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In Name Only: Cruel Deception


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The situation tested his control. Jealousy ate at him each time her lovely smile was focused on a potential match. She insists on continuing with this pretense. Vivian considers the intimate pleasures they share to be a temporary thrill not to be taken seriously. She honestly believes she will marry one of the many fools his father continues to parade before her. Walter will never allow her to marry. He intends to be her husband, her lover and, someday, the father of her children.

He growled when Beauregard Buxley, the youngest of their clan, asked her to dance for the second time, and received one of her smiles in return. His brooding gaze was glued to them as they whirled around the room. Beau happens to be his father latest choice. Walter was not pleased to see how easily Vivian moved into his arms.

Walter balled his hands into tight fists when she laughed at something he said. Pleased with himself, Buxley drew her closer to his body, too close for Walter's comfort. He had to restrain himself from wrenching her out of the other man's arms. He had visions of beating the young man to a bloody pulp for pawing what belonged to him.

Vivian smiled vaguely at a comment her companion made, missing step after step as her brother's darkening mood surrounded her. His displeasure was acutely felt by her. In a room filled with handsome men, he was the only one she was aware of. The only man her heart races for each time she looks her way. And it was wrong. She refused to participate in their unwholesome lusts any longer. They should never have started it. She will do what her father requires of her and find a suitable man to marry. Squaring her shoulders, she concentrated on her dancing partner. "Beauregard is unusual. Is it a family name?"

"Er, uh, yes, yes it is. I was named after mother's great-granddaddy." Buxley's eyes were fixed firmly on her cleavage. Her milky white bosom looked particularly delicious. He hoped to get a peek at them tonight. Perhaps he could talk her into a walk in the gardens for some fresh air? He'd steal a kiss or two, and maybe get a glimpse at the color of her nipples. Are they like strawberries or dusky like a pink rose. Buxley licked his lips. "Miss Ellison, would you care to accompany me into the gardens?"

She felt Walter's furious gaze, but was determined to ignore him. "I'd love to, Beau. It is a little warm in here, isn't it?"

Walter saw what she was about; it was a dangerous thing to do—dangerous for both of them. He stalked to her side, bent down to her ear and hissed. "Get your coat, Vivian, it's time to leave."

"What?" She said, surprised. "Father hasn't said—"

Buxley wasn't about to let her go that easily, brother or no brother. "Now look here, Ellison, your sister and I were just about to—"

Walter cold gaze snapped down to his, "Stay out of this, Buxley." He warned in a challenging tone. His entire stance threatened violence should he be thwarted.

Beauregard was athletic and strong for a young man his size. He was an avid polo player, and boxing champ of his club two years running, but he was no match for Walter's huge, muscular frame. He held his hands up in surrender. "You got it." He bowed to Vivian and then quickly disappeared into the swirling mass to search for his cousin Petunia; she was a shoe in for a quick feel, or according to his brother, possibly more if he approached her in the right way.

Vivian turned angry eyes on her brother. "Walter, will you cease bullying my dance partners—"

He applied a little pressure to her arm, "Get your coat." His voice left no room for argument.

Fuming, Vivian stomped out of the jam-packed room and down the stairs to get her cloak. But when she reached it, she suddenly changed her mind. Walter was becoming too high-handed, and too territorial. She wasn't ready to leave the party. She quickly swung around and collided into Walter's rock-hard chest. "Walter," she gasped. "What are you—"

Walter opened the closet door and whisked her inside.

"I'm not ready to go," she said, her breathing agitated. "I'm going to find father."

"Later..." He picked her up in his arms and fastened his mouth on hers, pouring all of the turbulent emotions from this evening's torture into his kiss.

Vivian, caught of guard, was instantly overwhelmed and eager. His unexpected assault triggered her natural response to his touch. She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her aching breasts against his chest. "Oh god, Walter..." she sighed, yielding to his electrifying lips again.

Walter was intoxicated; no woman has ever tasted so good. But it wasn't enough, it was never enough. "Open your legs for me, darling...." he said, keeping his voice low so as not to attract attention.

Vivian did as he asked, gasping as he slid his fingers between her wet folds, "Ah, yes...you're so wet... my lovely, lovely, Vivian..." he said thickly, He kissed her while he continued his rhythmic motions in and out, in and out of her drenched hole.

