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I'll Always Catch You Pt. 01


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My hands moved along her legs. Then I'd tease her by pulling the straps of her bra down and kissing her nipples. Not once, did I try to finger her pussy. I could tell, since she wasn't wearing panties, she was awful excited because the cotton crotch of her pantyhose was completely soaked.

I was kissing the nape of her neck when she wiggled off of the sofa. "I can't stand it anymore!" She dropped to her knees and frantically worked on my belt buckle. In a matter of seconds she had my pants and underwear down. Ten seconds later, I was nude except for my socks. Hannah pulled me to the floor, and in an instant the sound of tearing nylon filled the room as she ripped a hole in the crotch of her hose. She slung a leg over me and then eased herself down on my cock. I slipped into her.

"Oh damn!" Was all I said.

Her pussy felt like a thousand fingers were around my dick, and every time she rose, she almost let me fall out of her before she lowered herself back down on me. Hannah had the palms of her hands on my shoulders as those come fuck me eyes of hers held me prisoner. I simply couldn't look away. She rode my cock. Hannah leaned down and kissed me.

All at once, she stopped. Then she tilted her head back. Her mouth fell open. That's when I felt her orgasm as it rolled over her body. Hannah's chest turned as red as the shirt she had on earlier. Then the hair on her arms stood. She sucked in a lung full of air and held it.

"Ah, Jim, tell me you love me!"

"I do. Damn I do love you."

She began to ride me quicker. My hands moved from her breasts to her thigh and back again. Hannah had me at the edge of an abyss and I was about to fall.

I wasn't in control this time, and I knew it was only a matter of seconds before Hannah would bust my nuts.

"Slow down, please!"

Instead, she quickened her gait. I felt that knot in my gut. "Oh, Hannah I'm going to—"

She leaned over me and smashed her lips against mine while my body shook with each contraction. I felt my dick surge inside her. Then as she continued to kiss me, minutes later I noticed myself becoming flaccid. Hannah rolled off and we stared at the ceiling. I sought her hand and held it.

We didn't say a word. I took a quick look and noticed come and pussy juice all over my dick hairs. My mind was afloat in a sea of questions. Was it the black pantyhose? The fact she went without panties? A combination of both that evening? Maybe, just maybe, was it me that turned her on? I didn't know, and I wasn't about to ruin the evening with a game of twenty questions either. I caulked it up as one hell of an evening.

At last, Hannah stood and walked back to the bedroom. A minute or so later, she returned with a hot washcloth, the only thing she had on were her torn pantyhose. She kneeled down and began to clean the mess between my legs.

"Were you holding back?" Hannah asked as she toiled at the task.

"You like to see me jerk off don't you?"

"Yeah I do. Is that a problem for you?"

"I'm okay with doing it for you. I mean if you like it that much."

Hannah sat crossed legged beside me.

"I do. It's something that Moose couldn't do. He had a large penis, yet had a hard time getting an erection." Hannah's eyes caught me. "He took a lot of drugs, and the steroids he injected messed with his dick so much he couldn't get hard, of course it was my fault because I couldn't excite him anymore."

"So he took it out on you."

Hannah nodded. "It was my fault. Everything was my fault."

I rolled Hannah over so she was now on her back. I was on my knees and I leaned down and kissed her.

I knew Hannah wouldn't touch me, so I whispered, "Whatever you'd like me to do."

"Would you do it again?" Hannah asked, "For me only."

"For your eyes only."

"Lay down?" Hannah asked. She took my hand and placed it on my dick.

I looked into those beautiful eyes of her and began to stoke my dick. A minute later I was hard once more.

"This happens every time I think of you," I said.

Hannah smiled and then seconds later she began to cry. I personally think they were tears of joy when my cock erupted and a tiny stream of come jetted out.

The first couple of times I masturbated in front of Hannah, it well, kind of embarrassed me. Yet that night on the floor of my apartment, it made me feel empowered. After all, I've never had a woman ask me to do that let alone multiple times.

And Becky was so right. Sometimes you have to let the other person win.

***********Chapter Seventeen***************

The next morning, Hannah was in good sprits. As a matter of fact, so was I. Like I've said, I've never been with a lot of women in my day, but last night was one hell of an experience.

The rest of the week went by without a hitch until Friday morning. Her and I dressed for work and I drove her to Glenn Research. I went back to the pencil factory around nine.

