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Hunting with Hunter


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"What's the matter? This is what you were telling everyone you liked, earlier. Aren't you having fun?"


"Okay," I said simply. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a simple leather band with a metal snap and walked around so he could see me spinning it on my finger. "Recognize this?"

Dropping to one knee in front of him, enjoying the throbbing rose-headed rod before my face, I grabbed him again. Only this time I was none too gentle. And it was not just his cock I had ahold of. While he shouted, cursed, and tried to kick at me, I hooked the leather strap around him and snapped it into place. Standing up, I gave him one last stroke and left him to hang there.

Moving over to the small table I poured myself a glass of water, put two ice cubes from the bucket next to it and grabbed one of the smaller chairs. Dragging it back over to him I sat down--at my ease, sipping at the cold drink, enjoying the view--before him.

"So, Philip ... tell me, have you ever been fisted by another man?" His eyes went to the size of dinner plates. Absently, I looked at my own hand, casually making a fist. "I'm going to make you a deal. You refrain from calling me silly names, and no matter what all else I do to you tonight, I won't do that. Now given that you're as jumpy as a virgin the back seat of a car on prom night, I know you would not enjoy it. And ... your name calling it really doesn't hurt me anyway." I looked down at the twitching cock before me. "I've been called those same names by people I cared about. So call me what you like ... it's up to you ... or going to be up in you, as the case may be."

"Please let me go," he said softly.

"So anger didn't work, now you're going to try and appeal to my sensitive side." I chuckled. "There's a problem with that, my sensitive side is attached to the part of me that wants to fuck you like the Energizer Bunny with fresh batteries. Neither of these is going to work for you in anyway, Philip." I shook my head and took another sip. "Let me explain this night to you. You went out of your way to act like the kind of man that would attract a man ... well, like myself. You were playing a part. Not playing it well, but the possibility was there that someone, a young gay man not sure of himself yet, might have been attracted to you. And then possibly your 'Shut him down' little speech would have devastated him. Maybe even got him to questioning himself again. Year of pain and struggle to get to where he was openly approaching a guy and then boom, back to square one." I made tisking sounds and fished an ice cube out my glass when I took a sip, letting it play across my tongue. "I find that deplorable. So ... what I'm going to do about it is ... make an honest man out of you. You were telling people you were bisexual. Well, let see how much effort that takes, yes?"

Sliding my chair forwards, I locked my legs behind his and before he could flinch himself back took the head of his cock into my mouth and sucked on it. When he felt my cold tongue caress the tip he began to howl, in screaming rage and shock, for me to stop. Instead I took two nice handfuls of his meaty ass cheeks and pulled him in closer. Letting his cock slip deeper into my mouth and then to make his experience all the more I let that small piece of ice wander back towards the front of my mouth.


Chuckling in my throat, something lovers have told me for years feels wonderfully "odd," I paid his rant no mind and settled in to enjoy myself. It had been awhile since I got a chance to play with a nice cock and, for all his crap, Philip had a fairly nice one. Once the Amazon rainforest at the base had been cleared away, anyway. Against his hot skin that cold ice chunk turned to water far too quickly, but I was tired of it getting in the way by that point. Those spongy veins under my tongue were what I wanted to feel. They have always been my seduction point. Feeling the man I'm sucking's heart beating through them as they slipped past my lips, seeing them all shiny with spit. Licking at the head that soft mushroom that rode my tongue to the back of my mouth. Now Philip, if I had been of a mind, could have tipped into my throat a little but he didn't deserve that, not yet anyway.

My lips would have hit leather before then anyway.

Then I heard the change of sound from him and smiled around his cock. Gone were the pleas to stop. They shifted to wordless moans. Mindless sounds of a man trapped in pleasure. But he didn't know. I absently caressed the leather strap beneath his balls and wanted to laugh. Soon, all too soon, he would be singing a different tune. When the need to cum began to build ... and he couldn't. I kept an ear out for that sweet sound. A painful grunt, a hunching of his hips, a frustrated moan and a gasping that told of orgasmic denial.

Yep. Cock tease me and my friends you fucker. Well, here's what it feels like.

He was back to begging for me to stop by the time I got tired and wanted to rest my puffy-feeling lips. Just to be cruel I let my teeth rake the skin of that hard as stone cock, up to the flared head then, dragged them over that soft sponge, collecting the offered pre-cum on my tongue.

