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Hotel Fun with Friends

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Audrey finds herself attracted to another couple.
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**I write these stories for fun for my wife. This one has a full arc but is still a slight work in progress.. I'm still getting into the hobby and am having fun. Any editing tips would be appreciated!**

The elevator ride was deafeningly quiet, especially compared to the din of the hotel lobby the two well dressed couples had just come from. Their destination was only one floor up, so even without the proverbial elevator music, the awkward silence at least didn't last long. A pleasant ding notified the passengers of their arrival.

John took a step back and motioned for his wife, Audrey, to lead the way. She gave him a curt glance and walked out into the quiet, empty hallway, not breaking stride towards their room. John followed. Behind him was a friend of John's, Tim, and Tim's long time girlfriend Sarah. Tim was taller and broader than John, with Sarah being even more diminutive than Audrey. Their contrasting size was more apparent when they were all standing together.

They had just spent the better part of the evening catching up at a wedding reception downstairs, so Audrey was a little annoyed with her husband for having invited the pair back up to their hotel room for a "night cap". Audrey didn't even drink, what was she supposed to do while hanging out with these three tipsy people?

She stopped a few doors down the hall and turned back. "It's this one here. I cannot wait to take these damn shoes off.." She said, mostly as a hint to her husband about how tired she was. John smiled at her and pulled his key card from his pocket.

"Whiskey? Tequila?" He called back to the trailing Tim and Sarah. Tim had a bit more to drink than Sarah but was managing it fine with his arm around his date. "I think Aud and I are good for at least one more."

"Speak for yourself." Audrey said under her breath.

The door's lock beeped, granting access. Audrey leaned on the door handle and let herself in first, immediately making her way to the first of two beds. She plopped down in a weary pile of her dress and began fiddling with the strap on her shoe. She glanced up at John as he held the door open for Tim and Sarah. She watched him stand there waiting for the other couple to catch up. Her visible annoyance was, in her mind, justified, regardless of how long it had been since her husband had seen this friend. The two had been trying to conceive for a few months now, and she had been tracking her cycle closely. Tonight was supposed to be the night. Sex, during this period, had become more clinical than in their heyday, and she knew as soon as John had invited his long lost buddy up to keep talking, however, that it probably wasn't going to happen. She was going to patiently wait up as the two boys talked about dumb stuff they got up to in college only to have John say he was too tired and tomorrow was a travel day so it wasn't happening then, and then they're back to work and and and....

"Oh wow, this is such a nice room!" Exclaimed Sarah. The sequin covered mini dress was much brighter in the hotel room than in the dimly lit reception hall. Like a shimmering lure, it broke Audrey's concentrated frustration just enough out of her spiraling. "See Tim, I told you we should've just booked a room here instead of blocks away. It's always so nice to be able to just end the evening whenever you want without a long walk in the cold." She said while smiling at Audrey. Audrey smiled back with her eyes widening as she looked back down to her shoes, the irony of Sarah's statement not lost on her.

John pulled out three glasses and poured just a fingers full each. Not wanting to leave his wife out, he offered her a water which she accepted and began gulping down. Tim made eye contact with her as she did.

"Thirsty?" He asked, almost jokingly. Audrey nodded in response, cleared her throat, and exhaled. She leaned back on the bed, her slender figure more easily read through the draped fabric. She caught Tim staring.

"Well, you guys enjoy, I'm going to go take my makeup off." She said as she slowly stood up, making her exhaustion as apparent to her oblivious husband as possible. She grabbed her small travel bag and headed to the restroom. Once inside she could hear the clinking of glasses and banter start back up. She decided it wouldn't be the worst thing to take her time, if John was going to be a little selfish with how he decided to spend their time, then so could she. He can play host.

A few long moments went by and then a voice broke out above the others on the other side of the bathroom door.

"Oh my god, it's beautiful!"

It was Sarah. There was a murmur or two as foot steps shuffled seemingly further away from the bathroom and to the window. Some more clinking of glasses and laughter.

Audrey checked herself again in the mirror and stepped outside the bathroom. Snow. She could make out the huge flakes of it from even as far back as she was. John turned to her with an excited boyish look on his face. "Check it out!" He said as she walked up to him and leaned on him. It really was beautiful.

