyes taking in the room. "It's not all bad."

"Maybe if I had been born a different way. Anyway, Ratu gave me a pretty solid lead, but I'll need a fast ride to get there. I only have about three days before I lose my shit, but I can ride overnight without any issues. Figured I would finish fixing up the bike and go on that."

"Don't want to fly?" Lily asked.

"Too dangerous. Even if I'm full, it's like being in a candy shop, all those people with their scents. I tried to ride a bus a couple days ago and felt like the world was closing in on me. Besides, if we hit a delay or anything, things could go bad. That, and I don't have the money for a plane."

"Mike does." Lily inspected the bike now, her fingers touching the handlebars. "You know he would buy you a plane ticket if you asked."

"He would. He really is a nice guy." Dana sighed. "Honestly? I feel weird enough eating his man juice. This is something I very much want to do on my own." She walked up the stairs to her room. Under her desk, she found her school bag, which she stuffed a few pairs of clothes into. "I've been planning a trip like this for awhile now, and what better way than hunting down some magic items so that Ratu can fix me?"

"So I guess this means goodbye."

Dana laughed, slinging her backpack over one shoulder. "Not really. I'll have to come back every few days to feed. Embarrassing, but Ratu figures I would have to blow a dude who isn't Mike every few hours to stay sane, and nothing is as restorative as Mike's semen. Something about the magic in his blood. God, what a weird thing to say. Still, I appreciate that he's let me be with Naia after he's done. I mean, it's not like it's a huge sacrifice, but I'm sure he has better things to do than have sex with her on a schedule."

This made Lily laugh. "Even if he's different, he's still a man. He's living the dream, I assure you."

"Yeah, well I'm not. Which is why I'm going."

"Well, I'm afraid I'm going to throw a wrench in your plans." Lily shook her hair, and her outfit rippled, turning into a tight pair of leather pants and a white t-shirt with upside down words that said "If you can read this, I fell off my bitch's bike." "I'm coming with you."

"You don't have to do that." Dana walked down the stairs. "I would love the company, but I don't need you to come along."

"Actually, you do." Lily held out a piece of paper. "You see, Ratu gave me the same list. And I know that some of these places aren't reachable to you. Not unless you want to turn around just as you get there."

"I guess I'm not certain how you can help." Dana set her backpack down.

"Let me show you." Lily pulled Dana in, her lips soft against Dana's. Her tongue darted into Dana's mouth, and Dana's eyes widened. She broke the kiss, her face frozen in awe.

"You... you taste like he does..."

"Milked him dry just an hour ago. I've got a whole batch of baby batter, fresh and hot in here." She patted her lower belly. "If I come with you, I can act as a surrogate."

"But how? You can't have just swallowed it."

"Please. A succubus can keep a man's sperm fresh and use it to impregnate a woman months later. I used to do it as a practical joke sometimes, knock a woman up with another man's kid."

"That's... convenient, but kind of evil."

Lily shrugged. "I mean, I'm not claiming to be perfect. Regardless, if I come with you, you can track these things down without being rushed, and I can make return trips to freshen the supply when I start running low."

"That... would be amazing." Dana shook her head. "I mean, if you don't mind."

"I've done a lot of bad things in my life. I'll admit that I'm proud of some of them. However, the Society did this to you, not Mike. I know what it's like having my life shit on by those guys, and if I can help undo some of the wrong I've done by helping you out, then I will." Lily flipped her hair, then flashed a big smile, striking a dramatic pose. "So, when do we leave?"

"Right now. Let's do this Tock." Dana picked up the suitcase and tossed it. She closed her eyes and with a loud bang, Tick-Tock had become the engine of the motorcycle. It roared to life, and Dana pulled the bag up over her shoulders. She mounted the bike, then looked back when Lily got on, her arms tight against Dana's stomach.

"Never drive faster than your demons can fly," Lily said.

"I never do," Dana replied. "That's a pretty necklace. Where did you get it?"

"Oh, this?" A grin crossed the demon's face. "It was a gift from someone special. No one you know, or anything." Lily's horns and wings vanished, and Dana drove her bike through the gap in the garage door where she had escaped a lifetime ago. This time, she felt like she was running toward something rather than away.

She stopped at the end of the driveway and looked back one last time. Tick-Tock rumbled beneath her, and Lily's arms around her waist gave her comfort. It suddenly occurred to her that, before the clock had arrived, she had already been dead inside. She had been going through the motions, but she had been too caught up in restoring the bike to properly live. She had been completely alone.

Now that she was dead, she was riding into the sunset on a sentient shapeshifter with a succubus at her back on a quest to bring her body back to life.

