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Honey, We Really do Need to Talk

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Wife has plans that don't include me.
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Usual rules apply. Nobody under eighteen in sexual situations. Anyone who resembles any character in the story is purely coincidental. This is fantasy. it's not the news or any brand of reality. It's a tall tale. Just have fun with it. Tongue is firmly in cheek. Please do not harass me with reality. Be kind in your criticism or at least civil. There's a lot of lesbian leanings, so if that bothers you, don't read it.

Honey, We Really Do Need To Talk

The past comes back to haunt me, but I get over it.

"We're not going out, but I am. We really do need to talk," my lovely wife shocked me. She was dressed in her sexy little black dress without a bra to hold up her big girls. The twins looked like they were trying to escape the black lace bodice! She was very sexy tonight. Apparently none of this sexiness was for me.

"Is this the part where you tell me you want to fuck some guy from your job?" I asked with my heart breaking. How could she do that? I was very upset. "I had made plans for us. Now you're going out alone after I got us tickets-"

"No, not quite. I love you and that's not changing. Do you love me?" Gretchen asked me. She had an extremely guilty look on her face.

"Of course I do. I keep hearing a 'but' in this sentence," I spoke dejectedly. Then my Gretchen really shocked me.

"You knew when you met me that I was into um, well... girls, don't you remember?" She is bi-sexual, but to my limited knowledge, she had not been with a woman for quite some time. I had not thought about that for a long, long time. Years in fact.

How could I not recall that? Of course I could recall that just fine. She had not been with anyone else but me since then. So it was a shock.

All of a sudden there was a potential new person entering our relationship and I had NOT BEEN CONSULTED AT ALL. Yeah, I was upset about it.

Years ago in college, when I walked into my bedroom to find her mouth firmly attached to a pretty girls pussy, with said girl returning the favor in the classic "69" style? Yeah, I somehow managed to figure it all out. She did like eating girl's vaginas, thus she was by definition a "vagitarian", at least part time.

She had introduced her sexy girlfriend Cynthia to me. Those two could really inhale margaritas while laughing hysterically and giggling. I was requested to do a strip tease to show Cynthia a good example of male prowess. This was mostly because she had not seen much of male genitalia once she announced that she liked girls, plus I was the only male in my dorm room at the time. So I was convenient as a male model.

We all had a lovely time. I didn't know that bisexuality even existed, but those two dirty girls did their very best to educate me on the myriad of amazing variations that exist in women's likes, dislikes, desires and potent passions. Women are truly amazing.

For her part, Cynthia seemed fascinated by my cock, and she never stopped fondling me. She squeezed my balls to the point I had to ask her to take it easy as she was hurting me a bit. She took to cocksucking like a duck to water, and when she fucked me she begged me to fuck her harder and deeper. She was more lesbian than straight, but that weekend she didn't act like that at all! My then girlfriend and her tag teamed me for hours and hours. Between the two of them they just about fucked me to death. Women are amazing. I asked my girl Gretchen if this new situation meant that she and I were no longer going to get married. I mean she was extraordinary as a vagitarian, but what about us?

Gretchen swore she still loved me as well. So she also was a damn good meat eater! Yes, she proved to me her felatio skills and her ability to fuck me into an unconscious happy state were pretty damn good. I had no complaints about those skills she had, no sir-ee. Even today, I doubt that I would ever find someone half as good as she is right now. Well Cynthia was not bad, but she liked girls way more than cocks. Plus we had not seen each other in many years. I had felt something for Cynthia then, but I got mixed signals in reply, so who knows?

Gretchen's gorgeous sister Olivia was an unknown quantity, but I really liked her a great deal. I had a crush on her for years and years. That was assuming my darling wife was leaving me. At that point I was not sure about anything. The fact that I, her husband, DID NOT KNOW FOR SURE, well that was telling a lot about our very shaky relationship.

"So now seven years later you've decided to revert to a full lesbian lifestyle? Are you leaving me for your new love interest?"

"No, no, no! Well.. Um... Er...

Not exactly. But I met an extraordinary young woman who... well, we hit it off really well." So there was a "maybe" in this answer. Fuckin' great. I didn't need a damn "maybe". My whole life hinged on the one word "maybe"? Fuck me.

"How well did you two hit it off?" I asked. Not sure if I wanted to know the truth now, but I really had to know.

