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In Name Only: Cruel Deception


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His jaw tightened as he stared into her eyes. "Stop lying to yourself, Vivian, you want this, and so do I. And there is more, darling... there will always be more between us."

The long and excruciating wait for him to return came to the forefront of her mind. "I'm sure Mildred would disagree with you, brother." She said stiffly, letting the gown cover her nakedness.

Walter eyes narrowed. "Mildred has nothing to do with this." He stated harshly.

But Vivian's jealousy needed venting; her eyes flashed blue fire, "Is that why you're out here with me... because she wouldn't let you make love to her?" She asked him angrily, her voice rising. "Well, is it?"

"No, it—"

"Well, that's too bad for you, Walter, because you're not going to make love to me either! I hate you!" She kicked his shin and winced as her bare foot met iron. "Ouch!" She hissed, glowering at him while she rubbed her foot.

Walter reached out to help her. "Come sit—"

"Leave me alone!" She snapped furiously, bristling with jealously and some pain, she limped her way back into the house.

Walter was irritated by her theatrics, but he was also pleased. Jealousy was good. It'll help him in the long run. She can fool herself but not him. She wanted him—she wanted him as desperately as he wanted her.

The Grand Ball

Walter shadowed her, roaming about the fringes of the crowded room, positioning himself wherever she happened to be. She looked striking in a gold lamé dress. Her dark hair shone in the lights, her smooth white shoulders and generous breasts created a full and tempting cleavage. It angered him to watch her dance with man after man. He'll cut down any bastard whose hands stray one inch from what's proper.

Vivian surreptitiously kept an eye on her brother as she danced with a new partner. She didn't care for his skulking around the room like an angry wolf, picking off suitors before she could engage them in conversation. How was she to find a husband with her overbearing brother consistently impeding her progress?

She stole another glance at him, her heat skipped a beat. He was so supremely male. His masculinity was felt acutely by her and every woman in the room. Even the married ladies cast more than few inviting looks his way. But he seemed oblivious to everyone but her, and, secretly, it thrilled her, but they were not alone, they were in a public forum and she was concerned that his overly possessive attitude would cause talk.

"You're very beautiful tonight, Vivian." Her partner said, claiming her attention.

"Thank you, Linton." She said, smiling into his flushed face. She caught a glimpse of her brother's face as Linton whirled her around. He looked...dangerous. She shivered.

"May—" his voice cracked, he blushed and cleared his throat. "May I sit with you at dinner?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Linton, but I've already promised Gerald and Neville a place." His young face fell, he looked so dejected Vivian swiftly added, "But I'll save you another dance."

Instant adoration was her reward. "Gee, thanks, Miss Ellison!" He beamed. And feeling a little less intimidated by her beauty, he boldly pulled into his lanky form. Vivian turned away, giving Walter her back as she and Linton continued their dance.

Walter glowered at them. Her show of defiance added fuel to the fire, his jealousy was at an all time high. And Linton held her too damn closely. Before he knew it, he was beside her, snatching her out of the young man's arms. "This one's mine, Linton." Abandoning all decorum, Walter drew her tightly against his body.

Linton stumbled out of the way with an infuriated, "Hey!"

Vivian had just enough time to smile at him apologetically, before Walter twirled them away into the thick of the dancing crowd. She swallowed, and glanced around the room to see if anyone noticed Walter's highhanded, and unbrotherly like behavior. She breathed a little easier when she realized no one watched them.

"Walter, I've had enough of this-this-this—you!" She whispered fiercely. "I'm here to find a husband, remember? How am I to do that if you keep plucking me away from all the good prospects?"

Walter fixed her with a determined look. "You're not marrying any of them, Vivian...and you know it." His eyes darkened as they landed on her cleavage. So plump and white, he could almost taste them.

Vivian trembled; her nipples extended to yearning peaks. "I don't know anything of the kind, Walter." She replied, stiffly. "And once this dance is over, you will kindly leave me alone."

Walter his eyes glittered dangerously, "When this dance is over, Vivian, we will dance another, and another, and another, until the very last song is played and I take you home." He said, pulling her even more snuggly against him. "Have I mentioned how absolutely captivating you are tonight, my love?"

