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Husband's Plaything

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Wife rewards her hubby for being faithful with old friend.
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Sarah and John had a typical marriage. Both average in every way. Average household income, average three bedroom house in the average suburban neighborhood of the average American city. And now, done raising their average three children and putting them through college. John, at six-two and two-hundred and ten pounds, still somewhat in shape at forty-seven, even with a bit of a belly, he works as an accountant at a large corporation. He's slightly balding with a touch of gray hair, and shaves everyday, whether he needs to or not. His hobbies are watching sports, and playing golf, with a little bit of fishing thrown in.

Sarah, typical American wife at five-three, long curly blonde hair, which she keeps blonde faithfully with monthly visits to her hairdresser. At forty-six, she's still looking young, although her 38c's are just not as firm as they use to be. And, her butt has gotten a bit bigger over the years. Working in an office environment has taken its toll on her posterior as well as her middle, but she's still not flabby. She enjoys gardening when she can, as well as reading. Both still enjoy the outdoors and camping.

But then there's sex. Sarah has never been a big fan of it, as she has always considered it greatly over rated. Of course, she has a low sex drive, thanks to a very small clit that takes forever for her hubby to take care of. Not that he minds, he enjoys the challenge. Plus, when she does cum, it's like the apocalypse. But Sarah, she isn't satisfied with her orgasms. Yeah, she enjoys her orgasms, but the whole deal leading up to it is way too time consuming.

So, they're celebrating twenty-six years of marriage in three months, as they tied the knot in his third year of college. Of course, the fact she put out one night and forgot to make him wear a rubber caused the marriage. But they got a healthy baby boy out of it, the first of three kids, the two girls born three and four years after the oldest.

The house seems so empty now. The youngest girl has been out of the house for a few months now after her own marriage. She's rather lonely, it seems. John never was much of a conservationist. And their hobbies don't really lend to mutual fun. She can't stand golf, he found that out the one time he took her out. Promised to never try that again. They do go off camping more. But, that involves John wanting to fuck her ragged all night. Not exactly her cup of tea. The house is almost paid for, John has worked his ass off since the kids were little, and another year, it'll be theirs.

John was watching football that cool Autumn Saturday evening, Sarah reading on the couch, some magazine about love and relationships. This one was on cheating, and what she read got her thinking. It talked about how women that don't satisfy their mates, tend to have hubby's that wander outside the marriage for some closer companionship. Everything she read in the article sounded like her. She started wondering, has her John ever cheated on her?

She put the 'zine down, and looked at her hubby. Really, she thought, he still isn't that bad looking. Sure he's gotten a bit out of shape, the spare tire about his middle, and he's starting to bald, but has he fooled around on her? Her stare was turning into a glare, and as he watched the game, something told him to look her way. He saw that look, and immediately, he didn't like it. His smile disappeared, as he asked "What?"

Her face got a pouted look on it, and she picked her magazine up and started reading it again, saying coldly, "Nothing!"

He sighed, thinking yeah, right. He started watching the game again, wondering what the fuck he did now. All married men know about this, don't know what the problem is, but sure as hell know they'll be paying for it sooner or later. He was hoping later, as the Fighting Irish were down by four and driving late in the fourth. Then he heard it, "John?" Shit, there goes the game.

"Yeah Babe?" he responded.

"Have you ever cheated on me?"

He choked on his beer, as he looked over at his wife of so many years. "Like, when have I had time?" She lowered her head, and resumed reading, not answering him. Oh shit, he's in trouble now. He got a serious look on his face, adding "No Honey, I've never been with another woman."

There was silence, as he turned his attention to the game, but she wasn't satisfied, and he knew it. Married couples always play this game, it seems. And John and Sarah are no exception. After about ten minutes of more reading, she asked "Have you wanted to?"

He laughed, quickly answering "What man hasn't?" Ah shit, he knew that was the wrong answer, right after the words left his fucking big mouth. And now he hollers out "Ah shit!"


"The damn Irish just fumbled the ball away."

Wrong thing to say, "I'm sure the football game is more important than our marriage!" She stood up and stormed out of the room, leaving John muttering to himself. He wanted to say 'What's the problem there!', but held back. He sat, sighed heavily, and followed his wife to their room. She was on the bed, reading the same magazine.

