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Home On The Range Ch. 08


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The three that were already in the barn had their horses in the alley, so we took our horse's saddle and blanket off outside and tied them up. We walked in and each of us grabbed a brush and brushed down the side of someone's horse. I paired up with Nicole and when we finished, I brought my horse inside and the two of us brushed down my horse and put him away.

I told Nicole I was going up to the house and take off my clothes and she said she was going to do the same. The guys finished their horses before I finished taking my chaps off and hung them on the peg. Spike said we did a hell of a job so we could go out to the pond if we wanted. Everyone agreed so spike and I headed for the house and we were going to meet back at the truck when finished undressing.

We walked into the house and grandpa immediately walked into his office and checked the price of beef. I watched over his shoulder and he said, "Well, hell, that ain't so bad. I need to make a call."

"I listened to his one-sided conversation as he made arrangements to sell the beef, we just brought in. By the time he was finished with the call he'd settled on a price for the beef which he wrote down on the paper the price for the beef and circled it mouthing silently to me while he was waiting on the phone, "Good price."

He waited for a couple of minutes and then he said, "Ok, the trucks will be here tomorrow morning? What time?"

He wrote down on his paper, eleven o'clock. He looked up at me and said, "We need to move them over one holding area where I have a cattle shoot for them to load into the truck."

He thanked the guy on the other end of the phone and said, "We'll be ready for the trucks in the morning."

When he hung up the phone he said, "We got a very good price on our beef because not many ranchers are selling now. I could get more for them at the end of summer when they weigh a little more but hey, let's take the money and head to the bank."

I asked him about the numbers, and he explained it to me in simple terms and said the broker set up the trucks. Spike told me; we have to pay the transportation of the beef to the slaughterhouse.

We walked upstairs and undressed, and I didn't bother with sneakers because we were going to be riding out to the pond in the truck. We walked downstairs and down to the barn. We loaded everyone inside, and I volunteered to sit on Steve's lap. I instructed him how I wanted his cock to be and then I sat down with it in between my legs. He said, "WOW, boss lady, this is the second time I've had my cock between your legs, but you haven't let me in your island of paradise yet."

"Steve, my dear boy, ..."

He interrupted me by yelling, "OUCH that comment hurt real bad."

Everyone laughed except Steve. I leaned back and said, "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, "You can't get anywhere near my treasure chest because that's reserved for the MAN in my life."

"DOUBLE OUCH Britt, you sure know how to hurt a fellow's feelings."

"I'm not doing it to hurt your feeling Steve, I have reserved my womb for only one sperm who is the fastest swimmer out of millions of possibilities. Do you know that sperms that carry the Y-chromosome to make a boy swim faster than the X-chromosome? There's more X-chromosome to make girls in sperm but they are slower than Y-chromosome. Right now, I'm only interested in a very healthy Y-chromosome from one man and that man is spike. I am going to give him the son he's always wanted."

"Now that I've given you your sexual lesson for today, I will tell you, you are the luckiest guy in this truck to get as close to my pussy as you are now. Enjoy the ride."

"Steve smiled and said is this alright?" He rolled my nipples and since I didn't push his hands away, he cupped my titties and said, "I really like my job here, even if I'm not the lucky one to visit paradise lake."

Spike spoke up and said, "Before we get to the pond, I took time to make a phone call and the beef we brought in today is headed out on the trucks tomorrow. We need to get the chores done early so we can be on horseback and move the cattle up to the next pen where I have a cattle shoot. It won't take much to open the gate and let them go in slowly, so they don't break anything. Then close the gate. We have to move the beef forward so it will take a while to do all that. The first trucks will be at the shoot by eleven tomorrow."

"We can handle that boss. We did very well this morning. Nicole and Britt up in the front kept them moving just at the right pace and they didn't get spooked or nothing. Must be a woman thing."

All of us laughed and while I dipped my finger into Steve's pre-cum and offered some to him. He turned his head away, so I put it on my tongue when he wasn't looking, and I kissed him when he turned back to face me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and Nicole giggled because she saw what I did. Steve kissed me and accepted my tongue in his mouth. After a second I pulled back and said, "That didn't taste bad, did it?"