A lovely blush darkened her cheeks. "Stop it, Walter...people will see...a-and father will be disappointed if we are fighting." He loosened his grip, but only just, he still held her tight against his cock, which jumped eagerly against her stomach. "And I don't want to feel your-your thing... Let me go." He was so stiff and hot, she became warm and excited against her will.

He deliberately kissed her delicate neck and smooth shoulders. "Never, my love." He answered softly.

"For heaven's sakes, Walter. s-stop it." She hissed, nervously perusing the room once again."Someone will see."

"I'll stop..." he said thickly, "if you promise to dance your remaining dances with me."

"B-But, I can't... it's not done. I-I must dance with others..." Vivian said, dismayed.

"It's me and no one else, Vivian." He whispered harshly, his hard arms locking her in his embrace.

He meant it. He intended to keep her with him for the duration of the ball. "Walter..." she bit her lip, "I'm willing to compromise. Say...three dances?"

"No, Vivian, that just won't do." he said tersely. He maneuvered her out the veranda doors, and backed her into a dark corner on the side of the building.

"What are you doing, you idiot, someone may be watching us." She whispered, wrenching out of his arms and kicking him soundly on the shin—she was fortunate to have heels on this time around.

Walter grunted but refused to be denied. "You've left me little choice in the matter, my love." He grabbed her and captured her lips. "Kiss me back, darling." He breathed hotly into her mouth.

Vivian's heart thudded heavily in her chest, she gave in to her need, kissing him back hungrily, missing his lips, missing his touch.

But Walter would have more. He unzipped her bodice and let descend around her slim waist. She shivered as her breasts met the cool night air. "Walter..." She complained weakly, attempting to pull it back up.

But he pushed it down, bent her over his arm, growling as her creamy globes and dusky nipples met his smoldering gaze. "You're incredible...." He rasped, and then he leisurely licked around and around her areolas, then sucked the taut tips into his mouth, one and then the other...biting sucking, licking.

Vivian's core clenched painfully and she became afraid, it was too much, she began to fear what they might do here, out in the open. "Stop, Stop!" She panted, pounding his arms. "Someone will see!"

He knew she was right, and he relented, he didn't want to be discovered. She was so enticing, he'd given in to his lusts. He licked her puckered nipples once more, and then refastened her gown. "Don't provoke me again, Vivian," he said, ominously, "I am a very jealous man where you're concerned—"

"Ha!" Vivian scoffed, thinking of Mildred.

"— I can't guarantee that I won't fuck you the next time you do."

Vivian's mouth dropped open in outrage. "You have a filthy mouth, Walter! You and I will never do that—Never!" She hissed angrily. "I am saving that for my husband, do you hear?"

"You're everything to me, Vivian..." he said in deeply intense voice. "These parties are nothing—they mean nothing because you're not going to marry some freckled face boy just out of the schoolroom, not while I breathe."

Her chin jutted out mulishly. "I will marry whom ever I choose!"

Walter stared at her in disbelief. "You can't honestly believe I'd allow someone to take you away from me?"

"Humph, that's exactly what I believe because you have no say in the matter." Vivian said, stubbornly. "Now, as I am sure my next dance partner is looking for me, I am going back inside." She tried to flounce off in a grand way, but he grabbed her arm. His hold was painful because of his turbulent emotions. She tried to pull away. "Walter...!"

A muscle ticked rapidly in his jaw. "You'll dance with me and only me, is that clear?" he voice was thick and furious. He was tired of games.

Vivian's eyes narrowed to slits. "You can't tell me what to do, Walter Ellison. You're just my brother—"

"I'm much more than that, Vivian." He growled. He was on the verge of fucking her where they stood in order to prove his point.

"—a-and you can't do anything to stop me!" She finished heatedly. "Let go!" She hissed, yanking her arm from his grasp. She turned her on her heel and stormed away.

Seething with unabated lust and extreme jealously, Walter watched her stalk away, her sweet little ass swaying alluringly... beguiling him...enticing him... Enraged blue eyes promised retribution—sweet retribution. Tonight.


As soon as the Ellisons entered the house, Vivian muttered a terse goodnight, to no one in particular, and then ran up the staircase to be alone. She was furious with Walter for his high-handed manner at the ball. Furious that they'd almost gotten carried away. Furious that they could have been seen. The scandal would have been the end of them all had they'd been caught. She stomped down the long hall to her room slammed the door shut.