He wasn't expecting me to stand up. He certainly wasn't expecting the kiss. The gob of his own cum passed between his lips? Well, he never expected that in his life. I left him spitting trying to get rid of the taste and cussing me for doing it as I went to a far corner of the room. Twitching back the curtains, I pulled out the ladder and moved over to set it up behind him. A second set of ropes, hidden in a pocket of swaged material that ran to the corner I had just gotten this ladder from, dropped down level with his hands. These two ended in metal "dog-chain-style"snap-hooks.

Climbing back down, I went to a small cabinet full of fun toys and came back with leather wrist binders. He tried to fight me putting these on him but by now standing on his tip toes was taking its toll. I used that against him.

"I'm working to get you to a point where I can let you down. Would you like to have both feet on the floor, or not?" All it took was me telling him that and he quite struggling. "This night can be pleasant or rough, and mostly that's up to you. That door locked when we came in and only I know how to make it unlock. You could hunt this room till you died of hunger and never find the latch. Also, as you've seen, no one is coming to rescue you when you scream. Hell, scream till your voice is gone. I'm the only one that can hear you. The room is totally sound proof." I clicked the snap hooks onto the metal rings on the leather cuffs, and slipped the heavier ropes off his wrists. "There all done. Now was that so bad?"

Climbing down, I stored my ladder back behind the curtain and picked up the remote from the table. With these, more precise controls, I let him down till his feet were on the floor and he had a bit of slack so his arms were not held so high up. He moaned in pleasure at the lessening of strain.

"Want more?" I ran a hand across his ass cheek. "This doesn't have to be torture." I stepped around in front of him and smiled. "There is no one here to see. Just you and me. Two guys with hard cocks and a need to cum. Oh, don't make that face." I walked away to one of the more comfortable chairs and had a seat. "Tell me, do you know why you just did that? That look of disgust. There is no reason for it."

"I'm not gay," he said in a strong voice. Like he was making a declaration to the world, not just me.

I had to purse my lips and repeat it back to him in mockery. "I'm not gay ... Oh, Philip. You have been so brainwashed it's not funny. You. Are. A. Man. No more than that but no less than that either. And a man may be everything and still be a man." Getting up, I toed off my shoes. "See, to you I am a gay man, but if I wanted to I could go and pick up a girl. Take a look at me." I pulled my white shirt off over my head. "I have a nice body, I have money, you saw I have a hot car. My house here is a sex pad from hell. I can dance; I can play music, and recite poetry. I can work with my hands. Most of the furniture in this room, the piece that trapped you for instance, was crafted by me. And trust me, if the desire was there those hands could make a woman purr like a kitten."

Walking over to him I pressed the button in my hands and his arms lowered, him giving off moans the whole time. I stopped right in front of him. I looked back at the cold hate in his eyes with sympathy.

"You have been lied to, your whole life, about what you are. About what I am. About what sex is. And about what it is not." I smiled at him "I would advise you not to take that swing you are thinking about. For one, I still have the remote and this one, unlike the first one I used to suspend you with, is a little sensitive. I push this button too hard and you will be hanging from the rafters. And two, I took boxing in high school and college. I will so kick your ass." I grinned "But, unlike most guys you would get into a fight with, when I'm done kicking your ass I might just fuck it too, just for the fun of it."

"You're a sick fucker. How can you look at another guy's hairy ass and find love?" he demanded, in the oldest clichéd saying there is.

"How can you look at something that will bleed for a week and not die and have your first thought be to put your mouth to the gash? Here is a news flash for you, Philip. Sex ... regular, plain as vanilla, straight sex is not the cleanest thing God could come up with either! What?" He had suddenly looked at me like I had grown two heads.

"You believe in God?"

"Yes ... I mean, I'm not a regular church-going-kind-of-guy but yeah, sure. I believe." I looked at his face knowing what was coming next and decided to get ahead of the questions. "So If I believe, how can I be gay? Is that what you're thinking? Oh, I know all gay men will burn in hell. It says so in the Bible, right?"

"Yeah! It's condemned in the Bible."

Smiling, I moved back to my seat leaving him standing there rubbing at his shoulders. "Do you know that the same passages that speak of homosexuality being a sin also condemn the eating of shrimp and rabbit, the co-mingling of crops and the wearing of linen and wool at the same time?"

