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Horny Dungeon Adventures Ch. 01

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Two friends discover a magical sex-themed TTRPG.
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Two really good friends/fuck buddies get together for game night and discover that the decades-old out-of-print TTRPG they just got from the bargain bin allows them to astrally project into a fantasy world with a wealth of horny possibilities. This first chapter is pretty vanilla, but future ones will contain BDSM and all sorts of monster-fuckery.


The buzzer to my apartment rings. That'll be Jess: it's time for our weekly game night/hangout session. The pizza arrived half an hour ago and I already finished eating. She's not usually *this* late. A few minutes later there's a quick knock on my door and she comes striding in.

"Heeeyyy Alex! Sorry I'm late!" she comes over and gives me a big long hug.

At barely over five feet, Jess is the shortest trans girl I've ever met, but she's got extremely tall girl energy. Short wavy hair with a swoosh covers part of the right side of her face, while the other side is shaved short. Right now the colour is kind of a dark blue thing, but she dyes it something different almost every month it seems. Her exposed ear and a large portion of her face are decorated in a wide assortment of piercings. She's wearing the same ratty dark grey denim battle jacket she always wears, along with a tank-top and sliced-up skinny jeans. Everything about her appearance screams, 'I am trying far too hard to be perceived as a punky homosexual creature.'

I'm about half a foot taller than her, about average height for a cis girl I guess, and definitely on the chubbier side. My fashion sense is more in the comfy, plausibly deniable zone with regard to my Gayness. I've got a mop of straight light brown, not-quite shoulder-length hair and a basic bitch pair of lobe piercings. I'm trying to push outside my comfort zone a bit but so far the most I can manage is the occasional flannel and the septum ring I got last year. Tonight I'm just wearing my big comfy hoodie and leggings.

She finally releases me, "Howya been?"

"Ah... y'know..." I shrug and gesture vaguely.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Ehh... nah, it's not worth it. Mostly just work shit."

"Same as it ever was..." she takes off her jacket and hangs it on a chair back, exposing her wiry shoulders and back covered in tattoos.

"Yep. Anyway, I'm really glad you're here!"

"Yea, sorry I couldn't make it the past couple weeks."

"Don't worry about it. By the way, pizza's on the counter," I say gesturing towards the kitchen, "It's uh, a bit cold."

"Aw what, you didn't make dinner?!" she exclaims incredulously.

"N- no, sorry..." I start nervously fiddling with the sleeve-ends of my sweater.

"Hey hey you know I'm just kidding right? You don't *have* to cook for me every time I come over. Like, I appreciate it, you're a great cook but you can take a break. I love pizza, even cold pizza... *especially* cold pizza."

"Oh... oh yeah, I mean I do too. Just like, I dunno, I like doing it, and ordering out feels spendy."

"Bitch I'll pay for the pizza!"

"What? No!"

"Yes!" she frantically rummages through her messenger bag then slams thirty dollars on the table, "You're keeping this or I will fight you."

"F- fine. Okay, thank you."

"Good! Now, I got a bit of a surprise for you tonight," she walks over to the kitchen and pulls down a plate before opening up the pizza box, "What's on it?"

"Mushrooms, green pepper, onions, olives."

"Hell yea! You know I love mushrooms," she tosses a couple slices on the plate, then pulls a six-pack out of her bag, "Want a beer?"

"Yeah... I'll have one... might need to make it two."

"Shit, you didn't even ask what kind it was, you must be feeling real bad," she removes two bottles from the cardboard carrier before putting the rest in the fridge, then grabs a glass from the cupboard before bringing everything to the table.

"Honestly it could be an IPA and I wouldn't have turned it down with the week I've had."

"Well, good news: it's not an IPA!" she cracks them both open and slides one with a glass over to me, then slams back half of hers from the bottle in one gulp. I examine mine for a moment: it says Feisty's Nut Brown Ale and there's like, a little goblin or something on it. I pour it into my glass then take a sip.

"Well, how is it?" she says while rifling through her bag.

"It's uh.. sweet, kinda like bitter chocolate and toffee. I like it."

"I figured you would," she says right before she dramatically plops down an old glossy cardboard box on the table then pushes it toward me.

"Horny Dungeon Adventures? What... what the hell is this??"

"Ha ha!"

"Where did you get this?!"

