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How to Get a Job at Fucking


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So, right now, I was lying on a beach in Brazil, my hot body getting perfectly sun-kissed. I was topless, hoping to give my tits the tan they deserved. I had a powder blue thong barely covering my lower half, fitting right in with all the Brazilian sluts strolling down the beach, looking positively filthy. I looked down, seeing some good color on my chest, so I opted to turn back over onto my belly. I lied there, getting a tan, waiting for my man to return.

I spied Paul approaching, looking sexy, his tanned upper half looking better than ever, and his stylish board shorts helping him fit right in on the beach. I got up on my elbows, glancing at my nails as I felt him approach. My lower legs were pointed upward, kicking up in the air lightly as I lied here. I smiled as I felt his lips kissing up my leg and up to my round butt, focusing on my exposed ass for a few moments. Paul loved the thongs I wore. He couldn't get enough. Like I told Andrea, he had REALLLY been on my ass lately. He kissed up my back before reaching my ear.

"I could ravage you right now," he growled, causing me to shiver. I turned and gave him a soft kiss.

"Your wife called," I reported, causing him to sigh.

"Did she suspect anything?" he asked.

"Your wife... ha! I don't think so!" I replied, causing him to laugh. It was true. She was pretty fucking dumb. It couldn't be more obvious me and Paul were fucking, but she didn't catch onto a thing. She called so many times to the office while I was working my magic. He would talk to his wife while balls deep in my tight cunt, barely able to cover his grunts. I would chat to Andrea while her husband was lovingly rimming my ass. And I had fucked Paul at his house as well, in his home office, and his dumb wife didn't ask any questions when me and her husband spent an hour locked away together. She had fucking cooked me dinner, helping me recover after draining her husband's balls, not noticing her husband's wandering eyes staring into my cleavage, not noticing my foot under the table, teasing him, making him hard for me again. I had stolen her man, and she loved me. She thought of me as a friend now, with no idea I had been fucking her man. She trusted me to take care of Paul and do good work, and boy was I doing a good job. I laughed to myself. In the four months I had been working with Paul, with all the travel we were doing, all the hard work, I probably spent more nights in bed with him than his wife did. Paul clearly valued his work wife more than his actual wife.

I knew at this point he was more my man than hers. I had changed him to the point where he got off as much as I did on sneaking around behind his wife's back, humiliating her in the process. One night, after him and his wife had been away at some family function, he called me late at night, just before him and his wife were going to bed. They had been so busy that they hadn't had much in the way of private time together, so one they got home, sex was on the table. Finding that an unappealing prospect, he had me sneak into the house, into the bathroom, where I proceeded to drain his balls into my tight, waiting cunt. He gave me a loving kiss, and I knew that he wanted to make sure he gave me his best, and leave whatever was left for his wife.

Andrea never caught on, and we were too hot for each other that we weren't as secretive as we could have been. I fucked him on his marital bed SO many times, and for a moment, it almost felt like I was actually his wife, and for a slut like me who had never really considered settling down, I found the idea surprisingly appealing. Whenever I was around Andrea, I would find myself eyeing that expensive ring on her finger.

But like I said, even though we were pretty sloppy in covering our tracks, Andrea never figured it out. I had a bad habit of losing my underwear whenever I spent time at his home, but Andrea never seemed to find any of them. And, oh... OH YEAH! The absolute best part was that Andrea, this smart, brilliant, educated woman never caught on... but her housekeeper did. Rosa wasn't exactly a keen, brilliant mind, but she clearly wasn't completely clueless. Whenever I'd visit, she'd give me dirty looks, and it became clear to me that she had figured it out. That she knew exactly what me and Paul were doing together. Knowing this could be a complication, I had to think fast, and I had come to an absolutely brilliant solution.