"Well that's going to suck to walk in." Tim said. "Especially with our coats still in our own room half a mile away."

"Ah don't be silly." John responded. "Just hang out here until it blows over. Worst case, you sleep here. Thankfully the only room they had left here for us had the two queens!"

Tim looked back at him with a contorted look of disapproval. "Oh we wouldn't cramp you guys like that. Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm serious! You can't be out walking in that. Sarah will turn into a popsicle." John retorted.

He glanced at his wife knowing she'd hate that he made the suggestion, but instead she seemed fairly complacent. 'Distracted by the freak snow storm' he though. He pulled out his phone and checked his trusty weather app.

"Oh man.. it's not supposed to stop snowing this hard for another three to four hours."

Tim looked at Sarah. "Do you mind if we hold out here until it stops?" He asked, only slightly slurred.

"Not at all." She responded. She reached up and kissed him "I actually think it's kind of romantic. We're stranded travelers." She fell into his arms in a dramatic fashion. Tim smiled at John. "Well I guess we have no choice but to hang out a bit longer."

They all clinked glasses once more.

Audrey made her way to her side of the bed and lay down. She had accepted she wasn't getting pregnant tonight, so she might as well be comfortable. John lay down next to her. She was glad he looked as good in a suit as he did to help ward off the obnoxious smell of whiskey. She gave him a kiss and said "I think I'm going to change into my pajamas." John nodded and she got up and made for her suitcase. Tim and Sarah were still in an embrace staring out the window at the falling snow. She grabbed her silk pajamas and walked back into the bathroom to change.

When she came back out, John was laying on their bed looking at his phone while Tim and Sarah had moved their cuddling to the other bed. They were laying facing each other with their legs intertwined, whispering and giggling to each other. Audrey lay down next to John, in between him and the other couple canoodling on the other bed.

John leaned over to her and kissed her on the cheek. Under his breath and quiet enough so Tim and Sarah couldn't hear, he said "Hey I'm sorry if them being here is annoying. I felt bad just kicking them out into a blizzard.."

"No it's totally fine." Said Audrey. She said it while trying to be as quiet as John. "It's fine. I promise."

"Ok. Well.." John said while reaching over and starting to rub her thigh. "It really hasn't taken me long to finish lately.. We could always take a shower together or something. They're so wrapped up in themselves they probably wouldn't notice."

He said that last part just a little too loudly.

"Notice what?" They heard Sarah say. She propped her tiny torso up from behind Tim who had his back to them still.

"Oh nothing at all." Said Audrey, followed by silence, hoping the whole awkward situation would just go away so she could be on her phone for a bit before going to bed.

"No really." Sarah persisted. "We don't want to be a bother. If you need us to get out of here, I'm sure we could figure something out." Tim slowly rolled onto his back to be more a part of the conversation. Audrey noticed Sarah had just moved her hand away from his crotch as he did. She averted her eyes but not so soon as to miss the bulge he was hiding with his back turned. In her peripheral now, Tim went to adjust his pants as he propped his back up on the head board.

"Aud was counting on being able to.. procreate this evening." John decided to say. Audrey shot him the dirtiest look. His awkward choice of words.. In an attempt to somehow make it light hearted, it was somehow even MORE awkward. 'Just don't say anything at all' Audrey screamed in her head. Sarah's eyes widened, clearly also surprised that John had decided to share that. Tim seemed unfazed. Typical guy. Audrey pursed her lips and looked back at Sarah putting on her best 'I'm sorry' face.

"As in, like.. Actual procreation?" She said with a short laugh?

"Yes." Said Audrey. She decided to just cut John off and finish what he had started. "I'm tracking my cycle and everything. We're trying to get pregnant." She realized at that point she hadn't even said those words out loud yet, not even to her friends or family, but here she was saying it to two practical strangers. "But really, it's ok! We have through tomorrow and theres always next month and the month after. Please, I'm so sorry John said that out loud."

A short silence.

"So can we watch?" Tim blurted out. Sarah immediately and jokingly slapped him in the chest. "Tim you're such a pervert." She said.

"Yeah but so are you." He said and kissed her. They went back to cuddling.

Audrey stared at the ceiling hoping that was the last of it.

