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Hunter Hunted Ch. 12

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That creepy shell.
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Part 12 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 10/03/2009
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Mira followed Hunter into the ASP Building, veering off to the side of the main lobby. Down a long hallway there was three investigation room and a hallway that led to a wide set of stairs. They turned to go up the stairs, barely glancing at the other agents they passed. Down another hall were the team leaders and Shadow's office. They stopped at his shut door, Hunter letting Mira catch up before they pounded on Shadow's door.


"Oh hell, he sounds grumpy."

"Mira, honey, do me a favor and grow a set would you?"

"I'll grow you a few," she growled under her breath while Hunter opened the door and held it for her. "Sir?"

"Hunter, Mirage, it's about damn time." Shadow got up and went to a counter next to his desk. He picked up a vile of bright orange liquid. "Do either of you know what this is?"

"Some kind of crazy orange soda?" Mirage asked. She shrugged her shoulders when Hunter glared at her. "He asked?"

"Okay, now if you two are done being comedians..." Shadow waited until the both nodded and then he sat the vial in a stand on his desk. "This is what the shell sucked out of Mistress Melody."

"Vampire poison is not orange," Hunter said. He picked up the vial, tipping it back and forth in his hand. "There's some kind of black pulp in here."

"Yes, that black pulp is the normal vampire poison but somehow it's thick, chunky.. It's the orange liquid that has our labs shaking their heads. We have no idea what it is or where it comes from. But to me, it looks as if Braxton found a new way to make Vampires even more powerful. We've still got tests being run. But from what results we've had come in, this orange liquid makes vampires almost impenetrable. None of the usual weapons work. We've tried sunlight, UV light, silver, crosses and Holy water. Nothing hurt the test subject. If Braxton is handing out this liquid, we could have a big problem on our hands."

"Oh hell," Hunter said softly. "Super supernaturals. This could really put a crimp on a weekend."

"Yes, which is why I've recalled Dianna and Beast. It will be your job to find out who is making the orange liquid and giving it to the vampire world. When you find him, you bring him to me, understand?"

Mirage started to nod her head and then she stopped. "What about the Braxtons? The vampire that did this to Mistress Melody was in his employ."

"Then you've got your starting point for your investigation. Don't let me down on this, it could be the most important case in your life."

"Is Mistress Melody okay? She didn't seem quite normal after the shell attacked her."

"She's been sleeping since then and hasn't woken up yet. I'll be sure to keep you in the loop if the orange liquid has done anything else to her."

They got up and Hunter and Mira headed for the door. "I think I've seen this movie," Mira quipped. "Doesn't it start with a doctor letting loose some bug in the lab and then some girl wakes up and has to fight off all the zombies that were created by this super bug?"

"I hate zombies," Hunter said with a shudder. "We come up on any vampire zombies, Beast gets to go first."

"Like that hairy, walking rug would have the balls to go up against vampiric zombies," Mirage scoffed, stepping into the elevator. She'd give Shadow back his blaster and now she was heading down to the gym to collect her own. "I'd be more afraid of super Vampires that don't understand the concept of lying down and dying."

"Yeah, but isn't that the same thing?"

Mirage laughed, feeling his hands coming out to tug her back and into his arms. He nuzzled his nose in her neck and she felt the tips of his teeth. "Oh help me, help me," she said in a fake falsetto whisper. "The big, bad zombie vampire wants to suck my blood and eat my brain. Help me."

Hunter started laughing. "I think you'll be okay when it comes to the eating brains part." He grunted as she shoved an elbow into his ribs and held up his hands in surrender when she turned, her fists coming up.

"You know, that's almost grounds for a challenge. This time I wouldn't have to take it easy on you for fear of making you insane."

"Taking it easy on me? When did that happen?"

The both glanced up when the door to the elevator opened. Dianna and Beast were standing in the opening, waiting for them. "Come on, you two. We're going to have to have a talk about you guys playing cowboy when we're on our three days off." Dianna wiggled her fingers. "I've got an SUV already gassed up and ready to go."

"Give me ten," Mira said. "My blaster is in my locker."

"Meet us in the garage. I want you to take me to that place where you rescued the girls."

