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In Due Time

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A short story, no sex, just story.


What the fuck? What was going on? Why was she doing this? What was I going to do about it?

Ever been there? I mean, have you ever been through what I was about to go through? Have you ever found out something so surprising, so unbelievable and so disturbing that you had no idea what to do about it? Well friends, neither had I, until now!

Seems like this sort of thing happens all the time, that is if you believe what you read about cheating wives, but it never occurred to me that it could happen to me. I always thought that I was special, you know, the nothing bad ever happens to me kind of guy. Guess I was wrong about that too!

It is funny how your perspective changes when the true situation you find yourself in finally comes to light. Before I discovered the truth of my situation, I perceived my marriage as solid, my beautiful wife as faithful, and my life in general, as really good. Now I see how things really are, and none of what I perceived then is accurate. My marriage has cracked apart, my wife is a total slut, and my life in general is in the shitter!

What changed you might ask, well, apparently only my perception. Turns out my marriage was never any good, my wife has always been a slut, and my life has been a joke ever since I met my wife, only I never knew it until recently!

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, (apologies to Paul McCartney and the Beatles), but man that about sums it up for me. All it took was one business brunch! My firm had set up a business brunch at the downtown Hilton and I was part of the committee responsible for the whole thing. We were just finishing up, everyone was leaving and I was just about ready to head back to the office, when I saw my wife come into the lounge adjacent to the buffet area and take a seat. At first I thought she was looking for me, but she did not know that I was working here at the hotel today, and then I saw her wave and smile at a man that I had never seen before. He went over to her and they embraced and kissed each other like they were long lost lovers. To say I was shocked would be the understatement of all time. My whole world was changed in that one instant. I knew that this was not a unique, one time thing. I just knew they were together in a relationship I could just feel it.

I would like to tell you that I kept quite, just watched them, and waited until I had proof, before I took any action, but that would not be the truth. The truth is I walked into the lounge, went right over to them and said: What the fuck is going on here! The man, Robert Udow was his name, as I found out later, stood up in a confrontational manner and started to say something but never finished, because I laid him out with the best right hand uppercut I have ever thrown. Shelley, my wife, fainted dead away. I must relay that effectively taking out two people with one punch felt damn good, but I wanted to finish what they had started, so I threw a glass of water into each of their faces, and they sputtered back to life. After they came too a little more, I told them to stay seated and to answer my questions if they did not want further misery to befall them. I guess they believed me, because they both did as they were told.

The were no other people in the lounge besides the bartender and he seemed to have lost interest in our little group, so I sat down and started in on them. The first question I asked was; how long? They said since junior college. Next I asked; why? They said because they loved each other. I followed that question by asking where that left me. Shelley answered saying; she loved me too and did not want to lose me, but she loved Robert as well. I told her that was not acceptable to me and that given this little talk, we were officially done. I informed Robert that he should become totally invisible until after our divorce was final, and that if he didn't, I would make him sorry he had not. Shelley knew me well enough to let Robert know that it was not an idle threat. Robert got up and left without even looking back, I knew then that he was a coward, and the type of person Shelley deserved to wind up with. The woman I had loved and cared for since the day I met her, turned out to be a cheating slut, one that wanted only to satisfy herself and everybody else could just be damned.

Loving someone and then finding out your love is wasted is not a pleasant experience, but I was not going to let any of my pain show, I was not going to let her treachery be my undoing, was I? That proved to be easier to say than to do, as I was soon to find out. Everyone that has gone through a divorce can attest to the strange and unfair settlements that they can and often do produce. Our divorce was to be no exception. Since I had not taken the "smart" approach and gotten evidence of her unfaithfulness, and this being a no fault state anyway, we wound up splitting everything fifty-fifty. So you ask, where is my revenge, where is justice, where is fairness, well the only answer that I can offer is: in due time.

It takes time for emotions to heal, and it takes time for justice to be served, and it takes time for fairness to be obtained. Sometimes the amount of time it takes is only seconds and sometimes it is years, but in my case is was months. Our divorce went through and approximately eight months after our little talk, we were divorced.

Shelley married Robert two weeks after our divorce was final and just eleven months after their wedding day, he took off on her! It seems that the responsibility and the reality of taking care of a wife was too much for old Robert, he liked having sex but did not like all the husband type responsibilities than came with it. He found out it was a lot more fun, and a lot less expensive, to hook up with a woman, get a nut, and leave, than it was to be trying to satisfy her twenty four / seven. As for Shelley, she found out that while extra marital sex had been exciting, it did not pay the bills, and it did not comfort her in the manner that I had and in which she had been totally taking for granted for so long. Did I feel better about the turn of events, in truth, Hell yes I did! I finally felt like I had a measure of revenge on the cheating cunt! At least I did for a little while, then I felt kind of sorry for her, after all I had loved her for a long time and despite her treachery, I still felt something for her. Don't get me wrong, I'm stupid, not crazy! I'm stupid for not knowing what she had been doing for our entire marriage, but I am not crazy, I would never get involved with her again! Shelley did try to reconcile with me, she said she had now seen the error of her ways and that she had never stopped loving me, but it took all of this for her to realize just how much. Well, it was just a little too late now; I was way past the point of ever going back.

Shelley moved out of the state a few months later, and after a few unproductive phone calls over the next three years, I never heard from her again. I do think about her now and again, but I get over it fairly quickly.

As for me, I became the president of the He Man's Women Haters Club, no not really, but I never got married again either! You see I learned something from ole Robert during all of this mess. It seems that he was right about one thing; it is a lot cheaper, more fun and not so emotionally challenging, to just hook up with a woman than it is to marry her!

