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I'm Your Little Slut

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I hung up the phone after speaking with Gerald for the last time. It was over, he was sorry, he hoped we could be friends still, he wished there was a better way he could tell me but better now than later. I had listened, numb, the only man I had imagined myself with, the one who's surname I had spent hours writing, the one whose children I couldn't wait to bear just so I might please him had been led by his pecker to someone new- and younger. I had managed to say "Oh" and "uh huh" from my end of the phone and that was enough for the entire conversation. She was there, I could tell -he got distracted and I heard her breathing on the phone; not heavily- she wanted to be there for the kill. Tell the bitch good bye. Yeah.

It was just six forty two and I had got in from my Aerobics class- which I did to try to keep in shape for him. Not a lot of point now I thought; the bitterness starting to come through as the reality of being dumped hit me. I went to the fridge and got out a rum and coke mixer. That went with me to the sofa where I curled up in a little ball and let the tears flow. I finished my drink then went back to get another to keep me company on my sofa while I thought. Well that was a mistake- I couldn't think. How do you think when your mind is going at a million miles an hour? So I settled for drinking myself stupid and climbed into my bed at ten utterly schickered.

By morning I had a head ache you would not believe and felt just as bad as I did the night before only worse because of the head ache. It was a work day so I drove in, put the BMW (the used BMW) in my car park (which I had to pay for) and went in to do my job in the purchasing department. It wasn't stunning but I had wanted to keep my income below that of my beloved Gerald and so had turned down promotions when offered so he would earn more than me.

We girls have one release tool men don't; we complain to our friends and colleagues and so at lunch time as we sat outside, coffee in one hand, cigarette in the other I repeated word for word what he had said while giving a somewhat more eloquent version of my responses- well I'm allowed. The girls were riveted. Helen listened open mouthed, Maria keep shaking her head and saying in her Hispanic accent "that bastard" while Francine kept touching my arm and sighing.

Well I felt better after that, someone told the boss and she came over to say she had heard I had had some disappointing news and if I wanted to I could slip away early today. I was tempted but on instinct told her thanks but no, it was important that I got on with life without him and I'd be just fine. I was too; I buried myself in my work and blocked him out- until I went to the bathroom. Then it hit me and I sat on my seat in the cubicle with my head in my hands sobbing.

I heard a voice, Francine's, "Cindy? Honey is that you?"

"Uh huh," I managed.


"Can you come out honey?"

Well I could but I really didn't want to so I gave her, "yeah, I guess."

She waited a minute then said,

"Come out now please."

It was an order and I obeyed getting up off the seat- I didn't need to flush; I'd gone before then went back in to sit because I had started crying- and opening the door. She was right there with her arms out for me.

She hugged me tight while I sobbed on her shoulder. It was stupid, now I thought about it, how upset I was over losing him. I mean he wasn't that good looking, he definitely had the start of a bald spot and he was obviously going to get fat. Not only that but he was never going to earn much; I turned every job down, every job turned him down but I had invested so heavily in him, pinned all my hopes on him that the feeling of loss had been overwhelming. Why, I'd even got into a raging argument with my Dad over him- Dad couldn't stand him- so I'd given all this loyalty and my reward was getting dropped? It wasn't fair. Well it bloody well wasn't.

I cried myself out as she held me, stroking my back and planting little kisses on my cheek. .She was so comforting but I just felt hollow; I had no more tears but it all just seemed so utterly pointless. What was I going to do? Go home, go to work, go home, go to work and I thought of those lines from the Janice Iain song about those of us with ravaged faces, lacking in the social graces, desperately remain at home, inventing lovers of our own... not that my face was actually ravaged that was just the words to the- get on with it? OK.

Yeah, imaginary lovers that's my future I thought but now I noticed Francine had dropped her hands down from round my back to round my butt.

"Um Francine?" I gasped

"I've had my hands on your butt for nearly thirty seconds and you only just noticed. You like it, don't you?"

"Francine! My God, I have just broken up with my nearly fiancé. I am very vulnerable and you're what? Hitting on me? My God Francine! And I am not a lesbian. OK? So, oh look, thanks for before but please, can you just get out of my way and we'll forget this ever-"


"What? Excuse me but sexual harassment applies to same sex as well as inter sex incidents."

