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I'll Always Catch You Pt. 01


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I lowered her hands.

"I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry," Hannah began, "Last Christmas Eve, I was in the ER. Moose he—"

"Let it go. You're my girl now, and you're here with me."

I kissed her forehead and left the room.


Ten minutes later Hannah returned to the living room. She stood in front of the wood burner and warmed her hands. She had changed into a long gray nightshirt that came down to her knees. There was a Mickey Mouse graphic on the front. She had put on some white socks, which was a good idea since without electricity the furnace wasn't running and the floors were cold.

Mom and Dad must have been in their room 'cause I didn't see them. Roger and his wife were cuddled together on the floor as was Lori and her three kids. Hannah and I stepped over a few pillows and sat on the couch.

"I'm kinda tired," Hannah said.

"I need to tell you something. This will only take a few seconds."

I caught Hannah's eyes as she looked around the room.

"This is something I need to give you right now, and I'm sorry I waited so long." I took her hands into mine and give them a good squeeze. "I've dated plenty of girls, but never one like you. I should have done this months ago."

"Done what?"

"I should have told you that I love you more than I have. It's not a secret. Hannah, I've fallen in love with you, and I want you to know how important you are to me."

The fire threw flicking splashes of yellow light around the room that danced on the walls. I watched as tears built in the corners of her eyes and slowly meandered down her cheeks.

Hannah wiped tears from her cheek and said, "That was the best Christmas present I've ever received in my life. I love you."

**********Chapter Twenty-six**********

With the wind howling, all of us slept in a big pile on the floor, I wasn't able to get much sleep. Around three in the morning, I got a shake from Bob. We were the designated present handlers. So we carefully stepped over kids and spouses as we quietly placed presents under the tree. Blizzard or not, the kids would have presents.

Kids have a built-in alarm clock when it comes to Christmas morning. Around seven the whole family was up. Mom was making breakfast, as the kids tore open presents. The house was alive with life.

I was busy with Bob assembling toys, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lori and Hannah talking. I could tell Hannah was visibly upset, so I pulled myself away from Bob and walked over to Hannah and Lori.

"Is there something wrong?"

"It's your mother. I never did anything to her."

"What happened?"

"I said something about it was nice that Santa Claus made it here for the kids, and the next thing I knew, she was calling me a pagan."

"I'll settle this right now!"

Before I could turn, Lori grabbed my arm. "I'll take care of it."

"It's not your fight."

"It has been my fight since Penny was born."

I thought for a few minutes. There was no need to ruin Christmas because of my mother. So I asked Lori not to get involved. I would stand down too.

And I'll fight the good fight later.

************Chapter Twenty-Seven*********

There was one rule Dad always had. When it came to Christmas dinner, there were no cell phones, tablets, magazines or any thing else at the table. Dinner was the time to enjoy the meal and talk and rejoice in Christ's birth. And when it came to the holidays, there was another rule that came into play. Everyone from the youngest to the oldest was to dress accordingly which meant no PJs or tee shirts. It also meant that men were to wear ties and the women either dresses or skirts. This was, after all, Christ's birthday, and only your best Sunday outfit would do.

It was a good thing that my parents had propane for heat. That meant there was hot water for a shower. To save time and water, it was gravity feed from a large tank on the hill, Hannah and I took one together.

There's something special about having sex in a shower, but not that morning. It was all business. Although I can't say I didn't enjoy the feeling of Hannah's wet breasts in my hands. We dried ourselves, and slowly began to dress for Christmas dinner. Hannah had packed a green shirt and a tie for me, and a skirt and blouse for her.

Hannah's skin was red from the remnants of the shower. Normally her skin was as white as sun bleached chicken bones.

I was busy shaving and to make sure I didn't slice off an ear, I wasn't paying attention to Hannah as she dressed. She had unpacked one of her bags and there over the chair back was my suit. I noticed a bowtie on the vanity. I smiled to myself.

I heard Hannah so I looked around the door and there she was. She had her bra on, a pair of her suntan pantyhose and was about to pull her slip up to her waist. "You need help?"

"I'm good," Hannah said.

Hannah reached into a suitcase and pulled out a white blouse that had some fringe down the middle and around her neck. I stood there in my underwear simply taking it all in.

