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How To Talk Dirty To Your Lover

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The keys to open up some pretty wild doors
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After writing Blowjobs for Dummies and How to Eat Pussy Like a Champ, these ‘How To’ articles are becoming habit forming for me! However, I’ve received some of the most wonderful, kindest feedback that a writer could ever ask for, and I’m grateful.

One thing I’ve been asked to write about – very often – is talking dirty. The kind of erotic talk that heats things up in bed – on the floor, over the kitchen sink – wherever.

I do understand the fascination with it. Hearing is of course one the five senses, and along with sight, touch, smell and taste, can add to the excitement and enjoyment of having sex. If you’re into it, dirty talk – and mind you I don’t think it’s dirty at all – can make good sex better, and great sex down right memorable.

In the classic porn film, "Talk Dirty To Me," starring the incomparable John Leslie, his dirty talk drives women absolutely wild. They’re out of control, fucking and sucking him, without really even knowing why. It turns them on so much that even though they don’t originally want him, they can’t help themselves. Does itreally work this way? With the right people and done properly, I believe it can. So read on.

First, I need to point out that although I’ve had my share of experience, I don’t hold myself out as an ‘expert.’ Then again, is there a degree one can get for dirty erotic talk? I haven’t seen it in any of the adult evening classes at the local college. Like anyone else, my experience has been through personal trial and error, reading and hearing an awful lot of suggestions from literotica readers and sexual addicts such as myself and being a devout student of erotic human behavior. So I guess, in a sense, I’m as much of an expert as anyone else.

By the way, you’ll notice I call it dirty ‘erotic’ talk. In the future I’ll just try and shorten it to dirty talk. It’s just that here in NJ, you hear dirty talk on the radio, at the deli, and especially in traffic, along with dirty gestures. None of it is erotic. At least I don’t think it’ssupposed to be, unless "that wasmy parking spot, you motherfucker" turns you on.

Before we get started, a quick mission statement. Why this article? Done right, talking dirty to your lover can be a powerful aphrodisiac. It can bring out hidden desires and fantasies in both men and women. It can be hot – oh man, you have no idea how hot – and add an aspect to sex that kicks it up several notches. I promise. The rules are, there are no rules. But I have some suggestions and observations that can get you on the right track and get you going. After that, it’s up to you my friends. You don’t want me there as a coach…

What is dirty talk anyway? What is considered dirty? Is it, "mmm, that feels so good," or "get on your knees and suck my cock you whore." The answer is – both, depending on who’s talking and who’s listening. One person’s dirty is another’s mild. To yet another person, it’s downright perverted and filthy. This is important to keep in mind.

On one end of the spectrum, you have sex so silent that it could qualify for a covert operation behind enemy lines. I think there are some concrete reasons for this speechless sex. A) Either one or both of the parties feels uncomfortable or embarrassed about sex. B) Either one or both of the parties feels uncomfortable or embarrassed about any talking during sex because of upbringing, religious beliefs or what have you. C) There is a high level of inexperience. D) Nobody knows what to say or how to get started.

The remarkable thing about it, which always perplexes me, it that some of these men whose mouths are sewn shut during sex won’t stop talking during a sporting event. Their excitement is overwhelming. They yell, scream and jump up and down when a touchdown is scored or a home run hit. And some of the women just won’t get off the phone with their friends and family. But get them in bed – wham – you shut them right up.
The middle ground would consist of some moaning and groaning, perhaps a little, "yes" or "that feels good" here and there. These people clearly enjoy sex, and may benefit from this article the most, but don’t want to or know how to take it to the next level.

The other end of the spectrum, God bless it, is when the lady expresses herself in a dignified manner such as, "I want to suck your cock like a ten dollar whore," and the man replies "That’s right, baby, I want to taste the juices flowing from your cunt." It’s hot, tasty, salty sex. My favorite kind, I’d like to add!

