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Younger, Tighter, Better

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Woman brings in porn to spice up her marriage...bad idea!
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(This story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author's consent. For fans of my stories, they know what kinds of things to expect. This story deals with similar themes as the stories by wannabeboytoy, seducedHylas, and Dark Betrayal, namely cheating, betrayal, and heartbreak. If stuff like that isn't your cup of tea, then you probably shouldn't bother reading it. I do not condone any of the actions within this story in real life. This is just a story. Enjoy.)


Diana Prentiss felt a thrill go through her as she and her husband entered the porn store.

Diana prided herself on the fact that she was no prude. She knew what she was doing in the bedroom, and she was happy to experiment. She was not ashamed of her sexual drive and she was open about the fact that she loved to masturbate, and watch porno, and use toys on herself. Diana was clearly a very open, honest and genuine person, a free spirit.

She couldn't quite be fit into a single category. Looking at her slim frame, her long, slightly curly brown hair, and her manner of dress, some might see her as more of a hippie chick. Sometimes, she would wear long, flowing dresses, or thin, almost retro blouses. Some days she would be wearing corduroy pants and some t-shirts with a band's name and logo on them. Some days, she would wear thin, flattering jeans and a simple, pretty top. You never knew what you got with her, and because of that, you would write her off as a hippie or a hipster. You would think she was the type that was a non-conformist, someone who doesn't abide by the barriers of what 'the man' tells her to do. You might imagine her stubbornly choosing a way of life simply to not go along with the masses.

But she wasn't so simple. She was a fiercely-intelligent, college-educated woman. She had a Masters in education, and she taught first-graders for a living. Despite her appearance, she was a total professional. She was good at her job and didn't let her free-spirit ways stand in the way of living a relatively normal life and working a good job. She was a free-spirit, she wasn't naïve.

Diana was also very pretty. There was a certain relatability to her beauty. She wasn't a model, but there was something about her that was eye-catching. The more you knew her, the more attractive she became. Through her positive spirit, her elegance, un-showy prettiness, her fit body, it didn't take long to find her appealing. She wasn't the type to beat you over the head with her looks, but she was no slouch. She was fit, she a cute butt and her boobs, although on the smaller side, really fit the total package and suited her. A giant, bulbous rack wouldn't fit her trim frame. Her B cups did just fine. Her husband would certainly agree.

Evan Prentiss was seemingly an odd match for Diana. While she was more the free-spirit, he seemed more like a straight arrow. While his wife dressed in airy, comfortable clothing, he would be in dress clothes for work at his office job. They were a practice in contrasts. And somehow, they just clicked. Diana saw something in him from the start. They met at a party in college. Diana sensed there that although he seemed so well put-together, there was an animal inside, waiting to be unleashed. He was very nice and the perfect gentleman, a boy next door, but Diana sensed he had potential in the bedroom.

She was right.

Diana pressed the normally shy Evan, pulling him out of his shell. He was extremely cute, his face very boyish, and his hair just unkempt enough to show he had a slight bit of a fun side. It took some prodding on her part, some hard work over the course of a few dates, but Diana unleashed the man inside of him.

Evan was typically so kind, respectful, and soft-spoken. But Diana had brought out his nasty side. She had seen his boyish face tightened with lust. She had seen his firm muscles flexing and writhing. She had heard his kind voice transformed into one of a demanding, lusty man. Out of the bedroom, he was still the kind, gentle Evan. But in the bedroom, as time went on, Diana brought him out of his shell more and more.

That's what led them to "Lace and Leather Adult Superstore."

It was the natural progression. Diana had been Evan's first real major girlfriend, and like the good young man he was, he put a ring on her finger. They had been married for a few years now. Both were 29, and things were great. They lived a comfortable life, and they were still very much in love. Their sex life was still going strong, as Diana made sure to keep evolving their bedroom antics, trying new things at every opportunity to prevent things from stagnating. Both of them enjoyed the action, and Diana was always happy to keep things fresh and interesting. Evan was very good in bed and as time went on he only got better. Diana knew that if she kept pushing, she could make him the real lustful, sexual animal she saw inside of him. That was the Evan she craved having.

Porn was the ticket to get there.

Diana had been excited to discover the porno shop in town. Despite her free-spirited nature, she had never actually been to an adult store. So as soon as she got the opportunity, she dragged the slightly anxious Evan to "Leather and Lace."

