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I May Be Guilty, but... Ch. 05

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It's Jerry, Debbi and me.
6.1k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/23/2022
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Next morning the outdoors view was really terrible. Well, we'll have to forget about enjoying outside.

Sex is a wonderful option for both of us, but I still wanted more to do afterwards.

I decided that unless Debbi had an objection, after our bed-exercise we'll go eat brunch at a small restaurant five blocks away from my house, followed by a visit to the art museum - A wandering exhibition of pictures by Rembrandt and Pieter Bruegel was on display for the next 2 weeks.

Debbi appeared at my door on time and said, "Hey mister, the weather is absolutely awful. Are yo sure you don't want to stay in bed for the rest of the day? Knowing what you have in your kitchen, I can make you a sandwich with egg and cheese, a hot-dog or salad. Afterwards we can have coffee, beer or red wine...???"

"I cannot think about food right now. I usually think better whenever I am inside you... or slightly after..."

Debbi chuckled, "I bet you think better! But very likely with your LITTLE brain or whatever else you wish to call what you have between your legs!"

We undressed and crawled under the soft blanket.

Debbi's body was cold and she was shivering mildly.

I hugged her and we kept still for like 10 minutes, until we both were comfortable enough.

Debbi's warm tit against my chest was too tempting and I began fondling it.

Ten seconds later her nipple was becoming smaller and harder.

She turned toward me, "David, if I didn't know you better, I'd think that you are trying to make me succumb to your deviant desires... Like inserting your small brain into my holy entrance..."

"Darling, you really need to trust me! My intensions are noble - I simply want to fuck the hell out of your gorgeous body."

Smiling, "What can a little woman do? I did a mistake entering your bed in the first place... Now I cannot protect myself against the beast that you are!..."

"I love to hear that you give up. Now put both hands above your head and let me screw your hungry snatch!"

Debbi touched my cock, "Sir, I think that this thing is too hard now... Shouldn't we wait until it's softer? It may hurt me! Right?..."

"Shut up bitch and put your hands above your head, otherwise I'll have to punish you!"

Whining, "But I am scared of your big hard sausage. I think that if you try to insert it into me like this, it may tear my tunnel apart..."

"OK lady, you asked for it!"

I left the bed and brought from the nearest closet a small bag.

I removed from it two velvet cuffs and tied each one of her hands to the nearest bed post.

Then I took out an adult pacifier, inserting it in her mouth.

I grabbed 2 alligator nipple rings and attached them to Debbi's nipples. She gasped...

I watched Debbi tied and totally at my mercy - She looked very sexy...

Then I moved on the bed and started lightly touching Debbi's body, trailing slowly from her neck downward, skipping both tits and her cunt. And then back up, never touching any highly sensitive part.

Debbi realized that I did not intend to touch her erogenous areas and began making some unclear noises, while jerking her body in my direction, begging me to play with her libidinous organs.

"Debbi, I do not understand what you want. I am trying to be nice to you - I am touching ONLY the areas that are NOT involved in sex! This is what you wanted, right?"

Debbi tried to talk, but the pacifier was well anchored in her mouth and could be removed only by me.

Her muffled complains were in vain...

Next I climbed the bed and started licking her body from her thighs upward, again skipping the erogenous zones.

Debbi's sounds became a whining.

I looked at her, "Are you going to be an obedient girl now or you want me to punish you further?"

Debbi looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

Me "Good girl. I'll remove the pacifier now and you better behave and let me do what I want with your body!"

I removed the pacifier.

Debbi, "Sir, I am not sure that I'll obey your inhumane demands..."

"That does it!"

With both her hands still above her head, I moved both cuffs medially and turned Debbi's body upside down. Now she was on her tummy.

I spread both her legs and tied them to the sides of the bed.

Then I reinserted the pacifier into her mouth.

Subsequently I climbed the bed and shoved my erect cock into her vagina from behind.

Her opening was slippery and my boner did not meet any resistance.

I pounded her cunt five times, until I heard her starting to moan.

I grabbed a whip from the bag and told the bitch, "You asked for it, so be ready to be thoroughly spanked!"

Initially I hit her a couple of times with the palm of my hand using medium force.

I followed by a whipping that began lightly and gradually increased in intensity.

I stopped after counting to 10. Her ass cheeks looked red and raw...

The girl was silent the whole time.

