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In Name Only: Cruel Deception


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Vivian's brow furrowed, "Father, Walter is-is perfect. What issues could he possibly have to be turned out of his own home?"

Fed up with her relentless badgering, Joseph banged his fist on the table, "Enough!" He bellowed. "I have told you all you need to know. Do not ask any more questions, is that understood?"

"But father—"

"No, Vivian," Joseph barked. "I wish to eat now, kindly hold your tongue."

She was forced to choke on her questions, eying her father angrily while he finished his meal in silence.


Vivian moved restlessly in her bed. Lightning and strong winds started first, and then minutes later, hard torrential rain deafeningly pelted the roof, followed by blasting booms of thunder. Storms always upset her. She'd never had to suffer through one alone before. Even as children, Walter would come to her, he'd climb into her bed and hold her until the storm ended.

But Walter wasn't here. He's gone, and he hasn't come back. Why hasn't he come back? He promised he would. Didn't he realize how she ached for him? Surely he didn't think father meant for him to stay away forever. Joseph Ellison often lost his temper, but he never truly means the things he says when he's in a rage.

He's been gone for so many days, leaving her alone and afraid and missing him so badly. She hadn't really been angry with him at the ball. His loss of control had thrilled her and had made her feel utterly desired. On their return home, she sensed his intent, he would have taken her that night, and she'd have willingly opened herself to him.

Just thinking about her brother's touch made her nipples strain with unbearable need against her nightgown and her inner walls pulse for the hard thing between his legs. Vivian was afraid of the storm, afraid she'd die without her brother's touch, afraid he'll never come back to her. She covered her face and wept. Where are you Walter? Where are you?

The storm lulled her into a troubled sleep. She continued to toss and turn—even asleep, she sought the solace of her brother's arms.

In her dream, Walter had boarded a train. She was on the platform raising a hand for him to take. He stared down at her with vacant eyes. She called his name, waiting for him to take her hand, to help her up, but he never reached out to her. He never moved, never smiled, never acknowledged her in any way. Suddenly, a beautiful woman with blinding blonde hair appeared. He grabbed her head in his huge hands and kissed her. And then, suddenly, they were naked, their bodies undulating against each other frenziedly. He caught the woman up in his arms and speared his angry cock into her. They made love in front of her, their moans and sighs ripped her heart apart. She screamed his name, begging him to stop, to take her instead, but he continued to thrust feverishly into the woman oblivious to her frantic pleas.

The train began to pull away from the platform; Walter and the woman were still in the throes of passion. But she couldn't give up. She ran beside it, screaming for him to take her with him. But he wasn't there anymore; he'd disappeared inside the train with the woman. She could see they were still joined, still making love. But, in spite of that, she ran. She ran faster and faster and faster, but she was not fast enough. Not fast enough to catch the train. Not fast enough to catch Walter.

A deafening crack of thunder wrenched her from her nightmare. She screamed his name as she sat straight up in the bed. She sensed his presence; she peered into the flickering darkness. Walter was standing by her bedside.

With a strangled cry, she flew into his arms, plastering her lips against his, kissing him with all of her pent love and need. "Oh, Walter, Walter, you were gone for so long. Where have you been..." she cried, still kissing him. "I've missed you so..."

Walter broke off the kiss and gazed into her eyes, his were intense with purpose. "I have never been far, my love. Are you ready to be mine?"

"Yes, yes, Walter, make me yours, dear brother." She pulled off her gown and lay back on the bed, her slim body writhing with sexual hunger. "Please..."

Her eagerness made his heart pump faster. He was too hot, his dick too sensitive for his clothes. He shed them hastily, and joined her on the bed. His cock was unbearably heavy and throbbing, he felt like he carried a brick between his thighs.

Vivian's pussy clenched as she stared at her brother's massive dick, it was wet with semen, ticking and red with raging purpose. "Oh, god...Walter, will you fit?"

Walter took her in his arms, holding her soft body tightly against his hard one, kissing her. "I will fit nicely, my love..." he murmured huskily against her lips.

She rubbed her wetness on his cock, begging him to enter her. "Walter, please don't wait, take me now, take me now..."

"I have waited so long for you, my love, so very long..." Walter reared back and rammed his dick fully inside her with one powerful thrust.