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

So what about kids. Seems he doesn’t want any.

nixroxnixroxover 1 year ago

3 stars - I liked this story - especially the last sentence.

The rest of the story was missing character development, dialog and a few more things.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago





AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Where’s the dialogue? Where’s the emotion? Did a robot write this?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Another selfish person. I do understand the hurt I went through it with my wife when she cheated on me. When I found out she had cheated on me I confronted her. The affair had already ended. She said she had no answer for what she had done. The guy had a heart attack and we visited with him he was still considered to me as a friend that was before I knew. I made it clear that he was not a friend and I didn't need to ever see or speak to him again. There were a lot of good memories but now I can't even enjoy them when our children bring up the past. One time actually move than once our son shortly before he left to go home said what a good old boy he was. I got quiet. After he left my wife asked what was wrong? O he's such a good old boy the homewreacking SOB. I'm sick of hearing our children and the comments they say. My wife said she was so sorry for the pain she caused. I said you have no idea. I have never cheated on you and never will. Later in bed I actually cried and she was hugging me and joined me crying also. We worked through it. I can't say it was like before. We were discussing it later and she said she really wanted to stay together but it was bothering her because she knew it was bothering me.i f I wanted she would find somewhere to move. I said i also wanted to stay together but it will take time. If you don't want to stay I won't stand in your way and if you leave I don't know if I would ever let you come back. I'm so sorry that I wasn't good enough enough for you not to cheat me and the children. She was crying and asked me to please hug her. We fell asleep hugging on our loveseat. We finally did get back to as normal as possible. A few years later while our daughter was visiting she asked how Sam and George were. Now Sam was a friend that was passing away in a nursing home but George was the SOB that just about wrecked our family. My wife gave a report on Sam. Then said George was there to visit Sam. Our daughter said shrank into a friend that works st that nursing home and she said she seen my wife and George in the cafeteria. I did my best not to blow up. I gradually went to the office and did some book work. When our daughter said dad I'm leaving i went to get my hug and kiss like always. She left. I put on my jacket. My wife asked what I was doing? I said I don't know. I asked you to never be around that homewreacking SOB again do you want is divorce. No George was just visiting with Sam. In the cafeteria? No actually Sam said Amy you and Wayne should go to the cafeteria and have a coffee on him. He Sam thought George was you. So the SOB wasn't happy with having my wife that I thought was mine and mine only he even wanted my coffee what a low life SOB you sure upgraded when you won that piece of shit. She said please don't leave me Wayne please I only talked to him and told him of the pain and problems that he and I caused. I put my jacket on and went to the barn and brushed a horse. She came out shortly and helped. I seen she had tears and I worked around the horse and and grabbed her pick her up carried her to the stack of hay laying her down and started kissing her. She was kissing back and saying how sorry she was and how much she loved me. I said I loved her more and if that SOB ever as much as touched her I would probably be in prison. Once in a blue moon he is brought up in conversation with the children. Haven't seen him in years. The funny thing is he and his family are on my prayer list. My wife says it not funny that I'm that good of a man.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

He's a bullshiter

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
That worked!

As much as I like a good revenge story, the real revenge is living well. Two cheaters deserve one another, so give them what they deserve and escape the hell. I like that character.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Pretty good

Pretty good story from this author. At least this one has an ending..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
The Best Of Your First Three Stories

Or maybe I can emphasize with this marital loser better than the other two. You'll get better...In Due Time.

cub4acougarcub4acougarover 6 years ago
wise words which i live by

more fun and cheaper

never get married or attached

it will only bring pain and suffering

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

It is cheaper to hook up with a woman than to marry her. The way our divorce laws are written, one can only expect fewer marriages and long-lasting relationships as time moves on. The blame for the noticeable reduction in marriages? Our heavily biased divorce laws.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Just remember......A woman is a life support system for a custom. JUST REMEMBER THIS.

chytownchytownalmost 10 years ago

For the read.

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

just like CPR fishing. Catch Photograph Release. TK U MLJ LV NV

BGunnsBGunnsalmost 10 years ago
Where's the revenge?

From what I've read,the husband achieved NO revenge. In fact,other than that punch in the restaurant,NOTHING even remotely resembling revenge was accomplished... neither later or sooner. LAME.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
It served her right, all that junior high love faded away fast.

I hope she never found a man who really loved her, again.

MrVdogMrVdogover 10 years ago
nice story, short and to the point

In the real world as it exists today, any man volunteering to get married should be committed for observation on grounds of probable insanity and seeking to harm himself... run away, young man, run away!!

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 11 years ago
Needs More Depth

The story was a little bit to short needed more depth to the characters and situation.

Good attempt though.

ythebadgerythebadgeralmost 12 years ago
Just too simple, too short and too straightforward

to make an engaging story.

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 12 years ago
I don't know

Why the low scores - he has a good style and it makes for a fast read. 5

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
The figures

1. He did a little mistake, he should act as a actor and should hide more assets before divorce so he could arrive a 40-60%. I like the smart managment of the cheating wives it will be more fruitful revenge..........

2. 45% of the wives do not cheat on her husbands, so to try longer time connection there is some succesful likelihood. 15-20% of the wives cheat only once twice or in the first marriage only, so 60-65% of them may be worth to live with them.

3. If the main character do not want any children (his own or step), he is right.......

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 12 years ago
Don't Cheat

This is what happens when you cheat. Slut got what she deserved. NOTHING


tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago

is personal satisfaction equal to revenge and payback. TK U MLJ LV NV

RonRWoodRonRWoodover 13 years ago
I guess

A little better

RePhilRePhilalmost 14 years ago

Thanks for a story about a man who hasnt lost his equipment

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