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I Had No Choice, and He Knew It

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I had to give in to my piano teacher.
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Suddenly I felt hot all over, I began to panic, I knew what we were doing was wrong, or in fact what Mr Taylor was doing was wrong.

"Just relax little one, let it all happen...go on Millie...let it happen." Mr Taylor's voice was soft and quiet, and incredibly his wife was in the next room.

The orgasm came with a rush as his fingers continued to massage my clit. I was trying to stifle my gasps, but I was thinking that surely his wife must be able to hear.

As Mr Taylor took his hand from between my legs I could see my pussy juices glistening on his fingers and the sexual aroma seemed to permeate the music room.

I felt wet between my legs, the crotch of my panties was stuck to one side, so I tried to adjust them back into place.

"That's better isn't it Millie, was it a nice feeling?"

I almost felt angry and I didn't really reply in words. I just went, "Hmm."

Mr Taylor stood up from where he had been sitting beside me on the piano stool.

"C'mon, now let's go and have a cup of tea with Margaret, and no one will know about that little packet."

Still feeling flushed, obediently I followed him out of the music room and into the lounge. It seemed that Margaret had the tea ready, oblivious to what had just happened in the next room.

"Did the lesson go well Millie? I heard some wonderful playing?"

I must have gone even redder, as I stuggled to answer, realising that I was being complicit with what had just happened.

"Yes, I think I'm ready for music college, I'm feeling a lot more confident."

"Well I hope you'll feel free to come here and practise over the summer, even if I'm out at work. Just phone to see if Malcolm's at home.

Whether she knew about her husband's hold over me at that time, I wasn't sure, but that was the first time it had happened with Mr Taylor.

I was a raw, slightly innocent, eighteen year old, and I'd been having piano lessons for nearly two years with Mr Taylor, and partly through his tuition I'd gained a place doing music at uni that October.

If you saw me in the street you would see a rather diminuitive girl, five foot nothing, with small breasts, but sparkling blue eyes, a fresh complexion, and short blonde hair, who didn't look anywhere near her age.

I wasn't a total virgin, but when, during a lesson with him, a sachet of cocaine dropped out of my tiny shoulder bag, he had the necessary lever to persuade me to do things I would never have chosen to do.

Drugs hadn't played a massive part in my life, but it just so happened that I was keeping the sachet for my friend Caitlin, for a party we were going to the following weekend.

"Is this what I think it is Millie?" Mr Taylor held it up in front of me.

"You know this could get you into plenty of trouble! With your parents, and with the police! In fact it could stop you going to uni Millie!"

I felt complete dread washing over me.

"Please, it's not mine Mr Taylor, I'm just keeping it for a friend."

Mr Taylor looked at me, and I realised how pathetic that sounded.

Carefully he placed his hand on my thigh, and squeezed gently.

"Well we'll have to see how this works out, I'm keeping it for the time being, you'll just have to make some excuse to your friend! Now get off home and I'll see you in a weeks time."

I made my way home and immediately phoned Caitlin to tell her.

"Oh fuck it," was her first reaction, "I'd promised Eddy he could have some, but don't worry, he'll just have to go elsewhere. Do you think this music teacher guy will be ok about it?"

"I'm not sure," I replied, "I really hope he won't let my parents know."

And that's how my next lesson worked out, his fingers found my pussy and I was too frightened to object.

When I arrived for the following weeks lesson, Mr Taylor had such a broad smile on his face. Mrs Taylor greeted me as well, and I thought how if she'd known about her husband she wouldn't be quite so happy.

"Ok let's get on," said Mr Taylor and led the way to the music room where the grand piano was crammed into the very tiny room.

As usual he sat beside me on the long stool, and at first everything was normal, we played the pieces he had given me to practise, and then, as he did sometimes, he put on some classical music to listen to, as an example of wonderful piano playing.

Barely a minute into the piece he put his hand on my thigh like before. My body went stiff as he whispered, "Now for our little agreement young lady."

Gently he took my hand and placed it on his crotch. I froze immediately, and my heart began pumping, I could feel the shape of his cock and it was growing bigger and harder.

"Don't forget what could happen if your parents found out."

So many things were racing through my mind, the consequences of my parents finding out, how they would be heartbroken, and then Mr Taylor added the telling punch.

"My brother is a police sergeant, I'm sure he would like to know about it!"

All I could reply in a downcast voice was, "Oh god, please don't Mr Taylor, please don't tell him."

Smiling, he removed my hand and unzipped his fly. Quickly he flipped his cock out through the opening and he was taking my hand once again, placing my fingers around it. It seemed very large. I'd played with two boys cocks before, just messing around as a dare, but this was much bigger than both of theirs.

I began to feel hot all over once again.

My fingers were clasped around it gently, and I could feel it stiffen even more. There was a tiny droplet of clear liquid oozing from the opening, and I naively wondered if it was piss, but it seemed clear and slightly oily.