Vivian stopped breathing, the unexpected pain made her lightheaded. Walter kissed her face, sucked her earlobes, and kissed her trembling lips, "Breath, my love, breath..." he whispered.

She drew in short labored breaths, "W-Walter..."

"That's it, darling, breath for me..." he rained kisses along her collarbone, the swell of her breasts, waiting for the signal to continue.

The pain subsided, and Vivian became aware of the hot thickness of his cock. She moved her hips, sliding up and down his lengthy rod. Walter moved with her, his thrusts sharp and deep. "Yes, yes, that's it, move with me, yessss...yes, love..." His bulging arms sealed her to his quaking form, pumping, and pumping in continuous harmony with his love.

The thunderstorm heightened her senses, her sensitive nipples tingled, the hard peaks jabbed her brother's muscled chest, electrifying her entire system. And then, she blew apart in his arms. Walter's cock was seized by her tightly clenching walls. He groaned and sank fully into her spasming sheath, blasting his semen inside her.

Their cobalt gazes met, love and deep-rooted passion for one another shone in their eyes. "I love you." They whispered, kissing and laughing giddily at the joy of being together, at last.

"I have you now, little sister," he whispered fervently, "and, I'll not have another."

Vivian kissed him. "Neither shall I, Walter. I love you, and...I-I want you again..."

Walter eagerly complied, kissing her sweet lips, squeezing her full breasts, kissing her shoulders, licking and biting and sucking peaks.

"I love you...I love you so much..." she moaned into his rich dark hair as he sucked on her needy nubs.

But their second mating was interrupted by loud banging on Vivian's bedroom door. They both glanced around at the door.

"Vivian?! Vivian?! Where is he?! Where's your brother?! I know he's here!" Joseph bellowed.

Before they could react, the door burst open and Joseph staggered in, his face red with fear and rage. When he saw their damning position, he went white with shock. "My god! My god...Walter! Walter! No! No!" He cried hoarsely; sick that he was too late, that he hadn't stop them.

"Father!" Vivian cried, she tried to push Walter off, but he wouldn't bulge. "Walter, please...father..." but Walter remained where he was keeping her body covered with his.

Joseph felt unbearable pressure in his chest, he gasped as squeezing pain gripped him. "Walter..." he gasped weakly, "I-I...f-forbade you t-to touch her...why did you t-touch her, son...why?"

Walter, deeply concerned with his father sudden pallor, slid out of his sister and covered her with a sheet, and then he climbed off the bed and turned to his father. His dick stood up thick and rigid against his flat stomach, dripping with semen and Vivian's cum and virginal blood as turned to assist his father. He approached him cautiously. He'd spotted a pistol in his father's shaking hand. "I'm truly sorry you had to witness this, father, but I did tell you she belonged to me." He reminded him, gently.

Joseph's grief-stricken gaze was drawn to his son's cock. "Oh no, no, no, no...." Joseph moaned in anguish. He sank weakly to the floor holding his arm; the small pistol fell harmlessly beside him. His color drained away and he was sweating profusely, but he never lifted his gaze from the damming proof of his children's damning union. "What have you done, son, what have you done..."

Father!" Vivian bounded off the bed to his side. But Joseph continued to stare at the evidence of his son's atrocious sin—a sin he, himself, had visited upon them both long ago. Myra had warned him, and she'd been right. Incest inundates families, it becomes a living, breathing entity all its own. This is his fault—his punishment for loving her almost to madness.

"Forgive me, children...I've tried to atone—oh, son why...why couldn't you leave her be?" he whispered, his senses becoming numb. "I've failed you..."

"I love her, father, I've always loved her." Walter told him gently. "We belong together."

He lifted an unsteady finger to his daughter's wet cheek. "Be k-kind to her, d-don't hurt her..." he breathed.

"Father, I love you—please don't die...please..." Vivian sobbed, holding his hand to her face.

Joseph's gaze was focused in the distance. "Myra..." His whisper faded away, and then he exhaled and was still.

Encroaching Reality

Walter and Vivian mourned their father deeply. They missed him so much. They spent their days thinking of the wonderful times they'd shared with him. Sadness drew them closer , they became virtually inseparable. Vivian couldn't bear for Walter to leave her at night so they moved into the master bedroom where they spent their hours making passionate love, and then slept entwined tightly together.

