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Imp Corruption Ch. 02: Abalix

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Abalix is transformed by her own creation.
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Author's note: May contain nonhuman transformation, corruption, breeding, and monster sex! If you don't like that, well, get out!

Feedback appreciated (from others who like this sort of content)


Imp Corruption Chapter 2: Abalix

"I sense no more humans in my realm," said the Great Lord.

"Yes my Lord," responded Abalix in curious anticipation, "The threat is gone."

"Good. Return to your mission."

By her 'mission' he meant being sequestered in this dungeon to guard the 5th seal. Charged to wait endlessly in boredom for all eternity!

"That's all?"

"Abalix, you try my patience. Do you think you deserve a reward for doing your duty? All you've proven is that you deserve to be where you are."

"Yes my lord," she responded with a deep bow. His reaction was expected, but it still stung. No one understood her potential.

"Oh one more thing Abalix..."

"Yes my Lord?" she asked.

"You are not as clever as you think you are," he said with a smile and his image vanished before she could retort.

She would show him!


The mighty adventurer, Sonia, had come for the 5th seal- and to kill Abalix.

But now look at her now, Abalix thought. Abalix rubbed the imp'ess wide tummy.

"How many litters does this make?"

"Seven!" cheered the imp'ess, giving Abalix a toothy grin full of sharp fangs. The former champion of light seemed happy to be carrying another demonic brood of imp. In fact, she showed off her expanding form to Abalix with pride.

Abalix's weaponized Imp, Prime, had transformed and impregnated Sonia.

Imps were one of the weakest and least magical races of all demonkind. Their weakness left them quite rare in this savage and dangerous realm.

However, Abalix had seen their more corporeal and biological form might be the basis of true exploitation. With some work, they might increase their numbers through breeding like mortal creatures. Modifying each imp would be too difficult, and too prone to unforeseen problems. So she had crafted a single imp, Prime, who in turn could create his own mate.

"Good, good," Abalix said, marveling at her work! The little slut was proud of being impregnated! The male imp was her greatest creation, but this by-product was a magnificent tool too. The little creature was literally birthing Abalix an army.

The imps she bore were weak and genderless. But given enough time their numbers would overwhelm all within the realm...

Even the Great Lord would eventually kneel to Abalix the Creator!

"Prime attend me," Abalix called, where was her little slave?

"...," whispered Sonia rubbing her belly, hobbled over and grabbed a small bowl.

"Prime, attend me," she called out again.

"...," whispered the pregnant female imp at her knees.

"I can't hear you," she said. She leaned way down to the girl, her threadlike and shadowy form bending down like a snake hanging from a branch. "Speak up girl!"

"I told him that you wanted him to leave."

"Why did you do-" Abalix started to ask but then 'slap!' went Sonia's little hand upon her face.

The greater demon was too shocked by the slap to feel anger, instead she felt only bewilderment at first. Then she realized the affront this was.

"What are you... HOW DARE YOU!" she roared, her voice suddenly deep and dark. The eldritch lights of her fortress dimmed and the room rumbled. She gathered her power as her formed widened into a looming shadow, but she found it hard to stand, barely reaching over the tiny imp'ess.

That hit, she thought, how was it so strong? It was as if she had been struck by the Great Lord himself. Impossible, she thought, for the little imp to wound her so.

She touched her face and felt sticky liquid... Blood? No. She drew her hand back and saw none of her black demonic blood but instead a white... lotion?

Not lotion.

"I got him to leave. He listens to everything you say, does anything you command, so he would have stopped me."

"What is this!?" she cried. Abalix knew, but she didn't want to believe. The lotion on her hand burned oddly, and even stronger on her face. She gasped for breath, struggling not to fall over.

Sonia reached into the bowl, scooping out a glob of the lotion.

She turned her hand to Abalix, showing off the goop. "Prime left me a bowl of his cum," the imp'ess said cheerfully, as if Abalix would be joyed to find this out.

Abalix winced at having her fears confirmed. This was bad! She could feel the product of Prime's weapon seeping into her.

"No!" she gasped as Sonia mashed the liquid into her face. She realized too late that the backstabbing imp wasn't just showing her the cum but applying another douse.

"I'm going to kill you for this," she screeched reaching to paw it away from her eyes. "I swear!"