So, yeah, me and Paul had a threesome with Rosa. I know, right? Crazy! And honestly... it was pretty fucking good. Yeah, Rosa was an older woman, in her forties, and she was a bit thick, but she had a nice body. It was certainly better than Andrea's, as she carried a big round ass and a pair of DD's, and she was actually pretty good looking. Paul had been a bit hesitant about this plan, and Rosa seemed a bit freaked out at first, but once she cooled down, and me and Paul talked her out of her clothes, she warmed up fast. And I have to say, she was surprisingly good. She had curves, sure, but she knew how to work it, and with the fervor she began riding Paul's cock, it became clear that this was something she had wanted to do for a very, very long time. Paul really got into it too, and by the end, Paul and Rosa were flat out going at it! It was fucking hot, an absolute blast to watch. Sweat from her thick, juicy body was seeping into the bedsheets as she was energetically drilled by her employer's hard cock. And the moment when Paul filled her grasping, loving cunt with his thick seed, she was officially on our side, and not on Andrea's. I think, like us, she took pride on getting one over on the naïve woman of the house.

And having Rosa helping us out proved useful, as she was happy to help cover our tracks, preventing Andrea from catching on, in exchange for the occasional helping of thick married cock, which Paul was happy to oblige. When Paul and I were fucking in his home office, Rosa would keep Andrea distracted. When Paul and I would leave the bedsheets an absolute mess, Rosa would dutifully wash them, except, of course, Andrea's pillowcase, which would be left as is, soaked from the sweat of my ass, the juices from my cunt, and the cum from her husband's dick. All of us thoroughly enjoyed the fact that poor, naïve Andrea would rest her head on this evidence of her husband's betrayal and be none the wiser. We all loved rubbing it in her face. Whenever I had to chat up Andrea when I was over at their place, I would look over her shoulder and see Paul feeling up Rosa, squeezing her big boobs, showing his appreciation for all her hard work. This was the guy I had turned Paul into. A guy who fucks his forty-something housekeeper to make sure his wife doesn't catch on to his indecent affair. I had truly drawn Paul down to my level. I loved it!

I was drawn back to my current state, lying hear on the beach, Andrea's husband's hands touching my body. Mmmmm, all these happy memories, plus Paul's loving touch, were making me very wet. I swear I was gonna soak through my fucking thong.

"Did you forget my drink?" I asked, looking up at Paul.

"You know I can't do that..." he said with a laugh, sliding down next to me, putting his arm over me and pulling me into him. I was now on my side as he spooned up behind me, the intimate position we often ended up in when we slept together. His hand slid over my breasts, squeezing them lightly before sliding down to my belly, sliding against the small baby bump forming there.

"Feel your baby, Paul..." I sighed, "Feel the child you put in your slut's belly." Paul felt my pregnant belly up, as he loved to do. I could feel how hard his massive cock was getting against my ass.

"I could take you here..." he whispered, kissing my ear.

"Sounds good to me..." I sighed, my nipples tightening.

"Let's go back to the room," he growled. "I can't wait another minute." I turned to look at him.

"You got it boss."

Paul led me down the sandy beach towards our hotel, his hand around my hips. His eyes barely left my bouncing, rippling tits as I sashayed down the beach, looking to all outsiders like the beautiful, happy, sexy couple. And in this sea of beautiful bodies, all eyes were seemingly on me. These gorgeous men, these sexy Brazilian women... it seemed as if none of them could keep their eyes off my bouncing tits. I was the center of attention, as I should be.

Any annoyance I had once felt for Paul had been totally replaced with lust. Attraction. He had acknowledged his act, kept it up for others, but only I knew his secret. His true self. He had given everything up for me. He had bent his whole life backwards for me. I dare say he was obsessed with his little slut. And that obsession was mutual. I couldn't get enough of him. He was the best, dirtiest, most sexy boyfriend I could ever ask for. My lust for him had been well founded and it was paying off in spades.

Like I said, Paul and I were a dangerous team. When we were together, we could do some damage, as the bed in our executive suite could attest. I could see the future now. In a few years, at the rate Paul was climbing, the company would be his, and I would be by his side. A multi-million dollar company run by my man. The man who I controlled. The man who was obsessed with me, and would give me whatever I wanted. So much power. So much money. So much sex. And it was all mine. It would all be mine.

Cause even though the company would be under his guidance, it would be me who was truly in charge. I loved the sound of that. I had shown a clear aptitude for how business should be done, and the company would benefit from my wisdom. We'd have to push out the old guard first, including Paul's father-in-law, the big boss. I could be patient, and wait, but when the time came, I expected Paul to willingly and brutally push his father-in-law out of his own company. And maybe, just maybe, if we'd had enough fun at Andrea's expense by that point, we might finally push her out of the picture too. And then it'd be me and Paul, together on top, King and Queen, where we belonged.

