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I May Be Guilty, but... Ch. 06

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Debbi, Jerry and me.
6.1k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/23/2022
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Sunday morning I was busy with my lawnmower cutting the 1.5 acres around my house.

I put my earphones and listened to old country music I love - Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson, Hank Williams, Patsy Cline. After 2 hours of mowing the lawn, getting rid of stubborn weeds and watering the flower bed, I was tired and sweaty.

I went inside my house and heard the last ring on my line phone followed by silence. Oh well, if they didn't leave a message it's either a wrong number, or they'll call again later.

I undressed to take a long shower. As I was getting all wet the telephone rang again. Oh, fuck!

I ran naked and wet to pick it up, "Who is it?" I shouted.

"It's Debbi. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Debbi, I was in the shower. I stand near the phone all naked and wet. Is this call urgent?"

"Not exactly dear. I miss you... I would love to see you in the nude now, but I can wait..."

"Girl, I'll be out of the shower in 15 minutes. Any time after that you can call me. I'll be home until 2 pm."

I went back to the shower, enjoyed the fresh water pouring on my sweaty body and tried to guess what was the call about. Debbi didn't sound alarmed, so it could have been a good sign. However, she wouldn't want me to be concerned until we could have time to solve the problem if there was one... I wasn't sure.

An hour later (I was already very worried) the phone rang again.


"David, are you decent now or standing bare naked with your cock hanging in all it's glory?!..."

Chuckling, "How are you doing after yesterday?"

"I feel awesome. My batteries are fully charged. Jerry left the house with a smile on his face for the first time in years and even kissed my cheek. I still love him. He is a good man!"

"I am very happy that I could help. I didn't have time to tell you yesterday, but you need to understand and remember several things. First about smoking. Unfortunately, even if at home Jerry will not smoke and there will be less temptation, eventually he may smell cigarettes outside, or there will be a stressful situation that will remind him that smoking a cigarette is a highly effective anti-stress agent. So directing him to find another stress relaxant might be a good idea. My recommendation is to find a hobby that will interest him and keep him distracted from cigarettes. BTW, a reminder that hypnotherapy may need to be reinforced every several months or years in order to continue being effective. Second issue is related to the fact that Jerry is a very submissive person. It's not a big issue for many people, but in the future it may present a problem for Jerry - He does not know how to handle pressure well. I remind you of Jerry's behavior when he was confronted by his supervisor... YOUR job, as his wife, is to be tough FOR him and help him make the right decisions! Third subject has to do with intimate relationship between you two. In my opinion, if you Debbi go slow, both of you may reach satisfactory intimate relations, but it will take time. Yesterday I took charge, because I wanted Jerry to feel that I was the dominant person in the room. For a submissive guy it's a relief to know that he did not have to be responsible for a potential failure to launch. But If I am not there, it may take Jerry some time to be proactive in the bedroom. Of course, as long as you are nice to him, YOU may assume the dominant role, at least on a temporary basis... Knowing you, it is going to be less desirable for you, because you like ME to take control of your body during sex... But I still think it is better to start using 'baby steps' with Jerry at this time. What do you think?..."

"David, that's what I love about you. Everything you said was right on. At the end of the day this is the life we have to live in... Yes, it won't be easy to live with Jerry, but now at least I have hope - With your help his smoking is out. It may be temporary, but with encouragements I think that he might be ready to give it his best... I agree with your other point - yesterday for the first time I realized how submissive he has become since our youth. I can try and help him as much as possible, but I may need help too... Last night, after leaving your house, I had a long talk with Jerry. We mentioned a lot of subjects - Smoking, breathing, his submissiveness, his oral fixation, my sexual needs. We both reached the same conclusion. We both want you as our friend and... partner. I didn't tell Jerry about our affair. Jerry stated that he would like the idea, assuming I could convince you to participate in future threesomes with us... He also looked me in the eye and said flat out, that if I need more sex than he could provide, or I need a better, more dominant lover, he would not object for you and me to have sex whenever I want it... He sounded very sincere about it! He also mentioned that if you and I decided to go at it alone, he'd enjoy hearing details or even watch us. He described it in a way that sounded like he'd get aroused knowing about you fucking his wife... But he reiterated that he'd still like to have more threesomes. He wanted YOU to continue taking charge and decide for everyone what to do. So David, what is YOUR opinion now???..."