"It's unnatural!"

His righteous contempt was the old familiar dagger in my gut. My father's words spat back at me. But, unlike when I was in my teens, I knew this answer now. "Is anything in this world more following of the plan of God than an animal? Humans have free will to do as we please but an animal follows the instinctive behavior given to his by the Creator's hand. Yes?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"No guessing! Yes or no?" I demanded. I got up and crossed back to stand in front of him, wish this was my father. That a cold grave hadn't been the only thing to heard me speak these words before now had never seemed fair.

"Well yeah, then."

"Then you stand there and tell me how my wanting to have sex with another man is unnatural when every animal species on this planet practices homosexuality. From the smallest mice to the biggest whales. They all do it!" I shook my head. "My sexual desires are not base. To love my fellow man, to comfort him when he is hurting and to seek pleasure with him when he is not. That is not base. That is the very thing that makes us men. Now, tell me this, Philip. Earlier, when your cock was in my mouth, did that feel good?"

He blushed like a bride on her wedding day. Oh, it was delicious.

"A blow job's a blow job."

I grinned. "Keep telling yourself that, lovely. Whatever lets you hide the fact you enjoyed the hell out of having another guy sucking on you, huh? Hide behind the Bible too if you wish. Just never let me see you eating shrimp cocktail or touch a football again. Thou' shalt not touch the skin of a dead pig, remember? Can never tell what sin will keep you out of heaven." I reached out and ran a finger over his torso. "Oh, by the way, you're naked in a room with a gay man who also has his shirt off. In some states, despite the fact I took your clothes off under duress you're still guilty of sodomy. Even though I did all the work." I grinned at him.

For a second I thought he was going to take a swing at me, my warnings or not. I let my thumb caress the plastic button in my hand, waiting.

"Can I leave? You've had your fun. I get it, alright. You don't like that I have been pretending to be gay to pick up chicks."

"No. I don't like it that you've been pretending to not be gay in the first place." I reached for his still hard cock.

"I told you I'm not gay! I love to eat pussy and I only like fucking women." He took a step away from my hand.

"And I used to love those little vanilla ice cream cups, with the splintery wooden spoons, till I ate at a Baskin-Robin. Look around you, Philip. There is no one in this place to judge you. Me? I just had your dick in my mouth! Now, you're hard. Hurts doesn't it? Not a nice feeling. Do you have any prospects of taking care of that, this late at night, except with your own hand? I promise, I can do a lot better than that."

Oh, to watch his face. The thousand and one emotions running across it; the thoughts behind those steel-gray eyes. A lifetime of "shant ever do's" going to war with the fact his cock has to be hurting like mad. The need to cum and cum hard tearing at his inhibitions.

"What do you have in mind?"

I smiled gently. "Well, to begin with, I'm going to take off my pants."


I placed a finger in my ear and mimed trying to get to hear again. "Sound proof room and I'm right in front of you. No need to shout. Philip, do your friends call you Phil? Look Phil, I 'knew' your dick has to hurting, because I have one just like it. Hell, mine is every bit as hard and has been hard for just as long as yours. Difference is, mine's crammed into these tight as hell jeans and that's uncomfortable. I want to get comfortable. That couch over there is wonderfully soft to sit on or lay down on, and it folds down into an incredibly comfortable bed. Let me get out these pants, I'll get us a beer and we can sit down and just talk. Here, I'll even take that strap off of you."

With a "I never intended to hurt you" smile, I knelt down and unhooked the leather strap from under his balls. He sighed, and then looked down at me as I again took hold of his dick. I let the heat of my hand warm his cock in my palm. Leaning in, I cleaned the tip extracting an exquisite moan from him.

"Phil, if I had wanted to, I could have moved you to the couch by ropes and pulleys. Your feet would never have touched the floor. A naked marionette puppet. I could have hooked your wrists and feet to shackles and, when you couldn't resist in anyway, raped you. I still could do that; at this very second I could do that. This room is set up to allow me to take the strongest man there is and do whatever I want to him. Now ..." I got to my feet and looked him in the eyes. "Shall we sit, drink a beer and talk sex. Hell, we can talk sports if you like." I puffed up my chest. "Act all manly?"

