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Click here"About what?"
"What made you different than your parents? You thought you were straight. And do you remember when you thought you offended me after I said I slept with a congresswoman? You were very quick to apologize. You were turning red and everything. Would your parents have reacted in the same way?"
"No," I answered harshly.
"Then what made you different? Usually, people are like their parents. They believe the same things as their parents. But you're different."
"I don't know," I answered. "Maybe I'm just different. A younger generation? Or maybe I've been unconsciously gay this whole time."
She grinned, "unconsciously gay?"
"You know what I mean.
She noted, "but they won't be at the wedding, so it doesn't matter at this point."
I questioned, "you don't think it matters that my family won't be at the wedding?"
"Hmm," she grunted. "Your family will be at the wedding. I'm your family. My parents are your family. If your parents are not supportive enough to come to your wedding, then forget about it."
"Oh," I hummed, my heart fluttering.
"Also," she added, "we need to consider what we're going to do with our names -- our last names."
"Yeah," I mumbled. "I've been quietly thinking about that for a while."
Anna presented, "so, I'll do what you want to do. Some people change nothing, some people hyphenate, and some take the last name of one of the--"
My words forced their way out without hesitation. "I want your last name. Let me change my name."
"Are you sure?" Anna halted. "You don't have to do that if you--"
I interrupted again, "yes, I want your name. Sorry to interrupt you, but I want your name."
"Maddison Levitsky?" Anna grinned.
"Yes, Maddison Levitsky." I considered, "as opposed to Maddison King, Maddison King-Levitsky, or Maddison Levitsky-King. I'll take Maddison Levitsky."
"Are you sure," Anna repeated slowly. "It's a big decision."
"Why would you think I'm not sure?" I squeezed her shoulders. "Yes, honey, I want your last name."
"Okay, okay," Anna acknowledged. "It's just that it's a serious thing. There's no going back."
"I'm as certain as I can be," I gleamed. "Nothing will make me regret it. I know I'll have to mail a hundred letters to the government, DMV, the University of South Carolina, our school district, and whoever else has my last name as King. But it's worth it, baby. I'm serious."
She went on, "then I guess that's settled. And apparently, we need to get a marriage license in Pennsylvania if we are getting married at my parents'. Virginia won't give us a license if we get married in Pennsylvania."
"Seems weird," I murmured. "It still works the same, right?"
"Yeah. A marriage license is a marriage license no matter where in the United States you are. The Constitution protects that, Article 4, Section 1. It's--"
She paused when I snickered. She wrinkled her nose, "what?"
"I can tell you teach American government," I joked. "Article 4, Section 1?"
Anna rolled her eyes, "oh, lord." She continued, "it's just the red tape we have to cut through. But the catch with Pennsylvania is that there's a three-day waiting period. I guess that's to make sure people aren't drunk or high and getting married without thinking straight. So if we want to have the license issued the same day as the wedding, we have to go early and apply."
"I want it issued on the same day," I declared. "I don't want to be unofficially married for a while."
"Do you want to stay at my parents' the three days before the wedding? We can apply for the license then help set up."
"Yeah," I sang. "Sounds like a plan." My mind burbled with anticipation. I bit my lip seductively and looked at her. "Though, are we going to go those days without sex?"
Anna smirked criminally, "we can fuck at my parents' house. We just have to be quiet."
"You don't find that weird?" I asked. I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about my parents in the next room.
Anna scoffed, "I don't think about my parents when I'm having sex."
I scrunched the muscles in my face, but I couldn't conceal my laughter. "You know that's not what I meant, jackass. I mean that they might hear us doing our thing."
"That's why we're going to be quiet, Blue." She pointed accusatorially at me, "and you're the one who gets loud, remember? And it's not like I haven't already fingered you there."
"I know, I know," I flaunted. "Of course, I want to fuck. But I can't control myself."
"Well, then they can listen," she joked.
"Oh, my god. That's definitely weird." She kissed me, seducing me into another frenzy of arousal.
"We'll have to be quiet," she whispered, her warm voice flowing over my skin. "But now we can be as loud as we want." She kissed me again. "Let's fuck now."