Any or all of these variations are fine, as long as the people involved are satisfied. And if you want to get on this train, if you’ve been looking for a way to add that extra ingredient to augment your sex life, read on.

Dodger’s manager Tommy Lasorda was once asked, "Did you ever think in your wildest dreams that you’d be in the World Series?" and replied "My wildest dreams have nothing to do with baseball." Well put.

The point is that if your girl asks you to "talk dirty" to them and you say, "Fuck me hard and long, I want to cum on your face, you slut," she mayfreak because what she expected to hear was "I can’t wait to be inside you." If she says "suck my cunt lips until I scream your name, I want to be your cock whore," he may be shocked, because tohim, dirty is, "Do me, honey." In either case, expectation is far from reality and may be embarrassing enough to prevent either one from ever trying to talk dirty again.

Obviously, it would be better to have some idea of what the other person would like to hear before you say "I’m gonna spank your nasty ass ‘til you squeal like a pig" to a monastery candidate. Before you begin to talk dirty to your lover, ask yourself, what kind of a person are they? Are they easily offended by harsh language or do they swear like a truck driver (no offense)? Do they appear to be open minded in other ways, about oral sex or different positions for example? How do they like their sex? Fast, furious and balls to the walls, or slow and tender? This can at least give you some kind of gauge where to start experimenting.

Warning - do not judge a book by its cover. I’ve known some girls who were demure and seemingly innocent at work or school. But once the passions of desire had been stoked – they played with live ammo - pass the Vaseline, duct tape and batteries, we’re having a party!

If your adventures in talking dirty start with your lover asking you to do it, ask them what they have in mind, what they’d like you to say. If this is too embarrassing for them, ask them to write it down. I’ve always been more comfortable writing than saying it, too. I once knew a girl, wonder where she is now, who would leave me little notes in private places telling me what she wanted to do to me. It was a different kind of dirty talk, sure, but it got me fired up all right. More on that later.

You can always start out slow. No one expects to go from silence to waking the neighbors with your screams in just one night. It would seem too labored, too artificial as well. I believe it would be more natural to begin with light fare, such as "yeah, that feelsreally good." One of my absolute favorites is the simple, elegant and unfailingly hot, "Oh God." You don’t get an "Oh God" unless your doing really well. Maybe an "Oh," possibly an "Oh my," but when you get a nod the to Big Guy, you’re on the right track.

Once you start out slow and comfortable, see how that goes, where it takes you, and decide to move on or not. If you are the instigator, it usually follows that you begin the dirty talk, and your lover gets the idea. If they don’t, try asking them questions which will prompt a response, such as "How does that feel baby, is that good?" Or, "Do you like it when I do that?" Again, if you like the idea of dirty talk and want to make it a regular part of your sexual behavior, it’s far better to start slow, even though you may want to blurt out, "Your cock is so big I feel like I’m being fucked by a horse," which I don’t hear often enough for some strange reason beyond my comprehension," or even, "spread those ass cheeks wide, doctor enema is coming in for a landing." Outrageously dirty talk is wild fun, and can spice the hell out of a sexual liaison, but it can truly turn off the uninitiated, so be cautious at first.

Which brings me to another very important issue. What you do in the bedroomstays in the bedroom. It may be OK for you to call her ‘your slut whore’ when you’re fucking, or for her to call you her daddy (oh baby!), but not back I the real world. You dothat and you’ll spoil your bedroom fun in the long run. Unless your lover likes it, leave it in bed. She may want to be treated like a naughty little girl who likes to be punished in bed, tied up, blindfolded, whip out the vibrator and…don’t get me started, but you should separate fantasy from reality.

