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Impotent and Incontinent Ch. 03

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Pacal's punishment for being impotent is to fist his wife.
4.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/19/2021
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I am standing next to Pascal in front of the ant nest the Amsterdam stock market is. A few hours ago he gave the sign to start trading PDPL shares. Apparently from all over the world experts have been waiting for this day and want to act quickly. After an hour the value increased more points than a new stock listing ever did in the first hour. Patrick is all proud and confident. Not cheering like a football supporter but aware of the task and responsibilities that lie before him. He handles journalist questions very professionally. 'Was the value of the company estimated too low?' 'Could this explosion of value mean a hostile takeover attempt?' He has an answer to everything. On the visitors balcony there is Kenneth. I never met him, but i invited him for the celebration after this show.

Since Jack's article in the newspaper we got many sponsoring requests for charity. One of them was a project Kenneth is involved in. Kenneth is 21 years old and one of the biggest talents of national football. Raised in the poorest part of Rotterdam he also helps children staying out of drug gangs by realising a social security network of all kinds of sports. This kind of requests is new to us but it comes with the status and is probably inevitable. I choose his request sololy from his looks, and from what I see I am not disappointed. He is big, athletic and muscular. His dreadlocks are in a tail, and his skin is dark, brown and shiny.

"Congratulations. They say behind a successful business man there is a hard working woman. Is it true?"

It's Jana, the most famous talk show host of the country. She is a stunning beauty, in real life even more beautiful then on tv. Every week there is gossip about her in the glossy's. I never thought anything about her, but her appearance, it's just ... sex.

"Well yes, of course. Pascal sells the printers, I wrap them up."

" Ha ha ha ... good one! Touché, stupid clichés! He seems nice though, your husband. You are in the studio tonight I guess? It's gonna be interesting. People like self-made miljonairs."

"Yes, well the business is boring but he has a good general knowledge and talks easily. Don't be too hard on him. I am going back to Rotterdam after this. I'll watch front row, on the couch."

"You leave him alone? Risky ... You are envied."

"Well, another cliche I guess. Look at him. All power and intelligence, but wears a diaper because he can't control his bladder, nor is he able to satisfy ... anyone or anything."

"Seriously? At his age? What the ...!?"

"So I am not too worried."

The afterparty is difficult. Every gesture, every word seems to have a double meaning, a double layer. Nothing is real or sincere. This is not my world but I know I can grow into it. For now Kenneth is my support. He is incredibly good looking, disarming, youthful and humble. We drive back to Rotterdam together. What comes next is clear. But Kenneth is nervous, excited, maybe too excited.

He kisses me all over, his hands go up and down, not to excite me but more as a ritual he thinks he has to perform.

"Hey... do you manage, you have done this before, did you? It seems you are a bit tense. We can take it easier, or get some load off first if you want"

"YeahYeahYeah, you are right... I can't believe this... you are so beautiful, just... wow. But wait, I'll take a quick shower."

"What? Now? Why?"

It really only takes a few minutes. He comes back, nacked. His body is perfect. A shining, black smooth skin. The only body hair is his nicely shaven pubic hair. He is fit, obviously, and more muscular than I thought a football player would be. His penis is weak but long, slightly curved. I'm in awe and I bet it shows. And this young man standing in front of me, with his body of a god, is nervously looking at me.

I am sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling him closer. His butt is sooo perfectly firm, round, muscular and masculin. Masturbating only by looking at him, would still be perfect sex. I push my face to his stomach. He smells like my husband's cheap showergel and sweat, soare, fear sweat. His dick bumps up against my throat. I slowly retreat to have a good look. His erection stands firmly straight in front. It's slightly curved and every few seconds a muscle contraction makes it jump up a little. The foreskin is almost completely retracted. The colour of his penis is a bit darker than the rest, except for his jerk. There are no big outlined veins and the skin of his dick seems as perfect as the rest. Even the curve seems to be shaped to pleasure a woman's insides. I take some spit on my tongue and let it flow on the top of his jerk.

"Wait, shall i... do you want me... you know, i got condoms with me. Flavoured ones."

"No, i am fine. My mouth doesn't ovulate anymore."