"Gnarly Dragon. You hear they're going out of business?!"

"Yeah..." I say mournfully, taking another sip, "They were the last games shop this side of town."

"I'll drink to that," she takes a slug, "Anyway, it was in some pile of random old discontinued shit for *five bucks*."

"I dunno why you say it like it was a bargain, it's probably not even worth that."

"Hey hey, let's give Horny Dungeon Adventures a fair shake! Besides if it's shit and we at least get a laugh and a couple hours entertainment I feel like that's worth it."

I take another long sip of my beer before lifting off the top portion of the box. The outside is well weathered but the contents seem almost brand new. As I begin removing and placing everything out on the table I'm surprised by how much is in here!

There are three hardcover manuals: Player's Handbook, Dungeon Lord's Manual and Monster Folio. There are also decks of Creature, location and Magical Item cards, a drawstring bag with assorted dice in it, a set of candles, a few pieces of chalk, and a small white crystal point about the size of a golf ball.

"Holy shit this is a lot of stuff for five bucks!"

"MSRP was $129.99, and it was published in 1987."


"Yea I know... I've never even heard of this game before. And why are there candles?!"

"No fuckin' clue."

I crack open the Player's Handbook and there's that musty old book stink wafting out of it. Tucked between the cover and the table of contents are a few pre-printed blank character sheets. Scanning it quickly, it seems... pretty bog standard for like a combat-focused fantasy TTRPG. I skim the table of contents and again nothing really stands out compared to other games like this I've played.

I turn to the Foreword section of the book: "Horny Dungeon Adventures is a saucy take on the classic fantasy Role Playing Game designed for couples or groups of friends/partners who want their adventures to be a little more intimate." Couples huh? Jess and I did date for a while but it didn't really work out so well as like, A Relationship. I do still love her though in a sort of very close friends-with-benefits kinda way.

"Huh, okay. So we could even play just the two of us it sounds like."

Jess seems absorbed in the Dungeon Lord's Manual, "Huh... yea. You wanna roll a character and I'll GM?"

"Sure!" I grab a pencil and lay out one of the character sheets in front of me.

"Alright, let's see. Class... if I'm going in solo I'm thinking a hybrid, wanna fight but also do magic. Melee characters are always so boring and spell-casters stop being fun when you run outta spells."

"Looks like there's a Spellsword class."

"Sounds good. Hmm... Race? Maybe Half-Elf. Gender: female obviously. Uhh... genitals??"

"Haha... uhm, well that's different. It is a game with sex so like, I guess that makes sense?"

I start skimming over the character creation portion of the book, "Okay so, it says that you aren't restricted based on gender, pick whatever 'equipment' you like, 'this may change during play'??"

"For being published in 1987, that's awfully progressive."

"Horny Dungeon Adventure says 'trans rights!'"

We both descend into a giggling fit.

I spend some more time filling out my character sheet while Jess finishes her pizza and reads more of her book. We start on a couple more beers while we work. The character sheet actually goes into a lot of detail on the specifics of your character's appearance including various body measurements. I can't possibly imagine why anyone would care to include that stuff, and I end up leaving most of it blank.

"Alright, I think I'm pretty well done with my character. What now? How does this game work exactly, like what makes this horny or whatever."

"So, it seems like the main difference here is like... so there's some standard combat skills, but also there's a bunch of stuff for like, seducing or subduing your opponent."

"What's that mean exactly?"

"Like, say you got a uhh..." she flips through the Monster Folio, "Succubus. So she could try to fight you, wear you down physically, but she specializes in sex magic, so she's more likely to try and charm you, make you uncontrollably horny so you just kinda give up and uhh... well I guess you just fuck at that point?"

"I mean, you and I have the kind of relationship where I trust you in that regard, so to me role-playing that sounds hot, but like... I dunno, do the game mechanics just kind of encourage that sort of thing? Seems like it could be kinda nasty for some people."

"The Dungeon Lord's Manual actually addresses that on the first page: 'Game mechanics on when and how to initiate an Intimate Scene are only meant to serve as guidelines. Power exchange must always be negotiated. This game is meant to provide a space to explore a novel approach to sex and other kinds of intimacy in a fantasy setting; there are a wide array of supernatural creatures and abilities to facilitate that, which not everyone may be comfortable with. We advise talking out concerns and boundaries before playing and making use of safe words. If at any time anyone playing does not like the direction a scene is going, it may be for the best to change directions or move on to something else."