When I walked in, I instantly noticed Becky was wearing a knee length blue skirt with matching navy blue hose. She had on heels, but not the ones she normally wears. Then it dawned on me. Becky was smart, she was quite easy on the eyes, and with her bubbly personality, people instantly like her. That's why she's the first person you see when you walk into the pencil factory. I can get a feeling about what's going on for the day by the way Becky dresses. If she's in shorts, then it's time to kick back. However when she's dressed like she was that morning something was up.

Becky looked at me and shook her head. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"You forgot didn't you?"

"Apparently so."

"The presentation with US Bank at eleven this morning?"

"Holly shit!" I did. And there I was in blue jeans and sneakers, and it was hardly the way to dress when you're trying to get the US Bank to buy our software.

"I figured so," Becky said as she wiggled her finger at me. "Let's go back to your office and I'll fix this problem like I do all the other ones."

We don't have offices like regular offices do. Our offices are mostly open with some blinds between desks. There lying across the back of a chair was a pair of dress slacks and a suit.

"Strip," Becky said.

I pushed my shoes off with my toes. "Here? In front of you?"

"Ah for Christ sakes, you had your dick in my ass. We've both seen each other naked before."

That was an entirely true statement, and I pushed my pants down then Becky handed me my dress slacks. I dressed as quickly as I could while Becky, I'm sure, thoroughly enjoyed the show, and waited for me to finish.

It was around ten when the team that was going to present our sales pitch to the bank gathered around our main room. I noticed right away that Anne was standing right next to Christopher. The same Christopher that made such easy prey out of women. I also noticed that Anne had what looked like a black eye she tried to cover with makeup.

We discussed our strategy. When we were about to leave for the Hilton's conference room downtown, I said, "Anne and Christopher wait up."

I stood by the windows in the corner. Becky was to my right.

Anne was so damn petite. I bet in her highest heels she wasn't more than four-foot three, and most likely didn't weigh ninety pounds. She's been with me for less than a year.

"What do you need, boss?" Christopher said.

I crossed my arms and said, "Anne, did Christopher hit you?"

Anne looked at Christopher. "Don't look at him, look at me. Did Christopher hit you?"


"Christopher, you're one of the finest programmers I've ever known. However, if I find out you abused Anne, I'll fire you on the spot."

"I swear, I didn't hit Anne."

"Who did? Or are you going to tell me she walked into a doorknob?"

"It was an old boyfriend I had," Anne began, "Christopher said I could move in with him. I filed a police report if you don't believe us."

I let out a long breath. "Okay. I'll let this slide." I looked at Becky and said, "Let's go make four million dollars."


Our presentation must have impressed the bankers. They signed a contract of intent, so, all of us celebrated at a local watering hole.

I was sitting next to Becky when she said, "I wish I had a boss like you at the time I was being abused. You know sometimes you're not the smartest guy in the room when it comes to women, but you know, you're a good man. You're a good person."

I was about to say a word or two when Becky's phone went off. I could tell something was terribly wrong by the expression on her face.

"Hannah is in the parking lot of Glenn Research."

"How do you know that?"

"That was security that called. They tried calling you, but you didn't pick up."

"My phone is at the office. What's wrong with Hannah?" I pushed out my chair. "I'll go and find out."

"I'm going, too," Becky announced.


Becky and I arrived at the main parking lot, and sure enough, there was Hannah bawling her eyes out. I opened the passenger door and slipped in beside her.

"Hey, hey, I'm here. So is Becky. What's wrong?" I put my hands on her shoulders and gave her a bit of a shake. "Tell me what's wrong?"

"Simon told me he would kill me if I left him."

I thought, who's Simon? Then it dawned on me. That was the given name of Moose. It was also the first time since I have been with Hannah that she spoke his real name.

Becky was in the back seat and rubbed Hannah's shoulders.

"I am so frighten of him, and if he catches me with you, he'll kill us both."

"That's not going to happen. Trust me," I said.

Hannah looked at Becky and said, "I'm afraid to touch Jim. If Simon were to find out, he'd cut my fingers off one at a time."

Becky looked over at me. "Jesus!"

Hannah began to bawl once more. I said to her, "If you don't settle, I'll need to take you to the hospital."

"No, please don't."

