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Housewife Gets a Massage Pt. 01

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Married British Wife accepts a free massage.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/01/2019
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This is my first attempt at a story. It's probably garbage but thought I'd have a bash!

This was inspired by a story I was told by a work colleague regarding one of their friends. Also I'm a massive fan of the 'Loving Wives' genre. The first few paragraphs are to simply introduce you to the character of Kate and don't worry the action won't be too long after.

I hope you enjoy it...


From the doorstep Kate kissed her husband Mark goodbye as he left for work. It was a bright and warm summer morning in Ruddington, a quiet suburban town in the Midlands of England. Mark blew kisses from the wheel of his large Range Rover Evoke as he reversed out of the driveway and onto the quiet street. This made Kate smile before a busy day of housewife chores.

Kate (37) and Mark (45) had been married for 8 years and had 2 children, Josh 9 & Aria 5. It was the perfect marriage. Mark had a very well paid 6 figure salary accountancy job in Nottingham which meant Kate didn't have to work.

She was a very hardworking housewife, taking care of their large 5 bedroom house, doing the laundry, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, washing dishes, feeding their 2 shitzu dogs, preparing meals, cleaning bathrooms, dropping the kids off at school and collecting the kids at home time. There was never much spare time but she would use that time to make sporadic trips to the gym or go swimming to keep in reasonable shape.

At 37, Kate truely was a MILF. Her face was beautiful, resembling British model Kelly Brook, complimented by long flowing brunette hair which ran down to her shoulders.

Standing at 5ft 6, she had natural large 36 E breasts which always got the compliments and attention of their milkman Dave every morning. Despite two childbirths her breasts hardly sagged which generated queries from the other mums at the school gates. They would ask if she'd had surgery and would be amazed when Kate explained they were 100% natural. At times she noticed some of school dads giving her admiring glances but she would be too shy to reciprocate and she was loyal and devoted her husband and their two kids.

To top off this dream scenario, Kate and Mark had a good sex life, making love at least 2 times a week. Kate was never very adventurous in the bedroom and neither was Mark but he would usually be the driving force whenever they did have sex.

Mark at 45 was an attractive guy. He looked after himself, going to the gym 3 times a week. Standing at 6ft, he possessed an average sized cock at 5.5 inches but to Kate he was an excellent performer in the bedroom and always gave her great oral sex before they fucked.

After closing the front door and urging Josh to turn off his PlayStation and get ready for school, Kate remembered the sex with her husband the previous night. She had surprised Mark by revealing herself to be naked as he climbed into bed. After some kisses, Mark's fingers made their way down beyond her trimmed pubic hair and into her pussy. Kate recalled her orgasm after Mark's aggressive fingering. She remembers Mark lifting her on top of him, lowering her down onto his cock where she rode him wildly for 10 or 12 minutes. This led to her second and final orgasm before Mark explained he felt tired and needed to be fresh for work the following day. Although this annoyed Kate, she didn't show it and deep down understood that Mark wasn't getting any younger. She never demanded more sex or caused any arguments whenever sex was denied. She was grateful for everything her husband had provided and loved him dearly.

By around 8.30 she had got the kids ready and dressed for school but needed to get dressed herself. Leaving the kids waiting in the hallway she quickly ran up to the marital bedroom, stripped, throwing the dressing gown to the floor and explored the wardrobe. Knowing the kids would already be late for school she threw on a white summer dress which stretched as far down as her lower thigh. She then quickly grabbed a thong out of the underwear draw, pulled it up under her dress, slipped into her flip flops and ran frantically down the stairs to the waiting kids. ' I can't afford to waste anymore time' she thought. After ushering Josh and Aria to her car she pondered and asked herself if she should return to the bedroom to wear a bra. 'No I must get the kids to school' she whispered to herself.

In typical Kate 'the super mum' style, the kids were in class for registration by 8.45. A few of the school mums were going to the cafe across the road for coffees and asked Kate to join them. She spent an hour nattering away with the other mums over coffee.

Ashley, the mum of Josh's best friend Anton, was never one to hold back when admiring Kate's beauty. 'You look ravishing as always Kate. Your by far the best MILF out of us!'.

Kate always responded modestly 'Don't start that again Ashley! All of you are yummy mummys!' she proclaimed.

Kate had a number of objectives today. Feed the dogs, vacuum the house, prepare lunches for tomorrow and do the weekly shopping. After her second cappuccino she announced her exit, 'right yummy mummys, I've got to go, need to get some shopping in, we should do this again soon'. Kate hugged each of the 4 other mums and headed for the door.

