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Hours Ch. 03

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The rest of the crew are let in on part of the secret.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 02/17/2013
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Hours 3: After Hours

Dylan looked at the three women standing before him, one of whom he had only just met, "So, you're the Maru's AI?"

Erica nodded, "That is correct Captain Hunt. I must say it is an honour to finally meet you, sir."

Dylan was taken aback by the hologram's polite manner. He turned to Rommie, "And you say you've known about her since Hephaistos?"

Rommie nodded sheepishly, "Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but Erica was worried about how Beka and otheothers would react if they found abo about her. We all know how AI's have been treated since The Fall."

Dylan raised an eyebrow, "You still should have told me."

Rommie looked at the deck, prompting Erica to come to her defence, "Please don't blame Andromeda captain: I all but begged her to keep quiet about me. I'm not a High Guard AI: I don't have any way to defend myself against attack like she does."

Dylan shook his head, "I don't blame her, I'm just surprised, that's all: Beka's spent her entire life on the Maru and never knew about you."

"Tell me about it: I'm embarrassed as hell." Beka blushed.

Dylan looked at the flexi in his hand, "So you want to build Erica an android body like Rommie's?"

Beka shook her head, "Not quite the same: Erica has no need for a lf thf the military-grade systems Rommie has. You've been saying we need an extra pair of hands ever since Rev Bem left, and it's going to be another six months at least until the first batch of new officers from the High Guard academy on Mobius are ready."

Dylan waved her off, "Ok, I'm sold: have Harper help with whatever you need."


Harper was sat at a table in the mess hall when Dylan next saw him, "Shouldn't you be helping Rommie and Beka built Erica's new Avatar?"

Harper nodded, taking a swig of his Sparky-Cola, "True, I should, but they decided that I shouldn't be around when it came to installing certain parts of her anatomy. I mean, what's the point? I'm the one who built Rommie, so it's not anything I've never seen before."

"Just how anatomically correct is Rommie?" Dylan raised an eyebrow.

"110%." Harper grinned.


"I wish you wouldn't keep looking over my shoulder all the time." Rommie complained as Beka hovered behind her.

"I'm sorry, thisthis is unlike anything I've ever seen before." The first officer stopped pacing.

Rommie grinned, "It's the smodemodel as mine."

Beka laughed, "Then I guess I have seen it before."

Rommie got a faraway look in her eye, "Tyr's heading this way."

"I'll handle him." Beka nodded.

She headed the hatch to intercept the Nietzschean tactical officer. Rommie locked the door after her, and quickly made the last few connections on Erica's new body. She picked up one of the data-pads and typed in a command.

Erica's eyes flicked briefly then opened. Rommie looked down at her, "Hey beautiful."

Erica smiled, "Hey you." She looked worried, "I can't move! What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, I just haven't given you complete control of your body yet, that's all." She slowly ran a hand up Erica's leg, from foot to thigh, making the other androids eyes go wide, "But as you can see, you can still experience all physical sensations."

"What are young tng to do to me?"

Rommie smiled, slowly undoing the belt on the snow-white sheer silk robe that covered Erica's body, "I'm going to take maximum advantage of the one time I'm ever likely to have you completely at my mercy."

Erica's eyes burned with a mixture of lust and desire, but she decided to play along with Rommie's game, "Please, I'll do what every you say, just let me move." Rommie looked into Erica's eyes, and liked what she saw.

Tugging gently, Rommie caused the silk robe to fall from Erica chest. Her eyes went wide as the soft material slid over her already stiff nipples, making them grow harder still. Rommie leaned in and kissed Erica, the sweet taste of strawberries greeting her: one of Beka's suggestions. The kissing continued, down Erica's jaw line and across her neck and collarbone.

Erica made a slight purring noise as Rommie slowly inched her way down to suck on a dark nipple, taking it into her mouth and playing her tongue over the end. This had never failed to bring Erica to a quick and powerful climax when they hade made love in VR, but Rommie wanted to toy with her before granting release. Starting down again, her tongue delved into the other woman navel, making her gasp. More kisses, running down Erica's silky soft thigh, and further on down her leg to her feet. Rommie gently sucked on a toe, enjoying Erica's reaction to the tickling.

Rommie climbed up onto the table, and slowly ran her hands up and down Erica's legs, playing her nerve endings like a musical instrument. She was rewarded by a continuous array of sighs and moans. Rommie saw the fire burning in Erica's eyes, and decided it was time to reward her for her playing along. Her hands moved down Erica's legs as she leant forward, eventually coming to rest under the other's shapely ass.