He looked at me when I offered him another clear drop of pre-cum but again, he refused. I said, "You just had some on my tongue, why be bashful now?"

His eyes opened wide before he again turned away, so I put it on my tongue and kissed him again. I said, "That's the second dose of pre-cum you've tasted and yet you won't take it off my finger."

He looked at me in disbelief, so I squeezed his cock and got a nice glob or pre-cum on my finger before I wiped in on my tongue in front of him. I pushed my tongue into his mouth, but he only momentarily fought me and then settled down and kissed me."

We arrived at the pond and those who weren't working, were playing. I hopped out of the truck and pulled Steve out with me and took his hand and ran towards the dock. We ran the length of the dock and without stopping I pulled him into the water behind me. He came up screaming and everyone nearby was laughing at him. Everyone except snake and spike came down and jumped in the water with us. We swam around for a little while and then climbed up on the raft to sunbathe.

Steve said, "I've never worked a ranch like this. Britt, I sure am glad you hired me yesterday."

We were relaxing on the raft when snake and Carlie (Bart's wife) came down and jumped in the water. They swam around and then came up on the raft with us. Steve was admiring Carlie's body but all the rest of us realized she was only interested in snake's big cock. She sat across from snake on the dock so no one would get suspicious but, on the raft, it was plain to see she had her legs spread open towards snake showing him her bald pussy. No one said a word about it, we carried on a conversation.

Soon the rest of the people came down and jumped in the water and swam out to the raft and climbed on. I mentioned to snake that spike wanted to go out to the place where Bart bought his camper and look at them. Bart told spike he would use his fifth wheel to pull the camper back for spike if he bought one, so he didn't have to put a fifth wheel in the bed of his truck right away.

I told them that I'd love to have a camper out here to spend the night in and go skinny dipping when the moon was full and bright. Everyone agreed with me. The conversation wandered between all of us and everyone participated. After a while we jumped back in the water and played around. Suddenly there were three splashes off the end of the dock and Alex, Jess and Kendra's heads popped up out of the water. When they swam over by us, I introduced Steve to them.

They smiled and laughed and said, "It's great to see a single guy here."

It didn't take long for Steve to start flirting with the three girls and much to Carlie's delight she encouraged the girls to flirt with him. I did notice when Carlie was in the water, snake wasn't that far away from her.

Bart and spike came down and jumped into the pond and now all of us were in swimming around. Soon someone mentioned a game of tag and the game started. I know my titties were felt up a few times, but I didn't mind because I stroked a few cocks underwater. It became a game of organized grab whatever and no one seemed to mind, or no one complained about being grabbed.

We were in the water for a long time, but no one mentioned getting cold because we were constantly moving. The pond was deep enough we couldn't touch bottom.

We were still swimming and playing tag when we heard another truck pull up and shut off. A few seconds later I spotted Becky, Brad and four others I didn't recognize walk towards the dock. I swam over to the dock and climbed up the ladder. Becky and Brad were naked, but the others had a towel wrapped around them.

Becky ran down the dock and almost bowled me over. She wrapped her body around mine and squealed with delight. We hugged and I kissed her as she said, "We stopped by the house and no one was home, so I was going to bring my siblings out here to go skinny dipping. I didn't know you would have a whole bunch of people here."

"Can they go swimming anyway with everyone else here?" Becky asked.

"Can they all swim?" I asked

Becky told me every one of them were like a fish when they got into the water. I called to them, "Hey guys, don't be bashful, drop those towels and jump in the water."

Suddenly there were plenty of smiling faces as the towels fell and naked bodies zoomed past me and jumped in the water. I looked at Becky and said, "I haven't heard from you, I was wondering how you were doing.

Brad picked up the discarded towels and put them in a neat pile before he walked down to me and I made room for his hardon between my thighs before I hugged him tight to my body. We kissed and said, "It's so good to see you again."

Brad held our embrace but more to the fact he liked having his cock near my pussy. We talked and Becky rambled on, so I finally stepped back and said, "So much has changed since I saw you last, and I want to hear all about you and your siblings showing up here naked. But first, let's go swimming. Come on, jump in."