"Debbi, you know me enough to realize that I am fairly dominant in nature. I love being with YOU. Initially I was under the impression that a threesome will be a good TEMPORARY solution, but I get the vibe that Jerry actually like for me to be there again, because in addition to having sex with you, he wants to have sex with me... He craves to suck my cock. He wants me to order him around... I have no clear evidence yet, but my impression is that he will also enjoy the game of carrot and a stick (Get a reward for being a 'good boy' or punished for being 'bad')... I am inclined to let jerry know that FOR NOW I will be willing to continue having threesome with you two, as long as I know that he never succumb to smoking again. You also tell him that I'd be happy to meet you alone whenever YOU feel an urgent need to be thoroughly fucked by a dominant male. You'll promise Jerry to give him details on our escapades. For your own knowledge, I've met multiple men like him before, so I can tell you that any obnoxious pornographic detail you tell him will make him horny... As far as I am concerned, you can tell him anything from true actions we had, to pure fantasies to make him happy!..."

Debbi snickered, "Your talk is making me crazy... I am wet already just hearing your voice, especially when you mention sexual activity... Can I see you today?"

"I told you that at 2 o'clock I'll be busy, likely until 3 or 3:15.

I'll be home by 3:45, which will give us only about an hour before you have to go back home. Darling, is it worth it?"

"We can have a quickie and enough time for a coffee with cookies..."

Laughing, "I am afraid that a true nymphomaniac is developing under my nose. OK girl, I'd love it too..."

"David my love, I'll be at your house slightly after 3:30 pm. Don't be late!"

The next few days were busier than usual for me. A colleague of mine went on vacation and I had to cover for him. Every evening I was finishing work after 6 pm and too tired to do anything else.

Debra called me twice. I apologized saying that my days included ONLY waking up, going to work, eating, showering and sleeping...

On Saturday evening I got the phone call I was expecting - "We are back in town. Thanks for covering for me."

Minutes later I texted Debbi that Sunday I'd be available, if she was up for it.

Few seconds later she texted back, "Yes lover, I'll be at your house at 9:30 am. And I am VERY HUNGRY( not for food, mind you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)."

I was smiling to myself, 'The text is so Debbi...'

Sunday morning was a dreary day - Cold, rainy, windy. Well, no outdoors today...

Debbi showed up on time saying, "I hate the weather man! Yesterday he said that today will be partly cloudy but nice. Look outside... It's a flood!"

"Girl, let's make the best of it then. Do you want me to make you a good breakfast?"

"No Mister! I told you already. I am hungry for something else. Let's see if your IQ is high enough to guess what will satisfy my hunger..."

"My best guess is going to the art museum and see the new exhibition on display..."

"GOD!!! For quite sometime I had a suspicion that you are less smart than I initially thought!... If your cock is not inside my body in 5 seconds, I am calling the police that you stole my money, destroyed my car and about to rape me... So what will it be Honcho?!..."

"I find it very unfair that you are blackmailing me at my own house!... But in order to protect my spotless reputation, I'll submit to your demands THIS TIME..."

I moved toward Debbi, lifted her in my arms and carried her to my bedroom.

I ordered her to stay still and then slowly, one by one, I peeled all her clothes.

She was standing fully naked in front of me.

I moved backwards and admired her shape, "Botticelli's Venus!"

Debbi took one long glance at me and innocently asked, "Did Sir also get an erection when he was watching the original picture in the Uffizi museum?..."

"Not exactly... Over there I loved the way the painter captured the Goddess beauty. Over here I plan to ravage your body and ruin your beauty for anybody else!..."

"I think that the time for flattering and foreplay is over. You better start your engines before I begin screaming!"

"Yes ma'am..."

We were too horny to take it slow or easy. Both of us managed to reach our first orgasm within 10 minutes.

After our initial hunger was satiated, Debbi prepared a hearty breakfast, while I filled the jacuzzi for later.

During breakfast, we hardly talked.

We were just watching each other. Did I mention that we didn't bother dressing up?...

In the jacuzzi, Debbi was facing the wall. I joined her from behind, massaging her shoulders.

Debbi sighed, "It is such a waste that you chose to be a psychiatrist. You'd be great as a masseur or... a sex provider..."