Just to clarify a little further though, when I say keep it in bed, I mean keep it in thecontext of sexual situations. I once had a girlfriend who would write little notes on cocktail napkins when we were out to a fancy dinner, "When I get you home I’m going to suck your cock until you cum in my mouth." Waiter? Check please! A buddy of mine leaves explicit letters to his wife, and calls her during the day to tell her where they are. By the time he gets home she’s ready to rock the Casbah. I know a young lady, and she knows who she is, who with one sentence on the computer keyboard can put a lump in my throat and my pants. I can’t see her face or hear her voice on the internet, but her desire comes through loud and clear. Yours can, too.

But I repeat, you can call her during the day and say "I miss my sweet little whore," or she can tell you she "longs for her guy’s meaty cock down her throat," when you’re away on business and it’s all great fun and in the right spirit of sexuality and desire. Just keep in that way and in perspective. It definitely doesn’t have to be restricted to the bedroom, but there is still a time and place.

This also means of course that your lover knows you mean no disrespect in what you say or write. You may call her ‘your cum sucking cock hound’, but that’s only in the realm of sexual fun and fantasy. She probably doesn’t want you to think of her as a whore in the real world, so let her or him know you understand the difference.

I think it also should be said that dirty talk, like any other delicacy, can get old fast is overused. I love a good steak, but not every night or I’ll get sick of it. If you talk dirty and take it to the limit every time, it’ll lose its erotic value, which would be a shame. Perhaps its best to save it for those times when sex is the menu for the evening, instead of a quick appetizer or late night dessert.

OK, are you almost ready to get started? Great. Do keep one last thing in mind before we summarize. Tone of voice is all-important. Think of Minnie Mouse bellowing "Fuck me with your huge little mouse cock, Mickey!" in her squeaky little cartoon voice. Does that turn you on? If so, you may be related to Walt Disney.

You can’t use your daily student, motherly or business meeting voice. It may sound like you’re giving instructions. "Now stick that big cock or yours in me. You ready to cum? Good, then cum, I’ve got errands to do."

In your sexiest voice, shaking with desire and passion, say something like, "mmm…your cock feels so good inside of me…so warm…you making me…you’re gonna make me cum so hard…so hard, baby…" Or if you’re a guy, in your lowest, most measured tones it may be "Oh baby, you’re so beautiful…I just love to fuck you…to have my cock inside of you…I love to watch your face when it’s full of my cock…I’m so hard for you…" Whatever the words. Whispered in her ear, they’re magic.

And unless you are in fact whispering in your lover’s ear, the best way to talk dirty to them is when looking into their eyes. The hottest, most erotic words will have little effect if you look away to say them, as though you’re shy or embarrassed about it. If you practically mumble them to the floor, you may not even be heard. Speak up – we’re all friends here! Look your lover in the eyes and tell them you love what they’re doing, or what you’re dying to do to them or have them do to you. Don’t be timid, be proud! Speak it, shout it, whisper it, but let them see and hear you. Can you imagine how hot it is when your lady’s face is near your cock as she looks up at you and says in her sexiest voice, "mmmm…I just love your cock…I’m gonna rub it all over my face and then tickle my tonsils with it…I’m gonna suck your cock until you beg me to let you cum…" This hasgot to add another inch to that erection! Two if she’s rubbing her tits all over it while she’s talking…there I go again.

OK now, before we adjourn for some practice of our own, let me suggest that you do indeed practice on your own, at least at first. The greatest speakers rehearse. Youdo want to know what you’re going to sound like, even to yourself. So say some erotic lines out loud a few times. Adjust your tone, your pace. Just say it a few times until it sounds good to you, this isn’t Broadway. It will alleviate some of the jitters of trying something new. And to me that’s what good sex is all about, trying something new.

I can practically hear some of you saying, "OK fine, I get the picture, but what do I say, what are theactual words." And no, I can’t send you a recording. But let’s look at it this way. Even taco sauce comes in mild, medium and spicy, right? Sometimes you might feel like mild or medium, sometimes you want some hot spice. It’s the same with dirty erotic talk.