She revved the engine and a smile broke across her face.

"Let's run some red lights," Lily whispered into Dana's ear.

Dana left a streak of rubber on the asphalt, the neighborhood becoming a blur around her. Lily let out a cheer, her arms tightening around Dana's waist as they sped up. A few shortcuts through town had them on the highway going almost a hundred miles per hour, their first destination a small shop in Fort Collins, Colorado. The wind whipped through Dana's ponytail and the magical engine roared between her legs while the speedometer gradually climbed.

She had never felt more alive.


If you enjoyed that, please leave a comment, a rating or send me a letter. I read all of them (even if I don't respond). I absolutely love hearing from people, and I can honestly say that a few of you have sent me emails that have absolutely made my day. Many of you out there relate to Mike in one way or another, and I adore seeing the love you all share for my characters (except for Daryl, apparently).

Mike and the girls will return in Ch. 27 which I will post sometime in mid-November (hopefully). I always update my bio on the same day I upload here, so follow my profile to get notifications when something good drops!

The Society will be off licking their wounds for a long while, so part 3 will focus on a threat from within the house that Mike has yet to discover. It's time for him to get to know his new home better. Many of you have asked for this, so I am making it happen, and it will be the main storyline as we go into 2019.

Dana and Lily will return in an adventure of their own next year. You won't want to miss it.

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SensualSyrenSensualSyrenabout 2 months ago

No helmets for the ladies?! Haha you are so creative and I love your work! Thank you for publishing it here!

IllmetbymoonlightIllmetbymoonlightabout 2 months ago

Usually I read here for a bit of fun but now I'm here for the plot. So, so, SO well done ♡

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Love your work. I’m a bit late finding and reading your stories but better late than never. You are a very imaginative, clever writer who has use lit as a vehicle for your uninhibited storytelling. Well done, keep up the great work.

Ps my only minor issue is , since there is so many great characters, I sometimes have to really think to remember who they are again.

Kyle85Kyle855 months ago

Horny Succubus + horny Banshee + horny human = HOTTEST CRAZIEST MOST CREATIVE SEX SCENE EVER. My mind exploded.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

OMFG, the scene with Cecilia and Lily was so fucking hot! Thank you for that! I’ve read over 120 chapters of this wonderfully written complex story (now doing a reread), and that is still my favorite sex scene.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago
Annabella, love thest

Annabella, love the story

tall_and_wobblytall_and_wobbly9 months ago

Thank you for your gift.

pornosuchtpornosucht9 months ago

I love complex characters. I love characters that are a bit crazy. That scene at the end? I absolutely loved it! Dana was a great character from the start, Lily is a lot of fun, and that the mimic has now a name is just the cherry on top. Love it!

And that is not even giving you credit for the whole story so far! I love all your characters (well, the inhabitants of the house at least), as each of them is truly unique in their desires and personality. As I write this in 2024, I hope that there are a lot more chapters already waiting for me. I am binge reading the story, and I can truly imagine this as a printed version. Maybe bound in aged (fake) leather, with a font impersonating hand writing, as if it were a chronic of the house. Or maybe a sentient book living there

ShaggyDogStoryShaggyDogStory11 months ago

Very creative, and that fantastic scene at the end is worthy of a spin-off story.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Annabelle, you have the dirtiest, most creative mind I have ever delved into. I wonder what your real life sex life is like.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The end of this chapter brought tears to my eyes. Wonderful story and thank you for publishing. Can't wait how it's going on. And now, i miss my motorbike and my girl on my back - but as it is, that will likely never happen again. Keep on writing, your'e magic shining through the lines.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Thoroughly enjoyed this chapter, cant wait to see what the next chapter brings. I nearly choked on my drink when I read part 3 is from 2019, its 2024 now, guess this means I'll have weeks of reading ahead.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Yeaaaah…. The putting a hand on the belly had me thinking she’d gotten pregnant or something for a hot minute xD

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


NovaMNovaMabout 1 year ago

Simply the best

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That was a surreal sex scene. A banshee and a succubus at the same time was very creative. Hopefully, Dana can get her life back.

AmbaboyAmbaboyabout 1 year ago

Enjoyed all chapters to this point

usmcdadusmcdadover 1 year ago

Just starting this read... Curious what happens to the demon in the mirror...

YourNeighbourYourNeighbourover 1 year ago

Great ending for a fun second arc.

Thanks for all this hard work.

Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I like that Dana’s lesbianism isn’t violated, even with her need for Mike’s fresh loads. It’s very conscientious of everyone to accommodate her orientation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great ending.

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