"You know me, I am too lazy to work all day long with my hands. It's much easier to work with my brain..."

"Doctor, your brain is too dirty to be the only organ you use at work... Do you really think I didn't notice how your 'little brain' is doing the thinking for you when I am around?... Every time I 'accidentally' expose slight cleavage, the front part of your pants becomes too crowded. I wonder why..."

"Sorry lady, but seeing any intimate part of your sexy body makes both my brains imagine my next plan of attack. You may be right that it's time for old me to think of a way to cut my testosterone levels."

"Bastard, don't you dare! I still need your dirty mind to satisfy my cravings... If it's not you, who am I going to rely on?... You know, 2 days ago when we went to sleep, Jerry touched me 'the old way'. It was obvious that he wanted sex. I touched his body and his dick was slowly getting harder. I let him play with my breasts and go down on me. He made me come with his mouth. After that I touched him again, but he did not have full erection. I sucked him for awhile without much success. Then he took my hand and inserted one of my fingers into his ass. I got the message. I massaged his prostate with one finger, then I inserted a second one and pretended to be very aroused, making moaning sounds. Those actions made him become much harder and eventually he ejaculated in my mouth. He then apologized that he wasn't able to fuck me. I reassured him that everything was fine since I did have an orgasm. Ten minutes later he was asleep.

My conclusion - Jerry is not ready for the big time yet. I know it's early, but we still need you around - Not just for me, but for JERRY & ME!.. Can we have another threesome in the near future?..."

"If I know that the bitch will be available to service all my deviant needs whenever I feel like it, I might consider another threesome in the next available weekend..."

"I knew that you are a sweetheart... How about next Saturday? Jerry doesn't work and we have no other plans."

"How does Jerry feel these days about another threesome? No regrets? No Jealousy?..."

Debbi smiled, "Jerry mentioned your name twice last week. The first time was on Monday. He said that he was amazed that you were having so much knowledge, confidence and skills in the bedroom, considering that you did not have a woman to share it with.... I could barely contain myself not telling him about us... The second time was immediately after our sex together. He said that for him to get aroused, the best ways included sucking a cock and being penetrated anally. He mentioned that you realized it in our first encounter and that's what made it so successful for him..."

"Debbi dear, I hope you understand what you are REALLY saying... OK, next Saturday let's meet again at my house at 10 am."

"David, you are darling! By the way, is Master going to need MY intimate services until Saturday?!..."

"Yes! On Wednesday I want you naked in my bed, waiting patiently for me at 4 pm. Any objections?!..."

"No Sir. Your little sex slave will present herself naked in bed at 4 pm as ordered..."

"I love it when you obey and behave..."

Debbi smirks, "I obey because you promised a threesome! However, I am not sure that I am going to be that obedient... You might need to punish me to make me straighten my ways..."

"Enough talk. Let's go to bed. I need to feel your luscious lips around my cock..."

She whines, "What can a vulnerable woman do to prevent a beast from abusing her delicate body? I wish I knew... In the meantime I'll have to give in to your unconscionable demands..."

I smacked her bottom and then we both dried ourselves.

We went to bed, where Debbi showed me again her exceptional blow job skills.

I was hard in no time. I wanted to massage her tits and touch other erogenous parts, but Debbi said, "David, don't waste our time, please, just fuck me good and hard. If you didn't notice, I am horny incessantly since the first orgasm earlier in the morning... I didn't rape you earlier, because I thought that you needed a break before our second act!"

I placed myself between Debbi's thighs in a missionary position and began teasing her vulva.

Debbi screaming, "You jerk, put it in and stop torturing me!"

"Of course, dear. In due time... I promise! In the meantime you need to be patient... This is my house, it is my bed and you are mine to do with you whatever I want. So let me do everything right!"

Debbi whimpers, "You are so unfair. I need you inside me now..."

"Are you going to shut up, or I stop everything and send you home?"

Giving in, "Yes Master. I'll be good and do what YOU want."

I took my time. I caressed Debbi's areolas, pinched her sensitive nipples, and moved my hard cock along her wet snatch slowly a couple of times.

Everything lasted about ten minutes, that saw Debbi shaking in anticipation but clamping her lips to be sure that she didn't make any noise to antagonize me. Yes, she did behave...