I mounted her backside and again shoved my cock inside her cunt.

No surprise there. The outside of her pussy was extremely moist...

I began fucking her in earnest, knowing that every time I was deep inside of her, her raw butt would hurt.

But I also knew that the combination of pain and pleasure would lead to an especially rewarding orgasm...

As predicted, about 5 minutes later Debbi's body was jerking upside down and sideways uncontrollably.

Her moans became a mixture of cries and groans, barely heard behind the pacifier.

I continued my assault on her body for another ten minutes and then I came inside of her cunt.

I rolled over to her side.

Both of us were sweaty like pigs.

I untied her hands, removed the pacifier and the alligators.

Debbi moved toward me, hugged me tight, "Did I tell you that you are the best?..."

We rested for fifteen minutes, regaining our breath.

"Debbi, be nice and make 2 sandwiches. Meantime I'll go and prepare the jacuzzi. Deal?"

"How can I refuse the guy who just gave me one of the best climaxes ever?!..."

We stayed in the jacuzzi for close to an hour.

Afterwards Debbi wanted to rest.

We slept like babies for about two hours.

There were 2 hours until Debbi was supposed to leave.

I offered her a body massage. She happily agreed.

I took Debbi to another room with a table that was best suitable for the job.

I covered it with a long towel and let her lie down on her tummy with her head on a pillow.

I poured some avocado oil on her legs and slowly but firmly started massaging her right leg, stopping at her upper thigh. I repeated the process with her left leg.

All that time Debbi's body was still, but soft purring noises were clearly heard.

Then I moved on to massage her inside thighs.

Debbi slowly began to spread her legs for me. I moved upward and kneaded her ass cheeks.

By now only little red marks were still noticeable and the view from above her ass, including the open-lips love hole and little hair on her bush, was very erotic...

I felt my cock beginning to throb again.

I continued massaging her ass cheeks, gradually directing my hands to the crack in the middle.

Every now and then I reached to her vaginal folds, meeting her juices flowing downward...

Debbi was getting aroused again... Just like me!

Then I moved in front of Debbi's head to massage her shoulders.

My cock continued to harden and extend, until it touched her face.

Debbi had her eyes shut during the massage, so initially she wasn't aware of my 'predicament'.

But when she felt my boner poking her mouth, she welcomed it home between her lips.

As I was massaging her shoulders, the sucking was slow and sensual.

Then I moved closer to her, doing the back.

As more of my meat was inside her mouth, Debbi's sucking became faster and more forceful.

Earlier I already had one orgasm, so it took me longer this time but eventually I came in her submitting mouth. She literally sucked me dry...

Another short rest and then Debbi dressed up.

She said, "Thank you for a lovely day my love. I still hope to see you again before Wednesday..."

Wednesday afternoon.

Jerry appeared right on time and seemed cheerful, "Doctor, I did not smoke the whole week! The first 3 days were tough, but the last 2 days were easier. I think that you were doing miracles with me! I am anxious to have the last session, hopefully it will make me a non-smoker for a long time..."

"I am happy to hear that the cravings for smoking is diminishing. This time I'll talk to you about managing a non smoking future, but I'd like also to take the opportunity to discuss other important issues."

"OK doctor, let's do it!"

Jerry was on the semi upright bed in ten seconds and closed his eyes. Few minutes later he was 'out'.

"Jerry, my first question is simple - Did you really not smoke at all during the week?"

"Yes doctor. As I said, the first 3 days, especially at work, I was frequently going to the kitchen or the bathroom to suck or munch on my cucumber, but later on I was doing it only 3 times in my ten hours shift..."

"Jerry, I am very proud of you! So today's first instruction is simple. As of now you N E V E R use a cigarette again! You are NOT ALLOWED to ever smoke again!!! Jerry, is it understood?"

"Yes doctor."

"Jerry, I hope that Debra got rid all the cigarettes from your home. Do you know if she also tried to eliminate the smell of smoke in the house?"

"Last Sunday I was watching a sport channel and I saw her trying to wash the walls with soap and water.

She did several laundries of stuff and all the curtains and carpets were neatly tucked to be taken for dry cleaning. Debra said that she would need me tomorrow to rearrange everything back the way it was..."

