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Hose For The Holidays

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After hours upon hours of driving on the interstate...
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After hours upon hours of driving on the interstate, Morgan Mitchell sees a welcome sight, the exit for her hometown of Roseville Indiana. "Only 5 more miles," she says to herself aloud while pulling onto the exit. College is great, but it will be good to be home for a while."

A short drive later, she enters the outskirts of Roseville. It is nearly midnight and the town is all but shut down for the night, save for the 24-hour gas station. Low on fuel from the drive, Morgan decides to fill up before heading to her house. She tries to swipe her card at the pump but the machine can not read it. "That accidental trip through the wash messed this thing up bad," she says to herself after pushing the button to pay inside. After filling her car up Morgan goes in to grab a soda and pay for the fuel. As she is picking out her drink she notices the store clerk walk from the back room towards the counter. The female clerk is wearing her normal station uniform top but instead of pants is wearing a knee length skirt with black hose and heels.

"So, did they change your dress code?" she asks, in reference to the hose.

The clerk smiles, "They're so soft... So silky.."

Despite being taken back by the strange comment, Morgan politely smiles and heads out.

While entering her driveway, Morgan turns her headlights off before bringing the car to a halt. She then slips quietly into the house through a rear door left unlocked by her parents. She last talked to them a couple hours ago when they informed her of the door and their plans to turn in for the night. To avoid waking her brother or parents, Morgan slides out of her shoes and crashes on the couch.

Several hours later the smell and sound of breakfast being prepared in the kitchen brings Morgan out of her slumber. As she wipes the sleep from her eyes Morgan notices something strange about her mother who is bustling around the kitchen. She appears to be wearing white nylon under her calf length robe.

"Good morning dear," Morgan's mother says with a bright smile. "How was your drive?"

"It was good mom, thanks. Where's dad and Tommy?"

"Tommy is still in bed, and your father had to go into the office today."

"On a Saturday, that sucks."

"Yes," her mother replies, "but that just means more cash flow for the holidays."

Morgan nods and takes a seat at the table. She then points towards the bottom hem of her mother's robe. "Mom, what's with those?"

Brenda Mitchell smiles and responds to her daughter's query. "Those slippers were a gift from your father for my birthday. Thank you for noticing dear."

"Those are nice mom, but I was talking about the nylons. Are they those special ones doctors give people with bad circulation?"

"My circulation is fine dear. I just like how soft and silky they feel."

Morgan recalls the gas station clerk saying something similar about her hose. Before she can press the issue more, the hungry youth is distracted by pancakes and bacon. As her daughter dives into the meal. Brenda retreats upstairs and comes back down wearing a green holiday sweater paired with a black knee length skirt. She has swapped her slippers for a pair of green flats that match the sweater and has kept on the silky white nylons.

Morgan finishes breakfast and heads up to her old room. After grabbing a couple things from her bag she slips down the hall and into the bathroom. The hot shower feels fantastic after the long drive home. Morgan stays under the revitalizing water until the temp starts to drop. She then turns it off, exits the shower, dries off and heads back to her room wearing only a towel.

Morgan once again opens her bag and pulls out her outfit for the day. A blue and gold hooded sweatshirt wither her college's logo on it, jean shorts, and a pair of black leggings. "Who needs pantyhose when leggings are so much better," she says while getting dressed. She finishes off the outfit with white cotton socks and tennis shoes with the same color scheme as her sweatshirt.

While putting the rest of her things away, she hears a moan from the neighboring room. "Sounds like Tommy still likes to beat off in the morning." Morgan sneaks into the hall and quietly turns the doorknob of her brother's room. Like she had done many times before, Morgan bursts in while covering her eyes and shouts, "Good morning Mr. Monkey Spank!"

The sound of a female moan causes Morgan to uncover her eyes. The sight she sees nearly sends her into shock. Her brother is being ridden by a cute red head and neither of them seems affected by her intrusion. Morgan tries to look away but then catches sight of black nylons on the red head and mocha colored ones on Tommy. His silky toes curl as he climaxes into his lover. Only then does he notice his baffled sister in the doorway.

"Dammit Morgan!," he yells, have you ever heard of knocking?"

"Why the fuck are you wearing pantyhose?"

"Get the fuck out of my room!"