Chapter XVI - The Wedding
- The Farm -
The farm, calm and serene, rested beneath the grandeur of Pennsylvania's rolling hills. The atmosphere shaped the declining light into a brilliant pattern of red and orange. A breeze crawled over the land without haste while the evening birds and insects sang in anticipation of nightfall. The wedding was neither extravagant nor expensive, and there were few people in attendance. Mom and Dad were absent. Anna's family did not extend beyond her parents. Nazis. Among the handful of friends we invited, Jim, Ellie, and Becca were present. A small semi-circle of chairs formed around a glorious oak, and we decorated the area with only a few wreaths of flowers and an electric keyboard.
Anna's parents hung to one another in fervor, and our friends' faces were jubilant with grace. I was clad in a modern wedding dress: snow white with spaghetti straps and a floral-pattered fabric reaching to my feet. Anna sported a white pants-suit, boasting a shallow v-neck. At the base of the oak tree, a friend of Mr. and Mrs. Levitsky led the wedding. He read words of welcome before reciting some ceremonial customs.
Next, Anna waltzed to the keyboard, on which she played Dean Martin's "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime." She performed as delicately and charmingly as ever, pouring her all into my heart. She never took her eyes from me; every riff of music from her fingers translated into profound love. I nearly burst into tears when a drop fell from her eye onto the keys. She finished the song with the final lyric: "Everybody loves somebody sometime / And although my dream was overdue / Your love made it well worth waiting / For someone like you."
She returned to the oak where I slobbered onto her lips; the time for kissing hadn't come, but I didn't care. Tears streamed down her cheeks as we embraced, and it was all I could do to hold back mine. We exchanged vows, both promising to live our lives in service to one another.
Anna's hands, informed by labor, situated the wedding band onto my finger. She whispered so low that only I could hear, "I swear to you that I will do right by you, that I will care for you, and that I will always love you." Her eyes shuddered as she leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine, and whereas our first kiss declared the intensity of our love, this kiss proclaimed the measure of our devotion.
- Abbigail Ray
Author's Note
If you read this far, you have my thanks! Please let me know what you think. I'm interested in chatting with people or receiving feedback. This adventure comes from my heart and is very much reflective of my life, and I'm sure that many, many people share a similar story.
Don't think I didn't notice that the litany of Anna's qualities recited by Maddison to her parents spells Abbigail Ray. :)
This is my 2nd reading of this gem and loved the story even better than the first read. I love the long drawn out love stories.
Thanks Abbigail Ray you did a great job!
This is a very nice story long but couldn’t stop reading. In the middle o Christmas! I couldn’t stop. We love happy endings. The characters are well built and descriptions well done you are a good writer. I guess desire makes things go faster, answering another comment. After a lifetime of straight behavior I jumped fast . Thank you for your work in writing
Loved this! Blue! Never going to here that word again without thinking of your wonderful story.
Could not put it down! Paced perfectly, with love finding each other with excellent support staff at school. Blue’s anxiety definitely could be due to her denying her sexuality which you seem to flawlessly interwoven subtly within the story. Thankyou for sharing your gift.
Lovely story! I liked Ana a lot: she's the right kind of crazy ;)
My only surprise was the speed with which Maddie jumps to sex. In many of the other first time lesbian stories I've read, this takes a bit more time to get over their inner battles. Also, the hot scenes felt more like fucking than making love. But given both of their personalities, that's certainly in-character :)
You have a very unique way of writing. I’ve read plenty of stories with similar circumstances, but yours definitely stands out. So do your characters. I appreciated Anna’s honesty, and Maddie’s ability to think about what she’d been taught in church and come to her own conclusions. Too true many people just swallow whole what their parents believe. A very simple story yet you added layers to it. From Shakespeare to Piano Man, a surprise around every corner. I have one story yet to go and looking forward to itl. I do hope there will be more! Thank you
Fantastic story - loved all the little details you included. Thank you and please continue writing.
Now onto your next 2 adventures.
Adored this! Loved the detail, the care, the slow burn nature of it. The scenes in the bar were superb and I very much admired your use of song.
Really hoping you're going to publish something again soon. x
Such a wonderful story. A repeat-read that never fails to make you fall in love with these two again and again. The perfect mix of sweetness, humor and tension. Thanks for sharing this lovely work.
This is my second time reading this story, and it was even sweeter, as I could sense the nuances you had included to help shape the characters of Anna and Maddie and their very different parents. The school setting was refreshingly accepting which is likely not true of many parts of the country. Keep up the good work.