He actually smiled, and then slowly nodded yes. "Can we take these off?" He held up the bracelets.

"The ropes yes, the cuffs ... well, let's leave those in place for a bit longer. I rather like men in leather." I dangled the cock strap. "Unless, you would like me to put this back on you instead?"

I helped him with the snap hooks and then left him to find the couch as I went to get him and myself a beer. The bottled brew was icy cold. Since it was sitting in the big bucket of ice I keep in the mini-fridge behind the screen. I left my pants back there. No need to scare him with a striptease at this point. Although wrestling him back into the ropes might be fun. But then, him face down on that couch, was the final goal in any event and why not give persuasion a try first.

"Here." I held out the sweating bottle of Schlitz.


Journal entry: July 28th, 1979

What a night. A very successful first test of my "Jungle Room's" traps. One cock teasing straight converted to a true bi man. And all my lustful needs taken care of, for a moment or two. Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!

Now Philip and I must have talked for a good hour or better. Mostly me listening telling him I understood, sometimes even when I didn't. Then I kissed him. Eyes open, soft as your grandmother's patchwork blanket, and so slow he could have hopped up and run to the other side of the room. But he didn't. He let me kiss him. Then to my surprise he kissed me back.

With a sigh, I left the pen on the open page and walked the few steps to lie back down on the soft couch. My inseminated bed for most of this day, I still wanted to go back to sleep. And why not? All the beer bottles were cleaned up, the leather wiped down. The bottle of massage oil and the tubes of lube were put away. What more needed done today?


The cushions swallowed me in their firm grip and I let my tired head rest on the puffy arm of the couch. Even after cleaning the leather the masculine smell of last night still clung to it. Breathing in that musk, I felt a twitch that was painful due to how sore I was. Never the less, I placed a comforting hand on the growing hardness in my shorts. Not really needing to cum, god no, but simply to ease the ache. I smiled thinking of all the aches Philip helped me to ease before I let him out this morning and showed him the door. Just thinking about it was making me even harder.

That first kiss, and its return, had led to me touching him, then him hesitantly touching me. On my chest of course, nothing further south than my belly button, but I let him take his time. I was certainly in no rush. Not at first.

When I had him well and truly hard again I teased him. Told him I would not let him cum till he touched me. You would have thought my dick was a stove eye. Giving him my best "Is that what you call a touch?" look, I leaned back on the leather and just waited. When he moved his hand towards me a second time--like he was about to touch a snake--I moved it at the last second, making my cock twitch and you would have thought it bit him. Laughing at him, Philip had given me a look, and then took ahold of my cock ... hard. Too hard really, but by then I didn't care. Closing my eyes, I had let him explore. Like a duck to water he knew what to do of course, once he got past the fact he was holding another man's dick. He stroked me, awkwardly at first then with a growing confidence. Then he got an odd look and turned me loose.

Know that the inner switch had been thrown, and that he didn't know what to do about the fact he had crossed a line, I took a bit of pity on him. With a grin, I had slid down the couch and took him back into my mouth.

Remembering that warmth, I smiled and gave my dick a stroke through my shorts, then moved them out the way and took a grip on my cock.

He had done the typical closing-his-eyes, so I bit him. That had made him look and I had told him he better watch me or he might lose the tip. Cock sucking is either participation or a spectator sport, if he wanted to take a nap, he could finish me off first. That got him to watching.

I knew, of course, if he had kept those eyes closed, my mouth would have just been standing substitute for the memory of whatever floozy he was with last. And given where he went to pick up girls there was no way my--if I have to say so myself--awesome ability to give head was going to be compared to one of them Aqua Net princesses.

Like comparing Leon Spinks to Jiro Wantanabe! And Dorothy let me tell you ... you better know I'm Spinks!

Really getting into my current slow stroking, I turned over putting my face into the leather, and began to fuck my hand. Breathing in the male-sweaty smell, mixed with the smell of leather and the spicy body oil we had used last night. Memories of the last time I had been like this made me moan. I could almost feel him in me again. Those first hesitant strokes, then that slip of his hand on the oiled leather that put him into my ass balls deep, and made me scream. Biting this leather, gnawing at it, I had endured his clumsy fumblings till he finally got a rhythm, then I could relax and enjoy letting him ride me.

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