Morgan retreats downstairs where her mom heard the whole encounter.

"Your brother and his new girlfriend like to roleplay in the bedroom dear."

"Okay!" Morgan yells, "the clerk at the station last night was odd. You this morning was weird, but what I just saw is 100% messed up. Has everyone around here gone crazy for fucking nylons!"

"Perhaps that is my fault," a female voice says from the stairway. Morgan turns to see Tommy's girlfriend. "My mother and I just moved here at the start of the school year and her formal dress boutique has been busy non-stop since then. People come in to buy outfits for a number of events. Like, the school's homecoming dance in September and their recent Winter Formal."

"What the hell does that have to do with nylons?"

"I buried the lead," the girlfriend replies with a coy smile. "I'm sorry, let me explain. My mother has created a new type of pantyhose that solves all of the traditional issues associated with them. Running, bunching and so forth. My mother's hose even has a temp control feature so they can be worn in extreme heat or cold while keeping the wearer perfectly comfortable. To promote them she gave away free dresses to anyone who would help her shoot promo pictures for our website wearing the new hose. I guess we have a hit on our hands because the people of Roseville are obsessed with Silken Bliss Pantyhose."

Morgan rolls her eyes," well, don't start eyeing mansions just yet. This town has always been a bit off beat and the people here tend to hop from one new thing to the next. At one time our mayor wanted to give those silly beverage hats people wear at sporting events an official town holiday. So, this, like all the rest of the fads and trends our backwater town buys into will fade away. Nylons and pantyhose are relics of the past."

Morgan then points to her own leg. "Leggings are the future."

After the rant, Morgan leaves for a walk to clear her head. The girlfriend was right, everywhere she looked, women and men were wearing Silken Bliss Pantyhose. As Morgan crosses through city park she spots the formal dress boutique that started all this.

Just as she is about to barge in the front door to give the owner a piece of her mind, she is quickly pulled away and dragged into a near bye alley. Morgan gets her bearings and is about to scream but stops when setting eyes on her abductor.

"Brittany? What are you doing here? I thought you went to college in California."

"I did," Brittany answers. "I got kicked out halfway through the semester for having a little too much fun at a party."

"That sucks," Morgan replies, "Anyway, why did you pull me away from that store. Those people are taking advantage of our trend-obsessed town."

"No Morgan," Brittany replies in a hushed tone, "The mother and daughter who run that store are enslaving our town."


"Yes, those pantyhose of their's fuse to people who put them on. They also corrupt the wearer's mind, making them worship and obey nylon."

"Brittany, Morgan asks, "did you go on a Sci-Fi movie bender again? Nylon that fuses with people and corrupts their mind is not real. Switch to decaf or something and lay off the weird movies."

Morgan shrugs off her friend and goes into the store.

"Welcome to Look Your Best Boutique," a tall red-haired woman says as Morgan enters. "'I am Isabella, but you can call me Izzy. How can I help you today?"

"Ummm, yeah," Morgan replies, "I just met your daughter in my brother's bedroom and came here to tell you off." Your stupid new pantyhose is messing with the gullible people of this town.

"Isabella smiles, "I understand your concern. But, this is nothing like silly beverage hats. My Silken Bliss Pantyhose will change the world."

Morgan is at first confused with the hat reference. All quickly becomes clear when Tommy's girlfriend appears from the back room.

"I believe you have met my daughter Nina," Isabella says with a smile, "she has told me the concerns you raised earlier. I assure you that we want nothing but the best for your town and family. Roseville will become a spark that lights the fire of a pantyhose revolution across the country and eventually the world."

"You people are nuts," Morgan says as the pair backs her into the fitting area.

"You can't knock something unless you try it first," Nina says as she holds out a package of Suntan Silken Bliss Pantyhose. "This shade will look great with those jean shorts. Your short sandy brown hair will give the whole thing a Daisy Duke look."

"I'll make you a deal," Isabella says, "put on the pantyhose. If they are not the best thing that has ever touched your skin we will shut down the store and leave this town. Once we are gone, the people will forget our trendy nylons and all will go back to normal."

"You would really shut down your successful business and leave town if I hate your pantyhose?"

