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Hours Ch. 04

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Trance and Dylan get a couple of surprises.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 02/17/2013
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Hours 4: Golden Hour

Trance walked along the corridors leading to the hangar deck: the last two weeks had been, well, strange. Even since Erica had revealed her presence to the rest of the crew, Rommie and Beka had been acting strangely. It wasn't anything specific, but they had seemed to talk a lot more, normally ending their conversations abruptly whenever someone came near. As someone who prided her self on know what was going on, Trance was understandably curious.

Erica didn't have a duty station as such, and she spent most of her time working on the Maru. Trance knew that it was understandafor for an AI to take an interest in their Ship-self, and decided that this was the best way to catch her alone. The airlock door was open, the sound of welding coming ins inside the small cargo ship.

"Erica, are you here?" Trance stepped through into the central chamber.

"Of cores I'm here: where else would I be?" The AI's holographic form blinked into existence behind her,

"I wish you wouldn't do that!" Trance jumped.

"Well it was a rather silly question: I am the ship, I can't be anywhere else." Erica laughed.

Trance shook her head, "I meant is your Avatar around?"

"I'm right here." Erica walked in from the engine room, wiping her hands on a piece of rag, her overalls covered in grease, "I was just re-aligning the thrusters assemblies: they tend to shake lose every so often. Harper normally dose it, but as he's on Sinti, I have to." She sat on a stool by the mess hall counter, "So, how can I help you?"

Trance took a deep breath, "What's going on between you, Rommie and Beka?"

"That's a rather personal question Miss Gemini." Erica tilted her head to the side, "Care to explain why I should answer it?"

Trance posed for a moment: there was something about Erica's manner, her body language that was both unsettling and strangely enticing at the same time. She shook her head, "I need to know if what's going on endangers my mission."

Erica walked toward Trance, her hip's swaying, and one hand in the waistband of her jeans, "And just what, pray tell, is you mission? The others I understand, even Tyr to a point, but you are a complete mystery. I've asked Andromeda, but she doesn't know anything about you that I don't."

"You know all you need to about me." Trance backed up, and found her self up against one of the crew bunks.

Erica smileer fer face closing to within inches of Trance's, "Oh I wouldn't say that: there are still a few things I'd like to know about you."

Trance was growing lightly uncomfortable, "Like what?"

Erica smiled, placing her hands on the bunk either side of the golden-skinned woman, cutting off her line of retreat, "What you're like in bed." Erica's lip's brushed against Trance's, before pushing down with more force.

"Let me go!" Trance struggled.

"We both know I'm not as physically strong as Rommie, and the two of you are pretty much evenly matched." Erica smiled, "If you really want out, go." Trance stood silently for a moment, then stopped struggling. Erica smiled, "Good. You want to know what's up between Rommie, Beka and me? I'll show you."

Trance stood, transfixed by both fear and lust, as Erica reached round pul pulled on the zip the held her top closed at the back. The leather outfit fell open, her full breasts standing out firmly. Erica gently took them in her hands, her head bobbin down so she could plant kisses on them, carefully not to touch the dark areola or the swollen nipples. Tran hea head tilted back as the kisses moved up, passing along her neck and jawbone, before returning to her lips. Trance opened her mouth, admitting Erica's eager tongue, allowing it to tussle with her own.

Erica's strong hands slid down until they gripped Trance's tight ass, then quickly lifted her so she was stilling on the edge of the bunk. Erica's lips moved down again, passing along the valley formed by the two golden mounds of Trance's breasts, before flicking into her navel sharply, enticing a sharp moan from Trance. Erica planted kisses across Trance's flat stomach as her fingers hurriedly undid the belt holding up the other woman'guregure hugging trousers.

Trance sighed as her leather trousers where pulled down, reviling her lacy purple panties, already showing singes of the wetness building beyond. Erica flicked her thumbs through the waistband of the silken garment, and carefully pulled them down, reviling a closely shaven patch of red hair. Trance's neither lips glisten with her juices as the AI's tongue dapped at them, sending shivers up and down the alien's spine. Erica's hands returned to Trances tight rear, pulling for forward slightly as she knelt on the deck, her face at the perfect height for what she had planed.

Erica's experienced tongue slid up Trance's pussy lips, then circled her clit slowly. Trance leaned back, making a strange purring sound that resonated throughout her entire body. Eric gently nibbled at the exposed love button, sending Trance into spasm, her boy stiffening as her orgasm reached its most intense. Erica flicked her tongue over the clit as she held it between her teeth, drawing the orgasm out for as long as possible. A fresh flood of juices flowed from Trance's swollen pussy lips, and Erica eagerly lapped it up. Trance's eyes fluttered open, "That was amazing!"