"Yeah, no but...... OHW... OOOHHHHW... OOOOHHHWWWWW ... holy moth ... "

My wet lips slowly go over his jerk. I keep his dick in my mouth. My tongue goes over his slit, down the base of his foreskin searching for the bottom of his jerk. I have to take his penis deep into my mouth, but my tongue licking makes him crazy. He is coming within a few seconds, loud moaning, shouting, his body freezing. I press his dick to the top of my mouth with my tongue rubbing forth and back. The first shot goes deep into my throat. I squeeze his dick a little while I swallow. The second load comes out like thick water, steady without interruption. His lower body starts to convulse, and i suck out the last bit of sperm out of his cock. My mouth is full and I try not to swallow. It's like lubricant all over his prick when I slowly go up and down, up and down his shaft. It's drooling out of my mouth and Kenneth doesn't seem to like it but is not sure what to do.

I get up and we simultaneously turn around while Kenneth lets himself fall down onto the bed.

"Owh my ... that was ... that feeling, you are incredible. It's true what they say about older women."

He is looking at the sealing. My mouth is still full of his cum. I let some drool out over his cock, his stomach, and chess. He can't believe what I do as I still go on. He turns his face and I leave some sperm on his cheek. His hand tries to pull me aside, but without any force. I take his chin and turn his face toward mine. My mouth opened with his sperm on my lips and on top of my tongue. He is disgusted. I lick my lips and swallow slowly. I lick the sperm from his cheek. It's only a droplet and I go with it on top of my tongue to his closed mouth, smearing it around his lips.

At this point I have to stop. This is more than he ever dared to think about. If he saw this on Youporn, he would have swiped it away.

"Wow, i 've done a lot, but you ...."

"Thanks. You had quite a load to drop. We can ease up a little now. Enjoy, go deep."

"Go deep? I was pretty deep there I think. I'm gonna have a shower. Do you come with me?"

"What? Again? No, it's too cold when I come out of it and I want to stay hot for some while."

"Your husband is a lucky guy.

"My husband, well ... "


Gina has changed since the day the firm got to the stock market. a few months ago. It was a big success and it made us really, really rich. But she can't bear me beside her and can't even look at me. She is cruel, physically hurtful but I ... I love her even more.

She doesn't want to see me anymore. I park my car in the garage and put on a leather head cover. I have to report to her when I come home, and usually she handcuffs me. When she is in a bad mood she hooks me up in the corner of the living room with a chain attached to a ring on top of my leather head cover.

Last week I came home, my face covered and there was a woman in the living room. It was Jana, the national celebrity whose late night show I attended. I wanted to run away, hide, but she already saw me and laughed. Gina came running at me and grabbed me by the hook on my head. With force she dragged me to the chains, hooked me up. She pulled the chains up so my head was straight upright and a little tense.

Jana was laughing.

"Didn't I tell you? Look at him."

"Oh, this is genius, Gina, you are evil."

"Now look at him, I told you, didn't I? The best is yet to come."

She takes off all my clothes and I am standing naked, only wearing my hood and diaper. It's bulky and yellow from the outside. I can smell myself and Gina smells it too. She is disgusted but takes it off, almost vomiting. Jana can't stop laughing. Her laughing hurts more than Gina's disgust.

"Look how tiny it is! And it stays that way. Really ... dead like a brick. I have to take precautions, before the floor is all wet." Gina says to Jana as my penis is dripping.

She takes a big plastic tub in which I have to stand.

"Wait for it. he 'll fill up that bowl with his piss without even knowing."

"Gina, please. Don't do this to me." I am crying now.

She slaps my face. I knew this would happen and I knew I shouldn't talk to her. The slam on the leather sounds louder than it actually hurts but Jana is shocked.

"GINA! You can't! "

But she kicks me hard into my leg. I cringe, hanging on my head cover for a moment, choking.

"Look at him and tell me he doesn't hurt me! He is the one to blame."

Jana comes toward Gina who is still close to me. She is gentle to her, talks quietly, with affection.

"Gina, darling. Don't be too harsh and leave him alone. He has feelings too, you know."

Jana looks at me with contempt. I feel she is depreciating Gina more than me. I hate her for arguing with Gina. If Gina wants to beat the shit out of me she is entitled to. It is between her and me, without any oversext chronically horny tv mattress.


