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All Comments on 'How to Write a Good Sex Scene'

by dweaver999

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Unbridled_PassionUnbridled_Passionalmost 18 years ago

great information here, I think I can use some of it.

luvtodoitluvtodoitalmost 18 years ago
good tips here

Thank you for the information, I agree that describing emotions is more important than the actual act itself.

qdataqdataalmost 18 years ago
Thank you

Thanks for your input. Some valuable lessons here.

Selena_KittSelena_Kittalmost 18 years ago

Emotion makes all the difference. Great job, good luck in the contest!


l8blooml8bloomalmost 18 years ago
one other point...

You also demonstrate the ability to write coherently! Well done. Good luck in the contest.

HislittlebitchHislittlebitchalmost 18 years ago
answered some questions

I very recently submitted my first piece to literotica.... "Confessions of a slave - part 1."

I was a bit afraid that readers may find my descriptive style, and all the suspense of the emotional (and physical) build up, to be too drawn out. Or not enough of a turn-on. Your "how-to" very quickly alleviated these apprehensions.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I see that you are a virgin,nothing wrong with that,but youare not qualified to comment on sexual matters except wanking mathemation or not.Only joking have a legover and lighten up,then you can write about this subject.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

So, I'm about to write my first sex scene, but before I did so I decided to read a lot, stories and topics such as 'how to' in which I stumbbled across this article. You may have not experience, but you gave me a lot of good advices, thinks I didn't thought before and now I'm considering. So, Thanks!

pentopaperpentopaperover 15 years ago

I am getting ready to submit my first story (I'm furiously editing now because I can't wait to submit it!) and have perused a few how-to articles, some of which I found disappointing and discouraging. One was critical of a story with too much "other stuff" in it besides sex. The story I'm working on is maybe kind of long, but one thing I do like to do is develop characters. I agree wholeheartedly on the "caring" point. If you don't care about the characters in the story, or if you can't identify with a character in the story, you won't want to read the story, no matter if they're having great sex or what. :) After reading your article now I feel that my story is ok to submit. :) PS - I used to write sex stories all the time when I was a virgin too, and people told me they were good though I had no idea what I was talking about then either. :) Writing is about paying attention, knowing your characters, describing things, and research. :) Just about everybody has sex. Not everybody can write about it. :) :) I can't wait to look up your stories!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
thanks helped me think

thanks it as cleared up alot. im writing a story for the first time an my sex scenes were quick and dull. And it was hard for me to try to make it more exciting. this article has helped me. thanks <3!

lostbutnotforgottenlostbutnotforgottenabout 14 years ago
thanks for the info

for someone who is just starting out writing erotica your post was a welcome read. I wrote my first short story just this week and now that i've ready your post i'm going to go back and read it with a little different perspective. thanks for taking the time to post this..lostbutnotforgotten

JennBaShoreJennBaShorealmost 14 years ago

I am curious what is considered to be to long or to short of a sex scene? Does it depend on the type of sex that is happening or just more always keep it short? I love reading your work because there is a story behind it and I love sci-fi stuff. I have been working on three different stories and now am curious if my scenes are too short or long. Also where do you Find someone to proofread your work? It isn't like you can take it to your local community college and get a English professor to do it. Thanks so much if you can respond to this.

doddautododdautoover 12 years ago
Good info!

Great information on writing, I will certainly be using some your your suggestions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Don't entirely agree

There are a lot of interesting ideas here, but I was struck by your belief that "As he caressed my pussy, sliding his fingers between my lips, my body flushed with heat and sensations, much like electric sparks, rushed from my cunt, causing my body to shudder with pleasure." is a good description. It is in fact a mixed metaphor and not grammatical; there's no subject for the verb "rushed."

dweaver999dweaver999about 12 years agoAuthor


While the metaphor may be mixed (I'm not convinced it was), the meaning of the metaphor was not made unclear or unintentionally funny. Actually, I thought I was using a metaphor and a simile in conjunction.

As for the subject of "rushed", clearly it was the sensation. I simply separated the verb and the subject by a descriptive phrase; in this case the simile "much like electricity..."

Thank you for your input, as I value anything that makes me learn (as I did when I had to look up mixed metaphor).


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Thanx I might use that

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

"My arousal grew as he caressed my pussy, sliding his fingers between the lips." "As he caressed my pussy, sliding his fingers between my lips, my body flushed with heat and sensations, much like electric sparks, rushed from my cunt, causing my body to shudder with pleasure." The second one is vastly better"

No, it isn't. What would make it better is to forget the "causing" and make a new sentence as, "My body shuddered with pleasure."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Incredibly helpful

Recently started Role playing online and ERP is a pretty dominant aspect. I am truly nervous about writing scenes that keep my partner engaged and interested, so this was a great read! Thank you!

dmallorddmallordabout 3 years ago

I enjoyed your well presented article. Thoughtful, cogent, and much better than many others I have read on 'how to write.'

Coming across your work, after I had written my own take on 'how to write a story' for publishing, - makes we aware that I should have done a more thorough job of reading the existing publications on Lit. This is highly insightful.


DarkAurther6969DarkAurther6969almost 2 years ago

I agree with everything that you have said in fact whenever I read a story that as the Trinity as I Like to Call it the Trinity being Blowjob a Anal, and ending off with Penetrating the Vagina Unprotected might I Add. Gets a little Boring, as it makes every story feel the same. Now I obvious don't now how others have sex in real life but what I see from Sex Scenes from movies and the like and from my own experiences not a lot of Lovers go for the Trinity. And besides every time I read a Scene like that I always imagine this Fast Motion Comedic Action Scene Complete with Comedic Music as if it some kind of Fast Paced Sitcom Clean Up Scene or something. And Finally I Agree if you incorporate Sex Scenes in your story it Provides a much better lead up to that scene and on top of all of that, it also gives your Readers or Audiences a Chance to Get to Know your Characters before they have sex for that Emotional Attachment or whatever. Besides I would Rather Read A Sex Scene as part of a story as to appose to Woman Meet Man in a Coffee Shop and they go and have sex just because both of them are Super Horny or whatever. And that is why a lot of my stories don't have a lot of Sex Scenes as I can't really find the perfect situation for my characters to have sex all of the time. I Guess that is why Lit always Rejects my work. In addition to being little to No Mistakes Grammar Wise, but that's neither hare or there.

ThecursedwriterThecursedwriter8 months ago

This is generally good advice. Well done, but you could expand more on what emotions are important for a sex scene.

It's highly important as to what the relationship is between the two parties along with their level of experience when determining what sort of emotions should be felt.

For example:

With "Cheating Sex" or "Incest Sex" you may want to add all sorts of emotions. Like "Guilt, Shame, Temptation, Conflict, Fear, and Deception."

With "Romantic Sex" you would a different blend. Something like "Excitement, Love, Trust, Longing, Passion, Satisfaction"

With a "Nonconsensual Scene" it would get a mix more like, "Surprise, Shame, Hate, Anger, Confusion, Violation, Helplessness, Sadness, Distrust." Etc.... I have seen way too many non-con stories where it is like the dude has a magic dick and she is into it by the end of the story, and all is well and becomes consensual after... Hate that trope!

With a "First Time" scene you are going to want it to be more "Nervous, excited, curious, awkward, anticipation, tender etc"

I could go on... The point is. What emotions to be felt are the most important aspect of a sex scene.

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