"Becky, at the office in my desk drawer is a sheet of paper. It's got all of Hannah's doctor's numbers. See about getting one of them to call in something to settle her."

"What about you two?"

"Leave me your phone and I'll drive Hannah's car back to my apartment."

*************Chapter Eighteen*********

When Hannah and I arrived at my apartment, I placed her on the sofa, and then I took her shoes off and covered her with a blanket. I sat beside her and rubbed her shoulder.

"What brought this on?"

"I don't know. I was okay and then all of sudden I felt so troubled. It's like my mind went out of control." She paused and then said, "I'm afraid he'll kill you and I'll be all alone again."

"That's not going to happen."

Hannah snoozed on and off until about seven when Becky rang the doorbell. When I opened the door, I was quite surprised to see that Becky hadn't changed her clothing from that morning.

"Did you get anything?"

"Christ, you'd think I was asking for gold."

"Would you like a drink?" I asked.

"I'm good. And Hannah?"

"She's been resting on and off," I said.

"I tracked down her doctor, and then convinced him that she needed something to calm her. I thought he was going to call the cops on me because I wanted pills. So he wrote a scrip and she got a whopping four of them."

"I guess that's better than nothing." I picked Hannah up and carried her to the bedroom. There I woke her just enough so she could swallow one of the pills.

"I got to get her ready for bed," I said.

"I'll do it," Becky said.

I was about to say something when she repeated herself. "I'll do it."

I left the bedroom and sat in my recliner. Ten minutes passed when Becky returned to the living room. Her color was washed from her face.

"Is that offer for a drink still good?" Becky asked.

"Sure is."

I went to the kitchen and pulled out two water glasses and poured two fingers of Jim Beam into each. Becky leaned against the doorjamb and pulled her shoes off. She casually tossed them onto the floor. She pulled out a chair and wrapped her hands around the glass.

"I don't understand it at all. How can she be so happy one moment and then on the brink of a nervous collapse?"

"Her and I have had some ups and downs recently."

"Do you know how much she loves you?" Becky began, "I think I'm her closest friend right now, and we've been sharing a lot of secrets."

I've never seen Becky like the way she was that night. She tilted her head back and downed her drink. Then she pushed it toward me and I refilled it.

"Her body is as white as a ream of typing paper."

"I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, "I said as I walked over in front of the kitchen window.

"Are you going to walk away from her?"

"God, I love her so much, yet I don't know what I'm going to do. For Christ sakes, she works for NASA. How long will they put up with this?"

"You really do love her don't you?"

"Ah, Becky, of course I do, but sometimes love can't pay all the bills."

"Hit me again," Becky said.

I poured two more fingers worth of booze in her glass.

"You know you weren't worth a fuck in bed, but you know what you are?"

"Thanks for reminding me, but no what am I?"

"You were true. I knew I could trust you. I could put you in a room full of super models, and I knew with utmost certainty the only legs you'd be touching would me mine. No matter where you were, I knew you wouldn't find your way into another woman's bedroom."

I watched Becky down yet another glass of booze. Soon I found it was Jim Beam doing most of the talking.

"Love sometimes needs to be fought for, and you know what?" Becky asked as she pointed her glass at me.

"No I don't."

"You never fought for us. For ME! Did you even consider why I walked out the door? Did you say 'Becky, I'm sorry. Let's try and work it out?' Nope! Press delete and I was gone like a line of bad code. You never fought for my love."

There were tears streaming down Becky's face. It was the first time I've ever seen her cry. I filled her glass with more whisky.

Becky studied the brown liquid at the bottom of her glass. "I think Jason is running around on me. He doesn't seem interested in having sex anymore. He hasn't asked me to marry him either." Becky looked up. "Why buy the cow when the milk is free?"

"How do you know Jason is running on you?"

"A girl knows. It's in his kiss. The way he stands beside me. The little things he use to do that he no longer does."

It was around two in the morning and Becky was about to pass out. Between her and I we killed nearly half a bottle of Beam.

She was way too drunk to stand up yet alone drive home. I didn't want to get her a taxi or Uber ride either. A drunken woman would be easy prey at that time of the morning. So I decided I'd put her to bed on the sofa.