"I want her and she wants me as well. She also is quite interested in you my Darling. But I want to go have a few drinks and feel her out..." she smiled and spoke as she seemed to dream of her new sweet pussy lover for a long moment, "about her feelings towards me and any feelings for you as well," she tried to explain. I wasn't listening to her bullshit. I know a sales routine when I hear one.

"So you have no desire to go out with me tonight. I did get great tickets for your fav-" she cut me off. She didn't care what I got for her. I spent a fortune on those tickets from a scalper and she didn't want to hear about them? Arrhggh

"-No Jack. I am doing this. Sorry to upset your plans for tonight." She didn't look sorry at all. She was very happy. She was smiling like she won the lottery, and I was last years prize. Swell.

Somehow I felt like a mere afterthought, not her mate and husband. Love of her life? That apparently was never correct from the way she spoke about her brand new sexy paramour. I could see her thinking about her and absolutely NOT thinking AT ALL about me. It seemed plain as day to me. The eyes don't lie, at least on her they don't. I felt like I had been rejected. I was tossed into the trash bin.

Gretchen actually licked her cocksucker lips. I hoped only my cock was on her menu. I suppose with her lesbian leanings that makes those lips, "licketty-split" as well.

"Don't you mean 'Feel her up'?" I jumped into her sentence. Smiling. Hoping. I said that stupidly. I could see that my marriage was headed for destruction pretty much no matter what I did. It was hanging by a single thread and she didn't see it, or didn't want to see it that way. The other alternative was that she just didn't care. That was so sad an idea, but it was obviously a real possibility. She was gonna "feel her up about it?" Yikes. I was joking. She was not. My life was suddenly in the toilet going round and round, and headed down the hole. I had been flushed down the tubes.

She smiled, "Well maybe that as well." She looked around the house. It was a wreck. "I have a request of you. Would you clean this place up and put fresh sheets on the bed? Please shave close, and shower nice too. Do not put on aftershave. She might be sensitive, you know? Would you make something nice for dinner? How about linguini and white clam sauce? We have a loaf of French bread right Jack?"

We were calmly discussing dinner while I was thinking about where I was going to live, short-term and long-term. I did not want my marriage to end, but that seemed to be the direction this damn train wreck was headed. I felt powerless to stop this derailment from happening.

"You want me to do all this so you can fuck her? Are you fucking cra-" she cut me off.. again. How could she possibly ask me to do this? I bristled at the thought. I get to clean up the house for HER DATE??? I felt like the male version of Cinderella.

"-Crazy? Maybe. It's so you and I can BOTH fuck her, and you can fuck me too. What do you say stud? Think you can take care of both of us, big boy? I don't know if she's going to agree to it. She leans pretty far to the female side of the street. I'm going to try to sell it. She was very happy when I showed her a picture of you. I told her your main hobby was eating pussy. Was that ok Jack?" She grinned. I was trying to understand if I still had a wife, and she was trying to get me into a sexy threesome? What the actual fuck? Was this some kind of perverted dream?

"Gretchen, if you and her give me half a chance I will prove it to her," I replied with gusto. Maybe I had half a chance to save my fucked up marriage? Not sure if I wanted to now. I felt like they were playing my song and it was "Hit the Road, Jack," and I won't be coming back no more, no more.

"You know this might not work, right?" She seemed to be unsure of herself suddenly.

No shit Sherlock. I gave it two chances: slim and none. But what the hell, I gotta try. I was thinking about our marriage and she was thinking about her sexy date, two different things entirely.

"Hey, hey, what do you always tell me? No negativity! Be positive. She is going to love it. Tell you what, ask her to come home with you regardless of her feelings for me. We can both work you over if she will allow me to participate in that." I swear her heart skipped a beat when I said that. I love my wife, and I will give her a night to remember me by. I will pack a couple of bags, perhaps make some room reservations. I can cancel if things change. Otherwise, I'll be on my way.

"You are the best husband that ever lived my darling. Kiss me and wish me luck Jack." She smiled with wicked thoughts bouncing around in her gorgeous skull; her face reflected her dirty, naughty plans in the growth phase. I wish I was in there in her head somewhere. It didn't feel like it at all. No, I felt married to a complete stranger. Perhaps I had not understood her deep attraction and real affection for sweet poo-say. I know that I enjoy it a whole lot, oh fuck yeah. Looks like I may be sampling new pussy after all this craziness is done and I am single again. I feel so bad watching my wife's sexy ass swaying this way and that out the door. She stopped to give me a goodbye kiss. Again, just an afterthought.