I don't recall all the details of that night, but I do remember her blouse had quite a few buttons in the front. When she had them secure, she pulled and tugged that blouse tight over her breasts. Another trip to the suitcase produced a plaid skirt that was mostly green with some red thrown in. What surprised me was Hannah didn't step into it or pull it down over her body. Instead, she wrapped it around her waist and secured it with more buttons. I watched Hannah's fingers as she buttoned her skirt that stopped just below her knees. Hannah pulled out a pair of black heels and sat them on the bed. She slipped onto the bed, too and asked, "Would you like to put my shoes on?"

I was still in my underwear, and was about to grab my pants when she said, "Put those on later." I came over and stood in front of her.

Hannah put her foot on my right thigh as I reached over and picked a shoe off the bed. I gently slipped her toes inside. There was a tiny leather strap that went across the top of her foot, and it had even smaller buckles that a small pin went into. I have to admit I took my time, as I wanted everything to be correct. Somehow my fingers found themselves on Hannah's right leg. I let my fingers linger a while before I reached over and grabbed her other shoe.

I was working on that small strap when Hannah said, "You apparently like putting my shoes on." She giggled a bit and pointed at my dick that had tented the front of my underwear. "Let me see."

Hannah leaned over and as quick as she could, she pulled the fly of my underwear open and out popped my cock. Now Hannah has seen me with a hard on, on many, many, occasions. I'm quite proud of my equipment when it's up and ready. However that night in my old bedroom, I was so embarrassed I could have crawled into the cracks of the floor. And you know what? I was so worried that Hannah would ask for a show that I pushed my dick back into my underwear and said, "We should get going."

I dashed back to the bathroom and finished dressing. When I came out, Hannah was finishing up with her makeup. She stood and walked over to me, and adjusted my bowtie. She took both of my hands into hers and rose on tiptoes and placed a kiss on my lips.

"From the bottom of my heart, I thoroughly enjoy knowing I'm responsible for what happens to you when you think of me," Hannah said.

I placed a kiss on her forehead and said, "It's embarrassing, and I don't have any control over it." I kissed her again and said, "We should be heading to the dinning room."

"Before we go, I need to show you something," Hannah said, "Close your eyes"

I did.

"Okay, you can open them."

At first I wasn't sure what I was suppose to notice, and then it hit me. Hannah was wearing eyeglasses. They were wire rimmed silver glasses.

"I can't see the monitors at work, and I wanted to be able to see what I'm eating. I should have told you. Do I look like a nerd?"

"Sorta, but you're my nerd."


Hannah went out first, as I waited for things to settle down between my legs, and when I thought it was okay to leave, just as I opened the door, Rodger went by in the hallway. He too had a tie on. I said, "I see the rules are still in force."

"Yeah. It won't kill anyone of us for four or five hours. One of these days, Mom and Dad won't be here."

The whole house filled with the aroma of Christmas dinner, and as I made my way toward the formal dining room, there was Penny in a short floral dress with some black pumps with a two-inch heel.

"Okay, who are you and what did you do with my niece?"

Her face flushed. "Stop that Uncle Jim."

"You're a young woman now."

"Do I look pretty?"

"You're as beautiful as your mother."

Penny's face turned an even deeper red.

Little-by-little my brothers and their wives wandered in wearing their Christmas finest. But it was Lori that stole the show. She strolled in wearing a black knee length skirt, black high heels and hose that had a tint of shade to them. A pink blouse with the top two buttons left undone while a silver cross-hung between her breasts. Lori's long blond hair spilled over the front of her blouse.

Nobody said a word for what seemed like minutes until Bob piped up. "Damn little sister, didn't know you had it in you."

"Stop it," Lori said. Her face glowed as red as the embers in the wood burner.

Not much embarrasses Lori, and I was about to say something myself when Dad appeared. He too, was wearing a tie. It was the only tie I think he owned. He wore it for four different occasions; Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas dinner, and when someone dies or when someone gets married. When he saw Lori, they looked at each other for the longest time. It was Lori that walked over to him.

"Merry Christmas, Daddy."

I've only seen my Dad tear up once in my life and that Christmas day was it.

He hugged Lori. "I'm so sorry."

Lori wiped her face with the back of her hand. "So am I."

***********Chapter Twenty-eight************

Bob said grace and dinner went off without issue. As always, Mom outdid herself with the meal.