"Not if it's consensual. Listen, don't speak, just shut up and listen- ok?"

Her urgency was overpowering; I nodded and waited.

"I'm lesbian, OK?" I nodded again, "I'm twenty eight and I spent twenty six of those years believing I was straight- miserable but straight."

She looked me in the eye and I thought, "my God woman, I am so not you, I need a man."

I had promised not to say anything however so I kept quiet and listened.

"You know how they say, 'it takes one to know one?'"

Well, hello! I knew where this was going so I gave her my best "don't think so" look and rolled my eyes.She let my butt go and brought her hands up to cup my face holding it just inches from hers then she looked me in the eye. I tried not to look back but I had to. I looked deep into her eyes seeing now, for the first time, how she felt about me and I responded. A shiver ran through me, my head felt light and I knew, without ever having experienced the emotion before that I was completely, utterly, head over heel, no turning back in love with her. So she had been right; she did know one- me. She was watching me of course and as she saw my expression change her face broke into a beautiful smile.

I was hers. She tilted my face slightly, controlling me, bringing my lips close to hers. She paused for a few seconds looking into my eyes. I smiled for her, aching for her kiss then closed my eyes.

She kissed me. Her lips pressed gently at first then more firmly and finally her lips moved and mine moved with them opening my mouth for her. Her tongue licked the underside of my top lip thrilling me then moved slowly to meet the tip of mine. I had never been kissed by a woman before so I had no basis of comparison but it felt so wonderful to be kissed like this. I tried to feel that what we were doing was naughty, wrong but I couldn't; I loved the feel of her tongue in my mouth and her body pressed against mine.

"Well?" she asked unnecessarily.

My head was spinning, it should be so wrong but I just knew I wanted her, needed her to kiss me so I looked deep into her eyes and smiled inviting her to kiss me again. .I could feel my nipples and my clit was throbbing. Her hands had dropped down to caress my butt and this time I wanted them there. I felt her cupping my cheeks squeezing them, owning them; I was hers and I so wanted her to know that.

By this time her hands were under my skirt. The only underwear I wore, when I did wear it, was a thong and so her hands cupped bare butt.

"Mmm, nice," I whispered, spreading my feet and feeling the fingertips slip into my butt crack.

She slipped a finger into my butthole and as she did I pulled the front across so her thumb could press down into my pussy.

"Strip," she ordered and even though we were in the main part not a cubicle so any woman could have come across us at any stage I obeyed without hesitation.

Within seconds my clothes lay where they fell on the floor and I stood naked before the woman I wanted to own me.

"Put your hands behind your head."

She almost breathed the words at me.

I obeyed instantly standing with my hands behind my head my tits with their hard nipples pushed out and my eyes closed thrilling at the knowledge that she was studying me and that very soon she would touch me. She did. My throat first. Her fingers trailed across it and I tilted back offering it to her. I was hers and I gave my throat for her to show she owned my life. Next she caressed my armpits and I shook trying to keep in control of myself. My breasts followed. She cupped them, weighing them in her hands then let her finger trail up to my nipples. I have nipple rings and, as I hoped, these got a good hard tug causing me to gasp with pleasure.

Now she dropped down, her face against my tummy with her hands round me for balance, and licked. She moved up a little to take a nipple in her mouth and suck on it then gripping the ring between her teeth and pulling hard on it. She let go putting her lips back over my nipple which she managed to suck on while using her tongue to pull on the ring. I pushed my chest out wishing I had milk for her and wanting the feel her suckling on my nipples to go on for ever. After a lovely long suck she switched to the other one. It got the same treatment then I felt her face against me as she slipped down to breath on my pussy.

I was wet, open and waiting for her. Sure enough her fingers pressed against the skin on either side of my pussy and she dragged it open- or even wider I guess you would have to say; another pause and her tongue was in there. I got licked all the way up and all the way back- just a tantalizing flick over my clit- then she had pushed her tongue out to put it in my vagina. There was no heroic defence from that part of my anatomy I have to admit; her tongue simply went in the gap. She licked though wiggling her tongue and that was too much for me to withstand so I stood there, legs shaking, as I panted and had my orgasm.

