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Hostess at Ladies Night Pt. 04

Story Info
Samantha gets into very deep trouble back in the club.
15.1k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/19/2018
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Author's note: This is the fourth part of the "Hostess at Ladies Night" story. To follow the story, I recommend you to read the first three parts before reading this part. Be aware that this story contains heavy NonCon and even violent elements. If you're sensitive to that sort of thing, do yourself a favor and stop reading.

Huge thanks to splasher17 for reviewing and editing this part, I really appreciate it!

Also a big thank you to everyone who commented either publically or privately on the previous parts, it means a lot to me and encourages me to continue the story!



It had been a month since I had left those two monsters crying, drowning in humiliation. I promised myself to never enter that world again, period. I wasn't a prostitute. I had acted as one a few times now, but really, it wasn't who I was. I was deeply ashamed of what I did, and I wanted to cut it out of my life.

I didn't leave the house for three days when I got back from that embarrassing Uber ride. I felt goose bumps when I first reached into my wallet and found 700 dollars there. Jesus. Should I even spend that money? Was I seriously going to spend money that I made.. selling my body? But after insisting on paying with cards instead of using that money, I got over it, and just used it as pocket money, taking small amounts with me every time I went out. I had earned it the hard way, after all.

I didn't really think about the whole thing after that month. I blocked the adventure from my mind, and if anyone came up to me and ask me for something like that again, I'd simply ignore them. I'd deny I ever did such a thing. I'd make them believe they were mistaking me for someone else.

Sure, there was the paranoia at first. With any woman remotely looking like someone at the party where I had "performed". And whenever an older woman looked me straight in the eyes, I trembled and looked away. But eventually, I got over that too. I was a student, and I was going to concentrate on studying. Which I did. I felt happy doing it, and I made sure I never visited the areas of the city again where I'd be reminded of my slight mistake. I blocked it all.

Until one unfortunate day. A phone call from "club", as I had put The Stiletto in my phone months ago. No. I wasn't picking this up. Why were they calling me? But no. I wasn't that person anymore. That life did not exist for me anymore.

Minutes later, another attempt. Nope. Not doing it. That world is poison. About twenty seconds after the second attempt, a message. "Pls call back, something with the paperwork. - Jen"

I felt very conflicted while I was staring at the display of my phone. Paperwork. Sure, it seemed harmless enough. But I had promised I wouldn't have anything to do with these things anymore. I was going to be a student, and that was that.

But what if there was actually something wrong with the paperwork? What if something came from it? If that was the case, then all of this would stick with me even longer.

After an hour and a heavy breath, I then finally pressed the button to call back. Getting a connection after the dial tone seemed to last forever, even though it was a matter of seconds.

"This is Jen," a familiar voice then answered.

I had to try to keep calm when I heard her voice. But it wasn't like she mistreated me or anything. She let me work at her club for a night, that was it. What I did after that, that was my own responsibility.

"Hi, this is Samantha. I got your message about some paperwork?"

"Oh hey, yeah, glad you called back. Crystal, right?"

I got a slight smile on my face as I heard my stripper name, but I really didn't want to get into that character again.

"Mhm, yeah."

"Yeah it turns out there are one, no two, missing forms that I need filled out and signed before the end of the year, or else the IRS will be on our ass. Oh, and there's one other form you filled out but forgot to sign. If you could drop by maybe today or tomorrow, it would be appreciated."

I hesitated. She wanted me to drop by? But I didn't want to be a nuisance to Jen.

"Eh, yeah, I can drop by tonight if that suits you," I finally answered.

"Great, see you then," she answered quickly, as if she was in a hurry, and ended the phone call immediately.

Alright, fine. I was going there to get this over with. In and out. It was very much against my rule of never, ever wanting to have anything to do with that world again, but this seemed to be the last hurdle to clear before I was done.

That night, I took the subway to the area where it all started. I was wearing regular, boring clothes. I would just go in, sign whatever needed to be signed, and go home.

Once I arrived and I saw the small neon sign saying "The Stiletto", it gave me a strange feeling. Yes, this was a bad idea. Yes, I should have never gotten into it. Yes, I did end up in a bad situation because of it. Because of my own stupidity. But I couldn't deny that even now, it gave me a bit of a thrill. No. Don't be ridiculous. In and out, and that was going to be it.

