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I was a Teenage Centerfold!

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A young transvestic exhibitionist becomes a centerfold gurl!
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Barely legal age I entered the adult store, The clerk checking my ID leered at me, asking if I wanted to buy tokens to go into the peeps at the back. Too nervous to say yes or no I blushed, pocketed my ID and walked over to the magazine rack. Sidling along the magazine section I was slowly zeroing in on the CD / TV / SHEMALE ones; hoping no one was watching me. I glanced at the covers and selected one to check out, turning so no one could see what I was looking at.

Captivated and enthralled by the pictures of all the lovely and very sexy young gurls wearing very feminine, fantastically frilly, lacy lingerie while looking so delighted to be showing their feminised bodies so explicitly I never noticed the middle aged man moving closer to me. Not till he whispered in my ear that he loved looking at the type of magazines I seemed to enjoy as well. I blushed and turned to rush out but he was blocking my way.

"Calm down, there's nothing to be embarrassed about! I told you I like to look at those magazines too. What I'd like even more is to see someone like that in person. Do you know anyone who likes to wear lingerie? My wife has drawers full of it and I have the house to myself all weekend. They could enjoy wearing it and I could enjoy seeing them wear it in perfect safety. I'm not looking for a hooker or an escort. I don't want to touch them, I just want to see them all dressed up and looking sexy!"

I blushed deeply and turned away trying to hide my reaction. I'd never thought of doing anything like what he was saying. Sure I liked to dress up when alone at home, and since I'd gotten my own apartment that had become every night. I'd never dared to venture out often. Too scary! I'd thought about it a lot lately, but I wasn't sure how I'd react if anyone actually saw me. If my reaction the few times I'd nearly been caught before were any indication I'd run and hide while praying they hadn't seen me dressed like a girl with my hair, nails and face done. If they had no one had ever mentioned it. He placed his hand on my trembling shoulder.

"There's nothing to be scared or ashamed of if you like to wear lingerie, son. Some people like to wear women's things to feel pretty and feminine! Some, like me, enjoy seeing those that do. Do you like wearing frilly, lacy, sexy lingerie?" I have no idea what possessed me but I found myself nodding and whispering back that I did. He smiled at me.

"I thought that might be the case. Would you like to come over to my house and model some of it for me? My wife never wears any of it anymore and I hate the thought of it going to waste the way it is now. We'd be all alone, everyone else is out at the lake. I won't touch you or expect you to do anything but model a few things for me, promise."

I nodded again and looked around the store to see if anyone was watching us. No one seemed to be. He set his magazine down and took mine from my hand. Placing it back he turned and walked out of the store with me following behind. I was wondering about my sanity as we rode in silence to his house. Every time he looked my way I blushed and squirmed. What was I doing? He pulled into his garage, closed the door and got out. I followed him inside and he led me to his wife's room.

"Here you are. Use whatever you want." He pulled open drawer after drawer of lacy lingerie then opened her closet to show me skirts and dresses galore. Pointing to a dressing table covered with make-up and perfume bottles he told me I could use any of it again, then left me alone.

I just stood there stupidly for a minute or two before sinking down onto the chair in front of her make-up. I looked around at the open drawers and closet in amazement. It all felt so surreal at that moment. He came back in with a strong rye and coke for me, saying I might need it to relax. Going to one of the drawers he sorted through it to find a black lace corset, matching panties and a pair of very sheer black nylons. From the closet he picked out a pair of black pumps with three inch heels.

"Would you start with these please? They made my wife look so sexy and were my favorite."

He left again. I looked at the lingerie then down at the make-up as I removed my shirt. I took a small swallow of the drink and reached for a bottle of liquid foundation. I wanted to take a long time doing my face so it'd be as perfect as possible but at the same time didn't want to keep him waiting too long. (Besides I was dying to discover what that corset would feel like on me.)

It felt like a long time till my face was done and I was finally hooking the corset around my nude body, attaching the nylons and slipping the panties up into place. By the clock it was only a bit more than half an hour. Going to the closet I found a long, fairly sheer black robe I slipped on. It wouldn't hide a thing but was another layer of frilly feminine frosting covering me!

