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Humiliated Wife Turns to Her Son Ch. 09

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The girls assume their new roles.
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Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/06/2017
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The girls settle in to their roles

Sandy and Tracy were in a very playful mood so I thought I would stay out of their way and let them play. I pulled a chair to the side of the bed giving them all the room they needed. I was both surprised and flattered by their actions. Tracy started things off by telling Sandy she wanted them to role play. She would be herself, but she wanted Sandy to assume the role of being me.

Sandy looked at me and winked as she got up to go to the dresser. As she donned a strap-on dildo, she said, "In that case, I'll need this, my little pixie."

"Ummm, Steven, I love it when you call me your little pixie," Tracy purred as she slipped fully into her role.

I really wanted to let Sandy do this her way but I remembered how she far into the dominant role she had gotten on a previous occasion with Tracy so I looked at her while wrinkling my brow hoping she would understand I was cautioning her. Being dominant was one thing, however, humiliating the submissive was yet another all too different aspect.

She seemed to understand my intent since she closed her eyes and nodded slowly.

I decided to break my silence by saying, "Safe word."

They both smiled shyly and whispered something to each other, which I could not hear. Presumably, they agreed upon something. I watched closely as Tracy crushed her petite body into Sandy and pulled her rather roughly into her arms. Their lips parted as their mouths to kiss each other as if they were long lost lovers. Their breasts with hard spiked nipples jutted forward. I could almost feel the heat of the arousal mounting within each of them.

Tracy wrapped her lovely legs around Sandy's hips as she was propelled forward by her own momentum. Tracy was in an obvious hurry. She was already wet enough for to be penetrated by the plastic phallus which Sandy was wearing. Tracy raised herself and guided the phallus to the opening of her hidden chasm.

As she lowered herself onto it she moaned to Sandy,"Lay still, my darling Steven, let me ride your cock. I need it so bad. Let me be your little subby slut, and please you as I please myself."

It was rather amusing to watch the sudden role reversal as Sandy laid back and allowed Tracy to actually 'top' her. Tracy took it a step further by saying, "Make me come on your cock, then please eat my slutty pussy afterwards."

She rocked her hips back and forth with twisting motions as she leaned down to kiss Sandy more fervently than before.

My cock was twitching and throbbing as I sat in silence watching them. It was with great difficulty that I restrained myself from mounting Tracy from behind to give her the pleasure of double penetration with my cock in her ass while the dildo burrowed deeper and deeper into her wanton pussy.

I really wanted to watch everything as Sandy and Tracy made love with each other but sleep began to overtake my voyeuristic desire. I drifted off to sleep in the chair. I have no idea how long they stayed awake enjoying each other but I awakened in the morning with one of them on each side of me on the bed. We almost overslept but we did manage to wake up in time for showers and coffee before going to work. We left without waking Karen and Rachel. Sandy dropped Tracy and me off at the office and went to get takeout breakfast for us at a nearby restaurant.

I told Tracy to go to the funeral home after breakfast to select a suitable but not extravagant urn for my father's ashes. We would get something similar for Daphne's ashes when it became necessary. I was reasonably sure her family was not overly interested in what we did in that regard but we would give the appearance of doing what was reverent and proper. Their primary concern had been about any life insurance she may have had. I didn't particularly care either way. I was going to do what was necessary to maintain the professional image of the company and if that included making suitable funeral arrangements for Daphne then so be it.

I got a call on my cell phone from an unknown female caller asking me to meet her someplace public but where we could have a little privacy to talk. She would not identify herself so I was a little apprehensive about the meeting. I told her I would meet her in the library at the university at 10:00 and she could find me in the Shakespeare section. My choice was public yet still somewhat secluded and certainly quiet and safe. I was simply being cautious since I knew neither who she was nor what she wanted to discuss with me? When I asked her how I would recognize her, she said she would find me.

I ate breakfast with Sandy and Tracy and told them I had to go to the university for a little while but I would return soon. The mystery woman turned out to be Zack's wife, Savanna. She apologized for the rather clandestine meeting but she didn't want Zack to find out about it should someone see us together.