"Well you certainly looked like you where enjoying yourself." Rommie said from the doorway, "But I'd prefer it if you left my woman alone from now on." Erica crossed the room and kissed Rommie deeply on the lips. sho shorter AI smiled, licking the last traces of Trance's juices off her lovers lips, "Just as I always suspected: sweet." She slipped her arm around Erica in a very possessive way, "We'll talk about you seducing Trance later." Erica lowered her head submissively.

Trance blinked, realization hitting like a thunderbolt: despite Erica's predatory and forward nature, Rommie was defiantly the dominant half oe ree relationship.

"Now there's something worth seeing." Beka stepped passed the two kissing Avatars and looked Trance over.

"The three of you?" Trance blinked.

"Don't look at me like that Trance: I'm only in it for the sex." Beka laughed, "No, Rommie and Erica are a couple; I just get to join in sometimes." The blond captain pulled a blanket from the bed and laid it out on the deck, before turning back tmmiemmie and Erica, "Get her ready: you know what I like."

The two androids crossed the room, stripping as they did so. Trance made no move to stop them as they lifted her off the bunk and set her down on the blanket. Rommie sat next to her and pulled her in for a deep kiss.

"I'm not sure about this." Trance broke away.

"You didn't seem to mind when Erica was eating you out." Rommie smiled.

"Yes, but that was just the two of us!" Trance's eyes where darting about.

Rommie smiled, turning to Erica, "My, my, it look's like we've found something that Trance has never tried before. Trust me: let your mind go, and your body will follow."

"My thought exactly." Beka said from the doorway, a thin silk robe barely covering her body, a bag in her hands, "On her back I think." The two avatar's grinned, lowering Trance down onto her back, Rommie continuing to kiss her, while Erica affixed her mouth onto the golden glob of one of Trances breasts. Beka knelt between Trances legs, her robe falling open to revel her red strap-on, "This is something I've wanted to do since you joined the Maru." She shifted her hips forward.

Trance shudder as the smooth plastic phallus parted her swollen pussy lwhenwhen Beka eased forward. The dildo stretched her tight passage as it probed deeper, enticing sighs of delight that where lost in Rommie's mouth. Erica switched over to the golden skinned girls other breast, leaving a think layer of artificial saliva glistering on the fully erect nipple left behind.

Rommie shifted, pulling Erica up so her legs where ether side of Trances face, then gently guided her down. Trance responded instantly, her tongue lapping up to the soft folds that where covered in a thin layer of secretions. Erica lowered herself further, leaning forward to rest her hands on the edge of the blanket as Trances mouth found her clit. The AI moaned deeply as Trance made up for what she lacked in experience with enthusiasm: her full lips encircled Erica's clit and she started to suck, her tongue lingering over the end of the nerve bundle, sending waves of pleasure through Erica's body. The avatar screamed out as she climaxed, drenchTranTrance with a fresh wave of her juices.

Beka took the opportunity to start up a slow but steady rhythm on Trance's cunt, drawing the strap-on out so only it's head remain between the golden pussy lips, before easing it back in. The pace slowly increased, Beka moving her hips at speed as she pounded away at the helpless Trance, the other end of the strap-on teasing her clit with every thrust. Rommie stood and moved in front of Beka, pulling the blonds face towards her own gushing slit. Beka's tongue made slow sweeps up and down Rommie nether lips, occasionally dipping into the avatars cunt to taste her juices.

Trance, already aroused due to Rommie and Erica's actions, found herself reaching climax due to the stiff presence within her pussy. The smooth shaft of the strap-on filled her almost to capacity, and she started to buck and moan as she reached the point of release. Erica was thrown bodily out the way as Trance lunged upwards, pushing Rommie to one side as she gabbed Beka and pulled her down into a deep kiss. The golden skinned alien pulled Beka back down, wrapping her legs around the other woman's waist as her hands moved to caress breasts held behind a silk bra.

Beka, having found herself lying on top of Trance, continued to pump away at her new lover, determined to bring them both to a shared orgasm. Her hands grabbed Trance be the side of the head, and held her in place as her tongue explored the other woman's mouth. Trance tightened her grip on Beka as she felt her cunt mussels go into spasm: Her back arch as she called out Beka's name. For her part, Beka ground the strap-on in as far as it would go, her own crouch rubbing against Trance's, giving her the final stimulus she needed to reach her own climax.

Panting, Rommie watched the two women collapse into each other's arm, Beka holding Trance protectively as she planted a gentle kiss on her brow. Trance curled up slightly in Beka's arms as they both drifted off to sleep, drained. Erica silently stood and pulled a second blanked from a nearby bank and laid it over the two sleeping lovers, a thin smile appearing on her lips.