Their sleeping arrangements were not lost on the household staff. They also witnessed the sibling's passionate kisses and intimate caresses between them, and began to gossip amongst themselves. Their snide comments and sly looks of disgust hurt Vivian very much, but she loved her brother and she would not give him up for anyone's bad opinion.

Walter caught wind of the servants' actions, and was greatly angered by it. He swiftly, without hesitation or the slightest bit of conscience, discharged his father's servants, with a warning that if he were ever to hear of their fiendish gossip again, he would sue each and every one of them for defamation of character. He'd possess all they owned, leaving them homeless and destitute. There was genuine disquiet in their eyes the day they left; many had been employed by the Ellison household for a decade or more. They were deeply afraid that they've already been banned from the wealthy homes of Hartview.

He hired new servants to work only during the daylight hours. Oaksberth would not house its servant any longer. Walter had no intention of exposing their true relationship to the world. Vivian will be protected at all costs.


Walter inherited his father's business. He took over the reins easily since he'd been groomed to do so since he was a young boy. He positioned Vivian as his personal secretary. She wasn't a very good typist, but the typing pool could handle anything he needed until they hired someone.

Because the majority of his workers were on the floor below them, Walter and Vivian were able to give into to their need without interruption, as they were today.

Walter sat on his office chair with his sister astride his lap, rising and falling on his dick with blissful abandon. "Harder, harder..." she pleaded, breathlessly.

Sinking his face in the valley of her breasts, inhaling her familiar scent, he clutched her ass and moved her up and down his cock in deep, measured thrusts. Vivian hid her face in his neck as she climaxed, her slim body quaking in his arms. Walter thrust into her pussy once more, before he stilled, holding her down on his cock while he squirted into her womb.

Locked together, trembling but completely sated. "Walter, I love you so much." Vivian whispered against his corded neck.

Walter kissed her, tenderly sinking his tongue into her honeyed mouth, again and again. They kissed lazily, loathing to part.

"Mr. Ellison?" Mr. Baird, their head clerk, rapped sharply on his office door. "Mr. Ellison?"

They continued to kiss, knowing he'd eventually give up and go away, which he did after a few minutes.

"Walter," Vivian sighed, "can we leave early? I want to lie in our bed and make love with you all night long."

Walter groaned and squeezed her tightly in his arms. "There's nothing I want more, but we must take care of father's business. People are depending on us, my love."

"I'm sorry," she said, feeling guilty, "I don't mean to be selfish, it's just...I need you so much."

"Never feel bad about needing me, Vivian...it's what I live for." He murmured, thrusting his cock into her pussy. Vivian moaned, and soon they were sighing their lunch hour away.


Vivian played restlessly with her favorite silk handkerchief, twisting and wringing it in her hands. She should kick herself for coming to their family doctor, but it had been a habitual act. Dr. Carlisle's known her since she was baby. Their mother would call on him regularly when she and Walter were children. He'd taken care of all their childhood ailments.

She eyed him anxiously as he read over his notes. She couldn't answer any personal questions he was sure to ask if her suspicions about her condition are true. "Is everything alright doctor?" She asked tensely, tying the delicate cloth into knots.

Dr. Carlisle peered over his wire framed glasses at the nervous young woman. "Well, you'll be happy to know that you're in good health, Vivian. Your blood work is good, and your general health is excellent—though it wouldn't hurt to put on a few more pounds. All in all, you're good." he said reassuringly, trying to put her at ease.

"But..." she bit her lip, "I-I haven't had my menses for two months and—"

"That's not uncommon during a time of stress, Vivian. Your father has recently passed. You and your brother have taken on running his empire. I'm sure that's all very stressful." He closed her file. "Give it another month or two. I'm sure everything will be in proper working order by then."

"So there's nothing wrong with me?"

"Nothing at all, I'm happy to say." He smiled. "You're fine."

"Oh...thank you." Vivian had mixed feelings about the doctor's conclusions. It's good that she's not pregnant...isn't it? She and Walter were not prepared for a child. How would they ever explain it?

Dr. Carlisle wondered what his beautiful patient was thinking about. What more could he say to set her mind at rest. "Come visit me again if the problem persists, and we'll see what can be done for it, okay?"

Vivian nodded, although she knew she'd never come to him again, for anything. She and Walter would find another doctor, someone who had no knowledge of who they were. "Thank you, Dr. Carlisle."