Sex with Jana is amazing. I can feel what i do to her. We compared our bodies and they are much alike. We both have a double D cup. I am a bit chubbier but my boobs are real, Jana's aint. We both have a big venus with our clits hidden by a skinfold on the top. Both our mounds are profoundly round with big inner labia. Jana has one very long lip sticking out while both of mine curl out, looking like I am open all the time. Our vagina's are still very tight, neither of us has borne a child. Jana always tastes the same, milky sour, like a special yoghurt. While my vagina smells and tastes like rusted metal combined with spices. I love having sex with her. We play, seek boundaries, and every time we have sex we try to go over one's limit. Rather it is pain, shame, the unknown or fear, the thrill is not the moment but the wanting, the longing in between, when I think of her and wanting to experience that intense feeling again, but even harder, more furious. Since i know her i have a sexual need, all the time.

Jana called me the day after the stock market release. She wanted to know if I watched the show that same night and if I liked it. She saw me leaving with Kenneth and it was actually a rhetorical question. Jana had a natural interest for either stunning beauty or the abnormal. We ended up in bed quickly, sometimes with Kenneth and sometimes without him. Sometime before Pascal's eyes and sometimes in private.

Jana was also fascinated by Pascal. His money and power is obviously what she is into. It made me want to hurt him even more, not physically, but bringing him down, to crush him like an ant under the sole of my apetite, my sex drive for Jana. But she wanted to involve him, my dominance, disgrace and contempt and his fleshly disrespect for me. She threw my harshness for him back at me and although I am much more dominant than she is, it frightened me. When she belittled me for being too harsh on Pascal I saw fury in his eyes. A strength I so much wanted to see in him, wanted to feel.

Pascal was on Jana's tv show again. Ever since his first appearance he has been invited several times as a corporate specialist, especially for self made startups and their owner. Pascal is eloquent, intelligent and an easy talker. But just as important: on the screen he seems to have a good chemistry with Jana. Pascal can put his aversion for Jana aside to linger his narcissisme. And Jana can exhibit her fascination and obvious sexual attraction to rich and powerful men on the screen to maintain her image as an strong independent, yet slightly slutty national celebrity.

It's almost 1 am as I hear them both down in the garage. They are laughing, randomly talking and coming up the stairs quickly. I wait for them standing in the middle of the living room.

"Hey, look at that ... Gina got some naughty plans!" Jana is excited when she sees me standing naked, only wearing my Leboutins, the bondage table and treasure box in the room.

I ignore her and look Pascal straight in the eyes. He turns into a shy little boy immediately and freezes.

"Hi Gina, I know you don't want to see me, but I am tired and just want to go to bed. You girls can have as much fun as you ..."


"Please Gina, not tonight. Did you see me? Jana said I did very well and made a good impression on the screen."

I ignore him and turn to Jana.

"How could you?"

"Ohw, come on ... he is sweet and really, he helped me through the night."

Jana nods to Pascal to go stand in his piss tub. His confidence and good mood falls to the ground like a brick. He undresses and a big smelly diaper appears. He lost weight and the bulkiness of this disgusting cloth around his crotch is surreal. He steps into the bowl before opening it. The smell of old urine fills the room as he unleashes the straps. Jana goes towards him.

"Give me that, I'll get rid of it."

"DON'T!! You know he should have undressed in the garage and left that sickening piece of his body fluids there. You still don't see he is just a pus sweating mulusc leaving his slime wherever he goes. He covers me with it and tries to do the same to you."

She walks up to me and kisses me, submissively but I don't answer it immediately. Pascal waits to be handcuffed, blindfolded but I don't. I look him straight in the eyes as Jana kisses all of my body. I whisper in her ear, "Tie me up."

She is surprised that I want her to dominate me.

"And don't stop. Hurt me, go beyond the imaginable. Got some new stuff in the treasure box."

"Ok, darling. But you should know I have seen a lot, and know what a body can stand up to. You might get some scars but only where you can cover it. Is that ok?"

I roll the bondage table toward the middle where Pascal has a good view on it. It is a steel tube frame on wheels with a padded backrest that can be adjusted from laid back to 45°. Tubes and lashes can be added and the possibilities are endless. I lay down, the headrest is slightly bent to get a better view. There are 2 tubes attached that go straight up from under my armpits. I curl my back and lift my legs toward the tubes and Jana puts the attached straps around my kneepits. I grab my lower legs with my hands and she puts a strap around my wrists and legs. My cunt and asshole are now fully open and exposed.