I know enough not to try and think during my orgasms so I just enjoyed the sensations as they happened then faded away. She stood up and held me as soon as I was underway and I had brought my hands down to hold her- which had become pretty much my favourite thing to do. Prudently she had pulled her dress right up and her panties down so my wet pussy was pressed against her skin not her clothes. It hadn't been something Gerald had been keen on had his going down on me. The other way round though with me going down on him? Well that was just about compulsory as far as he was concerned and he receded even further into the recesses of my mind.

We didn't kiss this time. Instead she held me as I tried to press every part of my body I could against her.

"I told them when you didn't come back that I would go and see how you were getting on," she said softly, "and that it might take some time but I guess we shouldn't take advantage of Mrs. Abercrombie's generosity too much. I'll help you clean up then we'd better get back."

I was stunned. Like one second there she was licking away bringing such pleasure to me and the next she's worrying about what Mrs. Abercrombie might think? I felt that maybe I hadn't done enough or hadn't offered enough to hold her.

'Can't we stay a bit longer? Even if you just hold me- I love it when you hold me. I love you. I love you Francine don't you want to keep holding me?"

I was desperate and my voice quavered.

This time she did kiss me.

"I love you."

And nothing else mattered.

Now I was kissing her, hugging her and she finally drew her face back from mine with that little playful smile on her face.

"Know what?" she teased.

"No what?"

"I really do love you."

I gazed into her eyes as I waited for her to continue. It wasn't something I had done a lot in my love life up till then- it freaks guys out- but I did this time.

"I used to dream about this moment, oh I'm not that daring and my heart was in my mouth when I put my hands down on your butt like that... well you looked so staunch at first I was nearly going to give up- I'm so glad I didn't."

My heart was in my mouth now- I was too. She saw the anguished look and gave me a reassuring smile then kissed the tip of my nose.

"Guess we better go back now," I said softly.

I was happy, she loved me, she had said the words and what's more important I knew she meant them. She got some toilet paper (it's much softer than the hand wipes) to dry me off. My thong was soaked of course so it stayed on the floor while I put my bra, top, and skirt on.I looked at her then at my panties and pulled my skirt up winning no prizes for subtlety along the way.

We shared a grin then she was stuffing my thong up inside my pussy making sure with a straggly bit that hadn't wanted to go in.

We waited a few more minutes and in that time we both touched up our make up (thank God for Thin Lizzie) so the glow of our episode wouldn't show then we held hands as we went back to the office.

The others looked up as we came through the door. Francine came over to my desk with me and gave me a hug once I had sat down. Helen looked across and gave me the thumbs up while Maria kissed her cross to show she had been praying for me. I smiled at them and nodded mouthing "thank you" then focusing on my work.

I tried to focus on it should I say? I was obsessed with what might have happened if Francine hadn't persisted in the face of my opposition. A horrible oppressive sense of guilt lay over me and I decided I would never make that mistake again. After all what would have happened if Francine hadn't persisted after I had insisted I was straight? Countering that fear were the memories of what we had done. More than anything though what I relished most was moment when I looked in her eyes and saw; well the love if that doesn't sound too corny but just as much the invitation to be hers. It was an invitation that was open, frank and quite irresistible. And thank God for that

So the terrors faded to be replaced by the thrills of our time together and I glowed. At five I got hugs from Helen and Maria, as well as one from Mrs Abercrombie from whom I also got a motherly kiss on the cheek.

Finally though Francine and I were on our own.

"What happens now?" I asked her, "Have I mentioned I'm in love with you?"

"Yes and you can say that again any time you want. I love you and I want you to be with me. I hate the thought of you going off to your place and me going home to mine. Will you come home with me now? Please? We can call in at your place so you can get some things but I want you in my arms and in my bed- in our bed I hope it is."

I went all clingy on her.

"Yes please," I said timidly.

It was defined in our roles the way we spoke with each other- hence my timidity. I so wanted her in charge- in charge of me really.She held me confidently and smiled for me.