"Rub it," Mr Taylor instructed, "Up and down."

I slid my fingers upwards and felt the soft skin stretched over the hard core. Mr Taylor gasped softly and I moved my grip to the end of it.

"Now kneel front of me."

Mr Taylor's voice had changed, and sounded more severe.

"No, please don't make me," I whispered, because I knew what he wanted me to do. I knew girls who'd done this and who liked doing it, but I wasn't sure.

"Do it, get down!"

Trembling slightly, I had to duck under the keyboard without banging my head, and kneeling between his knees my head was inches from his erection.

Roughly he grabbed my head with his hands and forced my mouth towards his cock. It was futile to resist, although I did wonder that if I cried out Mrs Taylor might come running.

The taste was different, not unpleasant, but everything close to my face emanated heat. I found my head forced down and his cock went deep into my mouth. Fortunately he didn't force me all the way, so I didn't gag, but eventually he was able to remove his hands as I resigned myself to the task.

I could hear Mr Taylor breathing faster and I was beginning to wonder what would happen when he came. I really didn't want a mouthful of semen.

However, I had no choice, I began to taste a different taste. Mr Taylor groaned and just as I felt his cock almost swelling in my mouth his hands clamped back on my head, holding it down on his cock.

The sensation of his cock jerking in my mouth, and his spunk ejaculating, was unique, and slightly thrilling, but I didn't want to swallow it, and it began to pour from the sides of my mouth and down my chin. I caught most of it in my fingers, but couldn't avoid swallowing some of it.

Mr Taylor was still breathing heavily when I lifted my head. I was trapped on my knees under the keyboard, with both my hands spilling spunk onto the floor.

Quickly Mr Taylor pushed the stool backwards, stood up zipping his fly, and passed me his handkerchief.

Helping me to my feet he quietly asked, "Was that your first time...doing that?"

I nodded without speaking, and handed the handkerchief back.

"Well done, it was very, very nice."

Awkwardly we both gathered ourselves, and just before we went to have our cup of tea, he added, "I look forward to next week."

The week seemed to pass quickly, and I dreaded going back for my lesson.

When it arrived I was a wreck, I'd been stressed about the whole situation and my mum and dad had noticed.

"Don't bother going to your music lesson this week if you want to take time out Millie, Mr Taylor knows you can't go every week through the summer, and if you don't feel like it."

I nearly did just that, but I still wasn't sure about his threats, so I arrived at the usual time. And I knew immediately that Mr Taylor was expecting much more.

Opening the front door he was dressed just in a towelling robe, as though he had just showered. I hesitated on the doorstep, and I knew as soon as I had stepped inside it was a mistake.

"Mrs Taylor is out for the day Millie, we have the house to ourselves."

Even as I turned round and put my hand on the door to leave, Mr Taylor gripped my wrist.

"Don't forget our little contract Millie, it would be foolish to upset me."

The tone was firm, slightly threatening, and his eyes showed desire. He released my wrist and instructed me to follow him.

Should I have screamed, or even made a run for it, but I went with him meekly, and inevitably we went upstairs.

"Please Mr Taylor, please don't expect anymore, I'll suck you, like last week, I'll do that for you."

Mr Taylor chuckled as we entered one of the bedrooms, not his and Mrs Taylor's, but one he had prepared for us.

"Get undressed and get into bed."

I started to sob, and just stood there, trembling.

"Please, please, I'll do anything Mr Taylor."

"Then you will come to bed with me."

Again his voice was firm, as he stepped towards me, and took the hem of my top and pulled it upwards. He said, "C'mon, lift up," when I wouldn't lift my arms, "You know the consequences."

It was at that point I asked myself if I wanted this, but every thought went back to me being found out.

Mr Taylor tugged the top off, revealing my bra.

"Mmmmm," was his response, and he turned me round roughly, unzipping my skirt, letting it fall around my ankles, so that I stood, self consciously, in my bra and panties.

"Get into bed, and take those off," he commanded, motioning to my underwear.

Reluctantly I complied, pulling the duvet up to my chin, and wriggling out of my panties and bra.

I watched Mr Taylor move closer to the bed. He undid the tie on his bathrobe, and let it drop to the floor. I stared, it was the first time I'd seen him naked, and for a fifty five year old he was in good shape, but the erect cock rising from his lower body was a little awe inspiring, I was only small, it made me nervous about what might happen.

"Good girl," he said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He lifted the duvet and I clung to it until his eyes signalled annoyance.

"Wow you have a delicious body young lady, I shall enjoy it."

I curled up on the mattress trying to hide my bare breasts and my pussy, as I watched him pull out the drawer of the bedside table and take out the foil sachet of a condom.

Panic set in now as what was going to happen was quickly becoming a reality.

"NO...No Mr don't...oh god..."