Suddenly and without a warning, I inserted my cock all the way in and pounded her cunt with all the strength I could master, while holding her hands tightly above her head.

Debbi, who before my action was already boiling inside, shrieked and her body began an uncontrollable shivering. She was half crying and half screaming her lungs out. Her climax lasted longer than I ever seen her having before.

Toward her peak orgasm I erupted inside of her with a bang...

We both took our time to relax.

Then Debbi looked at me, "You are the best fucker I have ever known, but one day I am going to kill you for torturing me before you show me your prowess..."

"No dear. I know you better than you are willing to admit to yourself, so you'll play by MY rules!"

"I am not sure whether I love you or hate you right now, but I agree that you know my body reactions TOO WELL..."

"Good girl. Now you need to dress up and go home. You haven't looked at your watch even once. Jerry will be home in 35 minutes... As a reminder, I will not see you until Saturday morning! I want you ready and hungry!..."

"You are such a cruel dictator. Got it: 'DICK-tator'... But I will forgive you, because I need you and love you too much..."

On Saturday, five minutes before 10 am Jerry rang my door.

I opened it and Jerry entered first. He was dressed with a simple shirt and jeans pants.

Debbi was smiling broadly behind his back. I sent her an air-kiss and let her in too.

"Guys, what do you wish to drink?"

Debbi mumbled, "Chardonnay for me."

Jerry, somewhat louder, "If you have a beer, I'll take one."

"We can sit in the living room if you want, but I prepared the jacuzzi too. My suggestion is to take our drinks to the jacuzzi area. While enjoying the jacuzzi's bubbly water, you may feel too hot, so on the table there you'll find a tray with variety of cheeses, pickles and olives that just came out of the fridge. Nearby you'll see also a large plate with cold fruit salad as well as cold drinks."

Debbi lamented, "You didn't warn us about your plan to be in the jacuzzi. I didn't bring my favorite swimsuit..."

"Jerry, what do you suggest we do about Debbi's serious problem?..."

Jerry glancing at his wife, "I think that David would enjoy seeing you naked. Right?..."

Debbi with a fake whine, "I am not sure that it's such a good idea. I get the impression that his intentions may not be as pure as I'd expect from a host toward his guests..."

Smiling, "Debbi, I think that you are too suspicious. I'd appreciate if you trust me more."

While talking, I undressed myself and stayed... in my swimsuit!

Jerry laughs, "David, this was a great show!"

Debbi, "I get it. Do you have anything that will fit MY body too?..."

Chuckling, "Sorry, I don't think so. But I promise to be very discreet - I'll close my eyes while you undress and enter the water in the nude..."

Debbi sighs, "Men are too devious to be trusted not to look at a woman's bare body, even though I am no longer 25 years old... OK, I'll take everything off. David, stand in front of me - I want to look at you while I undress!"

I did as Debbi wished and she began disrobing.

Well, 'disrobing' is the wrong word - It was a sensual striptease.

Half way through her undressing, my boner became VERY noticeable through my Speedo...

Debbi giggled, "David, please remind me who was the person telling me that he won't be looking when I undress?!..."

"Sorry dear... I was so hypnotized by your sexy body that I forgot to close my eyes. But since it was MY fault, how about you dress up again, I'll shut my eyes ALMOST completely and you can disrobe again..."

"David, you are intolerable! I still don't get it... Why is your 'little brain' controlling your normal brain?..."

"Because when I stare at your marvelous naked body, my upper brain shuts off and my 'little brain' is already thinking about ways to devour your flesh... Jerry, what is your opinion?"

"Debbi, David is right. You look terrific... and not just for your age!"

Debbi sighs again, "Poor me... Naked in the jacuzzi with 2 hungry men. What is a girl to do?!..."

"Jerry will agree with me. Just give in to your destiny, and I promise you that you'll suffer less..."

"Guys, you talk too much and do too little... Both of you get naked and jump in!"

"Jerry, Debbi is right. Let's remove everything and get in the water."

Jerry entered and stood by one side of the tub and I was standing on the other side.

Debbi looked at both of us and then hesitantly moved to Jerry's side.

Her tits were just above the water level and looked delicious.

I smiled at Jerry, "Friend, you don't mind if I play with YOUR toys, do you?..."

Jerry licked his dry lips, "Go ahead David, when we are at your house, what's mine is yours too."


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