Joseph shook his head, sighing, "I believe your sister is displeased with us, Walter. Have you a clue as to why?"

"I have an idea." Walther answered absently as he, too, made to climb the stairs. His big body vibrated with anticipation. His cock was as hard as wood, and ready to burst out of its unyielding confines. She will be his tonight. He'd be gentle but unrelenting in his taking of her. "I'm going to bed."

"Not yet, Walter," Joseph said. "Come into my study, I need to speak with you."

Muttering a curse under his breath, Walter spared the top landing a quick glance, and then reluctantly followed his father into the study. "Can we make this quick, father, I'm rather tired."

Joseph studied his son. Walter's dark, good looks were the dreams of many willing young ladies, but his son rarely courts. He'd hoped Mildred would light a fire in him, but Walter hasn't mentioned her at all since that night.

Now that he thought of it, Walter hasn't had a woman at Oaksbeth since... well, since that brunette two years ago. What was her name...? Jean? Joan? He couldn't remember, but she'd been a real looker. Joseph had even caught a glimpse of her au naturel —quite by mistake mind you, but what a sight she'd been. His cock had hardened painfully as he watched her pleasure herself. She'd opened her sleek white thighs and slid her long slender fingers in and out of her pussy like a seasoned whore, while Walter watched from the sidelines.

What a lovely sight she'd been. Her long dark hair and slight frame had reminded him of his sister, but that soon changed. Her loose character and common speech squashed all resemblance between them in his mind.

"Take a seat, son." Joseph dropped into in his big leather chair, and waited for his son to do the same.

Walter grudgingly took the chair situated in front of his father huge desk. "What do you want to talk about at this late hour, father?"

"Walter... I happened to overhear young Linton's ire at your strong arm tactics on the dance floor this evening." Joseph gazed intently at his son.

Walter stiffened. "Oh?"

"I observed you as well, son. You chased every eligible suitor away."

"Yes." Walter said, impassively.


Walter was silent. He wasn't sure how to inform his father of his intentions.

When his son was not immediately forthcoming, Joseph spoke again. "Son...I understand your protective instincts concerning your sister must allow her to find a husband. She is twenty now and it is time for her to have her own family." Joseph shook his head, puzzled. "Why would you interfere with her efforts of making a good match?"

His whole being rebelled against the very thought of her with another man. "She has found her match, father." Walter declared, meeting his father gaze unflinchingly.

"She has...?" Bewildered, Joseph's brow puckered for a second, but then a happy and relieved smile broke out on his handsome face. "Well... well...that's that then, isn't it?" He chuckled, very pleased with the news. He couldn't wait to have grandchildren. A grandson, or two, would be an excellent addition the Ellison clan. "Why hasn't she told me?" he wondered. "Ah, she probably wants to make her old man suffer for forcing her to attend so many parties." he chuckled. "Well, that's just fine, as long as she's married, I will gladly endure any punishment she deems necessary."

"I'm afraid she's chosen not to accept her fate." Walter informed him coolly. "But, I promise you, that is soon to change."

"Not accept—? Son...whatever do you mean?"

"She struggles against what is right for her." Walter said quietly, gazing intently at his father.

"What's right—Walter, I don't under—" Joseph took a moment to really look at his son. Walter emanated great tension. Powerful tension... Sexual tension? He reluctantly peered down at his son's crotch. And, suddenly, as if a heavy curtain was ripped away from the older man's mind, he understood his son's cryptic words.

His heart pounded laboriously in his chest, and a strange tingling sensation travel up his arm from his fingertips. "Good god, Walter..." he gasped, sucking in a vast amount air, "y-you can't mean to-to have sexual relations with your sister?" True horror colored his voice.

He expected his father's horrified reaction. It cannot be easy to hear that your son intends coital relations with his sister. "I do." Walter said calmly. "And she will have me."

For the first time in his life, Joseph Ellison became lightheaded; he slumped back in his chair, his terrified cobalt eyes fixed upon his son, easily recognizing the magnitude of his son intentions. But I've been so very careful. He thought, dread permeating his mind. All who knew are now long dead.

His thoughts raced, searching for a word or an action that gave him away. There was nothing. Neither of his children knew they were the result of incest. He cringed as he recalled what he'd done to their mother, his beloved.