I took advantage of Hannah's skirt with all its buttons, and at the first opportunity, I had the bottom four undone. Hannah didn't swat my fingers away nor did she say a word as the last button lost its grip.


Before long, Hannah, and Skylar were helping Mom with the dishes while the rest of us watched the kids play with their new toys.

There's something about seeing a flash of Hannah's legs when she walked that I found tremendously sexy. I even caught Bob giving Hannah's legs a good long stare. I was looking out the window when Roger came over.

"Got a minute?" Roger asked.

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"I can't help but notice how much you two mesh. It's like you're parts of a well-oiled machine. You do have plans for her don't you?"

"Marriage?" I asked.

"Something along those lines. Let me tell you something little brother, a woman as cute as Hannah, and with a good head on her shoulders doesn't fall into your life more than once."

I turned my head and watched Hannah play with my nieces. "You're right. But—"

"But what?"

"Late March of this year, I stopped Hannah from taking her life."

Although the cliché is old, it was so fitting—you could have pushed my brother over with a feather.

"Are you shitting me?"

"Not in the least. A man abused Hannah, and the abuse got so bad that she thought the only way out was to end her life. She's in a very fragile state right now."

Roger didn't say anything more. He patted my shoulder and walked away.


When Hannah was done helping Mom, she came out and stared out a front window at the snow. The storm had kicked it up a notch and the wind roared across the open and barren wheat fields.

"We'll be okay won't we?"

"Sure will."

I felt her squeeze my hand. "What's up between your father and Lori?"

"I'm not sure. But Lori's hair might be a clue."

"She's not your dad's daughter is she?"

"No one has ever brought it up, at least to Mom or Dad's face, but we all know she's not."

"What a hypocrite your mother is."

"We're like any other family, we're dysfunctional as hell. But we're family none the less." I took her hand. "Let's go into the living room and watch the kids play. It will get you mind off of the storm."

I let my hand settle on her butt as we watched the snow as it blew across the open fields.

"I noticed you didn't button your skirt up."

"How observant of you," Hannah said. She looked around and then draped her arms over my shoulders and said, "I'll do anything for you."

And those five words she said scared me to death.

*******Chapter Twenty-nine********

Around nine that evening, my brothers and I raided the kitchen. We sat around the old kitchen table and told dirty stories and jokes. Bob knew more jokes that I thought possible. We all had a good laugh, even Dad got into it when Mom went to bed.


Around ten or so, my nieces were all played out. Hannah had changed before I did. I put on some PJ bottoms. By the time I came out, Hannah was by the wood burner wearing another nightshirt. This one was came down to about mid thigh. She noticed me looking at her legs.

"My legs were cold, so I left my pantyhose on. Besides we'll be under the covers soon, and you can keep me warm." She winked at me and crawled inside our cocoon of blankets and comforters.

That night, even Mom and Dad were sleeping on the floor. Dad had filled the wood burner and its heat radiated into the living room, and it kind of gave everyone a secure feeling. Hannah and I snuggled up against each other under a thick layer of blankets as we listened to the storm as it took its anger out on the house.

Under the covers, Hannah took my hand and placed it on her thigh. Before I knew it Hannah had wiggled her hand inside the fly of my PJs. She wrapped her hand around my dick, and then her thumb flicked back and forth across the head. Then she slipped under the blankets, and I thought I was going to die right then when I felt her lips take me in. My entire body stiffened so much I thought I'd break a bone. Hannah took me all the way in her mouth, and then she teased me with the tip of her tongue as she made small circles around my cock's head.

In the lowest voice I could muster I asked, "What's gotten into you?"

"My Christmas present to you. Merry Christmas, darling," Hannah whispered low.

"I love you, you know that don't you?" I asked.

"I wouldn't have done that if I didn't think you did. There will be more in the future, and I'll finish what I start. I promise."

I pulled the blankets over our heads and I kissed her. My hand moved along her thigh and then underneath her PJs to finally rest on her breast.

"Mom? Mom?"

"What is it, Jimmy?"

"I'm sleeping with Hannah under the covers."

"Not in front of the children!"

Penny giggled.

I nibbled on her ear and whispered, "Best Christmas present I've ever received."

And that was the last thing I remembered until...