"Walter, Walter..." She convulsed on his fingers, soaking his hand.

Walter lifted his hand to his mouth and licked her juice off. "Remove your dress, Vivian," he ordered, hoarsely, "I want to taste you."

Shaking with desire, Vivian let her gown pool around her feet. Walter's breath caught in his throat. The contrast between her alabaster body and the dark thatch between her long slim legs aroused him to madness. Chest heaving, he dropped to his knees. "Open, my love, open wide for me..."

Walter had never taken their love play this far before. She hadn't permitted it because she'd been afraid of doing something too intense. "You can't..." She breathed unsteadily.

"I have to..." He countered, forcing her thighs wide. "Brace yourself, my love." He draped her legs over his shoulders, and stuck his face into her moist pussy, inhaling deeply of her sweet, musky scent. "Oh, god, baby...you smell delicious..."

"But, someone will hear..." She trembled with breathless expectation, this new thing Walter was about to do made her insides quiver.

He licked her pussy lips. "No one knows we're here, love." His whispered thickly, licking her some more, delving his tongue around and around her plump folds, sucking gently on her clit, and repeating the process again.

Vivian almost lost her grip on the closet walls. Her thighs quaked on his shoulders; she wanted to squeeze his head to keep him there. His tongue thrust into her hole, sucking and stabbing, again and again. "Oh...oh...ohhhh..." She sighed as she climaxed, locking his head against her pussy with trembling thighs.

Walter groaned rapturously, thoroughly enraptured by the rapid tightening of her vagina on his tongue. He thrust inside her, scooping out honey, and savoring it on his tongue, and then jabbed into her hole again, sucking and licking and nipping her swollen clit. She caught her breath as more violent shudders racked through her body. And Walter covetously siphoned her sweet nectar down thirstily.

Vivian's energy was depleted; she couldn't hold herself up any longer so Walter stood up and took her into his arms. Her sweet nakedness was too much for him, his dick was so rigid, his only thought was to fuck her, to get inside her and let her pussy squeezed life out of his cock.

He opened his fly and freed his penis. He rubbed it against her saturated pussy, trembling with urgency to get inside her. He began to jab into her, desperate for the relief her warm sheath would provide.

Vivian's sexual stupor swiftly dissipated when his cockhead began to stretch her opening. "S-Stop, Walter." She whispered anxiously, "Y-you said you wouldn't—you promised!"

"Let me....just for a moment, love...a moment..." He panted, pushing until his fat helmet just about disappeared inside her opening.

"No, no, no...stop, stop!" Vivian beat frantically against his chest, afraid that if he continued on like he wanted she would take him in willingly.

Even in a lustful haze, Walter responded to the panic in his sister's voice. Drawing in deep, harsh breaths to gain the tremendous willpower he needed, he grasped her hips with trembling hands and forced himself to become motionless. Every fiber of his being demanded he thrust, that he take her the way they both wanted him to. The entrance of her vagina pulsed and seeped around him—a siren's call for his starving cock, seductively pulling him in—totally at odds with her words and actions.

But she was afraid; he could hear it in her voice. He didn't want her to be afraid of him—of them. Struggling tremendously with his primal instincts, Walter withdrew his dickhead from his sister's pussy. "I'm sorry, my darling," his voice was hoarse and thick with desire.

Vivian's pulse raced and her nipples stiffened to hard points in answer to her brother's voice. No. No. No. She thought, frightened. I was right to stop him. This cannot go on.

After long, excruciating moments of reigning in his lust, Walter sighed shakily, "Come, darling, we should dress."

Refusing to entertain feelings of regret, Vivian reached for her panties and pulled them on. Walter straightened his clothes and buttoned his fly, and then he helped his sister with her evening gown. He should not have let himself get so carried away. The closet of one of his father's associates was hardly the place to claim his mate.

Vivian was having other thoughts. It was time to bring a halt to this madness that had them in its grip. It was too dangerous. "Walter... I-I want to stop. I want us to stop. We should not do these things. It-it's not right. Father would die if he were to find out what we've been up to."

"I can't help wanting you, my love, and I won't stop. I can't." Still smoldering with the need, Walter reached for her, but she evaded his grasp, darting quickly out of the closet.

"Yes, you can and you will because... because I won't do it any more." She didn't wait around for a rejoinder. She swiftly scurried back the way they came.