I listened intently as Savanna explained that Zack had told her of my proposal to him about getting a general contractors license and he was very excited about it. She seemed quite nervous and wanted my promise I would not tell anyone of our meeting. Naturally, I agreed to let this remain a secret between the two us seeing no reason to cause her to be concerned.

Savanna started telling me of some things which had happened soon after Zack began working for my father. I remembered the cryptic notes I had found in Zack's file and stopped her before she could go into any specific details.

"Savanna, I think I know where you are trying to go with this and I must tell you there is no need for it. I found some notes my father had made quite a long time ago. I destroyed those notes so whatever you think you need to explain is unnecessary. I am not my father and if you have some deep, dark secrets let them remain where they are. I have no need to know the details. The offer I made to Zack is based upon his ability to do the job and the company's need for him to help us; nothing else matters. Whatever may or may not have happened in the past is ancient history," I said to her calmly.

"Thank you, Steven, I don't know what I expected when I asked you to meet me but it certainly wasn't this. No wonder Zack is so excited about your offer. He told me you were nothing at all like your father and I can see that he was right. I promise you he will take and pass the examination or he'll be sleeping alone on our sofa until he does," she said with a very charming smile and a gentle laugh.

I couldn't resist just a tiny bit of flirtation with her so I said, "You're lucky, Savanna you are married. Otherwise, I might act more like my father did."

I reached out to shake her hand and tell her goodbye but she ignored my extended hand and leaned up to kiss me lightly on the cheek with no sexual intent as she said, "Thank you, again, for being so kind about everything and for keeping my secret."

"Savanna, I don't know of any secret. You haven't actually told me anything and the notes I found were suggestive but nonspecific," I said with a smile and left her standing there. As I turned to leave, I glanced at the titles on the shelves. One that seemed to stand out was, 'Oedipus.' I chuckled to myself as I thought of Sandy and the irony of where I was standing.

While driving back to my office, I silently cursed my arrogant, self-centered, womanizing asshole of a father for what I was positive he had done to such a charming young woman so many years ago. Although I had not given Savanna the opportunity to admit it and his own notes were nonspecific, I knew he had basically coerced her into prostituting herself to him and she had done it only to help her husband advance in his career. It did not absolve her for giving in to him. To me, it was simply a foolish mistake made by a young wife with good intentions. On the other hand, I couldn't help but despise my father for his actions or for what he had done to my mother and heaven knows how many other women.

It was too late for me to wreak vengeance upon my father but I resolved myself to help Tracy crucify Blake. My aikido sensei had always told me to avoid anger when in a confrontation and I would try my best to do that, even now, but I was going to think of a way to make Tracy's husband feel as if the wrath of God had descended upon him. I drove around for over an hour before returning to the office just to calm down and keep myself from overreacting by doing something really stupid.

Sandy and Tracy were both in good spirits when I returned to the office. I had to laugh when I went into my office. Sandy had not waited until after the memorial service to have the sofa bed delivered. In my office, I found a brand new back leather sofa bed.

"From now on, any of your 'nooners or afternoon delights' will be held right here," she said with a giggle as she pushed me down on it and climbed on top of me.

I could only laugh as Sandy continued by called out to Tracy telling her she would have to wait for her turn and settle for 'sloppy seconds from me' since she and I would be christening the new furniture.

A little while later, Zack came in and asked if he could speak with me privately. He was smiling so I was sure Savanna had called him but had not told him of our meeting. Zack told me he and his wife had discussed my offer last night and she had asked him to let her think it over for a little while. He said she had called him a little earlier and told him she would go along with whatever he decided to do. He laughed and told me she had also said if he refused the offer she hoped he would be comfortable sleeping on the couch alone.

I laughed with him and said, "I'll take your laughter as a yes."

"That's right, boss, Savanna left me with no other option, thanks," he replied with a huge grin.

I called Sandy into the office and asked Zack to give her to get all the financial information we needed to arrange the financial backing he would need to qualify for the general contractors license and to have our attorney draw up a five year no compete contract for Zack to sign.

Zack said it would be best for her to get the financial information from his wife, Savanna, since she handled most of the money matters in their family.