Lifting Erica slightly, Rommie slowly licked her from one end of her slit to the other, her tongue dancing over the engorged clit. Erica moaned deeply as Rommie's tough slowly circled the bundle of nerves, first slowly, then faster. Erica was fast approaching the point of no return, and Rommie thrust her eager tongue between her lover's nether lips, reaching in and up till the tip hit the G-spot. Erica's personal view of the universe exploded, her eyes and mouth going wide as she climaxed, drenching Rommie with a fresh wave of her juices. Rommie drank greedily, savouring tas taste of the other woman.

Rommie made her way up the table, grabbing the data-pad on the wayd lad lay next to Erica, "Now that was fun."

"You'll get no complaint from me!" Erica nodded, still breathing heavily.

Rommie typed in the last command on the data-pad, giving Erica full control of her new body. She responded immediately by pulling Rommie down for a deep kiss, tasting herself on the other android's lips.

After a while, Rommie broke away. "As much fun as we could have by continuing this, we have to introduce you to the rest of the crew."

Erica looked sad, "Why do I have to meet them when I have everything I need here?"

Rommie blushed slightly, taking Erichandhand, "Tonight I will be all yours, I promise you."

Erica smiled, "Then you'd better help me get dressed: I've never done this before."


The others were waiting in the observation bay, milling around. Harper kept pestering Beka for more information about the Maru's AI, but she refused to answer him. Tyr stood against the wall, at a loss as to why he had to be there: Like the Andromeda, the Maru nothnothing but a tool, to be used or discarded as needs be. Assigning it a name and personality endangered them all by making it harder for them to make the right decision if the time came.

The door opened, Rommie stepping through. She took up station just inside, "May I present to you, the AI-Avatar of the Eureka Maru: Erica." The room fell silent as the crew's newest member walked in. She stood slightly taller than Rommie, and was dressed in a pair of jeans and a simple white blouse. Her long -red-red hair was tied back, accenting her ivory skin. She smiled, "Hi."

Harper's jaw dropped. Erica had only been an exoskeleton when Beka and Rommie had forcibly ejected him from the machine shop: he had never seen her 'in the flesh' as it were. He had to admit that they had done an expert job. Tyr looked at her, and wondered how much of a threat she was: more thane hee he had 'borrowed' the Maru without Beka's consent, his mission to Enga's Redoubt but one of them. It would stand to reason that it would be harder to do so now the cargo ship's AI was able to directly interfere with his plans. Trance looked, and saw an instant connection between the two AI's. She went to say something about it to Beka, but saw the look on the other woman's face: Beka already knew. Dylan was relatively straight faced, but was still rather taken aback by the whole thing.

Erica did the rounds, talking to the rest of the crew, amazing them with how much she knew, reminding them that she had spent years observing them on the Maru. Finally, Dylan called it a night, and headed of to command to take the watch.


Rommie led the way along the corridors to the room next to her own quarters, "I told Dylan it would help you acclimatise better if we were berthed close together."

Erica smiled, her hand resting on Rommie's thigh, "Clever girl. But there is still a wall between us."

Rommie grinned, opening the hatch, "There is an interconnecting door."

"So, your bed or mine?" Erica smiled, running a hand down Rommie's face.


Next morning, Beka knocked on the door, wondering what she'd find. Erica answered, her silk gown pulled tightly around her body, "Oh hi Beka; come in." Beka stepped though the hatch, not surprised to see Rommie laid-out on the bed, a thin sheet barely covering her shapely form.

The raven-haired avatar looked at the first officer, "Anyone else, and I would have had to dive into the bathroom, but you we don't mind."

Beka smiled, "Thank you, I think." She handed a bag to Erica, "Some other clothes: I didn't know if you wanted uniforms like Rommie, or something a little more casual."

Erica smiled, opening the bag, "Thank you: I may like women in uniform, but I'm not to keen on them for myself."

Beka sat on the sofa, looking from Erica to Rommie, "So, you going to tell Dylan about the two of you?"

Erica shock her head, "Not yet: we want him to get used to having me around before we drop that bombshell."

Rommie sighed, "For someone who grew up around AI's, he can be a bit backwards in his thinking. And he's still a little wary after Gabriel."

Beka nodded, "But you trust me to know."

Rommie smiled, "You tell Dylan about us, we tell him about you and me."

Beka looked at her coyly, "That's blackmail."

Erica sat on the bed next to Rommie, her hand moving to cover the other woman's, "Yes, and we have video." The wall screen came on, displaying a crystal clear picture of Beka using her strap-on to vigorously fuck Rommie.