He sat down and laid up behind her, looking over her shoulder. Immediately, he saw the article, and said "You know, you really got to stop reading such nonsense, it tends to make you think too much."

She sighed, like she was in pain, making him cringe. "Well, I know I'm not that great in the sack."

"You're fine."

"It takes me too long to cum."

"I enjoy the workout."

"I've gotten a bit of a butt."

"Some more butt to hold on to when I'm drilling that tight cunt of yours."

"And I've never really enjoyed intercourse."

"That's why my face spends a lot of time in your shaved cunt."

She rolled onto her back, and looked his way, "So, you've never cheated."


"But you've thought about it from time to time."

"Only if they met my standards."

"Which are?"

He smiled, "Breathing."

"You're an ass."

"You knew that when you married me."

"I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed her on the cheek, adding "Are you happy now?" She nodded her head yes. "You want me to hold you a spell?"

"You'll miss your game."

He answered her by wrapping his arms about her, and pulling her close. She smiled, and cuddled up with him, satisfied, but still a bit apprehensive. As usual, no sex. And in the morning, she wondered why he didn't. Maybe he is cheating after all. But she dismissed the thought, as even in this large metro area, she would have heard something by now.

As most Sundays, she met up with a group of friends, Carol, Alice, Beth and Eileen. She told them what had transpired, and they all said her husband was the most faithful one in the bunch. Seems they all had caught their husbands at least once fooling around, but none have ever heard of her John approaching another woman, even at his place of employment. Beth, who works in the same corporation as John, even pointed out that he's even been hit upon, and he's brushed it off like lint on a sweater. And then, Alice said the words that got her thinking, saying "Hell, most other men would think you should give him time off for good behavior."

She asked "What do you mean?"

Alice said "Well, we all know how much you hate sex, most men that get as little as John find it elsewhere. So most men would think he deserves some extra stuff on the side." The others laughed, as Sarah did too, eventually. The conversation haunted her the rest of the day and into the evening. She sat silently, thinking about that. Then a thought, if she allows him to have a girlfriend, maybe it could work to her benefit. But then she thought, where could I find a woman willing to be his sex toy? It wouldn't be wise to advertise, she chuckled. Yeah, the ad in the paper could be interesting. Then she got to thinking, it would be nice to have someone else not to just have sex with John, but also to be friends with, someone to talk to. She dashed the thought, thinking that it's all nonsense. There's no way she could find a woman to fit the bill.

Three weeks went by, the thought of another woman becoming involved was still there, but not nearly as strong. Then, on a Wednesday night, she answered the phone with a "Hello?"

A feminine voice on the other end said, "Hi Sarah, it's me, Naomi."

"Naomi? My God, I haven't talked to you in ten years! Where you at?"

"My brother's house, over on Washington. Could you meet me for coffee?"

"Sure, sure thing, where?"

"How about the Bob Evans on the north side, say, thirty minutes?"

"Yeah, alright, I'll get ready and drive out in a few, see you there."

Sarah hung up the phone, a startled look on her face. John, sitting in his chair, looked at her, saying "That was Naomi Miller?" She shook her head yes. "God, we haven't heard from them since they moved to Arizona what, ten years ago." He chuckled, "You and her were something else back in school, weren't you."

"Yes, we were." She stood up, and walked to the table, grabbing her purse, "She wants me to meet her for coffee." Coming back she kissed her husbands forehead, as he watched a ballgame on television. "I shouldn't be long."

He smiled, knowing his wife, it could be hours. "Bye babe, later." Yeah, he remembered Naomi. About five four even, and barely a hundred pounds. But a chest that could hurt you. She married that Miller asshole. Never liked him, he thought. Always a bit rough and crude. He was sure he had smacking little Naomi around some.

It took Sarah the full thirty minutes to drive across town to the restaurant. Stepping inside, she found Naomi sitting there waiting patiently. She stood, and the two embraced, as they greeted each other and checked each other out. Sarah was surprised to see that Naomi was still in somewhat good shape. Typical housewife though, as her butt had gotten a bit bigger just like her own, and a bit of a paunch. But really, unlike most big-chested women, she wasn't grossly overweight for her age. And her long black hair was cut short, with streaks of gray.

After their embrace, the hostess showed them to a table, and after they got seated and ordered coffee, Sarah asked "So, what brings you back to town?"

