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I am Timothy: your... Ch. 05

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Timothy kicks ass.
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Mom and I went to a BDSM New Year's party with me dressed as Tina her slave girl. She was in a Black leather cat suit. The number of fat women who tried to buy me from mom was amazing. There were a few men who tried too. I screwed up, spilling mom's drink just before midnight, that had the countdown happening on my back as mom and another domme, who also got mom's drink on her whipped me until midnight. At least they didn't use mom's whip at home but a type that had a nylon cord. It hurt much less but the effect of sixty in a minute was incredible. i was drained of energy, pain burning all over back, with a fervent resolution to never embarrass mom in public again.

As the people cheered for and sang Mom was there kissing and whispering that it was the new year, the past was done. We were going in with nothing bad from last year. Despite the pain it was the best new year I had ever had. I would have hugged her but I was still tied up. She got me loose quickly after that and took us home, she said my back was bleeding and made me lie in the back of the car on my stomach.

My back must have worried mom because she had me lie down in the lounge and took my chastity cage, collar, and cuffs off after treating the cuts. I lay on a quilt with her beside me stroking my hair. She was thinking, it didn't worry me because she would tell me as soon as she had the words. She was always upset when I didn't drink pain pills after something like this, I thought it was probably that on her mind.

"Do you enjoy it? Being whipped?" she asked.

"No, I hate it."

"Then why don't you use your safe word? why do you stay away from pain pills?"

I had used Caligula before. The night after Christmas I had used it as soon as mom tried sounding. Having needed to screw mom with a sound and that pain scared me.

"At the end of it there's you Mo-My Lady. That is what counts. It's never petty, this was not just petty sadism, I made you look bad and really embarrassed you. But you were at the end of it again, I knew you would be. Besides, its better to have it done and over. Crying too much would have embarrassed both you and I. The pain pills, well that's just me. "

"You don't mind me punishing you like this?"

"I want this before I have what my father and Maria had. Long arguments, long periods of being upset, my father escaping into booze and Maria just getting more upset until he said sorry and did something nice for her. I screw up, you tell me what I did wrong, I say sorry, you punish me, and then it's over. We still love each other and we go on."

"Thank you for that. I was whipping you and looking at you, and seeing the cuts, and you being fantastic. And I realized something. I realized that nothing matters to me except you and what you need to be happy. I would give you to another dominant if you needed that, find you a submissive if you needed.."

I wasn't very happy at the thought of anybody other than mom telling me what to do.

"You're who I want."

"And that submissive you were talking to? She enjoyed your company."

I saw what was bugging mom. She thought I might go chasing other girls with half a chance. There was only one thing to do. I stood up and took Presentation Position.

"I do not need anybody else mom." I said as she stared at me.

Mom also stood up and stepped close to fondle my balls with one hand while she hugged me with her other arm. She let go and her knee coming up hard and fast followed as soon as my balls dropped from the palm of her hand. Mom held me up as breath exploded from me and agony flooded my whole body.

"That was a wonderful gesture. Will you make it again tomorrow if I order it?" she asked.

She felt my balls again while I got my breath back. Then she let go and lifted her knee again. I gasped in agony and shook, mom held me up making soothing noises. She started feeling my balls again when I was breathing and my legs stopped trembling.

"If had wanted you to present them I would have ordered them. Presenting your balls is not just an assurance that you are not looking around. It's also a test of your submission."

And then she lifted her knee again. Somehow I didn't collapse and nearly cried at the agony in my crotch. Mom gently fondled my testicles again, she kept gently feeling them and holding me until I stopped trembling.

"You have no idea how sexy you are. You have no idea what seeing you speaking to that girl did to me. And you have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you."

Mom let me go and took a step back. She wiped a tear from her eye and smiled at me. I was wondering if I could stand normally again or better than that lie down, that was a no. She kicked me this time and let me fall to my knees crying at the agony. I was curled up in a little ball when mom spoke again.