"How did you get that?" Beka blinked.

"Like I said, I have no privacy mode." Erica smiled.

The image changed again, showing a young Harper lying on the bed, Beka riding him for all he was worth. Rommie tilted her head to the side, "You never did tell me how that came about."

Beka hid her head in her hands, "It was just after I kicked Bobbie out for the last time: was angry, drunk, wanted to hurt him, and Harper was there. It was a one off: I told him if he ever mentioned it to anyone I'd cut his balls off and sauté them, and serve them with spinach."

"So what's he like?" Rommie laughed.

Beka thought on it for a moment, "Surprisingly good. But for god's sake don't tell him I said that."

Erica shock her head, "I'm going to go have a shower."

Beka nodded, "I'm going to go do the same: I only just came off watch."

Erica stoped and turned, a coy little smile on her face, "Care to join me?"

Beka blinked, "Huh, what?"

Erica smiled, "I said care to join me, in the shower."

Beka sat, mouth open wide. Erica leaned down sad kissed her, slowly pulling her to her feet. Still shocked, Beka allowed herself to be walked into the bathroom and slowly undressed. Erica turned the shower on, and pulled Beka into the cubicle.

The warm water cascaded down their bodies as Erica pulled Beka in for another kiss. This time the first officer responded, her lips moving with the other woman's, her hands taking the opportunity to roam over her voluptuous body. Beka shuddered as Erica took a bottle of shower gel, and after rubbing some into a sponge, started to wash her body. The soppy suds louvered up around Beka's breasts, the coarse feel of the sponge making her erect nipples tingle. Strong hands gripped Beka from behind as Rommie joined them; trailing kisses up and down the blonde's neck, before leaning across to kiss Erica. Rommie continued to hold Beka, hands snaking round under her arms to rub and caress her chest as Erica slid down to her knees, planting gentle kisses as she went. Beka moaned as Erica reached her clit, nibbling on the sensitive bundle of nerves. A long tongue slid out and licked up and down her sopping pussy lips, making Beka moan with renewed pleasure. Erica grinned as she slowly slid two fingers into Beka's dripping slit.

Beka's body went into spasm as she climaxed, her entire body shaking. If not for Rommie's firm yet gentle grip, she would have fallen as her legs turned to jelly. Erica slid the fingers in and out, her tongue returning to Beka's sensitive clit, flicking at it at high speed. Beka bucked, as renewed orgasms washed over her like a tide. Her entire body felt like it was on fire, her sex burning like the surface of a star. Erica looked up a Rommie, who winked mischievously.

Erica withdrew her two fingers from Beka's now gushing hole, much to the delirious woman's protest. Erica's arm slowly moved round behind Beka's thigh, the two well lubricated fingers probing up till they reached her tight sphincter. A moment of gentle pressure and they were in, stretching Beka's tight rear passage. A quick shift of her upper body, and Erica had Beka's legs resting on her shoulders. Two new fingers found they way to Beka's now vacant slit, probing deeply, building a rhythm that was the opposite of the other hand. An eager tongue returned to the now fully exposed clit.

Beka's back arched sharply as an intense orgasm ripped tgh hgh her. Rommie struggled to keep the blonde upright as the water and shower gel mixed with her own sweat, making her difficult to grip. Erica kept up her assault, driving Beka over the edge again and again, until she almost passed out.

Beka watched, dazed, as Rommie and Erica carried her from the shower and sat her on a bench. Soft towels and gentle hands slowly dried her off, taking their time, enjoying the feel of her body. She sat in Rommie's arms as Erica disappeared off into the bedroom, retng wng with three silk shifts: one midnight blue, one jet-black, and the other pure white. She did her best to help Rommie as she lifted the blue one up and pulled it down over the blond's head, before climbing into the black one. Erica slipped into the white one. The feel of smooth silk was like a second skin against Beka's hot body.

Gently, taking one arm each, Erica and Rommie walked Beka back into the bedroom and lay her down on the freshly made bed before climbing in with her, pulling the sheet over them. Rommie smiled as the snuggled up to Beka, one hand moving across to brush a stray hair away from Erica's face, "We owe you a lot Beka."

"And this is our little way of saying we appreciate everything you've ever done for us." Erica smiled, kissing the other avatars fingers.

Rommie rested her head on Beka's shoulder, "We know we can't do this every night."

Erica mirrored Rommie's position, holding Beka between them, "But maybe, on special occasions, if you'd like."

"I'd like that..." Beka smiled softly as she drifted off to sleep.

End of Part 3

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