Mirage nodded and took off at a jog, weaving around people without touching one of them. She retrieved her weapon and then headed out, almost getting to the SUV before they did. Taking her normal seat behind Hunter and next to Dianna, she reached into a small compartment in the back of Hunter's seat and pulled out a soft white cloth. She quickly disassembled her blaster, cleaning each part as she put it back together. When she finally clicked in the power cell, the blaster hummed to life and the light on the top turned green.

"Locked and loaded," she said to Dianna, stroking her hand over the smooth contour of the blaster. "She's ready to make some vampires into nothing but orange splats against the wall."

Dianna nodded, then pulled her own blaster, clinking it against Mira's like they were sipping champagne at a toast. "Here's to bright orange splats. Now I know Shadow brought you up to date about the shells. Whatever was in that orange liquid turned that shell vicious. If Hunter hadn't pulled the damn thing free, it probably would have killed her and everyone else that touched it."

Mira shuddered. "I hate those damn things. Who could ever stand having tentacles push into your veins and devour your blood? I'd rather go up against super vampires."

"Well, the way it looks, you'll have your chance. Shadow had the girls you rescued taken down to the med lab and all of them are infected with the orange goop. It would take more than one vampire to infect all of them."

"What's going to happen to them? Shadow can't use the shells to clean their blood; he'd end up with an entire army of killer shells." Hunter glanced back at them from his rearview mirror.

"He's using a human devise," Dianna said. "When open heart surgery is done, they use a heart/lung machine to simulate the functions of your heart and lungs. Shadow has figured out a way to strain out the orange liquid by hooking up the victims to one of those machines. It's not pleasant and one girl almost died, she'd been bitten more than any of the others. But it does seem to be working."

"So he just strains them?" Mirage tried to picture that but the only thing that kept coming to mind was straining orange juice to get out the pulp.

"So, if we find any more victims, the quicker we can get them back to ASP the better. Shadow has a van as well as medical personnel waiting for our call. But the first and most important thing to find is the lab that is creating this stuff and destroying it and any notes made. So, where do we start?"

"Braxton's home. Kit and her team went through it but I don't think they knew what they were looking for. I think there's more to that place than what meets the eye."

"How long, Hunter?"

"ETA about five minutes, Di. I say we start in the basement and see what we can find. That place has to be riddled with tunnels and hidden rooms. Have you ever seen a creepy old mansion that didn't have them?"

"Well, let's hope you're right, or this could be an awfully long shift." Beast yowled his agreement, then settled down in his seat, searching the tree line with his incredibly gentle eyes.

When he suddenly sat up again, yowling loudly and reaching for the steering wheel, he startled all of them. Hunter slammed on the brakes, letting Beast pull the car to the side of the road. "Dammit, fur boy, do you have to do that? You give me a freaking heart attack every time you do."

But Beast wasn't listening. He'd jumped from the SUV and was racing into the bushes at the side of the road. He bent over and then stood, lifting a girl into his arms. She was scantily dressed, a pair of ripped jeans barely covering her legs. A white buttoned down shirt was ripped down the front, and Mira caught a glimpse of heavy, pale breasts. She got out of the truck, giving Beast room to lay the woman down in the back seat. Mira could see the bite marks, pieces of flesh had been ripped from her bones. Her heart was barely beating and she tried to look up at the four ASP agents.

"I got away," she said defiantly. "They tried to get me to go into one of the coffins, but I got away when no one was looking."

Dianna stroked the girl's hair, gently pushing the tangled mass off her forehead. "What's your name?"

"T-Trixie Delong. They were going to hurt me more, but I got away. I got away." She repeated the words as if they were her victory cry.

"Who was going to hurt you, Trixie?" Hunter asked from the front seat.

"T-the men. Do you have any w-water?"

Hunter pulled open the small refrigerator that was between the front seats and pulled out a cold bottle. He twisted the cap off and handed it to Dianna. "Lift her head, Beast."

The Wendigo carefully lifted her head, holding her gently as Dianna let her drink her fill. In the light from the overhead, he could see just how badly she was injured. Yowling softly to Dianna, he waited for an answer.

"Yes, we'll call Shadow right away, Beast. She needs to be taken back and have her blood cleaned." Dianna dipped her finger into a trail of blood that moved sluggishly down Trixie's body. Holding her finger up to the light, she gaped at the strange color. It wasn't red, not the bright red of good oxygenated blood. It was dull, thick, a tinge of orange appearing on her skin.