"We can go back to mom and Timothy if you like. Come to bed when you have put the first aid kit away."

It was only the third when mom let me out of bed again. Then we had breakfast in the kitchen as usual with me cooking. She was looking at how I was walking and checking for damage beyond bruising. There was no serious damage to my testicles, she was worried about my pubic bone, pelvis and hips. Satisfied she agreed that we could go out.

We got mom's filling station started and I showed her how the regulations around refueling boats worked. By the end of the day we had all the paperwork and were looking for suppliers. All that was needed were the pumps and the stock to sell. A little internet shopping had a contractor who could get the pumps and install them ready to inspect the next day.

Mom asked about the budget and I showed her my father's favorite account that he stashed money in. she eyes stretched wide to see seven million dollars lying there. Her school had done well to turn a million dollars per year and the startup had cost two million. Something Grandma reminded her of often. The fuel station was going to cost less, about eight hundred thousand and have a turnover of at least a million dollars per month.

By the time I went back to work on the seventh the filling station was well underway and I had a very nice fast boat to get to work and home. Mom came with and had a long chat with Elsa my secretary while I discussed what I wanted from my engineers. Next on the agenda was to get the freighters sorted and I started putting offers together. I didn't want those ships to go on auction because I had no way of controlling the bids. By the end of the day I had got through to the decision makers for that auction and made a general offer. Of the seven I wanted three were seaworthy but old. The other four were not seaworthy and needed major refit. I offered a dollar per ton above scrap value for all seven ships.

Catching up with what the managing director grandma had appointed for the charter company in the Azores I was furious and called him. I explained to him his admin appointment plans were going to drive the turnover down as each paper pusher built a little kingdom that required a document. I went further to tell him that his appointment policies were stupid, the best crewmen came from prison. Those crewmen were also the ones who won the dockyard fights about anything. If we were going to expand operations into Norway, the Philippines, Seychelles, Red Sea we were going to need brawlers to ensure the locals respected us.

The manager who had never really run a maritime company from the angle I had listened to the crash course in how harbors worked away from the management courses in silence. He had a lot of relationships to repair, he realized that. He also realized that the locals did not think of him as doing them a favor by hiring more people. Especially if the people he was hiring were in England or the USA. If he needed paper pushers he was better appointing a company to do that. I suggested a dozen that could handle it more cheaply than setting our own massive admin tail up.

Mom watched me as I raced us back over the water. She had seen the side of me that made me a sea captain. She was delighted that I had not taken crap, I had not been the only board member at the office and those who had been there had tried some frightening tactics. They hadn't worked and I was now going to take the heir apparent to the board president seat apart with what my engineers were tasked with. He ran our plastics and polymers division, and I had decided to invade his kingdom along with invading our machine and tooling company.

To this end I stopped at the Marine's jetty on the way home. Brigadier General Dusty Henning was a surprise. First the brigadier was not a guy, second she was the other domme who had whipped me on new year's eve. She recognized mom and then me as she came down to the jetty after a marine had checked my boat out and clear us to land.

"Director of maritime affairs! You're either very good or well connected." She said to me after greeting mom.

"Let's see Brigadier. I'm well connected in our company, you might ask the Coast guard about me." I said handing my Portuguese passport over.

She raised an eye brow and handed it to a junior officer to follow up on.

"We have a tradition of hospitality to civilians, why don't you join me at the O club for drinks and to discuss this idea of how you can help us improve."

"The O club is near the brig I take it? Easier to toss us in there if I am not a civilian?" I asked smiling.

"He's damn sharp Vivienne, I'll give you that." The brigadier laughed as she showed us to a humvee.

We got a nice private place in the officer's club and I took out the proposals I had worked up. I put them in front of the brigadier and explained what we could do to reduce the Marine inventory parts list, improve flexibility and create new capabilities for the Marines. She looked at mockups of what I planned with standard vehicles where I knew the weights and dimensions. Dusty was thinking about what I had and the junior officer returned with my passport. He whispered in her ear and handed the coast guard signal to her.