'Pretty and smart,' I thought to myself happy that I had decided not to disclose Savanna's indiscretion with my father. Savanna reminded me of Sandy not physically, but mentally although they both very hot.

I told Zack if he felt he needed a tutor or a coach to help him prepare for the written exam to let me know. He assured me he would by saying Savanna's threat had extended to include his passing the examination.

Sandy looked at me quizzically but I smiled and waved her off without an explanation.

After Zack left, I called out to Tracy to take messages for any calls I might get for the next hour or so and to please close my office door.

"Yes, sir," she called back to me.

I looked at Sandy who began unbuttoning her blouse. As she undressed, I closed the blinds on the windows.

"Shall we open out the sofa bed, baby?" I asked her.

"No. It still has plastic on the mattress and I don't have any sheets to go on it yet so let's just do it on the cushions. I want to feel the soft leather against my skin while you ravage my body," Sandy replied with a sexy smile.

"I'm not going to ravage your body this time, my love, I want to take you slowly and gently as my lover not like you are some lunch time quickie fuck slut," I told her.

"Ummmm, I like the way you think, baby," Sandy purred.

I stripped my clothes off quickly not because I was in a rush to have sex with her but rather because I wanted to feel her soft, warm skin against my own. I loved Sandy with all my heart and it was only right that she and I christen the sofa bed but I did wish Tracy was with us. There was something very special to me about having them both in bed with me at the same time.

I held Sandy close to me as we kissed. It was warm and tender the way I felt making love with her should be. I loved the savage passion of dominating a woman sexually but this was not the time for that. This was the time to show her how much I loved her and wanted her to be mine forever. I wanted to make her come but not moaning like a whore. I wanted her to feel every sensation and look deep into her beautiful eyes as I pumped my sperm into the depths of her womb.

"I want to be on top, darling, so you can look up at my body while I ride you. I know you like my body and I'm so glad I've kept it well toned. I didn't know all that time that we would be lovers but I am glad we are. Tonight I want you to be with Tracy and make love with her. She loves and needs you almost as much as I do. Make her know she belongs with us and fuck her as often as you can. She wants to have your baby as much as I do," Sandy whispered softly to me.

We changed positions. As I lay on my back, Sandy straddled me and slowly guided my rigid cock into the warm, wet folds of her saturated pussy. I was always amazed at how high and firm her breasts were in spite of her no longer being a girl in her late teens or early twenties. She gripped my shoulders tightly with her small hands and began slowly rocking her hips back and forth grinding her swollen clit against my pelvis for her maximum pleasure. I tried to thrust my hips up to meet her but she told me to relax and let her be in charge for once.

As she continued to rock her hips against me, I reached up to cup her beautiful breasts and lightly pinch her rigid nipples between my fingers and thumbs causing her to emit a series of very soft moans. We were not making love with each other. She was making love to me. This was what she wanted. This was what she needed. Sandy was the woman, the lover, the wife and she was making love to her husband. She was in control. She leaned down and pressed her breasts into my lips.

She quickened her pace and I knew she was nearing her orgasm but I held myself in check. This was her show. Her orgasm did not hit her like a tsunami but rather like a series of slow rhythmic claps of rolling thunder. I did not have an orgasm with her as I was almost mesmerized by the look of sheer ecstatic pleasure on her face. Slowly, Sandy lowered herself to nestle into my chest with my cock still rigid and throbbing inside her. Oddly, my own orgasm or rather my lack of it did not matter to me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her like the precious treasure she was.

We lay there for what seemed to be an hour but it was, in fact, only a few minutes when Sandy whispered, "I'm sorry, Steven, I got lost in myself and completely forgot about you."

"Shh," I quieted her, "this was not about me, my darling, this was about you. We have the rest of our lives together. We have only scratched the surface of our love."

"Thank you, baby, I love you," she said softly.

Languidly, we untangled ourselves from each other and put our clothes back on reflecting inwardly on the depth of our love for each other.

When we went out to the front office, Tracy asked, "what happened I thought you were going to make love?"