"Permanence, I hope."

"Excuse me?"

Naomi's eyes got wide, and Sarah saw some moisture, "Our only child graduated from college three years ago, he's now on the East Coast making very good money in finance. I had enough of Brad smacking me around, so I left him right after Mark's graduation. The divorce was final last month. The whole thing was long and messy, so I decided to move back here to live, and find a job."

Sarah's mouth dropped. "Wow! You've been busy then. How long you been in town?"

"About two weeks."

"Any offers for jobs?"

She sighed, "No, that's why I contacted you. Was hoping you might know something."

Sarah thought for a second. "Well, I might be of some help. You do know clerical, right?" Naomi nodded her head yes. "Let me check some things out. I can call you at your brother's?"

"Yes, at the moment. I would really like to get out and find my own place." She sipped her coffee, "I'm sorry, Sarah. I probably shouldn't even be bothering you with this."

"Nonsense," she said, reaching over and squeezing her hand, "I'll gladly do what I can."

"So, you and John?"

It struck her, the thought came back. "John? He's very well. We celebrate our twenty-sixth shortly. The kids are all married and out of the house." She thought, could it be this easy? She wants a job, maybe at her own company. They are shorthanded. "Um Naomi, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Hitting the streets looking for work."

"Okay, I'll call you when I get home from work, maybe we'll do dinner. I'll bring John of course."

Her face lit up in a smile. It's always good to come home and find a long lost friend, she thought. "Sure, I would like that."

For the next two hours, they talked about what had transpired the previous ten years. By the time they were done, and Sarah picking up the bill, Sarah was smiling happily. Now, how to get things rolling. She got home and found John in bed, and she crawled in with him. He just murmured something, and she smiled, as the wheels in her hed started to turn.

The next day, she got the ball rolling. Once at work, Sarah went to her boss, and told him the story about her friend. Her boss just said "Bring her in tomorrow, and I'll interview her." Sarah was elated, although she knew that was the easy part. After work, she dialed Naomi's brother's house, and got a hold of Naomi, and told her she would make dinner herself and for her to come on over.

Sarah decided she wanted to go slowly with this, and didn't want to scare off her friend, and definitely not rattle her husband. At least not just yet, she thought with a devilish smile. When Naomi arrived, Sarah told her the good news. Naomi was ecstatic with joy, and thanked her friend profusely. When John got home from work, Sarah and Naomi told him the whole story. He smiled, thinking it might be nice for Sarah's old friend to be back in town. He had no idea about Sarah's developing plans, nor did he suspect.

So, the next day, Naomi showed up at Sarah's office and had a successful interview, getting offered a job to start the next day. After work, Sarah and Naomi celebrated by going out that evening and having a drink to celebrate. Sarah had a good time, enjoying the company of her long-time friend. That Sunday, she even invited Naomi for her Sunday get-together with her friends. Sarah was happy to see that Naomi fit right in.

After another week, Naomi and Sarah were finding they worked together well, as did their boss. On Friday, Sarah was driving Naomi home, as Naomi had been borrowing her sister-in-laws car. As they rode, Naomi said "Well, next week is pay week, looks like I had better get out and find an apartment, and a car to drive to work."

Sarah smiled, "An apartment, huh?"

Naomi sighed, "Yeah, you've any ideas where I should look?"

She put on a good face, "Um, no. But let me think about it."

They went on talking about work, until Sarah dropped her off, and headed on home. She smiled as she pulled into her garage, and parked the car. Entering the house, she worked on making dinner. John arrived home about twenty minutes later, and kissed her hello, before going on into the living room, and taking a seat in front of the TV.

Once dinner was ready, they sat at the table in silence, the usual thing for them at dinner time. Finally, for some reason, John asked "How's Naomi working out at work?"

She smiled, thinking that this is time to start the next phase. "Oh, very well. She seems to enjoy it there."

"Well good. Hope you two don't get bored with each other."

"Oh, I don't think we will." She put down her fork, "Um, John?"


"Well, she's hunting for a place to live, and I thought that since we've plenty of room, maybe she cold move in here for a while." John looked at her, with a look of you got to be kidding. But she went on, saying, "Yeah, I know, you're probably thinking that I'm crazy for even asking." She got a pouting look on her face.