"You still need to be punished." Rommie grabbed her lover by the arm as they headed for the door.

"What will you have me do?" Erica nodded, lowering her head.

"I think it's time we told Dylan the truth about our relationship..." Rommie smiled coyly as they gathered up their discarded clothes.


"You wanted to see me?" Dylan walked into his office, Rommie and Erica waiting for him.

"Sir." Rommie sounded unusually businesslike, "Request permission to move quarters."

"Is there something wrong?" Dylan asked, "Have the two of you had a falling out?"

"No." Erica smiled, "Quite the opposite, in fact."

"Excuse me?" Dylan raised an eyebrow as the two Avatars linked hands, "What's going on here?"

"You once asked why I kept Erica's existence a secret from you." Rommie smiled coyly, "We've been lovers for some time now." She took the other woman's face in her hand and kissed her softly on the lips, "We don't want to hide it anymore."

"We're tired of playing games." Erica moaned as Rommie trailed kisses down her cheek, neck and collarbone, "We want to be free to express ourselves..." She stopped mid sentence as Rommie pulled her blouse open, sending buttons flying across the room.

Rommie attached an eager mouth to Erica's erect nipples, sucking on it intently, her hand moving up to cares the other breast, cupping it at first, a thumb and forefinger teasing the dark nipple before squeezing it.

Erica sighed in pleasure and pain as Rommie shifted her head to the other nipple, her free hand hastily undoing her lovers belt and pulling her trousers down to reveal her thin cotton panties. Erica regained enough control to start undressing Rommie, the High Guard Avatar's uniform joining the growing pile of clothes on the floor, leaving the two of them standing there in just their panties.

Dylan sat ridged in his chair, unable to do anything but watch.

Rommie pushed Erica back onto the desk, forcing her down onto her back as her hands reached down to remove her black silk undergarments before she climbed on top of her lover. For her part, Erica captured Rommie's face with her hands and pulled her up for a deep kiss, their bodies moving against each other as their arousal grew.

One last, deep kiss, and Rommie turned herself round so her face was at Erica's crotch. She carefully took the sodden undergarments between her teeth and pulled them down, revealing a patch of short red hair framing a pair of swollen neither lip's already damp with excitement. Her tongue darted out, stabbing at Erica's clit repeatedly, making the other android shiver with anticipation.

Unable or unwilling to contain her lust, Erica grabbed Rommie's black underwear and ripped it away with one sudden movement, revealing a shaven crotch surrounding an engorged clit. She attached her mouth to it eagerly, two of her fingers dipping into Rommie's womanhood, each frenzied stab exciting a deep moan.

Rommie took Erica's clit between two fingers, rubbing it continually as she kissed her lover's centre, her nimble fingers seeking Erica's g-spot. Her other hand reached round lower, one finger probing the tight rear passage, using the Avatar's own juices as lubricant to explore deeper.

Erica screamed as she reached orgasm, her body going rigged as her mussels contracted, trying to pull Rommie's fingers in deeper. Her cries of pleasure where lost as she devoured her lover with renewed vigour.

Rommie's eyes rolled back in her head as she came, her thighs clamping down on Erica's head, holding her in place as she bucked violently, almost throwing the two of them off the desk. She stuck her tongue and finger as far into Erica as she could, prolonging the other woman's orgasm for as long as she could.

Spent, the two androids collapsed, Rommie rolling over onto the desk next to her lover, breathing heavily as she looked up at the ceiling. Finally regaining some of her composure, she tilted her head to the side and looked at Dylan.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way: you either accept the way things are, or you can do something stupid like order us to stop seeing each other." Rommie reached round to the floor and grabbed what remained of her cloths, "But what ever happens, you can't stop us."

"You see, I'm not a High Guard AI: I don't have to follow the same rules as she does." Erica stretched out, her body glistering, "Technically, I'm the personal property of Captain Valentine."

"Although, if Beka ever tried to exercise that ownership, she'd have me to deal with." Rommie smiled, pulling her bra back over her head, "There's nothing in the regulations that says an Avatar can't be involved with non-crewmembers, organic or synthetic."

"This is a lot for me to take in." Dylan blinked, totally shocked by what he had just seen, "I'll need to talk to Beka about this..."

"I wouldn't recommend disturbing her just now." Erica pulled her blouse back on, doing up the buttons that remained, "She's spending a little quality time on the Maru with Trance..."

"Beka and Trance?" Dylan looked like a stiff wind would knock him down, "I never saw that coming!"

"I did, but then I know things you don't." Erica grinned.

"Just think about it, ok?" Rommie kissed Dylan on the forehead; "We'll make it worth your while." She pulled her uniform jacket on and took Erica's hand, leading her to the door.

The End?

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