"She hasn't just been bitten," Mira said slowly. "She's been given the orange liquid. It's running through her blood now."

Hunter reached for the microphone. "Beta team to base, come in base."

"Base to Beta team, we read you."

"Base, we have a victim of the orange liquid. We think she was dosed with it. We need the van here now and also let Priority One know what we're sending it."

"Beta team, we have you on Old River Road. Is that your twenty?"

"Old River Road, almost to the Braxton estates, Base. We'll be waiting here for the van."

"Ten-four, Beta team, Base out."

"W-who are you p-people?" Trixie asked, her eyes going from Dianna's gentle gaze to the hairy guy that held her so tenderly.

"We belong to a group called ASP. We're Agents that work to protect humans from the renegades and the rogues of our kind." Dianna smiled down at her. "We aren't going to hurt you, Trixie. We're going to send you to a place where they can fix you all up and make you feel better. This will all seem like a bad dream then."

"Do you mean like the things that attacked me? There was only four or five of them but they were like rabid dogs."

"Was this before or after they gave you the orange liquid?"

"Orange...They didn't give me anything. I begged for water, to be let go, to have them keep those things away from me, but the man, he just laughed. He told me I was a carrier and that I would breed hundreds of more carriers. I-I couldn't understand what he meant. He was insane." She started to cry, burying her face in Beast's furry chest. He yowled something at Dianna.

"Yes, I agree, Beast. She's had enough for now. Shadow will talk to her when she's gone through the process to rid herself of the orange liquid. Right now she needs to rest and to gather her strength." Dianna ran her hand over the Wendigo's back and then turned and walked down the road, gazing off into the thickening gloom of the trees. The sun was beginning to rise, she could feel its promise on her skin. Just as she was about to order Beast to take her into the back of the SUV, the ASP van arrived. They put her on a gurney and put her into the van. Her eyes were closed, her face wan.

In the growing light of dawn, her wounds looked worse, bite marks, gouges, and cut marks marred her fair skin. Her lack of blood caused deep shadows under her eyes and a hollowness to her cheeks, making her look as if she'd been dead a week. How she'd managed to survive the attack and then her run in the woods, Dianna would never know.

The ASP van pulled out and Dianna's team poured back into the SUV. "Let's go find the demon responsible for these atrocities and put him down."

* * * *

Nicholas stared at the golden haired beauty and shook his head. "Arielle, you are amazing."

"Why?" she pouted. "Because I want to help? I thought you'd like that. You know, my hand around your..."

Nicky slapped his hand on her mouth, stopping her from saying that final word, but it didn't help. His mind could fill in the blank rather well. She stared down at him and he could see the mischievous side of her in the sparkle of her eyes. Then he felt her tongue, rubbing against her palm and she took his hand, pulling it far enough away to suck on one of his fingers. "Let me help, Nicky. I want to watch you come."

"How in the hell do you know this stuff?" he gasped as her tongue tickled the base of his finger.

"I had sex ed like everyone else did. Just because I didn't want to use that education until now didn't mean I didn't understand how things work. I know your cock fits in my p-pussy and that if you thrust into me, you will fill me with your sperm." She hesitated a moment, her hand going to his chest, slipping over his bare stomach to push under the waistband of the sweats he was wearing. He hadn't had underwear and he'd be sliced and diced before he'd wear women's panties, so he was going commando. It took her only seconds to understand that as he groaned, his hips thrusting upward as her hand circled his cock.

"God, Arielle, don't stop."

"Take these off," she ordered him, snapping the waistband of his sweats. Somehow he managed without disrupting her hand that was slowly driving him mad.

"Your hand feels so good," he moaned, his hands digging into he sheets under him. "How did you learn how to do this?"

"Porn flicks. My dad is something of a pervert, Nicky." She slid further down his body, her tongue exploring the narrow hollow of his navel before she kissed a line across the skin of his lower stomach. She could feel his pre-cum cover her hand, lubricating it to make moving over him easier. "I want to watch you come," she said softly, her eyes on the small hole at the top of his prick. It was leaking clear fluid and she couldn't stop herself from leaning forward just a bit and rasping her tongue across that small hole, tasting him.