Too late, I went to get out of the other side of the bed, and was grabbed by the arm and pulled back.

"Don't make me angry," Mr Taylor was curt, "Just accept it, otherwise your world is going to fall apart!"

I tried to relax, and heard the foil torn open, and watched Mr Taylor take out the condom. Squeezing the bulbous end he rolled it down three quarters of the length of his cock until it was completely on.

Lifting his feet he lay down beside me on the mattress.

I shuddered as his hand gripped one of my breasts and he made me lay flat. The hand travelled down over my stomach, and although I was keeping my legs tight together, Mr Taylor's fingers prised their way between my thighs and one of them found its way between my pussy lips.

I was angry that I was quite moist, why was that? And when he leaned over and began sucking one of my nipples, I found that two of his fingers were inside me.

"Oh god, Mr Taylor, please! ...this is wrong...please stop..." And then he found my clit, and my voice seemed to fade away.

As he sucked both nipples in turn, his fingers started working my clit just like he'd done a couple of weeks before on the piano stool.

I was trying not to show it, but my breathing became louder. My arms were straight down by my side trying to show that I was not excited by anything he was doing. My legs were still trying to hold themselves together with his hand and fingers forcing their way between my thighs, but I couldn't prevent him finally forcing his knee between mine, and opening my legs.

I knew it was all pretty futile, and when he rolled his body on top of me with his hips between my thighs I didn't have any strength left to resist.

Mr Taylor sensed my final submission, and moved himself slightly until I felt his cock touch my pussy.

At first I didn't know what to expect, I knew I was quite wet down there, but I wasn't quite prepared for it all.

His cock pushed harder and I knew my pussy was tight.

"Oh god, Mr Taylor, it's too big, please...oh god...stop's hurting!"

To his credit Mr Taylor stayed still. He kept whispering, "Relax, little one, just relax."

And then he pushed again, and again I shouted out.

"Oh please...please...PLEASE...just stop."

And then suddenly he was inside me.

Mr Taylor sighed deeply and I groaned loudly, "God!!," and his cock slid slowly deeper and deeper, until his body was flat against mine.

The feeling of his cock completely filling me felt odd, like no other feeling I'd had before. My vibrator seemed very small compared to this.

There was a brief pause before Mr Taylor began to move. I knew that I had to relax, but I wasn't going to give him the idea that this was consensual.

For several minutes I was able to go inside myself, switch off, go into a zone, while he moved his hips and the thing inside me slowly opened me up and made me wetter.

My self induced trance couldn't last for ever and as I'd got used to the sound of the bed creaking, and Mr Taylor's breathing above me, I felt everything become more pleasurable.

I slightly panicked when I heard myself groan out loud, and Mr Taylor obviously gained encouragement and said breathlessly, "That's it Millie, you're really so, so sexy."

The remark seemed out of place and sounded odd coming from Mr Taylor, but it seemed to give me a lift, and it was then that I realised I was on the way to an orgasm.

Mr Taylor knew it too, and he slowed and made those last few minutes seem like ages. He seemed to hold me in limbo, on the edge of my orgasm, and he even got me to plead to make me cum.

"Oh god, Mr Taylor, please...oh please!"

With a rush I shuddered and started cumming, gasping out loud, unable to pretend it wasn't pleasurable.

Mr Taylor was smiling above me, watching every expression on my face, and when I finally opened my eyes he closed his and grunted as he started cumming.

He didn't see my expression change to one of panic, as he ejaculated inside me repeatedly. I had this awful vision of a split condom.

All I said was, "Oh fuck!"

Rolling off me, he was holding the condom tight on his cock and I momentarily lifted my head to look at it, full of his semen, and safely intact.

"There Millie, you finally enjoyed it and our secret is still safe."

I didn't reply, I just got up from the bed, dressed and went straight home.

My head was in a mess, full of conflicting thoughts, and asking myself why I'd enjoyed it so much.

In effect I'd been blackmailed and raped, but it had illuminated a darkness inside me. I was under Mr Taylor's spell.

In the weeks that followed I returned to Mr Taylor for extra practise. Whenever Mrs Taylor was at work, or visiting friends, we had sex. Unbeknown to his wife we had sex in almost every room in the house. It was my initiation, my sexual education. The cocaine, the threats, were forgotten. By the time I went to university, I was confident both in my body and in my mind...oh...and in my piano playing!

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merrySMmerrySMover 2 years ago

Love non con stories with no violence. Nice authoritative piano teacher. Would love this to continue, more of this story. My take, or kink would be the wife actually knows about her husband's proclivity and eventually helps him use the student anally and other shameful ways. Inserting objects into her holes, etc.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

But a little short. Expanding on using all of her holes including loosing her butt cherry would be a good read.

nepomuk77nepomuk77over 2 years ago
Plausible, Feasible

Plausible, Feasible and, sadly, Believable.

Well presented.

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