Jack sighed, knowing where this will lead, probably a long, drawn out argument. Now, does he stand his ground, or let her have her way. "Okay Sarah, if you really want this, go ahead and invite her to stay." He paused, as he saw her smile, "But how long do you think this will be?" For some reason, he wanted to say no way. Then again, watching Naomi's big breasts bouncing around the house would be nice. He smiled to himself at the thought, thinking on, that at least it would give him something to think about while in the shower.

Sarah was smiling as well, thinking that this was so easy so far. After dinner, while John was working on a woodworking project in the garage, Sarah called Naomi, and asked right away, "Naomi, would you consider moving in with us?"

There was silence, Naomi was in shock. "Well, uh, gee!" She giggled, "Are you sure? I mean, what about John?"

Sarah did her best to keep from snickering, "Oh, I asked, he doesn't seem to mind. And besides, this way you can pitch in for gas as well."

Her friend smiled, "Well, if it's okay with your John, I guess it's okay with me."

"Great!" Squealed Sarah with joy, "We can move you in tomorrow then, okay?"

Naomi agreed, and they picked a time, they deciding since she doesn't have much, that Sarah should come over about nine and pick her up.

Later that evening, John finally finished for the night in the garage, unknowing about the arrangements that had been made. He went to his room, and saw his wife laying there, under the covers. A big smile on her face, as she read a magazine. He didn't say a word, nor she, as he stripped down, and went into the master bath to shower.

After getting all cleaned up, he came out and saw Sarah tilt her head up, and smile at him, as he came to bed. She said "Naomi's moving in tomorrow, John."

He shrugged her comment off, "Really? Well that's nice." He replied. He reached to his light on his side of the bed, and flicked it off.

She grinned, as she turned off hers as well, and rolled over next to him, wrapping an arm over his body, "You don't mind do you?"

He felt a bit uncomfortable, she hasn't rolled over and held him like this in years, "No, not at all." His cock twitched, as she caressed his side, her hand ending up covering his limp manhood.

"I mean, after all," She grasped his cock, making him moan slightly, "Another woman in the house and all, it might be a bit distracting." She suddenly realized what her hand was doing, thinking that she couldn't believe the feeling she was feeling. A warmth in her loins she hadn't had in years. She smiled, as she pulled his rapidly expanding cock.

He chuckled, wondering when the last time she even started a sexual act. It's been years, and if she's acting like this now, what she going to be like once Naomi moves in? He rolled onto his back towards her, and she came back and laid on his chest, still gripping his manhood. "No, don't think she'll be distracting at all." He kissed her lips, feeling the heat and moisture from her hot, damp twat pressing against his hip. "Guess I'll have to wear more clothes about the house. Was getting use to going around in just my boxers." He giggled, "Or less."

She giggled, "Oh, I don't see that as a problem. I'm sure she'll understand."

He looked at her a bit funny, but just shrugged it off. But then he was really amazed, as she swung her leg over and straddled his groin, and guided his cock into her slippery wet cunt. She moaned as she slid down the length of it, smiling down at his face. All the while, he's thinking, she rarely has initiated sex before, what gives!?

But he soon wasn't thinking why she was doing this, just glad she was, as his hands reached up and grabbed the soft globes of her breasts and sighed a contented sigh, as he balled her as she gently rocked on his cock. He felt his balls tense, knowing that he was about to send a torrent of fresh cum to dampen her cunt.

His groan signaled it, and his ears were surprised to hear the shriek of his wife, as his pulsating cock triggered an orgasm like she hadn't had in a very long time. Her pussy milked his cock, and he savored the feeling, thinking back, damn, this is the hottest she's ever been in bed in a very long time.

Her cunt was still humping his relaxing meat, as she laid down on his chest, wrapped her arms about his head, and deeply kissed him, her tongue searching out his. His hands were on her ass, fondling her round cheeks, as he was really wondering what came over his normally frigid wife.

She pulled off his meat, and went down his body, kissing his chest, then his belly, before she grabbed his spent cock, and pulling it into her mouth, tasting the combined juices of their love making. He thought, 'Shit, she hadn't taken him in her mouth in years!', as he looked down and smiled, feeling his cock twitch as her tongue ran races around the head of his meat. She was surprised as well, as she felt a hunger inside, wanting to taste his schlong, and wanting it in her tight cunt again.


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