"It does actually sound really hot." Sarah said in between kisses with Tim, not breaking eye contact with him. Audrey and John were both left kind of speechless at the fervor with which the other couple were now all of a sudden making out. "Kind of nature documentary style. Sex, but with purpose." She continued. Audrey could see she had gone back to rubbing Tim between his legs, trying a little less hard to hide it.

"I mean honestly, you guys are hot. If you were into it, I know I totally would be." She brought her attention back to the group and rested her torso on Tim. "Have you guys ever filmed yourself? We have. It's pretty fun."

"No.." Said John. "Can't say that we have. It may not be as hot as you're imagining though. I'm not sure Aud even orgasms during it, and I don't last that long"

Audrey continued looked straight up to the ceiling, wishing she could be anywhere else. Why would he share that..

"Aw." Said Sarah. "Well, I do feel bad that we've spoiled the fun, especially that you're not into the whole putting on a show thing." She said with a hiccup and a laugh, still a bit tipsy it seemed. "What if we just turned off all the lights so we couldn't see anything? If it's as fast as you say it is, especially. We don't have a problem focusing on ourselves for a little bit."

Audrey turned to John. "At this point, I would just do it to get it over with." John smiled sheepishly and got up to turn the lights off. Now with only the ambient light from the street lamps outside, Audrey had a silhouetted view of Tim and Sarah on the bed next to theirs. It took them no time at all to focus only on themselves. She watched Sarah peel her dress up and over her head and off. As she twisted her body around she could make out Tim's arms reaching up and grabbing onto her bare breasts.

John got back in bed and pressed his body up behind Audrey's. She could feel his pants were now off and his stiff erection was pressing up against her butt cheek. She turned just her head back and gave him a kiss. She found herself surprisingly not wanting to look away from the erotic scene unfolding in front of her for too long, the two lovers now harder to distinguish apart in their silhouetted embrace. They were feverishly kissing and feeling each other. As John began to kiss her neck she heard Sarah say "God you're so hard." She could see the ridges of Sarah's knuckles traveling back and forth in the dimly lit room on Tim's upper thigh. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness and she watched as Tim unbuckled and pulled his pants down, kicking them off and onto the floor. Audrey found her hand traveling down and under her pajama bottom waistband. She had become incredibly wet.

John didn't seem to be paying as much attention to Tim and Sarah. "Oh wow, you are super wet." He whispered into her ear. Audrey nodded. She didn't want to admit it out loud, but watching Sarah and Tim make out was really turning her on. John was feeling her up and down and his hands traveled under her shirt and cupped her breast. He squeezed them gently and moaned.

Sarah propped herself up and teased them "Are you guys finished yet?"

"Haven't started yet." Audrey called back.

In the darkness, Audrey caught a glimmer of Sarah's eyes. She could tell now that they were looking at each other. "Enjoying the show?" Sarah asked.

"I am actually." Audrey responded. "More than I thought."

"Well that's certainly fun. Would it help if we got a little closer? Would you like a better view?"

Audrey turned back to John. "Is that ok?"

"I just want you to be happy." John said.

Sarah sat upright and reached over and turned on the bedside lamp. As dim of a light source as it was, it still plainly brought into view the two almost nude bodies in front of Audrey, a stark contrast to the scene before the room lights went out. Tim was now just in his boxer briefs, and Sarah only in her panties. "Might help if you could actually see what was happening." Sarah said with a wink.

Audrey let her eyes feast on the two fit naked bodies in view. Sarah was still partially obstructed by Tim's muscular body. Her petite frame was even more obvious in the nude. She brought her hand back to rest on Tim's bulge and was stroking him.

"He's so fucking hard right now. I bet you wish you could just fuck me so hard right now huh." Sarah said with her eyes trained on her boyfriends groin. Tim grunted a yes and went in in to keep kissing his girlfriend.

John had propped himself up behind Audrey now and the two of them were watching Sarah splay her fingers out and over the salami shaped object Tim was concealing in his underwear. Tim reached into his tight boxers and rearranged himself so that his cock was pulled over and down his right thigh, now pointing at the married couple. Sarah's hand was traveling down the length of the big sheathed lump from base to tip, at which a slight skin tone was apparent due to the fabric being drawn the most taught.