Abalix collapsed, curling her arms and legs up. She focused all her power on the contamination. She could feel it retreat under the force of all her might. This wouldn't stop her!

Sonia came to her side. Abalix's focus seemed to be working but it left her with no physical strength to resist as her head was tilted up to the side. Worse yet, she saw the bowl moving into view.

"Here have some more! I remember, the next douse goes in the mouth."

Abalix the Creator, demonic protector of the Great Lord's fifth seal, whimpered, "No, please."

Her pathetic pleading must have been ineffective because the bowl was pressed to her lips. Sonia tilted it forward and the accursed liquid was poured down her throat.

"Hhhrrr," Abalix moaned in frustration. Her own lips betrayed her and instinctively sucked the dangerous liquid down.

Worse, she felt the sucking grow as she swallowed down more and more of the bewitched imp semen.

"Slow down," said Sonia with a cheerful giggle.

She felt a wave of shame, unable to stop her suckling from turning into lewd slurps.

Just when she thought she would die from any more she heard, "All done!" The now empty bowl was removed from her lips. The greater demon took the respite to focus her inner might once again.

Was she doomed?

She honestly wasn't sure.

The workings of the imp-cum magic was the product of her own design. She understood how to counter it better than anyone. She had the power, the will, and the knowledge to fight it. That gave her hope.

But there was a problem. She had drank a whole bowl full of the weapon's product.

It was too much. The curse was made to taint the righteousness of light and infuse demonic essence into a human. The process of transforming a holy champion into to corrupted demon is no tiny feat. It was specifically designed to overcome the powerful natural resistance of this great change.

Unfortunately, Abalix was already a corrupted being, she was already a demon! The shift in form from her own to an imp's paled in comparison to Sonia's transformation. If she resisted directly, and fought the physical change the curse would win.

No, there was only one way to fight.

She signed in frustration, angered by her own analysis. Horrified by the truth.

She winced, and thought, I have to let it happen.

She had to 'retreat.'

The only way she could protect her core, her very being, was to let the physical aspect of the transformation happen. It was the only way to save her energy and protect her mind.

"Ohhh," she moaned as she let her form go.

Abalix felt it immediately start to morph her into a female imp, the blueprint of her own making. She knew it'd be fast, but it still shocked her. The magic swirled like a twister hitting her all at once. The strongest and most immediate was the intense contraction. Like a band stretched beyond its limit that was suddenly released, the extremities all snapped back to her core. In moments the towering demon lost half her height.

The shrinking continued, from five feet to four, but slowed its frantic pace. Then it was the expanding and bulging she couldn't ignore. Her twig like torso filled out, shaping more like a humanoid torso. But the bulging continued.

She felt her chest bubble out into two large and still growing breasts. Each she knew could produce an overflowing supply of milk. They felt heavier by the second.

She squirmed, tossing her torn and lengthy black dress to the side as it grew too narrow. From four feet to three her shrinking slowed to a crawl. Her waist thinned, feeling as if it pushed its essence into her hips and ass.

She took the shape designed to sexuality entice, namely Prime, and wide hips crafted to bear his young.

Hair, real hair- long and dark flailed about as she squirmed.

"Almost there now," she heard Sonia say in a soothing voice.

She winced under the coursing power, as she knew if her plan was to work, the physical aspect had to go through completely. But instinctively she had resisted, holding on, in part through fear.

Her skin.

Only the very tips over her small fingers lacked a onyx black color. She let go of that, and the green of her finger tips rushed down her arms and across her body.

"Ohhhh!" she wailed as she rolled on the ground. This was no mere cosmetic change. The green skin of the female imp was a sensory organ fundamentally different from her old form. She had been more shadow than corporeal, where this was purely organic, and designed for (erotic) stimulation.

Everywhere the green replaced onyx skin she exploded in sensation. She panted in near shock. Her green skin was stimulating everywhere, but extra euphoric in certain spots. Her new nipples were on fire, but the spread down her ass crack and to to her crotch made her scream out. "By the Great Dark!"

But she could handle it!

She moaned and shook on the floor, slowly beginning to control her new body.

She was the picture of failure, fully transformed, a little green imp'ess slut panting bare naked on the floor. She had the body of a whore, a perfectly crafted breeding vessel made to be used by Prime's cock.

But not inside.