Mild would probably phrases like, "mmm…that’s nice," "feels so good," "yes…yes, right there," "Oh God, baby…yes," "I can’t wait to taste you," "I love what you’re doing to me…I love how it feels…I’ve been wanting you all day…" "Let’s make love until the sun comes up…" You get the picture, mix and match as you like. These are erotic words that should not have the beginner choking on them.

Once you get used to the mild sauce, or saucy comments, you may want to get a bit morecreative."I love how your cock feels inside of me," "Your pussy is so wet…I love how my cock feels inside of you," "Your juices taste so good," "Your body is so beautiful… oh my God, I can’t wait to taste every inch of you," "I love these breasts, I want to lick and suck them so hard…" "Wrap your legs around me, I want every inch of me inside of you," "I’m gonna suck your cock now baby…hold in tight,"

Let me just start breathing normally again for a minute. There. Now, you want spice? You want to bring it home to papa? Those whoreally like the salty stuff probably don’t needmy suggestions. But hey,I’m the writer here, indulge me.

When you graduate to, "Spread those cunt lips my sweet little whore, I’m gonna slam you like Hulk Hogan," "I’m gonna suck your cock until every last drop of cum fills my mouth," "Don’t youdare cum until I give you permission," "Suck my cock you little whore," "Can’t you fuck any harder than that? – be a man!" "I want to taste your seed…cum on my face," "Bend over baby…you’ve been a bad girl and it’s time for your ass to pay…" now youknowyou don’t need my words. God, I do wish I could be there! How about sendingme a tape?

My friends, I mean it when I say that some girls, and guys, are so aroused by dirty talk – often to their surprise – they can’t believe it themselves. Imagine a girl who is the definition of proper at work, in the kitchen, at the gym, in church – whatever, but in the bedroom she likes to be called a ‘whore’ and have her ‘cunt fucked hard by you’. Or the conservative business dude who likes to tell her to ‘suck my cock like an ice cream cone until I tell you to stop.’ It can be so very hot, and you may not even know this vista of opportunity exists until you try it at least on some level. I sincerely hope you do.

I wish you good luck, good health and good sex. No matter what your age or sexual preference, live a passionate life and keep the spirit alive.

I’d love to hear your feedback. It means a great deal to me, and I learn a lot from it. If you liked the article, please take a moment to comment. If you didn’t, oh well to each his own, I hope you’ll like someone else’s better. Peace.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I have a couple adds:

1. In the moment complements “God you looks so fuck’n hot!! (Sucking my cock or bent over like that). Saying, “Oh god! You’re so good at that. You like sucking cock, don’t you? I wish everyone could see you right now. You’re such a good cocksucker! “. Not the same as calling her that name by itself.

2. The goal is yo find the boundaries. When she shows that she like something taboo (oral , anal, sharing etc) call her out on it but just mildly. “I thought only sluts and whore liked getting fucked it the ass! Look at you - you love it, don’t you.” (Not actually calling her a slut or a whore but using the stereotype)

3. Talk about terms like The Bitch , the Slut, the Whore, the Tramp and what each makes you think of. For example my very prim and proper wife likes to play with the role of The Bitch. She gets very excited when we talk of her playing to role of The Bitch, her favorite is a fantasy of her having a married girlfriend that calls her whenever she wants her pussy licked or her husbands cock sucked and my wife always comes as soon as possible. She especially gets off when I speak of the girlfriend calling her for cleanup duties after the husband fucked her and left. She likes playing The Bitch but doesn’t want you to call her one.

Client8Client8over 3 years ago

Hearing is definitely a neglected sensory component of sex. I like to call it "Aural Sex"

repentantjalebirepentantjalebiabout 4 years ago

Great piece. Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Good Read

My wife and I are currently attempting to rekindle our marriage of 36 years. I've been dabbling with this subject. Shes not engaging in it but in the right situation she does respond. Trouble is I dont always know I've got a green light. I really enjoyed the article.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Slut/Whore/Pimp/Manwhore are a complete no!