Trembling and with butterflies in my stomach I stepped into the hallway and minced my way to the living room where he was watching the tube. His face lit up as he stared at me in wonder. I stopped and twirled in front of him with my heart racing as I gasped for air! I was more then naked I was completely exposed as the pathetic pervert I really was.

"I'd forgotten about that robe. My wife used to wear that outfit just like that way back when she used to sleep in the same room as me. "

He turned off the television and gestured for me to walk around. I felt so different as I did; more feminine, more alive, more excited then I'd ever felt before. I stopped right in front of him and stared down at the bulge of his crotch then knelt and put my hands on his legs. His hands twitched but stayed where they were.

"I have a lot of memories of my wife wearing those things... very intimate memories... very loving memories... none as exciting as I find it to have you here like this."

I rose to my feet and walked around the room in a circle letting the robe flow freely under my arms as I preened and posed for him. He smiled and lifted up a camera asking me if I'd mind him taking a few pictures for posterity. He took ten or twelve shots ranging from with the robe down to just stay-ups, heels and a very hard clit. I gathered up the set and smiled at him feeling so relaxed, accepted and able to really enjoy the obsessive compulsion I kept hidden inside me free. Blowing him a kiss I walked back down the hall to her room.

White lace garter belt and nylons with white bra and panties, both light and dark blue corsets and garter belts and finally a light pink set. I modeled it all for him over the next hour or two or three. With the last one he'd taken his cock out and stroked it as he eyed me greedily. I'd been so excited I'd already stroked myself to two orgasms in her room but never stopped being hard for very long.

Maybe it was the drink I'd finally finished, maybe it was the further intoxication of all the lingerie, maybe it was the way he looked at me while I wore it or, maybe it was just the sight of his cock. Whatever it was I slowly knelt in front of him, my head bowed and my lips surrounded the head of his cock eagerly. It just seemed so right, so natural for me to run my tongue over it, to suck it gently at first then more and more tightly, more and more deeply until I was gagging.

His moans and gasps let me know what I was doing right and what not to do. Not to let my teeth get in the way for one. I was able to relax my throat to get more of it inside. And discovered how to tell when he was going to explode, the hard way. I swallowed what I could and gagged on the rest, coughing and spluttering as it shot out and overflowed my mouth. He was so apologetic and concerned after it was touching. I explained that it was my first time and I was sorry I'd ruined it for him.

"You couldn't have ruined it! I'm just sorry I didn't let you know or pull out. Thank you my dear for allowing me to be your first."

I felt so incredibly pleased with myself and his reaction. He lifted me to my feet and hugged me tightly. I felt so small and feminine beside him even if we were about the same size. "Now do you want to change and be dropped off or would you like to stay here tonight and spend tomorrow modeling some more for me?" I smiled as I told him I'd like to stay.

I'd woken up wearing a sheer babydoll nitie before, but not in the bed of a strange man in a strange room. I was horrified at my actions the night before. Not only about my agreeing to go to his place and model his wife's lingerie for him but sucking his cock till it exploded in my face and then agreeing to stay the night and model more for him today. What was I thinking? What had happened to me? Why had I agreed to any of it? I couldn't move to escape without waking him. How would I ever talk my way out of this? He must have been awake and read my mind.

"You can still change your mind if you want to and I'll drive you home or wherever you want. I'd really like you to stay though. It's been so long since I woke up holding someone that this day is special enough already. It'd be even more special if you continued to model for me but I do understand if you don't want to."

I didn't say anything right then but still thought that I would like to go. I just needed the time to let him down more gently. At least that was the plan at the moment. I didn't plan on using his wife's razor to shave any stubble from my legs and body when I showered. I didn't plan on re-doing my face or trying to style my shoulder length hair to look more feminine.

I didn't plan to use some of her perfume or a pair of black fishnet stay ups and matching panties, four inch black sandals and the sheer black robe to come down the hall for coffee. I didn't plan any of it. I just did it and felt my heart melt when his face lit up so brightly as I walked into the kitchen. He opened his arms and I walked into his hug, pressing my body against his.