' Look out for those admirers in the shop Kate!' shouted Ashley as Kate got close to the door.

'perverts!' Kate shouted back.

Kate returned home to feed the dogs because she had no time to do this before she left with the kids. She then swiftly and efficiently cleaned the house top to bottom, sweeping and bleaching in the kitchen and the two bathrooms upstairs.

She stopped around midday for lunch and daydreamed about Mark and whether he would make love to her tonight after the disappointment of last night. Mark fell asleep before he could ejaculate and Kate always felt like she had failed whenever Mark didn't come. A thought crossed her mind but she knew better. ' Mark is loyal to me, he would never look at another woman'.

Around 1, she headed out again, this time to the Morrisons supermarket about 2 miles away. After parking up she approached the trolley shed, pushed a pound coin to release the trolley.

'Excuse me madam' a voice came from behind her as she unlocked the shopping trolley. Kate turned around to find a smiling, short oriental man. He was only around 5ft 4 tall and was dressed all in white.

'Excuse me madam' the man said again in a strong foreign accent. 'would you like to come into my parlour for a free massage?'. Kate recognised the accent from the TV show Takeshi's Castle.

'Oh hello, ermm, I don't know, i'm very busy today, maybe another time?' Kate responded

'Madam, this massage is totally free! It will be good for you.' the man insisted. 'It will only take 15 minutes, then you can continue with your shopping'.

By this point, the day had gotten much hotter. Kate's back was aching a little following the sweeping and vacuuming earlier. 'Maybe it will be good to get out of the heat and see what this Japanese massage is about' she thought.

'Where is your massage parlour?' Kate asked, sounding uninterested.

'Over there', the man pointed towards the other side of the Morrisons car park. Kate could see a temporary hut, the type used on building sites. She pushed the trolley back into the shed, recollected her pound coin and followed the man over to the hut across the car park.

'Are you married?' the Asian man asked as they were halfway to the hut.

'Yes, I have two children also', replied Kate.

'Ahhh very nice', the man replied.

'Are you a housewife? You must work very hard madam?' he continued

'Yes it's kind of hard work but I love my husband and the kids so it's all worth it', Kate responded with a positive tone.

'Ahhhh yes of course' the man replied as he unlocked the door to the hut.

Kate followed him inside. The hut was large completely square room, with what looked like a double size large bed in the middle.

She remained standing by the doorway as the man closed the blinds on each of the 3 windows. This made the room very dark. He then turned on a small lamp that was on a cabinet to the left and started to light the candles that were positioned around the room.

'please take a seat on the bed' he instructed. Kate sat at the end of the bed and placed her handbag on the floor.

Once Kate had moved away from the doorway, the man had closed the door and turned the lock.

This made Kate feel slightly uneasy as she heard the lock click. 'Is it necessary to lock the door? This is only a quick massage?'

'Yes, Yes to make sure no disturbance' the man confidently responded.

'Ok', replied Kate.

'Now, you are a busy woman, you must get some pain?' asked the man.

'Yes, I do a lot of cleaning around the house, vacuuming and the kids are a handful at times. My shoulders and my back do ache a lot', Kate confided.

'Ok, maybe I can help' said the man.

He swiftly got into the bed and kneeled directly behind Kate. Without warning he moved both her dress straps down below her shoulders. At this point Kate remembered she wasn't wearing a bra.

'Is that necessary?' Kate queried with a slightly nervous tone.

'Yes, yes so I can apply some oil to your shoulders madam'

'Ok, by the way what is your name?' asked Kate.

'Endo' he responded as he poured some oil onto his hands.

'Where are you from?', Kate asked. She could then hear Endo rubbing the oil into his hands.

'Hiroshima in Japan' Endo answered as he made contact with Kate's shoulders.

'Ahh yes, I recognise your accent. I hear it when my kids watch Takeshi's castle!'

'Yes that is big Japanese show' Endo explained with a chuckle.

Endo started the massage with light rubs, covering Kate's shoulders in oil. After a minute he then started massaging more firmly.

'This is feels good' Kate thought. She closed her eyes and allowed Endo to continue gently squeezing her shoulders and lower neck.

'ohh', an approving moan left Kate's mouth as Endo became more firm with his hands.

'You have a lot of tension here', said Endo as he started pressing the back of Kate's neck with his thumbs.