I pressed the buzzer next to the door, and a bouncer opened. I couldn't look into the club, as this was only where the changing rooms were. I should have taken the backdoor, probably. He looked at me, and almost wanted to ask for the entrance fee. I realized it must be ladies night tonight again, actually. Was it the first Tuesday of the month? This was a strange coincidence.

"Oh, no, I'm actually here to see Jen," I answered just as he mentioned the entrance fee was 15 dollars.

"Oh ok, I'll call her," he said, just when I saw Jen walking into the entrance area.

"Rob? Rob? Have you seen -" She looked at me. "Oh, hey, you're here. Come on in."

"Hi," I smiled slightly at her, in a polite way.

"Let's walk to my office," she said, seemingly in a hurry.

Just even seeing her face brought back memories. She was the boss here. She made sure all the girls were doing their thing. Including me at one point.

I followed her. She actually walked through the club to get to the back, where her office was, upstairs.

It all came back to me. The small round tables, the stripper poles, the loud music, the groups of people, girls in their overly skimpy outfits and super high heels parading around and trying to convince the women sitting down to "buy them something from the card". I swear I even saw the woman I had my first encounter with. God, I was so green. I had no idea what I had gotten into.

I even saw the light on in the VIP area, behind the beaded curtain, where I had spent some time with those... gang people. I wondered if they were up there tonight. Missy, and what was the name of the younger, very gangster looking girl? Gab, that was it.

"Oh, I got a favor to ask you actually," Jen said as we walked to the back, lightly grabbing my upper arm, leading me along.

"There's a bachelorette party in the back, and they called upfront asking for a blonde girl because the bachelorette has a thing for blonde, but Ariana just called in sick. I don't have any other blonde girls, so what do you say. To return the favor, so to speak," she continued.

Her request took me by surprise, to say the least.

"Well, I eh.."

"Some regulars were asking about you by the way, told me you did some by the hour gigs on the side for them," she continued.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Of course that's against the rules, but hey, I know how it goes. But the owners don't appreciate it, just so you know, they want to keep those activities inside the club."

She talked at a fast pace. I felt goose bumps on my shoulders, on my neck. She actually knew..? Who could have told her? Debra, or Kath? Or that birthday woman..?

"I mean, it was just a.."

Again she interrupted me.

"So how about it, a little striptease and a lapdance for the bachelorette group, to return the favor, and we'll call it even?"

I really wish I was more assertive, as moments later, while the apparent paperwork was still waiting in Jen's office, I came out of the dressing room wearing a very small, red thong with small silver studs running over two thin straps over my hips, and a cleavage showing bra matching the exact same style. And let's not forget - the kind of shoes I promised myself to never wear again.

The plain way my face looked when I came in made way for the dark kind of make up I was wearing the first time I was here, and even more excessively, when I was with Kath and Jen. I looked like a hostess girl again.

Why? Why was I in this situation again? Why didn't it stop right there?

But walking into the club with Jen leading me to the corner where the bachelorette party was, I felt eyes on me from all sides, just like the first time I was here. Again, I seemed to be wearing the skimpiest outfit in the club. I'm not even sure why Jen picked this one, and not something that looked at least like I was wearing a dress. I just assumed it was because of my special assignment.

A woman tugged at Jen's arm. "Is she free later?"

She was obviously staring over my very exposed body. I couldn't believe I was in this position again. Giving everyone the impression that I was for hire. My body for teasing and playing with, for a few bucks.

"Who knows, check back later," Jen answered, implicitly suggesting that I might work off a few more clients.

I was very convinced that I wouldn't, and I just smiled politely at her.

"Hi honey," she then spoke directly at me.

It gave me goose bumps. Yes, it should have felt degrading, being looked at like that, and talked about as if I couldn't do the talking or handling of business myself. But again, it gave me that feeling of intense arousal. My huge guilty pleasure. But no, I shouldn't.

I just managed to respond with a quick "hi" before Jen and I continued to stroll towards the corner, while I saw heads turn to check out "the new girl" yet again: me, since it was obviously only my second time here.