Good topic to write about but one little difference - Dirty talk is different from abusive words/insults. The latter might work for some in bedrooms or even outside, but its best to keep it to dirty talk and actions and signals and expressions..oh my!

Just can't comprehend how these insults can be used for dirty talk. If my wife calls me a pimp or a manwhore I will just lose the mood. Same goes for her, or few others that I have been with - slut/whore etc. brings a dark energy, a heavy aura into the room (for lack of better description), than inventive dirty talk that brings on the feeling of adventure, liveliness and excitement in the air.

A small example - passing a napkin at a restro with words "I'm going to fuck you like an entire whorehouse" written in lipstick are meh! Impromptu and inventive is the key, taking the other by surprise. So once in the restro we had a cocktail that had a orange slice on the glass rim. In the midst of the dinner it just struck me and I took the orgage slice in my hand, looked at her and slowly slid the thin glass stirrer through it. My wife (then GF) was very pleasantly taken aback. I lightly licked and sucked the orange slice eating the 'juice' and her expressions were PRICELESS. We both ended up laughing then and there. I doubt it would be our reaction if we used the passe insulting words.

But, to each their own, being inventive is the key. Insults may work for a few men and women, not for others. And actions and signals, pun intended eye signals with silence = work the best in my experience, but they are hard to think on the feet and let your partner know without making it obvious for others standing around.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
For the women!

Could you show more examples of spicy things to say for women? Please! Seems like there's more for men! Appreciate it ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
You're the 'man' version of me, lol

It has been so much fun reading your articles. I'm hetero and I enjoy pleasuring my guy orally as much as you enjoy pleasuring your girl(s) orally. It's a festival involving all 5 senses.... for me, even the 6th sense seems to be all present. I just innately sense/perceive what turns my guy on. It's strangely like I'm working on me! Probably also explains why enjoying his cock, balls, and anal regions in turn makes me hotter and hotter as I go, lol. There's just something magical about knowing that you're making your partner experience bliss! Ok. Need to take a second to adjust my breathing pattern again, ha.

Anyway, thanks for being you, and I hope there are many more guys out there who feel like you do about going down on their gals. It's definitely not a race. Nothing is better than having to feel like you might have to beg your guy to finally let you cum. A guy who knows how to do the build up and be able to keep her in the zone, just to bring her even higher, then higher again, before she finally climaxes..... heaven on earth! And that's putting it mildly, lol. Have a wonderful weekend, and God continue to bless you and yours. Peace, Light, and Love, Laura

chixjinxbdsmchixjinxbdsmover 9 years ago
Once again...

Your style of writing is just awesome. Puts the reader in the comfort zone. Thank you for this amazing piece.

DirtyTalkHerDirtyTalkHerover 9 years ago
Another bit of advice

Love your writing style. This was a very fun enjoyable read!

One other thing crossed my mind and maybe this doesn't work for everyone but has always served me well (and is great sex advice in general)- Have fun and don't take yourself too seriously. Laugh.

Now and again you might try for something or some silly phrase slips out of your mouth and instead of being embarrassed, laugh! If both you and your partner can laugh about it then you're not going to clam up and never try dirty talk again! Lowers the pressure. And I know my partner and I enjoy laughing together even when we're naked and turned on. Laughter itself can BE a turn on.

I mean hey, I'm a lesbian so no judgements but your Hulk Hogan example made me laugh. If that turns some women on more power to them. More often not with my partner at least, that kinda comment would get laughter. Sometimes we even start saying really cheesy things to each other just to make the other laugh. And hey picture it- you're between her legs about to go down on her. It's early morning (woot woot morning sex!) And maybe she told you she had a sex dream and now she's really turned on. So you're down between her legs and you go "I'm gonna make this better than any dream!" And she laughs. And you laugh. And she throws out some lame funny line so you keep laughing. Maybe you're laughing so hard your head is resting on her belly or pelvis and you feel her body shake with laughter. Rest assured, you'll get back into it! I mean hey you're between her legs aren't you? That's an amazing morning to me.