"No... I'm still me." Inside she still held on to the power of a greater demon. She still protected her mind. It was pushed down deep inside, being squeezed by the transformation hex. It would be a long while before the toxin was flushed from her system and she could transform back. She still had to fight, but she could win.

Yes, she was sure. Given enough time, the transformation and its effects would eventually reverse themselves.

She would win! She would defeat that other little imp bitch.

"Sonia! I'll..."

Oddly though, where was Sonia? She had just been here.

Had she escaped?

How far did her treachery go?

Eventually, she'd tracked Sonia down and make her pay.

But with a creek of the wooden door she saw her betrayer return.

"You! Look what you've done and- Prime!" she yelled as she saw him enter behind her. "Grab that foul girl, now!"

"Who?" said a startled Prime, looking to Sonia.

"Her! Sonia!"

"No," said Prime around in bewilderment. "Who is that, who are you?"

"I'm Abalix, your master and I order you to grab her now."

Imp-Sonia giggled. "He can grab me when ever he wants," she said while grabbing her tits and giving them a suggestive shake.

Prime scratched his head, "What is going on here?"

Abalix wobbled to her feet, grunting in frustration, "Prime, don't question me!"

Prime gave them both worried looks.

Sonia pointed to her.

"Does she look like the mighty Abalix?" the former human asked Prime, who shook his head in response. "This is... Abby. Another invading human, and Abalix wants you to finish the transformation. "

"Abby?" she raged! How undemonic and absurd! Such a pathetic name was an insult to her station. She was Abalix the Creator! She stamped her foot, "This backstabbing bitch transformed me! I'm you master and you WILL obey!"

Sonia put her arm around Prime, and talked softly, but still loud enough for Abalix to hear, "Remember when I was first captured?" He nodded. "I would have said anything to escape. That's why she's pretending to be your master, but look at her. She's desperate, and horny."

Sonia reached down between his legs, angling his cock upwards and giving it a few stokes. "Look, she can't keep her eyes off your cock."

"Ha! You're right!"

"N-n-no! I wasn't!" Abalix stammered. She hadn't looked it once before Sonia grabbed it! But now she couldn't help stare. Fuck! From her new perspective her new size, it looked enormous... It was enormous. So long, thick, and green, it was amazing. She could sense its power. It pulled at her.

She bit her lips, and rubbed her thighs together to suppress the feeling. She could help but note how wet the inside of her legs were.

Damn this body, she thought, it truly hungers for his dick.

"Yeah you want it don't you?" taunted Prime as if he read her mind. He grabbed it himself and strut towards her confidently.

Abalix 's head swam. This was not right! Things were not going her way. Prime believed the lying rat. She couldn't afford to take the imp's weapon... She was barely holding on as is!

She had to get away from both of them. Now!

She bolted for the door, and he snatched her wrist, and pulled.

"Get back here!" he scolded. But she had expected this and gave him a swift elbow in response. Stunned by her aggressive display more than the move itself, he stood back.

But she didn't get far.

Sonia grabbed her arm and twisted her around. Sonia's former life as a holy crusader left her with martial prowess beyond Abalix's ability to counter. Even burdened with a pregnant belly, Sonia easily pinned the transformed demon lord face down to the ground in a flash.

"Let me go!" she commanded, but Sonia ignored her.

"Prime, give her a taste of your weapon."

No, no, no. She wasn't ready for that. She'd never be ready for that!

But he didn't give her time to prepare.

"Take it bitch," Prime said as he pressed the head of his cock into her pussy.

"Oh Great Dark!" She couldn't believe it. It was better and worse than she could have ever imagined.

Her body at the first taste of his cock was already addicted. She needed more, and her whole body moved by submissive instinct. Instantly her body responded and moved like an equal partner to their mating.

It felt wonderful!

But terror overwhelmed her. Unbeknownst to even Prime, his 'Weapon' detected her internal magical defense. It recognized her magic was attempting to revert the changes. And in turn its powers we're twisting and adapting, recalibrating it's attack to overwhelm her resistance.

The way its power twisted inward confused her. It was preparing an attack that seemed almost... vampiric?

Oh no, she realized. It wasn't going to break her power, it was going to absorb I! Suck her dry, and steal her power as a greater demon!

If he came, she'd be drained! She'd lose everything! And there was nothing she could do to stop it.

She couldn't even stop her body from acting like a the cock addicted imp whore that she was.