Of your three stories so far, (having reread the first and this one) I think this is really good - the best of the three.
This story touch me just as much, like the first time I read it.
It goes directly into my heart..
You are such a good writer, please continue the good work
I am not a romantic, but was touched by the love and commitment you engendered in this story. There must be thousands of couples trying to make it together in life only to be thwarted by bigotry, homophobia, family prejudices, opportunity and self-doubt. It is a wonder there are any happy endings.
This is a lovely story!
I feel for Maddie and her family situation! But Anna's family happy acceptance of them as a couple was wonderful!
A really nice story!
Please continue with their lives, marriage and families!
Thank you for sharing this tale!
You have a nice feel to your writing!
Absolutely brilliant - no need to enlarge on the fabulous comments previously made. Thank you, and please carry on writing more like all your stories.
As a former Gamecock (the mascot of USC) I had to stop on page one to come point out that the University of South Carolina is located in Columbia, about 120 miles from Charleston. There is a College of Charleston, as well as Charleston Southern University (formerly Baptist College) that would work instead. But it immediately threw me out of the story.
Great story. I agree with comments below about some word usage. The other thing that jumped out on reading this for the second time is when Madison says: "and at year ten of teaching, you're around thirty-two or thirty-three?" They have not yet talked about Anna being a teacher, as far as I could tell. I have feeling that this was a cut and paste error. Again something an editor would have caught. Three things I really liked:
1. The timeline was realistic.
2. The story was about the relationship and the sex was a part of the relationship, rather than the other way round.
3. And that realistically not every pair of homophobic parents sees the error of their ways. (Not that I speak from experience, as a straight male).
House of sand ...... Absolutely unique crashing your car , an angel is coming for your rescue and then they become , already signed, co workers ...... But yeah life has some strange crooked straight curved lines
Oh my god "piano Man", playing an instrument is so wonderful ART and then a piano or saxophone for example are so extraordinary ...... I "envy" such talented people and yeah i feel so small compared to artists, like you explained perfectly here
"It's absolutely correct," she defended. Her voice energized, "there are trillions of stars in each galaxy and there are billions of galaxies. And the light we see from these stars left millions of years ago. If you were near that star," she pointed upward in a general direction again, "you'd be seeing light that left Earth during the reign of the dinosaurs. That is, with a powerful-enough telescope."
Yes we forget the most simple being of the universe and we place the human race on top of "what", grains of sand ..... Oh yes we are sooooo "intelligent " the royal breed of the universe 😳 .... sarcasm
The Tattoo is the next wonderful enlightening ..... The Greatest Teacher, Failure Is
Everything fails or breaks, sooner or later, because everything is only composed, does not exist by itself .... A ZEN buddhistic enlightening, but humanity ignore such wisdom successful ...... So yes the humans greed for leaving imprints is just laughable
Now im commenting the tale in general, a absolutely gorgeous lovely romantic story about two beings falling in love and celebrate this love ...... Highlighting this love with a marriage and so the path down The future is clearly visible ...... A slow start a finery delicacy in coming together and building a solid grounding ...... I truly enjoyed your extraordinary writing skills and honor you with ten hearts
Thank you for publishing this masterpiece
Just amazing. Five stars from me. It would be more but I can only click once. I have a long tale in my head but lack the skill to put it into prose. Alas.
a very sweet and beautiful story. I teared up several times. Well written and well told, smooth and easy. The dialogue and story were very natural. I can't believe I read it through that quickly. Loved it and would love to read more from you.
Excellent story. I love slow burn romances and this one was perfect. The characters were great and the whole thing was very beautiful.
You’ve shared two slow burning lesbian romances and as a near hopeless romantic, I love both. Commented on Embrace, and not sure why I did not comment on this piece when first read. Just finished again, and like your first piece, great character development, an interesting/thought provoking storyline and intensely erotic scenes that are not gratuitous “add-ons”, rather integral to your story and characters. So, yes, to answer your question — did “get off on” this story in so many ways. Looking forward to more from your creative imagination. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Excellent! I’ve had this story saved to read for a little while now and I’m kicking myself for not reading it sooner. I loved everything about it, but for some reason, I really loved that the girls just straight up fucked. It seems like most authors go the route of the two women making beautiful love. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great, but the comment “let’s fuck” really hit me. Again, excellent work. Five stars. Thank you for sharing and looking forward to your next one.