"Darling, it's over, you're not pregnant." Walter held his weeping sister in his arms, doing is best to comfort her. "Please, I can't bear to see you so upset."

"But... I want to be...a-and I shouldn't." She sniffled, "I want your child, Walter. I want it so badly it hurts. He'd be ours, all ours."

"We will have children, my love." He said, kissing her on the forehead, "but, as of now, we're not in a best of position to welcome them."

Vivian nodded, "I know, but...when it does happen...how are we to explain it? How are we to account for the birth of our child? I have no husband and I will have no one but you." She looked at him with agonized eyes. "They'll label me a harlot, and our babies bastards. Our children will be ridiculed and ostracized! Their lives will be horrible."

Walter had those very same thoughts himself. She will eventually get pregnant, and he intends his children to be born. He intends to love and cherish their children. There was only one way to insure concealment. He had to marry.

"Vivian, I've been thinking.... I want to have children with you. I want to watch our children grow and have a life out of the shadows—a normal, happy life."

Vivian was ecstatic, "Oh, Walter...so do I. I'm so happy you feel as I do."

"But in order to have all we desire—"he paused, the seriousness of his tone alarmed her. "I will have to marry."

Vivian stared at him silently for long moments. "Marry?" She parroted softly.

"Yes, my love, but—" Walter saw the fierce rejection in her eyes before she voiced it.

"No Walter...y-you can't—"

"—it won't be a real marriage—"

Shaking her head, she cried vehemently. "No, no, no, no!"

"It will never be consummated." He said, holding her still.

"Not consummated—?" Vivian repeated, slowly.

"Never consummated." He reiterated, emphatically.

Vivian eyes slowly ran over him. Her brother's tall muscular body, incredibly handsome face, eyes—dark blue and piecing, and his hair, so dark and thick, were made to ensnare women, to make them ache with wanting him. She shook her head, "Walter, have you never looked in a mirror? Who will settle for a marriage without consummation? She will hunger for you and...and you'll have to make love to her, and then I will lose you," she wept, "I will lose you to your wife."

"No, darling..." Walter kissed her with unreserved passion. They delved into one another's mouth with blatant need. When he tore his lips from hers, they were both panting harshly. Walter gazed into her eyes and spoke from his smoldering heart. "No woman on this earth will ever separate us. You are my dearest, sweetest love. You are the very air I breathe, I will die without you." He whispered hoarsely. "I promise you, I will never go into another woman, and the woman whom I marry will know it."

Vivian molded herself into him, holding on to him for dear life, "I'll die if I loose you...I'll die."

"You'll never loose me, Vivian, never." He kissed her soft lips, sealing his promise.

Miss Margret Ford

The elevator opened, and a slim, average height, slightly mused blond with amazing ice blue eyes stepped out. She was like the sun, like a breath of sweet fresh air come in to chase away the staleness of their austere office. She practically floated over to Vivian's desk.

"Hello, I'm Margret Ford. I've come to fill the secretarial position." The young woman said, with a friendly smile.

"Hello, Margret, take a seat. Mr. Ellison will see you in a minute." Vivian smiled, and pointed to the seats.

The girl looked relieved. "Thank you," she said with a small smile, and took a seat.

Vivian was entranced by her. She was beautiful and vibrant. A perfect counterpart to her brother. No one would doubt his love and dedication to someone so lovely. Vivian's intercom buzzed. She answered it and hurried into Walter's office, closing the door tightly behind her.

"Darling, I need you to—"

"Walter," she cut in, "I've found her."

He looked at her, frowning, "Found who, my love."

"Her." she stressed meaningfully, in a low voice.

"But, darling, I've not had the chance to advertise. How did—"

"I don't know, Walter, but we mustn't let her get away...you have to hire her. Her qualifications are not important." Vivian insisted excitedly.

Walter circled his desk and embraced her, "Shhh... darling, don't distress yourself...I will hire her. I want to move this along as quickly as we can without scaring her off." He said, kissing her fragrant hair and holding her snugly against him. His cock jumped eagerly, demanding release in more ways than one. "I need to be inside you so desperately, my love."

Vivian felt warmth gush between her legs, "Walter," she breathed, "We must hurry, I don't know how much more of this I can stand...I burn for you...can't we—"

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