And everything depends on mood. Some phrases fly sometimes but fall flat or elicit giggles at others. Maybe sometimes you want it hard and fast and dirty but otothers you're more tender and romantic. If you can play with a wide variety of dirty talk then you can spice up any and every encounter and it never gets boring.

But really, don't be afraid to laugh. I'd much rather my partner laugh than stare at me horrified or be so uptight the mood dies. And if you're comfortable enough to laugh during sex then you're comfortable enough to talk dirty. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

When you are apart for a long time, make a scenario. It'll be just as effective as dirty talking. Start of by saying, "I could just picture you naked, handcuffed, and blind folded in bed. I'll run my hands all over your body and feel your warmth as our skins touch." Then get as descriptive as you like. Tell your lover how much you will tease them as they are blind folded and what will happen if they dare speak.

I often go on business trips and I talk to my wife over Skype. She loves it when I tell her I'm stroking my cock for her.

Well rookies, remember to have fun writing your fantasizes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
never knew...

Informative and well written "how-to" article! I'm one of those chicks that had no idea dirty talk during sex would get me hot and throbbing, even writing that sentence made me start getting wet. Had a short but hot relationship with a guy who talked all manner of trash in the heat of sex, though I was pretty turned off by it initially. I attempted shutting him up to little avail. Then after half dozen goes, I realized it was doing something to me physically, and that man saw it in my face (and elsewhere, I'm sure) and kept up the dialogue. He even smacked my ass a few times too hard and numerous for me, and I'll be danged if I didn't find out that I get super turned on when my cheeks are stinging a bit!

Please keep writing instructional literotica for all the silly repressed (and don't know it) masses, and help bring people to a happiness and satisfaction from life they didn't know existed!

Thank you for letting me get a little conformation of my normal perversions! 💋

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Words I'll NEVER forget....

You know how you have that handful of sexual experiences that are so unique, so intense, they're almost like a benchmark or a collection of little dirty memories you like to relive over and over when you find your hands start to wander?

This one time, I thought I'd be all cutesy and let my new guy know moments before I climaxed by moaning out, "of fuck baby...I'm about to cuhhhhMmmmm". His quick response caught me somewhat offguard and turned my usual 20 secs or so of orgasming into a soaking wet, nonstop, cataclysmic, heated, heart pounding experience! "What's wrong, you can only cum once or something?", as soon as the questioning words rolled off his tongue, my mind immediately recalled the numerous times he'd make me cum during each of our love making sessions and I knew right now would be no exception.

Several encounters later I found myself bouncing back against him hard and methodically while he took me doggystyle. I decided to use a little dirty talk of my own to encourage him and began cooing, "Cum on baby...cum nice and hard for me!". His huge dick began to throb inside me, but his firm and snarky response, "No! Turn around, I gotta see your face if you want me to cum", made me join in his orgasm simultaneously as I immediately followed his instructions. Sex is often coined as more emotional for women, and him adding that in the heat of the moment made me feel so pretty that he actually wanted to look at me and my eyes instead of my ass which usually received the most compliments. It was like the utmost personal compliment...him conveying he couldn't just cum from fucking just any pretty but generic body face down ass up...he wanted me.