"Alright, I mean, I'm glad they thought to explain all that."

"Yea, it's a pretty forward-thinking thing to include in a game called Horny Dungeon Adventures published over 30 years ago."

"My only concern I guess is like... so this kinda seems like a generic fantasy RPG that kinda directs you towards erotic role-play?"

Still looking down at the book she gives me a quiet, "Mhm."

"Is that fun? Seems like it might just kinda be boring or weird, y'know?"

"Uhh... oh yea, I mean, I guess?"

"What do you mean 'I guess'?" there's a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Shit, sorry, I was just kinda distracted by something in the book."

"What is it?"

"So after that paragraph I read you before there's additional bits referring to something called 'The Immersion Ritual'."

"Sounds kinda dorky, what's that mean?"

"I don't know exactly. It just kinda caught my eye cause it mentioned taking extra precautions regarding consent and stuff if performing the ritual. Anyway, umm... yea. Look if it *really* doesn't sound fun then we don't have to play, but you've already rolled up a character, why don't we just give it a little test run?"

I let out a long hesitant groan.

"You were *just* saying how RPing getting seduced by a succubus sounded hot. And you love monster girls and shit, I figured this'd be right up your alley!"

"Ughh... yea okay, maybe."

"If it sucks we can always just head to your bed and fuck. And if it's good and gets you all hot and bothered then that's just a fun prelude to the same outcome!"

"Mmm... that sounds really nice honestly. Why don't we just skip straight to that?" I put my hand on her thigh and give it a squeeze.

"Listen, I went to the trouble of buying and lugging this stupid game here, and you've already rolled a character. I am now set on at least *trying* it out for a bit. That is the price of my dick."

I let out an exaggerated sigh, "Okay fine, but if it sucks you are going to make it up to me!"

"I promise," she puts her hand on my cheek and gently slides her thumb over my lower lip and pushes it down a bit. My eyes flutter for a second before she takes her hand off and gives me the gentlest little slap, "Focus babe," she tilts her head and smiles at me.

God it's been a while since she made me feel like that. She still calls 'babe' sometimes when she's in a flirty mood even though we're not a couple anymore. It almost feels too intimate or something, but if I'm being honest... I really like it.

"Alright, so first I roll on the encounter table to see what you're up against. Then I roll a couple other things for modifiers and uhh..." she stops mid-sentence and stares intently at the book again.

"Huh? What's up?"

"There's another note about 'See diagram on page 274 for materials placement if performing The Immersion Ritual.'"


Jess skips ahead in the book to that point and spends a bit of time looking over it.

"Alright so... I think I figured out what the chalk and candles are for."

I listen intently.

"They want you to draw out this Ritual Circle and position the candles and game materials like this," she shows me the book.

The entire page is taken up by a diagram of a circle with several shapes, patterns and symbols throughout it, with a pentagram at the center. The opposite page has a key corresponding to numbers on the diagram, as well as incantations to recite for the ritual.

"Are you serious? We're not doing that are we?"

"Why not?"

"What is possibly going to come of doing this? A mess of chalk and melted wax on the floor?"

"I dunno, book seems to keep mentioning that this is the *actual* way to play the game. That this is the way to access some mind-altering erotic experiences."

"Sounds like some hokey new-age witchcraft shit. We gonna summon a demon next? Wanna break out the ouija board?"

"I love hokey witchcraft shit, and if I knew how to summon demons I absolutely would."

She would, wouldn't she?

"Listen we don't *have to* but like, aren't you the least bit curious? Don't you want a *mind-altering erotic experience?* What's a little chalk on the floor at this point?"

"I am still skeptical that this will provide any kind of experience besides a mess, but if you agree to clean this shit up after then I *guess* we can do it."

She picks up my hand and pulls it toward her then lowers her head to kiss it, "I will take care of it."

Still holding my hand she stands up and I follow her lead. We push my dining table against the wall to make space, then she places the crystal in the center of the floor. After getting her phone out to check the cardinal directions, she sets about drawing this elaborate chalk diagram and instructs me where to place and light the candles.

"Alright, I think we're done. Now we just gotta sit down in our respective spaces and I recite the incantation."

"I want you to please recognize how dumb this sounds."