The three of us went down the dock and we dove into the water and when we surfaced, Becky swam over and laid a lip lock on spike and said, "Sorry, for not getting back to you but can we still sit down and talk?"

Spike smiled and said, "When we get back to the house, we'll go for a walk. Is that ok?"

"Oh yes, I so want to talk to you and Britt."

Brad made it over to Bart and Carlie and chatted with them while most everyone else was still playing a game of tag. I saw Steve hanging out with Jess on the raft and they were sitting very close together.

Spike got up on the dock and sat in one of the chairs and relaxed while watching everyone playing. I saw he had a very big smile on his face. "I said to Becky, come on let's get up on the dock."

We sat side by side in the chairs with spike on my right and Becky on my left.

I looked out over the pond and saw the taller guy that had come with Becky and Bart, must have been Tommy. I noticed he talked to Kendra and Alex before the three of them climbed up on the raft. Being that Tommy must have been the gentleman, he let both girls climb up the ladder ahead of him. While they climbed, he was looking up. When they sat down, he sat across from the girls and I noticed they had their legs open and so did he. I'm positive his focus was between their legs just like their focus was on the hard cock standing up at a forty-five-degree angle between his legs. I saw them laughing and talking so it seemed they were getting along just fine.

I didn't want to say too much to Becky with so many people around, so we kept our conversations to general topics. Becky was happy her siblings were enjoying themselves. Snake, Bart and Carlie came up out of the water, so they offered the remaining chair to Carlie while Bart went up to his camper and brought down two more chairs for him and snake.

Carlie mentioned how nice it must be to be younger and full of energy as we all watched the races across the pond while others were sitting on the raft talking. Bart kept telling spike how much he appreciated him allowing his family to come out and camp by the pond. He told us they have gone moonlight dipping as well as early morning dipping.

I spoke up, "That's what I want to do. I want to swim in the moon light and make love on the dock or the raft."

Bart looked at Carlie as he said, "Been there, done that. It's so romantic and we had so much fun."

Bart looked at snake and said, "You should come out here some night. You can never tell what might happen in the moonlight."

I saw Carlie smile and right then and there, I figured out they may have looked at the horses the other day, but she must have rode snake's horse too. I smiled and Carlie blushed. If Bart knew something, he didn't let on that he did.

Steve and Jess jumped off the raft and swam to the dock and I watched Steve just like everyone else on the dock, let Jess climb the ladder first while he was looking up between her legs. It was evident when he climbed up out of the cold water and he was rock hard.

Steve asked Bart if he could take his daughter for a walk so she could show him around. All Bart said was, "Jess, stop by the trailer and get a condom before you go. I want grandchildren but not right now."

Jess wasn't fazed one tiny bit, and neither was Steve. The two of them joined hands and off they went up the dock towards the camper. Bart said again, "Thanks again spike, the girls are certainly going to get an education out here."

I looked at Bart and smiled as I said, "I am so glad that you have provided condoms for the girls. Back at home, there were so many young girls who got knocked up. In my opinion, they were too young to be pregnant. In the city, there isn't much to do except hang out on the street and find someone to fuck. There are also the gangs who demanded sex from the girls on the street corner."

Carlie spoke up, "When I was young, I didn't have any exposure to sexual activities. I didn't know anything about the actual sex act other than what was in the books at school. I have to admit putting a condom on a banana is not being taught about sex. I have tried to be very open with my girls and now that we have experienced nudism, we enjoy the lifestyle. It makes a world of difference in our home life. I mean all of us girls used to walk around our house in bra and panties then Bart came home and decided to wear only his boxers, that was the beginning of the end for us wearing clothes."

"I think it's great especially for this time of year when it's so fucking hot." Bart said.

"I'm sure glad to hear I'm not the only one who suffers from the heat here in Texas." I said with a giggle.

We sat around and talked for a while longer and then I said to spike, "If the people want to stay out here and swim, I need to get back to cook supper. I took out chicken this morning, but I have to get it out of the fridge to get it cooking for supper."

"I would like to go back with you and help you cook but it depends if Brad would watch my brothers and sisters." Becky said.