"Just be positive Honey. It will all be ok, you'll see... I love you my Darling." We kissed a long time. Was Gretchen even thinking of me then, or her potential new girlfriend? Who the fuck knows? But she seemed to be extremely happy. I hope she thinks about me occasionally. Even though I only have one "X" chromosome.

JnMy now low expectations were going downwards in a death spiral. I guess the expiration date had come and gone on our relationship. It felt that way to me. I kissed her with all my heart and soul put into the goodbye. I am going to miss her terribly.

"One more kiss like that and I am not going anywhere!" She sputtered at me. I slapped her fine bubble-butt perfect ass. I heard a grunt as I did so... that she tried hard not to voice! Gretchen loved it when I spanked those flawless big hemispheres of hers. I loved grabbing her lovely ass cheeks and squeezing them.

I grabbed and squeezed her ass with a not so subtle massage and then I gave her the spread-em-wide-open twist. She was soaking wet. But for whom?? The question still remained, for her: brand new sexy girl... or her dumb assed husband, her sweet longstanding lover, me? I was pretty sure it was NOT ME, as she was obviously wet well before I put hands on her. Her juices were for her girlfriend.

My question was, "Am I better off being with her, or trashing the marriage that's on it's deathbed and moving on?" I was asking that question in my mind a lot lately.

I was well aware of her rug muncher feelings, but up until now I have never felt at all threatened by them in the least. Now I was scared of losing her. I put my brave face back on. Be a man, not a wimp. If she's going to leave, there's not much you can do to stop her. If she's already committed to this woman... not much can change that either. I don't want her to be a prisoner, or me to be her jailer either. She needs to WANT to be with me. None of this damn "maybe" shit. In or out, or close the damned door.

"Go ahead, bring her home. I'll take care of this mess. May I call your sister for a little bit of help?" I asked her. Her sister lived close by. Olivia

seemed to have a fetish for cleaning and organizing. She cleaned until it was "hospital clean". She was fast and very good at cleaning up. Plus she was very good looking. Her ass was the match for Gretchen's sexy behind. The two sexy sisters assets were almost identical. I had no idea about her bosoms. She kept her girls under wrap.

I must admit here that I had a "daydream crush" on her sexy sister Olivia that was not ever returned. Damn! But she was beautiful and easy on the eyes. I wish she would return my feelings, but that had never happened. Olivia was true blue to her big sister. Now that her sister was about to trash our union, what the hell? Why not be honest with her? I owed that to both Olivia and myself. Especially now.

"Ok, if she can tear herself away from her boy toy." My almost ex wife observed. I did not have the heart to tell her that her sister was now also batting for the other team. She had a girl toy, not a boy toy. Oh well, shit happens. I guess her family was mostly munching rugs at this point.

Several years ago, their mom got caught having sex with another woman, and her folks had split up. She now lives with her lover and both of the women seem to be happy. She did tell me that she sometimes she misses Ralph (my father in law) as she touched my arm. Hmmm? She had looked in my eyes with "the look" but I played dumb, not a great stretch for me. I certainly didn't want to destroy my marriage for her sexy, bi-sexual mother. Nah, I just removed her hand from my crotch and kissed her cheek as my wife and I were leaving. Such a dirty, dirty mother in law.

So my question was, did I even have a shot with Olivia? With my marriage in flames what did I have to lose? I called my sexy sister-in-law and begged her for her help in cleaning up our place. Of course she said yes. Why the fuck did I bother with the cleaning? I don't know. Self respect maybe? Misplaced loyalty? Sheer stupidity? Yeah that's got my vote.

- - - - - -

Olivia was scrubbing the kitchen table as I set up to make the linguini. My eyes were locked on her superb jiggling ass as she scrubbed the table clean as could be. Her ass was a fine work of art. She looked back and caught me staring at her sexy behind and she smiled. I was caught. I smiled back. Her ass was very delicious, just looking at it. I wanted to grab that sexy behind of hers. I wanted her.

"Less leering at my ass and more working, my dear Jack. Put your tongue away Dear," she admonished gently. I had all the ingredients laid out and ready to cook. The garlic bread was done and still wrapped in foil.