'Mmmm yes I do but this is helping' Kate purred.

After a two minutes of further rubbing in which Kate revealed more about her life, her husband and the kids, Endo wiped Kate's shoulders with a towel and moved from the bed.

'Ok, now I work your back' he said standing by the cupboard. 'lie on your belly' he continued as he closed the cupboard with another bottle of oil.

Kate did as instructed, lying on her front with her face on the bed looking to the right where Endo was returning from the cupboard.

Endo climbed onto the bed and once again removed the dress straps from Kate's shoulders.

'Ok, I have new special oil for your back' he explained. He then pulled the straps further down until Kate stopped him.

'No I don't want you to pull it down. I'm not wearing a bra!'

'It is important I rub the oil onto your back madam. I cannot massage without it', Endo claimed.

Kate was still concerned 'No. I don't feel comfortable doing that.'

'Trust me, I'm going to make your back feel better' Endo reassured.

Still half reluctant, Kate allowed Endo to pull her dress further down by lifting slightly to expose her back to him while she tried to cover her large breasts below.

Now her dress was only covering her bum and the sides of her breasts pressed against the bed could easily be seen. Endo attempted further reassurances. 'Relax, relax madam. You will enjoy the back massage'.

Sat to the right side of Kate on his knees, Endo began rubbing the oil into her lower back before moving further up to shoulder blades.

'This actually feels good' Kate purred, now feeling more at ease.

'Yes, yes I told you' Endo responded.

Like he did with he shoulders, Endo became more and more firm with his palms.

'There's tension here too' claimed Endo.

'Mmmm yeah' moaned Kate. She was starting to enjoy the massage now. She could see a clock on the wall from where she lay. The time was 13:30. She'd been in here for 12 minutes now. 'Surely this is due to end soon' she thought.

She continued to chat to Endo about the warm sunny weather and taking the kids on holiday the next month as he proceeded to rub and press her back.

In between talking, Kate would subconsciously utter a quiet 'mmmm' or a 'ohh'.

Checking the clock again, it was now 13:35 and over the 15 minutes timeframe stated by Endo when they met.

Kate was enjoying this free service but knew she had to get the shopping today and prepare tonight's dinner.

'How much longer to go?' she asked.

'Not long, not long' answered Endo. 'I can do extra for you madam' he continued after a pause.

'Extra? I'm sorry but I have to go very soon. I have to get my shopping and collect the kids from school' Kate explained from the bed.

'Trust me madam, this won't take long. I can give your legs a massage also' Endo claimed.

'Ok, but I don't have long' Kate sighed. She wanted to just get up and leave but Endo's massage felt surprisingly very good so far and she was curious about what he could do for her legs.

Endo started to move her dress further down her body now almost exposing Kate's ass.

'Endo, what are you doing?' just as Kate was about to protest. Endo placed a towel over her lower back but not completely covering her buttocks. Kate was just relieved to have some kind of cover down there. The dress was now pulled completely down to her knees and all she was wearing was her thong and the towel over her lower back and upper buttocks.

Endo rubbed his oil over the back of Kate's legs. Her legs were not skinny, more shapely with some muscle mass. Probably due to years running around after the kids and Mark.

Despite knowing she needed to get on with her day, Kate was really enjoying the attention Endo was giving to her thighs, as he squeezed and pressed them for the next few minutes.

She was still giving the occasional approval moan when Endo would press harder or move his hands into other areas not already touched. 'mmm god, endo you are good at this. How long have you been massaging?'

'30 years, since I was 20 years old' he answered enthusiastically in his deep Japanese accent.

'Mmm it's no wonder you are so good. All that experience...oh god' Kate moaned as Endo rolled his palms up the back of her thighs to her ass. He repeated this slowly another 7 times generating more moans of approval from Kate.

Suddenly, Endo removed the towel, leaving an almost naked Kate in her thong on the bed.

'Nooo, do you really need to move the towel!?' Kate protested.

'Yes, yes I now give you all round massage to end my session' answered Endo. 'I strongly recommend you remove your thong for me' he continued.

'What? No! Look I fully appreciate the free massage and everything but I can't do that. I'm married with two kids! I will be completely naked!'

'Trust me, trust me, this is a Japanese massage. I must finish it like this. You will enjoy, trust me' Endo said calmly.

'If you lift up, I will remove' he continued.

Kate sighed, 'ok but, is this really a Japanese massage?'