A group of four women eyed me curiously when Jen and I were finally standing in front of them, in a far corner of the club. It seemed to give us some level of privacy at least, which felt good. Sure, there was another booth right next to it, but it seemed much quieter than the middle of the club, where I had to 'perform' last time I was here.

The women weren't that much older than me, probably in their late twenties, early thirties. Still, I was the young one, and obviously the pretty looking entertainer girl, if only for the outfit I was wearing.

"Hi ladies, this here is Crystal, she's here for the lapdance for the lucky girl, which was who again?"

I just stood there next to Jen, smiling at them. It was the first time while in the club that I didn't really feel that nervous. As if I was in control. As if I was the tough one, the hero.



A few of them responded, jokingly, laughing. It made me laugh. They seemed like a fun group even.

"Ok, it's her." One of them finally pointed to the girl in the middle, a slightly chubby, blonde girl with a cute, blushing face.

"Alright ladies, you can touch her tits and her ass, but her pussy is off limits unless you negotiate with her. Have fun."

It made me blush slightly, as suddenly my body was being objectified by talking about my private parts like that.

Jen then turned to me quickly, leaning towards me, talking quietly, while holding my upper arm.

"So do a little striptease, they paid for fully nude, then when they want extras, you can take them, and when you don't feel like it, just tell them that for more you can take them upstairs, they don't have that kind of money anyway. Alright?"

I nodded. "Okay."

"Alright, get to work."

Her grip around my upper arm tightened, as she half turned me to the group. Finally, she let go of my arm, and left to tend to other things in the club.

I had to get to work. While the group of girls, all sitting in a row next to each other, watched me in anticipation, I walked up to the girl who was apparently going to get married, and started dancing for her. Sensually swaying my hips, teasingly running my hands over my body. This was actually more like what I had imagined this experience to being the first time. This was exciting.

"Does she look a little bit like that Corey girl you made out with?" One of them asked the bachelorette. "We asked for a blonde girl because you mentioned she was blonde."

The girl laughed, somewhat nervously, surprised.

"You seriously asked for that?"

Her eyes wandered over my body once more, even though I could tell she was slightly embarrassed about this whole thing still. I came closer to her; it was actually fun to tease her a bit.

"No this one is eh.. younger, and prettier," she then admitted. "God I can't believe you guys!" she then added, accompanied by an embarrassed giggle.

I just smiled down at her, trying to make her feel comfortable. As if there was nothing strange about this.

I bent down slightly, and put my knee in the small space between her and the next girl, gently reached for her hand, and placed it on my hip. With a deep blush on her face, she started to caress my hip. It actually felt exciting for me.

Her hand wandered back over my butt, carefully, as I looked down on her, my cleavage right in front of her eyes, and I could tell she was very nervous. Her hand even felt slightly cold, sweaty.

The other girls just watched how I entertained their friend, almost politely. Eventually I stood up straight again, and turned around, while I kept swaying my hips.

"Okay, if I had an ass like that, I'd probably want to make money with it as well," one of them said.

A few of the others giggled.

"Emma, Jesus. No more wine for you. You're going to get us kicked out."

"Oh come on, I'm sure she's used to worse."

I just grinned over my shoulder at them, while at the same time I reached back and started to tug at the bra I was wearing, slowly unclasping it.

"See? She's fine with it."

I was fine with it. I had to admit that I didn't mind this at all. This was what I might have been after in the first place. Teasing, stripping, being admired. Sure, there would be an edge, but that's what made this exciting.

I finally let the bra slide off my shoulders, and while topless, I let it fall to the floor, and turned around to face them again, showing off my perky bare breasts. Everything I had promised myself not to do anymore, and there I was. But it wasn't half bad this time, which justified doing it. Even though I was in the exact same place where things started to get pretty weird.

I saw them stare at my breasts, quietly.

"Can we touch them as well, or just her?" It was the girl next to the bachelorette who asked me the question.

"A little bit is fine," I even managed to smile. They were nice, at least.

"Would you like it?" She continued.

"Emma seriously, cut it out. She's going to get us kicked out." the worried girl responded again.

