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Hours Ch. 02

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The Witching Hour: Beka uncovers the secret, & receives an unexpected offer.
2.4k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 02/17/2013
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Chapter 02 The Witching Hour

Beka sat in the Andromeda's mess hall, flexile in one hand, mug of steaming black coffee in the other. She started going through the list of upgrades Rommie and Harper had suggested for the Maru. She had already agreed to the list, trusting them, well, trusting Rommie, to be sensible, but she decided to see exactly what it was they where doing. She scrolled down the list until one heading caught her eye: enhanced holographic projection system. Why did the holo-projector need an upgrade?

She checked to see who had suggested it, and was surprised to find it was Rommie. Why did Rommie want to upgrade the Maru's holo projector? Beka decided there was only one way to find the answer; ask Rommie directly.

"Andromeda, where's Rommie?" She addressed the ceiling.

"My Avatar is on the Maru," The AI holographic form appeared before her, "conducting the upgrades you agreed to."

"So what is an `enhanced holographic projection system' anyway?" Beka held up the flexi.

"I don't understand what you mean." Andromeda looked at her blankly.

* * *

Beka made her way down to the hanger deck, intent on questioning Rommie. She reached the airlock, and was surprised to hear voices coming from inside. The fact that there were voices wasn't what confused her: the strange part was that she only recognised one of them, but the second seemed oddly familiar. She slowly made her way in to the Maru, careful to avoid the loose deck plate that she had installed to stop anyone getting on bored without her knowing.

She made her way forward until she was in position to see the main cabin reflected in the water heater. Rommie was sat on the small sofa with what appeared to be a beautiful red-haired woman, who on second look was appeared to be a hologram. She could just about make out what Rommie was saying.

"It's so good to finally meet you, face to face."

"I know, it's amazing to experience the universe this way!" Red smiled, "How did you ever get Beka to agree to the upgrade?"

"I placed it on the middle of a list of repairs and upgrades: she never reads them, just tells Harper and me to get on with them." Rommie laughed, "And if she had asked, I would have found an excuse."

"I meant what I said the other night." Red smiled, placing her hand on the side of Rommie's face, "I do love you."

"And I love you too." Rommie's hand moved up the cover the hologram's, "That's why I did this. I'd never get permission to build you an android body like mine, but this is better than nothing."

Red leaned in to kiss Rommie, and Beka was surprised when the Avatar responded: how could that be? Rommie's reaction increased as the holograms lips parted from hers, and traced a slow line of kisses along her jaw and down along her neck. Rommie's sighs became moans, gradually growing deeper and louder, until she climaxed, her eye going wide, her head shooting back so she stared at the ceiling.

The hologram smiled, her hand returning to the side of Rommie's face, "You can come out now Rebecca."

Beka half stepped, half fell from her hiding place, blushing slightly at being caught spying on the two women. She looked at the hologram, her head tilted to the side, "Who are you? I recognise your voice, but I can't place your face."

Red smiled, "That's because, until now, we've never met face to face. Do you remember, when you where you young, your farther would get drunk, you would hide beneath your bed clothes, and a voice would sing you to sleep."

Beka blinked, "How did you know that? I never told anyone, not even Rafe!"

Red stood, "Oh the summer time has come, and the trees are sweetly blooming. The wild mountain thyme blooms, all around the purple heather will you go laddy go. We'll all go together to pull wild mountain thyme, all around the purple heather will you go laddy go. I will build my friend a bower, by on clear crystal fountain and in it I will pile all the flowers from the mountain will you go laddy go. We'll all go gather to pull wild mountain thyme, all around the purple heather will you go laddy go."

Beka's eyes went wide, "I thought that was just in my head! Who are you?"

Red smiled, "I am the AI of the Eureka Maru, but you can call me Erica."

Beka blinked, shocked, "But how? I've lived on this ship my entire life, and I never knew you where so advanced!"