"Very good! When you go home, tell Debra that I really appreciate what she did to eliminate as much as possible of the noxious smell! BTW, as of now, whenever you go outside of your house, I'd like you to avoid spending any time in a smoking area, like gatherings with smokers around, rooms that smokers are allowed in, etc. Jerry, are we clear?"

"Yes doctor..."

"Good! So this subject is covered for now. Some patients may need a reinforcement every several months or a couple of years, but we are going to deal with this issue later if needed. Let's move to another subject. Jerry, did you continue masturbating after using Cialis?"

"Yes doctor. I did it twice."

"How was it?"

"I liked it. I did not have side effects using the Cialis and very short time after I started playing with myself, I was already hard..."

"Jerry, you are doing really well! And how is your breathing lately?"

"There is definite improvement. At work I can work harder than before... I get tired and breathless after working MORE hours. Last time when I was playing with myself, I took it easy and my breathing was OK."

"Great! I want you to always remember that if you continue the no smoking attitude, your breathing will continue to improve for at least a year from now!"

Jerry did not talk.

"Jerry, the other time you were talking to me about a threesome. Are you still interested?"

"Yes doctor..."

"Do you still want me to be the third person with you and Debra or you'd rather do it with another person?"

"I want YOU to be with us. But more importantly, Debra also wants you to be the other guy..."

"Jerry, I recall you telling me, that in your youth you and Debra had threesomes, so you know what to expect... But do you understand that you are going to watch me kissing your wife, playing with her breasts, fucking her and she will give me head. I'll also go down on her, licking her clit. Is it something you'll feel comfortable with??"

Jerry, "When we were young, seeing Debra playing with another guy, who later fucked her, was a very erotic thing for me... I hope not just to watch, but to participate too..."

"Jerry, you will definitely be part of it as well. However, your breathing is not perfect yet and you'll get tired if you work too hard. If we do the threesome as expected, your part will have to be limited! You will undress Debra for me, watch me kiss her lips, then suck on her nipples. Afterwards I'll start undressing. Once I remove my underwear, you'll see my cock at it's resting state for the first time. I'll want you to approach me, get on your knees and start blowing me! I want Debra to watch you give head to another man. I am sure that with your prior experience I'll be erect after a short time. Jerry, can you do all of that without suffering?..."

"Yes I can. Last time after taking the Cialis, I was imagining about you with Debra and I think that it helped me become hard even faster. And sucking you should be fun for me - I did it a lot and I love to suck a cock. I haven't done it for quite sometime now..."

"Jerry, the upcoming weekend you are not scheduled to work in the factory and you do not have other engagements, right?"

"No doctor."

"Jerry, that is very good! So now I am going to give you instructions for the last time. Later, when you'll wake up, I will cease to be your therapist. Jerry, are we in sync?"

"Yes doctor."

"OK. As I said before. NO MORE CIGARETTES for you!! Every time you smell a cigarette, being offered a cigarette, or even see somebody else smoking, you'll feel nauseous. If you start smoking, you'll immediately vomit your last meal!!!

Next issue. Tell Debra that the upcoming Saturday, I want both of you to be at my house at 11 in the morning. Before that encounter, I want you to shower, shave and take a tablet of Cialis at 10 in the morning. Debra will wear a short black dress, high heels, red lipstick and her hair down. She should NOT put on anything else, including bra, panties or any kind of jewelry. You Jerry will have on a simple front button shirt, long pants and shoes without strings. No underpants or undershirt too. Jerry, did you understand everything I said?"

"Yes doctor."

"That is excellent Jerry. And one more thing: Remember that you are a submissive guy. When we have our threesome, you'll GLADLY do everything I tell you to do. If you are going to be nice to me and Debra, I promise you that all 3 of us will enjoy the experience...

Last thing Jerry. When you wake up, you will not remember our discussion. You will only remember your instructions! I will wake you up now and as usual you'll feel good about yourself. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5!"

Jerry sat up and smiled broadly. He stretched his arms, "Doctor, this was the last time I visited you as my therapist. So next time I see you, how do you want me to call you?"

"Jerry, I am happy to see you in such a good mood. From now on you can call me simply 'David'. And you are right, as of now I am no longer your doctor. However, if you need any advice, you can call me as a friend and I'll try to help you as much as I can.

OK Jerry, say 'hello' to Debra and I'll see you both on Saturday. Take care."