Dusty sat back and studied me instead.

"They're pissed and impressed. That is rare to achieve, even more so at eighteen and in one go. You have the qualifications, if they and the navy want you as a skipper on their boats you know what you're doing... what will you need to prove this idea?"


Dusty waited.

"That's it. I can trim my cruiser to work the idea on a small scale with a few supply boats I can pick up in the marinas around here and rent for a few days. I could make a few prototypes for your guys to learn on and then we could hold an exercise say a civil Marine Co-operation exercise to see what small ships can achieve."

"That could be good. I want in on the ground level with development."

"Send a few suitable people to my workshops or I can pick them up at the jetty in the morning, we've already started. I want destructive testing."

"One day... they say you don't let grass grow. You're damn lucky Viv. He's going to do incredible things for you. Why destructive tests?"

"He's already doing Dusty. I'm going to close the school and open a fueling point at Snead's. His idea and his groundwork."

"Excellent! We don't like the oiler there. timothy? why the destructive tests?"

"Because i want you to be confident using our designs, we're a new supplier and you need verification that we are a quality supplier, I want to know the types of damage they take and what that will do to material recycling. The core of the idea is to supply flexible materials rather than incredibly complex machines. If we can recycle on the battlefield from say a landing vehicle to a harbor wall or a road, so much the better. But to learn about that we need typical battle damage, and to understand everything from salvage under water to what hazards various weapons present, whether that is changes in chemical structure, or impurities that need to be filtered out. when you can anticipate the factors involved and we know how to compensate we could have a superb capability and a very good relationship." I replied.

"Nice! Clever too because then we pay for you to determine material suitability for large constructions. So who will pay for the test units?"

"I'll pay for the test units on a training and sample protocol. You pay for what you shoot at them."

"Why should we move our business to Vivienne's oiler?" dusty asked.

"Because he short measures." I answered.

"Do you think so?"

"I know he does. Oh, that... guy who was trying to get to you on New Year's? Watch him carefully, he doesn't add up. He left his... girl? No bruises? That is a play, watch."

Dusty leaned forward and looked me in the eyes.

"Never whisper a word of what I do outside in here; Not further than you just did. But thanks for that, I'll have him checked out." She said intently.

"No more needed Brigadier. Now about that oiler, he was run out of the Canary Islands for the same scam. His pumps have three settings probably, that work on a magnetic key. Have a look at what key he uses. Borrow my boat then send one of yours. Do it a few times, and nail him just after Vivienne opens up."

Dusty smiled at the strategy. She knew the play was to get the marine's market or to get competition out of the way. Either way both of us would win. She nodded that she would consider that. She asked about dinner and discussed the possibilities of my ideas. Then she called a few officers to her table to consider what they needed to be able to do with the technology I wanted to develop. a lot of questions followed, most of which i could not answer off the bat but was prepared to help them answer, there was a sense of satisfaction as the little meeting and conference would down. Dusty clearly happy that I had not given bullshit or made wild claims. When we were seen off it was with a friendly greeting and promises to have some marines on the jetty in the morning.

Mom and I eventually got to go home after ten at night and I navigated us through fog by radar, sonar and map reading. Mom at the helm and controlling engines cheered as she parked the boat in the boat house in exactly the right place. She did brilliantly to control the boat and I told that as we went up the path home. She hugged me fiercely all the way and then her jaw dropped as I undressed inside and held my wrists out for the cuffs.

"You're serious! Tim you're really serious! You're such an ass kicker out there! Then you come here and put it all aside."

"Yes mom. I could never be in charge all the time. We agreed about this, this is your ship and you captain here."

My cuffs and collar had never gone on quicker and mom dragged me to bed. She rode me for hours, keeping me on edge, having orgasm after orgasm until she was satisfied and let me cum. She lay down on top of me at the end and had me draw the covers over us making no move to get off me. she just wanted to hug and cuddle.