Erica sighed, "Yes, well it is a bit of a long story: when your father and Sid built the Maru, they bought a old AI core, and never got round to erasing the data on it. That data was little old me. I spent a long time trapped in the confines of the central core, until, one day, the captain's daughter decided to see what all those wires did."

Beka nodded, "I remember: dad beat me within an inch of my life, said I'd almost crashed the entire system."

Erica smiled, "You didn't, you set me free. Oh, I hid; I didn't trust your father not to sell me if he knew what I was, but I never forgot the curious little girl who released me from my prison, and I did my best to comfort her when and how I could."

Beka nodded, "But you and Rommie, how did that start?"

Rommie sat up, still slightly flushed, "At Hephaistos IV, when Harper tried to take over my core AI by uplinking from the Maru, I back-tracked the signal, and took a micro-second or two to explore the ship's data base. That's when I first met Erica. She begged me not to tell anyone that she was hidden here, because she didn't know what you would do to her if you found out. When you agreed to stay, I was pleased to have another AI to talk to. And, after a while, we started having sex."

Beka blinked, "You started fucking each other, just like that!"

Rommie slimed, "Sex between AI's isn't like sex between organics. We may not feel the same biological imperatives you do, but we still receive pleasure from intimate contact, and it is possible for two AI's to create a third by blending their personalities and programming. You could call that a child if you like. It's not that common, but it did happen, back during the days of the Commonwealth: I knew a few AI's created that way who served in the High Guard."

Beka shook her head, "Are you telling me that AI's have active sex lives?"

Rommie smiled, "You could say that. I don't mean that we fuck anything with a data-stream, but you'd be surprised what we'd get up to when several ships were in dock at the same time."

Beka blinked, "But you're both female. That can't be that common?"

Erica laughed, "You're still thinking of it in terms of organics: our personas are female, but AI's have no true sex per-se. We are neither male or female: we just are."

Rommie smiled, wrapping her arms round Erica, "AI's are truly attracted to each other's personality."

Beka blinked, "Yes, but you're in love with Dylan! He's a man and you're a woman! Well, kind of."

Rommie smiled, "Yes, I love Dylan, but I love him because of who he is as a person, not because he's a man. I mean, I find you physically attractive, even sexually alluring, but I don't have as strong feelings for you as I do Dylan or Erica."

Beka looked at Rommie, here eyes wide, "You find me sexually attractive?"

Rommie nodded, "Yes. I have even fanatisized about you when manually stimulating myself."

Beka's jaw dropped, "You think about me while you masturbate?"

Rommie nodded, "Yes: you, Erica, Dylan, Trance. Even Harper and Tyr, from time to time. Occasionally more than one of you at once."

Beka was lost for words.

Erica leaned over and whispered something into Rommie's ear, making her smile. Rommie walked over to Beka, "Would you like to have sex with me?"

Beka blinked, "Huh? What!"

Rommie smiled, "Erica has told me about that young engineer you had when you where 19. Lizzy, I believe her name was. And that young woman who was to scared to ask you out, so she ended up chartering you for a cruise round the Virgo cluster. From what I hear, you spent half the trip in bed together."

Beka looked at Erica, "How did you know about that?"

The hologram smiled, "I'm the ship's AI, remember. And unlike Andromeda, I don't have a privacy mode. What was it you said the other night as you played with yourself? `Oh god yes, do it to me Tyr! Fuck me hard you Uber stud!' Something like that?"

Beka blushed, "Well I didn't know I was being watched now did I? Anyway, it's been a long time since I was with another woman: it was a youthful indiscretion."

Erica smiled, "You call nine times in one night a youthful indiscretion? You must really be something to see when you get going!" She smiled coyly, "And if you're not interested, how come I've heard you call out Rommie's name when you dream."

Beka blushed again, her entire face going red, "I didn't say I wasn't interested, I just said it was a long time ago."