Walter had been terrifyingly close to completing a forbidden act. They were playing with fire, arrogantly believing they could enjoy each other without intercourse, but it's becoming too risky. Fear had motivated her to stop him tonight, but fear was not as powerful as it had been in the beginning. They can't afford to engage in their games any more, because if they did...

Vivian paused to look into a mirror hanging on the wall, and was nonplussed by the glowing creature staring back at her. And, again, the stark realization of their near miss overwhelmed her. They had been so very, very, close to doing the unthinkable. She still felt the burn of her brother's cock between her legs, and it made her ache for him.

She powdered her nose, fixed her lipstick and patted her curls in place, and then quickly continued down the hall, almost colliding with her brother again as he rounded the corner. His determined gait spoke volumes. "Vivian—"

"No, Walter." She said stubbornly. "I'm going back to the party." She will have to find a way to put some distance between them.

Midnight Swim

Giving her brother the cold shoulder was not and easy task. Her newly awakened body desired him constantly. She thought about him endlessly-- his hot breath against her neck, his hands on her breasts, his mouth...down there... She missed his big body surrounding hers at night. But she refused to invite him to her room. She had to stick with it.

Vivian hurried down to dinner. Although she refused to play love games with him, she still wanted to see him; she needed to hear his voice, to see his face. But, to her dismay, Walter had become scarce these past few days. And he's been acting mysterious, as if he was hiding something from her. She didn't like when there were secrets between them, especially now that they've been intimate. Whatever he was withholding, she planned to drag it out of him tonight during dinner.

He was putting his fedora on when she reached the last step. "Where are you going?" She asked, frowning at him suspiciously. He was dressed for an evening out. His dark blue tailored suit hung perfectly on him; impeccable tailoring emphasized the musculature of his solid frame. She peeked at his crouch and remembered how huge his penis was. Her stomach flip flopped when she recalled their closet adventure.

"I, my dear sweet sister, have a date." He announced with a sexy smile on his lips.

Vivian eyes flashed. "A date?" She was instantly jealous, although she would not have him see it—or admit to it to herself, for that matter. "But father's home early, and Mrs. Quinn's prepared our favorites—" They often shared dinner with Joseph on days he's able to join them. The family business demanded most of his time.

"Ah, there you are, Walter." Joseph said, emerging from his study to join them in the foyer. "Well, Walter... you're quite the thing, isn't he Vivian? I'm sure Mildred will be pleased to have you as an escort tonight, son."

"Mildred Pemphrey?" Vivian asked in a raised voice. Mildred was exquisitely beautiful, and she knew it, too. Many broken hearts hung about her neck. Besotted suitors gifted her with expensive jewels at every opportunity. Vivian was afraid Walter might fall under her spell as well.

"The same." Walter answered in a chipper tone.

"But she's a... well, she's a-a collector. She'll hurt him, father."

"I think, dear Vivian, it will be Walter who will do the collecting. I wager he'll capture that beauty's heart in no time at all." Joseph glanced over at his son. "She will soon be yours for the taking, son." He predicted proudly.

"Thanks... but I have me sights on capturing another's heart." Walter looked at his sister with a glint in his eye.

Vivian stuck her nose in the air, projecting a message of a complete lack of interest. What do I care if Walter goes out on a date with Mildred? I don't care who he dates. He can date the entire state of Connecticut if he wants to. I don't care!

"Nonsense, Walter," Joseph said, patting his son on the back, "Miss Pemphrey's just right for a man of your stature."

Walter grimaced, slightly. He didn't want his father to get ideas. "Father—"

Joseph misread his son's expression. "Don't worry, son, she's yours. You'll see. Now, you mustn't keep your lady waiting." He said, waving him on his way.

"Yes, Walter," she agreed unpleasantly, glaring daggers at her brother, "it's really quite rude of you to keep Miss Pemphrey waiting. She may well expire from the inexcusable slight."

Walter lifted an amused brow. "We can't have that now can we?"

Vivian was about to deliver another dart but Joseph spoke first. "Quite right, Walter," he laughed, "it would be a travesty to upset such a delicate flower, so get on with you, the woman of your dreams awaits."

Walter knew his sister wasn't as indifferent as she tried to appear; the rapid pulse in her neck gave her away. "I believe I shall. I refuse to be the cause of that lovely creature's distress."