It only took fifteen minutes to fix the meal, so I was going to get myself cleaned up. I hugged her and kissed her on those plump bee-stung lips I had lusted after. Now that she had come out (to me at least) there was virtually no chance of me being with her. Her lips were so soft and delicious. I wanted her even if she didn't want me. She was very sexy.

Her bust was surprisingly big, way bigger than my dirty little wife's very nice tiddies. She hid her bosoms in minimizing bras and oversized tops for some reason. She was sexy as hell.

"Thank you so much for all your help Olivia. You're a lifesaver. I'm gonna go get myself showered and shaved. Would you please change the bedsheets for me? I think pretty much everything else is done." The house looked and smelled great. Nice and clean and fully aired out. I had just closed all the windows lest we freeze to death, but at least now it was nice and fresh in here. "I love you so much Olivia. Thank you for helping me with this. I really appreciate all your help and support." Tears in my eyes.

"Wait one minute Jack. Do you and my sister now have an open marriage now? Maybe... Semi-open?" She tried to understand my relationship. But shit, I was not 100% sure myself. I did not know. Time would tell. I was just not sure.

"She has always been quietly bi-sexual Olivia. I think she is embarrassed by that fact. She never told your folks. I have known since the beginning. If she ever needs another man, well, I wouldn't stand for that. She wants to share this new woman with me. I love her, but I don't know how this will all play out. I really wish it was you coming to dinner. I... I am in love with you Olivia. I never had the courage to say that before. I love your sister too, but truthfully...I do not know if she loves me at all anymore. She is so enamored with her new girlfriend. So I suppose we do have an open relationship now." I tried to explain what I didn't really understand fully myself. My tears were dropping left and right. I was confused by my fucked up marriage and my torrid feelings for my sweet and sexy sister in law. She jumped up and held me.

"So if you and I got together...I mean really got the full thing, love, kisses and um... sex?" She stumbled through her thoughts. They matched mine. I smiled at her smiling back. Her eyes were on fire. Was she saying what I think she was proposing? Wow. Olivia held me tight.

"I think she sorta loves me but... Sometimes yes, but sometimes I feel so...unloved. You know? I know you are with some girl. That's why I had the courage to tell you. You-" I could not speak. She cut me off with her violent kiss. She almost tackled me.

Olivia was kissing me with all her strength. She had both her arms around me and her body mashed up against mine. Her arms were around my neck, pulling me closer than a brother in law should be. I had a raging hard on which I'm sure she felt as she ground her mons into my hard equipment. We both groaned. I could not help it, I wanted Olivia then and there.

Wow, I felt those huge sexy whoppers of hers pressed against my chest. I realized that she did love me! I returned her kisses and we must have kissed for ten minutes. My goodness she was a fantastic kisser. This was a double shocker for me. I was gonna have a heart attack from all these surprise revelations. Her nipples were hard as diamonds as she pressed against my chest with her big fat tits. How had she hid these sexy monsters?

Damn those minimizing bras.

"I love you Jack. My girlfriend was just imaginary. No more secrets from each other Jack. Do you love me?" Her eyes were glistening and she seemed so unsure all of a sudden. I was sure now. Like all the parts came together at once. I wanted her here and now, no doubt about it. Fuck Gretchen and her mixed-up signals. Olivia left no doubt in my mind. SHE WANTED ME.

"I love you more than life itself

Olivia. I hate to say it, but I love you way more than I love Gretchen. But I still love her too, at least a little. I guess I am fucked up." I just had to confess to her. Tears were in my eyes.

"No, your confusion makes

perfect sense. She sprung her

surprise on you suddenly and

with no warning. But we had

never admitted to each other about our own love because of her. Do you want to be with me?" Olivia asked me. It was my turn to smile.

"Yes. 'Till they bury me. I have had deep feelings for you since the day we were first introduced. I had thought about dropping her and me going with you in the first five minutes of when we met. I am glad it's out in the open now. I want a bunch of kids with you!" She rolled her eyes. I was jumping the gun a bit. So what? Let's be honest here. I wanted children, not more excuses or put offs. I wonder if men also have a biological clock like women do? How is it that some women can easily ignore the damned thing? She smiled at me and touched my neck. Pulled me in for more kisses.


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