Becky called Brad over to the dock and asked him if he would bring her brothers and sisters to the house when they get done swimming. He told her no problem, so I asked spike to drive us back to the house.

We got in the truck and spike took us down to the house. I told Becky I didn't take out enough chicken to feed her brothers and sisters but if they were staying, we'd figure something out. Becky said, "No, we aren't staying for supper at your house. I only wanted to bring them out so they could swim. I've been trying to call you, but all your phone did was ring."

"Becky, we have been out of the house a lot. Today we brought in some cattle and then we went right out to the pond to cool off. The three new ranch hands we hired are working out fantastic."

Becky saw the fireplace partly finished and asked about it. I told her we had decided, we would build a fireplace big enough that people who wanted to camp, could cook on it. It's going to have a brick oven plus a grill. She acknowledged it looked great as she told us, she had talked to a few of the girls who said they'd love to camp out there.

When we got to the house, we went in and spike turned the truck around and said, "We'll see you in a little while."

I told him not to hurry because I wanted to make sure the chicken was cooked all the way through. He waved and off he went back to the pond. When he arrived, he sat back down in the chair and watched everyone play in the pond or on the raft. Bart and Carlie turned their chairs to face snake and spike so they could talk.

In the kitchen I decided what I was going to have with the chicken and went about fixing it while Becky's jaws let loose with everything that happened since Brad took her home. I listened as I prepared the chicken for cooking by cutting the legs off the thighs. I mixed up some Italian chicken marinade and soaked the chicken in it while I listen to Becky ramble, while I continued making the rest of my supper.

She told me in an excited voice how Brad had gone into her house with her the day he took her home. Becky stripped off all of her clothes with Brad still in her bedroom. They were making out when her brother Tommy walked by her room and saw her naked. She giggled as she told me he didn't see any important parts of her body, just skin. Since Brad's cock was hard as a rock, she closed her door, pulled down his pants and gave him a world class blow job.

Her story continued when she told me, after Brad left, she wrapped a towel around her and went into the bathroom to take a shower. While the water was running over her body, she heard the door creak, but she didn't pay any attention to it, because she knew Tommy had opened the door a little ways. She finished her shower and intentionally didn't look towards the door as she dried herself off. If Tommy was still looking at her all he would have seen is her bare back and ass cheeks, maybe a partial side view of her left tit. She wrapped her towel back around her and by the time she opened the bathroom door to brush her hair, no one was around.

On her way back to her bedroom she let her towel slip off and dragged it into her bedroom. She tossed it over the hook she had on her closet door so it would dry. Becky said she went about doing odd and end stuff in her room without closing the door. Tommy's head peeked around the open doorway, but it was at that point she thought it would be fun to walk fully naked towards the door and close it.

She said she was nervous to lay on her bed with her legs spread but she finally did it. Once she was situated, she picked up a magazine and looked through it. A short while later, Tommy burst into her room unannounced without knocking and stood there with his eyes bugged out of his head. For the first time in his life he saw his sister completely naked with her legs spread while lying on her bed.

Without covering herself in any way she lowered the magazine and said in a calm (nervous) voice, "Tommy, what the fuck are you doing barging into my room without knocking? You are invading my privacy. Now close the door and sit down I want to talk to you."

She said Tommy was like a zombie because he did exactly as she said but the whole time he moved; his eyes were glued to her bald pussy. When he was seated in her chair, she asked him as calmly as she could why the fuck, he kept barging in her room. She said he stuttered and looked down at the floor. She told me, she demanded him to stand as she said, "Since you barged into my room and you are seeing my naked body, I want to see your naked body, take off all your clothes right this minute."

Becky told me Tommy looked at the floor and apologized for barging into her room but didn't move to take off his clothes. In a louder voice Becky told me she sternly said, "Tommy, you have gone to far this time. I know you have been trying to peek at me but this time, you barged into my room and I don't have any clothes on. Neither will you in a couple of minutes. Take your clothes off right this minute or I'm going to tell mom that you barged into my room when I didn't have any clothes on. You will be fucking sorry when she gets her hands on you."

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