He was so cute when he was nervous, Diana thought. Despite their bedroom antics, outside of the bedroom, in the real world, he was still very much restrained and guarded. So, while for a girl like her, going to a porno shop was an exciting proposition, it was the last place a guy like Evan wanted to be caught in. But he was a good husband and complied, going along with his wife in her plan. Diana giggled at his nervousness.

She loved to make him squirm.

As they entered the store, both of them reacted. Diana looked around with wide eyes, while Evan blushed. Diana smiled as she saw the racks of DVDs, the sex toys hanging from the walls, and the sexy outfits hanging on the displays. It was a big store and there was a lot of content to take in. And that wasn't counting the girl behind the counter, the only other occupant in the store.

Diana took a look at this girl. And she was a girl, maybe 19 or so, surprisingly young to work at a shop like this. But taking a look at her made you realize she was the type of girl who would work at a porno store. She was a redhead, her hair chopped short, laying in layers on her head, barely grazing her shoulders. Her skin was pale and creamy, like porcelain. This girl was eyeing the happy couple, her eyes strikingly green as she flicked through a magazine, some violet eye shadow complimenting her look. She had a lip ring through her plump, lower lip, and each of her ears had multiple piercings. Diana guessed she had a few other piercings that couldn't be seen. The girl was wearing a tight, thin off-white cotton blouse with a colored, patterned design repeating all over it, clinging to her body and highlighting her absolutely enormous rack.

Diana was surprised to see a girl that young with breasts that big. They were just huge. Diana had never seen boobs this big. She contemplated if they were fake, but judging by their perkiness and full, round shape, she surmised those massive jugs were indeed very real. All natural. They were ripe, juicy melons. And judging by the thinness of her top, and the slight indentations from her nipples, this young woman was bra-less. Diana couldn't help but feel a bit inadequate, this woman ten years her junior had breasts maybe four times bigger than hers.

Down below, the girl had a leather skirt down to just above her knees, clinging to her thighs and full, round ass. She also wore thick, chunky black combat boots, making it clear she was one of those emo type girls. A girl like Diana was not afraid to accept the beauty of another woman, and despite some of her more extreme clothing choices, it was clear this young woman was very attractive. She wasn't crazy fit or anything like that, the girl definitely had curves, but the look worked for her.

The girl looked at the happy couple lazily as they entered the store. She glanced at them for a few moments before returning her attention to her magazine, not feeling the urge to help the new customers in her store.

"Jeez." Evan said, nervously, head slightly hunched, as if not wanting to be caught.

"Evan, you're not gonna get in trouble. This is a big city. No one you know is gonna catch ya." Diana said.

"I know, it's just... it's just weird to be here." Evan said.

"C'mon hon, don't be nervous. Loosen up." Diana said, reassuring her husband, rubbing his shoulders.

"If my folks could see me now." Evan said quietly to himself.

Evan came from a very conservative background. His parents were very strict in certain ways, both religiously and politically conservative. His house was filled with their political rhetoric, convincing the young man that their beliefs were correct, that they were always in the right. His folks would take him to church every Sunday, and would make sure he lived a life that fell in line with their beliefs. They didn't allow him to date for a long time, and they kinda jammed it into his head that his sexual needs were something he should be able to control. So for a long time, he felt ashamed whenever he pleasured himself, as if it were a failure, a sign of weakness in him.

Despite how that might sound, they were actually really good parents. They loved him and they always took good care of him, but Evan never quite felt like he belonged. He never really enjoyed and believed in the way of life they tried to fit him into. As he got older and understood the world a bit more, he realized this way of life seemed so... restrictive. He didn't want to be so bottled up and guarded.

Once he left home and went to college, he knew this was the time to loosen up. But, his upbringing had done a number on him, and he found it hard to be like his peers, to just let go and be stupid. He was ready to open up, but he found it hard.

Then he met Diana.

Diana was a free-spirit. She sensed something in him, and she had coaxed him along, bringing him out of his shell. She was the best thing that had happened to him. With her, he felt free. Free to be open and to express himself. To say and do things his parents would never let him say and do. Sure, he still felt a bit nervous about some racier topics, but Diana was always there to push him, force him out of his comfort zone. That's what led him to be standing in a porn shop.