PS Your welcome =)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
fucker girl

my boy friend said the craziest things while fucking me after he read this. it felt sooo fucking great!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Great guidelines

I've grown up in an environment where "darn" was an inappropriate curse word. Being aware of my background, when I began to communicate with a guy online, he started very slowly and gently: "I want to caress your butt, tease your thighs". Sensual but inoffensive! I felt comfortable enough to step it up: "I want to feel you in my pussy, I want to taste your cock". His response was perfect: "Mmm. I love when you talk dirty...". I've since been able to say: "I like the term pussy, I'm ok with cunt as a description of part of my body, but NOT as a term for ME!" Open communication in any form is key to turning each other on vs.turning someone OFF, or even insulting them. Even with typed communication I sometimes find it easier to type, "I'm whispering in your ear... just thinking of you makes me wet,etc.", It creates a deeper feeling of intimacy. I can't imagine EVER wanting to be called a whore, but who knows? Excellent advice to not let (I prefer the term "sexy talk" to "dirty talk" myself) sexy talk spill into a setting where it degrades!

SylverBernhardtSylverBernhardtabout 11 years ago
Open Communication

To 'darkleather', just talk to him about it. How else are you going to figure out what he likes? Me and my partner are incredibly vocal about what we like and what we want to try and it has made the sex 10 times better. Try asking when there's really nothing else going on for the moment, either right before things get busy just to distract him from the family barbeque ;) or after work when you're making dinner. Just bring it up in casual conversation to get his logical and level-headed opinion about different things.

If you're too uncomfortable to ask him to his face, try printing off a copy of this essay and leave it somewhere he won't miss with a little note asking him what he thinks. He'll either then approach you and answer the question or he'll react the same way most of us did and want to jump you in the next minute. Hope it helps and I wish you luck!

As for BatsandGlamour, awesome essay! You may have swayed my opinion on doing this and given me at least a few suggestions on what to say. I've been acting in some pretty sexual or flirty characters over the last few years and have even gone so far as to dirty erotic talk in clothed non-sexual situations with friends, but I've never been one for dirty talk while having sex. I've heard it all in really poor circumstances and I've been with too many women who just can't and it becomes more deflating than encouraging. I'm fairly certain my partner now would love it but I'm not sure I can trust myself to know the difference and not to be fearful of him if he tries the hotter and spicier phrases.

I genuinely think this piece has almost dampened my insecurities and I hope I'll take my own advice and try it out next time I see him. I'll be sure to send him this way for a thank-you if you've converted me. Cheers!

darkleatherdarkleatherabout 11 years ago

I would add something about how to bring it up on a conversation. I am terribly shy and wish that my love would let me call him daddy, but I have no clue how to bring it up without scaring him off. Other then that, I really like your article! Very spicy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Spread your legs, baby

Spread your legs you filthy bitch. I'm going to fill your dirty cunt with a gallon of cum and then keep on pounding your sweaty body until I've fucked your brains out while you scream "Give it to me, you bastard. Fill me with your cum. Eat me! Suck me dry!. Come on, Give it to me! Oh, shit fuck me harder. Harder, faster... Bite my nipples until they bleed. Stretch my tits. Oh,God... Eat me!"



Winter LotusWinter Lotusabout 12 years ago

You had me gyrating my hips just reading that. Good tips. I'm a horrible dirty talker, despite the filth that I write. I'm a whore in bed, but I just can't get sexy words to spill out of my face. I love it when my husband calls me names and talks dirty, I just can't seem to bring myself to it. I'm going to give this a shot tonight...

Oh yeah, nice touch with the Hulkster... I giggled like an idiot.

tejetejeover 12 years ago

I'm gonna slam you like Hulk Hogan… Nice.

SinnSpiderSinnSpiderover 12 years ago

My boyfriend LOVES dirty talk. Ive never really had much experience with it tho. I love the way he talks to me and when he calls me his whore, I feel all tingly inside. I WANT to talk dirty back to him, but I really just dont know what to say. Im going to try some of your ideas & I will get back to you. Thanks for the help!


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Make a book as memory aid

I got the smallest spiral bound notebook

Maybe 50 pages.

and a big felt tip pen,

fired up thearsaurs on Word and off you go!

So as well as dominating I can now own, possess, rule,

Etc there's more but I can't remember, but that's the point!

Then each read the book and say those you like

No memorizing or overprocessing

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