"I know it seems odd," Izzy explains, "but we are so confident in our product that we are willing to risk everything in our pursuit to make all of Roseville's citizens happy."

Morgan ponders the proposition. "So, how long do I have to wear and hate them before you accept defeat and leave?"

"Three minutes after snapping the waistband into place," Izzy replies. After that, you can rip them off and we will uphold our end of the deal."

With a cocky grin, Morgan takes the pantyhose and enters the fitting room to put them on. Nina and Isabella take a seat on a sofa in the show room, a look of triumph on their face.

In the fitting room, Morgan has taken off her shoes and socks. Her leggings and shorts soon follow suit.

"Oh, I forgot to mention," Izzy says from the couch, "no underwear."

Morgan rolls her eyes at the new revelation and slips off her panties. She then flips open the package and a jolt of pure pleasure rushes up her arm as she makes contact with the silky fabric. "Holy shit. I've never known nylons to do that." her mind then goes back to Brittany's words in the alley. "No girl, stop freaking yourself out. Wear these things for three minutes, hate them, and wave goodbye to the red headed weirdos."

Further exposure with the nylon leads to more jolts of pleasure. With each jolt, the desire to feel the silky suntan fabric on her legs grows. She is about to slide her slender foot into one leg of the pantyhose when a loud bang from the show room causes her to stop. Brittany crashes into the fitting room and knocks the hose away with a gloved hand. She then showers Morgan's hands with hair spray. The pleasure that had built from touching the nylon goes away and Morgan comes back to her full senses.

"Do you fucking believe me now?"

"I believe there is something messed up with that pantyhose," Morgan replies as she hastily gets dressed.

"Hurry up," Brittany yells as she keeps watch by the destroyed fitting room door. "They won't stay down for long."

As the two rush out of the store, Morgan sees Izzy and Nina start to stir under the clothing racks pushed onto them by her rescuer. They get in Brittany's car and speed out of town. "Where are we going?"

"My uncle's cabin in the woods," Brittany replies, "I have been holding up there since I figured out what was going on. I was gathering intel at the store when I grabbed you earlier."

"How long has this been going on? And why haven't you called the cops?"

"Roseville police are under the hose's control and cops from the surrounding towns think I am off my rocker. I've called all the major government agencies and they think the same. So, we have to stop those bitches ourselves."

Upon entering the cabin, Morgan notices bags full of hair spray cans like the one used earlier. The spunky long haired blonde holds up a can and explains their purpose. "This specific brand of spray has a unique Chemical in it that breaks the addiction caused by the hose. My hope is that breaking people's addiction will make the nylon fusion revert the hose back to normal, thus allowing people to take them off."

"How solid is the science behind that theory?' Morgan asks.

"That's where you come in. I took a basic science class at college, But you're the science whiz kid. I was hoping you can check my calculations and adjust if need be."

"What exactly are we calculating for Brittany?"

The blonde walks to the corner of the room and holds up a smoke machine. "I have five of these I got from a party surplus store.

Every Monday night a group of orgies are held throughout town. 5 to be exact. I modified the machines to be loaded with five cans of spray. They will fire off a spray and smoke mix at each orgy once activated via remote control. I need you to calculate how much smoke I need the machine to produce along with the spray to keep it harmless if inhaled by people but still have maximum spread and the desired effect."

Morgan looks over the machine and nods. The two then work through Saturday night and all of Sunday to prepare the machines for use.

"Hey," Brittany says as she walks over a cup of coffee to her friend at the computer. "Take a break, you look exhausted."

Morgan wipes her eyes and takes the coffee. "Yeah, I am pretty tired. But, we have to push on. This will be ready to rock tomorrow night. I just have to type in a few more command codes for the remote detonation."

"Morgan? This may seem a bit out of left field given our current circumstance. But, do you remember Nick Miller's end of the year party?"

"Yeah," is the reply, "that night was crazy. Why do you ask?"

Brittany curls her lip and continues, "Well, I know we were both pretty wasted, but I was just curious if you ever think about our kiss?"

Morgan stops her work on the computer, turns towards her friend, and gently grabs the blonde's hand. "Brittany, it keeps me up at night sometimes. We have always had something more than friendship beneath the surface and that kiss was the first time either of us expressed it."