I don't know why I did it. I knew it was wrong, but I did it anyway. I undressed her that night. Yeah, yeah, it was a cheap shot but I took it. I removed her skirt and top. I pulled her hose down and off. I was going to stop there but Jim Beam was talking to me as well. I reached behind her back and opened her bra then I slipped it off. I sat beside Becky, naked except for her panties. Temptation got the best of me, and I pulled the front of her panties out, and noticed instead of the nice bush she use to have, she was now as smooth as oiled glass between her legs. I managed a smile. I wondered if she did that for Jason?

I went to check on Hannah. She was out like a brick.

I got an old white dress shirt out of my closet and put it on Becky. I fastened the first few buttons, and then went to the bedroom. I stripped down and slipped in next to Hannah. I stared at the ceiling for the longest time. I decided right there at that moment, Hannah was certainly worth the fight. I wasn't going to let her flow though my fingers like cheap booze.

I remember sitting in Diane Barlett's office and saying I didn't want nor needed Hannah's problems. Yet that night I had two. One was about to have a mental meltdown and another who blames me for a failed relationship.

"Dear God, help me!"

*************Chapter Nineteen *********

I had a hell of a time trying to sleep. I was up around eight. I put some coffee on and put Becky's clothing in the washing machine then the dryer. Now that Jim Beam had left my head, I knew I was going to catch Holy hell from Becky since I undressed her. And you know what? I deserved an ass whipping for what I did.

"I smell coffee," Becky said as she entered the kitchen. The shirt I had given her was unbuttoned and she didn't make any attempt to hide her breasts from my eyes.

I was ready. I knew she was going to go wild on me. Instead she pulled out a chair and sat. She held her head up with her hands, and then looked over at me.

"Ah fuck, does my head hurt."

"We drank a lot last night."

"Where are my clothes?"

"In the dryer."

"You undressed me?"

"Who do you think did? Besides, you wouldn't fit in the washing machine." I pushed a cup of coffee next to her.

Becky took a deep breath and then sipped some coffee. "Did you enjoy the show?"

"What did you tell me yesterday?"

"I forget."

"I had my dick in your ass."

"Yeah, you did. But that didn't answer my question. Did you like what you saw? Where's Hannah?"

"I regret doing what I did last night. I shouldn't have done it. I guess I too had to much to drink as well. Perhaps I was thinking of our times together. I am sorry. As for Hannah, she is still sleeping."

I refilled Becky's cup and she smiled back at me.

I sat down and rubbed my face with my hands. Becky came over and started to rub my shoulders.

"I think Hannah has a whole lot of stuff inside her head that she's holding back," I said.

"So, what's the game plan?"

"Hold the course and see how it plays out." I looked over my shoulder at Becky. "She worth fighting for."

Becky smiled and returned to her chair. She sipped more coffee.

"Why didn't you go into orbit when you woke up this morning, and you found out I undressed you?"

She shrugged. "I sure thought about it. Maybe I enjoyed it?"

"You were right," I said.

"Right about what?"

"That night at the casino when you told me I missed out on a good woman. You were right. I did miss out. Becky, I really screwed things up between you and me. And I'm truly sorry."

Becky looked up from her coffee cup at me, and returned a smile while tears piled in the corners of her eyes.

"Jason is running around on me. I know it. Maybe I didn't go off on you this morning was because I thought it might had went another direction... Maybe it was a test? I know you have Hannah now. I know you'd never run on her."

"If, and I mean if, I hadn't fallen in love with Hannah, yeah, I think I'd give us another try."

"Oh damn." Becky stood. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand so quickly as to not let me see and asked, "Where can I dress?"

"Your stuff is in the dryer. You remember where the laundry room is?"

Becky nodded. "I'll check on Hannah, too."

I took a few bites of my breakfast. Becky was taking her time, so I figured she was dressing by the washing machine and dryer. You could have toppled me over with a feather when she returned to the kitchen with her clothing over her arm.

"Too many spiders back there for me," Becky said as she put everything down on the table. "Hannah is still sleeping."

Becky was quite lackadaisical about dressing. She stood there in the kitchen with her shirt off as she slipped her bra on. Becky hooked the two halves together, spun it around her waist and then wiggled her arms into the straps. I have to admit I didn't turn my back to the show she was giving.

Becky stood as she put her pantyhose on, and then she slipped her toes into her shoes followed by her skirt. Becky's legs were well tanned, and she could have easily had left her pantyhose off. I think she put them on for my benefit. I stood there like a kid with his face smashed against the window of a toy store.


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