Not a single bit of it was planned or consciously thought about. It was simply the perfect start to the day. When I lifted my head from his shoulder he tilted his head and kissed my lips. I didn't stop to think about how to react or try to pull away; even when his tongue pressed between my slightly parted lips.

Migawd it felt so right, so incredible, became so totally consuming. I became so engrossed and enthralled by the sensations and passion raised by that kiss. I was only vaguely aware of his arms holding me, his hands exploring my smooth flesh. Nothing but that kiss existed in my consciousness. I flicked the tip of my tongue against his and melted completely.

Another kiss and another followed with barely time for a quick gulp of air between them. I welcomed each and every one. They overpowered me like nothing else ever had. Dressed as I was, wearing make-up, perfume and with my hair styled and sprayed into place I may have looked and felt feminine; but at the back of my mind was always a small thought of the reality that I wasn't. When he kissed me that thought vanished. It evaporated and I became wholly feminine and female in response.

Even when his lips moved from mine and kissed my throat that thought was banished. I gasped and moaned when he pinched my nipples, when he licked and suckled on them as I arched my back out. I surrendered to him completely when his fingers found their way into me, realising in surprise that I wanted to feel his cock inside me, filling me! I wanted him to take me, ravish me, have his way with me and feel him spurt deep inside me. I wanted to be his woman in every way possible.

His lips returned to mine, dispelling any possible lingering doubts that might have been about what was running through my mind. I wanted him with every fiber of my being! He was the one to turn the passion down as the last kiss became more chaste. Not that I didn't desperately try to keep it going. As I caught my breath and my passion cooled that small dim thought about my personal reality returned to the back of my mind but much less insistently.

Over coffee he asked me if I'd object to his taking more pictures today. For me to keep, to remember this weekend. If I'd allow it he'd like to have a few for himself as well, but that was up to me. All of last nights outfits again while walking around the living room, posed on the couch, on the bed, seeming to answer the door, talking on the phone, with and without panties or bra.

Pictures of me masturbating, shots of my cock tucked back and my crotch looking completely feminine. Pictures of me kneeling, on all fours, spreading my cheeks the way I'd seen in magazines. Shots of me using a dildo on myself, with a butt plug in place, handcuffed and generally helpless like I'd seen in the magazine I'd looked at. Fully, though still somehow, indecently dressed in short, skimpy skirts or dresses from his wife's closet.

Then before the sun set he talked me into going for a drive while dressed, to a secluded spot he knew of for a few outdoor ones. On the way there he dropped off the rolls of film already taken, at a place he knew of, to be developed and got more film.

The place was secluded; an isolated wet spot or pond near the center of a field. For about an hour before the sun set fully I posed against the backdrop of growing grain or trees. He'd packed a bag of sheer babydoll and longer nities, lingerie, micro-mini and mini skirts so I could pose topless, even if I didn't have any breast development. He told me it didn't matter when I mentioned it. After all the ones of me in just nylons and heels or heels alone were his personal favorites.

He smiled wickedly as we drove back in to the city. He wanted to take me back to the adult store. I'd been nervous and scared going in there last night in male mode; but it was nothing like I felt when we were approaching the front door! I was shaking so bad I had to hold his arm or fall down. The same clerk leered at me again as we entered.

No cameras were supposed to be allowed but that didn't deter him. He just held up the camera and looked at the clerk. The clerk didn't care as long as I was the only one in the shots. Me lifting the back or front of my skirt to show my nylons and panties, then without the panties! Me taking off my blouse, my skirt then posed behind the counter to play being a clerk in lingerie. Me wandering around the store in lingerie and finally down to just garter belt, nylons and heels.

The more he took the more I got into it. The fact that everyone who was there, or who walked in after we started, was watching my every move excited me more than I'd ever have believed possible! From never letting anyone see me dressed to such a wanton exhibitionist slut in one night! I couldn't believe what I was doing, what I was feeling! I reveled in it. I felt so delightfully, deliciously, naughty and wicked and loved it!