'Yes, yes trust me'. Endo sounded eager to proceed.

Kate again half reluctant, lifted her torso up and using her elbows knees to elevate her body as Endo pulled the dress down her legs and off her body. Kate removed the thong to her knees unable to fully cover her big breasts. Endo assisted her and removed the thong down her legs and next threw it next to her on the bed.

Kate was now completely naked on the bed with the Japanese man. 'what the hell am I doing!' she thought.

As soon as Kate was back on her front, Endo immediately started rubbing up and down her body. Kate felt great. Almost glad she was naked to receive a proper full body massage, although now it was 13:45 and she needed to get moving soon.

Endo applied more oil to her back and legs. Kate continued to purr with approval. She knew she had to leave soon but she couldn't. This massage was too good.

Endo then started rubbing her ass with oil. Kate was shocked inside but didn't say anything. The ass massage was that good that she just couldn't protest. She could feel her ass wobbling as Endo shook her thighs. 'oh my god, this is amaxing' she moaned slowly.

Unbeknownst to her, Endo was grinning like a Cheshire cat. He knew what he was doing.

He went back to massaging her thighs, running his hands down the inner sides of Kate's legs. Suddenly with one of the strokes he runs all the way up her right leg makes slight contact with Kate's trimmed pubic hair and outer pussy lips, taking her by surprise.

'Ermmm, you shouldn't be touching down there. I appreciate the free massage and everything but that is too much. I'm a married woman' Kate responded as she tried to move Endo's hand but she knew she wasn't trying hard to push it away.

'Now, I can also help you with your belly, turn around and lie on your back' Endo proposed.

'Does he really expect me, a married woman to lie on my back exposing my breasts and the rest of my naked body!?' Kate thought.

'No I cannot do that, I'm sorry. Mark wouldn't want me to do this' Kate said with a sad but firm tone.

'No, no trust me, I can help you. This is a proper Japanese massage. I can help you with your period'. Endo claimed.

'I don't have to tell Mark about this' she thought. Kate already felt guilty with lying on a bed naked being massaged by another man.

'Ok, one second', Kate turned over clockwise using her right arm to cover her big breasts. Once she was on her back her right arm remained over her breasts and her left hand covered her pussy.

'Trust me, you don't need to cover your breasts, just relax' Endo again attempted to reassure the married MILF that she should relax.

Endo quickly lifted himself into the bed moving over Kate, resting his knees either side of her hips, lightly resting his bottom on her thighs. This startled the fully naked wife. 'what are you doin', Endo cut her off, 'I need good angle for you belly, trust me'.

He began to massage her belly and sides slowly nudging Kate's arm from her belly and to her side while her other arm remained desperately clutched to her large breasts.

Underneath where Endo knelt, Kate's pussy was now exposed but it was slightly comforting to her that he wouldn't see it while he stayed in that position.

Following some rubbing and squeezing of Kate's belly and sides, Endo's attention now moved towards her large breasts. Slowly, but with some pressure he started to massage her ribs, repeatedly moving up and down.

'Wow, this is actually quite good' Kate thought. She closed her eyes for the next 2 minutes or so while Endo continued massaging her ribs, just below her breasts.

'Ok, now I do your chest' announced Endo. 'Ermm' Kate hummed as Endo grabbed her wrist slowly pulling her arm away from her large breasts, exposing them fully.

'This isn't right, my husband...' Endo cut her off again, 'trust me, trust me, this is a real Japanese massage, you will like this'. When it came to reassuring Kate, Endo wasn't succeeding. Kate knew this was all wrong. Endo climbed off the bed fully exposing the naked wife on the bed. Kate turned to look at the clock while Endo was at the cupboard. 'Damn it I is now 2pm!!, I have to get my shopping started,' she thought.

'Look, I have to go now, can you pass me my clothes please?' Kate asked, sounding a little uneasy.

'No please no, stay calm, 2 more minutes of your time please'. Endo rushed back to the bed with another bottle of massage oil in one hand. 'Ok, just two more minutes' sighed Kate.

Kate knew she had to go, knew this was completely wrong but part of her was curious about what Endo had in store for her chest.

Endo moved alongside Kate, held out the massage bottle over her breasts giving it a light squeeze, squirting the oil out onto each large breast and her nipples. 'Ohh' moaned Kate with some surprise. The oil provided a slight chill. 'Was he aiming for my nipples?' thought Kate. If he was he had great accuracy.


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