I'm pretty sure my juices were dripping down my leg at this point.

The thought of making all the rules, being totally in charge, was absolutely intoxicating. When I'm in charge, I'll give this company the face-lift it needs. I will modernize our practices. I would stock our bullpen full of sluts like me, because as I've made clear, real business is conducted between the sheets, and we needed the best and brightest young sluts working for us. We would scour the best colleges, the Ivy League schools, the local bars and strip clubs, wherever. If there was a good slut on the market, she needed to be on our payroll. And I had already begun this process, making a few phone calls, recommending a few of my skanky friends for some cushy, corporate positions. And plus, our international contacts, women we've won over, like Carolina, I could see all of them happily playing ball with us. This company's hopes and profit margins were riding on my hot ass, and the sky was limitless.

I was finally getting the life I deserved. As I felt Paul's arm around me, and his child growing in my belly, my bank account overflowing with cash... I couldn't have possibly been more satisfied. I was completely and utterly content.

My future was looking bright.


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AmbulAmbul3 months ago

This is an incredibly erotic and compelling story. I love Tori’s big tits and hot body and the descriptions that show in detail how she uses her body to seduce Paul. I also was very taken with her brains and quicks thinking to plan a seduction that could not fail. Fascinating character. She got exactly what she deserved, lucky gal!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well if you think that Anonymous, I doubt you have read any other Thetalkman stories!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My headcanon is that a few years from now Tori genuinely falls in love with Andrea, they both ditch Paul and Tori helps her loosen up, Paul desperately tries to seduce either of them back but this time it doesn't work and he's just humiliated

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I have been reading your stories since the very beginning and this is my first comment. IMHO you write the hottest sex on the whole site and this is the best of all of those excellent stories.

However I would like to offer some constructive criticism. The comments about the repetition of sentences is, for me, a valid criticism, although I do think you have improved a great deal in this respect over the years. Sometimes, when reading your stories, I think of a line in the Holy Hand Grenade scene, in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (3 shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be 3).

WRT this story in particular (and GG's like in Maggie), I think the breaking into his house is a bit too weird and would be a complete turnoff to the recipient. The story would have been better without this scene in my opinion. I had a go at editing this story down and by my estimate it could have been about 11 pages in length, even with the stalker stuff included. Just by removing the repeated sentences I think it flowed much better.

At the point where Paul has his hand on the door handle and is about to leave, is it pure chance that the cleaners arrive and allow Tori to continue her seduction? Is it chance that her interview is the last of the day? Is it chance that Paul has had a busy schedule and not been with his wife recently? I think it would have been even better if you had written Tori as even more devious, manipulating events and leaving nothing to chance. She had seduced Paul's former assistant Edwin. Being his assistant, he probably arranged Paul's full schedule. Maybe Tori could have been behind Edwin having purposely arranged Paul's busy week, to keep him away from his wife, in the lead up to her interview. She could have coerced Edwin into arranging her interview for the last in the day, knowing when the cleaners would be arriving and timing her presentation to trap Paul in the room. She could have forced Edwin to make Paul a Viagra laced coffee, just before her interview, as his final act before leaving the company (or made it herself and given it to Paul at the start of the interview, showing what a good assistant she could be)! Maybe she did have Edwin manipulate the interview/Paul's schedule, but it is never stated in the story.

Please don't take offence to what I have written, it is meant to be constructive and to hopefully make your stories even better in the future!!

Final unrelated question. I was wondering if your Deerberg stories are in the same Universe as your Crow/Phillips stories?

P.s. I have a story concept for you. I was reading about the recent NFL draft on the BBC (/ I'm British btw) and the young married Quarterback who was number 1 pick. The article seemed like the start of a Thetalkman story to me Lol. I know you write about fictional characters. I am thinking you could use his personality traits/character/story as a starting idea.

Kind regards

kinked_a_bitkinked_a_bitover 2 years ago
Typical Talk Man story...

1) It follows the formula.

2) It's repetitively repetitiously redundantly repetitive.

3) It's fun!

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