Still all good things come to an end. Checking his watch he came over to tell me that the first batch should be done and ready for us to pick up so I reluctantly got fully dressed and we left. I'd felt so excited, so aroused it was a wonder that I hadn't exploded inside the store. I did now when he tilted my head up to kiss me again. My arousal didn't dissipate! My fingers fumbled with his belt and zipper to free his cock so I could suck it again. He must have been excited as well as he didn't last long. With a better idea of what was going to happen I managed to swallow more and gag less.

He dropped off the new films and picked up the first ones. Back at his house he spread the dozens of prints out. He was an excellent photographer and rightfully proud of his handiwork. In most of them I looked as good as the gurls in the magazines. He selected about twenty that he thought he'd like copies of. I nodded a yes. He set ten or twelve of those aside, telling me I could probably sell those ones to a magazine if I wanted and let the world see how magnificent I was. I was astounded and a bit shocked at the idea but thrilled to my core as well. Should I? Could I? Would I dare to? I had no idea of how to go about it but smiled proudly even as I blushed deeply!

Freshly showered, with my make up re-done and wearing his favorite lingerie I sat beside him on the couch, as we sort of watched the tube. My mind wasn't really on it as he'd kiss me from time to time and I'd lose track of what was going on, sometimes discovering that another show had started and I'd missed the end of the last one.

Between kisses we talked. He commented on how much I seemed to really enjoy exhibitionism. I knew I did inside but was still locked into the idea of being more a closet transvestite and just doing this because I needed someone to actually see me dressed all femininely slutty to please him, so I denied it. That led to him challenging me to prove my point.

He ordered Chinese food and dared me to answer the door like I was. It really wouldn't prove anything I said as I would do it, but just to please him. Fine, he replied, but to prove his point I'd have to open the door wide, stand right at the threshold and slowly count the money out without becoming excited or preening for the delivery person.

When the doorbell rang I had no trouble getting to the door. Opening it took a bit more. My pulse started to race, my mouth got dry and I was breathing in short gasps. As I opened it I peeked around it at first and felt my knees getting weak. I'm not sure what the difference was between standing in the doorway and exposing myself to a single man after posing much more exposed to a small crowd in the adult store. I'd been aroused and excited enough in the store but this seemed so much more intimate.

I'd have proven my point if I'd stayed hidden behind the door, (though that really didn't occur to me till much later). He'd set the goals and I'd told him I would abide by them, so taking a deep breath and closing my eyes for a few seconds first, I opened the door wide and stepped forward.

A young oriental man stood there with a surprised smile on his face. As he told me the food had arrived and how much it was his eyes moved up and down my body. I started to tremble and my knees threatened to give out so I put one hand on the door frame to steady myself.

I could literally feel his eyes ravishing me, sending tingling sensation coursing thru' my body. I felt my nipples crinkle tighter and stand out further! I felt my cock twitch between my legs and the coolness of a spreading wet spot starting to form. I was wobbly in the heels as I turned to reach for the money on the table beside the door.

I slowly counted the money into his hand, after setting the paper bag inside the doorway. His eyes still roved over my legs and butt as I stood there wanting to feel his hands do what his eyes were doing. Wanting to feel his arms around me, his lips on mine.

Paid he smiled again and turned to leave, swiveling his head to keep his eyes on me as he walked to his car. I stood there till he got in and exploded when I heard his car door close. Only then did I look around to see if any of James' neighbors had been looking as well.

I was blushing and embarrassed from my lack of control as James chuckled at my soaked panties. I slammed the bag down on the counter and rushed down the hall to clean myself and change panties. He'd proven his point. No matter how I tried to argue against it, inside I knew he had shown me what I was.

To further prove his point about how much I enjoyed exhibitionism he challenged me to ride beside him, in an outfit he'd especially select, to pick up the developed films he'd dropped off when we got the first prints. I'd already conceded the point mentally but still weakly disputed it verbally.

Five inch hot pink stiletto pumps with glittering silver heels and hot pink fishnet stockings to start. Hot pink with vivid white lace trim garter belt, matching panties and a very sheer hot pink babydoll nitie top completed the ensemble. I had to redo my make-up and nails to match and to finish things off wear a hot pink wig. I felt like I'd glow in the dark!


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