Audrey was still laying prone on her side on the edge of the bed. Her ogling didn't go unnoticed. Sarah watched Audrey's eyes not break from what her hands were doing for a few moments. "Do you want to feel how hard he is?" Sarah said while looking at Audrey. This time she didn't seek approval. She nodded yes. She could feel her husband tense up slightly behind her, his own cock now rigid as ever. Tim followed Sarah's nudge and stood up and in-between the two beds. He waited for Sarah to join him before taking the extra step within arms reach of Audrey. Audrey could now get a better view of just how massive Tim's cock was. The lump started where you'd expect and traveled at a 45 degree angle down and across his right thigh. It was hard enough now to stick out past the visual boundary of the typical human shape and into space. Sarah reached around from behind him, her right hand landed on and continuing to stroke Tim's big dick. Her left hand grabbed Audrey's wrist and brought it up to the front of Tim's mid section.

Audrey gripped and joined Sarah's right hand in the caressing of Tim's erection.

"That is.." she gulped. "..really hard."

Just then she could feel her husband enter her from behind. She took in an involuntary deep breath and closed her eyes at the sensation. It hadn't felt like this the last time they had sex.. She was tingling all over, as if she was doing it for the first time. This encounter felt incredibly naughty, like she was a young girl dating again. She went back to feeling up Tim's cock, still constrained in the tight boxer briefs, as her husband began to slowly and passionately thrust deeper inside her with each pump of his hips. His prick was as engorged as ever and he was taking no effort to get it as deep as he possibly could.

Without warning, Sarah brought both hands up to the waistband of Tim's underwear and peeled them down. His massive cock swung out and forward like a barn door unlatched in a wind storm. Both John and Audrey stopped their rhythmic fucking to stare at the monster unleashed in front of them. "Oh wow.." Said Audrey as she covered her mouth with her hand, the bright pink glans of Tim's rigid and vascular cock now only inches from her face. Sarah, now down on her knees after pulling Tims briefs down, moved over to the side of her boyfriend. She grabbed his cock by the base and stroked the bottom half slowly, coaxing out a dribble of precum. Her hand made the long trip to the tip of his cock and she used her thumb to rub the clear secretion all over the head making it glisten in the dim light.

"I want you to watch me suck this cock while your husband impregnates you." Sarah said, looking at Audrey. Audrey nodded. She reached her hand back and behind John's head, running her fingers through his hair. Sarah swung Tim's manhood toward her open mouth and let the head rest on her tongue. She lifted it slightly and slapped it back down on her tongue a few times. "You ready baby?" She said, looking up to her well endowed boyfriend. Tim grunted a low pitched "Yeah." and started to slowly fuck her mouth. Sarah moaned and dropped her hands to the top of her thighs, letting Tim control the motion with his hips.

Audrey was so caught up watching the incredibly erotic visual unfolding in front of her she hadn't noticed that her husband had started pulsing his own cock in and out of her swollen pussy again. She reached down and grabbed on to John's cock, feeling it disappear inside of her. John had matched the rhythm of his own fucking to the slow thrusting of Tim's cock in Sarah's mouth. Audrey was enjoying the synced motion of these two cocks immensely. She was picturing in her mind the cock in front of her face fucking her dripping wet pussy instead of Sarah's mouth.

Sarah had to pull away for a quick break letting Tim's impressive length come back into full view. "Mm, this is hot." She said while glancing over at the married couple fucking on their side directly next to her. Tim's cock, half wet with Sarah's spit, hovered out in front of him. He began to stroke himself, drawing the wetness down the full length of his shaft. With his other hand he reached down and groped Sarah's breast. He hunched over after a moment and kissed her. "I love the way you use your mouth so much." He said, and stood back up. Sarah opened her mouth as wide as she could again and bobbed back down on his hard cock, indecipherable 'mlems' emanating from her completely full mouth each time she tried to bury as much of the behemoth as possible. Tim let out a guttural moan and had to catch his balance. His hand came to rest right by the top of Audrey's head, bracing himself from the incredible blow job Sarah was performing. Audrey could see his leg muscles rippling and his impressive balls begin to retract upward towards his body as he fought off his orgasm. He pulled his cock out of Sarah's grinning mouth with a look of relief. "Almost just came right there.." He said.

"Me too." Said John. "I want to keep going though babe, this is feeling amazing. Let me just pause for a second." And he pulled his cock out.


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