These sights and sounds were unfamiliar to the 29 year old married man. Unlike most of his peers, he had never really gotten into porn or anything like that. Seeing all this erotic imagery, presented so brazenly, was a new experience for him. But not Diana.

She knew her way around the world of sex. She was far more checked in than he ever was. So as they entered and looked around, Evan stuck near her like lost puppy.

"C'mon hon." Diana urged. "Look around. Pick out something that YOU want. No judgment. Just look around and pick a movie out."

"Uh... okay." Evan said nervously, being thrown into the deep end. Evan and Diana parted, splitting up to canvas the store.

Evan was awash in sexual imagery. He saw racks of thin, sexy lingerie. He saw walls filled with sex related items, like lube and body oil. But what caught his eye were the racks and racks of porno DVDs.

There was a little of everything. He saw images of exposed, bare gigantic breasts. He saw pictures of dolled-up sluts, young and old. He saw images of excessively large penises of all shapes and sizes. He saw porn of every category. MILF. Teen. Lesbian. BDSM. Interracial. Cheating Wives. It was a festival for the senses.

Diana strolled through the place casually, glancing lazily at some stuff that caught her eye. She checked out the back of some DVD cases, and eyed the sex toys on the wall. Even for an opened minded girl like Diana, some of these toys looked rather... extreme. Obscenely large dildos, like, the size of an arm, hung on the walls. Some looked large but more manageable, like some of those eight or ten inchers. That was the sweet spot, Diana thought. Evan measured up at nine inches and that was more than enough for her. Any bigger would just be uncomfortable, she thought. She glanced to the side at some of those foot-long monster black rubber dongs, and she couldn't even comprehend trying to fit one of those inside of her.

Diana eyed some of the vibrators over the counter, when the cashier looked up at her again.

"Looking for anything in particular?" the girl said lazily.

"Oh, uh, no, just sorta browsing." Diana said amiably. She glanced across the store towards her husband, who was still browsing the shelves. "Just looking to, you know, spice things up a bit."

"Oh, I see." the girl said, standing up straight, pulling her elbows off the counter. "You looking for some movies?"

"Uh, yeah, I think so. Nothing too extreme, but something still pretty hot." Diana said.

"Are you looking for something romantic, or something a bit... filthy?" the girl asked.

"I would definitely prefer something more nasty. I don't watch porn looking for romance." Diana replied. The girl smiled.

"Agreed." she replied. "Well..." she began, rubbing her head in thought. "We have some good stuff here. What's your poison?"

"What do you mean?" Diana asked.

"Do you want movies with, like, a third person? Another dude or another chick." The girl offered.

"Oh, uh, no, I don't that's what either of us want." Diana replied.

"So, one on one stuff, I see. Do you want to watch, like, big tits, or... like, two chicks hooking up? Do you want to see something with, like, anal, or rough sex?" the store worker asked casually.

"Um, well..." Diana said, a bit taken aback at talking with a stranger about this subject matter. It almost felt like she was letting this girl into their sex life a bit. "I don't want to see, like, whips and leather, but yeah, it doesn't need to be gentle. I don't mind seeing some hot chicks getting their brains fucked out by some built dudes."

"Who does mind that??" The girl said agreeably with a wry smile. "Luckily, for that, there is a wide selection."

"Any recommendations?" I asked.

"Well, I would go with this brand, Lust Unlimited. They're a big brand, and they have a wide selection. But most of it is really just straight up, you know, chicks with big tits getting fucked by guys with huge dicks, which is all you really need, right?" the girl said.

"Right." Diana confirmed.

"I would take this one." the girl said, grabbing a movie off the shelf. "Big Tit Bitches Like it Rough 3. It's, like you said, nothing too extreme, but it's that good hard stuff we all like, right. I've watched it, and it's great. A good collection of scenes. It gets my personal, Jade Carlisle, seal of approval."

"Okay," Diana said, grabbing the DVD and scanning the cover, seeing a few, sexy porn sluts on the cover. "I'll give it a shot."

"You won't regret it." the young girl, Jade, said. As she said this, Evan turned the corner, a DVD in his hand.

"What'd you get?" Diana asked.