When the board came together on the fifteenth I had an agreement with the Marine Corps to develop and supply the technologies associated with my ideas and took the director of our plastic and polymers division apart. He protested that I had spent ninety million dollars since Christmas. So I stood up and explained my project with the Marine Corps and what it would do for his division showing that his division would double its turnover ever year for five years until the marines had the stock levels they wanted. My own division would have continuous income from design and testing new products for the military for ten years at least and then I jumped on our tooling and machine division. I explained that our turnover could jump by up to four hundred million, the stumbling block was the tooling division who were not helping by not even suggesting a prototype machine to do what I wanted, since the order would be up to four hundred machines with product support after sale service contracts we were set to lose huge income if someone else provided the machines. i insinuated that i would go shopping outside our company if i did not have suitable answers fast.

I watched the rest of the board shitting itself for me getting involved with other divisions as I finished by asking the two directors if I should take their portfolios considering I was improving those portfolios more than they were. Even grandad was frightened, I had the finance, legal, and marketing directors on my side, I could overrule grandad with that type of support. The director of finances asked about moves from what I had achieved so far and I set out what marketing needed to do, first. They were falling down on the job as I had secured cargo ships along with six more liners to start running tours through the Med. The navy had taken me on with the offer provided I took twelve ships instead of seven. Three had been three hundred bed hospital ships from early in Vietnam.

These were bigger than we normally operated and would do well touring the smaller Greek islands as well as the Adriatic Sea with two. The third touring the fjords of Norway, Iceland and in summer and moving down to the Azores in winter would fill out our fleet and give as the chance to run maintenance on smaller liners well. The two other ships I had not really wanted were similar to the small liners I used in the charter company and I was going to use them as tours around places like Patagonia or Brazil. I discussed refit timeframes concentrating on the cargo ships first. When asked I spoke about the commodities I owned and that I could occupy those ships immediately and give our marketing something to show in terms of capability.

Grandma, through grandad broke the meeting up realizing that the wind was blowing due me. I felt an incredible power trip watching the board look at me before agreeing to break and get going on the directions discussed. The next would be a strategy meeting in early February and by then a lot of new information had to be taken into account. I knew I was going to be dragged in to discussions as to strategic objectives whether grandma wanted it or not. I thought it likely that grandma was going to go ape shit about what had happened.

"Timothy, was it really needed to stomp on those two?" grandad asked.



"So that there is no doubt about my ability to stomp or my willingness to do so. I was still being nice, they still have their jobs."

I stood up and walked out. Elsa had some files for me from the archives, I was delighted as she put it on my desk. I wrote her a check for two month's salary and gave it to her as a bonus. She had warned me of the director's intention to gang up on me. I was saying thank you, I knew that money would go straight to a care home for her brother who had cerebral palsy. She stared at the check and listened as I gave her Thursday and Friday off to get the care home sorted out. She cleared appointments until Monday before leaving, making a point of coming to say goodbye.

I got a call from grandma just before going home. I was not surprised that she picked impressed as her main response to the board meeting. I had created an initiative that would double the corporation's size over the next five years, that was impressive at any time. She asked me to speak to mom about closing the school down. I told her it would be better put off to Saturday when we came to visit. I also pointed out that she could easily run both if another suitable venue became available.

Then I spent some time pouring over the old files, finding what I was looking for in what was missing. Then I found two crucial documents that should have been destroyed but weren't. Knowing where to look now and what questions to ask i found the electronic master in the mainframe archives.

I went home quite happy and spent two wonderful days serving mom and taking her with to Cape May to see my The Belt as I was renaming her. Belter was never going to sail freely again under that name. I had two engineers with me who were tasked with turning her into a temporary factory. Mom had a look around the ship, subject of dozens of video chat tours knowing her way around with a huge smile because she had not quite believe I had her until now.


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