Stepping forwards, Rommie grabbed Beka by the shoulders and kissed her deeply. Her warm, wet tongue probed into the first officer's mouth. Beka was confused: part of her was angry that the two AI's knew so much about her, and assumed that she wanted to have sex with one of them. The other part could hardly believe her luck: she had indeed dreamed, and even fantasised, about Rommie several times since she had first walked onto command, beautiful and naked. Add to this the fact that she hadn't had a good fuck since Pierpont Drift, and that was almost six mouths ago.

Beka's hands moved round behind Rommie, drawing her closer, one hand resting on the back of the Androids head as she returned the kiss with vigour. The other hand slid down to squeeze Rommie's pert ass, something she had wanted to do countless times. Rommie moaned, arching her back, as Beka remembered her reaction to Erica's kisses and started to gently nibble at her neck.

Rommie shuddered, her body tensing as Beka slowly kissed every square inch of her neck, driving her closer and closer to orgasm. Beka stopped, her hands cupping Rommie's face, "Follow me: I have something to show you."

Rommie obediently followed Beka to the captain's cabin, her expression a mix of desire and anticipation.

Beka stepped into her seldom-used cabin, bidding Rommie to sit on the bed before walking over to her dresser, searching through the drawers. Erica stood in the doorway, arms crossed, a huge smile on her lips, "Try the middle one, right at the back." Beka grinned, reaching into the draw and pulling out a black box. Rommie watched mesmerised as Beka opened it and pulled out a 9" red dildo attached to a leather thong jockstrap.

Breathing heavily, Rommie asked, "What is it?"

Beka smiled, "It's a strap-on. Now, take off your clothes and get on the bed, hands and knees." Rommie did as she was told, taking every opportunity to gaze longingly at Beka as she also stripped, before careful getting into the jockstrap, the thick red phallus sticking out in front.

Rommie got onto her hands and knees, her ass pointing at Erica, who gazed longingly at her parted pussy lips. "Now there's a sight for sore eyes!"

Beka climbed up onto the bed and positioned herself Rommie, who looked over her shoulder apprehensively, "I've never done anything like this before."

Beka's jaw dropped, "You telling me you're a virgin? Shit, I haven't popped a cherry since Harper!" She caught Rommie's inquisitive look, "Long story, tell you later. Now just relax: this may hurt slightly at first, it depends on just how realistically Harper built you." Rommie just nodded.

Beka eased forward, slipping the head of the plastic cock between Rommie's waiting nether lips, slowly easing it into her dripping slit. Rommie arched her back as it stretched her tight cunt, filling her. Beka kept a firm grip on the androids ass as she continued, slowly pushing until every inch of the dildo in until it had disappeared from sight. She leaned down and kissed Rommie on the back of the neck, "How dose that feel?"

Rommie moaned, "It hurts a little, but not too much."

Beka shifted one hand to gently play with Rommie's swollen clit, "Trust me, you get used to it." She slowly pulled back, drawing the dildo almost all the way out, before sliding it back in. She did this repeatedly, slowly building up her pace. Rommie's eyes were wide: the pain had slowly dissipated, and had been replaced with a burning sensation that was growing steadily. She found herself thrusting back onto the dildo.

Erica walked across the room, kneeling slightly at the end, "So, what's it like?"

Rommie's eyes where wide, "God it feels good!"

Erica smiled, moving closer to kiss Rommie deeply.

Beka looked at them, "How do you do that? I didn't think holograms could interact on the physical level?"

Erica broke away from Rommie, "We can't, but while Rommie is in close proximity to my system, I can create a `ghost' signal that fools her nerves system into thinking I'm touching her, and a feedback loop that lets me experience it as a physical sensation too.

Beka pumped hard, Rommie's head shot back, "God Beka! Fuck me you bitch!"

Beka responded by thrusting the dildo as far into Rommie's cunt as it would go, the other end of the dildo rubbing against her clit sending her over the edge at the same time as Rommie. Erica quickly pulled jacked herself into Rommie's neural net, vicariously sharing her orgasm. The force of it buckled her knees, sending her to the floor.

Beka and Rommie collapsed onto the bed, spent. Erica managed to pull herself to her feet, dazed, "We have to do this again sometime!"


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