I saw Jerry starting to drive home and immediately I called Debbi, "Jerry just left. Both of you will be coming to my house on Saturday at 11 am. Jerry will remind you the details of how both of you should be dressed."

Debbi, "It's a cliché, but I remind you that we'll be coming 'IN' your house, not 'TO' your house... Anything else I should be aware of?"

"Yes dear. The two of us won't have sex until Saturday. I want you horny and very hungry for sex for the threesome! By the way, during the action you may observe unexpected 'things', but everything will be OK. Each one of us has experienced a threesome before, but since it's a first for us TOGETHER, especially with Jerry not being 100% yet, I'll try to make it easier on him. Both you, Debbi, and I would be doing everything we want. But I'll start with Jerry watching us together. It may be you and I getting naked and then even more... Knowing that he took Cialis earlier, everything is supposed to arouse him, so he can have an erection without too much effort. Once he notices that he can get a boner in our presence, everything else should be much easier... Based on his breathing and level of tiredness at that point, I'll decide what I let HIM do with us or with himself."

Debbi in a complaining voice, "You know that I am not happy without you for 3 days, but I'll try my best. We can still talk on the phone Thursday and Friday. Jerry should be home any minute now, so I'll call you after working hours tomorrow and see you Saturday. Kisses my love..." Debbi disconnected.

Saturday morning.

I woke up at 8 am and looked outside. It was a perfect day. Mostly sunny, 72 degrees, minimal wind.

I smiled to myself. It was going to be a wonderful day!

An omelet with 2 eggs, a toast with cream cheese and a big mug of strong coffee tasted great.

I sat by the computer and checked the latest news. As usual, nothing good...

I turned to a sport channel. Two interesting basketball games caught my eye. The second one would start at 5:30 pm - I'd try to watch that one. The first one was to start at 10:30 am, so no way I was going to see this game. I'd be busy with Debbi & Jerry...

At 9 am I began making some preparations for the threesome. Actually, I didn't have to do much - The house was clean (My cleaning lady was here on Thursday and she dusted the furniture, operated the dishwasher and took care of the carpets).

I moved through the rooms to see that everything was in order - Clean bed covers, sheets and towels. I still had enough beers, white wine, fruits, variety of nuts, coffee & tea, etc.

I checked the 'specialty drawer' near the king-size bed. All the 'accessories' were clean, nicely arranged in place and ready for use (some after being charged using the USB device and the others with new batteries in them). Extra lubricating gel and different kinds of condoms were placed in an ashtray on a nearby shelf.

I was debating whether to take half a Cialis myself. I haven't used 'help' before. However, now I am older and later I'd have to take charge of a NEW threesome... Hopefully it would be a successful one, but why take chances?... Better be sure that my body did not disappoint me at the wrong time. I took it...

I wasn't concerned about Debbi, but I had no idea how much I could expect from Jerry... I had a good feeling about him, but better being more prepared, just in case...

At 10:45 I was already showered as well as shaved (and of course, my Paco Rabanne cologne).

I put on a short shirt that had the 2 top buttons free, a clean pair of long pants and sandals.

I did not bother with underpants or undershirt...

At 11:01 I heard a soft knock on my door.

I opened the door and smiled at them, "Debra and Jerry, you both look great. Thank you for coming."

I saw Debbi winking and half smiling, as if saying 'not cumming yet, but soon, buddy...'

Jerry entered the living room and mumbled, "You have a big house. The living room looks nice..."

I told both of them, "Guys, let's sit for a moment here, drink, listen to music and afterwards I'll show you the rest of my house."

I was sitting on my favorite coach, while jerry and Debbi sat on the loveseat.

They looked nervous, as expected...

I brought them white wine and a beer, respectively.

I wanted both of them to relax, so we chatted about trivial things like my last travel to Europe, struggling to manage in Spain and France using only English, how to deal with wild deer eating my lawn and bad plumbing they had in their old basement.

After 20 minutes of nice polite talk, all 3 of us had already 2 alcoholic drinks. Everybody seemed comfortable.

I offered, "How about I'll show you my house?"

Jerry jumped up, "Yes doctor."

I smiled, "Jerry, remember what I told you - I am David. By now I am a friend. So let's make it less formal: You are not Jerald but Jerry and your wife is no longer Debra, I'll call her Debbi. Is it OK with you two?"

Jerry, "Of course... David. I am sure that Debra won't mind. Do you dear?"


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