"Oh! Oh!" she moaned as she contorted itself in pleasure. She arched her back moaning and wailing.

No! She had to fight! She had to stop him from cumming!

Then she observed the glint in her balled up dress.

Of course! She reached out with one arm and grabbed the ring.

So much of her power was tied up in fighting the remnants of the transformation hex. She grit her teeth, pulled as hard as she could, for just enough strength and gave the ring a twist.

[NOT CUM] she cast.

"Hey!" he yelped. Sonia gasped, but he stupidly responded, "That won't work for you, dummy! Only works for my master."

"I am your master," she said. The idiot still didn't get it?

"We'll see about that!" he said, his hand grabbing the back of her hair.

"Uff," she grunted as pressed her head down submissively and lined up behind her hips. She didn't resist or complain because it didn't matter. Prime would soon see he couldn't finish.

Plus, she thought, getting fucked felt pretty damn good in this body!

Sonia laid on her back next to her.

Abalix gave her a glare. "I won! I might have a imp's body, but it doesn't matter. You'll never get a douse of his cum near me." she taunted. Prime, oblivious to their whispers pounded her in a steady rhythm. "You'll never break me!"

"Is that all you need? For him to cum? I wondered why you hadn't given in yet," she asked and paused. "Undue the ring's spell, and ask him, and he will though."

Ask for it? Abalix had never heard a more imbecilic idea. "Ha! That's never going to happen you dumb bitch! And let him steal my power as a greater demon?"

"So it would steal your power too, interesting," Sonia mused.

Abalix regretted telling her anything, but it didn't matter. No what mattered is this bitch had tried to defeat her!

"I will get you for betraying me."

"Betray? I pledged to serve his cock and be an imp factory. Well what his cock needs is another bitch to breed with. I need you to help me, help me serve his cock even better!"

By the Great Dark, Abalix realized, the girl attempted to perform a demented version of her pledge. But Sonia would have to be disappointed.

"I"ll never let that happen."

"Never? No, I think you might let him. Because I'm pregnant, and because I grew up on a farm."

What? She wished Soina would shut up, Sex with Prime wasn't so bad now that she didn't have to worry about it taking her power and life away. And now she wanted to talk about farms? But the girl continued.

"Each time I'm pregnant for a week, Prime isn't doing anything. It's a waste. That's common with cows on the farm."

"Will you shut up already?"

"For each bunch of cows you only have one strong breeding bull. A stud so to speak. We'd bring the stud around to fuck each of the heifers. He'd pour his cum inside each one, breeding them. But prime only has me. If you let him shoot his baby batter inside you, you'd be elevating him to a stud, making him a real stud for both of us. You understand? And we'd be like his breeding cows, but for imps."

"Noooo," moaned Abalix in retort but she shook with arousal. Why did that idea feel so DAMN good?

"He'd be siring children inside both of us, impregnating both our pussies with litters of imps. And I know you like that idea. I know you like that idea because I have a body just like yours. No matter what your mind says, I know what your body loves it."

Abalix wanted to disagree but it was true.

"The only thing that turns you on more than one pregnant imp producing, is two. I know how your womb feels deep inside your love canal. Tell me. It's calling out isn't it? Begging to be filled."

"Yessssss!" she moaned in white hot heat. It was practically yelling at her.

Sonia was right, the image she described trigger some unfathomable need inside her. It almost made her drool.

Prime started to grunt in pain.

"I know your body is calling out, it hungers for you to join me. And you can! His seed is potent, ready to knock you up. Let him cum, let him fill your hole. Let him be your stud. Help me breed more imps!"

Abalix's demonic eyes blazed in a fury that matched her body's. She felt twisted in frustration.

"I want to. I do," she admitted, "But I can't, my power! My station as greater demon. I'm Abalix the Creator. I can't." It was as if she wanted any excuse to allow her body to override her mind. In a way, she wanted Sonia to convince her.

But before the other couldn't respond before Prime pulled out with a frustrated grunt. "It hurts, I can't, I can't cum!"

No more dick.

It took a few seconds until the cold void hit her. Her body was worked up into a terrible frenzy to be impregnated. Her fertile pussy at the apex of desire wasn't getting the imp sperm it craved, and it suddenly wasn't even getting the imp cock that delivered it.

She groaned in pain, desire, fear, and confusion. Her body shook in withdrawal.


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