"That is EXACTLY what we did and it was beautiful. You get our husband all to yourself for the entire night later. Please take very good care of him," Sandy replied to her with a blissful smile.

"All night? Thank you. I've wanted this so much," Tracy answered shyly.

"I have to go see Savanna and get the financial things moving so Zack can work on getting his GC license. I'll be back before closing time," Sandy said as she grabbed her purse and the small tote bag she used as her briefcase.

Tracy got up and came over to hug me. "I don't know what happened in there but I expected the building to shake and to hear Sandy screaming at the top of her lungs but there was nothing," she said.

"There was much more than nothing, sweetheart. We made love just as you and I will do tonight. You, Tracy, just like Sandy are my wife and tonight we will consummate our marriage properly," I said before kissing her soft, sweet lips.

"I wish I didn't have to wait until tonight, honey, my panties are already soaking wet. I feel like I have been sitting in a Sitz bath," she giggled then added, "Oh, Blake is going to be gone to the conference next week so we will be able to go pick my things and your friend can set up the cameras."

"Good. I want to nail that SOB's hide to a tree for everything he's done to you," I told her.

"The memorial service for your father is set for tomorrow at 2:00," Tracy informed me.

"OK, let's keep it as quiet and private as we can. I don't want to upset Sandy with a lot of hoopla. She's been through enough," I replied.

I went back into my office to call Seth to make sure he could still get the cameras. He said all I had to do was let him know when and where and he would be ready.

The rest of the afternoon was calm and peaceful. Sandy got back to the office just before time to close and said she and Savanna had everything worked out. All she had left to do was get with the CPA about the financial backing for Zack and with the attorney to draw up the contract.

When we got home, Sandy told Karen and Rachel that tonight was Tracy's night with me. At first, they seemed a little disappointed but soon realized that Tracy had stepped quietly aside and it was aptly fitting that we got to spend a night together without any distractions.

After dinner, Tracy went to the bedroom for a little while. When she returned, she was wearing a snow white bustier with a matching garter belt, a thong, sheer silk stockings and stiletto heels. I know she wanted to give the appearance of being a virgin bride but she looked more like a whore dressed in white. I was not, however, at all displeased.

My little pixie looked awesome and she stuck by my side all evening as if we were glued together. Only Karen seemed to be a little miffed by Tracy's appearance and behavior which caused me to believe her feelings for me ran deeper than I had previously suspected. She would have to get over any feelings of possessiveness she might have since she not my first choice as a mate.

Rachel, on the other hand, teased Tracy about being such a slut until Tracy reminded her of the passion mark on her own neck.

"I'm just glad Mom's mark is not as visible as mine," Rachel giggled.

When I took Tracy to bed, we went to the master bedroom which, of course, was appropriate since she was my also wife and she, Sandy, and I normally shared that room. Tracy flashed me a beaming smile as we went inside making me think she expected me to take her to the guest room which she had originally been using.

She did not completely surprise me when she told me she wanted me to take her anally the first time tonight and she didn't care if I tore her lingerie to shreds during the night. She was mine to do with as I pleased. She told me she had never surrendered herself to any man as she wanted to do for me. She also told me she had flushed her birth control pills down the toilet and she hoped she would get pregnant during her first fertile cycle. I would take her anally, but not during our first session tonight.

"Steven, I've always wanted a baby and I want to get pregnant and have OUR baby. If you keep my breasts stimulated, I will keep lactating for you for as long as I can even after I ween the baby. There is nothing I will not do to show you how much I love you," she said earnestly.

Taking Tracy at her word, I reached for her thong and tore the thin narrow material at the sides above her hips to shreds. I brought the now ruined rag of a garment to my nose and deeply inhaled the pungent aroma of her arousal before tossing it onto the floor at my feet. I removed her stiletto heels and pulled her stocking clad feet into my groin for her to massage my throbbing cock with them as I ran my hands up and down the silky smoothness of her calves and thighs. Reaching still higher, I raised and unfastened the bustier rather than rend it to useless shreds as I had her thong. Once her breasts were free, I massaged them and pinched her hardening nipples firmly.

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