But I responded the opposite way, wanting to experience the full thing now.

"Of course I would," I answered even somewhat daringly, with a slight smile, as I then put my knee right on the red leather couch again, my bare breasts right in front of the bachelorette's eyes.

Again I gently reached for her hand, and led it upwards, right onto my bare breast. For a second she looked into my eyes, blushing deeply, but with a slightly excited smile on her face. A second later, her hand was just gently massaging my breast.

"Whooo Mia!" shouted another one.

"Shut up," she answered with a grin, as she finally started to feel a bit more courageous, while touching my breast, knowing she had my consent.

"Jen told us that if Mia wanted to have sex with you, she could ask you to go upstairs with her," the girl next to her then continued.

"Mhm," I answered, remembering what Jen told me.

"So upstairs you can have sex with any of the girls here?" she continued, just genuinely curious.

"I guess about all of them," I answered, somehow wanting to sound kind of tough towards them.

"And if Mia wants to, like, fingerbang you?"

"Emma! Jesus stop talking like that," the other one hissed.

"Well, then Mia and I would go upstairs," I laughed quietly.

The girl kept quiet for a bit, while Mia seemed to enjoy massaging both of my bare breasts though, and I just let her. It seemed harmless, and somewhat exciting.

"Is it expensive?" the girl, continued. "You know, like upstairs stuff?"

"It's 200 per hour," I made up on the spot, somewhere in my mind remembering that number from some unfortunate memory.


"Come on, how cheap did you think prostitutes were?" another one playfully scolded her.

"Well excuse me, as it just so happens, I don't visit prostitutes that often," the other one bit back.

Again, silence. I could feel the group getting a bit tense because of the discussion, while I was now consequently thought of as an actual prostitute, apparently.

"But she can see it, right?"

"See what..?" I answered while I was still half straddling Mia's lap.

"Your pussy?"

"Yes.. she can," I grinned slightly, remembering Jen's instructions.

I waited a few more seconds to let Mia massage my breasts, which she obviously enjoyed, before I stood up straight again.

I turned my back to the group again, and reached for my thong. With my legs straight, right next to each other, I hooked my thumbs under the straps on my hips. It's something I'll never get used to, exposing myself in front of others like that, while they're just watching. But I guess this was part of the actual thrill. Doing daring things.

I peeled down the small red thong from my hips, all the way down, and carefully got out of it by pulling it over my shoes, bending my knees slightly as I did, and leaving it on the floor.

I stood back up, and teased them some more by swaying my hips, running my hands through my hair, giving them a good view of my entire naked back. It felt somewhat safe, being here in this corner without the whole club watching me fully nude like this. And these girls were nice, which made me feel brave even. For the first time, I was actually somewhat comfortable doing this, even though it was pretty exciting.

I then finally turned.

"Beautiful," someone remarked as my blonde landing strip was now clearly visible, my entire nude body on display, accentuated by the high shoes.

"Very pretty," another added.

"Thank you.." I said with a slight, thankful smile, before I took a few steps towards Mia again.

I turned, and lowered myself onto her lap, my naked back towards her, resting against her shirt, and my round butt touching her jeans, letting my weight down onto her lap. I even had the courage to spread my legs entirely. It wasn't like they could see it very clearly as they sat to the side of Mia, but Mia would be able to see my widely spread legs over my shoulder.

This time, I didn't have to encourage her; she gently reached around me and massaged my breasts again. I slowly started to move my hips, pushing my butt into her crotch, slightly rubbing against her, actually giving her a lapdance. This was probably at least as exciting for me as it was for her. Sure, it felt kind of slutty, but in a crazy exciting way this time. I wasn't too embarrassed.

"How does it feel?" someone asked curiously.

"Well.. I wouldn't mind if she did this for another hour," Mia grinned, and the whole group laughed.

"We'd have to take out a loan," someone joked, and more laughter followed.

I finally stood up straight again, and then turned, straddling her while facing her this time. I took up both of her hands, and guided them to my butt, while I started to slowly ride her lap, giving her a teasing smile.

"I think uh.. can I?" The girl next to us reached out her hand to my breast.

"Mhm.." I answered.

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