"Oh, uh..." he stammered nervously. She looked down at it. The title was 'Next Door Sluts Need it Bad 4'. On the cover were some younger sluts, bursting out of their supposedly conservative clothing. His wife looked up at him. "They are next door sluts, and it looks like they might, you know, need it bad." he justified.

"Okay. Looks good." Diana said warmly to her husband, approving of the porn he had picked out. Jade really took in Evan for the first time, letting her eyes scan over him. Diana was focused on Evan's nervous face, so she didn't notice the lust in the younger girl's eyes.

"Oh, that's a good choice." Jade spoke up. Evan turned to look at her, and Diana could sense the surprise in his eyes. Evan had probably rarely dealt with girls like her, with such a specific and unique look. A mixture of innocence, with her clingy, simple white top, and filthiness, with her leather skirt, combat boots, and many piercings. She was a sight that Evan had never seen before. So when he looked at her with wide eyes, she understood why. Diana was amused at how nervous this young woman seemed to make him.

"Oh... uh... thanks." he stammered.

"I tell you what... since you guys are such a cute couple, I'll throw in a third DVD for free. This one is called 'Illicit Encounters 5'. It's... super hot! If you like that one," she said, pointing at Evan's DVD, "'ll LOVE this one."

"Oh! Cool." Diana said, walking over to the counter.

"So, if you guys find something you like in these... come back and tell me about it. This place has it all. I can give you exactly the thing you're looking for." Jade said as she rung up the happy couple.

"Okay, sounds good." Diana replied. As they paid and got everything bagged up, they turned and left.

"Hope to see you again!" Jade called out. As they left the store, Diana spoke up.

"What a sweet, nice young girl." Diana said knowingly.

"Jeez, Di." Evan began. "If I met that girl when I was her age... I would have been terrified of her."

"Hon, you were terrified of her now." Diana said, pulling him in close as he smiled.


Diana re-entered the porn store about a week later, alone this time. Within the past week, the happy couple watched all three DVDs they bought at the store. And because of what occurred during those viewings, Diana re-entered the store a bit more tentative than she had before.

The goal of buying this porn and bringing it into the bedroom was to spice things up. Diana liked good sex, and even though they had been married for a few years now, Evan was still a bit tentative at times. Diana sensed that he was still holding back, unsure if he should really let loose. Diana sensed there was a real, true sexual dynamo being held back, and she wanted to bring it to the surface. She had always sensed that within him, something that had been so buried by his conservative upbringing that he was terrified to bring it to the surface. She loved seeing those flashes of the animal within him. She loved being the one capable of bringing that out in him.

He was extremely handsome and pretty fit. He had a good job and brought in good money. He was kind, and smart, and good-hearted, but he was so reserved and guarded that many other women looked past him. He didn't let himself stand out, even though he was a total catch. But Diana looked deeper. She saw past his reserved nature. She saw what a catch he was, but he didn't. She wanted him to live up to his potential, to be unafraid of being himself. To not be tentative, both in life and in the bedroom.

So in that sense, the porn had begun to work.

They had let themselves get hot and bothered watching the nastiness contained within those DVDs. They had started with the DVD she had picked out. Contained were a few scenes of various, big-boobed sluts taking dick in whatever contrived scenarios they were directed to. It was good, but the focus was on these porn sluts' huge boobs. The men in the scenes would worship their huge tits, squeezing them, sucking them, fucking them, drowning their faces in softness.

Diana and Evan tried to replicate some of the things they saw in the movies, but some of the boob stuff were things Diana simply wasn't physically capable of replicating. Evan did his best, sucking at her sensitive nipples, squeezing what he could, but he couldn't fuck her tits like he saw in the movie. But the good thing was that it seemed like watching this movie really turned him on, and he was a bit more lusty in this encounter than he typically was. Diana was happy with that, not letting any self-consciousness about her smaller breasts get in the way of the pleasure Evan gave her with his sizable, nine-inch cock.

The next movie caused Diana a slight level of concern. It was the movie Evan picked out, the Next Door Sluts one. Diana imagined this as being a movie about innocent young women having gentle encounters with their partner. She couldn't have been farther off. It was essentially younger porn sluts in innocent clothing, acting all innocent, but clearly horny and gagging for sex. They would be all teasing and girly, but their monumental chests would be bursting from their tops, their round asses hanging out of their shorts.


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