Jana takes a gag out of the treasure box and straps it around my head. Then she wheeles the cart over to Pascal and orders him to spit on my dry cunt.


I know what Gina is up to. I do understand it up to a certain level but she better could use her hate for Pascal to move on. Sure he is not a man anymore but some kind of a crippled eunuch, still he gives her a life most women only can dream of. Take it and find pleasure elsewhere, I said to her. Fuck around, fuck every dick you think is worth fucking. I did it and realized quickly most ain't worth my period blood. But I didn't wimp, used them, dumped them and went on. Learned the hard way and I came out stronger in every toxic, violent or dangerous relationship or one night stand I ever had. And now I am the one to fear.

Gina wants me to hurt Pascal by hurting her. He is devoted to her, his Yoko Ono, his Holy Mary and it seems the more she hurts him the more he loves her. She got some new serious violent toys and it is clear she planned this all along. I take out a speculum and she might regret giving me a free to go card.

I wheel her over to Pascal.

"Spit on her cunt. She is not wet enough yet. No no no, no bending over, just aim for her hole, you gotta take a good look."

He spits 3 or 4 times but only hits his own chin and Gina's leg. She is furious and her eyes spit fire. The ropes around her wrists and ankles cut deep into her skin as she shakes her body in anger. Pascal doesn't know what to do. Last thing he wants is to spit on her but even that message he doesn't understand. Gina spits drool through her mouth ball.

I kneel down. Pascal filled his piss bowl a bit and I soak the speculum in it. While wet I can insert it easily and open it up as wide as possible. I get an idea and go down to the garage. I pick up a hose and some tape. Go back to the living room, stick Pascal's dick in it and tape it around his balls and butt. The other end I put into the open speculum. Gina is quiet, this is not the humiliation she had hoped for.

But Pascal has a full sight of Gina's cunt. It takes only a few minutes before, out of his control, his piss flows into Gina's vagina.

"No no no, please don't .... Jana please, I can't stop it. I don't want ... " Pascal is crying.

Gina is strapped down and Pascal just stands there. Nothing physical that holds him there. Just the will of the woman he loves prevents him from going anywhere. This is what Gina wanted. Turn the humiliation around and restrict him mentally from doing anything while Gina is the one in the submissive situation.

I kiss Pascal play with the tube and rip off the tape around his penis that holds the hose. Gina's cunt is filled with his piss up to the edge of the speculum.

"You want to please her don't you? Insert her, give it to her, pump pleasure into her cunt, not your disgusting piss. You want to be admired for the strong man you are, want to prove to her you are still a man and can satisfy her, don't you?"

"Jana, please, I love her, eventually she 'll turn around and recognize I am not the enemy. I fully understand she seeks pleasure elsewhere."

"Oh, thats not enough you know. Look at her, strapped down with her open cunt filled with your piss. Only to depreciate you and the more you whine the more angry she 'll get and hurt herself to hurt you. Now go down on her and relieve her from that despicable piss."

He doesn't know what to do, with his fingers he just pours some out of the speculum.

"Take the hose and suck it out of her. Drink it."

I take the hose and put it inside Gina, beyond the speculum, way up inside her vagina. She moans out of pain. Pascal sucks, but from his face i can tell there is not a lot of piss coming. He sucks the inside of her vagina, her flesh, her uterus tissue and Gina screams into her gag.

"Suck harder, HARDER! it's your own piss!"

Gina whines, screams and moans. If Pascal wouldn't suck on the hose he would whine and cry himself. I slap him once and order him to suck even harder before i take the hose, retract it a bit and the end is free inside Gina. Now Pascal sucks in his piss as quickly as possible to relieve Gina.

I take out the hose and Pascal falls over toward Gina's face, exhausted, full of regret and sorrow. Her face and upper body is covered in her drool. He kisses her, licks her spit while Gina screams out through her gag what must be insults and curses. His mouth and breath are filled with urine, vaginal fluids and blood.

"Now let us think, obviously you can't insert her with your dick, what else do you have?"

"I can finger her, lick her, Gina! you know i am good at it, I said I can pleasure you."

"You see, that's what seems to be the problem here, you think something the size of a finger can pleasure a woman. No no no, look inside her, inside the speculum. You can look up to her uterus and there fits a monster dick in there and you want to finger her? No! You are gonna fist her!"


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