"Shall we get what you need for tonight and sort your stuff out after work over the next few nights. We'll just do it bit by bit, OK? No need to stress."

I got a tight squeeze and a kiss then but that was her. She had figured I'd be overwhelmed by what I was facing so she had wanted to take the stress out of it for me. The thing though is that I wanted to move right then. There was nothing to stop me; I had my lease paid in advance so I could move out and still give them the notice period. The apartment was fully furnished, so apart from my clothes, Manchester and bits and pieces it would all be staying anyway.

More than anything I wanted to commit; I was terrified of losing her by looking as if I had cold feet and so I stood firm.

"I want to be yours Fran. I don't want to move in gradually I want to move in now. I haven't got that much- apart from my hope chest."

I pulled my face down so my chin was on my chest and gave her my best little girl look. Well it was Mom's idea the hope chest, she bought it for me, and she started with the Irish linen tableware and I picked up nice things along the way, as you do, when you're me and wanting to be someone's someone.

She smiled at me,

"I kind of figured you for a hope chest girl."

She smiled as she said it and I felt wonderfully warm inside.

We drove in a convoy of two to my place and between us we put all the stuff I wanted to take in her car, all the other stuff good enough to give away in a pile (neatly folded) and the rest went into garbage bags. The apartment sorted I popped next door to Andrea's to told her I was moving out so my car space would be vacant if they wanted to use it in the meantime- till Mr Grossman got a new tenant in. When she asked what the catch was I smiled sweetly and told her I had a pile in the apartment, to go through and take anything she might want but to be sure and take the rest to the Op Shop. That was a deal and she gave me a hug before hoping every thing worked out for me.

We drove both cars to Fran's place. My intention was just to have my BMW at her- or rather our - place as a spare if ever we needed it. Otherwise wherever Fran went I wanted to go with her and I had no idea of wanting to be apart from her. I had this going home feeling as I followed along behind her waving as she would give little finger wiggles over her shoulder and watch in her rear view mirror for my wave back.

It wasn't very long and we were there. Her place was a real house, two stories, not a great big huge mansion but a Tudor style three bedroom dwelling on a small section. .She drove up first, using the garage door opener and parked her car on the left leaving space for the BMW on the right. As I parked I heard the door coming down behind us and it seemed as if the rest of the world was cut off out there somewhere. It felt lovely.

I got out of my car to stand beside her.

"Fran?" I asked.

"Yeah babe?"

'I was doing some thinking on the way over."

That puzzled look came over her face.

"Ooh ooh, no, not that, never that, I so long to be with you darling no I was thinking of us, you and me. Well I want you to be the boss, you know in charge."

"So if I told you to take your clothes off and go make me a coffee you would?"

I gave her a seductive little smile, "only one way to find out."

"Take your clothes off and got through into the kitchen. Make me a coffee, milk and one." She ordered with an unsure look on her face.

I curtseyed then stripped naked. She looked me up and down as I did a turn for her.

"Where's the kitchen babe?" I asked thinking how fantastic it felt to say that.

I was in love, not trying to be, like with Gerald but really and truly in love. She had to repeat herself because I was in too much of a whirl and she seized the back of my neck to bend me over and give me some sharp spanks on my bottom.

Much chastened I bobbed a little curtsey to her and said sorry. I got my first make up hug. To be honest I had loved getting spanked and I adored getting hugged by her but all the same I had wanted to be perfect for her and in not listening I had failed miserably so although it was a buzz I was disappointed.

To try to make it up I rushed down the hall to find the kitchen. It was at the end on the right and I topped up the jug before plugging it in. The coffee mugs were on the tree (stand) while the coffee and sugar were in earthenware jars- part of a set. I rushed back to her wanting to help but she shooed me back to the kitchen giving me a wolf whistle as I did my sexy hip wiggle for her.

By this time the jug had boiled so I made the coffees.

"Coffee's ready," I called from the kitchen door not daring to go back down there without her permission.

"Oh that's great sweetheart; just take them out on the deck sweetie, OK?"

Take them out on the deck? As in; go outside naked on the deck?

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