**********Chapter Thirty ************

I awoke to the sounds of low voices coming from the kitchen. I carefully stepped over sleeping bodies and made my way toward the sound. There in the kitchen was Mom and Dad sitting around the kitchen table. A pair of candles threw a halo of yellow light around them. They were talking, so I leaned up against the doorjamb un-noticed.

"Now mom, just because she can't quote bible verses doesn't mean a thing."

"You know what I mean. She's like that tramp Lori."

"Lori is your daughter, she's not a tramp."

"Call it like you want. I know she's out to take Jimmy's money."

"Did you ever think that maybe they're both in love?"

"I don't believe that," Mom said, "I asked where she met Jimmy and all she said was at a park."

"I happen to believe that."

"I don't believe that NASA stuff either. I bet she's nothing more than a cheap bar whore who's main objective is to sweet talk Jimmy—"

"What in the hell is wrong with you? I asked as I stormed into the room. "We did meet in a park. What is your problem with that?"

Apparently my voice was a bit louder than I thought, and when I looked up there was Hannah who stood in the kitchen doorway. She came over and pulled a chair out between Mom and Dad. Hannah slipped her glasses off and she looked up at me.

"All I've ever wanted in my life was to have a family," Hannah began," I never knew my Mom, and I don't know who my father was. Since I was born, I've been dumped from one foster home to another. I was never part of any family. I felt like I was rented to them.

"When I turned twelve and started to become a woman, one foster dad would come into my room at night. 'It will be our little secret.' Almost every night he'd come in and lift my nightgown up. He'd touch me down there. Other nights, he'd lift my shirt up and play with my breasts. I had no one to tell. No one would believe me if I said something. So he continued to sexually abuse me.

"I use to pray. I prayed all the time. I didn't pray for the abuse to stop. No. I prayed for God to take my life so I wouldn't have to see his face, or feel his hands on me. I prayed for my life to end."

Hannah pressed the palms of her hands onto the tabletop and looked right into my mother's eyes. "Tell me, where was your God when I was being finger fucked by a fifty-two year old man? I was only twelve! Tell me!"

Hannah folded her arms across the tabletop and laid her head down.

"Are you happy? Are you so Goddamn happy now?" I said as I pointed my finger at Mom.

"Jimmy, that will be enough of that!" Dad said.

"No it's not enough. How can you allow Mom to talk like that to Hannah? She only met her and she's judging her."

"He who is without sin may cast the first stone." I looked over my shoulder and there stood Roger.

Hannah's head came up off the table. "We did meet in a park. I was going to jump off a cliff and Jim stopped me. He saved my life that night."

Every eye was on Hannah.

"I was in a relationship that was abusive." Hannah stood and pulled her shirt down over her shoulder "This is what love was to me." She pointed to the scars on her body. "He did that to me."

"Dear God!" Lori said as she entered the kitchen. She came over and rubbed Hannah's shoulders. Lori looked down at her mother. "Just look at you sitting there eating this all up. Jim and Hannah found each other. You should embrace their love."

"The Lord will punish those that don't follow His rules. Look at how He's punished her already!"

"And what about you?" Lori asked. "How did the Lord punish you for having an affair that produced a child out of wedlock? The affair that made me! Tell me what was your punishment? Why did you lie to Dad about the whole thing? Did you try and convince him that I was his daughter? The daughter that has blond hair and blue eyes? Perhaps you tried to convince him it was some sort of divine intervention? So you not only had a child out of wedlock, you lied about it, too. Roger is right. You have no right to cast a stone at Hannah."

Lori looked at Dad. "I've always considered you my Dad even though I know you're not."

"You'll always be my little girl, too."

And there it was. Lori dumped all our dirty laundry right on the table. She spoke the words all of us wanted to say for so many decades, but none of us had the balls to open our mouths.

Roger came over and squatted beside Mom. He took her hands into his. "Mom, you need help, and I think you know you do."

Mom broke down and cried. We left Dad, Lori, Roger, and Mom by themselves and Hannah and I returned to our makeshift beds.


For the next several days, we functioned as well as we all could. Dad always said that overnight guests and fish begin to stink after three days. My brothers and I kept the wood burner full. Mom and the wives, Lori, and Hannah along with the kids baked cookies. There wasn't a single nasty word said between Mom to either Lori or Hannah.

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