Myra had been away at a girl's school most of her life, but after their parents died, he'd sent for her, demanding she fulfill her obligations at Oaksberth. Joseph had rarely laid eyes on her. She'd been a virtual stranger to him. But when she arrived at Oaksberth one spring day, an obsession had take root within him. He'd wanted her the moment he saw her. Everything about her compelled him to grab, to take, to claim, from her rich dark chestnut stresses to her small delicate feet.

He'd been a man full of sexual vitality and hearty lusts. Myra's sexual allure had made him crazy for her, and her delicious scent fed the fire in his loins. Dreams of taking her became a nagging fixation , he badly needed to turn into a reality. He fought it; he really did try to fight it. There'd been women he used to dampen his desire, but the long, steady burn of excruciating need had taken its toll on him, and one day, the dam broke, and rushing waves of flaming lust overpowered his sense of right and wrong.

His treatment of her had been abominable, and after years of submitting his greedy lusts, Myra fled Oaksberth, completely disappearing from his life. Joseph had been insane with grief and worry. He searched everywhere for her, but he never found her or the child she carried when she ran away.

With two small children to raise, Joseph sought out and married a woman who loved children and loved him; it was she his children knew as mother. Myra would have wanted it that way.

The incessant longing for his sister has never waivered; his dreams are, at all times, filled with images of her. But for the sake of his children, he learned to care for the woman he'd married—though he had never loved her—in order to give his children a normal family.

But now, as he looked into his son's face, he saw himself, the same insane hunger has taken hold of him. However, he won't let Walter to make his mistakes. Sweat broke out on his upper lip, his face flushed with the intensity of his resolve. "I forbid you to touch your sister. Do you understand? I forbid it! I should have you arrested for even entertaining such vile notions!"

Walter raised a brow at his father's dictatorial stance. He loved him, but he's well past the age of parental reprimands. "I'm sorry, father, but I cannot change. We were born for one another. I have no choice in the matter, and neither does she."

Terrified of history repeating, Joseph shot to his feet, his knees almost buckling under his duress, he leaned on the mahogany desk for support. "Then I will take away your choice, damn you!" He shouted angrily, fear for his children's future made his deep voice shake. "You will leave this house at once! And do not come back until you have come to your senses! Is that clear?!"

Walter's blue eyes were ice cold as he stared at him. Nothing in this world will stop him from claiming what belonged to him. He stood up and crossed room to the door, turning back he said, "I apologize for upsetting you, but know this is not the end of it. I will have her for my own, father."

It will not happen. He will not allow it. Walter cannot be permitted to destroy his daughter the way he destroyed their mother. "Get out! Get out this instant!" his father roared, visibly shaking with overwhelming dismay.

Walter didn't enjoy seeing his father so distressed. "As you wish, father..." Walter said quietly. He closed his father study door with a gently snap. As he passed by the staircase, he couldn't resist looking up.

Vivian was on the landing, looking down on him with teary eyes. "Don't leave." She whispered, brokenly. "Please, don't leave..."

It took enormous restraint for him not to run up the stairs and take her into his arms. "I'll be back." He mouthed; his eyes were dark with promise.

The Storm

"Father, will you please put down that newspaper and talk to me." Vivian said for the umpteenth time.

Joseph had been avoiding this conversation for days. He didn't want to reveal what led to Walter's abrupt departure. She would be sickened if she were to learn what her brother planned for her. "Vivian, I haven't the time for a discussion—"

Vivian slammed down her glass of orange juice. "I want to know what happened, father. Why did Walter leave?"

"What you brother does is not your concern, young lady," he said, brusquely. "Finish your egg, and allow me enjoy my breakfast in peace."

She didn't know why her brother left, she'd heard her father's raised voice and had come running to see what had upset him, but by time she got to the first landing Walter had been on his way out the door. "Where is he? When is he coming home?" She persisted.

Joseph buried his head in his paper again, doing his best to ignore her.

"Father, please...when is my brother coming home?"

Joseph sighed, folded his paper and slammed down it on the table, and then he picked up his cup to take a long swallow of coffee. "Sweetheart, don't fret so. Walter has... has a few issues to work through. When he's better, he'll be welcomed home."

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