"Oh I do, don't worry, but nevertheless I'm having fun," she gives me a big goofy grin.

"Well... that's good, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

Jess gets closer and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, "Okay, then take your character sheet and sit in that circle there."

She turns off all the lights in the room then grabs the rest of the materials before sitting down across from me. With everything set up and illuminated by candlelight I won't lie, it does feel kinda cool in that like... naive teenager sleepover party kinda vibe that I never actually got to experience because I had no friends in high school.

Jess quickly references something in the book, then rifles through one of the decks of cards, "I dunno what to expect from this Immersion Ritual exactly but, I'm gonna pick something a little more basic. I promise you'll still enjoy."

She grabs another card from a different deck, then places both in the circle face down, "Your character sheet goes in the spot across from those."

I do as she instructs, then she asks, "Are you ready?"

I nod.

Turning to the Immersion Ritual in the book she places it in her lap, then holds her hands out, "You don't have to do anything except hold my hands."

After taking her hands she begins slowly reciting some Latin-sounding gibberish. The candles all flicker ominously in unison. I start to have a twinge of fear or regret or something. It feels like something's not right, like something bad might happen. I don't *actually* believe anything bad will happen but that kid-brain fear-of-monsters logic is poking into my thoughts. When she finishes speaking the candles all go perfectly still. We both stare at each other.

"Is... is that it? Nothing hap-"

"Look!" she gestures to center of the ritual circle with her eyes where the crystal and chalk pentagram are now glowing. The glow slowly spreads to all the markings on the floor.

"Wh- what??"

"Okay I am a little spooked now!" there is genuine concern in her voice.

"Why are you scared now?! This was your idea!"

"Ummm... I dunno! I guess I wasn't expecting it to actually work!"

"What should we do?"

"N- nothing... I guess. It's fine, just relax. Everything's f-" she cuts off mid-sentence as her head lulls back and her pupils recede behind her eyelids. I try to shake her hands to wake her up or get her attention, but she's completely stiff like a statue. What do I do??

"Jess, what's g-" my speech stops. I feel a tingle down my spine, followed by goosebumps spreading across my whole body. Everything feels like it's in slow motion and I can't control my body. My vision fades. There's a sharp jolt in my neck and then...


I open my eyes and slowly bright whiteness fades and comes into focus as my eyes re-adjust. I'm... in a forest, it's daytime. There's a soft breeze blowing through my hair which feels... longer? I grab ahold of a fistful and pull it forward to see that it is long, wavy and blonde. I notice my wrists have thick leather bracers on them. Looking down I'm wearing a leather cuirass over a felt waistcoat, and long leather boots that go halfway up my thighs. I also have a large leather belt with a rapier dangling from it on my left.

This is... it can't be. I bring my fingers up to my face and feel it. My features are... much more slender and pointed, my nose tiny and sharp. I feel around the sides to my ears and they're elongated and pointed at the tips, and also full of all kinds of piercings I don't have. My body feels so much different and weird to move around in. I've never in my life been this thin. It's strange, and I'm not sure I like it. I guess that's what all the specifics on the character sheet that I left blank were for.

"Holy shit you're an elf! Half-elf, whatever. You're your character!" a voice shouts at me from across the clearing.


"Yea! It's me!" it does sound like her, only deeper and more gruff.

"What?! How?!" I stomp across the clearing towards her, aggressively looking her up and down. She's tall, much taller than me... by at least a foot. Her green chiselled physique is decorated in a bunch of skimpy pelts and furs, and she's got a large battle axe slung over her shoulder. It's... quite the look, and definitely very different from what I'm used to with Jess, but still feels appropriate somehow?

"I'm a big buff orc babe! And you..." she gives me a thorough up and down, followed by a nod of approval, "You're serving up hot lesbian pirate elf vibes."

"Okay but why are we here and like... this?"

"You know why. This is the *real* Horny Dungeon Adventures."



"I refuse to believe it."

"Literally what other explanation is there? I placed cards for an Orc Warrior and The Forest into the ritual circle. You're playing your character you made and also placed specifically in the circle. We both sat and performed The Immersion Ritual."

"Ok but what is this then? This isn't VR or whatever, this game was made in the 80s."

"Not that I could even really try to understand the specifics but... maybe astral projection? Or cooperative lucid dreaming?"


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