He was bitter and salty, a strange combination but one that she found very addictive. She hummed her pleasure, feeling him stiffen under her. His hands dug into the hair on her head, holding her there, thrusting into her mouth as gently as he could. When she fought his hands, he reluctantly let her go, seeing her smile down at him. There was an impish gleam in her eyes and he barely remembered to try to stop her as she swung her leg over him, taking the head of his cock and pushing it into the slight depression of her pussy.

"I want you in me," she whimpered, pressing down to take him almost forcibly into her. He stretched her out, her silky walls making way for his impossibly hard invader. He could feel her knees shaking next to his sides and he reached for her hips, guiding her way.

It was almost more than he could take, the sleek wet heat that was surrounding him so tightly. He groaned out her name and then helped her rise, his passions leaping higher and higher until the only thing he could feel was her, Arielle.

Her body fell forward, her breasts pressing into his skin, the hardness of her nipples almost boring into his chest. He could feel the demon inside of him, urging him to take the next step, to bite her and then to bite his own wrist, to feed her his blood. He desperately wanted to make this golden haired angel a blood sucking demon like himself.

He nuzzled his nose into her hair, breathing the freshness of her scent. "I want you," he groaned. "I want to make you mine forever."

"Yes," she whimpered, reaching up to move her hair away from the unscarred part of her throat. "Yes, I want that too, Nick. Please."

He could smell her blood; see her pulse beating so delicately against the skin of her throat. It was such a weak throbbing, turning her would be so, so easy. His lips touched her forehead, moving slowly down her nose to her lips. "Are you sure of this, Arielle? If you become apart of me, you'll have to give up your family, your friends. You'll no longer be able to be in the sun and you'll have to feed."

Arielle arched her back, pushing her breasts into his chest. "You'll never leave me?"

His laugh quickly turned into a moan as her pussy muscles moved rhythmically against his cock. "God, Arielle, I would stake myself before I would ever leave you. I've never felt like this for anyone before, not even my sire."

"As long as I have you," she whispered against his ear, the heat of her breath sending a shutter of pleasure through him. "I won't want anything else."

He could feel his teeth coming down, his mouth watering at the thought of drinking from her again. The need was strong, as strong as the passion she caused. He rolled her to her back, lifting himself on his elbows to stare down into her passion glazed eyes. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met, Arielle. You're intriguing and different. I've never met anyone with such honesty or conviction. You make me feel things I thought long dead. There is no one anywhere that I would like to make my mate but you. I just need you to be absolutely sure. This isn't something you can try and then back out of if you don't like."

She smiled and it felt like the gentle heat of the sun that he'd loved when he was still human. "I've never felt more sure about anything in my life, Nicky. You're unlike anyone I've ever met. You asked how I stayed a virgin for so long? I'd never met anyone I want to give it to."

"And then I stole it from you," he growled. His passion was growing and it was getting harder to think. His instincts were kicking in and he wanted nothing more than to press his teeth to that wonderfully soft skin of her throat and drink, even as he filled her with his spunk. "I'm sorry about that."

"I'm not," she whimpered, her head fell back, her body arching as she felt the first spasm of orgasm roll through her. "Make me yours!"

The demand made him smile. She was so tiny but had so much nerve, so much grit to make her seem even tougher than she actually was. "If you're sure..."

"Yes, Nicky, yes. Do it, bite me, make me yours."

The growl that came from deep inside of him was totally different than the way his lips felt against her neck. He let his teeth skim against her skin then once again, the third time, he was sure she was locked into the pleasure of her orgasm and he bit down, opening her jugular for him to drink from.

She was sweet, her blood full of endorphins that made him feel a bit dizzy inside. He drank deeply, knowing she didn't have much blood left in her. When he felt her hands begin to fall from his shoulders, he plunged into her hard, using his teeth to rip open his wrist. His climax was intense and he pulled open her lips, holding his wrist over her mouth to the blood drip inside.

Her hands came up and she grabbed his arm, dragging his torn wrist to her mouth. He felt her suckle against his skin, heard her moan as she came again. He finally had to pull his wrist away, and he fell to the bed beside her, weak as a baby kitten. Rolling to his side, he kissed her cheek. "Sleep, beloved. Tonight will be a new experience for you."


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