Brittany scoots her chair closer until the two are mere inches apart. "I know bringing it up in the midst of all this seems strange, but this plan might go to hell and we could end up hosed slaves. I don't want anything unsaid between us if that or worse happens."

"Britt, college, the distance, it just seemed best to leave it as a nice moment at a party. But, despite it all, you have never been far from my thoughts. "I'm sorry my anti hose anger blinded me to your warning."

Brittany hushes her friend and after looking deep into one another's eyes the two embrace in a passion filled kiss. As their tongues dance as one, Morgan's right hand slips under Brittany's shirt and begins to caress her erect nipple. The sultry blonde reciprocates the action and takes it a step beyond by sliding her free hand down to unbutton Morgan's shorts. She then glides her hand beneath the leggings and damp panties.

"Yes," Morgan purrs as Brittany's fingers glide deep into her wet sex. While still caressing the blonde's nipple, her freehand releases Brittany's jeans and slips down to her dripping pussy. Both ladies cry out in pleasure as they bring the other to climax. Panting from the ordeal, a look of pure lust comes across both their faces and they pounce. Both women fall to the floor and frantically undress the other, kissing deeply between the removal of each article of clothing.

Once naked, Morgan and Brittany maneuver into the 69 position and devour the other's soaked sex, climaxing over and over until both ladies pass out from exhaustion.

Sleeping through the day on Monday, the two wake and recompose themselves around 7:00 PM. They eat a quick meal of canned ravioli before loading the devices into Brittany's car.

They leave the cabin at 10:30 pm and enter Roseville around 11:00 pm. Planting the first four devices goes off without a hitch. But, the fifth and final one is the largest orgy in town.

"Really?" Morgan says at the sight of orgy number 5. "They own a store and still have to use my house for their big orgy."

Brittany lets out a small laugh. "your brother was the first to fall prey when he got with Nina. Your Mom and Dad fell next and helped Isabella and Nina get the boutique ready to open. So, yeah, this is their primary house of activity. It sucks, let's fix it." Brittany and Morgan get out and pull the last device from the trunk of the car.

"So, where do you think we should put it?"

"I think I should go alone," Morgan replies, "The other four sites were easy to get in and out of. This is the biggest orgy and smallest building. I will plant this one alone, be ready to push that remote."

Brittany nods and gives her a kiss for luck.

Morgan sneaks around back and slips into the house through a basement window. Like with the other sites, she places the device next to a duct to ensure a better spread of the smoke and spray through the house. As she crawls out of the same window her eyes meet a pair of silky legs. One belongs to Isabella, the other to her mother.

"What are you up to dear?" Brenda Mitchell asks her daughter. Brittany sees this and is about to rush in but Morgan discreetly signals her to stay back.

"Hello mom, Izzy. I... I can't stop thinking about the hose. I have to have it and I didn't know how mad you all were about the other day. So, I wanted to sneak in and steal a pair for myself. The basement door that leads to the kitchen is locked so I was looking for another way in. I need those hose so bad."

"Honey," Brenda replies," We're not mad, we were just disappointed about what happened. Brittany is a bad influence on you, always has been."

"Indeed," Isabella says as the two lead Morgan through the front door. You are always welcome among us."

While Morgan stalls for time, Brittany is beside herself.

"I will not let you become a hosed slave."

She pushes the button, devices 1-4 activate but the 5th device did not receive the signal.

"Shit!" I'll have to activate it manually!"

Brittany sneaks around back as Morgan is led to the living room couch. Tommy and Nina peel their hosed bodies off to make room but Morgan thinks of another way to stall her fate.

"Mom, I was wondering if it could happen in my room, on my bed. I really want to feel that suntan fabric again. But I also want it to be special."

Brenda nods and follows her daughter up the stairs. Morgan walks into her room and stops as her mother holds out a loose pair of suntan hose. The youth, expecting a packaged pair turns to grab it and is met by the same jolt she felt when contacting the pantyhose before. "So soft... So silky," Morgan purrs as she slips off her clothes. Brenda looks on with a smile and is soon joined by Isabella.

"It won't be long now Mistress, she will soon be one of us."

Meanwhile, Brittany has snuck her way into the basement and is struggling to get the device to activate. "Ther is always one dud in the bunch," she remarks while continuing to work on the device.


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