A thoroughly enjoyable story. You are a very talented writer. Thank you for sharing with us.
Excellent story! Well developed themes and characters! Sex was hot and natural, made me wet! Hope to see more from you!
Best Regards,
It is a beautiful story, beautifully written, and if the arc of it relects your life, what a wonderful life, lived with great emotional courage.
I absolutely loved reading this. I love a good romance and this was such a well crafted story. I'll yell with glee if you post more. As an Ohioan I was thrilled she say Dean to Maddie and jealous. May the gods bless you with further inspiration and goodluck in all endeavors. Thanks.
Thoroughly enjoyed this from start to finish. Great depth to the characters, including some very real issues faced by many. Bravo! 😁
You tell a very good story: deep and complex characters, great conflict and resolution, good back-stories and detail. The one aspect to consider is more physical description of you characters. Most readers visualize the characters, particularly in erotic scenes. While it may have been intentional, your physical descriptions were sparse, i.e., height, weight, stature (thin, thick, curvy, etc.), breast size/shape, skin tone/texture, shaved/not, etc. This can be worked in early on and then referred to in the erotic encounters. While basically only minor details for the overall story, it does add an extra dimension of visualization for the reader, allowing them to feel a more intimate presence with the characters and their passion. Cheers, CS last thing....your choice of Anna's wedding song to Maddie....Dean Martin's old theme song......I found that a fascinating choice.
Excellent storytelling, and some lovely prose. I was hoping Maddie's family would come around, but it was fine they didn't, because, after all, that is part of life. It does challenge our notions of genuine love tho. Love is easy when it is easy, but it is only real when it can make it past difficult challenges undiminished. Maddie's parents failed that test, because obviously their love was conditional. Anna's were a lovely counterpoint to that. I am a straight white guy just turned 70. I am sentimental to the core, and wishing the world were a kinder place. Romances like Maddie's and Anna's are a most welcome escape. Thank you, Abby Ray Your free gift to all of us is obviously much appreciated.
Thank you for this wonderful story. I loved loved loved it :) I'm going out to wreck my car now. I must find my Anna. Seriously though, it was such a sweet story with a very lovely couple. I wish they had a cat. I wish I was a cat. I wish I was their cat. Have a wonderful day Abby :)
The hopeless romantic in me thoroughly enjoyed this story and I foumd myself becoming rather emotional when Anna sang the Elvis song and annoyed with Maddie's parents and also becoming rather over enthusiastic during the 'rocket' scene which was a real plus. At times your descriptive words were quite novel and I had never seen them used in the same context before, I am still trying to figure out how a nose snarls. But it all added to beauty of the story and a fully deserved five stars. Thank you for bringing a beaming smile to my face.
Outstanding story with good plotting, great characterization, and consistent pace throughout until you reached the end. Like a commenter below, I felt the ending was a trifle abrupt, or flat if you wish, but I suspect that it was the same issue that affects many writers; which is, after working long and hard on a story, one sometimes just runs out of creative steam at the end. Other than that and a few descriptive word choices I might quarrel with I found your work a very enjoyable and worthwhile read. If Literotica offered a more nuance grading/rating system I would rate this effort at 4.5 Stars, but will instead settle for 5. Thanks for your hard work.
Abby, you’ve done it again! Given us a beautifully written, fun and romantic story. With each word you took us on a long magical journey of true friendship to happy ever after. I fell in love with Anna and Maddison because you brought them to life, their quarks, silliness, thoughtfulness, and the way they felt for each other. life long lovers. You should be very proud of this story, thank you for taking the time to write and share it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!
I read every word, and found it to be one of most romantic stories on this site. Thank you for sharing your work. It’s unfortunate that Maddie’s parents had that kind of view, but I know there are still so many ppl with their antiquated view.
Wonderful story, great characters, lots of joy and some angst. Thank you for giving us a story I found hard to put down.
I like happy endings … but I realise that family isn’t always as loving as they should be. Thanks for the enjoyable journey. ❤️
I enjoyed the story and thought you developed it well. It had a nice slow build though not a lot of twists. I wondered if the one male teacher would cause some issues, but after the confrontation after the student complaint, he disappeared. Very sweet - good job.