"Ha!" Vivian snorted in disgust.

Walter smiled. There was a definite hint of green in her blue eyes. "Good evening, father, Vivian. Don't wait up."

Joseph chuckled, he was extremely proud of his son's prowess. Vivian shot a nervous glance at her brother as he walked out the door. She wondered if she'd actually succeeded in her efforts to turn him away. But that is what she wanted, wasn't it...? To save them both from the devastation of incestuous sex.


It was past midnight and Walter hadn't returned from his date yet. Vivian anxiously circled her dark room, checking the windows every so often to see if her brother's car was in the driveway. She tried to calm herself with a book, a cup of warm milk, and counting sheep, but it was no use. She won't be able to rest as until Walter comes home. Giving in to her restlessness, she decided a few laps in the pool would do her good; perhaps the exercise will tire her out.

The outdoor pool was situated at the back of the mansion. She walked across the grass to the huge kidney shaped pool. She took off her negligee and dropped it on the back of a chair. The marble was still warm from the heat of the day. Not wanting to chance her father waking and ending her fun, she decided to forgo the diving board, diving from the poolside instead, slicing through the water cleanly with little or no splash. She immediately began her laps.

The tension she sought to dispel only become worse, her repetitive movements allowed her mind to drift back to her brother and Mildred—Mildred with the vibrant red hair—Mildred with her stormy eyes of grey—Mildred with the perfect figure—Mildred, Mildred, Mildred. Will the red-head's beauty bring him to his senses? And what if he makes love to her? Will his feelings for her be forgotten? Twenty laps did nothing for her; she continued swimming. She'll get the image of her brother making love to Mildred out of her head if she had to swim all night.

Walter sat in the chair holding her negligee in his hands, watching her glide through the water...waiting. He had complete knowledge of her routine, having observed her on numerous occasions, and knew exactly where she'd exit the pool. And she did just as expected. Hoisting herself out of the water, her naked body gleaming in the moonlight, she sensually stretched, then gather her long stresses and to wring out the water. Walter's heart drummed powerfully in his chest as she moved nearer, gliding gracefully towards the chair where she'd left her nightgown, and then freezing when she noticed him sitting there.

"Hello, darling..." he said as he stood up, his admiring gaze skimming over her body.

"Walter! What are you doing here?" She snapped, her heart racing. She was secretly pleased that he was home and out here with her. "Give that to me!" She tried to grab it, at which point, he shoved it behind his back, out of her reach.

"Do you know how unbelievably desirable you are in the moonlight, Vivian." He said in a deep voice.

Her breasts became uncomfortably full and taut; she hastily wrapped her arms around her. "D-Don't look at me like that." She whispered, shivering from the cool night air. "I-I want my gown... give it to me."

Walter's eyes glittered in the moonlit darkness; she could see the state of his arousal as he approached her. "Raise up your arms, love." He said softly.

His voice sent tingles all the way to her toes. "W-Why?"

"I want to help you..."

Vivian knew that her state of undress, in addition to his nearness, was not a safe combination for either of them right now, but... Heart thumping loudly in her ears, Vivian slowly uncovered her breasts, and lifted her arms above her head.

Walter drew in a sharp breath. "Ahhh... look at you..." he whispered. His dick jerked in excruciating need. I could take her. He thought, with and edge of desperation. I could lie her out on the grass and force my cock inside her. I can make her accept me. She wanted it. She wanted him; he could smell fragrant juices oozing from her pussy. But he wouldn't take her—not like that.

"W-Walter..." she breathed warily. Vivian trembled under her brother's predatory gaze. She had no doubt he wanted her. His elegant trousers were noticeably expanded at the crotch. Vivian blushed as a dark spot appeared on the cloth. She abruptly realized semen had seeped from dick's slit. She closed her legs tightly together to stem the frantic fluttering of her vaginal walls. "Walter...my gown—"

Clenching his jaw for much needed self control, he slipped the garment over her head, but before it could be allowed to hide her delectable body from him, he leaned down and latched onto a beaded nipple, sucking it strongly into his mouth while rubbing and pinching the other one.

Vivian gasped as warm juice slid down her thighs, the heat of it felt more keenly because of her chilled skin. "S-Stop, Walter..." she panted, stumbling out of reach. "I-I told you—there's nothing more between us."

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